neue und noch unbekannte Funkthermometer

Begonnen von Ralf9, 16 August 2020, 11:27:53

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Zitat von: plin am 15 August 2020, 09:43:01
Hi Ralf,

ich weiß nicht, ob ich in dem Thread richtig bin (ggf. bitte auf den korrekten verweisen), aber ich versuch's mal:

Ich habe mir drei neue Funkthermometer (Funk-Außensensor für Wetterstation FWS-70, von Pearl besorgt. Die werden prinzipiell als SD_WS07 Devices erkannt, das war's dann aber auch schon. Sporadisch erscheinen mal Tempaturwerte, aber es gibt keinen dauerhaften fehlerfreien Empfang. In meiner FHEM-Dev-Instanz habe ich vier SD_WS07 Devices, in meiner produktiven nur 2.

Ein List dines Devices sieht z.B. so aus:
   CODE       SD_WS07_TH_2
   DEF        SD_WS07_TH_2
   FUUID      5f370144-f33f-d483-d5e4-0780b9531796b0b5
   LASTInputDev mySIGNALduino
   MSGCNT     45
   NAME       SD_WS07_TH_2
   NR         10698
   STATE      T: 27.7 H: 5
   TYPE       SD_WS07
   bitMSG     10110111 1001 000100010101 1111 00000101
   lastMSG    B79115F05
   lastReceive 1597476503.74956
   mySIGNALduino_DMSG P7#B79115F05
   mySIGNALduino_MSGCNT 64
   mySIGNALduino_Protocol_ID 7
   mySIGNALduino_RAWMSG MS;P1=504;P2=-1938;P3=-963;P4=-3882;D=1412131212131212121213131213131312131313121312131212121212131313131312131210;CP=1;SP=4;R=40;O;m2;
   mySIGNALduino_RSSI -54
   mySIGNALduino_TIME 2020-08-15 09:28:23
     2020-08-15 09:28:23   batteryState    ok
     2020-08-15 09:28:23   channel         2
     2020-08-15 09:28:23   humidity        5
     2020-08-15 09:28:23   state           T: 27.7 H: 5
     2020-08-15 09:28:23   temperature     27.7
   event-min-interval .*:300
   event-on-change-reading .*
   room       SD_WS07
   userattr   max-deviation-hum:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 offset-hum

Im Log tauchen folgende Meldungen auf:
2020.08.15 09:21:50 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒̃;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R0;O;m2;
2020.08.15 09:21:50 4: mySIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P0=503;P1=-1937;P2=-972;P4=-3902;D=0402010102020202020102020202020201020202010201010101010101010102020202010103;CP=0;SP=4;R=0;O;m2;
2020.08.15 09:21:50 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 7 -> Weather
2020.08.15 09:21:50 5: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Starting demodulation at Position 2
2020.08.15 09:21:50 5: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Found wrong signalpattern 03, catched 36 bits, aborting demodulation
2020.08.15 09:21:50 5: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, dispatching bits: 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
2020.08.15 09:21:50 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608117FC3 length 36  RSSI = -74
2020.08.15 09:21:50 5: mySIGNALduino: Dispatch, P7#608117FC3, test gleich
2020.08.15 09:21:50 4: mySIGNALduino: Dispatch, P7#608117FC3, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2020.08.15 09:21:50 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 91.1 -> Atlantic security
2020.08.15 09:21:50 5: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Starting demodulation at Position 3
2020.08.15 09:21:50 5: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, can't reconstruct last part pair=1

Gibt's da noch Probleme mit der Dekodierung?

FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Zitat von: plin am 15 August 2020, 10:05:42
Hi Marco,

ich werde versuchen mir noch etwas mehr Klarheit/Übersicht zu verschaffen, was wirklich los ist. Ich bin als erstes über die Fehlermeldung im Log gestolpert. Da sich auf 433 MHz aber sehr viel tut (keine Ahnung was meine Nachbarn so alles haben), werde ich das noch etwas vorsortieren ...

Ich habe mal das event-min-interval auf 60 Sekunden reduziert. Damit ich dichtere Messreihen kriege und sehen kann, ob die Temperatur drastisch springt (=zwei Devices funken funken Werte).

VG Peter

Update/Nachtrag: Nachdem ich gelesen habe, dass die von diesen (preisgünstigen) Teilen gelieferten Werte ziemliche Sprünge machen können, habe ich meine Erwartungen erst mal runtergeschraubt. Die Temperaturen sind (wenn sie denn ankommen) brauchbar präzise, die sehr sprunghafte Luftfeuchtigkeit interessiert mich nicht so sehr. Wenn ich's präziser/lückenfreier benötige melde ich mich wieder (oder kaufe mir was besseres  ;)). Wenigstens funken keine Devies der Nachbarn auf den Kanälen.

Nachtrag 2: Immerhin erkennt man aufgrund der Zacken bei der Luftfeuchtigkeit wie selten die Messwerte durchkommen.
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Zitat von: plin am 15 August 2020, 20:24:31
Auf 433 MHz empfange ich Signale von sehr vielen Devices. Also muss ich den SIGNALduino und das Thermometer in einen Faradayschen-Käfig packen. Eine Blechdose funktioniert nicht. Zusätzlich Alufolie funktioniert auch nicht.

Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich den Traffic auf ein einzelnes Thermometer beschränken kann?

FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Zitat von: meier81 am 15 August 2020, 20:51:35
Hallo Peter,

du kannst im SIGNALduino Device oben auf "Display Protocollist" klicken und dann geht eine "Whitelist" auf, in der kannst du alle Protokolle die du nicht benötigst abwählen. Wenn ich dich richtig verstanden habe hast du SD_WS07-Sensoren, dann kannst du dort alles abwählen bis auf die ID7, das wäre dein Protokoll. Du wirst sehen das wird etliches ruhiger, ich habe bei mir auch nur meine Sensoren freigegeben und es kommt ansonsten wirklich nichts anderes rein, es hat anscheinend keiner in der Nachbarschaft meine Sensoren.

Gruß Markus
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Hallo Ralf,

einen Tag weiter sieht die Situation relativ durchwachsen aus. Ich habe wie von Marco vorgeschlagen gestern Abend auf meiner FHEM-Dev-Instanz eine Stunde lang mitgelogged (Filter auf Message-Id 7). Das Ergebnis habe ich angehängt sowie die dazugehörigen Grafana-Plots(FHEM-Prod). Als weiteres noch ein Plot der Messwerte von heute früh angehängt.

Was ist wo?

  • FHEM-Prod-Instanz mit einen 433 MHz SDUINO ist bei mir im Arbeitszimmer im ersten OG
  • FHEM-Dev-Instanz (ca. 2m von der Prod-Instanz entfernt) mit einem 868 MHz SDUINO der auf 433 MHz lauscht liegt bei mir auf dem Schreibtisch
  • Channel 1 Thermometer ist in einem anderen Raum im 1. OG
  • Channel 2 Thermometer liegt auf dem Schreibtisch direkt neben der FHEM-Dev-Instanz
  • Channel 3 Thermometer ist im Erdgeschoss unterhalb meines Arbeitszimmers

Was mir auffällt:

  • Es gibt Phasen in denen nur sporadisch Werte empfangen werden. Die Temperaturen passen aber.
  • Channel 1 hat heute Morgen bis 7:38 Uhr fleißig (quasi im Minutentakt) Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit gemeledet. Dann kam eine Sendepause, dann nur noch sporadisch Messwerte.
  • Channel 2 hat heute punktuell zweimal etwas gesendet.
  • Channel 3 hatte eine lange Sendepause und ist heute kurz vor 8 wieder wach geworden.


  • Handelt es sich um ein neues Geräte, dass der SIGNALduino noch nicht kennt? Ich tippe auf nein, das Channel 1-Signal wohl erfolgreich dekodiert wurde. Die anderen auch, wenn sie denn als valide erkannt wurden.
  • Wieso diese Sendepausen? Dazu gibt die Herstellerdokumentation nichts her.
  • Frequenz-Feintuning? Lt. Doku senden die Thermometer auf 433,92 MHz, passt also.
  • Im Zeittraum von ca. 1 Stunde wurden ca. 676 Nachrichten empfangen (grep -a Dispatch sduino_20200815.log | grep test | wc -l).
  • Es kommen also Nachrichten an, die meisten werden aber verworfen.
  • Wie kann das Senden bzw. die Emfangsqualität stabilisiert werden?

Und nun ist Deine Einschätzung gefragt.


P.S. Die Device-Listings wg. der RSSI-Werte (Channel 2 ist wieder in der Küche)
   CODE       SD_WS07_TH_1
   DEF        SD_WS07_TH_1
   FUUID      5c67bd75-f33f-d483-0150-1b547b943dba2d89
   LASTInputDev mySIGNALduino
   MSGCNT     66
   NAME       SD_WS07_TH_1
   NR         641
   STATE      T: 29.2 H: 43
   TYPE       SD_WS07
   bitMSG     01111000 1000 000100100100 1111 00101011
   lastMSG    788124F2B
   lastReceive 1597578965.9347
   mySIGNALduino_DMSG P7#788124F2B
   mySIGNALduino_MSGCNT 66
   mySIGNALduino_Protocol_ID 7
   mySIGNALduino_RAWMSG MS;P0=-3904;P1=482;P2=-979;P3=-1952;D=10121313131312121213121212121212131212131212131212131313131212131213121313;CP=1;SP=0;R=213;m2;
   mySIGNALduino_RSSI -95.5
   mySIGNALduino_TIME 2020-08-16 13:56:05
     2019-06-29 08:12:02   battery         ok
     2020-08-16 13:56:05   batteryState    ok
     2020-08-16 13:56:05   channel         1
     2020-08-16 13:56:05   humidity        43
     2020-08-15 08:45:44   sendmode        auto
     2020-08-16 13:56:05   state           T: 29.2 H: 43
     2020-08-16 13:56:05   temperature     29.2
   alias      Thermometer Schlafzimmer
   group      Thermostat
   icon       temp_temperature
   max-deviation-hum 10
   max-deviation-temp 5
   room       Klima,SD_WS07,Schlafzimmer
   userattr   max-deviation-hum:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 offset-hum


