FHEMSync (Alternative zu FHEM2FHEM/RFHEM)

Begonnen von dominik, 18 März 2020, 21:55:46

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Die Modul-Version 0.9.9 und fhemsync.js Version 2.8.9 (Update vom 20.05.20) laufen bei mir bisher ohne Probleme.

Danke Dominik  :D

Gruss Gerd


Zitat von: Maista am 21 Mai 2020, 14:59:03
Die Modul-Version 0.9.9 und fhemsync.js Version 2.8.9 (Update vom 20.05.20) laufen bei mir bisher ohne Probleme.

Danke Dominik  :D

Gruss Gerd
Version 2.8.10 gibt's.
Danke Dominik.


Zitat von: mnennstiel am 05 April 2020, 01:25:43
Hallo Dominik,

könntest du das Modul auf mehrere Remote-Raspis erweitern? Ich möchte von meinem Haupt-Raspi gerne Daten von mehreren Raspis im Haus sammeln.

Gruss Maik

Hat sich da schon was getan?

Gruß Maik
Rasp 3B+,4 / CUL /  Duofernstick / SIGNALduino (nanocul CC1101 optiboot) / mqtt


Zitat von: mnennstiel am 11 Juni 2020, 18:16:25
Hat sich da schon was getan?

Gruß Maik
Ja tut schon eine Weile.
Hab zwei Slave.

Gruß Gerd


Hallo Gerd,

wie funktioniert das? Wie muss ich das parametrieren?
Rasp 3B+,4 / CUL /  Duofernstick / SIGNALduino (nanocul CC1101 optiboot) / mqtt


Zitat von: mnennstiel am 11 Juni 2020, 22:38:43
Hallo Gerd,

wie funktioniert das? Wie muss ich das parametrieren?

OK - habe das aktuelle Modul FHEMSYNC nochmal runtergeladen und reloaded.
Modul kann jetzt 5 Remote-Raspis handeln - super!!!

@Dominik : Wäre es möglich den Ordner der Hauptinstanz, in der die FHEMSYNC Devices landen, variabel als Attribut zu setzen?
Ich habe bei mir den FHEMSYNC - Ordner in einem anderen Ordner verschachtelt. Daher muss ich den ROOM immer anpassen.

Gruss Maik
Rasp 3B+,4 / CUL /  Duofernstick / SIGNALduino (nanocul CC1101 optiboot) / mqtt


Hallo Maik
Falls du das noch benötigst
defmod fhemsync FHEMSYNC
attr fhemsync FHEMSync-auth crypt:<PW muss gesetzt werden>
attr fhemsync FHEMSync-log ./log/fhemsync-%Y-%m-%d.log
attr fhemsync FHEMSync-port 8083
attr fhemsync FHEMSync-selfsignedcert false
attr fhemsync FHEMSync-server
attr fhemsync FHEMSync-ssl false
attr fhemsync FHEMSync-webname fhem
attr fhemsync devStateIcon stopped:control_home@red:start stopping:control_on_off@orange running.*:control_on_off@green:stop
attr fhemsync nrarchive 10
attr fhemsync remote-auth crypt: <PW muss gesetzt werden>
attr fhemsync remote-server 192.168.178.xx
attr fhemsync remote2-auth crypt:<PW muss gesetzt werden>
attr fhemsync remote2-server 192.168.178.xx
attr fhemsync room FHEMSync
attr fhemsync stateFormat fhemsync
attr fhemsync verbose 0

Hab kein HTTPS aktiv. In den "Web allowed" der Slave s habe ich noch die IP Adresse des Masters eingetragen.
Gruß Gerd


Ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen.

Mein Ziel ist es auf zwei FHEM-Installationen gewisse Dinge gegenseitig zu syncronisieren.

Hier die Definition des Masters:

   FUUID      5f2dbb0b-f33f-0a06-cd92-77bb2550e8e77bb5
   LAST_START 2020-08-08 10:56:47
   LAST_STOP  2020-08-08 10:57:13
   NAME       s1nachs2
   NR         420
   NTFY_ORDER 50-s1nachs2
   STARTS     42
   STATE      stopped
   VERSION    0.9.9
   logfile    ./log/fhemsync-%Y-%m-%d.log
     cmdFn      FHEMSYNC_getCMD
     name       fhemsync
     state      stopped
     2020-08-08 10:57:13   fhemsync        stopped
     2020-08-08 10:56:50   version         2.8.10
   FHEMSync-auth crypt:xxxxxxxx
   FHEMSync-log ./log/fhemsync-%Y-%m-%d.log
   FHEMSync-port 8083
   FHEMSync-selfsignedcert true
   FHEMSync-ssl false
   FHEMSync-webname fhem
   devStateIcon stopped:control_home@red:start stopping:control_on_off@orange running.*:control_on_off@green:stop
   nrarchive  10
   remote-auth crypt:xxxxxxx
   remote-filter room=FHEMSyncS1
   remote-port 8083
   remote-selfsignedcert true
   remote-ssl true
   remote-webname fhem
   room       FHEMSync
   stateFormat fhemsync
   verbose    5

Gestartet habe ich mit einem MAX! Fensterkontakt. Dieser war dann unkontrollierbar (Auf-Zu-Auf-Zu.......).
Danach habe ich einen Dummy auf dem Slave erstellt.

   FUUID      5f2dcb5f-f33f-b917-8ec3-5aa5b0c866c196ed
   NAME       fsync
   NR         2566
   STATE      off
   TYPE       dummy
     2020-08-08 10:57:13   state           off
   room       FHEMSyncS1,Anfang
   setList    on off

Wenn ich nun auf dem Slave den Schalter betätige kommt bei verbose 5 folgendes im Logfile (Auszug nur eine Sekunde:

