fhempy: googlecast

Begonnen von dominik, 04 Dezember 2020, 23:33:53

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


zwischen 155 und 156 hat sich bei googlecast leider nix geändert. Hast du die 156er noch weiter laufen lassen? Kamen noch weitere Probleme?
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Ich habe mal mit 0.1.174 pychromecast und zeroconf aktualisiert, gerne also auch diese Version mal testen.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Nein, die 156 habe ich nicht weiter laufen lassen, weil Fhem damit für mich unnutzbar wird. Habe am frühen Abend auf die 174 aktualisiert. Hat leider nicht geholfen. Gerade hat sich Fhem wieder weggehangen. Es ging los mit (mehrfach im Log)

2021-11-16 18:37:16,777 - WARNING  - asyncio: Executing <Handle _SelectorDatagramTransport._read_ready() created at /usr
/lib/python3.9/asyncio/selector_events.py:259> took 0.257 seconds

Meldungen. Dann gab es in erster Linie wieder Meldung über zu viele offene Dateien.

021-11-16 19:31:41,647 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-468' coro=<run_blocking() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-package
s/fhempy/lib/utils.py:28> exception=RuntimeError("can't start new thread") created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/tasks.p
source_traceback: Object created at (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/FHEM/bindings/python/bin/fhempy", line 113, in <module>
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/fhem_pythonbinding.py", line 539, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/base_events.py", line 596, in run_forever
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/base_events.py", line 1882, in _run_once
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/events.py", line 80, in _run
    self._context.run(self._callback, *self._args)
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/googlecast/googlecast.py", line 150, in Define
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/utils.py", line 37, in run_blocking_task
    return asyncio.create_task(run_blocking(function))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/tasks.py", line 361, in create_task
    task = loop.create_task(coro)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/utils.py", line 33, in run_blocking
    return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(pool, function)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 52, in run
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/googlecast/googlecast.py", line 579, in startDiscovery
    ) = pychromecast.discovery.discover_listed_chromecasts(
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pychromecast/discovery.py", line 617, in discover_listed_chromecast
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pychromecast/discovery.py", line 496, in start_discovery
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/zeroconf/_services/browser.py", line 516, in __init__
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sentry_sdk/integrations/threading.py", line 54, in sentry_start
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 874, in start
RuntimeError: can't start new thread
2021-11-16 19:31:41,719 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=2, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(OSError(24, 'Too many open files'))': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:31:41,720 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=1, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f90
8e575850>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:31:41,720 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f92
91e10e50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:31:56,671 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-613' coro=<run_blocking() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-package
s/fhempy/lib/utils.py:28> exception=RuntimeError("can't start new thread") created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/tasks.p
source_traceback: Object created at (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/FHEM/bindings/python/bin/fhempy", line 113, in <module>
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/fhem_pythonbinding.py", line 539, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/base_events.py", line 596, in run_forever
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/base_events.py", line 1882, in _run_once
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/events.py", line 80, in _run
    self._context.run(self._callback, *self._args)
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/googlecast/googlecast.py", line 150, in Define
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/utils.py", line 37, in run_blocking_task
    return asyncio.create_task(run_blocking(function))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/tasks.py", line 361, in create_task
    task = loop.create_task(coro)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/utils.py", line 33, in run_blocking
    return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(pool, function)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 52, in run
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/googlecast/googlecast.py", line 579, in startDiscovery
    ) = pychromecast.discovery.discover_listed_chromecasts(
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pychromecast/discovery.py", line 617, in discover_listed_chromecast
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pychromecast/discovery.py", line 501, in start_discovery
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sentry_sdk/integrations/threading.py", line 54, in sentry_start
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 874, in start
RuntimeError: can't start new thread
2021-11-16 19:31:56,686 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=2, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f90
864e59a0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:31:56,688 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=1, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f94
78069b50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:31:56,691 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f94
780696d0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:32:37,628 - WARNING  - asyncio: Executing <Handle _SelectorDatagramTransport._read_ready() created at /usr
/lib/python3.9/asyncio/selector_events.py:259> took 0.252 seconds
2021-11-16 19:39:26,934 - WARNING  - asyncio: Executing <Handle _SelectorDatagramTransport._read_ready() created at /usr
/lib/python3.9/asyncio/selector_events.py:259> took 0.330 seconds
2021-11-16 19:54:34,989 - ERROR    - pychromecast.socket_client: [Wohnung(] Error reading from socke
2021-11-16 19:54:34,995 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=2, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f92
63c1dd30>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:54:34,996 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=1, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f92
63c1d250>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:54:34,997 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f92
63c1d8b0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:54:37,164 - ERROR    - pychromecast.socket_client: [Wohnung(] Failed to connect to ser
vice ServiceInfo(type='mdns', data='Google-Cast-Group-d86e7c12ce5941d6832f6d047f33bc27-1._googlecast._tcp.local.'), retr
ying in 5.0s
2021-11-16 19:54:37,168 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=2, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f91
10b5edc0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:54:37,168 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=1, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f91
10b5e5b0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:54:37,168 - WARNING  - urllib3.connectionpool: Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=
None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f91
10b5e700>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 24] Too many open files')': /api/6031048/store/
2021-11-16 19:54:38,490 - WARNING  - asyncio: Executing <Handle _SelectorDatagramTransport._read_ready() created at /usr
/lib/python3.9/asyncio/selector_events.py:259> took 0.606 seconds