   CODE       SD_WS07_TH_2
   DEF        SD_WS07_TH_2
   FUUID      5f370144-f33f-d483-d5e4-0780b9531796b0b5
   LASTInputDev mySIGNALduino
   MSGCNT     199
   NAME       SD_WS07_TH_2
   NR         832
   STATE      T: 25.9 H: 49
   TYPE       SD_WS07
   bitMSG     10110111 1001 000100000011 1111 00110001
   lastMSG    B79103F31
   lastReceive 1597581021.70286
   mySIGNALduino_DMSG P7#B79103F31
   mySIGNALduino_MSGCNT 199
   mySIGNALduino_Protocol_ID 7
   mySIGNALduino_RAWMSG MS;P1=489;P2=-1957;P3=-969;P5=-3901;D=1512131212131212121213131213131312131313131313121212121212131312121313131214;CP=1;SP=5;R=17;O;m2;
   mySIGNALduino_RSSI -65.5
   mySIGNALduino_TIME 2020-08-16 14:30:21
     2020-08-16 14:30:21   batteryState    ok
     2020-08-16 14:30:21   channel         2
     2020-08-16 14:30:21   humidity        49
     2020-08-16 14:30:21   state           T: 25.9 H: 49
     2020-08-16 14:30:21   temperature     25.9
   alias      Thermometer Küche
   group      Thermostat
   icon       temp_temperature
   max-deviation-hum 10
   max-deviation-temp 5
   room       Klima,Küche,SD_WS07
   userattr   max-deviation-hum:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 offset-hum


   CODE       SD_WS07_TH_3
   DEF        SD_WS07_TH_3
   FUUID      5f3701f5-f33f-d483-be9d-a6531d14a17613e6
   LASTInputDev mySIGNALduino
   MSGCNT     105
   NAME       SD_WS07_TH_3
   NR         835
   STATE      T: 25.6 H: 17
   TYPE       SD_WS07
   bitMSG     01001010 1010 000100000000 1111 00010001
   lastMSG    4AA100F11
   lastReceive 1597584430.84128
   mySIGNALduino_DMSG P7#4AA100F11
   mySIGNALduino_MSGCNT 105
   mySIGNALduino_Protocol_ID 7
   mySIGNALduino_RAWMSG MS;P0=-1945;P1=493;P2=-976;P4=-3903;D=1412101212101210121012101212121210121212121212121210101010121212101212121013;CP=1;SP=4;R=12;O;m2;
   mySIGNALduino_RSSI -68
   mySIGNALduino_TIME 2020-08-16 15:27:10
     2020-08-16 15:27:10   batteryState    ok
     2020-08-16 15:27:10   channel         3
     2020-08-16 15:27:10   humidity        17
     2020-08-16 15:27:10   state           T: 25.6 H: 17
     2020-08-16 15:27:10   temperature     25.6
   alias      Thermometer Wohnzimmer
   group      Thermostat
   icon       temp_temperature
   max-deviation-hum 10
   max-deviation-temp 5
   room       Klima,SD_WS07,Wohnzimmer
   userattr   max-deviation-hum:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 offset-hum
FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB



1) Ich habe das Logfile in einzelne Blöcke gesplittet. Der Name setzt sich aus timestamp, channel und status zusammen. Das erleichtert (zumindest mir) die Analyse.

2) Die RSSI-Werte verteilen sich auf 3 Gruppen

  • -41.5, -42, -42.5
  • -82, -82.5, -83, -83.5, -84, -86.5, -88
  • -90.5, -91, -91.5, -92, -92.5, -93, -93.5, -95.5
FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB


ZitatWieso diese Sendepausen? Dazu gibt die Herstellerdokumentation nichts her.
Ich kann es mir nur durch zeitweise Überlagerung mit anderen Sensoren erklären

ZitatFrequenz-Feintuning? Lt. Doku senden die Thermometer auf 433,92 MHz, passt also.
Bei ein paar meiner SD_WS07 Sensoren musste ich die bwidth erhöhen

ZitatWie kann das Senden bzw. die Emfangsqualität stabilisiert werden?
Wenn Du beim sduino Attribut doubleMsgCheck_IDs die 7 zufügst, dann erfolgt erst ein dispatch, wenn 2 gleiche DMSG empfangen wurden
Mich würde eine um rawData und rssi erweiterte logausgabe des 14_SD_WS07 Modul interessieren. Und zwar nur diese Logausgaben getrennt nach Kanal.

Dazu muss die Log Ausgabe im 14_SD_WS07 Modul erweitert werden
my $rssi ="";
$rssi = $hash->{mySIGNALduino_RSSI} if(defined($hash->{mySIGNALduino_RSSI}));
Log3 $iohash, 4, "$iohash->{NAME}: $name id=$id, channel=$channel, temp=$temp, hum=$hum, bat=$bat msg=$rawData rssi=$rssi";

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Zitat von: Ralf9 am 16 August 2020, 20:52:13
Ich kann es mir nur durch zeitweise Überlagerung mit anderen Sensoren erklären
Auf meinem Prod-FHEM gibt es für SD_WS07_TH_1 bereits ab 2019 Log-Einträge. Da kann also ein Nachbar reinfunken. SD_WS07_TH_2 und SD_WS07_TH_3 beginnen erst im August 2020.

