Leistungsprognose für Wechselrichter

Begonnen von ch.eick, 18 Januar 2021, 08:35:46

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Habs gleich mal eingespielt und gesetzt
BananaPi + CUL868 + CUL433 + HM-UART + 1Wire


Kleine Kurvendiskussion....

Wir haben ja momentan eine recht stabile, aber auch extreme Strahlungssituation. So hatte ich heute 19:00 noch ein Rad1h von
Das führt zum Beispiel dazu, dass es Ausreißer in der Vorhersage gibt, wenn zu es zu der Bewölkungslage noch keine historischen Werte in der pvHistory gibt die bewertet wurden. Dann wird der DWD Strahlungswert mit "1" bewertet und führt derzeit in diesen Fällen zu hohen Vorhersagen wie man in dem Anhang recht gut sieht.

Ganz allgemein ist festzustellen, dass insbesondere in den Morgen- und Abendstunden recht starke Korrekturfaktoren errechnet werden. Zur Mittagszeit (bei mir Südlage) sind die Korrekturen weniger stark.
Daraus schließe ich, dass die DWD-Strahlungsangaben eine Globalstrahlung darstellen, die bei meiner Südanlage gerade Morgens und Abends naturgegeben nicht direkt in Energie umgesetzt werden kann.
Hohe Rad1h-Werte erfordern in diesem Fall dann entsprechend hohe (negative) Korrekturen. Mittags benötigt meine Südanlage weniger starke Korrekturen, da die Strahlung dann direkt wirken kann.

Um die Genauigkeit weiter zu erhöhen, muss ich wahrscheinlich die Datenbasis erweitern, d.h. mehr Tage in der pvHistory speichern um die Trefferquote bei sich wiederholenden Bewölkungslagen pro Stunde zu erhöhen. Zur Zeit sind es max. 31 Tage. Bei 62 gespeicherten Tagen verdoppelt sich schonmal die Trefferwahrscheinlichkeit.

D.h. für mich auch, die Qualität der Vorhersagen ist insgesamt sehr abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit vergangener Vergleichswerte.
Dabei ist die Veränderung der Strahlungswerte im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf ebenfalls sehr wichtig. Dieses "Nachziehen" bzw. Forführung der gleitenden Korrekturen ist durch die aktuelle Struktur des Moduls schon recht gut gegeben, wenn auch verbesserungfähig. Allerdings muss man auch das Verhältnis von Aufwand und Nutzen/Ergebnis im Auge behalten.
Bereits jetzt ist die Komplexität des Moduls so hoch, dass es ggf. zu Performancebeeinflussungen auf schwacher Hardware kommen könnte ... hat das schonmal jemand betrachtet ?

Außerdem wäre natürlich die Bestimmung der Temperaturverhältnisse an den entsprechenden Strings noch wesentlich, denn die Arbeitspunkte einer Anlage sind durchaus temperaturabhängig. Zur Zeit haben wir sicher extreme Temperaturverhältnisse an den Zellen.
Ich habe bisher auf einen Temperaturbezug verzichtet, weil ich der Meinung bin dass nur direkt an den Zellen gemessene Temperaturen hilfreich sind und nicht "normale" Umgebungstemperaturen.

Das sollten jetzt nur ein paar Überlegungen zum bis jetzt erreichten Stand sein ...  ;)
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Zitat von: dk3572 am 16 Juni 2021, 17:07:54
Und passend hierzu wieder das Beispiel, in der geplanten Zeit waren alle Icon gold.
Jetzt wo der Erste Verbraucher abgelaufen ist wurde dieser grau.
Aber die anderen sind jetzt weiß, obwohl noch in der geplanten Zeit.

consumerAdviceIcon    clock@gold

Hallo Heiko,

die Anzeige (Farbe) der Icon funktioniert jetzt.
Allerdings kann doch planningstate=planned nach 11 Uhr nicht stimmen.
Oder verstehe ich das falsch?

2021-06-18 11:03:47   consumer01      name='Waschmaschine' state='on' planningstate='planned'
2021-06-18 11:03:47   consumer01_planned_start 2021-06-18 08:00:00
2021-06-18 11:03:47   consumer01_planned_stop 2021-06-18 11:00:00

VG Dieter


Allerdings kann doch planningstate=planned nach 11 Uhr nicht stimmen.
Oder verstehe ich das falsch?
Vermutlich lässt du den Verbraucher durch das Modul nicht automatisch ein/ausschalten.
Dann verbleibt es im Status "planned", es darf ja nichts tun.  ;)
Sonst würde sich der Status ändern in "started", "finished" usw.

ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Hallo zusammen,

es gibt wieder eine Weiterentwicklung im contrib.
Was ist hier drin:

- die Autokorrektur ist ausgebaut (Idee aus #1066). Es werden vorranging die historischen Daten aus pvHistory ausgewertet.
  Sollten  dort keine Werte für die aktuelle Bewölkungslage der relevanten Stunden vorhanden sein, werden die Langzeitdaten
  aus pvCircular herangezogen sofern dort vorhanden. Das bedeutet, dass auch Korrekturfaktoren für Bewölkungslagen die länger
  als 30 Tage her sind, angewendet werden.
  Es wird aber das Attribut numHistDays berücksichtigt, sofern man es gesetzt hat. Dazu wurde der Funktionsumfang des
  Attr erweitert:

  Anzahl der historischen Tage aus Cache 'pvHistory' die zur Autokorrektur der PV Vorhersage verwendet werden.
  (default: alle verfügbaren Daten in pvHistory und pvCircular) 

  Bedeutet im Klartext, dass wenn Attr numHistDays gesetzt ist, wird nur die angegebene Anzahl hist. Tage berücksichtigt und
  keine Daten aus pvCircular (die die Korrekturfaktoren über die gesamte Laufzeit für jede Stunde abbilden).

- Die reset Funktion für pvCorrection wurde erweitert:

  pvCorrection    löscht die aktuell ermittelten PV Tageskorrekturfaktoren
   Um PV Korrekturfaktoren einer bestimmte Stunde aus pvCircular zu löschen:
       set <name> reset pvCorrection circular <Stunde>
           (z.B. set <name> reset pvCorrection circular 10)

   Um alle bisher gespeicherten PV Korrekturfaktoren aus pvCircular zu löschen:
       set <name> reset pvCorrection circular

- ein paar minor fixes

ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


@Dieter, sind deine Inverter-Ausreißer eigentlich nochmal aufgetreten ?
Seit V 0.52.4 vom 15.06. hatte ich ja etwas eingebaut was dieses Problem hoffentlich unterbindet.

ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Zitat von: DS_Starter am 20 Juni 2021, 12:15:19
@Dieter, sind deine Inverter-Ausreißer eigentlich nochmal aufgetreten ?
Seit V 0.52.4 vom 15.06. hatte ich ja etwas eingebaut was dieses Problem hoffentlich unterbindet.


Nein, bis jetzt alles gut.
Ich berichte sobald es wieder auftritt  ;)


Hallo Zusammen,

hab das tolle Modul am vorletzten Samstag zufällig entdeckt und ein paar Tage lang nun bei mir mit in Nutzung.

Leider bekomme ich für ein paar Icons bzw. VAR immer wieder mal Fehlermeldung beim Neustart von FHEM. Danach tauchen die Fehler nicht mehr auf
Hab ich da im Thread übersehen wie die Fehlermeldungen beseitigt werden können?? :'( :'(

021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.22 22:31:06 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at ./FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm line 4657.
2021.06.22 22:31:06 1: PERL WARNING: Argument " " isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at ./FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm line 4662.

FHEM 6.3 - Raspberry Pi 3 / Pi 4 - VControl300 mit VITOVALOR 300P - SMAEM - SMAInverter - DbLog/DbRep - MariaDB/QNAP - div. HTTPMOD - div. Modbus ser+TCP - SolarForecast - Tibber + Ladung mit SMA-SBS25


Hi 300P,

die beiden Warnungen muss ich mir anschauen.
Aber bzgl. der Icons fehlen dir offensichtlich 'weather_cloudy_heavy' bzw. 'weather_rain_light'.
Die liegen bei mir in ../images/openautomation.
Hast du openautomation mit in der FHEMWEB Instanz hinzugefügt ? z.B.

attr ...  iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:openautomation_Diff_2017_06_03:sscam

Edit: die gemeldeten Zeilennummern passen nicht zum aktuellen Modulstand. Ziehe dir bitte nochmal die aktuelle Version aus dem contrib damit ich die Stelle dann finden kann.

ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Zitat von: DS_Starter am 22 Juni 2021, 23:13:03
Hi 300P,

Edit: die gemeldeten Zeilennummern passen nicht zum aktuellen Modulstand. Ziehe dir bitte nochmal die aktuelle Version aus dem contrib damit ich die Stelle dann finden kann.


:-[ :-[ - hatte wirklich nicht die allerletzte Version genutzt - mit der vom 20.6. sind die Pearl-Warnungen jetzt weg.