Vermutlich sind es gar nicht mal Änderungen, die du im Code vorgenommen hast. Vielleicht sind es Änderungen in Paketen, von denen Abhängigkeiten vorhanden sind. Wie bereits vorher festgestellt hatte sich eine Änderung bei urllib3 von 155 auf 156 ergeben, was nicht heißen soll, dass dies das Problem verursacht, wobei das ja wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, für das Connection Handling verantwortlich sein könnte. Würde irgendwie zu den Meldungen passen. Vielleicht sind es einfach vergessen Verbindungen, die nicht sauber geschlossen werden? Bei mir gehen die Chromecasts regelmäßig aus und an, weil ich sie vom Strom trenne, wenn ich die Wohnung verlasse. Da werden Verbindungen mit Sicherheit nicht sauber getrennt, weil die hart vom Strom getrennt werden. Wenn da noch Reste bleiben...

Meldungen dieser Art

2021-11-16 06:35:50,346 - ERROR    - asyncio: Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f913260be80>
source_traceback: Object created at (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/FHEM/bindings/python/bin/fhempy", line 113, in <module>
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/fhem_pythonbinding.py", line 506, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/base_events.py", line 596, in run_forever
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/base_events.py", line 1882, in _run_once
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/events.py", line 80, in _run
    self._context.run(self._callback, *self._args)
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/googlecast/googlecast.py", line 346, in playDefaultMedia
    session = aiohttp.ClientSession()

finde ich häufig im Log. Das tritt meist auf, nachdem die Chromecasts ins Netz zurückkehren und dann etwas drauf abgespielt wird. Die stellen bis jetzt kein größeres Problem dar, aber offensichtlich scheinen da noch offene Verbindungen zu sein. Wenn da zum Beispiel ein neueres Urllib3 nicht mehr mit klar kommt, könnte das ja vielleicht zu Problemen führen. Aber es gibt vielleicht noch andere Abhängigkeiten, die da aktualisiert werden bei dem Versionssprung. Daher alles nur Spekulatius...


Ah, ok, das ist eine gute Info, dass deine Chromecasts immer offline gehen. So kann ich den Fehler vielleicht nachstellen.

Hast du jetzt 155 am Laufen, ohne Fehler?
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Ja, bin zurück auf die 155. Fhem hat sich bis jetzt nicht aufgehangen. Fehler halt nur den letztgenannten, der aber an dieser Stelle außer der Meldung in Log keine Auswirkungen hat.



ich hatte die Version 156, 2 Tage, ohne Probleme laufen und habe jetzt auf 174 aktualisiert. Ich berichte...

