Temperatur-Scanner für MAX-Thermostate

Begonnen von John, 12 März 2013, 09:44:59

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hallo Harald,
kannst du mir bitte ein list <cube-device> schicken.

Prima, dass du das mit dem Cube erkannt hast, war mir nicht klar dass wir diese device auch noch haben.

Wenn du Gruppen hast, dann bitte nur 1 Thermostat pro Gruppe mit dem Attribut scanTemp versehen. Die anderen werden damit
automatisch umgeschalten.

ZitatWie kann ich bei Deinem neuen Log-System jetzt die Log-Ausgabe beeinflussen?
Ganz oben im Skript alle Debugschalter deaktivieren:
my $MaxScanDEBUGCommon = '';
my $MaxScanDEBUGCredit = '';
my $MaxScanDEBUGSet = '';
my $MaxScanDEBUGFilter = '';
my $MaxScanDEBUGShutter = '';

Dann kannst du mit verbose jedes TerhomstatVentil einzeln steuern.
Neu: kleiner Wert ==> es wird viel ausgegeben
       grosser Wert ==> es wird wenig ausgegeben

CubieTruck Docker Node-Red Tasmota Shelly Homematic-IP


Hallo John,

hier erstmal das list CubeInternals:
   DEF        Cube 06a6ad
   IODev      MAXLAN
   MAXLAN_C_RAWMSG C: ED 06 A6 AD 00 12 01 00 4B 45 51 30 30 30 30 37 38 35 01 0B 00 04 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0B 00 04 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 77 77 77 2E 6D 61 78 2D 70 6F 72 74 61 6C 2E 65 6C 76 2E 64 65 3A 38 30 2F 63 75 62 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 43 45 54 00 00
00 03 00 00 0E 10 43 45 53 54 00 03 00 02 00 00 1C 20
   MAXLAN_H_RAWMSG H:KEQ0000785,06a6ad,0112,00000000,233477df,42,32,0d0b02,0b3b,03,0000
   MAXLAN_M_RAWMSG M: 56 02 05 01 08 43 6F 6D 70 75 74 65 72 06 6C 61 02 04 46 6C 75 72 06 5B E9 03 06 4B C3 BC 63 68 65 06 6B 67 05
57 6F 68 6E 7A 69 6D 6D 65 72 06 6A 43 04 03 42 61 64 06 69 5F 08 01 06 6C 61 4A 45 51 30 36 39 30 35 39 36 08 43 6F 6D 70 75 74 65 72 01 01 06 5B
   MAXLAN_S_RAWMSG S:3f,0,31
   MAXLAN_TIME 2013-11-02 11:59:59
   MSGCNT     76
   NAME       Cube
   NR         104
   STATE      not connected
   TYPE       MAX
   addr       06a6ad
   backend    MAXLAN
   serial     KEQ0000785
   type       Cube
     2013-11-02 11:59:59   connection      0
     2013-11-02 11:59:54   dutycycle       66
     2013-11-02 11:59:54   groupid         0
     2013-11-02 11:59:59   state           not connected
   alias      Cube
   devStateIcon con.*:message_socket_on_off not.*:message_socket_off
   icon       it_net
   room       MAX

Der Cube ist ja bei mir die Steuerzentrale für die MAX!-Geräte so wie bei Dir der CUL. Wie Du oben siehst, hat Jürgen dafür gesorgt, dass u.a. auch dutycycle und dessen timeStamp als Readings verfügbar sind.

Da hab ich noch garnicht daran gedacht, für die anderen 2 Wohnzimmervenvile scanTemp abzuschalten. Danke für den Hinweis. Damit reduziert sich auch der Creditverbrauch, oder?

Viele Grüße

Router:AVM7590 1&1 FW:FRITZ!OS 07.56 Anbindung:1&1 50/10 Mb/s, WLAN-Repeater 300E
ELV MAX!Cube, 7xThermostat, ECO, RasPi 4B mit bullseye auf Festplatte,
CUL V 1.67, JeeLink v3_10.1c, nanoCUL, 1xS300TH, 4xHMS100T, 4xELRO, 1xTFA, 2xMAX_FK
ELV MAX!1.4.5, FHEM 5.7 auf RasPi, Kostal PIKO plus


Hallo Harald,
bedeutet das, dass du bei den Thermostaten in einer Gruppe auch einen Wandthermostaten einsetzt ?

CubieTruck Docker Node-Red Tasmota Shelly Homematic-IP


Hallo John,

nein, isch abe gar keinen WandThermostaten  ;)

Beim Anmelden der Thermostate am Cube im Raum Wohnzimmer hat der Cube wohl allen 3 Ventilen automatisch die gleiche grupId 5 verpasst, weil sie ja im gleichen Raum angemeldet wurden. Diese ist immer noch so eingestellt, aber bei Wohnzimmer 2 + 3 ist scanTemp auf 0 gesetzt.

So, hier nun ein neues Log und Diagramm. Um 14:45 Uhr hatten wir im Haus einen kurzen Spannungsausfall (nur zur Info für Dich).

Eigentlich gefällt mir das schon ganz gut, aber vielleicht ist es möglich, noch 2 Sachen abzuändern.

1. Ich fände es schön, wenn die manual-Phasen so weit wie möglich reduziert werden könnten, damit die Gefahr, dass es Konflikte mit den Wochenprogrammen gibt, verringert wird.
2. Kann man evtl. den Verbrauch der Dutycycle reduzieren? Im Moment ist es ja so, dass der ziemlich am oberen Limit verläuft. Als ich Dein Originalmodul ohne Anpassung an MAX!-Cube benutzte, lag der durchschnittliche Verbrauch bei ca. 30 - 50. Allerdings funktionierte die Umschaltung da nicht so regelmäßig wie jetzt.

Könnte man da evtl. mit "wakeUp" arbeiten? Matthias hat das ja vor einiger Zeit (siehe hier) eingeführt.