Jetzt muss ich nochmals schauen warum die ICON-Meldungen weiter gemeldet werden
Icons liegen in ../images/openautomation und openautomation ist schon länger installiert bei mir

attr WEB iconPath fhemSVG:openautomation:default

Die Icons sehe ich auch als Grafik.(Screenshot)


FHEM 6.3 - Raspberry Pi 3 / Pi 4 - VControl300 mit VITOVALOR 300P - SMAEM - SMAInverter - DbLog/DbRep - MariaDB/QNAP - div. HTTPMOD - div. Modbus ser+TCP - SolarForecast - Tibber + Ladung mit SMA-SBS25


Ich habe dir eine neue V ins contrib gestellt, die bei dem Fehler den Klarnamen des Icon und nicht die Nummer anzeigen sollte.

Setzt mal das Attr showNight = 1. Ich vermute das fehlende Icon wird in der Anzeige verborgen.
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Hallo Heiko,

hier das Startlog mit der neuesten Version von heute (verbose 5):

Die besagten ICON-Fehler sind wieder bei mir  ;) vorhanden (ganz am Ende -> Attr ShowNight = 1)

Sonderwunsch -> die gelbe PV-Sonne .... wie könnte ich sie für meine Brennstoffzelle in der Grafik für die 2.te Version "ersetzen"?

021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - ################################################################
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - ###                New data collection cycle                 ###
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - ################################################################
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - current hour of day: 15
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - all registered consumers:
$VAR1 = {};