[code][8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync","on","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"on\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync off&room=FHEMSync&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777\"><svg class=\" on\" data-txt=\"on\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"537pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 537\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,537) scale(0.181395,-0.181395)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M957 2932 c-14 -16 -17 -43 -17 -174 0 -135 2 -157 18 -171 28 -25 72 -26 96 -1 13 13 16 43 16 173 0 140 -2 160 -18 174 -25 22 -75 21 -95 -1z\"/> <path d=\"M1506 2928 c-13 -18 -16 -53 -16 -174 0 -138 2 -152 20 -169 24 -22 77 -22 99 0 13 12 17 44 19 151 4 147 1 174 -24 198 -24 24 -80 20 -98 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M278 2834 c-29 -15 -44 -50 -34 -81 3 -11 73 -85 154 -166 127 -126 153 -147 180 -147 34 0 72 38 72 73 0 34 -312 341 -342 337 -2 -1 -15 -7 -30 -16z\"/> <path d=\"M2235 2840 c-34 -14 -315 -305 -315 -327 0 -35 38 -73 72 -73 27 0 53 21 180 148 82 81 151 157 155 170 12 51 -44 100 -92 82z\"/> <path d=\"M1039 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M2110 2123 c-49 -19 -64 -68 -34 -111 15 -22 19 -22 238 -22 211 0 224 1 241 20 23 25 24 76 1 98 -14 15 -44 17 -224 19 -114 1 -214 -1 -222 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M16 2098 c-22 -31 -20 -71 5 -94 19 -17 39 -19 240 -19 236 0 241 1 254 55 4 18 0 34 -15 53 l-21 27 -224 0 c-220 0 -224 0 -239 -22z\"/> <path d=\"M26 1559 c-32 -25 -35 -70 -6 -99 19 -19 33 -20 238 -20 207 0 220 1 237 20 26 29 24 79 -4 102 -21 16 -44 18 -231 18 -195 0 -209 -1 -234 -21z\"/> <path d=\"M2080 1560 c-23 -23 -26 -68 -6 -96 13 -18 30 -19 233 -22 203 -3 221 -2 243 16 32 26 32 78 1 104 -21 16 -44 18 -237 18 -201 0 -215 -1 -234 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M20 1010 c-29 -29 -26 -74 7 -100 26 -20 36 -21 240 -18 184 3 215 5 229 20 23 22 22 73 -1 98 -17 19 -30 20 -237 20 -205 0 -219 -1 -238 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M2077 1012 c-22 -25 -21 -75 1 -95 16 -15 48 -17 238 -17 120 0 224 4 231 8 32 20 32 94 0 114 -7 4 -111 8 -233 8 -201 0 -222 -2 -237 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M998 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M1101 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync-state","on","on"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"content-length":"20","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate","content-encoding":"gzip","x-fhem-csrftoken":"csrf_460676519129777","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"},"request":{"uri":{"protocol":"https:","slashes":true,"auth":null,"host":"","port":"8083","hostname":"","hash":null,"search":"?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","query":"XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","pathname":"/fhem","path":"/fhem?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","href":""},"method":"GET","headers":{"authorization":"Basic YWRtaW46ZXU2OW1lbEY=","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate","accept":"application/json"}}}
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync","off","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"off\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync on&room=FHEMSync&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777\"><svg class=\" off\" data-txt=\"off\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"617pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 617\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,617) scale(0.221801,-0.221801)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M756 2765 c-9 -25 -7 -128 3 -144 5 -8 16 -11 25 -8 24 10 19 160 -5 165 -9 2 -19 -4 -23 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1310 2695 c0 -77 2 -86 18 -83 14 3 17 15 17 83 0 68 -3 80 -17 83 -16 3 -18 -6 -18 -83z\"/> <path d=\"M1806 2581 c-47 -47 -67 -74 -63 -85 4 -9 10 -16 14 -16 17 0 155 148 149 159 -14 21 -32 10 -100 -58z\"/> <path d=\"M220 2622 c0 -23 125 -147 139 -138 21 13 11 32 -52 94 -64 64 -87 75 -87 44z\"/> <path d=\"M809 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M13 2065 c-11 -29 12 -36 118 -33 96 3 104 4 104 23 0 19 -8 20 -108 23 -91 2 -108 0 -114 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1877 2066 c-11 -27 17 -36 113 -36 100 0 127 8 117 34 -5 13 -25 16 -116 16 -83 0 -110 -3 -114 -14z\"/> <path d=\"M10 1510 c0 -19 6 -20 116 -20 105 0 115 2 112 18 -3 15 -18 17 -116 20 -107 3 -112 2 -112 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M1876 1522 c-2 -4 -1 -14 3 -20 5 -9 38 -12 117 -10 89 2 109 6 109 18 0 12 -20 16 -112 18 -61 1 -114 -1 -117 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M21 981 c-8 -5 -11 -16 -8 -25 5 -13 24 -16 112 -16 88 0 107 3 112 16 10 26 -16 34 -112 34 -50 0 -96 -4 -104 -9z\"/> <path d=\"M1882 978 c-8 -8 -9 -15 -1 -25 8 -9 40 -13 108 -13 101 0 128 8 118 34 -5 13 -24 16 -110 16 -66 0 -107 -4 -115 -12z\"/> <path d=\"M768 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M793 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M793 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M871 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync-state","off","off"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"content-length":"20","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate","content-encoding":"gzip","x-fhem-csrftoken":"csrf_460676519129777","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"},"request":{"uri":{"protocol":"https:","slashes":true,"auth":null,"host":"","port":"8083","hostname":"","hash":null,"search":"?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20off&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","query":"XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20off&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","pathname":"/fhem","path":"/fhem?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20off&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","href":""},"method":"GET","headers":{"authorization":"Basic YWRtaW46ZXU2OW1lbEY=","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate","accept":"application/json"}}}
