(Erledigt) Plenticore <-> Modbus ständige dicsconnetct

Begonnen von misux, 16 Februar 2023, 09:29:09

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



Ich habe siet ein paar Tagen das Problem das sich mein Plenticore Modu im Sekundentakt von Plenticore disconnected und wieder verbindet.... Das ist doch bestimmt nicht normal...

Hat vielleicht jemand eine Idee woran es liegen könnte?

Hier man einen Verbose 5 Auszug:
2023.02.16 09:19:48 5: Plenticore: ResetExpect for HandleResponse from response to idle
2023.02.16 09:19:48 5: Plenticore: DropFrame called from ReadFn - drop 0000000000074703044d594494
2023.02.16 09:19:48 3: disconnected, waiting to reappear (Plenticore)
2023.02.16 09:19:49 5: HttpUtils url= NonBlocking via http
2023.02.16 09:19:49 4: IP: ->
2023.02.16 09:19:49 3: reappeared (Plenticore)
2023.02.16 09:19:49 4: Plenticore: UpdateTimer called from OpenCB with cmd start sets timer to call update function in 10.7 sec at 09:20:00.289, interval 15
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: GetUpdate (V4.4.13 - 4.12.2022) called from Fhem internal timer
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: UpdateTimer called from GetUpdate with cmd next sets timer to call update function in 15.0 sec at 09:20:15.290, interval 15
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateUpdateHash full object list: h106 h1066 h108 h116 h210
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateUpdateHash will request h106 len 2 BatterieBezug
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateUpdateHash will request h108 len 2 NetzBezug
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateUpdateHash will request h116 len 2 PVBezug
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateUpdateHash will request h210 len 2 Batterieladung
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateUpdateHash will request h1066 len 2 PV-Leistung
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: CombineUpdateHash objHash keys before combine: h1066,h210,h106,h116,h108
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CombineUpdateHash tries to combine read commands
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CombineUpdateHash keys are now h1066,h210,h106,h116,h108
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: GetUpdate will now create requests for h106 len 2 (BatterieBezug), h108 len 2 (NetzBezug), h116 len 2 (PVBezug), h210 len 2 (Batterieladung), h1066 len 2 (PV-Leistung)
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: DoRequest called from GetUpdate created new request, read buffer empty,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h106, len 2, tid 149, master device Plenticore, reading BatterieBezug (getUpdate for BatterieBezug len 2)
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: QueueRequest called from DoRequest with h106, qlen 0 from master Plenticore through io device Plenticore
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from QueueRequest sets internal timer to process queue in 0.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: DoRequest called from GetUpdate created new request, read buffer empty,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h108, len 2, tid 41, master device Plenticore, reading NetzBezug (getUpdate for NetzBezug len 2)
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: QueueRequest called from DoRequest with h108, qlen 1 from master Plenticore through io device Plenticore
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: DoRequest called from GetUpdate created new request, read buffer empty,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h116, len 2, tid 96, master device Plenticore, reading PVBezug (getUpdate for PVBezug len 2)
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: QueueRequest called from DoRequest with h116, qlen 2 from master Plenticore through io device Plenticore
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: DoRequest called from GetUpdate created new request, read buffer empty,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h210, len 2, tid 40, master device Plenticore, reading Batterieladung (getUpdate for Batterieladung len 2)
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: QueueRequest called from DoRequest with h210, qlen 3 from master Plenticore through io device Plenticore
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: DoRequest called from GetUpdate created new request, read buffer empty,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h1066, len 2, tid 79, master device Plenticore, reading PV-Leistung (getUpdate for PV-Leistung len 2)
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: QueueRequest called from DoRequest with h1066, qlen 4 from master Plenticore through io device Plenticore
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue called from Fhem internal timer as queue:Plenticore, qlen 5, request: request: id 71, read fc 3 h106, len 2, tid 149, master device Plenticore, reading BatterieBezug (getUpdate for BatterieBezug len 2), queued 0.00 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays commDelay, last communication with same device was 11.725 secs ago, required delay is 0.1
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays busDelayRead, last activity on bus was 11.725 secs ago, required delay is 0
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays clientSwitchDelay is not relevant
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays sendDelay, last send to same device was 11.737 secs ago, required delay is 0.1
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue (V4.4.13 - 4.12.2022) qlen 5, sending 0095000000064703006a0002 via, read buffer empty,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h106, len 2, tid 149, master device Plenticore, reading BatterieBezug (getUpdate for BatterieBezug len 2), queued 0.00 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: Send called from ProcessRequestQueue
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: DevIo_SimpleWrite Plenticore: 0095000000064703006a0002
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from ProcessRequestQueue sets internal timer to process queue in 1.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: readFn buffer: 0095000000074703044aae4495
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ParseFrameStart called from ReadFn protocol TCP expecting id 71
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: ParseFrameStart (TCP, master) extracted id 71, fCode 3, tid 149, dlen 7 and potential data 044aae4495
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: HandleResponse called from ReadFn
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ParseResponse called from HandleResponse
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: now parsing response data objects, master is Plenticore relay is undefined
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ParseDataString called from HandleResponse with data hex 4aae4495, type h, adr 106, op read
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: SplitDataString called from ParseDataString with data hex 4aae4495, type h, adr 106, valuesLen 2, op read
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects called from ParseDataString with objList h106