VG Andreas



seit ich fhempy installiert habe, läuft mir mein fhem-Log mit Meldungen voll:
2021.11.20 18:33:55.542 1: readingsUpdate(,is_on,0) missed to call readingsBeginUpdate first.
2021.11.20 18:33:55.542 1: stacktrace:
2021.11.20 18:33:55.542 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by fhem.pl (4927)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.542 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged   called by (eval 1797514) (1)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.542 1:     (eval)                              called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (462)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.542 1:     main::BindingsIo_processMessage     called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (573)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.542 1:     main::BindingsIo_readWebsocketMessage called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (221)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.543 1:     main::BindingsIo_Read               called by ./FHEM/98_apptime.pm (178)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.543 1:     main::apptime_getTiming             called by ./FHEM/98_apptime.pm (138)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.543 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (773)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.549 1: readingsUpdate(,is_water_box_attached,0) missed to call readingsBeginUpdate first.
2021.11.20 18:33:55.550 1: stacktrace:
2021.11.20 18:33:55.550 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by fhem.pl (4927)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.550 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged   called by (eval 1797515) (1)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.550 1:     (eval)                              called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (462)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.550 1:     main::BindingsIo_processMessage     called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (573)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.550 1:     main::BindingsIo_readWebsocketMessage called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (221)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.550 1:     main::BindingsIo_Read               called by ./FHEM/98_apptime.pm (178)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.550 1:     main::apptime_getTiming             called by ./FHEM/98_apptime.pm (138)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.551 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (773)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.570 1: readingsUpdate(,got_error,0) missed to call readingsBeginUpdate first.
2021.11.20 18:33:55.570 1: stacktrace:
2021.11.20 18:33:55.570 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by fhem.pl (4927)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.570 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged   called by (eval 1797518) (1)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.570 1:     (eval)                              called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (462)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.570 1:     main::BindingsIo_processMessage     called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (573)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.570 1:     main::BindingsIo_readWebsocketMessage called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (221)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.571 1:     main::BindingsIo_Read               called by ./FHEM/98_apptime.pm (178)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.571 1:     main::apptime_getTiming             called by ./FHEM/98_apptime.pm (138)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.571 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (773)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.584 1: ERROR: empty name in readingsBeginUpdate
2021.11.20 18:33:55.584 1: stacktrace:
2021.11.20 18:33:55.584 1:     main::readingsBeginUpdate           called by (eval 1797520) (1)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.584 1:     (eval)                              called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (462)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.584 1:     main::BindingsIo_processMessage     called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (573)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.584 1:     main::BindingsIo_readWebsocketMessage called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (221)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.585 1:     main::BindingsIo_Read               called by ./FHEM/98_apptime.pm (178)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.585 1:     main::apptime_getTiming             called by ./FHEM/98_apptime.pm (138)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.585 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (773)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.585 1: readingsUpdate(,presence,online) missed to call readingsBeginUpdate first.
2021.11.20 18:33:55.585 1: stacktrace:
2021.11.20 18:33:55.585 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by fhem.pl (4927)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.585 1:     main::readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged   called by (eval 1797520) (1)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.586 1:     (eval)                              called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (462)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.586 1:     main::BindingsIo_processMessage     called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (573)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.586 1:     main::BindingsIo_readWebsocketMessage called by ./FHEM/10_BindingsIo.pm (221)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.586 1:     main::BindingsIo_Read               called by ./FHEM/98_apptime.pm (178)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.586 1:     main::apptime_getTiming             called by ./FHEM/98_apptime.pm (138)
2021.11.20 18:33:55.586 1:     main::CallFn                        called by fhem.pl (773)

Inzwischen habe ich deswegen nur noch den fhempy-Dienst ansich sowie das Modul Xiaomi-Token installiert - leider ändert dies nichts am Auftreten dieser Meldungen. Was kann ich tun, um ein Fluten des Logs zu unterbinden?

Gruß, Christoph
Alte Techniker-Regel: "kaum macht man es richtig, funktioniert es auch"
Dell Wyse5070 ThinClient 16GBRam, 64GB SSD, Lubuntu 22.04LTS, fhem (aktuell), debmatic, Homematic-Devs, ConBee II und deConz, viele Shellys, Rademacher, NextCloud-Anbindung, FullyKioskBrowser+FUIP uvm.


Schau mal ins fhempy Log bzw. starte fhempy mal neu und prüfe ob es dann funktioniert. Hast du googlecast zuvor verwendet? Wenn ja, poste bitte das gesamte fhempy Log damit man sehen kann was schief gelaufen ist. Danke.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Könnt ihr bitte mal 0.1.175 testen? Ich habe dort pychromecast, spotipy aktualisiert und den Discovery Mechanismus wieder auf eine alte Variante umgestellt.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Hallo Dominik,

Ich habe mein FHEM Server hinter einem VPN Tunnel. Lokal im Homenetz habe ich einen Raspi. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit für mich das Chromecast Modul zu nutzen.
Eventuell fhempy als peer auf den Pi installieren?

Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki:


Genau, fhempy als Peer am RPi einrichten. Du musst dann nur Port 15733 am Peer von FHEM aus verfügbar machen.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Zitat von: dominik am 21 November 2021, 16:24:49
Genau, fhempy als Peer am RPi einrichten. Du musst dann nur Port 15733 am Peer von FHEM aus verfügbar machen.

Ok danke Dir. Und wie findet der Peer oder besser das chromcast Modul das Chromcastgerät? Anfrage an Google oder scannt er intern im Netz?
Du musst nicht wissen wie es geht! Du musst nur wissen wo es steht, wie es geht.
Support me to buy new test hardware for development: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MOldenburg
My FHEM Git: https://git.cooltux.net/FHEM/
Das TuxNet Wiki:



wenn wir hier gerade bei Peers sind...
Mir ist vor kurzem mein Peer-Raspi abgeschmiert (hat sich aus irgendwelchen Gründen aufgehängt...).
Wenn der fhempyserver in fhem keinen Kontakt mehr zum Peer hat, spielt der völlig verrückt (Fehlemeldungen im Fhem-Log im Sekundentakt) und blockiert die gesamte Bedienung in fhem.
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 5369889)
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79f20b0)
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1:   id =>  5369889
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8cd5f58)
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7a256c0)
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e5abd8)
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_YYYY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:26:00 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 69277243)
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e5abd8)
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79f5bf8)
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_Auto_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7a21450)
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1:   id =>  69277243
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8e55220)
2021.11.21 10:26:02 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 37251882)
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79e56c8)
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e5abd8)
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_XYXY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1:   id =>  37251882
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79dec20)
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:05 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x86982e8)
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 91876904)
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8eca8c8)
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1:   id =>  91876904
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ae0)
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1:   NAME =>  GC_Anlage
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x87997d0)
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774ef10)
2021.11.21 10:26:07 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 78261926)
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1:   NAME =>  GC_Chromecast
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8eb5480)
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7941a10)
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8e55220)
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1:   id =>  78261926
2021.11.21 10:26:10 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x772e1c8)
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 26557273)
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1:   id =>  26557273
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774ef28)
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8e6fb58)
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x7f6eda8)
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x787b390)
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1:   NAME =>  GC_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:26:12 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 11101453)
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774f240)
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1:   id =>  11101453
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8f2be20)
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5230)
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8ce84a8)
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1:   NAME =>  GG_Alarm
2021.11.21 10:26:15 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 43898508)
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774f2a0)
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x85e9188)
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1:   NAME =>  GG_Haus
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1:   id =>  43898508
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d5200)
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:18 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8599db8)
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 55002091)
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x86b3ef0)
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1:   id =>  55002091
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ee8)
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1:   NAME =>  GG_Wohnkueche
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x85a2670)
2021.11.21 10:26:20 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5260)
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 36016574)
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8724208)
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x5c6fc38)
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1:   id =>  36016574
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1:   NAME =>  GH_Bad
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x87997d0)
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x649eb60)
2021.11.21 10:26:23 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 19860556)
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x9034740)
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941818)
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1:   id =>  19860556
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1:   NAME =>  GH_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8ce84a8)
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774eec8)
2021.11.21 10:26:25 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 16040563)
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8eb51b0)
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79409e8)
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1:   id =>  16040563
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1:   NAME =>  GH_WC
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7940e20)
2021.11.21 10:26:28 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x7f6eda8)
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 19960461)
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8da5180)
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941a70)
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1:   id =>  19960461
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1:   NAME =>  GH_WoZi
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e5c358)
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d4c48)
2021.11.21 10:26:30 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 90831551)
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x85c5338)
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1:   id =>  90831551
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79f20b0)
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_YYYY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7a256c0)
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x87297d0)
2021.11.21 10:26:42 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 88791027)
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x85e8de0)
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7a21450)
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1:   id =>  88791027
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_Auto_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x87297d0)
2021.11.21 10:26:45 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79f5bf8)
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 38932857)
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79e56c8)
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x87297d0)
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_XYXY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79dec20)
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1:   id =>  38932857
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8e74d38)
2021.11.21 10:26:47 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 12775656)
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8f15160)
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774ef10)
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1:   NAME =>  GC_Anlage
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1:   id =>  12775656
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ae0)
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x87aba60)
2021.11.21 10:26:50 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 6784520)
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x772e1c8)
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1:   id =>  6784520
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x85e8de0)
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7941a10)
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8eb1528)
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:52 1:   NAME =>  GC_Chromecast
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 90755641)
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x51926f8)
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1:   id =>  90755641
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774ef28)
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1:   NAME =>  GC_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x787b390)
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x900f628)
2021.11.21 10:26:55 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 28200563)
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8046ec8)
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1:   id =>  28200563
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774f240)
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1:   NAME =>  GG_Alarm
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8d85ee8)
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5230)
2021.11.21 10:26:58 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 62256005)
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x86b1278)
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1:   id =>  62256005
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d5200)
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1:   NAME =>  GG_Haus
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8fe77d0)
2021.11.21 10:27:00 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774f2a0)
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 50594681)
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5260)
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8eba158)
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1:   NAME =>  GG_Wohnkueche
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1:   id =>  50594681
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ee8)
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:03 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8ec7130)
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 15414205)
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8edd578)
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x5c6fc38)
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1:   id =>  15414205
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1:   NAME =>  GH_Bad
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8f15160)
2021.11.21 10:27:05 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x649eb60)
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 38808403)
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x87902d8)
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1:   id =>  38808403
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941818)
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1:   NAME =>  GH_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774eec8)
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8d85ee8)
2021.11.21 10:27:08 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 46709932)
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1:   id =>  46709932
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79409e8)
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x89b8628)
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7940e20)
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x900f628)
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1:   NAME =>  GH_WC
2021.11.21 10:27:10 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 90534572)
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8ef81a8)
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1:   id =>  90534572
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941a70)
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1:   NAME =>  GH_WoZi
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d4c48)
2021.11.21 10:27:13 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8ce9968)
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 93794273)
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8f2f138)
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79f20b0)
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1:   id =>  93794273
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_YYYY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8b8fe98)
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7a256c0)
2021.11.21 10:28:09 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 33901357)