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync","on","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"on\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync off&room=FHEMSyncS1&fwcsrf=csrf_864756115167164\"><svg class=\" on\" data-txt=\"on\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"537pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 537\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,537) scale(0.181395,-0.181395)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M957 2932 c-14 -16 -17 -43 -17 -174 0 -135 2 -157 18 -171 28 -25 72 -26 96 -1 13 13 16 43 16 173 0 140 -2 160 -18 174 -25 22 -75 21 -95 -1z\"/> <path d=\"M1506 2928 c-13 -18 -16 -53 -16 -174 0 -138 2 -152 20 -169 24 -22 77 -22 99 0 13 12 17 44 19 151 4 147 1 174 -24 198 -24 24 -80 20 -98 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M278 2834 c-29 -15 -44 -50 -34 -81 3 -11 73 -85 154 -166 127 -126 153 -147 180 -147 34 0 72 38 72 73 0 34 -312 341 -342 337 -2 -1 -15 -7 -30 -16z\"/> <path d=\"M2235 2840 c-34 -14 -315 -305 -315 -327 0 -35 38 -73 72 -73 27 0 53 21 180 148 82 81 151 157 155 170 12 51 -44 100 -92 82z\"/> <path d=\"M1039 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M2110 2123 c-49 -19 -64 -68 -34 -111 15 -22 19 -22 238 -22 211 0 224 1 241 20 23 25 24 76 1 98 -14 15 -44 17 -224 19 -114 1 -214 -1 -222 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M16 2098 c-22 -31 -20 -71 5 -94 19 -17 39 -19 240 -19 236 0 241 1 254 55 4 18 0 34 -15 53 l-21 27 -224 0 c-220 0 -224 0 -239 -22z\"/> <path d=\"M26 1559 c-32 -25 -35 -70 -6 -99 19 -19 33 -20 238 -20 207 0 220 1 237 20 26 29 24 79 -4 102 -21 16 -44 18 -231 18 -195 0 -209 -1 -234 -21z\"/> <path d=\"M2080 1560 c-23 -23 -26 -68 -6 -96 13 -18 30 -19 233 -22 203 -3 221 -2 243 16 32 26 32 78 1 104 -21 16 -44 18 -237 18 -201 0 -215 -1 -234 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M20 1010 c-29 -29 -26 -74 7 -100 26 -20 36 -21 240 -18 184 3 215 5 229 20 23 22 22 73 -1 98 -17 19 -30 20 -237 20 -205 0 -219 -1 -238 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M2077 1012 c-22 -25 -21 -75 1 -95 16 -15 48 -17 238 -17 120 0 224 4 231 8 32 20 32 94 0 114 -7 4 -111 8 -233 8 -201 0 -222 -2 -237 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M998 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M1101 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync-state","on","on"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: fsync-state => on
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MAIN   ] starting FHEM_execute_await
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ]   executing:
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync","off","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"off\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync on&room=FHEMSyncS1&fwcsrf=csrf_864756115167164\"><svg class=\" off\" data-txt=\"off\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"617pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 617\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,617) scale(0.221801,-0.221801)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M756 2765 c-9 -25 -7 -128 3 -144 5 -8 16 -11 25 -8 24 10 19 160 -5 165 -9 2 -19 -4 -23 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1310 2695 c0 -77 2 -86 18 -83 14 3 17 15 17 83 0 68 -3 80 -17 83 -16 3 -18 -6 -18 -83z\"/> <path d=\"M1806 2581 c-47 -47 -67 -74 -63 -85 4 -9 10 -16 14 -16 17 0 155 148 149 159 -14 21 -32 10 -100 -58z\"/> <path d=\"M220 2622 c0 -23 125 -147 139 -138 21 13 11 32 -52 94 -64 64 -87 75 -87 44z\"/> <path d=\"M809 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M13 2065 c-11 -29 12 -36 118 -33 96 3 104 4 104 23 0 19 -8 20 -108 23 -91 2 -108 0 -114 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1877 2066 c-11 -27 17 -36 113 -36 100 0 127 8 117 34 -5 13 -25 16 -116 16 -83 0 -110 -3 -114 -14z\"/> <path d=\"M10 1510 c0 -19 6 -20 116 -20 105 0 115 2 112 18 -3 15 -18 17 -116 20 -107 3 -112 2 -112 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M1876 1522 c-2 -4 -1 -14 3 -20 5 -9 38 -12 117 -10 89 2 109 6 109 18 0 12 -20 16 -112 18 -61 1 -114 -1 -117 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M21 981 c-8 -5 -11 -16 -8 -25 5 -13 24 -16 112 -16 88 0 107 3 112 16 10 26 -16 34 -112 34 -50 0 -96 -4 -104 -9z\"/> <path d=\"M1882 978 c-8 -8 -9 -15 -1 -25 8 -9 40 -13 108 -13 101 0 128 8 118 34 -5 13 -24 16 -110 16 -66 0 -107 -4 -115 -12z\"/> <path d=\"M768 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M793 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M793 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M871 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync-state","off","off"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: fsync-state => off
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MAIN   ] starting FHEM_execute_await
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ]   executing:
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync","on","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"on\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync off&room=FHEMSync&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777\"><svg class=\" on\" data-txt=\"on\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"537pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 537\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,537) scale(0.181395,-0.181395)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M957 2932 c-14 -16 -17 -43 -17 -174 0 -135 2 -157 18 -171 28 -25 72 -26 96 -1 13 13 16 43 16 173 0 140 -2 160 -18 174 -25 22 -75 21 -95 -1z\"/> <path d=\"M1506 2928 c-13 -18 -16 -53 -16 -174 0 -138 2 -152 20 -169 24 -22 77 -22 99 0 13 12 17 44 19 151 4 147 1 174 -24 198 -24 24 -80 20 -98 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M278 2834 c-29 -15 -44 -50 -34 -81 3 -11 73 -85 154 -166 127 -126 153 -147 180 -147 34 0 72 38 72 73 0 34 -312 341 -342 337 -2 -1 -15 -7 -30 -16z\"/> <path d=\"M2235 2840 c-34 -14 -315 -305 -315 -327 0 -35 38 -73 72 -73 27 0 53 21 180 148 82 81 151 157 155 170 12 51 -44 100 -92 82z\"/> <path d=\"M1039 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M2110 2123 c-49 -19 -64 -68 -34 -111 15 -22 19 -22 238 -22 211 0 224 1 241 20 23 25 24 76 1 98 -14 15 -44 17 -224 19 -114 1 -214 -1 -222 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M16 2098 c-22 -31 -20 -71 5 -94 19 -17 39 -19 240 -19 236 0 241 1 254 55 4 18 0 34 -15 53 l-21 27 -224 0 c-220 0 -224 0 -239 -22z\"/> <path d=\"M26 1559 c-32 -25 -35 -70 -6 -99 19 -19 33 -20 238 -20 207 0 220 1 237 20 26 29 24 79 -4 102 -21 16 -44 18 -231 18 -195 0 -209 -1 -234 -21z\"/> <path d=\"M2080 1560 c-23 -23 -26 -68 -6 -96 13 -18 30 -19 233 -22 203 -3 221 -2 243 16 32 26 32 78 1 104 -21 16 -44 18 -237 18 -201 0 -215 -1 -234 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M20 1010 c-29 -29 -26 -74 7 -100 26 -20 36 -21 240 -18 184 3 215 5 229 20 23 22 22 73 -1 98 -17 19 -30 20 -237 20 -205 0 -219 -1 -238 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M2077 1012 c-22 -25 -21 -75 1 -95 16 -15 48 -17 238 -17 120 0 224 4 231 8 32 20 32 94 0 114 -7 4 -111 8 -233 8 -201 0 -222 -2 -237 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M998 