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_15_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=93, rp=3.00, t=16.5
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 93
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 3.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: temperature, val: 16.5
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_16_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=92, rp=2.00, t=16.9
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 16, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 16, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 92
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 16, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 2.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 16, hash: temperature, val: 16.9
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_17_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=91, rp=4.00, t=16.8
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 91
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 4.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: temperature, val: 16.8
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_18_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=91, rp=4.00, t=17
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 91
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 4.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: temperature, val: 17
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_19_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=87, rp=8.00, t=16.9
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 87
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 8.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: temperature, val: 16.9
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_20_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=87, rp=6.00, t=16.5
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 87
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 6.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: temperature, val: 16.5
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_21_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=85, rp=8.00, t=15.8
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 85
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 8.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: temperature, val: 15.8
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_22_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=85, rp=7.00, t=15.2
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 85
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 7.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: temperature, val: 15.2
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_23_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=84, rp=3.00, t=14.4
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: weatherid, val: 103
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 84
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 3.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: temperature, val: 14.4
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_24_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=84, rp=3.00, t=14.4
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: weatherid, val: 103
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 84
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 3.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: temperature, val: 14.4
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_1_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=85, rp=5.00, t=13.5
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_2_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=90, rp=5.00, t=13.1
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_3_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=90, rp=6.00, t=12.5
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_4_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=93, rp=9.00, t=12.1
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_5_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=97, rp=14.00, t=11.9
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_6_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=96, rp=21.00, t=11.8
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_7_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=98, rp=22.00, t=12.2
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_8_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=98, rp=26.00, t=12.9
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_9_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=98, rp=29.00, t=13.4
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_10_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=31.00, t=14.1
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_11_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=30.00, t=14.5
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_12_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=28.00, t=15
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_13_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=28.00, t=15.8
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_14_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=97, rp=25.00, t=16.2
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_15_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=22.00, t=16.4
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_16_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=21.00, t=16.3
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_17_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=20.00, t=16.1
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_18_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=95, rp=31.00, t=16
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_19_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=95, rp=38.00, t=15.8
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_20_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=36.00, t=15.4
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_21_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=95, rp=29.00, t=14.8
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_22_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=95, rp=30.00, t=14.1
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_23_ww, val=161, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=28.00, t=13.7
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_24_ww, val=161, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=28.00, t=13.7
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_15_Rad1h, Rad1h=1280.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 0.80/1
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 15 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 93
Cloudfactor => 0.6745
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 723.3 Wh
Radiation => 1280.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.997
Rainprob => 3.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 15 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.80
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 578 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: pvfc, val: 578
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_16_Rad1h, Rad1h=1310.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 16, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 0.70/1
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 16 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 92
Cloudfactor => 0.678
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 744.8 Wh
Radiation => 1310.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.998
Rainprob => 2.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 16 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.70
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 521 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 16, hash: pvfc, val: 521
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_17_Rad1h, Rad1h=1170.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 17 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 91
Cloudfactor => 0.6815
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 667.3 Wh
Radiation => 1170.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.996
Rainprob => 4.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 17 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 667 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: pvfc, val: 667
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_18_Rad1h, Rad1h=960.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 0.70/1
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 18 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 91
Cloudfactor => 0.6815
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 547.5 Wh
Radiation => 960.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.996
Rainprob => 4.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 18 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.70
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 383 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: pvfc, val: 383
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_19_Rad1h, Rad1h=690.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 19 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 87
Cloudfactor => 0.6955
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 400.0 Wh
Radiation => 690.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.992
Rainprob => 8.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 19 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 400 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: pvfc, val: 400
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_20_Rad1h, Rad1h=430.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 20 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 87
Cloudfactor => 0.6955
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 249.8 Wh
Radiation => 430.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.994
Rainprob => 6.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 20 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 249 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: pvfc, val: 249
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_21_Rad1h, Rad1h=190.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 21 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 8
Cloudcover => 85
Cloudfactor => 0.7025
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 111.3 Wh
Radiation => 190.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.992
Rainprob => 8.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 21 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 111 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: pvfc, val: 111
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_22_Rad1h, Rad1h=40.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 22 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 8
Cloudcover => 85
Cloudfactor => 0.7025
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 23.4 Wh
Radiation => 40.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.993
Rainprob => 7.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 22 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 23 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: pvfc, val: 23
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_23_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 23 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 8
Cloudcover => 84
Cloudfactor => 0.706
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.997
Rainprob => 3.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 23 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: pvfc, val: 0
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_23_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 24 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 8
Cloudcover => 84
Cloudfactor => 0.706
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.997
Rainprob => 3.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 24 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: pvfc, val: 0
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_1_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 01 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 8
Cloudcover => 85
Cloudfactor => 0.7025
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.995
Rainprob => 5.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 01 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_2_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 02 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 90
Cloudfactor => 0.685
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.995
Rainprob => 5.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 02 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_3_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 03 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 90
Cloudfactor => 0.685
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.994
Rainprob => 6.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 03 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_4_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 04 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 93
Cloudfactor => 0.6745
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.991
Rainprob => 9.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 04 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_5_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 05 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 97
Cloudfactor => 0.6605
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.986
Rainprob => 14.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 05 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_6_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 06 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.979
