Beginner Guide for Fhem and Panstamp- require

Begonnen von nuttapop, 27 Juni 2014, 16:50:16

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Dear guys,

I'm decided to try out an integration of FHEM and panStamp but unfortunately I could not figure out from bit and pieces of information whether my step is correct. so I need some guidance here.

I'm on BBB with Debian and has been playing with Rpi and  panStamp with Lagarto-swap, Lagarto-MAX. switching to FHEM on BBB as afresh installation I had been to the step of install FHEM 5.5 .DEB but what i'm I not sure about is

Do I need to install SWAP(pyswap)? before install FHEM  and what next after install FHEM, do I just plug in the panstick in to the usb port and trying to define it?

I would really appreciate if someone could have summarize (or guide me  to  the summarized even it is in Deutsche) correct step for this FHEM and panStamp intergration for such an Anfaenger like me.




to use the panstamps and swap with them you just need fhem. nothing else. in fact you can not use lagarto at the same time on the same system with the same panstick as the access to the panstick has to be exclusive.

after installing fhem the first thing to do is to update your newly installed fhem with the fhem update command.

after that you just have to define a fhem device for the panstick:define panStick panStamp /dev/ttyUSBx@38400where ttyUSBx has to be the device that is assigned to your panstick.

after that all permanently powered motes should be autodeteced and a fhem device created automatically. for battery powered devices it is best to press the reset button once. then these should also be auto created.

depending on the motes you have you may want to create some proxy or sub devices that expose a single swap register to fhem. this would be relevant for the output devices and can be done with the swap or readingsProxy devices.

if you use sketches of your own you have to copy the device xml files to .../FHEM/lib/SWAPand crete a .../FHEM/lib/SWAP/devices-local.xml in the same format as the devices.xml file that lists your devices. this is best done before the the devices are created.

remember to use save in fhem to make the newly rested devices permanent.

you can find some more info in the fhem wiki: and in the command ref in your fhem installation or here:

hue, tradfri, alexa-fhem, homebridge-fhem, LightScene, readingsGroup, ...


Appreciate your guidance,

Let me try this out as seem be that I have mess us with python and Perl, I'll re install from the fresh debian image and will be back to you for further advice

Rgds :)