Squeezebox Modul - erste Version

Begonnen von bugster_de, 17 Dezember 2013, 22:12:10

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



Ich habe eben das Ganze auf einem Raspi 1B mit Playlisten von 500 Einträgen getestet und kann den Effekt nicht reproduzieren. Die Aktualisierung des Readings ftuiMedialist dauert zwar über 50 s, es gibt aber keine Aussetzer oder Hänger und apptime zeigt auch keine Probleme.

Läuft der LMS ebenfalls auf dem Raspi3 ?




Mmh, Lms läuft auf einem NUC im Netz. Der sollte potent genug sein. Hast du es mit spotify ausprobiert? ... ich sollte es mal mit Musik von der Platte checken obs da einen Unterschied gibt.



@DigiNecro: Ich sehe 2 Möglichkeiten:
- du packst Username und Passwort in die URL (http://username:passwort@...), Nachteil ist dass die Daten im Browser sichtbar sind
- du lädst die Cover über HttpUtils_NonblockingGet vom LMS und speicherst sie lokal auf dem FHEM-Server

@holle75: Ich habe kein Spotify und deshalb mit lokalen Songs getestet. Da der LMS und die Spotify-Anbindung nicht auf dem Raspi3 laufen hat die Performance des NUC keinen Einfluss auf die Probleme des Raspi.

Kannst du nochmal mit apptime folgendes testen:
- Wiedergabe stoppen
apptime clear
set playername clearFTUIcache
set playername updateFTUImedialist

- etwas warten




16 Songs in Playlist von spotify, players stop

SqueezeBoxServer                         SB_SERVER_Read                         247     45     1378    30.62      0 05.08. 13:59:07 HASH(SqueezeBoxServer)

16 songs in Playlist von spotify, player start

SqueezeBoxServer                         SB_SERVER_Read                         342    225     8693    38.64      0 05.08. 14:01:32 HASH(SqueezeBoxServer)

74 songs von spotify, player läuft

SqueezeBoxServer                         SB_SERVER_Read                       26164    346    82238   237.68      0 05.08. 14:03:47 HASH(SqueezeBoxServer)

wenn ich das jetzt auf ne playlist mit 200+ songs hochrechne steht fhem lange. Der Test war nach einem update gerade eben.

Sobald die Player alle stehen verhält sich fhem wieder normal. Sobald sie laufen kommt die Verzögerung.

edit: auch wenn die player stehen sporadisch no response von fhem. Auch eine Playlist von der Platte macht die selben Probleme.

edit2: ein leeren der playlist in lms lässt fhem dann wieder normal laufen..... für kurz. Dann hängt fhem wieder komplett.

apptime nach ein wenig stop,play, playlist von platte, playlist leer:
SqueezeBoxServer                         SB_SERVER_Read                      140500    517   834759  1614.62      0 05.08. 14:18:31 HASH(SqueezeBoxServer)



Die Ausführungszeiten kommen wahrscheinlich nicht von den SB*-Modulen selbst sondern dem daranhängenden Eventhandling von FHEM (notifys, Logs, UI-Updates,...). Diese werden nämlich in die Ausführungszeit mit eingerechnet. Dies würde auch erklären wieso ich das Problem selbst auf einem Raspi 1 nicht reproduzieren kann.

Ich habe das Servermodul geändert so dass bei verbose 3 Ausgaben im Log gemacht werden welche Meldungen vom LMS länger als 500ms brauchen:


Damit lässt sich eventuell herausfinden welcher Befehl eine Verzögerung von 26 oder 140s bewirkt.

Edit: Kannst du überprüfen ob Filelogs für die Player aktiv sind ? Wenn ja, kannst du versuchen sie zu deaktivieren ?




Guten Morgen Chris, Logfiles sind für die Player nicht aktiv.