Rainprob => 21.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 06 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.80
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_7_Rad1h, Rad1h=70.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 07 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 98
Cloudfactor => 0.657
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 37.8 Wh
Radiation => 70.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.978
Rainprob => 22.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 07 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.63
PV correction quality => 2
PV generation forecast => 23 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_8_Rad1h, Rad1h=220.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 08 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 98
Cloudfactor => 0.657
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 118.3 Wh
Radiation => 220.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.974
Rainprob => 26.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 08 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.67
PV correction quality => 2
PV generation forecast => 79 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_9_Rad1h, Rad1h=410.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 09 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 98
Cloudfactor => 0.657
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 219.8 Wh
Radiation => 410.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.971
Rainprob => 29.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 09 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.99
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 217 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_10_Rad1h, Rad1h=640.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 10 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 346.0 Wh
Radiation => 640.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.969
Rainprob => 31.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 10 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.83
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 287 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_11_Rad1h, Rad1h=790.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 11 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 427.6 Wh
Radiation => 790.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.97
Rainprob => 30.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 11 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 1.04
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 444 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_12_Rad1h, Rad1h=970.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 12 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 526.1 Wh
Radiation => 970.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.972
Rainprob => 28.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 12 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 1.04
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 547 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_13_Rad1h, Rad1h=1070.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 13 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 580.3 Wh
Radiation => 1070.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.972
Rainprob => 28.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 13 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.99
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 574 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_14_Rad1h, Rad1h=1100.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 14 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 97
Cloudfactor => 0.6605
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 595.2 Wh
Radiation => 1100.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.975
Rainprob => 25.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 14 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.92
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 547 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_15_Rad1h, Rad1h=1060.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 15 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 578.4 Wh
Radiation => 1060.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.978
Rainprob => 22.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 15 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 1.04
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 601 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_16_Rad1h, Rad1h=1010.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 16 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 551.7 Wh
Radiation => 1010.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.979
Rainprob => 21.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 16 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.82
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 452 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_17_Rad1h, Rad1h=860.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 17 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 470.2 Wh
Radiation => 860.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.98
Rainprob => 20.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 17 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.79
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 371 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_18_Rad1h, Rad1h=660.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 18 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 95
Cloudfactor => 0.6675
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 358.7 Wh
Radiation => 660.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.969
Rainprob => 31.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 18 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.65
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 233 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_19_Rad1h, Rad1h=460.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 19 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 95
Cloudfactor => 0.6675
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 248.2 Wh
Radiation => 460.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.962
Rainprob => 38.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 19 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.72
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 178 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_20_Rad1h, Rad1h=270.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 20 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 145.2 Wh
Radiation => 270.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.964
Rainprob => 36.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 20 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.76
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 110 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_21_Rad1h, Rad1h=130.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 21 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 95
Cloudfactor => 0.6675
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 70.8 Wh
Radiation => 130.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.971
Rainprob => 29.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 21 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.98
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 69 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_22_Rad1h, Rad1h=20.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 22 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 95
Cloudfactor => 0.6675
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 10.9 Wh
Radiation => 20.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.97
Rainprob => 30.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 22 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.55
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 5 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_23_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 23 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.972
Rainprob => 28.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 23 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_23_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 24 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.972
Rainprob => 28.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 24 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Inverter data: device=SB25, pv=state (kW), etotal=etotal (kWh)
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: pvrl, val: 654
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Meter data: device=SMA_Energymeter, gcon=Bezug_Wirkleistung (W), gfeedin=Einspeisung_Wirkleistung (W) ,contotal=Bezug_Wirkleistung_Zaehler (kWh), feedtotal=Einspeisung_Wirkleistung_Zaehler (kWh)
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - collect Battery data: device=SBS25, pin=power_in (W), pout=power_out (W>), totalin: bat_loadtotal (kWh), totalout: etotal (kWh), charge: chargestatus
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: batinthishour, val: 362
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: batoutthishour, val: 16
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for tomorrow: 4893, days for avg: 5, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: confc, val: 875
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 14:00:00, con: 875, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 16, hash: confc, val: 638
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 15:00:00, con: 638, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: confc, val: 478
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 16:00:00, con: 478, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: confc, val: 810
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 17:00:00, con: 810, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: confc, val: 200
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 18:00:00, con: 200, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: confc, val: -13
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 19:00:00, con: -13, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: confc, val: 28
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 20:00:00, con: 28, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: confc, val: -75
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 21:00:00, con: -75, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: confc, val: -90
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 22:00:00, con: -90, days for avg: 4, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: confc, val: -217
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 23:00:00, con: -217, days for avg: 4, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 00:00:00, con: -164, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 01:00:00, con: -264, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 02:00:00, con: -261, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 03:00:00, con: 148, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 04:00:00, con: 467, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 05:00:00, con: 162, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 06:00:00, con: 194, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 07:00:00, con: 356, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 08:00:00, con: 582, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 09:00:00, con: 710, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 10:00:00, con: 726, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 11:00:00, con: 949, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 12:00:00, con: 639, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 13:00:00, con: 941, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 14:00:00, con: 1849, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 15:00:00, con: 1341, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 16:00:00, con: 1109, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 17:00:00, con: 2083, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 18:00:00, con: 602, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 19:00:00, con: 109, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 20:00:00, con: 147, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 21:00:00, con: -102, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 22:00:00, con: -16, days for avg: 4, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 23:00:00, con: -113, days for avg: 4, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 07 already calculated
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 08 already calculated
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 09 already calculated
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 10 already calculated
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 11 already calculated
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 12 already calculated
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 13 already calculated
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 14 already calculated
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 15, hash: con, val: 265
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 5: PVForecast - next start of autoRefresh: 2021-06-23 15:01:21
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 103 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 3 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:21 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon 61 not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 14:59:24 5: PVForecast - next start of autoRefresh: 2021-06-23 15:01:24