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M1101 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync-state","on","on"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync","off","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"off\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync on&room=FHEMSync&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777\"><svg class=\" off\" data-txt=\"off\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"617pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 617\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,617) scale(0.221801,-0.221801)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M756 2765 c-9 -25 -7 -128 3 -144 5 -8 16 -11 25 -8 24 10 19 160 -5 165 -9 2 -19 -4 -23 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1310 2695 c0 -77 2 -86 18 -83 14 3 17 15 17 83 0 68 -3 80 -17 83 -16 3 -18 -6 -18 -83z\"/> <path d=\"M1806 2581 c-47 -47 -67 -74 -63 -85 4 -9 10 -16 14 -16 17 0 155 148 149 159 -14 21 -32 10 -100 -58z\"/> <path d=\"M220 2622 c0 -23 125 -147 139 -138 21 13 11 32 -52 94 -64 64 -87 75 -87 44z\"/> <path d=\"M809 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M13 2065 c-11 -29 12 -36 118 -33 96 3 104 4 104 23 0 19 -8 20 -108 23 -91 2 -108 0 -114 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1877 2066 c-11 -27 17 -36 113 -36 100 0 127 8 117 34 -5 13 -25 16 -116 16 -83 0 -110 -3 -114 -14z\"/> <path d=\"M10 1510 c0 -19 6 -20 116 -20 105 0 115 2 112 18 -3 15 -18 17 -116 20 -107 3 -112 2 -112 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M1876 1522 c-2 -4 -1 -14 3 -20 5 -9 38 -12 117 -10 89 2 109 6 109 18 0 12 -20 16 -112 18 -61 1 -114 -1 -117 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M21 981 c-8 -5 -11 -16 -8 -25 5 -13 24 -16 112 -16 88 0 107 3 112 16 10 26 -16 34 -112 34 -50 0 -96 -4 -104 -9z\"/> <path d=\"M1882 978 c-8 -8 -9 -15 -1 -25 8 -9 40 -13 108 -13 101 0 128 8 118 34 -5 13 -24 16 -110 16 -66 0 -107 -4 -115 -12z\"/> <path d=\"M768 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M793 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M793 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M871 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync-state","off","off"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"content-length":"20","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate","content-encoding":"gzip","x-fhem-csrftoken":"csrf_460676519129777","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"},"request":{"uri":{"protocol":"https:","slashes":true,"auth":null,"host":"","port":"8083","hostname":"","hash":null,"search":"?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","query":"XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","pathname":"/fhem","path":"/fhem?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","href":""},"method":"GET","headers":{"authorization":"Basic YWRtaW46ZXU2OW1lbEY=","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate","accept":"application/json"}}}
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync","on","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"on\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync off&room=FHEMSyncS1&fwcsrf=csrf_864756115167164\"><svg class=\" on\" data-txt=\"on\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"537pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 537\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,537) scale(0.181395,-0.181395)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M957 2932 c-14 -16 -17 -43 -17 -174 0 -135 2 -157 18 -171 28 -25 72 -26 96 -1 13 13 16 43 16 173 0 140 -2 160 -18 174 -25 22 -75 21 -95 -1z\"/> <path d=\"M1506 2928 c-13 -18 -16 -53 -16 -174 0 -138 2 -152 20 -169 24 -22 77 -22 99 0 13 12 17 44 19 151 4 147 1 174 -24 198 -24 24 -80 20 -98 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M278 2834 c-29 -15 -44 -50 -34 -81 3 -11 73 -85 154 -166 127 -126 153 -147 180 -147 34 0 72 38 72 73 0 34 -312 341 -342 337 -2 -1 -15 -7 -30 -16z\"/> <path d=\"M2235 2840 c-34 -14 -315 -305 -315 -327 0 -35 38 -73 72 -73 27 0 53 21 180 148 82 81 151 157 155 170 12 51 -44 100 -92 82z\"/> <path d=\"M1039 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M2110 2123 c-49 -19 -64 -68 -34 -111 15 -22 19 -22 238 -22 211 0 224 1 241 20 23 25 24 76 1 98 -14 15 -44 17 -224 19 -114 1 -214 -1 -222 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M16 2098 c-22 -31 -20 -71 5 -94 19 -17 39 -19 240 -19 236 0 241 1 254 55 4 18 0 34 -15 53 l-21 27 -224 0 c-220 0 -224 0 -239 -22z\"/> <path d=\"M26 1559 c-32 -25 -35 -70 -6 -99 19 -19 33 -20 238 -20 207 0 220 1 237 20 26 29 24 79 -4 102 -21 16 -44 18 -231 18 -195 0 -209 -1 -234 -21z\"/> <path d=\"M2080 1560 c-23 -23 -26 -68 -6 -96 13 -18 30 -19 233 -22 203 -3 221 -2 243 16 32 26 32 78 1 104 -21 16 -44 18 -237 18 -201 0 -215 -1 -234 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M20 1010 c-29 -29 -26 -74 7 -100 26 -20 36 -21 240 -18 184 3 215 5 229 20 23 22 22 73 -1 98 -17 19 -30 20 -237 20 -205 0 -219 -1 -238 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M2077 1012 c-22 -25 -21 -75 1 -95 16 -15 48 -17 238 -17 120 0 224 4 231 8 32 20 32 94 0 114 -7 4 -111 8 -233 8 -201 0 -222 -2 -237 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M998 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M1101 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync-state","on","on"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: fsync-state => on
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MAIN   ] starting FHEM_execute_await
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ]   executing:
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"content-length":"20","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate","content-encoding":"gzip","x-fhem-csrftoken":"csrf_460676519129777","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"},"request":{"uri":{"protocol":"https:","slashes":true,"auth":null,"host":"","port":"8083","hostname":"","hash":null,"search":"?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20off&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","query":"XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20off&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","pathname":"/fhem","path":"/fhem?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20off&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","href":""},"method":"GET","headers":{"authorization":"Basic YWRtaW46ZXU2OW1lbEY=","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate","accept":"application/json"}}}