Viele Grüße

Router:AVM7590 1&1 FW:FRITZ!OS 07.56 Anbindung:1&1 50/10 Mb/s, WLAN-Repeater 300E
ELV MAX!Cube, 7xThermostat, ECO, RasPi 4B mit bullseye auf Festplatte,
CUL V 1.67, JeeLink v3_10.1c, nanoCUL, 1xS300TH, 4xHMS100T, 4xELRO, 1xTFA, 2xMAX_FK
ELV MAX!1.4.5, FHEM 5.7 auf RasPi, Kostal PIKO plus


Stolpere gerade hierüber

Zitat"ist ein ShutterContact mit dem Thermostat assoziiert, dann muss man dies bekannt machen mit dem UserReading"

attr VT_HW userReadings watchShutter { return "SHUTTER.HW";;}

sieht also bei mir so aus:
attr max_bz_ht_1 userReadings watchShutter { return "max_bz_sc_1";;}

was ist denn, wenn ich noch einen zweiten ShutterContact habe, der max_bz_sc_2 heisst?
Wie bekomme ich denn das hin?

fhem 5.5, Raspi B, CUL V3 868 (max), Arduino Uno R3 conf.firmata v2.05


Kann ich das scan programm auch ohne Heating_Control einsetzen? Wenn ich "set Hzg_Buero weekProfile Mon 15 Tue 15 Wed 15 Thu 15 Fri 15 Sat 15 Sun 15 " bei mir einsetze, schaltet sich das Thermostat auf auto und geht um 00:00 auf 15°.
Und wäre:
#set Hzg_Buero weekProfile Mon 15 Tue 15 Wed 15 Thu 15 Fri 15 Sat 15 Sun 15
#define Hzg_Buero Heating_Control Hzg_Buero     15:00|22 Mo,Di|15:30|21  34|15:30|21
richtig um auch das Heating_Control Program einzubinden? Natürlich ohne "#"
Den ersten Part habe ich aus der Wiki
FHEM auf Raspberry
CSM 866MHz für EM1010 mit Strom und Gaszähler
CUL 866MHz für MAX! Radiator Thermostat 
CUL 433MHz für Innen und Aussen Temp
HMLAN für HM-LC-Sw1-PI-2


Hallo Stephan

Zitatwas ist denn, wenn ich noch einen zweiten ShutterContact habe, der max_bz_sc_2 heisst?
Wie bekomme ich denn das hin?
Das ist derzeit noch nicht berücksichtigt.
Ich nehme den Punkt in die ToDo-List für die nächste Version auf.

CubieTruck Docker Node-Red Tasmota Shelly Homematic-IP


Hallo stgeran,
ZitatKann ich das scan programm auch ohne Heating_Control einsetzen?
Grundsätzlich ja, aber es kann passieren, dass das Thermostat um 00:00 auf Auto steht und den einzigen Schaltpunkt am Tag abfährt und somit den entsprechenden Sollwert setzt.

ZitatWenn ich "set Hzg_Buero weekProfile Mon 15 Tue 15 Wed 15 Thu 15 Fri 15 Sat 15 Sun 15 " bei mir einsetze, schaltet sich das Thermostat auf auto und geht um 00:00 auf 15°.
Es muss nicht zwangsweise auf Auto schalten. Wenn das Thermostat um 00:00 auf Manu steht, bleibt der Schaltpunkt unberücksichtigt. Das ist derzeit eher dem Zufall überlassen, da der Scanner den Modus alle xy-Minuten ändert.

Zitat#set Hzg_Buero weekProfile Mon 15 Tue 15 Wed 15 Thu 15 Fri 15 Sat 15 Sun 15
Sollte passen.

Zitatdefine Hzg_Buero Heating_Control Hzg_Buero     15:00|22 Mo,Di|15:30|21  34|15:30|21
passt so nicht, da der Name fuer Heating_Control nicht derselbe wie für das Ventil sein darf und der Sollwert an MaxScan_SetTemp weitergereicht werden muss, also
define HT_Buero Heating_Control Hzg_Buero  15:00|22 Mo,Di|15:30|21  34|15:30|21 {MaxScan_SetTemp("@","%");;}

CubieTruck Docker Node-Red Tasmota Shelly Homematic-IP


Hallo Harald,

ZitatEigentlich gefällt mir das schon ganz gut, aber vielleicht ist es möglich, noch 2 Sachen abzuändern.
Da bin ich aber froh. Immerhin haben wir nach zig-Postings nun zum ersten Mal so etwas wie eine funktionierende Software für den CUBE.
1. Ich fände es schön, wenn die manual-Phasen so weit wie möglich reduziert werden könnten, damit die Gefahr, dass es Konflikte mit den Wochenprogrammen gibt, verringert wird.
Daher die Empfehlung das Wochenprogramm über HeatingControl zu realisieren und die Schaltpunkte im Thermostat so weit wie möglich zu reduzieren.
Die Manu-Phase zu verringern bedeutet in der Konsequenz, den Mechanismus von Jurij wieder zu verwenden und damit die mögliche Abtastrate zu halbieren. Davon bin ich kein Freund.

Zitat2. Kann man evtl. den Verbrauch der Dutycycle reduzieren? Im Moment ist es ja so, dass der ziemlich am oberen Limit verläuft. Als ich Dein Originalmodul ohne Anpassung an MAX!-Cube benutzte, lag der durchschnittliche Verbrauch bei ca. 30 - 50. Allerdings funktionierte die Umschaltung da nicht so regelmäßig wie jetzt.
Der Scanner nimmt sich max. 70% der Ressourcen und lässt damit Luft für vorrangige Dinge. Wieso brauchst du soviel Reserve ?
Natürlich kann man die Schwelle parametrierbar machen. Aber 30% Reserve bedeutet, dass du immer sofort 2..3 Befehl absetzen kannst.