Zitat von: Ralf9 am 16 August 2020, 20:52:13
Bei ein paar meiner SD_WS07 Sensoren musste ich die bwidth erhöhen
Habe ich auch schon probiert. Über Nacht lief das Dev-FHEM mit
Freq: 433.920 MHz, Bandwidth: 650 KHz, rAmpl: 42 dB, sens: 4 dB, DataRate: 5603.79 Baud
hat aber auch keine wirkliche Änderung gebracht.

Zitat von: Ralf9 am 16 August 2020, 20:52:13
Wenn Du beim sduino Attribut doubleMsgCheck_IDs die 7 zufügst, dann erfolgt erst ein dispatch, wenn 2 gleiche DMSG empfangen wurden
Das würde doch bedeuten, dass die Qualität steigt aber noch weniger Messwerte durchkommen.

Zitat von: Ralf9 am 16 August 2020, 20:52:13
Mich würde eine um rawData und rssi erweiterte logausgabe des 14_SD_WS07 Modul interessieren. Und zwar nur diese Logausgaben getrennt nach Kanal.
Dazu muss die Log Ausgabe im 14_SD_WS07 Modul erweitert werden
Ich habe die Änderung eingebaut, wird aber jetzt eine Weile dauern bis ich aussagekräftige Logs habe.