define SqueezeBoxServer SB_SERVER 192.168.xx.xx
attr SqueezeBoxServer alivetimer 120
attr SqueezeBoxServer doalivecheck false
attr SqueezeBoxServer enablePlugins Spotty
attr SqueezeBoxServer group Squeezebox
attr SqueezeBoxServer httpport 9000
attr SqueezeBoxServer maxcmdstack 200
attr SqueezeBoxServer maxfavorites 30
attr SqueezeBoxServer room SB_PLAYER

define SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben SB_PLAYER b8:27:xx:b3:xx:7f
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben IODev SqueezeBoxServer
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben amplifier play
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben coverartheight 50
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben coverartwidth 50
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben donotnotify false
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben fadeinsecs 10
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben group Squeezebox
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben room SB_PLAYER
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben trackPositionQueryInterval 10
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben ttsAPIKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben ttsMP3FileDir \\Rasp3fhem\AAsoundsFHEM
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben ttsOptions ignorevolumelimit
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben ttsVolume 100
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben ttslanguage de
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben ttslink http://api.voicerss.org/?key=<APIKEY>&src=<TEXT>&hl=<LANG>&f=48khz_16bit_stereo
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben verbose 2
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben volumeLimit 100
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben volumeStep 10
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben ftuiSupport 1
#attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben event-on-change-reading currentTitle,playStatus,volumeStraight,currentAlbum,currentArtist

define SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC SB_PLAYER 48:xx:b7:xx:19:e5
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC IODev SqueezeBoxServer
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC amplifier play
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC coverartheight 50
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC coverartwidth 50
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC donotnotify false
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC fadeinsecs 10
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC group Squeezebox
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC room SB_PLAYER
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC trackPositionQueryInterval 10
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC ttsAPIKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC ttsMP3FileDir \\Rasp3fhem\AAsoundsFHEM
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC ttsOptions ignorevolumelimit
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC ttsVolume 100
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC ttslanguage de
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC ttslink http://api.voicerss.org/?key=<APIKEY>&src=<TEXT>&hl=<LANG>&f=48khz_16bit_stereo
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC verbose 2
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC volumeLimit 100
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC volumeStep 10
attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC ftuiSupport 1
#attr SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC event-on-change-reading currentTitle,playStatus,volumeStraight,currentAlbum,currentArtist

ist das einzige was ich bzgl. SB* in der cfg habe.

Das Logfile (Auszug) nach ein paar mal skippen, play, stop, ......