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects sortedList h106
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateParseInfoCache called
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ReverseWordOrder is reversing order of up to 2 registers
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ReverseWordOrder for CreateDataObjects is transforming 4aae4495 to 44954aae
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects unpacked 44954aae with f> to 1194.33374023438
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: FormatVal for CreateDataObjects formats 1194.33374023438 with format %.0f, result is 1194
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects assigns value 1194 to BatterieBezug
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ParseDataString created 1 readings
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: HandleResponse done, current frame / read buffer: 0095000000074703044aae4495, id 71, fCode 3, tid 149,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h106, len 2, tid 149, master device Plenticore, reading BatterieBezug (getUpdate for BatterieBezug len 2), queued 0.02 secs ago, sent 0.01 secs ago,
response: id 71, fc 3, h106, len 2, values 4aae4495
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ResetExpect for HandleResponse from response to idle
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from HandleResponse sets internal timer to process queue in 0.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: DropFrame called from ReadFn - drop 0095000000074703044aae4495
2023.02.16 09:20:00 3: disconnected, waiting to reappear (Plenticore)
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: HttpUtils url= NonBlocking via http
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: IP: ->
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue called from Fhem internal timer as queue:Plenticore, qlen 4, request: request: id 71, read fc 3 h108, len 2, tid 41, master device Plenticore, reading NetzBezug (getUpdate for NetzBezug len 2), queued 0.03 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: open called from ProcessRequestQueue, busyOpenDev 1
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue will return, device is disconnected, qlen 4, try again in 1 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from ProcessRequestQueue sets internal timer to process queue in 1.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:00 3: reappeared (Plenticore)
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: UpdateTimer called from OpenCB with cmd start sets timer to call update function in 15.0 sec at 09:20:15.290, interval 15
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from OpenCB sets internal timer to process queue in 0.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue called from Fhem internal timer as queue:Plenticore, qlen 4, request: request: id 71, read fc 3 h108, len 2, tid 41, master device Plenticore, reading NetzBezug (getUpdate for NetzBezug len 2), queued 0.04 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays clientSwitchDelay is not relevant
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays sendDelay, last send to same device was 0.036 secs ago, required delay is 0.1
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays busDelayRead, last activity on bus was 0.031 secs ago, required delay is 0
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays commDelay, last communication with same device was 0.031 secs ago, required delay is 0.1
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: checkDelays found commDelay not over, set timer to try again in 0.069
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue called from Fhem internal timer as queue:Plenticore, qlen 4, request: request: id 71, read fc 3 h108, len 2, tid 41, master device Plenticore, reading NetzBezug (getUpdate for NetzBezug len 2), queued 0.11 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays clientSwitchDelay is not relevant
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays sendDelay, last send to same device was 0.107 secs ago, required delay is 0.1
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays busDelayRead, last activity on bus was 0.102 secs ago, required delay is 0
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: checkDelays commDelay, last communication with same device was 0.102 secs ago, required delay is 0.1
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue (V4.4.13 - 4.12.2022) qlen 4, sending 0029000000064703006c0002 via, read buffer empty,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h108, len 2, tid 41, master device Plenticore, reading NetzBezug (getUpdate for NetzBezug len 2), queued 0.11 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: Send called from ProcessRequestQueue
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: DevIo_SimpleWrite Plenticore: 0029000000064703006c0002
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from ProcessRequestQueue sets internal timer to process queue in 1.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: readFn buffer: 00290000000747030400004218
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ParseFrameStart called from ReadFn protocol TCP expecting id 71
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: ParseFrameStart (TCP, master) extracted id 71, fCode 3, tid 41, dlen 7 and potential data 0400004218
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: HandleResponse called from ReadFn
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ParseResponse called from HandleResponse
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: now parsing response data objects, master is Plenticore relay is undefined
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ParseDataString called from HandleResponse with data hex 00004218, type h, adr 108, op read
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: SplitDataString called from ParseDataString with data hex 00004218, type h, adr 108, valuesLen 2, op read
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects called from ParseDataString with objList h108
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects sortedList h108
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateParseInfoCache called
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ReverseWordOrder is reversing order of up to 2 registers
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ReverseWordOrder for CreateDataObjects is transforming 00004218 to 42180000
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects unpacked 42180000 with f> to 38
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: FormatVal for CreateDataObjects formats 38 with format %.0f W, result is 38 W
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects assigns value 38 W to NetzBezug
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ParseDataString created 1 readings
2023.02.16 09:20:00 4: Plenticore: HandleResponse done, current frame / read buffer: 00290000000747030400004218, id 71, fCode 3, tid 41,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h108, len 2, tid 41, master device Plenticore, reading NetzBezug (getUpdate for NetzBezug len 2), queued 0.13 secs ago, sent 0.01 secs ago,