Mein gesplitteten fhem-2020-08-log-Einträge beinhalten aber bereits diese Werte
[code]sylvester:/tmp/work # grep RSSI *CH1*
20200815_215219_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:52:19 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -92.5
20200815_215316_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:53:16 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -90.5
20200815_215316_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:53:16 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -91
20200815_215413_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:54:13 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -91
20200815_215413_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:54:13 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -91
20200815_215510_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:55:10 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -91.5
20200815_215510_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:55:10 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -93
20200815_215607_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:56:07 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -91.5
20200815_215607_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:56:07 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -91
20200815_215704_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:57:04 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -92
20200815_215704_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:57:04 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -92
20200815_215800_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:58:00 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -91.5
20200815_215801_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:58:01 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -91.5
20200815_215858_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:58:58 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -92.5
20200815_215858_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:58:58 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -93.5
20200815_215954_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:59:54 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -92.5
20200815_215956_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:59:56 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -95.5
20200815_220052_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:00:52 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -88
20200815_220052_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:00:52 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -86.5
20200815_220149_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:01:49 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -85.5
20200815_220149_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:01:49 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -85
20200815_220342_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:03:42 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -95.5
20200815_220343_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:03:43 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -95.5
20200815_221313_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:13:13 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -92.5
20200815_221313_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:13:13 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -94.5
20200815_222437_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:24:37 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -95
20200815_222437_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:24:37 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -95
20200815_223019_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:30:19 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -95
20200815_223019_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:30:19 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608106F59 length 36  RSSI = -96.5
20200815_223115_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:31:15 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -95.5
20200815_223116_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:31:16 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -95
20200815_223213_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:32:13 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -96.5
20200815_223213_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:32:13 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -96
20200815_223310_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:33:10 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -95
20200815_223310_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:33:10 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -95
20200815_223408_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:34:08 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -96
20200815_223408_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:34:08 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -96.5
20200815_223503_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:35:03 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -95
20200815_223504_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:35:04 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -96
20200815_223601_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:36:01 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -96
20200815_223601_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:36:01 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -96
20200815_223657_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:36:57 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -95.5
20200815_223658_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:36:58 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -94.5
20200815_223754_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:37:54 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -95.5
20200815_223755_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:37:55 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#608105F74 length 36  RSSI = -95
sylvester:/tmp/work # grep RSSI *CH2*
20200815_215311_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:53:11 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_215312_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:53:12 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_215418_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:54:18 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_215422_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:54:22 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_215422_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:54:22 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_215525_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:55:25 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_215526_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:55:26 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_215633_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:56:33 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_215633_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:56:33 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_215739_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:57:39 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_215740_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:57:40 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_215846_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:58:46 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_215846_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:58:47 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_215847_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:58:47 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_215953_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:59:53 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_215953_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:59:54 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_215954_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:59:54 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_220100_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:01:00 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220100_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:01:01 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220101_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:01:01 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_220207_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:02:07 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220207_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:02:08 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220208_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:02:08 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_220314_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:03:14 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220314_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:03:15 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220315_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:03:15 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_220421_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:04:21 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220421_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:04:21 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220422_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:04:22 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_220528_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:05:28 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220528_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:05:28 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220529_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:05:29 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_220635_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:06:35 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220635_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:06:35 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220636_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:06:36 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_220742_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:07:42 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220742_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:07:42 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220743_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:07:43 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_220849_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:08:49 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220849_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:08:49 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220850_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:08:50 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_220956_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:09:56 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220956_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:09:56 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_220957_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:09:57 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_221106_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:11:06 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221106_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:11:06 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_221210_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:12:10 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221210_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:12:10 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221211_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:12:11 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_221317_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:13:17 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221317_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:13:17 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221318_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:13:18 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B7910AFF2 length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_221424_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:14:24 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221424_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:14:24 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221425_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:14:25 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_221531_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:15:31 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221531_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:15:31 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221532_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:15:32 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_221638_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:16:38 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221638_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:16:38 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221639_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:16:39 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_221745_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:17:45 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221745_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:17:45 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221746_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:17:46 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_221852_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:18:52 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221852_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:18:52 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221853_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:18:53 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_221959_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:19:59 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_221959_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:19:59 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222000_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:20:00 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_222106_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:21:06 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222106_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:21:06 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222107_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:21:07 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_222213_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:22:13 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222213_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:22:13 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222214_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:22:14 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_222320_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:23:20 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222320_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:23:20 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222321_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:23:21 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_222427_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:24:27 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222427_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:24:27 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222428_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:24:28 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_222534_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:25:34 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_222534_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:25:34 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_222535_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:25:35 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_222641_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:26:41 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222641_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:26:41 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222642_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:26:42 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_222748_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:27:48 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222748_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:27:48 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_222749_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:27:49 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_222855_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:28:55 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_222856_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:28:56 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_223002_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:30:02 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223002_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:30:02 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223003_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:30:03 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_223109_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:31:09 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223109_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:31:09 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223110_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:31:10 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_223216_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:32:16 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223216_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:32:16 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223217_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:32:17 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_223323_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:33:23 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223323_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:33:23 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223324_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:33:24 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_223430_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:34:30 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223430_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:34:30 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223431_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:34:31 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_223537_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:35:37 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_223537_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:35:37 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_223538_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:35:38 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_223644_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:36:44 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223644_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:36:44 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223645_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:36:45 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_223751_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:37:51 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223751_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:37:51 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223752_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:37:52 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_223858_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:38:58 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223858_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:38:58 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_223859_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:38:59 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_224005_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:40:05 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_224005_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:40:05 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_224006_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:40:06 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_224112_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:41:12 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_224112_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:41:12 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_224113_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:41:13 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_224219_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:42:19 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_224219_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:42:19 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42.5
20200815_224220_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:42:20 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
20200815_224326_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:43:26 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_224326_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:43:26 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -42
20200815_224327_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:43:27 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#B79108F2B length 36  RSSI = -41.5
sylvester:/tmp/work # grep RSSI *CH3*
20200815_215233_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:52:33 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_215233_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:52:33 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_215352_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:53:52 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_215352_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:53:52 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_215511_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:55:11 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_215511_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:55:11 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_215630_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:56:30 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_215630_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:56:30 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_215749_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:57:49 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_215749_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:57:49 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_215908_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:59:08 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_215908_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:59:08 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_220027_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:00:27 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_220027_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:00:27 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_220146_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:01:46 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_220146_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:01:46 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_220424_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:04:24 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_220424_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:04:24 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_220543_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:05:43 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_220543_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:05:43 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_220702_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:07:02 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_220702_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:07:02 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_220821_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:08:21 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_220821_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:08:21 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_220940_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:09:40 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_220940_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:09:40 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_221059_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:10:59 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_221059_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:10:59 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_221218_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:12:18 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_221218_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:12:18 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_221337_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:13:37 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_221337_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:13:37 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_221456_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:14:56 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_221456_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:14:56 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_221615_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:16:15 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_221615_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:16:15 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_221734_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:17:34 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_221734_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:17:34 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_221853_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:18:53 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_222012_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:20:12 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_222012_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:20:12 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_222131_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:21:31 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_222131_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:21:31 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_222250_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:22:50 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_222250_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:22:50 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_222409_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:24:09 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_222409_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:24:09 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_222528_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:25:28 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_222528_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:25:28 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_222647_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:26:47 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_222647_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:26:47 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_222806_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:28:06 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_222806_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:28:06 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_222925_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:29:25 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_222925_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:29:25 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_223044_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:30:44 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_223044_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:30:44 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_223204_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:32:04 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_223204_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:32:04 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_223322_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:33:22 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_223322_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:33:22 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_223441_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:34:41 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_223441_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:34:41 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_223600_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:36:00 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_223600_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:36:00 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_223719_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:37:19 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -84
