define allowed allowed and motd

Begonnen von nottledim, 23 März 2020, 11:49:37

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


I'm plagued by the message SecurityCheck: etc whenever I use telnet.  Two things:

It says set "define allowed allowed" an incantation which is also in the command ref.  What does this mean?  It's given as an example but without explanation.  It doesn't stop the message anyway.

It says the message can be disabled with "attr global motd none".  I have that attibute set but I still get the messages.

How do I disable security and all these security check and security warning messages?

I'm using fhem-5.9



ZitatIt's given as an example but without explanation.  It doesn't stop the message anyway.
I hoped that after entering "define allowed allowed" in FHEMWEB the user would look at the page presented, and would realize how to continue (ie. to set the password).
"attr global motd none" disables the message, but motd will be reset if an error was found in the fhem.cfg.
I am not completely satisified with this method, on the other side I am willing to bother people not using passwords, as I dont want to end beeing responsible for easily hacked software.

Edit: Changed wording to be less offensive