ZitatKönnte man da evtl. mit "wakeUp" arbeiten? Matthias hat das ja vor einiger Zeit (siehe hier) eingeführt.
WakeUp macht nur Sinn, wenn man mehrere Befehle hintereinander schicken will, wenn ich das richtig verstehe.
Aber das bringt uns nichts, da wir mindestens 3 Minuten warten müssen, bis eine gesicherte Reaktion vom Thermostat kommt.
Und solange wird das Wakeup nicht vorhalten oder ?

CubieTruck Docker Node-Red Tasmota Shelly Homematic-IP


Zitat von: John am 02 November 2013, 23:31:15
Hallo Stephan
Das ist derzeit noch nicht berücksichtigt.
Ich nehme den Punkt in die ToDo-List für die nächste Version auf.



fhem 5.5, Raspi B, CUL V3 868 (max), Arduino Uno R3 conf.firmata v2.05


Hallo Thread - Hallo Harald - Hallo John,
Ich lese nun schon ne ganze Weile hier mit und habe mich sehr gefreut das es gutte Nachrichten bzgl. Dem Scanner und dem Cube gibt.
Heute morgen habe ich mich dann damit beschäftigt meine Konfiguration zu erstellen...

Es lief zwar nicht ganz ohne stolpersteine, bis jetzt kam ich aber ganz gut klar...
Zur zeit bekomm ich allerdings ständig ein "command discarded" wenn der Scanner eine Abfrage absetzt.

@Harald kannst du mal deine Definition und deine Attribute vom Cube Posten?

Ich hatte command discarded schonmal - nen kleinen workaround hatte ich hier schon gefunden, einmal eine Temperatur über die maxsoftware setzen soll helfen...


Hallo der-Lolo,

lass uns das Ganze erst zum Ende bringen. Sonst werden wir mit dem Frage/Antwort-Spiel nicht mehr fertig.
Das Ganze hat noch keinen offiziellen Charakter.

CubieTruck Docker Node-Red Tasmota Shelly Homematic-IP


Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob dies was mit dem Scanner zu tun hat, kann es aber auch nicht ausschliessen, deswegen frage ich einfach mal hier.

Ich habe also fast alle meine Thermostate auf Heating_Control und den Scanner umgestellt.
Das Wochenprogramm der Thermostate habe ich auf 17 °C eingestellt mit einem Schaltpunkt.
Also beispsielsweise

Zitatset max_dg_ht_1 weekProfile Mon 17 Tue 17 Wed 17 Thu 17 Fri 17 Sat 17 Sun 17

Dies ist jetzt exemplarisch der Thermostat im Dachgeschoss. Der steht auch Stand jetzt auf "manu", viele andere aber auf "auto", sie sollte aber doch auf "manu" stehen?

Der Thermostat mit seinen Shuttern ist in der fhem.cfg wie folgt definiert

# Dachgeschoss
define max_dg_ht_1 MAX HeatingThermostat 067b39
attr max_dg_ht_1 room MAX,Dachgeschoss
attr max_dg_ht_1 alias Heizung Dachgeschoss
define FileLog_max_dg_ht_1 FileLog ./log/max_dg_ht_1-%Y.log max_dg_ht_1
attr FileLog_max_dg_ht_1 logtype text
attr FileLog_max_dg_ht_1 room MAX
define max_dg_ht_1_weblink weblink fileplot FileLog_max_dg_ht_1:temp4valve4:CURRENT
attr max_dg_ht_1_weblink label "Dachgeschoss Soll-Temperatur Min $data{min1}, Max $data{max1}, Last $data{currval1}"
attr max_dg_ht_1_weblink room MAX,Dachgeschoss
define max_dg_sc_1 MAX ShutterContact 07315f
attr max_dg_sc_1 room MAX,Fenster,Dachgeschoss
attr max_dg_sc_1 alias Fenster Dachgeschoss links
define FileLog_max_dg_sc_1 FileLog ./log/max_dg_sc_1-%Y.log max_dg_sc_1
attr FileLog_max_dg_sc_1 logtype text
attr FileLog_max_dg_sc_1 room MAX
define max_dg_sc_1_weblink weblink fileplot FileLog_max_dg_sc_1:my_max_window:CURRENT
attr max_dg_sc_1_weblink label "Dachgeschoss Fenster links Zustand $data{state1}"
attr max_dg_sc_1_weblink room MAX,Fenster,Dachgeschoss
define max_dg_sc_2 MAX ShutterContact 07312f
attr max_dg_sc_2 room MAX,Fenster,Dachgeschoss
attr max_dg_sc_2 alias Fenster Dachgeschoss rechts
define FileLog_max_dg_sc_2 FileLog ./log/max_dg_sc_2-%Y.log max_dg_sc_2
attr FileLog_max_dg_sc_2 logtype text
attr FileLog_max_dg_sc_2 room MAX
define max_dg_sc_2_weblink weblink fileplot FileLog_max_dg_sc_2:my_max_window:CURRENT
attr max_dg_sc_2_weblink label "Dachgeschoss Fenster rechts Zustand $data{state1}"
attr max_dg_sc_2_weblink room MAX,Fenster,Dachgeschoss

den shuttercontact 1 ignorieren wir mal, der wird nicht betätigt.

Danach folgt dann HEating_Control mit dem Aufruf zum MaxScanner

# HC Dachgeschoß
attr max_dg_ht_1 scanTemp 1
attr max_dg_ht_1 userReadings watchShutter { return "max_dg_sc_2";;}
define hc_max_dg_ht_1 Heating_Control max_dg_ht_1 12345|06:30|19 12345|07:30|17 12345|13:00|19 12345|22:00|17 {MaxScan_SetTemp("@","%");;}
define hc_max_dg_ht_1 Heating_Control max_dg_ht_1 67|09:30|19 67|22:00|17 {MaxScan_SetTemp("@","%");;}

Ich sehe das doch soweit richtig, dass der Theromstat heute (Sonntag) um 09:30 Uhr auf 19 Grad hätte gehen sollen, tut er aber nicht, er steht weiter auf "manu" mit 17 Grad?????