20200815_223719_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:37:19 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82.5
20200815_223838_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:38:38 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_223838_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:38:38 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_223957_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:39:57 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83
20200815_223957_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:39:57 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_224116_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:41:16 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_224116_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:41:16 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FAFA1 length 36  RSSI = -82
20200815_224235_CH3_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:42:35 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FCFFB length 36  RSSI = -83.5
20200815_224235_CH3_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:42:35 4: mySIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 7 dmsg P7#4AA0FCFFB length 36  RSSI = -82.5
sylvester:/tmp/work # grep -a RAW *CH1*
20200815_215219_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:52:19 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;RDB;m0;
20200815_215316_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:53:16 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RDF;O;m2;
20200815_215316_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:53:16 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;RDE;
20200815_215413_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:54:13 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1;C1;S4;RDE;O;m2;
20200815_215413_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:54:13 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;RDE;O;
20200815_215510_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:55:10 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RDD;O;m2;
20200815_215510_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:55:10 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;RDA;
20200815_215607_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:56:07 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒A!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1;C1;S4;RDD;O;m2;
20200815_215607_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:56:07 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RDE;m2;
20200815_215704_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:57:04 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RDC;O;m2;
20200815_215704_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:57:04 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;RDC;
20200815_215800_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:58:00 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RDD;
20200815_215801_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:58:01 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;RDD;O;
20200815_215858_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:58:58 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RDB;O;m2;
20200815_215858_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:58:58 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;RD9;m0;
20200815_215954_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 21:59:54 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RDB;m2;
20200815_215956_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:59:56 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;RD5;O;
20200815_220052_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:00:52 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RE4;O;m2;
20200815_220052_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:00:52 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;RE7;m0;
20200815_220149_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:01:49 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒�;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RE9;O;m2;
20200815_220149_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:01:49 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;REA;m0;
20200815_220342_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:03:42 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒ă;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒֏;D%!##!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!##!####!#!##!!#$;C2;S5;RD5;
20200815_220343_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:03:43 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ă;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RD5;
20200815_221313_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:13:13 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒ށ;▒׃;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1A;C1;S5;RDB;O;m2;
20200815_221313_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:13:13 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;RD7;m0;
20200815_222437_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:24:37 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒A!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!11!1111!1!11!!1;C1;S4;RD6;O;m2;
20200815_222437_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:24:37 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;RD6;
20200815_223019_CH1_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:30:19 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q1!!11111!111111!11111!!1!!!!1!1!!11!A;C1;S5;RD6;m2;
20200815_223019_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:30:19 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒̏;d▒A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1;C1;S4;RD3;O;m2;
20200815_223115_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:31:15 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒у;▒▒▒;d▒Q1!!11111!111111!11111!1!!!!!1!!!1!11A;C1;S5;RD5;O;m2;
20200815_223116_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:31:16 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ȃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!1!11111!111!1!!A;C1;S5;RD6;m2;
20200815_223213_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:32:13 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒ہ;▒у;▒▒▒;▒Ï;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!1!11111!111!1!!A;C1;S5;RD3;O;m2;
20200815_223213_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:32:13 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒̓;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;RD4;m1;
20200815_223310_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:33:10 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒ǃ;▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;D$!%%!!!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!!%!%%%%%!%%%!%!!#;C2;S4;RD6;m2;
20200815_223310_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:33:10 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒΃;▒▒▒;▒Ǐ;▒▒▒;D$!%%!!!!!%!!!!!!%!!!!!%!%%%%%!%%%!%!!#;C2;S4;RD6;m2;
20200815_223408_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:34:08 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ǃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!1!11111!111!1!!A;C1;S5;RD4;O;m2;
20200815_223408_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:34:08 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒у;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;RD3;O;
20200815_223503_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:35:03 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!1!11111!111!1!!A;C1;S5;RD6;m2;
20200815_223504_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:35:04 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;RD4;m0;
20200815_223601_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:36:01 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒͏;d▒Q!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!1!11111!111!1!!A;C1;S5;RD4;O;m2;
20200815_223601_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:36:01 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒΃;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;RD4;O;
20200815_223657_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:36:57 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒AQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ1;C1;S4;RD5;m2;
20200815_223658_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:36:58 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒ȃ;▒▒;D%#!!#####!######!#####!#!!!!!#!!!#!##$;C2;S5;RD7;m1;
20200815_223754_CH1_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:37:54 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q11111111111111A;C1;S5;RD5;m2;
20200815_223755_CH1_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:37:55 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1;C1;S4;RD6;m2;
sylvester:/tmp/work # grep -a RAW *CH2*
20200815_215311_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:53:11 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒҃;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_215312_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:53:12 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒˃;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_215418_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:54:18 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_215422_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:54:22 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ń;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_215422_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:54:22 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒̃;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_215525_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:55:25 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ƀ;▒Ə;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_215526_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:55:26 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒̓;▒▒▒;▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_215633_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:56:33 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R40;O;m2;
20200815_215633_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:56:33 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ǃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m2;
20200815_215739_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:57:39 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒˃;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_215740_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:57:40 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ǃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_215846_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:58:46 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ʃ;▒�;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_215846_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:58:46 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ƃ;▒Ə;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_215847_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:58:47 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒΃;▒▒▒;▒ŏ;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_215953_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 21:59:53 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ă;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_215953_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:59:53 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒�;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_215954_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 21:59:54 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒΃;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_220100_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:01:00 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ʃ;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_220100_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:01:00 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ń;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_220101_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:01:01 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_220207_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:02:07 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_220207_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:02:07 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ă;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_220208_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:02:08 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒Ƀ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_220314_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:03:14 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ƀ;▒▒;d▒A!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1;C1;S4;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_220314_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:03:14 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ǃ;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_220315_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:03:15 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒̓;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_220421_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:04:21 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ń;▒▒;d▒A!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1;C1;S4;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_220421_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:04:21 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ń;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_220422_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:04:22 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒˃;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_220528_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:05:28 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ʃ;▒▒▒;d▒sCSCCSCCCCSSCSSSCSSSSCSCSCCCCCCCCSSCSc;C3;S7;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_220528_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:05:28 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒σ;▒▒▒;D74544544445545554555545454444444455456;C3;S7;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_220529_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:05:29 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒�;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_220635_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:06:35 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_220635_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:06:35 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ǃ;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_220636_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:06:36 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_220742_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:07:42 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S0;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_220742_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:07:42 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S0;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_220743_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:07:43 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ƃ;▒▒▒;▒▒;D;C0;S4;R40;m0;
20200815_220849_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:08:49 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒̃;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_220849_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:08:49 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_220850_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:08:50 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ƃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_220956_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:09:56 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_220956_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:09:56 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_220957_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:09:57 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ƃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_221106_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:11:06 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_221106_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:11:06 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒˃;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R40;m0;
20200815_221210_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:12:10 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒˃;▒▒▒;d▒A!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1;C1;S4;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_221210_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:12:10 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_221211_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:12:11 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ǃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_221317_CH2_aborted.log:2020.08.15 22:13:17 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ʃ;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!1!1!!!!!!!!11!1A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_221317_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:13:17 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_221318_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:13:18 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ă;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_221424_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:14:24 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ƃ;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_221424_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:14:24 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ǃ;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_221425_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:14:25 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_221531_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:15:31 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_221531_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:15:31 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_221532_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:15:32 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒̃;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R40;m0;
20200815_221638_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:16:38 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ń;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_221638_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:16:38 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ń;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_221639_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:16:39 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_221745_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:17:45 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_221745_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:17:45 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒΃;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_221746_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:17:46 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ʃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_221852_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:18:52 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ǃ;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_221852_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:18:52 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ƃ;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_221853_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:18:53 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ʃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R40;m0;
20200815_221959_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:19:59 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ƃ;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_221959_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:19:59 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ƃ;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_222000_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:20:00 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ă;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_222106_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:21:06 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒܏;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ã;d▒!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S0;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_222106_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:21:06 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒ď;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒σ;D;C1;S0;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_222107_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:21:07 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ă;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_222213_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:22:13 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1;C1;S4;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_222213_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:22:13 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒ʃ;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S4;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_222214_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:22:14 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R40;m0;
20200815_222320_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:23:20 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒˃;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_222320_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:23:20 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_222321_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:23:21 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒Ã;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_222427_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:24:27 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_222427_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:24:27 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ã;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_222428_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:24:28 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒̃;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R40;m0;
20200815_222534_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:25:34 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D&!#!!#!!!!##!###!####!###!!!!##!#!#!!%;C2;S6;R41;O;m2;
20200815_222534_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:25:34 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒Ã;▒▒▒;D&!#!!#!!!!##!###!####!###!!!!##!#!#!!%;C2;S6;R41;O;m1;
20200815_222535_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:25:35 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒▒;▒ǃ;▒؉;▒▒;D;C0;S4;R40;m0;
20200815_222641_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:26:41 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒ă;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_222641_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:26:41 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒Ń;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_222642_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:26:42 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒΃;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;m0;
20200815_222748_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:27:48 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒�;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
20200815_222748_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:27:48 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C1;S5;R3F;O;m1;
20200815_222749_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:27:49 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ʃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R40;m0;
20200815_222855_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:28:55 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R41;O;m2;
20200815_222856_CH2_dropped.log:2020.08.15 22:28:56 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒ԃ;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;D;C0;S4;R40;m2;
20200815_223002_CH2_OK.log:2020.08.15 22:30:02 5: mySIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;▒▒▒;d▒Q!1!!1!!!!11!111!1111!111!!!!11!1!1!!A;C1;S5;R3F;O;m2;
FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB


Hi Ralf,

nachdem ich in vielen Log-Einträgen die Meldung
2020.08.17 12:25:46 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_2 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (197)
gefunden habe, war ich mal kreativ und habe das Problem "ausgebaut"., Zeile 198ff.
        if ($model ne "SD_WS07_T" && $hum > 100 || $model ne "SD_WS07_T" && $hum < 0) {
#               Log3 $name, 4, "$iohash->{NAME}: $name ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: ($hum)";
                $hum = 0;
#               return "";

Und siehe da, ich empfange regelmäßig Temperaturen (der Wert der mich mehr interessiert als die Luftfeuchtigkeit).

Da sich die Humidity sehr sprunghaft ändert (siehe Screenshot): wäre es denkbar, dass die Signalstruktur bei diesem Sensor anders ist als bei den anderen SD_WS07?

1 Bit Verschiebung reicht ja schon aus.


root@bananapi:/opt/fhem/work# ls -lrt *CH1_OK*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1421 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163036_CH1_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1419 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163133_CH1_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1417 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163230_CH1_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1416 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163327_CH1_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1421 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163424_CH1_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1423 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163522_CH1_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1422 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163618_CH1_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1419 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163715_CH1_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1420 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163812_CH1_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1423 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163909_CH1_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1419 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_164006_CH1_OK.log
root@bananapi:/opt/fhem/work# ls -lrt *CH2_OK*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1607 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163018_CH2_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1605 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163125_CH2_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1603 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163232_CH2_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1604 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163339_CH2_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1608 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163446_CH2_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1610 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163553_CH2_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1605 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163700_CH2_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1608 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163807_CH2_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1610 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163914_CH2_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1609 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_164021_CH2_OK.log
root@bananapi:/opt/fhem/work# ls -lrt *CH3_OK*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1605 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163047_CH3_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1602 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163206_CH3_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1604 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163325_CH3_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1608 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163444_CH3_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1608 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163603_CH3_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1605 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163722_CH3_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1606 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_163841_CH3_OK.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1606 Aug 17 16:41 20200817_164000_CH3_OK.log

FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB


Hallo Ralf,

das angepasste Modul ist die Nacht über durchgelaufen. Ich habe heute Morgen die Werte der anderen Sensoren mit den drei neuen verglichen (siehe Grafik). Die Temperaturen passen, aber die Luftfeuchtigkeit überhaupt nicht. Die vorhandenen Sensoren liefern Werte im Bereich von ca. 50-70, die neuen springen nur sporadisch hin und her. Wenn ich mir die dekodierten Bits anschaue spiegelt sich das auch darin wider. Selbst wenn ich eine Untermenge Bits (z.B. nur die rechten 6) nehme, bleibt es bei sporadischen Sprüngen. Jetzt würde es mich sogar fast interessiren, was die zugehörige Wetterstation aus solchen Daten macht ...