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7a21450)
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1:   id =>  33901357
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x9013110)
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8b8fe98)
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79f5bf8)
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:12 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_Auto_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 34479711)
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_XYXY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8b8fe98)
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79e56c8)
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x9004d68)
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1:   id =>  34479711
2021.11.21 10:28:14 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79dec20)
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 52094377)
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774ef10)
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x902bd50)
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1:   NAME =>  GC_Anlage
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ae0)
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1:   id =>  52094377
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8e8f9c0)
2021.11.21 10:28:17 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 65879388)
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x87a0128)
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7941a10)
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1:   NAME =>  GC_Chromecast
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x772e1c8)
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1:   id =>  65879388
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:19 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x9013110)
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 36656934)
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774ef28)
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1:   id =>  36656934
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x87ab208)
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8eba158)
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x787b390)
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:22 1:   NAME =>  GC_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 45536866)
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1:   NAME =>  GG_Alarm
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e91a28)
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5230)
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8786350)
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1:   id =>  45536866
2021.11.21 10:28:24 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774f240)
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 24787096)
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8efd5d0)
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d5200)
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1:   id =>  24787096
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1:   NAME =>  GG_Haus
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774f2a0)
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8fe77d0)
2021.11.21 10:28:27 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 48588896)
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1:   id =>  48588896
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ee8)
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x89a2308)
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e915d8)
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5260)
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:29 1:   NAME =>  GG_Wohnkueche
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 16940447)
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1:   NAME =>  GH_Bad
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x649eb60)
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x902bd50)
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8f50fe8)
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1:   id =>  16940447
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x5c6fc38)
2021.11.21 10:28:32 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 4318906)
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8d957d0)
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941818)
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1:   id =>  4318906
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1:   NAME =>  GH_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e91a28)
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774eec8)
2021.11.21 10:28:34 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 79653100)
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7940e20)
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8eba158)
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1:   NAME =>  GH_WC
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1:   id =>  79653100
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79409e8)
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:37 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x102bb50)
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 80735518)
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1:   id =>  80735518
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941a70)
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8f40e10)
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8ef5120)
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d4c48)
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:28:39 1:   NAME =>  GH_WoZi
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 55483643)
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_YYYY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8ea9ef8)
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7a256c0)
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x18b00a0)
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1:   id =>  55483643
2021.11.21 10:29:10 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79f20b0)
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 55768444)
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79f5bf8)
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8ea9ef8)
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_Auto_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7a21450)
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1:   id =>  55768444
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x9006ca0)
2021.11.21 10:29:12 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 21141363)
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_XYXY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8ea9ef8)
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79e56c8)
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x85c0c88)
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79dec20)
2021.11.21 10:29:15 1:   id =>  21141363
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 73251601)
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1:   NAME =>  GC_Anlage
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774ef10)
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x85a28c8)
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8ea5bf8)
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1:   id =>  73251601
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ae0)
2021.11.21 10:29:17 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 33987362)
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7941a10)
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8d8dd38)
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1:   NAME =>  GC_Chromecast
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1:   id =>  33987362
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x772e1c8)
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:20 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x9006ca0)
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 61084905)
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x787b390)
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e915d8)
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1:   NAME =>  GC_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1:   id =>  61084905
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774ef28)
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x878c970)
2021.11.21 10:29:22 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 92127176)
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1:   NAME =>  GG_Alarm
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5230)
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x876abe0)
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x899ca90)
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774f240)
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1:   id =>  92127176
2021.11.21 10:29:25 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 80537887)
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8b7af60)
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1:   id =>  80537887
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d5200)
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1:   NAME =>  GG_Haus
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8fe77d0)
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774f2a0)
2021.11.21 10:29:27 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 11033843)
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1:   id =>  11033843
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ee8)
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8eb72e0)
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5260)
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8037e80)
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1:   NAME =>  GG_Wohnkueche
2021.11.21 10:29:30 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 17982766)
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x90161c8)
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1:   id =>  17982766
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x5c6fc38)
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1:   NAME =>  GH_Bad
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x649eb60)
2021.11.21 10:29:32 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x85a28c8)
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 19366636)
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941818)
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1:   id =>  19366636
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8da0a60)
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774eec8)
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x876abe0)
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:35 1:   NAME =>  GH_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 79587433)
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8ed14e0)
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79409e8)
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1:   id =>  79587433
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1:   NAME =>  GH_WC
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7940e20)
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e915d8)
2021.11.21 10:29:37 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 38503208)
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8789158)
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941a70)
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1:   id =>  38503208
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1:   NAME =>  GH_WoZi
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d4c48)
2021.11.21 10:29:40 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e98a30)
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 58173778)
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8046f40)
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7a256c0)
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_YYYY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79f20b0)
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1:   id =>  58173778
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8d38de0)
2021.11.21 10:29:44 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 25088512)
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7a21450)
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1:   id =>  25088512
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x88201d8)
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8046f40)
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79f5bf8)
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_Auto_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:29:47 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 27993738)
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79dec20)
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1:   id =>  27993738
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x89a0a30)
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79e56c8)
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8046f40)
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_XYXY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:29:49 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 46183045)
