315 Mhz Lesen/Senden Visivo Leinwand Fernbedienung

Begonnen von MikeRoxx, 15 Oktober 2015, 01:31:42

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker


Hallo habe ebenfalls eine Leinwand mit 315mhz. Auf dem Empfangsgerät der Leinwand steht die Bezeichnung TP-02-RF. Von welcher Marke das Teil ist weiss ich leider nicht mehr.

Hab mir einen Signalduino mt 315mhz Modulen zusammengelötet und bekomme folgendes im Log:

2017.07.04 22:31:09 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MS;P1=-151;P2=424;P3=135;P4=-441;P5=-4257;P6=-106;D=3524212134213421342134212121212134262121343434343434;CP=3;SP=5;
2017.07.04 22:31:09 4: SDuino315: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> itv1
2017.07.04 22:31:09 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:31:09 5: SDuino315: Found wrong signalpattern, catched 0 bits, aborting demodulation
2017.07.04 22:31:10 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MS;P1=428;P2=-148;P3=133;P4=-441;P5=-4374;P6=-104;D=35121234123412341234161212121234121212343434343434;CP=3;SP=5;
2017.07.04 22:31:10 4: SDuino315: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> itv1
2017.07.04 22:31:10 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:31:10 5: SDuino315: Found wrong signalpattern, catched 9 bits, aborting demodulation
2017.07.04 22:31:10 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=425;P1=-151;P2=143;P3=-432;P5=-4472;D=01230123010101010123010101232323210323250101230123012301230101010101230101012323232323232;CP=2;
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#3355352A68 length 40
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#3355352A68, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#3355352A68,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#3355352A68
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#3355352A68
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 3355352A68
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 0011001101010101001101010010101001101000
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:31:11 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#3355352A68, help me!
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#4CCCD54D4AAA length 48
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCCD54D4AAA, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCCD54D4AAA,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#4CCCD54D4AAA
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#4CCCD54D4AAA
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 4CCCD54D4AAA
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010011001100110011010101010011010100101010101010
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:31:11 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#4CCCD54D4AAA, help me!
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 34
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=-432;P1=420;P2=-159;P3=135;P5=-4476;D=0121230123012301230121212121230121212303030303030351;CP=3;
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#A6666AA6A5550 length 52
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#A6666AA6A5550, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#A6666AA6A5550,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#A6666AA6A5550
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#A6666AA6A5550
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A6666AA6A5550
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 1010011001100110011010101010011010100101010101010000
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:31:11 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#A6666AA6A5550, help me!
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=-932;P1=-433;P2=425;P3=-151;P4=135;P6=-4480;P7=728;D=0123412323232323412323234141414141414623234123412341234373232323234123232341414141414140;CP=4;
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#9AA9A9554 length 36
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#9AA9A9554, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#9AA9A9554,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#9AA9A9554
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#9AA9A9554
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 9AA9A9554
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 100110101010100110101001010101010100
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:31:11 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#9AA9A9554, help me!
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#4CCC0 length 20
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCC0, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCC0,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#4CCC0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#4CCC0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 4CCC0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 01001100110011000000
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:31:11 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#4CCC0, help me!
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#54D4AAA length 28
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#54D4AAA, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#54D4AAA,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#54D4AAA
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#54D4AAA
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 54D4AAA
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 0101010011010100101010101010
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:31:11 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#54D4AAA, help me!
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 3
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 65 -> Homeeasy matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 65 -> Homeeasy mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=429;P1=-147;P2=-106;P3=140;P4=-434;P5=-2348;P6=-1760;D=0102020101340101013434343434343506010134013401340134010101010;CP=3;
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 b matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 b mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:31:11 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:11 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 3
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MS;P0=-428;P1=419;P2=-153;P3=132;P6=-4222;D=3612123012301230123012121212123012121230303030303032161212301230123012301;CP=3;SP=6;
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> itv1
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: Found wrong signalpattern, catched 24 bits, aborting demodulation
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315: Decoded MS Protocol id 3 dmsg iD57DC0 length 24
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57DC0, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57DC0,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315: dispatch iD57DC0
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315 IT: message "iD57DC0" (7)
2017.07.04 22:31:12 4: SDuino315 IT: msgcode "1FFFF11F1000" (12) bin = 110101010111110111000000
2017.07.04 22:31:12 5: SDuino315 IT: SBC_FreeTec housecode = 1FFFF11F  onoffcode = 1000
2017.07.04 22:31:12 3: SDuino315 IT: IT_1FFFF11F off->off