response: id 71, fc 3, h108, len 2, values 00004218
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ResetExpect for HandleResponse from response to idle
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from HandleResponse sets internal timer to process queue in 0.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: DropFrame called from ReadFn - drop 00290000000747030400004218
2023.02.16 09:20:00 3: disconnected, waiting to reappear (Plenticore)
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue called from Fhem internal timer as queue:Plenticore, qlen 3, request: request: id 71, read fc 3 h116, len 2, tid 96, master device Plenticore, reading PVBezug (getUpdate for PVBezug len 2), queued 0.14 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: open called from ProcessRequestQueue, busyOpenDev 0
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: successive open ignored, last open was 0.110 secs ago at 09:20:00.325 but should be 1
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue will return, device is disconnected, qlen 3, try again in 1 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:00 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from ProcessRequestQueue sets internal timer to process queue in 1.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: HttpUtils url= NonBlocking via http
2023.02.16 09:20:01 4: IP: ->
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue called from Fhem internal timer as queue:Plenticore, qlen 3, request: request: id 71, read fc 3 h116, len 2, tid 96, master device Plenticore, reading PVBezug (getUpdate for PVBezug len 2), queued 1.15 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: open called from ProcessRequestQueue, busyOpenDev 1
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue will return, device is disconnected, qlen 3, try again in 1 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from ProcessRequestQueue sets internal timer to process queue in 1.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:01 3: reappeared (Plenticore)
2023.02.16 09:20:01 4: Plenticore: UpdateTimer called from OpenCB with cmd start sets timer to call update function in 13.8 sec at 09:20:15.290, interval 15
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from OpenCB sets internal timer to process queue in 0.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue called from Fhem internal timer as queue:Plenticore, qlen 3, request: request: id 71, read fc 3 h116, len 2, tid 96, master device Plenticore, reading PVBezug (getUpdate for PVBezug len 2), queued 1.16 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: checkDelays busDelayRead, last activity on bus was 1.038 secs ago, required delay is 0
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: checkDelays clientSwitchDelay is not relevant
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: checkDelays sendDelay, last send to same device was 1.042 secs ago, required delay is 0.1
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: checkDelays commDelay, last communication with same device was 1.038 secs ago, required delay is 0.1
2023.02.16 09:20:01 4: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue (V4.4.13 - 4.12.2022) qlen 3, sending 006000000006470300740002 via, read buffer empty,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h116, len 2, tid 96, master device Plenticore, reading PVBezug (getUpdate for PVBezug len 2), queued 1.16 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: Send called from ProcessRequestQueue
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: DevIo_SimpleWrite Plenticore: 006000000006470300740002
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from ProcessRequestQueue sets internal timer to process queue in 1.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: readFn buffer: 006000000007470304c9694488
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ParseFrameStart called from ReadFn protocol TCP expecting id 71
2023.02.16 09:20:01 4: Plenticore: ParseFrameStart (TCP, master) extracted id 71, fCode 3, tid 96, dlen 7 and potential data 04c9694488
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: HandleResponse called from ReadFn
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ParseResponse called from HandleResponse
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: now parsing response data objects, master is Plenticore relay is undefined
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ParseDataString called from HandleResponse with data hex c9694488, type h, adr 116, op read
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: SplitDataString called from ParseDataString with data hex c9694488, type h, adr 116, valuesLen 2, op read
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects called from ParseDataString with objList h116
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects sortedList h116
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: CreateParseInfoCache called
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ReverseWordOrder is reversing order of up to 2 registers
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ReverseWordOrder for CreateDataObjects is transforming c9694488 to 4488c969
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects unpacked 4488c969 with f> to 1094.29406738281
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: FormatVal for CreateDataObjects formats 1094.29406738281 with format %.0f, result is 1094
2023.02.16 09:20:01 4: Plenticore: CreateDataObjects assigns value 1094 to PVBezug
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ParseDataString created 1 readings
2023.02.16 09:20:01 4: Plenticore: HandleResponse done, current frame / read buffer: 006000000007470304c9694488, id 71, fCode 3, tid 96,
request: id 71, read fc 3 h116, len 2, tid 96, master device Plenticore, reading PVBezug (getUpdate for PVBezug len 2), queued 1.17 secs ago, sent 0.02 secs ago,
response: id 71, fc 3, h116, len 2, values c9694488
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ResetExpect for HandleResponse from response to idle
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from HandleResponse sets internal timer to process queue in 0.000 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: DropFrame called from ReadFn - drop 006000000007470304c9694488
2023.02.16 09:20:01 3: disconnected, waiting to reappear (Plenticore)
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue called from Fhem internal timer as queue:Plenticore, qlen 2, request: request: id 71, read fc 3 h210, len 2, tid 40, master device Plenticore, reading Batterieladung (getUpdate for Batterieladung len 2), queued 1.19 secs ago
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: open called from ProcessRequestQueue, busyOpenDev 0
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: successive open ignored, last open was 0.049 secs ago at 09:20:01.438 but should be 1
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: ProcessRequestQueue will return, device is disconnected, qlen 2, try again in 1 seconds
2023.02.16 09:20:01 5: Plenticore: StartQueueTimer called from ProcessRequestQueue sets internal timer to process queue in 1.000 seconds