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774ef10)
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x85bd5e8)
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1:   NAME =>  GC_Anlage
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ae0)
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1:   id =>  46183045
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8d4c3d8)
2021.11.21 10:29:52 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 69778755)
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1:   id =>  69778755
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x772e1c8)
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x88201d8)
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7941a10)
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x90125d0)
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1:   NAME =>  GC_Chromecast
2021.11.21 10:29:54 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 40077758)
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1:   NAME =>  GC_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8037e80)
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x787b390)
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x87ab5b0)
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1:   id =>  40077758
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774ef28)
2021.11.21 10:29:57 1: ws: disconnected, waiting to reappear (pyBinding)
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 38343361)
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5230)
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x18b3f50)
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1:   NAME =>  GG_Alarm
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1:   id =>  38343361
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774f240)
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:00 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x9029cb0)
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 15773197)
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d5200)
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1:   id =>  15773197
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8f1cbc8)
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774f2a0)
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x89a5290)
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1:   NAME =>  GG_Haus
2021.11.21 10:30:02 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 47209616)
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8ed2470)
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5260)
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1:   NAME =>  GG_Wohnkueche
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ee8)
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1:   id =>  47209616
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8e9da40)
2021.11.21 10:30:05 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 94798426)
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1:   NAME =>  GH_Bad
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x649eb60)
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x7da38e8)
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x80ba558)
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1:   id =>  94798426
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x5c6fc38)
2021.11.21 10:30:07 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 49675440)
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1:   NAME =>  GH_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774eec8)
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8ef38f0)
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x90023e0)
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941818)
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1:   id =>  49675440
2021.11.21 10:30:10 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 58193848)
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79409e8)
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1:   id =>  58193848
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8e5bd58)
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8cde1c8)
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7940e20)
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:12 1:   NAME =>  GH_WC
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 42069704)
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8cc9fc8)
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1:   id =>  42069704
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941a70)
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1:   NAME =>  GH_WoZi
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8d90f38)
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d4c48)
2021.11.21 10:30:15 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:15 2: wozi_TV [NonBlocking-VIERA_GetAbortFn()]: BlockingCall for wozi_TV was aborted, timeout reached
2021.11.21 10:30:15 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Mac_XYXY) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Process died prematurely
2021.11.21 10:30:15 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Mac_YYYY) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Process died prematurely
2021.11.21 10:30:15 3: BlockingCall for WOL_PC_ObiWan was aborted
2021.11.21 10:30:15 2: PRESENCE (Handy_YYYY) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Process died prematurely
2021.11.21 10:30:16 2: PRESENCE (Handy_XYXY) - device could not be checked (retrying in 10 seconds): Process died prematurely
2021.11.21 10:30:17 3: EnOcean set schlazi_Rolladen open
2021.11.21 10:30:18 2: SSCam.Dachboden - Quit session due to shutdown ...
2021.11.21 10:30:18 2: SSCam.Flur - Quit session due to shutdown ...
2021.11.21 10:30:18 2: SSCam.Garage - Quit session due to shutdown ...
2021.11.21 10:30:18 2: SSCam.Terrasse_1 - Quit session due to shutdown ...
2021.11.21 10:30:18 2: SSCam.Terrasse_2 - Quit session due to shutdown ...
2021.11.21 10:30:18 1: Server shutdown delayed due to SSCam.Flur,SSCam.Terrasse_2,SSCam.Garage,gassistant,SSCam.Dachboden,SSCam.Terrasse_1,SDS for max 10 sec
2021.11.21 10:30:19 3: fhempyserver_15733: read: end of file reached while sysread
2021.11.21 10:30:19 3: fhempyserver_15733: stopped
2021.11.21 10:30:19 3: fhempyserver_15733: starting
2021.11.21 10:30:19 3: fhempyserver_15733: using logfile: ./log/fhempy-2021-11-21.log
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 91035912)
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_YYYY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e98388)
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7a256c0)
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8037e80)
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79f20b0)
2021.11.21 10:30:22 1:   id =>  91035912
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 86584987)
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_Auto_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e98388)
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79f5bf8)
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x881fba0)
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7a21450)
2021.11.21 10:30:25 1:   id =>  86584987
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 68670165)
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1:   id =>  68670165
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79dec20)
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  ble_presence
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x1152748)
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x79e56c8)
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e98388)
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1:   NAME =>  Gtag_XYXY_remote_IP48
2021.11.21 10:30:27 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 72379102)
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x81688c0)
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ae0)
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1:   id =>  72379102
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1:   NAME =>  GC_Anlage
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e6e700)
2021.11.21 10:30:30 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774ef10)
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 78426711)
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8cc1ff0)
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7941a10)
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1:   NAME =>  GC_Chromecast
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x772e1c8)
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1:   id =>  78426711
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:32 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x886c800)
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 68976553)
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x9001768)
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774ef28)
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1:   id =>  68976553
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1:   NAME =>  GC_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x787b390)
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x18b3f50)
2021.11.21 10:30:35 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 10447652)
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1:   NAME =>  GG_Alarm
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8ce8550)
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5230)
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8e45598)
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1:   id =>  10447652
2021.11.21 10:30:38 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x774f240)
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 16283305)
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1:   id =>  16283305
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d5200)
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x867da88)
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8d8fc88)
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774f2a0)
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1:   NAME =>  GG_Haus
2021.11.21 10:30:40 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 84367435)
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x900c2c0)
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d5260)
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1:   NAME =>  GG_Wohnkueche
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x77d4ee8)
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1:   id =>  84367435
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8ec84f8)
2021.11.21 10:30:43 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 17558245)
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x881df58)
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x5c6fc38)
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1:   id =>  17558245
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1:   NAME =>  GH_Bad
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8e6e700)
2021.11.21 10:30:45 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x649eb60)
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 5096654)
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x774eec8)
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8cc1ff0)
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1:   NAME =>  GH_Kueche
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941818)
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1:   id =>  5096654
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:48 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x881f2a0)
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 3824473)
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1:   NAME =>  GH_WC
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x18b3f50)
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x7940e20)
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8f3aa38)
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1:   id =>  3824473
2021.11.21 10:30:50 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x79409e8)
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_48): ERROR: Timeout while waiting for function to finish (id: 80447459)
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1:   id =>  80447459
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1:   defargsh =>  HASH(0x7941a70)
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1:   PYTHONTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1:   FHEMPYTYPE =>  googlecast
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1:   argsh =>  HASH(0x8cde270)
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1:   defargs =>  ARRAY(0x77d4c48)
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1:   args =>  ARRAY(0x8d2a7d8)
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1:   function =>  Set
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1:   NAME =>  GH_WoZi
2021.11.21 10:30:53 1:   msgtype =>  function
2021.11.21 10:30:53 2: PRESENCE (Handy_Mac_XYXY) - check returned a valid result after 1 unsuccesful retry
Raspi 4, EnOcean TCM310 USB, HM-MOD-UART-USB, Jeelink, hue, AMAD, fully, FRITZBOX, Signalbot, VIERA, Presence BT/Mac, TPLink, Gassistant, Shelly, fhempy, ZigBee