Hier kommt jetzt mein Logfile

2013.11.02 22:48:29 1: FHEMWEB SSL/HTTPS error:
2013.11.02 22:48:29 1: FHEMWEB SSL/HTTPS error:
2013.11.03 00:39:25 0: Strange call for typeless Diele: UndefFn
2013.11.03 00:39:25 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 00:39:25 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 00:39:25 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 00:39:25 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 00:39:25 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 00:39:25 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 00:39:25 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 00:39:25 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 00:39:25 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 00:39:25 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 00:39:25 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 00:39:26 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:39:26 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:39:27 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 00:42:50 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 3984
2013.11.03 00:42:50 2: PRESENCE: Handy_K could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds)
2013.11.03 00:42:50 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 3982
2013.11.03 00:42:50 2: PRESENCE: Handy_C could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds)
2013.11.03 00:42:50 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 3986
2013.11.03 00:42:50 2: PRESENCE: Handy_S could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds)
2013.11.03 00:42:50 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 00:42:50 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 00:42:50 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 00:42:50 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 00:42:50 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 00:42:50 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 00:42:50 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 00:42:50 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 00:42:50 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 00:42:50 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 00:42:50 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 00:42:51 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:42:51 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:42:51 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 00:52:44 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 00:52:44 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 00:52:44 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 00:52:44 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 00:52:44 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 00:52:44 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 00:52:44 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 00:52:44 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 00:52:44 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 00:52:44 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 00:52:44 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 00:52:45 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:52:45 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:52:45 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 00:54:18 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 00:54:18 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 00:54:19 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 00:54:19 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 00:54:19 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 00:54:19 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 00:54:19 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 00:54:19 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 00:54:19 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 00:54:19 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 00:54:19 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 00:54:20 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:54:20 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:54:20 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:54:20 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 00:54:49 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 00:54:49 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 00:54:49 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 00:54:49 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 00:54:49 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 00:54:49 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 00:54:49 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 00:54:49 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 00:54:49 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 00:54:50 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 00:54:50 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 00:54:50 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:54:50 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:54:50 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:54:51 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 00:57:56 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 00:57:56 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 00:57:56 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 00:57:56 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 00:57:56 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 00:57:56 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 00:57:56 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 00:57:56 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 00:57:56 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 00:57:56 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 00:57:56 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 00:57:57 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:57:57 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:57:57 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 00:57:58 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 01:17:58 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 4528
2013.11.03 01:17:58 2: PRESENCE: Handy_K could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds)
2013.11.03 01:17:58 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 4526
2013.11.03 01:17:58 2: PRESENCE: Handy_B could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds)
2013.11.03 01:17:58 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 01:17:58 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 01:17:58 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 01:17:58 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 01:17:58 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 01:17:58 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 01:17:58 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 01:17:58 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 01:17:58 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 01:17:58 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 01:17:58 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 01:17:59 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:17:59 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:17:59 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:17:59 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 01:18:50 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 01:18:50 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 01:18:50 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 01:18:50 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 01:18:50 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 01:18:50 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 01:18:50 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 01:18:50 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 01:18:50 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 01:18:51 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 01:18:51 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 01:18:51 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:18:51 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:18:52 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:18:52 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 01:19:59 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 01:19:59 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 01:19:59 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 01:19:59 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 01:19:59 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 01:19:59 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 01:19:59 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 01:19:59 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 01:19:59 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 01:19:59 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 01:19:59 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 01:20:00 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:20:00 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:20:00 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:20:00 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 01:20:31 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 56, but we need 113. Waiting 57 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:20:53 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 01:20:53 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 01:20:53 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 01:20:53 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 01:20:53 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 01:20:53 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 01:20:53 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 01:20:53 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 01:20:53 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 01:20:53 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 01:20:53 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 01:20:54 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:20:54 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:20:54 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:20:54 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 01:20:55 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(80) need 319/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 01:26:54
2013.11.03 01:21:24 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 109, but we need 113. Waiting 4 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:21:29 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 1, but we need 113. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:21:35 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 01:21:35 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 01:21:35 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 01:21:35 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 01:21:35 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 01:21:35 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 01:21:35 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 01:21:35 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 01:21:35 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 01:21:35 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 01:21:36 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 01:21:36 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:21:36 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:21:36 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:21:37 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 01:22:06 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 38, but we need 113. Waiting 75 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:23:21 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 104, but we need 113. Waiting 9 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:23:32 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 113. Waiting 111 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:23:54 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 4621
2013.11.03 01:23:54 2: PRESENCE: Handy_K could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds)
2013.11.03 01:23:54 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 4623
2013.11.03 01:23:54 2: PRESENCE: Handy_C could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds)
2013.11.03 01:23:54 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 4619
2013.11.03 01:23:54 2: PRESENCE: Handy_S could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds)
