Leistungsprognose für Wechselrichter

Begonnen von ch.eick, 18 Januar 2021, 08:35:46

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Für registrierte Consumer die "mintim" Mindestvoraussetzung von 60 Minuten reduzieren auf wenigstens 15 Minuten.

Wunsch 2:
Erläuterung, wie ich rausfinden kann, weshalb meine Consumer (Schaltsteckdosen mit IR-Heizungen, siehe oben) im 5-Minutentakt z.T. sich ein- und ausschalten, obwohl permanent mehr als ausreichend PV-Energie da ist.
Inzwischen schalten sich die Steckdosen deutlich sichtbar bei PV-Überschuss ein und aus, das ist schon sehr toll. Nur das Schaltverhalten kann ich nicht nachvollziehen. Aktuelle definition:

consumer01 ShellyPlug5 icon=heizung.0 type=other power=1200 mode=can on=on off=off pcurr=power:W interruptable=1 swstate=state:on:off auto=Automatiksteuerung
consumer02 ShellyPlug6 icon=heizung.0 type=other power=600 mode=can on=on off=off pcurr=power:W interruptable=1 swstate=state:on:off auto=Automatiksteuerung
Raspberry Pi 4 mit FHEM; FTUI Dashboard auf Asus 15,6" VT168H Touchscreen; ZigBee mit ConBee2 USB-Stick; div. Shelly 2.5; integr. Gaszähler mit ESP8266 & ESPEasy;


Darf ich auch einen Wunsch oder eine Anregung äußern? Es gibt den HTML-Getter, der die grafische Gesamtübersicht des Moduls erlaubt in einen Weblink zu packen. Auf einem "Haus"-Dashboard ist diese Version doch ziemlich platzraubend. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn es eine Variante gibt, die nur die Balken der Vorschau (siehe Anhang) zeigt, weil ich damit die manuelle Nutzung von Strom im Haushalt beeinflussen kann.

Das Modul ist super und eine Verstärkung des Themas Solar im FHEM. Vielen Dank für die wertvolle Arbeit.

PI 2B+/3B+ Raspbian 12, Perl 5.36.0, FHEM 6.3: 295 Module in ConfigDB: Steuerung Heizkessel, FBH, Solarthermie, kontr. Lüftung mit WRG. Smarthome u.a. HMCUL, 1-Wire (FT232RL ; DS2480B), EnOcean (TCM EPS3), MQTT2. DOIF, PID20, Threshold, OWX; Micropelt IRTV, Volkszähler, SolarForecast; MariaDB


Hallo zusammen,

ich habe ein paar Sachen erledigt. Die neue V liegt im contrib.

* die Readinggenerierung von Today_MaxPVforecast und Today_MaxPVforecastTime habe ich abgeändert. Es wird nun der Wert mit jedem Cycle erstellt und erzeugt entsprechend immer Events (event-on-change-reading bietet sich an).

* Reading Today_MaxPVforecastTime  verschiebt sich wenn das Today_MaxPVforecast Zeitfenster verschoben wird

@eldrik in #1638:
Ab wann kann man mit einem pvforecast rechnen?
Die Forecast erscheint innerhalb weniger Minuten nach der erfolgreichen Definition des Devices.

@Chris_XXX in #1642:
Ist es auch irgendwie möglich den Tag über den morgigen hinaus abzufragen?
Sofern du SolCast API benutzt, siehst du mit "get ... solCastData" die Daten 7 Tage im Voraus. Du kannst die DAten auch mit eigenem Code abfragen. Infos zum Verfahren gebe ich bei Bedarf gerne.

@Dracolein in #1650:
Erläuterung, wie ich rausfinden kann, weshalb meine Consumer (Schaltsteckdosen mit IR-Heizungen, siehe oben) im 5-Minutentakt z.T. sich ein- und ausschalten, obwohl permanent mehr als ausreichend PV-Energie da ist.
Setze dir das Attr debug=1. Dann sehen wir mehr im Log. Ziehe die vorher die neue V, die Debug Infos habe ich etwas erweitert.