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync","off","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"off\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync on&room=FHEMSyncS1&fwcsrf=csrf_864756115167164\"><svg class=\" off\" data-txt=\"off\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"617pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 617\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,617) scale(0.221801,-0.221801)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M756 2765 c-9 -25 -7 -128 3 -144 5 -8 16 -11 25 -8 24 10 19 160 -5 165 -9 2 -19 -4 -23 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1310 2695 c0 -77 2 -86 18 -83 14 3 17 15 17 83 0 68 -3 80 -17 83 -16 3 -18 -6 -18 -83z\"/> <path d=\"M1806 2581 c-47 -47 -67 -74 -63 -85 4 -9 10 -16 14 -16 17 0 155 148 149 159 -14 21 -32 10 -100 -58z\"/> <path d=\"M220 2622 c0 -23 125 -147 139 -138 21 13 11 32 -52 94 -64 64 -87 75 -87 44z\"/> <path d=\"M809 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M13 2065 c-11 -29 12 -36 118 -33 96 3 104 4 104 23 0 19 -8 20 -108 23 -91 2 -108 0 -114 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1877 2066 c-11 -27 17 -36 113 -36 100 0 127 8 117 34 -5 13 -25 16 -116 16 -83 0 -110 -3 -114 -14z\"/> <path d=\"M10 1510 c0 -19 6 -20 116 -20 105 0 115 2 112 18 -3 15 -18 17 -116 20 -107 3 -112 2 -112 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M1876 1522 c-2 -4 -1 -14 3 -20 5 -9 38 -12 117 -10 89 2 109 6 109 18 0 12 -20 16 -112 18 -61 1 -114 -1 -117 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M21 981 c-8 -5 -11 -16 -8 -25 5 -13 24 -16 112 -16 88 0 107 3 112 16 10 26 -16 34 -112 34 -50 0 -96 -4 -104 -9z\"/> <path d=\"M1882 978 c-8 -8 -9 -15 -1 -25 8 -9 40 -13 108 -13 101 0 128 8 118 34 -5 13 -24 16 -110 16 -66 0 -107 -4 -115 -12z\"/> <path d=\"M768 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M793 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M793 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M871 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync-state","off","off"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: fsync-state => off
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MAIN   ] starting FHEM_execute_await
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ]   executing:
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync","on","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"on\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync off&room=FHEMSync&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777\"><svg class=\" on\" data-txt=\"on\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"537pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 537\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,537) scale(0.181395,-0.181395)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M957 2932 c-14 -16 -17 -43 -17 -174 0 -135 2 -157 18 -171 28 -25 72 -26 96 -1 13 13 16 43 16 173 0 140 -2 160 -18 174 -25 22 -75 21 -95 -1z\"/> <path d=\"M1506 2928 c-13 -18 -16 -53 -16 -174 0 -138 2 -152 20 -169 24 -22 77 -22 99 0 13 12 17 44 19 151 4 147 1 174 -24 198 -24 24 -80 20 -98 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M278 2834 c-29 -15 -44 -50 -34 -81 3 -11 73 -85 154 -166 127 -126 153 -147 180 -147 34 0 72 38 72 73 0 34 -312 341 -342 337 -2 -1 -15 -7 -30 -16z\"/> <path d=\"M2235 2840 c-34 -14 -315 -305 -315 -327 0 -35 38 -73 72 -73 27 0 53 21 180 148 82 81 151 157 155 170 12 51 -44 100 -92 82z\"/> <path d=\"M1039 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M2110 2123 c-49 -19 -64 -68 -34 -111 15 -22 19 -22 238 -22 211 0 224 1 241 20 23 25 24 76 1 98 -14 15 -44 17 -224 19 -114 1 -214 -1 -222 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M16 2098 c-22 -31 -20 -71 5 -94 19 -17 39 -19 240 -19 236 0 241 1 254 55 4 18 0 34 -15 53 l-21 27 -224 0 c-220 0 -224 0 -239 -22z\"/> <path d=\"M26 1559 c-32 -25 -35 -70 -6 -99 19 -19 33 -20 238 -20 207 0 220 1 237 20 26 29 24 79 -4 102 -21 16 -44 18 -231 18 -195 0 -209 -1 -234 -21z\"/> <path d=\"M2080 1560 c-23 -23 -26 -68 -6 -96 13 -18 30 -19 233 -22 203 -3 221 -2 243 16 32 26 32 78 1 104 -21 16 -44 18 -237 18 -201 0 -215 -1 -234 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M20 1010 c-29 -29 -26 -74 7 -100 26 -20 36 -21 240 -18 184 3 215 5 229 20 23 22 22 73 -1 98 -17 19 -30 20 -237 20 -205 0 -219 -1 -238 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M2077 1012 c-22 -25 -21 -75 1 -95 16 -15 48 -17 238 -17 120 0 224 4 231 8 32 20 32 94 0 114 -7 4 -111 8 -233 8 -201 0 -222 -2 -237 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M998 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M1101 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync-state","on","on"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync","off","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"off\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync on&room=FHEMSync&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777\"><svg class=\" off\" data-txt=\"off\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"617pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 617\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,617) scale(0.221801,-0.221801)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M756 2765 c-9 -25 -7 -128 3 -144 5 -8 16 -11 25 -8 24 10 19 160 -5 165 -9 2 -19 -4 -23 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1310 2695 c0 -77 2 -86 18 -83 14 3 17 15 17 83 0 68 -3 80 -17 83 -16 3 -18 -6 -18 -83z\"/> <path d=\"M1806 2581 c-47 -47 -67 -74 -63 -85 4 -9 10 -16 14 -16 17 0 155 148 149 159 -14 21 -32 10 -100 -58z\"/> <path d=\"M220 2622 c0 -23 125 -147 139 -138 21 13 11 32 -52 94 -64 64 -87 75 -87 44z\"/> <path d=\"M809 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M13 2065 c-11 -29 12 -36 118 -33 96 3 104 4 104 23 0 19 -8 20 -108 23 -91 2 -108 0 -114 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1877 2066 c-11 -27 17 -36 113 -36 100 0 127 8 117 34 -5 13 -25 16 -116 16 -83 0 -110 -3 -114 -14z\"/> <path d=\"M10 1510 c0 -19 6 -20 116 -20 105 0 115 2 112 18 -3 15 -18 17 -116 20 -107 3 -112 2 -112 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M1876 1522 c-2 -4 -1 -14 3 -20 5 -9 38 -12 117 -10 89 2 109 6 109 18 0 12 -20 16 -112 18 -61 1 -114 -1 -117 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M21 981 c-8 -5 -11 -16 -8 -25 5 -13 24 -16 112 -16 88 0 107 3 112 16 10 26 -16 34 -112 34 -50 0 -96 -4 -104 -9z\"/> <path d=\"M1882 978 c-8 -8 -9 -15 -1 -25 8 -9 40 -13 108 -13 101 0 128 8 118 34 -5 13 -24 16 -110 16 -66 0 -107 -4 -115 -12z\"/> <path d=\"M768 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M793 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M793 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M871 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync-state","off","off"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"content-length":"20","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate","content-encoding":"gzip","x-fhem-csrftoken":"csrf_460676519129777","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"},"request":{"uri":{"protocol":"https:","slashes":true,"auth":null,"host":"","port":"8083","hostname":"","hash":null,"search":"?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","query":"XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","pathname":"/fhem","path":"/fhem?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","href":""},"method":"GET","headers":{"authorization":"Basic YWRtaW46ZXU2OW1lbEY=","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate","accept":"application/json"}}}