2013.11.03 01:23:54 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 01:23:54 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 01:23:54 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 01:23:54 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 01:23:54 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 01:23:54 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 01:23:54 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 01:23:54 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 01:23:54 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 01:23:55 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 01:23:55 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 01:23:55 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:23:55 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:23:55 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:23:56 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 01:24:25 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 55, but we need 113. Waiting 58 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:25:25 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 113. Waiting 111 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:26:54 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(91) need 308/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 01:32:54
2013.11.03 01:33:06 2: MaxScan max_bz_ht_1 not enough credits(350) need 49/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 01:36:06
2013.11.03 01:42:25 1: Timeout for PRESENCE_DoLocalPingScan reached, terminated process 4868
2013.11.03 01:42:25 2: PRESENCE: Handy_C could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds)
2013.11.03 01:42:25 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 01:42:25 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 01:42:25 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 01:42:25 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 01:42:25 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 01:42:26 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 01:42:26 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 01:42:26 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 01:42:26 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 01:42:26 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 01:42:26 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 01:42:27 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:42:27 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:42:27 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:42:27 1: Converting weblink max_dg_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:42:27 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:42:27 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_2_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:42:27 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 01:42:57 2: MAX: Invalid value  for READING groupid. Forcing to 0
2013.11.03 01:43:06 2: MaxScan max_bz_ht_1 not enough credits(174) need 225/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 01:49:06
2013.11.03 01:43:33 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 01:43:33 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 01:43:33 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 01:43:33 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 01:43:33 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 01:43:33 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 01:43:33 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 01:43:33 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 01:43:33 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 01:43:33 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 01:43:33 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 01:43:34 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:43:34 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:43:34 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:43:34 1: Converting weblink max_dg_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:43:34 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:43:34 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_2_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 01:43:34 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 01:44:06 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 11, but we need 113. Waiting 102 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:44:30 2: MAX: Invalid value  for READING .weekProfile. Forcing to 444855084520452045204520452045204520452045204520452044485508452045204520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc5514452045204520452045204520452045204520
2013.11.03 01:45:50 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:47:51 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:47:54 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(5) need 394/540 NextScan:2013-11-03 01:56:54
2013.11.03 01:49:52 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:50:40 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(50) need 349/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 01:56:40
2013.11.03 01:51:51 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 103, but we need 121. Waiting 18 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:52:11 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 121. Waiting 118 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:54:12 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:56:13 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 01:56:40 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(29) need 370/540 NextScan:2013-11-03 02:05:40
2013.11.03 01:58:14 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 121. Waiting 118 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:00:12 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 111, but we need 121. Waiting 10 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:00:25 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:02:18 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 106, but we need 115. Waiting 9 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:02:29 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:04:22 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 106, but we need 115. Waiting 9 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:04:33 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 110. Waiting 108 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:05:40 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(69) need 330/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 02:11:40
2013.11.03 02:06:23 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:08:18 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:10:13 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 115. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:10:30 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 02:10:30 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 02:10:30 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 02:10:30 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 02:10:30 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 02:10:30 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 02:10:30 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 02:10:30 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 02:10:30 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 02:10:31 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 02:10:31 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 02:10:31 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:10:31 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:10:31 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:10:32 1: Converting weblink max_dg_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:10:32 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:10:32 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_2_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:10:32 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 02:11:01 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 50, but we need 113. Waiting 63 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:11:54 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(103) need 296/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 02:17:54
2013.11.03 02:12:06 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 113. Waiting 111 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:17:19 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 02:17:19 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 02:17:19 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 02:17:19 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 02:17:19 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 02:17:19 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 02:17:19 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 02:17:19 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 02:17:19 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 02:17:19 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 02:17:19 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 02:17:20 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:17:20 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:17:20 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:17:20 1: Converting weblink max_dg_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:17:20 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:17:20 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_2_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:17:21 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 02:17:52 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 104, but we need 113. Waiting 9 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:18:40 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(152) need 247/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 02:24:40
2013.11.03 02:22:26 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 02:22:26 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 02:22:26 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 02:22:26 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 02:22:26 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 02:22:26 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 02:22:26 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 02:22:26 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 02:22:26 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 02:22:26 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 02:22:26 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 02:22:27 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:22:27 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:22:27 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:22:27 1: Converting weblink max_dg_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:22:27 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:22:27 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_2_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 02:22:28 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 02:23:55 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 110, but we need 115. Waiting 5 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:24:40 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(155) need 244/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 02:30:40
2013.11.03 02:25:06 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 66, but we need 110. Waiting 44 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:26:06 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 16, but we need 112. Waiting 96 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:27:44 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 1, but we need 115. Waiting 114 seconds.
2013.11.03 02:30:40 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(177) need 222/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 02:36:40
2013.11.03 02:32:06 2: MaxScan max_bz_ht_1 not enough credits(263) need 136/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 02:35:06
2013.11.03 03:03:57 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Missing ack from 06980a for 0b46004012345606980a0022
2013.11.03 03:17:21 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 03:17:21 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 03:17:21 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 03:17:21 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 03:17:21 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 03:17:21 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 03:17:22 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 03:17:22 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 03:17:22 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 03:17:22 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 03:17:22 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 03:17:22 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 03:17:23 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 03:17:23 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 03:17:23 1: Converting weblink max_gt_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 03:17:23 1: Converting weblink max_gt_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 03:17:23 1: Converting weblink max_dg_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 03:17:23 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 03:17:23 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_2_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 03:17:23 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 03:18:16 2: MAX: Invalid value  for READING .weekProfile. Forcing to 444855084520452045204520452045204520452045204520452044485508452045204520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc5514452045204520452045204520452045204520