Immerhin, das was ich brauche (die Temperatur) kommt sauber an.

Könnte man das Modul mit einem Attribut versehen, um die Humidity auszuschalten?

VG Peter
FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB


In Deinen bisherigen Logs konnte ich keine "Humidity out of range" finden

ZitatMich würde eine um rawData und rssi erweiterte logausgabe des 14_SD_WS07 Modul interessieren. Und zwar nur diese Logausgaben getrennt nach Kanal.
    Dazu muss die Log Ausgabe im 14_SD_WS07 Modul erweitert werden
Ich habe die Änderung eingebaut, wird aber jetzt eine Weile dauern bis ich aussagekräftige Logs habe.

Interessant wäre diese log Ausgabe mit dem ausgebauten "Hum out of range", evtl lässt sich da was erkennen

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Zitat von: Ralf9 am 18 August 2020, 17:02:35
In Deinen bisherigen Logs konnte ich keine "Humidity out of range" finden
Ich habe die Änderung eingebaut, wird aber jetzt eine Weile dauern bis ich aussagekräftige Logs habe.

Interessant wäre diese log Ausgabe mit dem ausgebauten "Hum out of range", evtl lässt sich da was erkennen

Gruß Ralf

ok, baue ich wieder um und lasse es eine Weile laufen.

Im existierenden Log habe ich für den gestrigen Tag 65 Einträge gefunden:
root@bananapi:/opt/fhem/log# grep -a Humidity fhem-2020-08.log
2020.08.17 08:30:52 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (196)
2020.08.17 08:31:31 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 08:31:49 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (196)
2020.08.17 09:03:10 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (106)
2020.08.17 09:04:07 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (106)
2020.08.17 09:05:04 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (106)
2020.08.17 09:06:58 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (106)
2020.08.17 09:07:55 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (106)
2020.08.17 09:18:55 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 09:20:14 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 09:26:49 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 09:29:27 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 09:53:09 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 09:54:29 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 09:55:47 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 09:58:25 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 09:59:44 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:01:03 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:02:22 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:03:41 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:05:00 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:06:19 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:07:38 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:08:57 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:10:16 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:11:35 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:12:54 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:16:51 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:18:10 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:19:29 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:20:48 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:22:07 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:23:26 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:26:04 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:27:23 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:28:42 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:30:01 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:30:36 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (222)
2020.08.17 10:31:20 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:31:31 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (222)
2020.08.17 10:32:42 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:33:58 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:35:17 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:36:36 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:37:57 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:40:33 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:43:12 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 10:47:08 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_3 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (251)
2020.08.17 11:01:01 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (243)
2020.08.17 11:11:24 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (158)
2020.08.17 12:00:05 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_2 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (197)
2020.08.17 12:02:19 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_2 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (197)
2020.08.17 12:06:30 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (233)
2020.08.17 12:06:47 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_2 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (197)
2020.08.17 12:07:28 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (233)
2020.08.17 12:24:39 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_2 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (197)
2020.08.17 12:25:46 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_2 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (197)
2020.08.17 12:27:25 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (196)
2020.08.17 12:28:21 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (196)
2020.08.17 12:50:20 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_2 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (197)
2020.08.17 12:51:27 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_2 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (197)
2020.08.17 12:53:41 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_2 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (197)
2020.08.17 12:55:56 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_2 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (197)
2020.08.17 13:57:39 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (218)
2020.08.17 13:58:36 4: mySIGNALduino: SD_WS07_TH_1 ERROR - Humidity out of range 0-100: (218)
root@bananapi:/opt/fhem/log# grep -a Humidity fhem-2020-08.log | wc -l

VG Peter
FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB


Morgen Ralf,

als Anlage gibt's die frischen Logs.

Die "Humidity out of range"-Meldung kam seit Mitternacht 1.155 mal (siehe fhem-2020-08.log).

Bzgl. der RSSI Werte alt/neu: Ich habe die Thermometer neu verteilt.

13WohnzimmertUnterhalb des Arbeitszimmers
22SchlafzimmerSelbe Etage wie Arbeitszimmer
31KücheErdgeschoss, einmal schräg durch die Betondecke
FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB


Zitat2020-08-19_04:33:20 SD_WS07_TH_1 DMSG: P7#4A80FEF5B   T: 25.4 H: 91
2020-08-19_02:23:05 SD_WS07_TH_3 DMSG: P7#60A0F5F53   T: 24.5 H: 83

Die hum 91 ist recht hoch.
Misst der Funk Temperatursensor überhaupt die Luftfeuchtigkeit?
In den Bildern hier ist in der Anzeige nur die Temperatur abgebildet.

Gruß Ralf

FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7