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"content-length":"20","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate","content-encoding":"gzip","x-fhem-csrftoken":"csrf_460676519129777","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"},"request":{"uri":{"protocol":"https:","slashes":true,"auth":null,"host":"","port":"8083","hostname":"","hash":null,"search":"?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20off&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","query":"XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20off&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","pathname":"/fhem","path":"/fhem?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20off&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","href":""},"method":"GET","headers":{"authorization":"Basic YWRtaW46ZXU2OW1lbEY=","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate","accept":"application/json"}}}
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync","on","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"on\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync off&room=FHEMSyncS1&fwcsrf=csrf_864756115167164\"><svg class=\" on\" data-txt=\"on\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"537pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 537\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,537) scale(0.181395,-0.181395)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M957 2932 c-14 -16 -17 -43 -17 -174 0 -135 2 -157 18 -171 28 -25 72 -26 96 -1 13 13 16 43 16 173 0 140 -2 160 -18 174 -25 22 -75 21 -95 -1z\"/> <path d=\"M1506 2928 c-13 -18 -16 -53 -16 -174 0 -138 2 -152 20 -169 24 -22 77 -22 99 0 13 12 17 44 19 151 4 147 1 174 -24 198 -24 24 -80 20 -98 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M278 2834 c-29 -15 -44 -50 -34 -81 3 -11 73 -85 154 -166 127 -126 153 -147 180 -147 34 0 72 38 72 73 0 34 -312 341 -342 337 -2 -1 -15 -7 -30 -16z\"/> <path d=\"M2235 2840 c-34 -14 -315 -305 -315 -327 0 -35 38 -73 72 -73 27 0 53 21 180 148 82 81 151 157 155 170 12 51 -44 100 -92 82z\"/> <path d=\"M1039 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M2110 2123 c-49 -19 -64 -68 -34 -111 15 -22 19 -22 238 -22 211 0 224 1 241 20 23 25 24 76 1 98 -14 15 -44 17 -224 19 -114 1 -214 -1 -222 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M16 2098 c-22 -31 -20 -71 5 -94 19 -17 39 -19 240 -19 236 0 241 1 254 55 4 18 0 34 -15 53 l-21 27 -224 0 c-220 0 -224 0 -239 -22z\"/> <path d=\"M26 1559 c-32 -25 -35 -70 -6 -99 19 -19 33 -20 238 -20 207 0 220 1 237 20 26 29 24 79 -4 102 -21 16 -44 18 -231 18 -195 0 -209 -1 -234 -21z\"/> <path d=\"M2080 1560 c-23 -23 -26 -68 -6 -96 13 -18 30 -19 233 -22 203 -3 221 -2 243 16 32 26 32 78 1 104 -21 16 -44 18 -237 18 -201 0 -215 -1 -234 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M20 1010 c-29 -29 -26 -74 7 -100 26 -20 36 -21 240 -18 184 3 215 5 229 20 23 22 22 73 -1 98 -17 19 -30 20 -237 20 -205 0 -219 -1 -238 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M2077 1012 c-22 -25 -21 -75 1 -95 16 -15 48 -17 238 -17 120 0 224 4 231 8 32 20 32 94 0 114 -7 4 -111 8 -233 8 -201 0 -222 -2 -237 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M998 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M1101 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync-state","on","on"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: fsync-state => on
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MAIN   ] starting FHEM_execute_await
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ]   executing:
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync","off","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"off\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync on&room=FHEMSyncS1&fwcsrf=csrf_864756115167164\"><svg class=\" off\" data-txt=\"off\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"617pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 617\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,617) scale(0.221801,-0.221801)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M756 2765 c-9 -25 -7 -128 3 -144 5 -8 16 -11 25 -8 24 10 19 160 -5 165 -9 2 -19 -4 -23 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1310 2695 c0 -77 2 -86 18 -83 14 3 17 15 17 83 0 68 -3 80 -17 83 -16 3 -18 -6 -18 -83z\"/> <path d=\"M1806 2581 c-47 -47 -67 -74 -63 -85 4 -9 10 -16 14 -16 17 0 155 148 149 159 -14 21 -32 10 -100 -58z\"/> <path d=\"M220 2622 c0 -23 125 -147 139 -138 21 13 11 32 -52 94 -64 64 -87 75 -87 44z\"/> <path d=\"M809 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M13 2065 c-11 -29 12 -36 118 -33 96 3 104 4 104 23 0 19 -8 20 -108 23 -91 2 -108 0 -114 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1877 2066 c-11 -27 17 -36 113 -36 100 0 127 8 117 34 -5 13 -25 16 -116 16 -83 0 -110 -3 -114 -14z\"/> <path d=\"M10 1510 c0 -19 6 -20 116 -20 105 0 115 2 112 18 -3 15 -18 17 -116 20 -107 3 -112 2 -112 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M1876 1522 c-2 -4 -1 -14 3 -20 5 -9 38 -12 117 -10 89 2 109 6 109 18 0 12 -20 16 -112 18 -61 1 -114 -1 -117 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M21 981 c-8 -5 -11 -16 -8 -25 5 -13 24 -16 112 -16 88 0 107 3 112 16 10 26 -16 34 -112 34 -50 0 -96 -4 -104 -9z\"/> <path d=\"M1882 978 c-8 -8 -9 -15 -1 -25 8 -9 40 -13 108 -13 101 0 128 8 118 34 -5 13 -24 16 -110 16 -66 0 -107 -4 -115 -12z\"/> <path d=\"M768 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M793 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M793 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M871 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] ["fsync-state","off","off"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: fsync-state => off
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MAIN   ] starting FHEM_execute_await
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ]   executing:
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"content-length":"20","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate","content-encoding":"gzip","x-fhem-csrftoken":"csrf_460676519129777","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"},"request":{"uri":{"protocol":"https:","slashes":true,"auth":null,"host":"","port":"8083","hostname":"","hash":null,"search":"?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","query":"XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","pathname":"/fhem","path":"/fhem?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20on&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777","href":""},"method":"GET","headers":{"authorization":"Basic YWRtaW46ZXU2OW1lbEY=","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate","accept":"application/json"}}}
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync","on","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"on\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync off&room=FHEMSync&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777\"><svg class=\" on\" data-txt=\"on\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"537pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 537\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,537) scale(0.181395,-0.181395)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M957 2932 c-14 -16 -17 -43 -17 -174 0 -135 2 -157 18 -171 28 -25 72 -26 96 -1 13 13 16 43 16 173 0 140 -2 160 -18 174 -25 22 -75 21 -95 -1z\"/> <path d=\"M1506 2928 c-13 -18 -16 -53 -16 -174 0 -138 2 -152 20 -169 24 -22 77 -22 99 0 13 12 17 44 19 151 4 147 1 174 -24 198 -24 24 -80 20 -98 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M278 2834 c-29 -15 -44 -50 -34 -81 3 -11 73 -85 154 -166 127 -126 153 -147 180 -147 34 0 72 38 72 73 0 34 -312 341 -342 337 -2 -1 -15 -7 -30 -16z\"/> <path d=\"M2235 2840 c-34 -14 -315 -305 -315 -327 0 -35 38 -73 72 -73 27 0 53 21 180 148 82 81 151 157 155 170 12 51 -44 100 -92 82z\"/> <path d=\"M1039 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M2110 2123 c-49 -19 -64 -68 -34 -111 15 -22 19 -22 238 -22 211 0 224 1 241 20 23 25 24 76 1 98 -14 15 -44 17 -224 19 -114 1 -214 -1 -222 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M16 2098 c-22 -31 -20 -71 5 -94 19 -17 39 -19 240 -19 236 0 241 1 254 55 4 18 0 34 -15 53 l-21 27 -224 0 c-220 0 -224 0 -239 -22z\"/> <path d=\"M26 1559 c-32 -25 -35 -70 -6 -99 19 -19 33 -20 238 -20 207 0 220 1 237 20 26 29 24 79 -4 102 -21 16 -44 18 -231 18 -195 0 -209 -1 -234 -21z\"/> <path d=\"M2080 1560 c-23 -23 -26 -68 -6 -96 13 -18 30 -19 233 -22 203 -3 221 -2 243 16 32 26 32 78 1 104 -21 16 -44 18 -237 18 -201 0 -215 -1 -234 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M20 1010 c-29 -29 -26 -74 7 -100 26 -20 36 -21 240 -18 184 3 215 5 229 20 23 22 22 73 -1 98 -17 19 -30 20 -237 20 -205 0 -219 -1 -238 -20z\"/> <path d=\"M2077 1012 c-22 -25 -21 -75 1 -95 16 -15 48 -17 238 -17 120 0 224 4 231 8 32 20 32 94 0 114 -7 4 -111 8 -233 8 -201 0 -222 -2 -237 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M998 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M1023 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M1101 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync-state","on","on"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync","off","<div id=\"fsync\"  title=\"off\" class=\"col2\"><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.fsync=set fsync on&room=FHEMSync&fwcsrf=csrf_460676519129777\"><svg class=\" off\" data-txt=\"off\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"  width=\"468pt\" height=\"617pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 468 617\"  preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 </metadata> <g transform=\"translate(0,617) scale(0.221801,-0.221801)\"  stroke=\"none\"> <path d=\"M756 2765 c-9 -25 -7 -128 3 -144 5 -8 16 -11 25 -8 24 10 19 160 -5 165 -9 2 -19 -4 -23 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1310 2695 c0 -77 2 -86 18 -83 14 3 17 15 17 83 0 68 -3 80 -17 83 -16 3 -18 -6 -18 -83z\"/> <path d=\"M1806 2581 c-47 -47 -67 -74 -63 -85 4 -9 10 -16 14 -16 17 0 155 148 149 159 -14 21 -32 10 -100 -58z\"/> <path d=\"M220 2622 c0 -23 125 -147 139 -138 21 13 11 32 -52 94 -64 64 -87 75 -87 44z\"/> <path d=\"M809 2257 c-70 -20 -136 -63 -174 -115 -65 -87 -65 -91 -65 -643 0 -479 1 -500 21 -553 25 -67 87 -134 160 -173 l54 -28 250 0 c235 0 253 1 296 21 63 29 125 94 158 163 l26 56 0 520 0 520 -28 56 c-32 66 -99 132 -165 162 -43 20 -65 22 -267 24 -153 2 -234 -2 -266 -10z m486 -146 c48 -22 69 -44 90 -94 13 -31 15 -107 15 -517 0 -526 0 -523 -59 -573 -48 -40 -90 -47 -299 -47 -205 0 -226 4 -280 54 -51 46 -50 40 -53 567 l-3 495 23 40 c24 43 64 72 115 85 17 4 117 7 221 8 164 0 195 -2 230 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M13 2065 c-11 -29 12 -36 118 -33 96 3 104 4 104 23 0 19 -8 20 -108 23 -91 2 -108 0 -114 -13z\"/> <path d=\"M1877 2066 c-11 -27 17 -36 113 -36 100 0 127 8 117 34 -5 13 -25 16 -116 16 -83 0 -110 -3 -114 -14z\"/> <path d=\"M10 1510 c0 -19 6 -20 116 -20 105 0 115 2 112 18 -3 15 -18 17 -116 20 -107 3 -112 2 -112 -18z\"/> <path d=\"M1876 1522 c-2 -4 -1 -14 3 -20 5 -9 38 -12 117 -10 89 2 109 6 109 18 0 12 -20 16 -112 18 -61 1 -114 -1 -117 -6z\"/> <path d=\"M21 981 c-8 -5 -11 -16 -8 -25 5 -13 24 -16 112 -16 88 0 107 3 112 16 10 26 -16 34 -112 34 -50 0 -96 -4 -104 -9z\"/> <path d=\"M1882 978 c-8 -8 -9 -15 -1 -25 8 -9 40 -13 108 -13 101 0 128 8 118 34 -5 13 -24 16 -110 16 -66 0 -107 -4 -115 -12z\"/> <path d=\"M768 693 c-36 -41 -30 -95 11 -108 60 -19 520 -91 539 -84 53 20 66 99 19 119 -28 12 -482 90 -524 90 -16 0 -37 -8 -45 -17z\"/> <path d=\"M793 530 c-41 -17 -58 -85 -28 -110 15 -12 492 -100 543 -100 33 0 62 34 62 74 0 18 -6 38 -13 44 -6 6 -120 29 -252 51 -132 23 -251 43 -265 46 -14 2 -35 0 -47 -5z\"/> <path d=\"M793 360 c-46 -18 -59 -90 -20 -114 21 -13 478 -96 531 -96 14 0 35 9 46 20 26 26 27 85 2 99 -10 5 -126 28 -258 51 -131 22 -248 42 -259 44 -11 2 -30 0 -42 -4z\"/> <path d=\"M871 154 c-26 -33 -27 -55 -3 -82 13 -16 51 -26 176 -47 158 -27 159 -27 185 -7 31 22 41 81 18 101 -16 13 -271 61 -323 61 -23 0 -39 -8 -53 -26z\"/> </g> </svg></a></div>"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] ["fsync-state","off","off"]
[8.8.2020, 10:57:12] [MASTER ] response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"content-length":"20","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate","content-encoding":"gzip","x-fhem-csrftoken":"csrf_460676519129777","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"},"request":{"uri":{"protocol":"https:","slashes":true,"auth":null,"host":"","port":"8083","hostname":"","hash":null,"search":"?XHR=1&cmd=setreading%20fsync%20state%20off&fwcsrf=cs
Beim Erstellen dieser Nachricht kamen weder Tiere zu Schaden, noch wurde Papier verschwendet. Alles von mir geschriebene ist biologisch abbaubar.