Es werden auch Fehlermeldungen im fhempy-log generiert.
Allerdings erst nach einem Neustart:

2021-11-21 04:52:16,839 - ERROR    - pychromecast.socket_client: [AZi(] Error reading from socket.
2021-11-21 10:30:20,825 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy...
2021-11-21 10:30:20,834 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2021-11-21 10:30:20,868 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2021-11-21 10:31:03,508 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2021-11-21 10:31:03,509 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:
2021-11-21 10:32:14,352 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy...
2021-11-21 10:32:14,362 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2021-11-21 10:32:14,424 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2021-11-21 10:32:25,509 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2021-11-21 10:32:25,511 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:
2021-11-21 10:34:10,534 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy...
2021-11-21 10:34:10,542 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2021-11-21 10:34:10,576 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2021-11-21 10:34:20,021 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2021-11-21 10:34:20,023 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:
2021-11-21 10:34:34,672 - ERROR    - Gtag_Anja: Failed to update characteristics
2021-11-21 10:34:36,624 - WARNING  - asyncio: Executing <Task pending name='Task-110' coro=<scanner.loop_scan() running at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/ble_presence/ble_presence.py:150> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0xb0172d90>()] created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/base_events.py:424> created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/tasks.py:361> took 0.335 seconds
2021-11-21 10:36:37,720 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy...
2021-11-21 10:36:37,729 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2021-11-21 10:36:37,763 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2021-11-21 10:36:46,984 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2021-11-21 10:36:46,986 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:
2021-11-21 10:36:52,210 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.pkg_installer: Attempting install of fhempy
2021-11-21 10:37:00,624 - WARNING  - asyncio: Executing <Task pending name='Task-102' coro=<scanner.loop_scan() running at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/ble_presence/ble_presence.py:150> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0xb065d100>()] created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/base_events.py:424> created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/tasks.py:361> took 0.294 seconds