2017.07.04 22:32:48 4: SDuino315/KeepAlive not ok, retry = 1 -> get ping
2017.07.04 22:32:48 5: AddSendQueue: SDuino315: P (1)
2017.07.04 22:32:48 5: SDuino315 SW: P
2017.07.04 22:32:48 4: SDuino315/msg READ: OK
2017.07.04 22:32:48 5: SDuino315/msg READ: regexp=^OK$ cmd=ping msg=OK
2017.07.04 22:32:48 4: SDuino315/HandleWriteQueue: nothing to send, stopping timer
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MS;P0=422;P1=-152;P2=135;P3=-441;P4=-4475;D=24010123012301230123010101010123012323010123232323;CP=2;SP=4;O;
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> itv1
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Decoded MS Protocol id 3 dmsg iD57D30 length 24
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D30, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D30,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: dispatch iD57D30
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315 IT: message "iD57D30" (7)
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315 IT: msgcode "1FFFF11F0100" (12) bin = 110101010111110100110000
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315 IT: SBC_FreeTec housecode = 1FFFF11F  onoffcode = 0100
2017.07.04 22:32:52 3: SDuino315 IT: IT_1FFFF11F off->on
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=-446;P1=418;P2=-159;P3=125;P4=-4468;P5=-1904;D=012123030303034121230123012301230121212121230123035;CP=3;
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:32:52 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:52 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=424;P1=-152;P2=147;P3=-428;P4=-288;D=01012301230123012301010101012301232301012323232324;CP=2;
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:32:53 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:53 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MS;P1=423;P2=-153;P3=134;P4=-443;P5=-4476;D=35121234123412341234121212121234123434121234343434;CP=3;SP=5;
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> itv1
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Decoded MS Protocol id 3 dmsg iD57D30 length 24
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D30, test gleich
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D30, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=-449;P1=138;P3=-4480;P4=425;P5=-154;P6=-92;D=010101013454516451045104510454545454510451010454;CP=1;
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 19
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:32:54 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:54 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=796;P1=-157;P2=141;P3=-441;P4=421;P5=-94;P6=-4468;D=0123412341234141414141234123234145232323232641412341234123412341414141412341232341412323252;CP=2;
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 4
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MS;P0=130;P1=-445;P2=423;P3=-153;P5=-4479;D=05232301230123012301232323232301230101232301010101;CP=0;SP=5;O;
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> itv1
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315: Decoded MS Protocol id 3 dmsg iD57D30 length 24
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D30, test gleich
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D30,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315: dispatch iD57D30
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315 IT: message "iD57D30" (7)
2017.07.04 22:32:55 4: SDuino315 IT: msgcode "1FFFF11F0100" (12) bin = 110101010111110100110000
2017.07.04 22:32:55 5: SDuino315 IT: SBC_FreeTec housecode = 1FFFF11F  onoffcode = 0100
2017.07.04 22:32:55 3: SDuino315 IT: IT_1FFFF11F on->on