2013.11.03 03:18:18 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 109, but we need 121. Waiting 12 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:18:33 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:18:37 2: CUL0: unknown message LOVF
2013.11.03 03:18:40 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(9) need 390/540 NextScan:2013-11-03 03:27:40
2013.11.03 03:20:34 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 121. Waiting 118 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:22:35 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:24:34 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 112, but we need 121. Waiting 9 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:24:45 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 121. Waiting 118 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:26:46 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:27:06 2: MaxScan max_bz_ht_1 not enough credits(22) need 377/540 NextScan:2013-11-03 03:36:06
2013.11.03 03:28:47 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 115. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:30:42 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:32:37 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 110. Waiting 108 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:34:28 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 115. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:36:06 2: MaxScan max_bz_ht_1 not enough credits(101) need 298/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 03:42:06
2013.11.03 03:36:22 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:38:18 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 115. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:40:12 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:42:06 2: MaxScan max_bz_ht_1 not enough credits(116) need 283/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 03:48:06
2013.11.03 03:42:07 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 115. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:44:02 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:45:58 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:47:51 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 106, but we need 115. Waiting 9 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:48:02 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 115. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:48:06 2: MaxScan max_bz_ht_1 not enough credits(7) need 392/540 NextScan:2013-11-03 03:57:06
2013.11.03 03:49:54 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 106, but we need 115. Waiting 9 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:50:05 2: CUL0: unknown message LOVF
2013.11.03 03:50:07 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Missing ack from 069a82 for 11250011123456069a820028223d0a070a03
2013.11.03 03:50:07 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 115. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:50:09 2: CUL0: unknown message LOVF
2013.11.03 03:50:31 2: CUL0: unknown message LOVF
2013.11.03 03:51:39 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 03:51:59 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 69, but we need 115. Waiting 46 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:52:47 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 110. Waiting 107 seconds.
2013.11.03 03:57:06 2: MaxScan max_bz_ht_1 not enough credits(262) need 137/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:00:06
2013.11.03 04:00:40 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(356) need 43/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:03:40
2013.11.03 04:02:59 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_dg_sc_2 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 04:03:40 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(303) need 96/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:06:40
2013.11.03 04:06:54 2: MaxScan max_gt_ht_1 not enough credits(377) need 22/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:09:54
2013.11.03 04:09:45 1: Including fhem.cfg
2013.11.03 04:09:45 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2013.11.03 04:09:45 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2013.11.03 04:09:45 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2013.11.03 04:09:45 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2013.11.03 04:09:45 2: eventTypes: loaded 371 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2013.11.03 04:09:45 3: Opening CUL0 device /dev/ttyACM0
2013.11.03 04:09:45 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 04:09:45 3: CUL0 device opened
2013.11.03 04:09:45 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 04:09:45 2: Switched CUL0 rfmode to MAX
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Converting weblink max_gz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Converting weblink max_gz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Converting weblink max_bz_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Converting weblink max_bz_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Converting weblink max_di_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Converting weblink max_gt_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Converting weblink max_gt_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Converting weblink max_dg_ht_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_1_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Converting weblink max_dg_sc_2_weblink (fileplot) to SVG
2013.11.03 04:09:46 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2013.11.03 04:10:24 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 31, but we need 121. Waiting 90 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:10:24 2: MAX: Invalid value  for READING .weekProfile. Forcing to 444855084520452045204520452045204520452045204520452044485508452045204520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc5514452045204520452045204520452045204520
2013.11.03 04:10:54 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(61) need 338/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:16:54
2013.11.03 04:11:56 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 121. Waiting 118 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:13:57 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:15:58 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 121. Waiting 118 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:16:54 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(59) need 340/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:22:54
2013.11.03 04:17:59 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:19:58 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 112, but we need 121. Waiting 9 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:20:09 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 121. Waiting 118 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:22:10 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 121. Waiting 119 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:22:54 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(46) need 353/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:28:54
2013.11.03 04:24:09 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 112, but we need 121. Waiting 9 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:24:20 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 115. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:26:15 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:28:10 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 110. Waiting 107 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:28:54 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(47) need 352/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:34:54
2013.11.03 04:30:00 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:31:55 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 115. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:33:50 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 2, but we need 115. Waiting 113 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:34:54 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(66) need 333/360 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:40:54
2013.11.03 04:35:45 2: CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is 3, but we need 115. Waiting 112 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:40:54 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(312) need 87/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:43:54
2013.11.03 04:45:40 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(372) need 27/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:48:40
2013.11.03 04:49:09 2: MaxScan max_gz_ht_1 not enough credits(361) need 38/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:52:09
2013.11.03 04:51:39 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 04:54:25 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 1
2013.11.03 04:54:25 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 1
2013.11.03 04:54:29 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 04:54:29 1: CUL_MAX_Parse: len mismatch
2013.11.03 04:54:29 1: CUL_MAX_Parse: len mismatch
2013.11.03 04:54:32 1: /dev/ttyACM0 disconnected, waiting to reappear
2013.11.03 04:54:32 1: Error in CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: CUL CUL0 did not answer request for current credits. Waiting 5 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:54:32 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 04:54:32 1: /dev/ttyACM0 reappeared (CUL0)
2013.11.03 04:54:32 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 04:55:54 2: MaxScan max_di_ht_1 not enough credits(394) need 5/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 04:58:54
2013.11.03 04:57:17 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 1
2013.11.03 04:57:17 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 1
2013.11.03 04:59:26 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 04:59:26 1: CUL_MAX_Parse: len mismatch
2013.11.03 04:59:29 1: /dev/ttyACM0 disconnected, waiting to reappear
2013.11.03 04:59:29 1: Error in CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: CUL CUL0 did not answer request for current credits. Waiting 5 seconds.
2013.11.03 04:59:30 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 04:59:30 1: /dev/ttyACM0 reappeared (CUL0)
2013.11.03 04:59:30 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 05:02:59 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_dg_sc_2 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 05:12:41 2: MaxScan max_dg_ht_1 not enough credits(369) need 30/180 NextScan:2013-11-03 05:15:41
2013.11.03 05:51:39 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 05:59:32 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 06:02:59 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_dg_sc_2 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 06:51:39 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 06:59:32 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 07:02:59 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_dg_sc_2 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 07:51:39 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 07:59:32 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 08:02:59 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_dg_sc_2 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 08:51:39 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 08:59:32 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 09:02:59 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_dg_sc_2 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 09:51:39 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 09:59:32 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 10:02:59 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_dg_sc_2 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 10:06:01 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 1
2013.11.03 10:06:01 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 1
2013.11.03 10:12:17 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 10:12:17 1: CUL_MAX_Parse: len mismatch
2013.11.03 10:12:17 1: CUL_MAX_Parse: len mismatch
2013.11.03 10:12:20 1: /dev/ttyACM0 disconnected, waiting to reappear
2013.11.03 10:12:20 1: Error in CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: CUL CUL0 did not answer request for current credits. Waiting 5 seconds.
2013.11.03 10:12:20 3: Setting CUL0 baudrate to 57600
2013.11.03 10:12:20 1: /dev/ttyACM0 reappeared (CUL0)
2013.11.03 10:12:20 3: CUL0: Possible commands: BCFiAZEGMRTVWXefmltux
2013.11.03 10:51:39 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 10:59:32 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 11:02:59 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_dg_sc_2 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 11:51:39 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_bz_sc_1 onoff: 0
2013.11.03 11:59:32 3: MaxScan_Shutter_Notify max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 0