2017.08.06 07:39:01 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:793ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:39:02 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:789ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:39:02 3: PozzoHauptOben_2_2_LEQ0116321: Request config for device 0000B5D2
2017.08.06 07:39:02 3: PozzoHauptOben_2_2_LEQ0116321: Lese Eeprom 0000B5D2
2017.08.06 07:39:02 3: Container_12_SENSOR_MEQ0065514: Request config for device 00011A65
2017.08.06 07:39:02 3: Container_12_SENSOR_MEQ0065514: Lese Eeprom 00011A65
2017.08.06 07:39:03 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:792ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:39:03 3: Container_12_7_LEQ0117501: Request config for device 0000B3BC
2017.08.06 07:39:03 3: Container_12_7_LEQ0117501: Lese Eeprom 0000B3BC
2017.08.06 07:39:04 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:789ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:39:04 3: Waschhaus_12_7_LEQ0117486: Request config for device 0000B3C6
2017.08.06 07:39:04 3: Waschhaus_12_7_LEQ0117486: Lese Eeprom 0000B3C6
2017.08.06 07:39:04 3: ZirkusOben_12_7_JEQ0148962: Request config for device 00008304
2017.08.06 07:39:04 3: ZirkusOben_12_7_JEQ0148962: Lese Eeprom 00008304
2017.08.06 07:39:04 3: ZirkusOben_12_7_JEQ0149009: Request config for device 000082D8
2017.08.06 07:39:04 3: ZirkusOben_12_7_JEQ0149009: Lese Eeprom 000082D8
2017.08.06 07:39:05 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:792ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:39:06 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:790ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:39:06 3: ZirkusUntenBeregnungUndStrom_2_2_MEQ0726012: Request config for device 00013723
2017.08.06 07:39:06 3: ZirkusUntenBeregnungUndStrom_2_2_MEQ0726012: Lese Eeprom 00013723
2017.08.06 07:39:06 3: BEREGNUNG_12_7_MEQ0064131: Request config for device 00012064
2017.08.06 07:39:06 3: BEREGNUNG_12_7_MEQ0064131: Lese Eeprom 00012064
2017.08.06 07:39:06 3: Kueche_12_7_MEQ0279356: Request config for device 00012DEE
2017.08.06 07:39:06 3: Kueche_12_7_MEQ0279356: Lese Eeprom 00012DEE
2017.08.06 07:39:07 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:792ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:39:08 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:788ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:39:33 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 07:39:33 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:39:33 3: CUL_HM set Container_TEMPFEUCHTESENSOR getConfig
2017.08.06 07:39:33 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 07:39:37 3: [myTwilight] 2 attempt(s) needed to get valid weather data from yahoo
2017.08.06 07:40:27 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:865ms cmd: SB%5fPLAYER
2017.08.06 07:40:28 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:801ms cmd: SB%5fPLAYER
2017.08.06 07:40:31 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:2719ms cmd: SB%5fPLAYER
2017.08.06 07:40:34 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:2740ms cmd: SB%5fPLAYER
2017.08.06 07:40:37 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:2739ms cmd: SB%5fPLAYER
2017.08.06 07:40:40 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:3594ms cmd: SB%5fPLAYER
2017.08.06 07:40:41 3: FRITZBOX: set FritzBox checkAPIs
2017.08.06 07:40:45 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:3790ms cmd: SB%5fPLAYER
2017.08.06 07:40:48 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:3774ms cmd: SB%5fPLAYER
2017.08.06 07:40:49 1: FHEMWEB SSL/HTTPS error:  SSL accept attempt failed error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number
2017.08.06 07:40:50 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:789ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 artist Kanye West
2017.08.06 07:40:51 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:789ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 title Black Skinhead
2017.08.06 07:40:58 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:7438ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 artist Kanye West
2017.08.06 07:41:06 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:7435ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 title Black Skinhead
2017.08.06 07:41:17 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:10721ms cmd: SB%5fPLAYER
2017.08.06 07:41:27 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:10720ms cmd: SB%5fPLAYER
2017.08.06 07:41:28 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:41:28 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 07:41:28 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 07:41:28 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:41:28 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 07:41:46 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15994ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:42:03 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:16658ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:42:03 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:42:03 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 07:42:03 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 07:42:03 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:42:20 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:16686ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:42:20 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 07:42:37 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:16674ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:42:54 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:16686ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:43:11 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15938ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:43:11 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:43:11 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 07:43:11 1: FHEMWEB SSL/HTTPS error:  SSL connect accept failed because of handshake problems
2017.08.06 07:43:11 1: FHEMWEB SSL/HTTPS error:  SSL connect accept failed because of handshake problems
2017.08.06 07:43:11 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 07:43:11 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:43:11 1: FHEMWEB SSL/HTTPS error:  SSL connect accept failed because of handshake problems
2017.08.06 07:43:11 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 07:43:27 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:16046ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:43:43 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15862ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:43:59 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15821ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 title A Head Full Of Dreams
2017.08.06 07:43:59 3: Eastron: timeout waiting for fc 4 from id 1, (i12 / Power__W), Request was 0104000c0002b1c8
2017.08.06 07:43:59 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:43:59 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 07:43:59 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 07:43:59 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:44:15 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15820ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:44:31 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15822ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 title A Head Full Of Dreams
2017.08.06 07:44:31 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 07:44:31 1: FHEMWEB SSL/HTTPS error:  SSL connect accept failed because of handshake problems
2017.08.06 07:44:32 1: FHEMWEB SSL/HTTPS error:  SSL connect accept failed because of handshake problems
2017.08.06 07:44:32 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:44:32 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 07:44:48 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15823ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:45:04 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15821ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 title A Head Full Of Dreams
2017.08.06 07:45:19 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15734ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:45:35 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15753ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f title A Head Full Of Dreams
2017.08.06 07:45:35 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 07:45:35 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:45:36 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 07:45:52 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15830ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:46:07 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15827ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 title Bird
2017.08.06 07:46:07 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:46:07 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 07:46:08 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 07:46:08 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:46:24 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15819ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:46:40 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15821ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 title Bird
2017.08.06 07:46:55 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15831ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:47:11 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15831ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f title Bird
2017.08.06 07:47:11 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 07:47:27 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15831ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:47:43 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15832ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f title Bird
2017.08.06 07:47:43 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:47:43 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 07:48:01 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15807ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:48:17 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15817ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:48:33 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15803ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:48:49 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15818ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:48:49 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 07:48:49 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:48:49 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:48:49 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:48:49 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:48:49 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:48:49 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:48:49 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 07:49:05 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15803ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:49:05 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:05 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:05 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:05 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:21 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15815ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f FHEMupdatePlaylistInfoDone
2017.08.06 07:49:21 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:21 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:21 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:21 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:21 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:21 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:21 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:21 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:21 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:49:21 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 07:49:21 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 07:49:21 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:49:37 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15873ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:49:53 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15729ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 title Hymn For The Weekend
2017.08.06 07:49:53 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:53 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:53 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:53 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:53 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:53 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:53 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:53 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:49:53 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 07:49:53 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:49:53 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 07:50:09 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15804ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:50:25 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15802ms cmd: 48:51:b7:aa:19:e5 title Hymn For The Weekend
2017.08.06 07:50:41 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15814ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f artist Coldplay
2017.08.06 07:50:57 3: SB_SERVER_Read(SqueezeBoxServer), time:15737ms cmd: b8:27:eb:b3:3e:7f title Hymn For The Weekend
2017.08.06 07:50:57 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 07:50:57 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 07:50:57 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:50:57 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:50:57 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:50:57 3: Xtender_AC_out: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:50:57 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:50:57 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:50:57 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:50:57 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:50:57 3: Xtender_AC_in: Send queue too long (101), dropping new request
2017.08.06 07:50:57 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok

schön zu sehen ist auch, wie fhem die Kommunikation mit anderen Sendern ignoriert und die einer nach dem anderen Fehler produzieren.



Im Log ist erstaunlich dass die 'normale' Ausführungszeit bei ~800ms liegt (was schon ziemlich viel ist) und im Problemfall auf ~15800 ms ansteigt. Es sieht so aus als würde etwas 15s lange hängenbleiben (Timeout ?).

Ich habe das Setzen des Readings ftuiMedialist im Playermodul isoliert und die Ausführungszeiten überwacht:


Wenn du verbose beim Player auf 3 setzt und die einzelnen Schritte des Setzen des Readings länger als 500ms dauern gibt es ein Ausgabe im Log. Im Moment sind 3 Meldungen möglich:
- ... cmd: prepare FHEM event handling - FHEM informieren dass ein Reading geändert wird, daran sollte es nicht liegen
- ... cmd: SB_PLAYER_ftuiMedialist - das Reading zusammenbauen, modulintern, wenn dies zu lange dauert muss ich versuchen den Code zu optimieren
- ... cmd: execute FHEM event handling - das Reading an FHEM übergeben und warten was FHEM daraus macht (Event Monitor, longpoll, Filelog, DbLog, notify, ...), wenn dies passiert wird es schwierig herauszufinden wer das Ganze blockiert, eventuell kann dann ein strace helfen

Verwendest du DbLog ?




Hallo Chris, ich verwende kein DBlog.

neues fhemlog

2017.08.06 16:12:37 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3559ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:12:37 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:12:37 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:12:37 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:12:37 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:12:37 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:12:37 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:12:37 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:12:37 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:12:41 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:3754ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:12:47 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3961ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:12:52 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4085ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:12:56 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4177ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:13:00 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4238ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:13:05 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4246ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:13:09 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4270ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:13:13 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4352ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:13:18 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4401ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:13:23 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4497ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:13:23 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:13:23 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:13:23 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:13:23 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:13:23 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:13:23 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:13:23 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:13:23 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:13:27 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4419ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:13:27 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:13:27 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:13:27 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:13:27 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:13:27 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:13:27 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:13:27 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:13:27 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:13:32 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4489ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:14:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:14:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:14:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:14:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:14:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:14:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:14:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:14:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:14:38 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3575ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:14:39 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:14:39 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:14:39 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:14:39 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:14:39 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:14:39 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:14:39 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:14:39 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:14:42 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3642ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:14:46 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3788ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:14:47 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:14:47 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:14:47 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:14:47 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:14:47 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:14:47 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:14:47 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:14:47 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:14:50 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:3916ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:14:55 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4057ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:00 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4090ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:05 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4349ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:10 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4276ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:14 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4282ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:19 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4304ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:23 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4343ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:31 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:6519ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:36 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4970ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:36 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:15:36 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:15:36 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:15:36 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:15:36 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:15:36 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:15:36 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:15:36 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:15:41 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:5060ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:15:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:15:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:15:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:15:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:15:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:15:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:15:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:15:46 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4751ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:15:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:15:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:15:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:15:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:15:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:15:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:15:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:15:51 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4730ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:15:57 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4589ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:16:02 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4598ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:16:06 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4597ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:16:11 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4611ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:16:12 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:16:12 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:16:12 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:16:12 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:16:12 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:16:12 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:16:12 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:16:12 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:16:16 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4607ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:17:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:17:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:17:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:17:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:17:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:17:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:17:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:17:07 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3682ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:11 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3592ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:15 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3847ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:15 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:17:15 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:17:15 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:17:15 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:17:15 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:17:15 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:17:15 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:17:15 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:17:20 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4072ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:26 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3966ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:31 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4235ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:35 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4354ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:40 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4417ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:45 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4508ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:49 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4526ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:54 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4564ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:59 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4596ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:17:59 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:17:59 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:17:59 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:17:59 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:17:59 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:17:59 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:17:59 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:17:59 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:18:03 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4614ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:18:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:18:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:18:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:18:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:18:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:18:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:18:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:18:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:18:08 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4605ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:20:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:20:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:20:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:20:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:20:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:20:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:20:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:20:46 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:20:50 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:3520ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:20:50 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:20:50 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:20:50 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:20:50 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:20:50 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:20:50 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:20:50 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:20:50 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:20:53 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:3497ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:20:58 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:3566ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:21:02 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:3798ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:21:06 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4043ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:21:10 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4063ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:21:11 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:21:11 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:21:11 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:21:11 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:21:11 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:21:11 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:21:11 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:21:11 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:21:15 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4133ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:22:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:22:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:22:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:22:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:22:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:22:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:22:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:22:03 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:22:07 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3487ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:22:11 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3538ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:22:15 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3784ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:22:19 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4063ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:22:24 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4150ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:22:24 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:22:24 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:22:24 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:22:24 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:22:24 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:22:24 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:22:24 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:22:24 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:22:28 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4257ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:22:34 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:22:34 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:22:34 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:22:34 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:22:34 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:22:34 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:22:34 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:22:34 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:22:38 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:3878ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling

oben bei 50 Titeln in der Playlist
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass die Reaktionsfreudigkeit, wenn denn die Liste nach einem skippen dann eingelesen ist relativ normal ist. Sobald lms aber irgendwas macht, neues einlesen der Liste?, wird wieder für einige Zeit gehangen. Dann wieder gut. stop entspricht -> normale Reaktionszeit .... neuer Titel während play oder skip -> hängt bis Liste eingelesen ist.

Bei 167 Titeln ein anderes Bild. Da wird dann wesentlich deutlicher gehangen. Auch wenn man das im Log erst gegen Ende hin sieht.

2017.08.06 16:22:57 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:22:57 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 16:23:03 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4237ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:23:07 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4448ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:23:12 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4488ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:23:16 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4517ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:23:21 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4498ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:23:26 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4542ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:23:31 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4580ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:23:35 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4571ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:23:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:23:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:23:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:23:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:23:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:23:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:23:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:23:35 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:23:40 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4559ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:23:40 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:23:40 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:23:40 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:23:40 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:23:40 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:23:40 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:23:40 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:23:40 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:23:45 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:4593ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:23:58 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 16:23:58 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:23:58 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 16:24:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:24:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:24:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:24:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:24:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:24:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:24:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:24:41 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:24:45 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:3520ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:24:45 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:24:45 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:24:45 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:24:45 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:24:45 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:24:45 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:24:45 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:24:45 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:24:48 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:3567ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:25:48 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:57085ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:25:48 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:25:48 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 16:25:49 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200285820
2017.08.06 16:25:49 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200265908
2017.08.06 16:25:49 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200232228
2017.08.06 16:25:49 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200221844
2017.08.06 16:25:49 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -198171420
2017.08.06 16:25:49 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -171811804
2017.08.06 16:25:49 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200230356
2017.08.06 16:25:49 3: SB_PLAYER_Parse: SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC: no songinfo for id -200286716
2017.08.06 16:25:53 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:4826ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:25:53 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 16:25:53 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:25:54 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 16:26:15 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:21431ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:27:18 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:62230ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:27:18 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:27:18 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 16:27:18 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 16:27:18 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:27:18 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 16:28:23 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:62026ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:29:27 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:63554ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:29:27 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:29:27 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 16:29:27 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 16:29:27 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:29:27 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 16:30:32 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:64407ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:30:32 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:30:32 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 16:30:32 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 16:30:32 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:31:37 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_NUC), time:64819ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:32:42 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:65005ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:32:42 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 16:33:48 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:65121ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling
2017.08.06 16:33:48 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:33:48 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition disconnected
2017.08.06 16:33:48 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition init
2017.08.06 16:33:48 1: reappeared (HM_LAN_FUNK)
2017.08.06 16:33:48 1: HMLAN_Parse: HM_LAN_FUNK new condition ok
2017.08.06 16:34:58 3: SB_PLAYER_tcb_ftuiMedialist(SqueezeBoxPlayer_ZirkusOben), time:66436ms cmd: execute FHEM event handling



Die Hänger entstehen irgendwo innerhalb von FHEM selbst. Die SB-Module können daran nichts ändern. Es bleibt eventuell noch die Möglichkeit mit strace herauszufinden was passiert. Dazu musst du dich per SSH auf dem Raspi anmelden, die PID von FHEM suchen (z.B. über ps), strace starten (sudo strace -T -tt -p <pid>) und schauen was passiert bevor die Meldung '... cmd: execute FHEM event handling' im Log auftaucht.