2017.07.04 22:33:48 4: SDuino315/keepalive ok, retry = 0
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MC;LL=-432;LH=430;SL=-135;SH=155;D=4AAA8;C=191;L=18;
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=133;P1=-445;P2=425;P3=-153;P4=-4086;P6=272;D=421232301230123012301232323232301230030101010101632304;CP=0;
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 4
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=-142;P1=-208;P2=144;P3=-3408;P4=429;P7=-430;D=2340402740274027402740404040402740272721;CP=2;
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 3
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#4CCCD54CA length 36
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCCD54CA, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCCD54CA,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#4CCCD54CA
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#4CCCD54CA
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 4CCCD54CA
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010011001100110011010101010011001010
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:34:29 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#4CCCD54CA, help me!
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=-836;P1=457;P2=-149;P3=141;P4=-425;P6=-1264;P7=-2648;D=012123412341234123412121212123412343434343434121236171;CP=3;
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 b matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 b mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#4CCCD54CAAB4 length 48
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCCD54CAAB4, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCCD54CAAB4,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#4CCCD54CAAB4
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#4CCCD54CAAB4
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 4CCCD54CAAB4
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010011001100110011010101010011001010101010110100
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:34:29 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#4CCCD54CAAB4, help me!
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:29 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:29 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 65 -> Homeeasy matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 65 -> Homeeasy mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=204;P1=-437;P2=429;P3=-149;P4=138;P5=-4476;D=0123412323232323412341414141414123234523234123412341234;CP=4;
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#9AA995568 length 36
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#9AA995568, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#9AA995568,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#9AA995568
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#9AA995568
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 9AA995568
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 100110101010100110010101010101101000
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:34:30 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#9AA995568, help me!
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#4CCC length 16
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCC, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCC,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#4CCC
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#4CCC
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 4CCC
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 0100110011001100
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:34:30 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#4CCC, help me!
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=430;P1=-147;P2=143;P3=-432;P4=-3316;P5=264;P6=-776;D=012301232323232323010124560101230123012301230101010101230;CP=2;
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 b matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 b mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya shutter mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MU;P0=-1124;P1=92;P2=-2972;P3=421;P4=-156;P5=134;P6=-440;D=001234345634563456345634343434345634565656565656343452;CP=5;
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 20 -> livolo matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 5
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: decoded matched MU Protocol id 20 dmsg u20#4CCCD54CAAB4 length 48
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCCD54CAAB4, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: u20#4CCCD54CAAB4,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: dispatch u20#4CCCD54CAAB4
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u20#4CCCD54CAAB4
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 4CCCD54CAAB4
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 20
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010011001100110011010101010011001010101010110100
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: Unknown, please report
2017.07.04 22:34:30 3: SDuino315: Unknown code u20#4CCCD54CAAB4, help me!
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 34 -> unknown34 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> weather37 mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 4
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch mismatches, aborting
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MS;P0=426;P1=-151;P2=138;P3=-438;P4=-4474;D=24010123012301230123010101010123012323232323230101;CP=2;SP=4;
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> itv1
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315: Decoded MS Protocol id 3 dmsg iD57D03 length 24
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D03, test ungleich: disabled
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D03,  dispatch
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315: dispatch iD57D03
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315 IT: message "iD57D03" (7)
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315 IT: msgcode "1FFFF11F0001" (12) bin = 110101010111110100000011
2017.07.04 22:34:30 5: SDuino315 IT: V1 housecode = 1FFFF11F00  onoffcode = 01
2017.07.04 22:34:30 4: SDuino315 IT: 1FFFF11F00 not defined (Switch code: 01)
2017.07.04 22:34:31 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MS;P0=-154;P1=135;P2=-441;P3=423;P4=-4476;D=14303012301230123012303030303012301212121212123030;CP=1;SP=4;
2017.07.04 22:34:31 4: SDuino315: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> itv1
2017.07.04 22:34:31 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:34:31 4: SDuino315: Decoded MS Protocol id 3 dmsg iD57D03 length 24
2017.07.04 22:34:31 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D03, test gleich
2017.07.04 22:34:31 4: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D03, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2017.07.04 22:34:31 4: SDuino315/msg READ: MS;P0=-439;P1=422;P2=-154;P3=134;P4=-4480;D=34121230123012301230121212121230123030303030301212;CP=3;SP=4;
2017.07.04 22:34:31 4: SDuino315: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> itv1
2017.07.04 22:34:31 5: SDuino315: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2017.07.04 22:34:31 4: SDuino315: Decoded MS Protocol id 3 dmsg iD57D03 length 24
2017.07.04 22:34:31 5: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D03, test gleich
2017.07.04 22:34:31 4: SDuino315 Dispatch: iD57D03, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2017.07.04 22:34:48 4: SDuino315/keepalive ok, retry = 0

Habe ein paar Codevarianten gesendet aber irgendwie reagiert die Leinwand nicht... Iwie hat fhem auch eine Steckdose angelegt aber auch die funktioniert leider nicht.
Weiss jemand rat?
Hoffe ich habe den richtigen Thread erwischt :-)


Hab jetzt schon was rausgefunden...

set SDuino315 raw SR;;R=6;;P1=428;;P2=-148;;P3=133;;P4=-441;;P5=-4374;;P6=-104;;D=35121234123412341234161212121234121212343434343434;;CP=3;;SP=5;;

set SDuino315 raw SR;;R=6;;P0=135;;P1=-438;;P2=422;;P3=-157;;P4=-4472;;P5=-112;;D=04232301230123012301232323232301230101252301010101;;CP=0;;SP=4;;

für runter hab ich zwei befehle gefunden
set SDuino315 raw SR;;R=6;;P0=-154;;P1=135;;P2=-441;;P3=423;;P4=-4476;;D=14303012301230123012303030303012301212121212123030;;CP=1;;SP=4;;

set SDuino315 raw SR;;R=6;;P0=-439;;P1=422;;P2=-154;;P3=134;;P4=-4480;;D=34121230123012301230121212121230123030303030301212;;CP=3;;SP=4;;

Wenn ich einen der beiden runter Befehle sende dann Piepst die Leinwand und fährt nicht. Setze ich den Befehl ein 2. mal ab Fährt sie runter. Das machen stop und hoch nicht!