Zitat von: misux am 16 Februar 2023, 09:29:09
Ich habe siet ein paar Tagen das Problem das sich mein Plenticore Modu im Sekundentakt von Plenticore disconnected und wieder verbindet.... Das ist doch bestimmt nicht normal...

Hat vielleicht jemand eine Idee woran es liegen könnte?
ich habe jetzt mal mein Device auf verbose 5 gesetzt und anschließend einen
grep "device is disconnected"
gemacht. Es gab nicht einen einzigen Eintrag.
Hast Du eventuell neue Geräte im Netzwerk?
Einen Wackelkontakt auf dem Weg zu Plenticore?
Schon mal den Router neu gestartet?
Einen Hund, der an einer Leitung knabbert?

VG   Christian
RPI4; Docker; CUNX; Eltako FSB61NP; SamsungTV H-Serie; Sonos; Vallox; Luxtronik; 3x FB7490; Stromzähler mit DvLIR; wunderground; Plenticore 10 mit BYD; EM410; SMAEM; Modbus TCP
Contrib: https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/ch.eick


 ;D nen Hund hab ich... abwer es ist ein chichuhuahua und er hat vor allem Angst außer vor großen Hunden... ;D

Was soll ich sagen... Bei FHEM ist es irgendwie so das der Satz "Never change a running System" einfach nicht zieht...

Habe ein Fhem Update durchgeführt und nun geht es wieder reibungslos...

Vielen Dank!