Darf ich auch einen Wunsch oder eine Anregung äußern? Es gibt den HTML-Getter, der die grafische Gesamtübersicht des Moduls erlaubt in einen Weblink zu packen. Auf einem "Haus"-Dashboard ist diese Version doch ziemlich platzraubend. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn es eine Variante gibt, die nur die Balken der Vorschau (siehe Anhang) zeigt, weil ich damit die manuelle Nutzung von Strom im Haushalt beeinflussen kann.
Danke für dein Statemant zum Modul  :D.
Ich denke mal über deine Anforderung nach ...

ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Hallo Christian,

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn es eine Variante gibt, die nur die Balken der Vorschau (siehe Anhang) zeigt, weil ich damit die manuelle Nutzung von Strom im Haushalt beeinflussen kann.
Eigentlich kannst du die Grafik jetzt schon auf "nur Balken" reduzieren mit den Attributen:

showHeader = 0
graphicSelect = forecast
consumerLegend = none

Das gilt dann natürlich auch für das Device im FHEMWEB.
Reicht dir diese Möglichkeit schon ?

ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Das ist zumindest ein Ansatz: Ich könnte mir einen Schalter bauen, mit dem ich die drei Attribute setze und für den Fall, dass ich doch die ausführliche Darstellung brauche, wieder einschalte. Danke für den Hinweis, so "out of the box" meiner Vorstellung habe ich gar nicht gedacht ;-)

PI 2B+/3B+ Raspbian 12, Perl 5.36.0, FHEM 6.3: 295 Module in ConfigDB: Steuerung Heizkessel, FBH, Solarthermie, kontr. Lüftung mit WRG. Smarthome u.a. HMCUL, 1-Wire (FT232RL ; DS2480B), EnOcean (TCM EPS3), MQTT2. DOIF, PID20, Threshold, OWX; Micropelt IRTV, Volkszähler, SolarForecast; MariaDB


Ich habe die Generierung der Readings Today_MaxPVforecast und Today_MaxPVforecastTime nochmal überarbeiten müssen.
Hatte nicht so funktioniert wie ich es mir gestern Abend ausgedacht hatte.

Liegt im contrib.

ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Hier mal ein Auszug aus dem Logfile von grade ebend. Consumer 02 wurde grade aktiviert und kurz danach wieder abgeschaltet.

2022.10.02 11:31:59 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: planned: 2022-10-02 14:00:00 - 2022-10-02 15:00:00, start timestamp: 1664712000, timestamp: 1664703119
2022.10.02 11:31:59 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:31:59 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:31:59 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664703119
2022.10.02 11:31:59 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:31:59 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:33:09 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: planned: 2022-10-02 14:00:00 - 2022-10-02 15:00:00, start timestamp: 1664712000, timestamp: 1664703189
2022.10.02 11:33:09 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:33:09 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:33:09 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664703189
2022.10.02 11:33:09 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:33:09 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:34:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: planned: 2022-10-02 14:00:00 - 2022-10-02 15:00:00, start timestamp: 1664712000, timestamp: 1664703259
2022.10.02 11:34:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:34:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:34:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664703259
2022.10.02 11:34:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:34:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:35:29 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: planned: 2022-10-02 14:00:00 - 2022-10-02 15:00:00, start timestamp: 1664712000, timestamp: 1664703329
2022.10.02 11:35:29 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:35:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:35:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664703329
2022.10.02 11:35:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:35:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:36:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: planned: 2022-10-02 14:00:00 - 2022-10-02 15:00:00, start timestamp: 1664712000, timestamp: 1664703399
2022.10.02 11:36:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:36:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:36:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664703399
2022.10.02 11:36:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:36:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:37:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: planned: 2022-10-02 14:00:00 - 2022-10-02 15:00:00, start timestamp: 1664712000, timestamp: 1664703470
2022.10.02 11:37:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:37:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:37:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: continuing:, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664703470
2022.10.02 11:37:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:37:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:39:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: planned: 2022-10-02 14:00:00 - 2022-10-02 15:00:00, start timestamp: 1664712000, timestamp: 1664703540
2022.10.02 11:39:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:39:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 11:39:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, planning state: continued:, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664703540
2022.10.02 11:39:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 11:39:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off