FHEM 6.3 - Raspberry Pi 3 / Pi 4 - VControl300 mit VITOVALOR 300P - SMAEM - SMAInverter - DbLog/DbRep - MariaDB/QNAP - div. HTTPMOD - div. Modbus ser+TCP - SolarForecast - Tibber + Ladung mit SMA-SBS25


Hi 300P,

hast du wirklich die neueste V aktiv ?

Im Fehlerfall kommt bei mir:

2021.06.23 15:30:36.615 2: SolCast2 - the icon "weather_cloudy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software

Das heißt das Icon wird als Text ausgewiesen damit man es im Verzeichnis mal suchen kann.

Lade das nochmal, wir brauchen den Dateinamen des Icon.

ZitatSonderwunsch -> die gelbe PV-Sonne .... wie könnte ich sie für meine Brennstoffzelle in der Grafik für die 2.te Version "ersetzen"?
Die kannst du momentan nicht ersetzen. Es gab /gibt den Wunsch generell die Sonne mit den Wettericons zu synchronisieren. Wenn Wzut wieder an Bord ist, wird er sich diesem Wunsch bestimmt widmen.
(Wzut arbeitet in diesem Projekt speziell an der Gestaltung der Grafiken mit.)
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Hallo Heiko,

ich hab mal in das Modul geschaut (interne History Version):

Download heute um 10:31 Uhr - Version 0.54.0
Wenn ich jetzt in den Trunk schaue steht dort aktualisiert um 09:03:58 Uhr - aber mit Version 0.54.1

Da hat wohl meine Proxy die aktuellste Version von heute Morgen aus dem Trunk "vergeigt" bzw. unterschlagen...  >:(

Nehme jetzt die 0.54.1 und berichte neu....SORRY! :-[

FHEM 6.3 - Raspberry Pi 3 / Pi 4 - VControl300 mit VITOVALOR 300P - SMAEM - SMAInverter - DbLog/DbRep - MariaDB/QNAP - div. HTTPMOD - div. Modbus ser+TCP - SolarForecast - Tibber + Ladung mit SMA-SBS25


Hallo Heiko,

Jetzt aber... hier das Startlog mit der neuesten Version von heute (verbose 5):

Die besagten ICON-Fehler sind bei V0.54.1 beim Restart bei mir vorhanden (Attr ShowNight = 1)

(Danach sind sie nicht mehr im LOG sichtbar)


021.06.23 16:51:43 0: Featurelevel: 6
2021.06.23 16:51:43 0: Server started with 177 defined entities (fhem.pl:24651/2021-06-17 perl:5.028001 os:linux user:fhem pid:6298)
2021.06.23 16:51:43 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $hybernate in concatenation (.) or string at ./FHEM/86_Robonect.pm line 592.
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - ################################################################
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - ###                New data collection cycle                 ###
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - ################################################################
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - current hour of day: 17
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - all registered consumers:
$VAR1 = {};