Leider gibt es keine Möglichkeit zu sehen wer den Event-Loop von FHEM blockiert ohne fhem.pl zu ändern.




Danke Chris für deine Mühen, dem werde ich mich mal wenn wieder bißchen mehr Zeit ist widmen ... und im Moment ohne ftuiSupport leben.

Aber schon ein wenig seltsam, dass nur ich das Problem habe.


Hallo Chris,

danke für die Tipps, ich habe es nun noch anders gelöst, das "HttpUtils_NonblockingGet" hab ich so spontan nicht ganz verstanden, wie ich dann das Bild als Datei ablegen.

Falls es noch wen interessiert:

# Bereit das Cover der SqueezePlayer auf.
sub getCover($$) {
my ($device,$breite) = @_;
my $playStatus = getPlayStatus($device);
my $htmlCode = "";
if ($playStatus eq "playing" || $playStatus eq "paused") {
my $url = ReadingsVal("$device","coverarturl","");
my $file = "/opt/fhem/www/images/lcars/cover.jpg";
my $fileUrl = "/fhem/images/lcars/cover.jpg";
my $user = "Anwender";
my $pw = "Passwort";   

$LWP::Simple::ua->credentials('', 'Logitech Media Server', $user => $pw);
my $response = getstore($url, $file);

                # True if response code indicated that an error occurred.
my $bool = HTTP::Status::is_success($response);
if (!$bool) {
  Log3 $device, 1, "getCover ($device) - response (".$user2."):".$response;

# Das Anhängen zwingt zum Neuladen des Bildes, wodurch dieses auch aktualisiert wird.
my ($url_anfang, $url_ende) = split /\&/, $url;
$htmlCode = "<img class=\"". $device ."_coverarturl\" src=\"". $fileUrl ."?". $url_ende ."\" alt=\"Cover nicht vorhanden\" width=\"" . $breite . "\" height=\"" . $breite . "\">";
return $htmlCode;

Jetzt noch eine Frage:
Wäre es auch möglich, wenn ja wie am besten, auf die von deinem Modul gespeicherten Credentials zuzugreifen? So steht es nun hart codiert im Code, das andere wäre halt eleganter ;)

Viele Grüße



User und Passwort kannst du z.B. mit
my ($user,$password)=SB_SERVER_readPassword($defs{'name_des_sb_server_device'});




Hallo Chris,

danke! Läuft prima :)

Viele Grüße


Hallo Chris,

zuletzt hattest Du ja eine Verzögerung für das Laden der Songinfos eingebaut. Jetzt Bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob ich das Update einspielen soll, da ich ja bisher eigentlich keine Probleme hatte und nun befürchte, dass die Aktualisierung durch die Verzögerung zu lange dauert.
Kannst Du nochmal etwas dazu sagen?



Wie groß die Verzögerung ist hängt von der Hardware und der Größe der Playlist ab. Hier die Zeiten für eine Playlist mit 500 Einträgen:

- FHEM unter Windows auf i5:
  - alte Variante: blockiert 770 ms bei Anfrage, es dauert 4 s bis alle Daten geladen sind (nicht blockierend)
  - neue Variante: blockiert nicht bei Anfrage, es dauert 9 s bis alle Daten geladen sind (nicht blockierend)

- FHEM auf Raspberry Pi 1B:
  - alte Variante: blockiert 1045 ms bei Anfrage, es dauert 10 s bis alle Daten geladen sind (nicht blockierend)
  - neue Variante: blockiert nicht bei Anfrage, es dauert 17 s bis alle Daten geladen sind (nicht blockierend)

Beim Test war kein UI aktiv in dem das Reading ftuiMedialist angezeigt wird, Filelog und DbLog waren ausgeschaltet. Bei 50 Einträgen liegt der Unterschied auf dem Raspberry Pi bei 1 s.

In den Zeiten ist die Verarbeitung des Readings durch FHEM nicht enthalten. Diese ist aber das Problem bei holle75, der Event-Loop benötigt bei ihm zum Teil sehr viel Zeit und blockiert FHEM.

Der einzige Vorteil der neuen Variante ist dass FHEM beim Abfragen der Daten nicht blockiert wird.