Ich werde daraus nicht schlau  8)
Raspberry Pi 4 mit FHEM; FTUI Dashboard auf Asus 15,6" VT168H Touchscreen; ZigBee mit ConBee2 USB-Stick; div. Shelly 2.5; integr. Gaszähler mit ESP8266 & ESPEasy;


Die Infos reichen noch nicht. Ich habe debug noch erweitert und ins contrib geladen.
Zieh dir bitte die neue Version, restarte FHEM und dann schauen wir nochmal.
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


So dele, hier ein erneuter Auszug. Sowohl Consumer 1 wie auch Consumer 2 waren wegen PV-Überschuss aktiv und wurden soeben deaktiviert, obwohl gerade rund 1,5 - 2kW eingespeist werden, ergo ausreichend Überschuss vorhanden war/ist...

2022.10.02 14:19:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:19:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:19:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2649 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-02 12:29:10, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664713161
2022.10.02 14:19:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:19:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:20:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 455 W, nompower: -, planning state: planned: 2022-10-02 14:00:00 - 2022-10-02 15:00:00, start timestamp: 1664712000, timestamp: 1664713231
2022.10.02 14:20:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:20:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:20:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 455 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-02 12:29:10, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664713231
2022.10.02 14:20:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:20:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:21:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 343 W, nompower: -, planning state: switching on:, start timestamp: 1664712000, timestamp: 1664713301
2022.10.02 14:21:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:21:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:21:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 343 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-02 12:29:10, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664713301
2022.10.02 14:21:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:21:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:22:51 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1446 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-02 14:21:41 - 2022-10-02 15:21:41, start timestamp: 1664713301, timestamp: 1664713371
2022.10.02 14:22:51 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:22:51 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:22:51 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1446 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-02 12:29:10, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664713371
2022.10.02 14:22:51 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:22:51 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:24:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2321 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-02 14:21:41 - 2022-10-02 15:21:41, start timestamp: 1664713301, timestamp: 1664713441
2022.10.02 14:24:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:24:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:24:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2321 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-02 12:29:10, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664713441
2022.10.02 14:24:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:24:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:25:11 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1551 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-02 14:21:41 - 2022-10-02 15:21:41, start timestamp: 1664713301, timestamp: 1664713511
2022.10.02 14:25:11 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:25:11 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:25:11 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1551 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-02 12:29:10, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664713511
2022.10.02 14:25:11 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:25:11 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:26:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1582 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-02 14:21:41 - 2022-10-02 15:21:41, start timestamp: 1664713301, timestamp: 1664713581
2022.10.02 14:26:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:26:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:26:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1582 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-02 12:29:10, start timestamp: 1664702909, timestamp: 1664713581
2022.10.02 14:26:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:26:21 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:27:13 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1544 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-02 14:21:41 - 2022-10-02 15:21:41, start timestamp: 1664713301, timestamp: 1664713633
2022.10.02 14:27:13 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:27:13 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:27:13 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1544 W, nompower: -, planning state: planned: 2022-10-02 14:27:13 - 2022-10-02 15:27:13, start timestamp: 1664713633, timestamp: 1664713633
2022.10.02 14:27:13 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:27:13 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:28:23 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1719 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-02 14:21:41 - 2022-10-02 15:21:41, start timestamp: 1664713301, timestamp: 1664713703
2022.10.02 14:28:23 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:28:23 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:28:23 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1719 W, nompower: -, planning state: switching on:, start timestamp: 1664713633, timestamp: 1664713703
2022.10.02 14:28:23 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:28:23 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:29:33 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2212 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-02 14:21:41 - 2022-10-02 15:21:41, start timestamp: 1664713301, timestamp: 1664713773
2022.10.02 14:29:33 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:29:33 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:29:33 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2212 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-02 14:28:23 - 2022-10-02 15:28:23, start timestamp: 1664713703, timestamp: 1664713773
2022.10.02 14:29:33 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:29:33 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:30:43 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 3986 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-02 14:21:41 - 2022-10-02 15:21:41, start timestamp: 1664713301, timestamp: 1664713843
2022.10.02 14:30:43 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:30:43 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:30:43 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 3986 W, nompower: -, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-02 14:28:23 - 2022-10-02 15:28:23, start timestamp: 1664713703, timestamp: 1664713843
2022.10.02 14:30:43 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:30:43 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:31:53 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 4414 W, nompower: -, planning state: interrupting:, start timestamp: 1664713301, timestamp: 1664713913
2022.10.02 14:31:53 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:31:53 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.02 14:31:54 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 4414 W, nompower: -, planning state: interrupting:, start timestamp: 1664713703, timestamp: 1664713913
2022.10.02 14:31:54 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.02 14:31:54 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
Raspberry Pi 4 mit FHEM; FTUI Dashboard auf Asus 15,6" VT168H Touchscreen; ZigBee mit ConBee2 USB-Stick; div. Shelly 2.5; integr. Gaszähler mit ESP8266 & ESPEasy;


