Weihnachts-Wunsch - Neues Attribut "hideExcludedUpdates"

Begonnen von Sailor, 08 Dezember 2021, 15:13:14

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Ein herzerfrischendes "Moin" von achtern Diek

Ich habe mal seinerzeit angefangen, zum Beispiel alle gplot-Templates, welche ich nicht benötige, vom System zu löschen.
Damit diese beim nächsten Update nicht wieder auftauchen, habe ich einen entsprechenden Eintrag:
attr global exclude_from_update .*.gplot

Dann werden mir aber bei dem Befehl "update check" 2 ganze Seiten *.gplot - Dateien angezeigt die mit "(excluded from update)" markiert sind.

Wunsch zu Weihnachten:
Ich hätte gerne ein global Attribut "hideExcludedUpdates 0|1" welche die Anzeige vom update ausgeschlossener Dateien unterdrückt.

Man wird immer besser...


Ich schick das an dem Weihnachtsmann weiter.
Schauen wir mal, ob es am 24. unter dem Baum liegt.


Zitat von: Sailor am 08 Dezember 2021, 15:13:14
Ich habe mal seinerzeit angefangen, zum Beispiel alle gplot-Templates, welche ich nicht benötige, vom System zu löschen.

Warum? Du kannst doch die Anzeige von gplot-Dateien im Frontend schon mit dem Attribut showUsedFiles auf die tatsächlich benutzten Dateien reduzieren.
Formuliere die Aufgabe möglichst einfach und
setze die Lösung richtig um - dann wird es auch funktionieren.
Lesen gefährdet die Unwissenheit!


Habs eingebaut, und die update.pm Doku auf die aktuellen a-Tag-Syntax umgestellt.


Hallo Rudi

Zitat von: rudolfkoenig am 20 Dezember 2021, 11:52:05
Habs eingebaut, und die update.pm Doku auf die aktuellen a-Tag-Syntax umgestellt.

Habe soeben folgende global Attribute gesetzt und gespeichert:

hideExcludedUpdates 1
exclude_from_update .*.gplot .*www/pgm2/.*.css .*www/tablet/.*.htm 73_km200.pm 73_UpsPico.pm 73_DoorBird.pm 73_GasCalculator.pm 73_WaterCalculator.pm 73_PressureCalculator.pm 73_ElectricityCalculator.pm 10_CUL_HM.pm 00_HMLAN.pm 98_HMinfo.pm

Ein erneutes update check erbrachte folgendes:

Downloading https://fhem.de/fhemupdate/controls_fhem.txt

List of new / modified files since last update:
UPD FHEM/00_HMLAN.pm (excluded from update)
UPD FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm (excluded from update)
UPD FHEM/98_HMinfo.pm (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/ElsnerWS.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/ElsnerWS_2.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/ElsnerWS_3.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-09-01.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-09-02.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-09-05.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-09-06.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-09-07.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-09-0A.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-11-01.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-11-02.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-11-03.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-12-00.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-12-02.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-12-03.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-12-04.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-12-04_2.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-12-05.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-12-05_2.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-12-10.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-13-01.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-13-02.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-13-07.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-13-08.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-14-xx.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-14-xx_2.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-20-01.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-20-01_2.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-20-04.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-20-04_2.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-20-04_3.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-20-06.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-20-06_2.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-20-10.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-30-01.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-30-02.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-30-03.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-30-04.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-30-05.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_A5-37-01.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_CO2.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_D2-10-xx.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_D2-32-xx.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_D2-34-xx.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_D2-50-xx.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_D2-50-xx_2.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_airPressure4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_brightness4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_contact.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_dim4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_dim4RGB.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_dimFFRGB.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_energy4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_fanSpeed4humi4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_keycard.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_liquidLeakage.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_motion.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_motion3.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_motion4brightness4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_position4angle4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_power4energy4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_radioactivity4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_solarRadiation4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_temp4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_temp4brightness4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_temp4humi4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_temp4humi6.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_valveCtrl.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_voltage4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_voltage4current4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/EnO_windowHandle.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/LUX2.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/SM_CPUTemp.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/SM_DB_Load.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/SVG_01_Garden.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/SVG_02_Cellar.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/SVG_03_Dewpoint.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/SVG_04_Sun.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/SVG_05_Polar.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/acceleration.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/bs4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/co20.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/cpulog.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/dayAvgTemp5rain11.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/esa2000.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/fht.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/fht80tf.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/fs20.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/garden.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/hm-rt.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/hum6wind8.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/km271_1.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/ks550_all.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/ks550_light.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/ks550_rain.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/ks550_th.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/ks550_wind.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/monthAvgTemp5Rain11.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/mpiri.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/piri.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/power4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/power8.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/power8top10.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/rain4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/rain4press4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/sysstat.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/temp4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/temp4hum4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/temp4hum6.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/temp4rain10.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/temp4valve4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/template.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/vol4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/gplot/wind4windDir4.gplot (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/brightstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/darkfloorplanstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/darksmallscreenstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/darktouchpadstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/dashboard_ios7.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/defaultfloorplanstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/f18style.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios12Common.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios12dashboard.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios12floorplanstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios12style.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios12svg_style.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios12touchpadfloorplanstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios12touchpadstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios6Common.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios6dashboard.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios6floorplanstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios6style.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios6svg_style.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios6touchpadfloorplanstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios6touchpadstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios7Common.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios7floorplanstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios7smallscreenfloorplanstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios7smallscreenstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios7style.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios7svg_style.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios7touchpadfloorplanstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/ios7touchpadstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/smallscreenstyle.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/style.css (excluded from update)
UPD www/pgm2/touchpadstyle.css (excluded from update)
Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uniqueck/fhem-abfall/master/controls_fhemabfall.txt

nothing to do...
Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bismosa/FHEM/master/controls_all.txt

nothing to do...
Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uniqueck/fhem-departure/develop/controls_fhemdeparture.txt

nothing to do...
Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/knowthelist/ftui/master/controls_ftui.txt

nothing to do...

Man wird immer besser...


Da habe ich offensichtlich was uebersehen.
Habe eine neue Version eingecheckt.