FHEM auf Debian Buster in einr Proxmox VM , LaCrosseGateway, AVR-NET-IO, Homematic, Alexa, S300TH, Signalduino..........



hast du FHEMSync auch NUR am Master definiert und NICHT am Slave? FHEMSync darf nur auf dem Master laufen.

Das zu synchronisierende Device darf NUR am Slave im Raum FHEMSync angelegt werden, am Master wird es dann automatisch erstellt.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Zitat von: dominik am 08 August 2020, 12:17:43

hast du FHEMSync auch NUR am Master definiert und NICHT am Slave? FHEMSync darf nur auf dem Master laufen.

Das zu synchronisierende Device darf NUR am Slave im Raum FHEMSync angelegt werden, am Master wird es dann automatisch erstellt.

Hallo Dominik.

Ja ist nur am Master definiert, wobei ich zuerst auf beiden Servern einen eigenen Master definiert hatte mit eigenen Räumen "FHEMSync1 und FHEMSync2".
Den Zweiten habe ich jedoch gelöscht, da es doch nicht so einfach war als ich gedacht hatte. Auf beiden FHEM-Servern ist das fhemsync npm installiert.

Danke und Gruß

Beim Erstellen dieser Nachricht kamen weder Tiere zu Schaden, noch wurde Papier verschwendet. Alles von mir geschriebene ist biologisch abbaubar.

FHEM auf Debian Buster in einr Proxmox VM , LaCrosseGateway, AVR-NET-IO, Homematic, Alexa, S300TH, Signalduino..........



npm fhemsync jetzt auf dem zweiten Server deinstalliert.

Leider keine Besserung.

Für mich sieht es so aus als ob der Slave zum Master den Befehl sendet und dann der Master zurück an den Slave. Und dadurch ein Ping-Pong entsteht.
Bei Verbose 4 und einem FS20 Device kommt folgendes im Logfile:
[8.8.2020, 22:47:41] [MASTER ] received set command: FS20_1e1b04, on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:41] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:41] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:41] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:41] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => off
[8.8.2020, 22:47:41] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => COMMANDSET,on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [MASTER ] received set command: FS20_1e1b04, on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:42] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => off
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => COMMANDSET,on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on
[8.8.2020, 22:47:43] [SLAVE1 ] update reading: FS20_1e1b04-state => on

Wäre toll wenn mir jemand helfen könnte. Fhem2fhem erzeugt extreme Systemlast. Mehrere 100Mb Ramusage und ein Prozessor zu 100% ausgelastet.


Beim Erstellen dieser Nachricht kamen weder Tiere zu Schaden, noch wurde Papier verschwendet. Alles von mir geschriebene ist biologisch abbaubar.

FHEM auf Debian Buster in einr Proxmox VM , LaCrosseGateway, AVR-NET-IO, Homematic, Alexa, S300TH, Signalduino..........


Moin Uli

Wieso sollte dein Slave an den Master Daten senden?
Bei mir verbindet sich der Master zum Slave und holt dich dort die Daten von Devises die im Raum "FHEMSync"
Das funktioniert bisher ohne Probleme und mit zwei Slave.

Gruß Gerd


Zitat von: Maista am 08 August 2020, 23:18:57
Moin Uli

Wieso sollte dein Slave an den Master Daten senden?
Bei mir verbindet sich der Master zum Slave und holt dich dort die Daten von Devises die im Raum "FHEMSync"
Das funktioniert bisher ohne Probleme und mit zwei Slave.

Gruß Gerd

Hi Gerd,
habe den "Fehler" gefunden. FHEMSync und fhem2fhem kommen sich in die Quere.

Danke für deine Gedanken. Doppelte synchronisation macht keinen Sinn.


Beim Erstellen dieser Nachricht kamen weder Tiere zu Schaden, noch wurde Papier verschwendet. Alles von mir geschriebene ist biologisch abbaubar.

FHEM auf Debian Buster in einr Proxmox VM , LaCrosseGateway, AVR-NET-IO, Homematic, Alexa, S300TH, Signalduino..........


Moin Uli

Ja da hast Du wohl Recht ;D
Manchmal ist es doch einfach ;)

Gruß Gerd


Leider muss ich immer wieder feststellen, dass FHEMSync abstürzt.

Meine Vermutung ist, dass diese Fehlermeldungen im Log der Grund sind:

(node:11827) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: RequestError: Error: read ECONNRESET
    at new RequestError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/errors.js:14:15)
    at Request.plumbing.callback (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/plumbing.js:87:29)
    at Request.RP$callback [as _callback] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/plumbing.js:46:31)
    at self.callback (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at Request.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at Request.onRequestError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request/request.js:877:8)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:387:9)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
(node:11827) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 554)
(node:11827) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: RequestError: Error: read ECONNRESET
    at new RequestError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/errors.js:14:15)
    at Request.plumbing.callback (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/plumbing.js:87:29)
    at Request.RP$callback [as _callback] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/plumbing.js:46:31)
    at self.callback (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at Request.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at Request.onRequestError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request/request.js:877:8)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:387:9)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
(node:11827) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 555)
(node:11827) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: RequestError: Error: read ECONNRESET
    at new RequestError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/errors.js:14:15)
    at Request.plumbing.callback (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/plumbing.js:87:29)
    at Request.RP$callback [as _callback] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/plumbing.js:46:31)
    at self.callback (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at Request.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at Request.onRequestError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/fhemsync/node_modules/request/request.js:877:8)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:387:9)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
(node:11827) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 556)

Davor und danach ist alles gut und er synct ohne Probleme. Er bringt diese Meldungen sporadisch. Es kann sein, dass mal ne viertel Stunde keine dieser Meldungen im Log erscheint. Ein wirklicher reject findet eigentlich nicht statt, da die einzelnen Geräte ohne Fehler gesynct werden. Es taucht zwischendurch auf.

Ich hoffe jemand hat einen Tip.



Beim Erstellen dieser Nachricht kamen weder Tiere zu Schaden, noch wurde Papier verschwendet. Alles von mir geschriebene ist biologisch abbaubar.

FHEM auf Debian Buster in einr Proxmox VM , LaCrosseGateway, AVR-NET-IO, Homematic, Alexa, S300TH, Signalduino..........