Die nompower wird noch nicht angezeigt ... war mein Fehler.
Bitte die V aus contrib nochmal ziehen und das Ganze wiederholen.
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Oh je ... dicke Finger ... nochmal bitte aus contrib laden  :o
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Wenn die SolCast API verwendet wird, erscheint im Header der Grafik nun auch die Zeit des letzten API Abrufs, der Status als Icon (mit der Ausschrift der Message via Mouse-Over) sowie die ausgeführten API-Abrufe / verbleibende Calls.

Liegt im contrib.
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Ich habe einige Default Einstellungen angepasst damit der Nutzer direkt nach dem Define des Devices eine bessere (visuelle) Ausgangsbasis für seine persönlichen Einstellungen hat.

Liegt im contrib.
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage
Kaffeekasse: https://www.paypal.me/HMaaz
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter


Zitat von: DS_Starter am 02 Oktober 2022, 19:14:50
Wenn die SolCast API verwendet wird, erscheint im Header der Grafik nun auch die Zeit des letzten API Abrufs, der Status als Icon (mit der Ausschrift der Message via Mouse-Over) sowie die ausgeführten API-Abrufe / verbleibende Calls.

Bei mir wird aktuell "24/13" angezeigt, also 24 API-Calls von den 50 möglichen und 13 Updates verbleiben (bei 2 Ausrichtungen somit 26 API-Calls).
Im Bezug auf die verfügbaren 50 API-Calls fände ich eine Anzeige von "24/26" besser oder alternativ  "12/13" Updates-Zyklen.



Zitat von: DS_Starter am 02 Oktober 2022, 14:45:49
Die nompower wird noch nicht angezeigt ... war mein Fehler.
Bitte die V aus contrib nochmal ziehen und das Ganze wiederholen.

So, hier Auszüge von heute mittag:

2022.10.03 10:31:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:31:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:31:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1289 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 72 W, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-03 10:30:00 - 2022-10-03 11:30:00, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664785870
2022.10.03 10:31:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:31:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:32:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1297 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 87 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664785940
2022.10.03 10:32:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:32:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:32:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1297 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 87 W, planning state: interrupting:, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664785940
2022.10.03 10:32:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:32:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:33:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 912 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 2042 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664786010
2022.10.03 10:33:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:33:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:33:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 912 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 2042 W, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664786010
2022.10.03 10:33:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:33:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:34:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 594 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 1239 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664786080
2022.10.03 10:34:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:34:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:34:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 594 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 1239 W, planning state: continuing:, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664786080
2022.10.03 10:34:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:34:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:35:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1356 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 467 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664786150
2022.10.03 10:35:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:35:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:35:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1356 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 467 W, planning state: continued:, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664786150
2022.10.03 10:35:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:35:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:37:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2347 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 0 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664786220
2022.10.03 10:37:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:37:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:37:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2347 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 0 W, planning state: interrupting:, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664786220
2022.10.03 10:37:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:37:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:38:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1293 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 327 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664786290
2022.10.03 10:38:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:38:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:38:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 1293 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 327 W, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664786290
2022.10.03 10:38:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:38:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:39:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2779 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 268 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664786360
2022.10.03 10:39:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:39:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:39:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2779 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 268 W, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664786360
2022.10.03 10:39:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 10:39:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 10:40:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2559 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 367 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664786430

Und nochmal eine Stunde Später Auszüge:

2022.10.03 11:40:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:40:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:40:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 849 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 0 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790000
2022.10.03 11:40:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:40:00 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:41:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 841 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 8 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664790070
2022.10.03 11:41:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:41:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:41:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 841 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 8 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790070
2022.10.03 11:41:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:41:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:42:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 789 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 311 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664790140
2022.10.03 11:42:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:42:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:42:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 789 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 311 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790140
2022.10.03 11:42:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:42:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:43:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 740 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 2022 W, planning state: planned: 2022-10-03 11:00:00 - 2022-10-03 12:00:00, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664790210
2022.10.03 11:43:30 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:43:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:43:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 740 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 2022 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790210
2022.10.03 11:43:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:43:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:44:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: -29 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 2762 W, planning state: switching on:, start timestamp: 1664787600, timestamp: 1664790280
2022.10.03 11:44:40 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:44:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:44:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: -29 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 2762 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790280
2022.10.03 11:44:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:44:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:45:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 4781 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 0 W, planning state: switched on: 2022-10-03 11:44:40 - 2022-10-03 12:44:40, start timestamp: 1664790280, timestamp: 1664790350
2022.10.03 11:45:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:45:50 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:45:51 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 4781 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 0 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790350
2022.10.03 11:45:51 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:45:51 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:47:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 3361 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 0 W, planning state: interrupting:, start timestamp: 1664790280, timestamp: 1664790420
2022.10.03 11:47:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:47:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:47:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 3361 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 0 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790420
2022.10.03 11:47:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:47:01 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:48:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2303 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 0 W, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664790280, timestamp: 1664790490
2022.10.03 11:48:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:48:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:48:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2303 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 0 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790490
2022.10.03 11:48:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:48:10 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:49:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2469 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 0 W, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664790280, timestamp: 1664790560
2022.10.03 11:49:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:49:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:49:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 2469 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 0 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790560
2022.10.03 11:49:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:49:20 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:50:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 760 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 1577 W, planning state: interrupted:, start timestamp: 1664790280, timestamp: 1664790630
2022.10.03 11:50:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:50:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:50:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 760 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 1577 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790630
2022.10.03 11:50:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:50:31 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:51:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 734 W, nompower: 1200, surplus: 1287 W, planning state: continuing:, start timestamp: 1664790280, timestamp: 1664790701
2022.10.03 11:51:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "on": swoncond: 1, on-command: on
2022.10.03 11:51:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "01" - Context of switching "off": swoffcond: 0, off-command: off
2022.10.03 11:51:41 1: DEBUG> PVVorschau consumer "02" - general switching parameters: auto mode: 1, current Consumption: 734 W, nompower: 600, surplus: 1287 W, planning state: switched off: 2022-10-03 11:30:40, start timestamp: 1664785800, timestamp: 1664790701
Raspberry Pi 4 mit FHEM; FTUI Dashboard auf Asus 15,6" VT168H Touchscreen; ZigBee mit ConBee2 USB-Stick; div. Shelly 2.5; integr. Gaszähler mit ESP8266 & ESPEasy;