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_17_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=91, rp=4.00, t=16.8
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 91
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 4.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: temperature, val: 16.8
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_18_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=91, rp=4.00, t=17
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 91
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 4.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: temperature, val: 17
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_19_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=87, rp=8.00, t=16.9
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 87
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 8.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: temperature, val: 16.9
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_20_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=87, rp=6.00, t=16.5
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 87
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 6.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: temperature, val: 16.5
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_21_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=85, rp=8.00, t=15.8
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 85
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 8.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: temperature, val: 15.8
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_22_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=85, rp=7.00, t=15.2
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: weatherid, val: 3
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 85
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 7.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: temperature, val: 15.2
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_23_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=84, rp=3.00, t=14.4
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: weatherid, val: 103
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 84
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 3.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: temperature, val: 14.4
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc0_24_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=84, rp=3.00, t=14.4
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: weatherid, val: 103
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: weathercloudcover, val: 84
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: weatherrainprob, val: 3.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: temperature, val: 14.4
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_1_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=85, rp=5.00, t=13.5
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_2_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=90, rp=5.00, t=13.1
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_3_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=90, rp=6.00, t=12.5
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_4_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=93, rp=9.00, t=12.1
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_5_ww, val=103, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=97, rp=14.00, t=11.9
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_6_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=96, rp=21.00, t=11.8
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_7_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=98, rp=22.00, t=12.2
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_8_ww, val=3, txt=Bewölkung zunehmend, cc=98, rp=26.00, t=12.9
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_9_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=98, rp=29.00, t=13.4
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_10_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=31.00, t=14.1
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_11_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=30.00, t=14.5
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_12_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=28.00, t=15
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_13_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=28.00, t=15.8
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_14_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=97, rp=25.00, t=16.2
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_15_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=22.00, t=16.4
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_16_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=21.00, t=16.3
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_17_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=20.00, t=16.1
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_18_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=95, rp=31.00, t=16
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_19_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=95, rp=38.00, t=15.8
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_20_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=36.00, t=15.4
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_21_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=95, rp=29.00, t=14.8
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_22_ww, val=61, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=95, rp=30.00, t=14.1
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_23_ww, val=161, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=28.00, t=13.7
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Weather data: device=DWD, wid=fc1_24_ww, val=161, txt=durchgehend leichter Regen, cc=96, rp=28.00, t=13.7
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_17_Rad1h, Rad1h=1170.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 17 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 91
Cloudfactor => 0.6815
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 667.3 Wh
Radiation => 1170.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.996
Rainprob => 4.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 17 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 667 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: pvfc, val: 667
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_18_Rad1h, Rad1h=960.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 0.70/1
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 18 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 91
Cloudfactor => 0.6815
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 547.5 Wh
Radiation => 960.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.996
Rainprob => 4.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 18 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.70
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 383 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: pvfc, val: 383
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_19_Rad1h, Rad1h=690.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 19 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 87
Cloudfactor => 0.6955
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 400.0 Wh
Radiation => 690.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.992
Rainprob => 8.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 19 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 400 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: pvfc, val: 400
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_20_Rad1h, Rad1h=430.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 20 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 87
Cloudfactor => 0.6955
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 249.8 Wh
Radiation => 430.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.994
Rainprob => 6.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 20 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 249 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: pvfc, val: 249
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_21_Rad1h, Rad1h=190.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 21 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 8
Cloudcover => 85
Cloudfactor => 0.7025
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 111.3 Wh
Radiation => 190.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.992
Rainprob => 8.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 21 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 111 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: pvfc, val: 111
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_22_Rad1h, Rad1h=40.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 22 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 8
Cloudcover => 85
Cloudfactor => 0.7025
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 23.4 Wh
Radiation => 40.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.993
Rainprob => 7.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 22 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 23 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: pvfc, val: 23
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_23_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 23 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 8
Cloudcover => 84
Cloudfactor => 0.706
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.997
Rainprob => 3.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 23 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: pvfc, val: 0
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc0_23_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: pvcorrfactor, val: 1.00/0
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for today Hour 24 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 8
Cloudcover => 84
Cloudfactor => 0.706
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.997
Rainprob => 3.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for today Hour 24 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: pvfc, val: 0
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_1_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 01 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 8
Cloudcover => 85
Cloudfactor => 0.7025
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.995
Rainprob => 5.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 01 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_2_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 02 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 90
Cloudfactor => 0.685
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.995
Rainprob => 5.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 02 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_3_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 03 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 90
Cloudfactor => 0.685
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.994
Rainprob => 6.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 03 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_4_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 04 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 9
Cloudcover => 93
Cloudfactor => 0.6745
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.991
Rainprob => 9.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 04 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_5_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 05 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 97
Cloudfactor => 0.6605
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.986
Rainprob => 14.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 05 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_6_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 06 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.979
Rainprob => 21.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 06 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.80
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_7_Rad1h, Rad1h=70.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 07 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 98
Cloudfactor => 0.657
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 37.8 Wh
Radiation => 70.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.978
Rainprob => 22.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 07 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.63
PV correction quality => 2
PV generation forecast => 23 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_8_Rad1h, Rad1h=220.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 08 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 98
Cloudfactor => 0.657
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 118.3 Wh
Radiation => 220.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.974
Rainprob => 26.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 08 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.67
PV correction quality => 2
PV generation forecast => 79 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_9_Rad1h, Rad1h=410.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 09 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 98
Cloudfactor => 0.657
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 219.8 Wh
Radiation => 410.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.971
Rainprob => 29.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 09 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.99
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 217 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_10_Rad1h, Rad1h=640.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 10 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 346.0 Wh
Radiation => 640.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.969
Rainprob => 31.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 10 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.83
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 287 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_11_Rad1h, Rad1h=790.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 11 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 427.6 Wh
Radiation => 790.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.97
Rainprob => 30.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 11 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 1.04
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 444 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_12_Rad1h, Rad1h=970.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 12 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 526.1 Wh
Radiation => 970.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.972
Rainprob => 28.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 12 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 1.04
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 547 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_13_Rad1h, Rad1h=1070.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 13 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 580.3 Wh
Radiation => 1070.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.972
Rainprob => 28.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 13 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.99
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 574 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_14_Rad1h, Rad1h=1100.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 14 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 97
Cloudfactor => 0.6605
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 595.2 Wh
Radiation => 1100.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.975
Rainprob => 25.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 14 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.92
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 547 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_15_Rad1h, Rad1h=1060.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 15 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 578.4 Wh
Radiation => 1060.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.978
Rainprob => 22.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 15 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 1.04
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 601 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_16_Rad1h, Rad1h=1010.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 16 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 551.7 Wh
Radiation => 1010.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.979
Rainprob => 21.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 16 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.82
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 452 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_17_Rad1h, Rad1h=860.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 17 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 470.2 Wh
Radiation => 860.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.98
Rainprob => 20.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 17 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.79
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 371 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_18_Rad1h, Rad1h=660.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 18 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 95
Cloudfactor => 0.6675
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 358.7 Wh
Radiation => 660.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.969
Rainprob => 31.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 18 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.65
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 233 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_19_Rad1h, Rad1h=460.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 19 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 95
Cloudfactor => 0.6675
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 248.2 Wh
Radiation => 460.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.962
Rainprob => 38.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 19 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.72
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 178 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_20_Rad1h, Rad1h=270.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 20 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 145.2 Wh
Radiation => 270.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.964
Rainprob => 36.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 20 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.76
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 110 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_21_Rad1h, Rad1h=130.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 21 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 95
Cloudfactor => 0.6675
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 70.8 Wh
Radiation => 130.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.971
Rainprob => 29.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 21 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.98
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 69 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_22_Rad1h, Rad1h=20.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 22 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 95
Cloudfactor => 0.6675
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 10.9 Wh
Radiation => 20.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.97
Rainprob => 30.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 22 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => yes
PV correction factor => 0.55
PV correction quality => 1
PV generation forecast => 5 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_23_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 23 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.972
Rainprob => 28.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 23 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Radiation data: device=DWD, rad=fc1_23_Rad1h, Rad1h=0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc (raw) for tomorrow Hour 24 string inverterstring_sb25 ->
Area factor => 1.1
CloudFactorDamping => 35 %
CloudRange => 10
Cloudcover => 96
Cloudfactor => 0.664
Factor kJ to kWh => 0.00027778
PV generation forecast (raw) => 0.0 Wh
Radiation => 0.00
RainFactorDamping => 10 %
Rainfactor => 0.972
Rainprob => 28.00
moduleDirection => SE
modulePeakString => 2750 W
moduleTiltAngle => 30