Und so ist das bei allen umgestellten Thermostaten. Das über Heating_Control eingestellte Profil läuft nicht, die bleiben auf ihrer über das WeekProfile eingestellten Temperatur.
Was kann denn hier die Ursache sein?

Ich habe jetzt das loglevel mal auf 4 erhöht

2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/pgm2/style.css
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/pgm2/fhemweb.js
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/pgm2/fhemweb_noArg.js
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/pgm2/fhemweb_svg.js
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/pgm2/fhemweb_time.js
2013.11.03 12:20:44 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/pgm2/fhemweb_colorpicker.js
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/pgm2/fhemweb_textField.js
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/pgm2/fhemweb_slider.js
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/pgm2/svg.js
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/images/default/icoEverything.png
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem?room=all&XHR=1&inform=1×tamp=1383477646221
2013.11.03 12:20:45 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:46 4: Connection accepted from FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:20:46 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem?room=all&XHR=1&inform=1×tamp=1383477647352
2013.11.03 12:20:46 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem?room=all&XHR=1&inform=1×tamp=1383477647360
2013.11.03 12:20:46 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/FileLog_logWrapper?room=all&XHR=1&inform=1×tamp=1383477647362
2013.11.03 12:20:47 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:20:47 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_S present -> present
2013.11.03 12:20:48 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:20:48 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_K present -> present
2013.11.03 12:20:50 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:20:50 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_B absent -> absent
2013.11.03 12:20:51 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:20:51 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_C absent -> absent
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_sc_1 battery: ok -> battery: ok
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 1 -> onoff: .*
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_sc_1 opened -> opened
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_sc_1 battery: ok -> battery: ok
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_sc_1 onoff: 1 -> onoff: .*
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_sc_1 opened -> opened
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 mode: manual -> mode: manual
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 battery: ok -> battery: ok
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 desiredTemperature: 5.0 -> desiredTemperature: .*
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 5.0 °C -> .* °C
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 watchShutter: max_gt_sc_1 -> watchShutter: max_gt_sc_1
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: structure max_eg_ht LastDevice: max_gt_ht_1 -> LastDevice: max_gt_ht_1
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: structure max_eg_ht LastDevice_Abs: max_gt_ht_1 -> LastDevice_Abs: max_gt_ht_1
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: structure max_eg_ht undefined -> undefined
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: structure max_al_ht LastDevice: max_eg_ht -> LastDevice: max_eg_ht
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: structure max_al_ht LastDevice_Abs: max_gt_ht_1 -> LastDevice_Abs: max_gt_ht_1
2013.11.03 12:21:05 4: eventTypes: structure max_al_ht undefined -> undefined
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_bz_ht_1] 01.11.2013 22:00:00 ; aktParam: 0.0 ; newParam: 17.0
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_bz_ht_1] 04.11.2013 06:30:00
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_bz_ht_1] command: {MaxScan_SetTemp("max_bz_ht_1","17.0");;}
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_bz_ht_1 nextUpdate: 04.11.2013 06:30:00 -> nextUpdate: .*.* .*:.*:.*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_bz_ht_1 nextValue: 21.0 -> nextValue: .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_bz_ht_1 17.0 -> .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_di_ht_1] 01.11.2013 22:00:00 ; aktParam: 0.0 ; newParam: 17.0
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_di_ht_1] 04.11.2013 06:30:00
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_di_ht_1] command: {MaxScan_SetTemp("max_di_ht_1","17.0");;}
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_di_ht_1 nextUpdate: 04.11.2013 06:30:00 -> nextUpdate: .*.* .*:.*:.*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_di_ht_1 nextValue: 19.0 -> nextValue: .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_di_ht_1 17.0 -> .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_gt_ht_1] 01.11.2013 22:00:00 ; aktParam: 0.0 ; newParam: 17.0
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_gt_ht_1] 04.11.2013 06:30:00
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_gt_ht_1] command: {MaxScan_SetTemp("max_gt_ht_1","17.0");;}
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_gt_ht_1 nextUpdate: 04.11.2013 06:30:00 -> nextUpdate: .*.* .*:.*:.*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_gt_ht_1 nextValue: 19.0 -> nextValue: .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_gt_ht_1 17.0 -> .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_dg_ht_1] 01.11.2013 22:00:00 ; aktParam: 0.0 ; newParam: 17.0
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_dg_ht_1] 04.11.2013 06:30:00
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_dg_ht_1] command: {MaxScan_SetTemp("max_dg_ht_1","17.0");;}
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_dg_ht_1 nextUpdate: 04.11.2013 06:30:00 -> nextUpdate: .*.* .*:.*:.*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_dg_ht_1 nextValue: 19.0 -> nextValue: .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_dg_ht_1 17.0 -> .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_gz_ht_1] 01.11.2013 22:00:00 ; aktParam: 0.0 ; newParam: 17.0
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_gz_ht_1] 04.11.2013 18:00:00
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: [hc_max_gz_ht_1] command: {MaxScan_SetTemp("max_gz_ht_1","17.0");;}
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_gz_ht_1 nextUpdate: 04.11.2013 18:00:00 -> nextUpdate: .*.* .*:.*:.*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_gz_ht_1 nextValue: 19.0 -> nextValue: .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_gz_ht_1 17.0 -> .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: MAX max_sz_ht_1 mode: manual -> mode: manual
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: MAX max_sz_ht_1 battery: ok -> battery: ok
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: MAX max_sz_ht_1 desiredTemperature: 12.0 -> desiredTemperature: .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: MAX max_sz_ht_1 12.0 °C -> .* °C
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: structure max_og_ht LastDevice: max_sz_ht_1 -> LastDevice: max_sz_ht_1
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: structure max_og_ht LastDevice_Abs: max_sz_ht_1 -> LastDevice_Abs: max_sz_ht_1
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: structure max_og_ht undefined -> undefined
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: structure max_al_ht LastDevice: max_og_ht -> LastDevice: max_og_ht
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: structure max_al_ht LastDevice_Abs: max_sz_ht_1 -> LastDevice_Abs: max_sz_ht_1
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: structure max_al_ht undefined -> undefined
2013.11.03 12:21:21 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:21:21 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_S present -> present
2013.11.03 12:21:21 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:21:21 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_K present -> present
2013.11.03 12:21:54 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:21:54 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_S present -> present
2013.11.03 12:21:54 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:21:54 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_K present -> present
2013.11.03 12:21:57 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:21:57 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_B absent -> absent
2013.11.03 12:21:57 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:21:57 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_C absent -> absent
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 mode: manual -> mode: manual
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 battery: ok -> battery: ok
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 desiredTemperature: 5.0 -> desiredTemperature: .*
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 temperature: 18.3 -> temperature: .*
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 valveposition: 0 -> valveposition: .*
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 5.0 °C -> .* °C
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: MAX max_gt_ht_1 watchShutter: max_gt_sc_1 -> watchShutter: max_gt_sc_1
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: structure max_eg_ht LastDevice: max_gt_ht_1 -> LastDevice: max_gt_ht_1
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: structure max_eg_ht LastDevice_Abs: max_gt_ht_1 -> LastDevice_Abs: max_gt_ht_1
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: structure max_eg_ht undefined -> undefined
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: structure max_al_ht LastDevice: max_eg_ht -> LastDevice: max_eg_ht
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: structure max_al_ht LastDevice_Abs: max_gt_ht_1 -> LastDevice_Abs: max_gt_ht_1
2013.11.03 12:22:11 4: eventTypes: structure max_al_ht undefined -> undefined
2013.11.03 12:22:15 4: Closing connection FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:22:25 4: eventTypes: MAX max_he_wt_1 temperature: 21.6 -> temperature: .*
2013.11.03 12:22:25 4: eventTypes: MAX max_he_wt_1 desiredTemperature: 21.0 -> desiredTemperature: .*
2013.11.03 12:22:25 4: eventTypes: MAX max_he_wt_1 21.0 °C -> .* °C
2013.11.03 12:22:27 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:22:27 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_S present -> present
2013.11.03 12:22:27 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:22:27 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_K present -> present
2013.11.03 12:23:00 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:23:00 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:23:00 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_S present -> present
2013.11.03 12:23:00 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:23:00 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_K present -> present
2013.11.03 12:23:02 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:23:03 4: Connection accepted from telnet:
2013.11.03 12:23:03 4: eventTypes: PRESENCE Handy_C absent -> absent
2013.11.03 12:23:07 4: Connection closed for FHEMWEB:
2013.11.03 12:23:07 4: HTTP FHEMWEB: GET /fhem/FileLog_logWrapper?dev=Logfile&type=text&file=fhem-2013-11.log