Erst ein löschen des Peer-Device hat das fhem dann wieder bedienbar gemacht. Btw. der peer hat in fhem aber einen grünen Punkt gehabt....
Und dann ist mir dabei aufgefallen, dass die Geräte wohl zwingend den IODev gestezt haben müssen... denn was die Cast-Geräte mit dem Peer zu tun haben, erschließt sich mir überhaupt nicht. Der Peer war nur für Presence da.

Bis denn

Sorry, dass ich zwei Posts nacheinander gemacht habe... Wenn ich einen machen wollte, hat das Forum immer einen Fehler verursacht und nur den halben Post dargestellt.
Raspi 4, EnOcean TCM310 USB, HM-MOD-UART-USB, Jeelink, hue, AMAD, fully, FRITZBOX, Signalbot, VIERA, Presence BT/Mac, TPLink, Gassistant, Shelly, fhempy, ZigBee


Zitat von: dominik am 20 November 2021, 22:28:22
Schau mal ins fhempy Log bzw. starte fhempy mal neu und prüfe ob es dann funktioniert. Hast du googlecast zuvor verwendet? Wenn ja, poste bitte das gesamte fhempy Log damit man sehen kann was schief gelaufen ist. Danke.
nachdem ich den Raspi - und somit auch fhem - neu gestartet habe, waren die Fehler erst einmal weg. Testweise habe ich den JBL wieder mit Google-Cast eingerichtet, und nach einiger Zeit (der JBL war wieder aus) kamen auch wieder Fehler im fhem-Log. Ich hänge das
Hier einmal das fhempylog von gestern
2021-11-21 00:14:41,882 - WARNING  - asyncio: Executing <TimerHandle when=359254.72556701 AsyncEngine._async_cache_cleanup() created at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/zeroconf/_core.py:179> took 3.000 seconds
2021-11-21 10:45:53,032 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy...
2021-11-21 10:45:53,054 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2021-11-21 10:45:53,138 - WARNING  - asyncio: Executing <Task pending coro=<async_main() running at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fhempy/lib/fhem_pythonbinding.py:531> wait_for=<_GatheringFuture pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0xb5036130>()] created at /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.py:615> cb=[_run_until_complete_cb() at /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py:158] created at /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py:563> took 0.106 seconds
2021-11-21 10:45:53,140 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2021-11-21 10:46:22,345 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2021-11-21 10:46:22,347 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:
2021-11-21 10:57:00,083 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.pkg_installer: Attempting install of fhempy
2021-11-21 10:57:12,957 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.pkg_installer: Successfully installed fhempy update!
2021-11-21 10:57:14,223 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy...
2021-11-21 10:57:14,242 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2021-11-21 10:57:14,322 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2021-11-21 10:57:24,050 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2021-11-21 10:57:24,052 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:
2021-11-21 10:58:12,881 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy...
2021-11-21 10:58:12,902 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2021-11-21 10:58:12,976 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2021-11-21 10:58:42,516 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2021-11-21 10:58:42,518 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:
2021-11-21 20:19:25,260 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.pkg_installer: Attempting install of pychromecast==10.1.0
2021-11-21 20:19:31,797 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.pkg_installer: Successfully installed pychromecast==10.1.0 update!
2021-11-21 20:19:31,811 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.pkg_installer: Attempting install of spotipy==2.19.0
2021-11-21 20:19:37,123 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.pkg_installer: Successfully installed spotipy==2.19.0 update!
2021-11-21 20:50:24,048 - ERROR    - pychromecast.socket_client: [Badezimmer(] Failed to connect to service ServiceInfo(type='host', data=('', 8009)), retrying in 5.0s
2021-11-21 20:50:29,539 - ERROR    - pychromecast.socket_client: [Badezimmer(] Failed to connect to service ServiceInfo(type='host', data=('', 8009)), retrying in 5.0s

Aktuell ist der JBL online - aber die Nachrichten im fhem-Log kommen weiter.

Gruß, Christoph

Alte Techniker-Regel: "kaum macht man es richtig, funktioniert es auch"
Dell Wyse5070 ThinClient 16GBRam, 64GB SSD, Lubuntu 22.04LTS, fhem (aktuell), debmatic, Homematic-Devs, ConBee II und deConz, viele Shellys, Rademacher, NextCloud-Anbindung, FullyKioskBrowser+FUIP uvm.