2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - PV forecast calc for tomorrow Hour 24 summary:
CloudCorrFoundInStore => no
PV correction factor => 1.00
PV correction quality => 0
PV generation forecast => 0 Wh

2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Inverter data: device=SB25, pv=state (kW), etotal=etotal (kWh)
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: pvrl, val: 716
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Meter data: device=SMA_Energymeter, gcon=Bezug_Wirkleistung (W), gfeedin=Einspeisung_Wirkleistung (W) ,contotal=Bezug_Wirkleistung_Zaehler (kWh), feedtotal=Einspeisung_Wirkleistung_Zaehler (kWh)
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - collect Battery data: device=SBS25, pin=power_in (W), pout=power_out (W>), totalin: bat_loadtotal (kWh), totalout: etotal (kWh), charge: chargestatus
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: batinthishour, val: 63
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: batoutthishour, val: 73
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for tomorrow: 5196, days for avg: 5, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: confc, val: 478
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 16:00:00, con: 478, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 18, hash: confc, val: 810
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 17:00:00, con: 810, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 19, hash: confc, val: 200
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 18:00:00, con: 200, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 20, hash: confc, val: -13
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 19:00:00, con: -13, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 21, hash: confc, val: 28
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 20:00:00, con: 28, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 22, hash: confc, val: -75
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 21:00:00, con: -75, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 23, hash: confc, val: -90
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 22:00:00, con: -90, days for avg: 4, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 24, hash: confc, val: -217
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Mi -> starttime: 2021-06-23 23:00:00, con: -217, days for avg: 4, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 00:00:00, con: -164, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 01:00:00, con: -264, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 02:00:00, con: -261, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 03:00:00, con: 148, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 04:00:00, con: 467, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 05:00:00, con: 162, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 06:00:00, con: 194, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 07:00:00, con: 356, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 08:00:00, con: 582, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 09:00:00, con: 710, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 10:00:00, con: 726, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 11:00:00, con: 949, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 12:00:00, con: 639, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 13:00:00, con: 941, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 14:00:00, con: 875, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 15:00:00, con: 638, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 16:00:00, con: 1109, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 17:00:00, con: 2083, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 18:00:00, con: 602, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 19:00:00, con: 109, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 20:00:00, con: 147, days for avg: 2, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 21:00:00, con: -102, days for avg: 3, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 22:00:00, con: -16, days for avg: 4, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 4: PVForecast - estimated Consumption for Do -> starttime: 2021-06-24 23:00:00, con: -113, days for avg: 4, hist. consumption registered consumers: 0.00
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 07 already calculated
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 08 already calculated
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 09 already calculated
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 10 already calculated
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 11 already calculated
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 12 already calculated
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 13 already calculated
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 14 already calculated
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 15 already calculated
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: 16 already calculated
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - set PV History day: 23, hour: 17, hash: con, val: 676
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm line 4969.
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast_2 - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_cloudy_heavy" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 2: PVForecast - the icon "weather_rain_light" not found. Please check attribute "iconPath" of your FHEMWEB instance and/or update your FHEM software
2021.06.23 16:51:43 5: PVForecast - next start of autoRefresh: 2021-06-23 16:53:43
2021.06.23 16:51:44 2: AttrTemplates: got 227 entries
FHEM 6.3 - Raspberry Pi 3 / Pi 4 - VControl300 mit VITOVALOR 300P - SMAEM - SMAInverter - DbLog/DbRep - MariaDB/QNAP - div. HTTPMOD - div. Modbus ser+TCP - SolarForecast - Tibber + Ladung mit SMA-SBS25