zu denken gibt mir das hier:

2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_dg_ht_1 nextUpdate: 04.11.2013 06:30:00 -> nextUpdate: .*.* .*:.*:.*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_dg_ht_1 nextValue: 19.0 -> nextValue: .*
2013.11.03 12:21:13 4: eventTypes: Heating_Control hc_max_dg_ht_1 17.0 -> .*

Da  steht ja was von Update morgen früh, warum macht er das nicht heute?

Meine Freundin friert und meckert...;-)

fhem 5.5, Raspi B, CUL V3 868 (max), Arduino Uno R3 conf.firmata v2.05


Hallo Stephan,
bitte lange Listings immer als Anhang mitschicken, sonst wird der Thread unüberschaubar.

define hc_max_dg_ht_1 Heating_Control max_dg_ht_1 12345|06:30|19 12345|07:30|17 12345|13:00|19 12345|22:00|17 {MaxScan_SetTemp("@","%");;}
define hc_max_dg_ht_1 Heating_Control max_dg_ht_1 67|09:30|19 67|22:00|17 {MaxScan_SetTemp("@","%");;}

Du darfst nie ein Device 2x definieren, wie hier "hc_max_dg_ht_1". FHEM hat die 2. Definition ignoriert, daher wurde heute kein Sollwert gesetzt.
besser so:

define hc_max_dg_ht_1 Heating_Control max_dg_ht_1 12345|06:30|19 12345|07:30|17 12345|13:00|19 12345|22:00|17 67|09:30|19 67|22:00|17 {MaxScan_SetTemp("@","%");;}

ZitatDies ist jetzt exemplarisch der Thermostat im Dachgeschoss. Der steht auch Stand jetzt auf "manu", viele andere aber auf "auto", sie sollte aber doch auf "manu" stehen?

Falsch, der Scanner lebt von der Umschaltung des Modes Manu <==> Auto. (siehe Wiki)


CubieTruck Docker Node-Red Tasmota Shelly Homematic-IP


Das mit den langen Listings werde ich mir merken, sorry.
Das heisst, man muss dieses Heating_Control Profile in einer Zeile schreiben (präziser, nur einmal definieren)? Ok, da hätte ich echt lange suchen können! Wäre ich nicht drauf gekommen.
Probiere ich sofort aus!!! Vielen vielen Dank!


fhem 5.5, Raspi B, CUL V3 868 (max), Arduino Uno R3 conf.firmata v2.05