Zitat von: MikeRoxx am 07 Dezember 2015, 19:12:23
Hallo Sidey,
ich bin begeistert! Funktioniert alles wie es soll, wenn ich die Codes "RAW" schicke.
Vielen Dank für deine Mühe!

Hallo Mike,

das Thema ist zwar schon 5 Jahre alt, aber vielleicht liest du ja noch mit und die Fernbedienung funktioniert noch.
Ich habe das Protokoll jetzt komplett integriert und einen neuen Branch erstellt. Ein Update darauf kann mit folgendem Befehl durchgeführt werden:

update all https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/master_feature_visivio/controls_signalduino.txt

Nach einem Neustart von FHEM und mehrmaligen Betätigungen der Tasten der Fernbedienung sollte ein neues Gerät "Visivo_xxxxxx" angelegt werden.
Bitte mal testen. Über eine Rückmeldung würde ich mich freuen.
Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 mit 2 SIGNALduino nanoCC1101 + ESPEasy 2x serial server SIGNALduino nanoCC1101, Raspberry Pi 2 mit 2 CUL Stackable CC1101, Raspberry Pi 3 mit SIGNALduino radino + nano328 + 2 x SIGNAL-ESP CC1101 + LaCrosseGateway


Was ein Zufall, gestern bin ich wieder über das Thread gestolpert.
Mein Atmega hat sich verabschiedet und ich kann keine Daten mehr empfangen, senden geht noch. Weiß im Moment noch nicht woran es liegt.
Falls du mir noch einen guten 315MHz Tranceiver bzw. Sender / Empfänger empfehlen kannst, finde da irgendwie nix gescheites.

Wenn ich das wieder am laufen habe, sage ich dir Bescheid.

Proxmox mit FHEM und Debmatic auf Deb. Buster
HM / HmIP / FS20


Ich habe mal ein update gemacht... allerdings ist mein define verschwunden... und bekomme folgende Meldung:
Messages collected while initializing FHEM:configfile: Cannot load module SIGNALduino
Please define sduino 5c5c819e-f33f-14d2-16d6-8972c356fa70bae0 first

Wenn ich den sduino neu anlegen will, wie beschrieben:
Cannot load module SIGNALduino

Proxmox mit FHEM und Debmatic auf Deb. Buster
HM / HmIP / FS20


Zu dem Fehler steht doch bestimmt noch etwas im fhem.log. Da fehlt sicher noch irgendein Modul, vielleicht CRC und/oder JSON.

Zu dem 315MHz Transceiver bzw. Sender / Empfänger kann ich nichts empfehlen, zumal diese Frequenz in der EU für militärische Anwendungen reserviert ist.
Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 mit 2 SIGNALduino nanoCC1101 + ESPEasy 2x serial server SIGNALduino nanoCC1101, Raspberry Pi 2 mit 2 CUL Stackable CC1101, Raspberry Pi 3 mit SIGNALduino radino + nano328 + 2 x SIGNAL-ESP CC1101 + LaCrosseGateway


Sorry, wie konnte ich das nur im Logfile übersehen. CRC hatte gefehlt.

Werde mich dann mal um einen neuen Receiver bemühen.

Proxmox mit FHEM und Debmatic auf Deb. Buster
HM / HmIP / FS20


autocreate hat funktioniert und in meiner Bastelkiste hatte ich noch etwas funktionierendes gefunden.
   DEF        Visivo 7DF825
   FUUID      5fd7197b-f33f-14d2-4eda-c4de8107db9a616f
   IODev      sduino
   LASTInputDev sduino
   MSGCNT     3
   NAME       Visivo_7DF825
   NR         1400
   STATE      stop
   TYPE       SD_UT
   bitMSG     10011111011111011111100000100101000001001001111000010000
   lastMSG    9F7DF825049E10
   sduino_DMSG P24#9F7DF825049E10
   sduino_MSGCNT 3
   sduino_Protocol_ID 24
   sduino_RAWMSG MU;P0=149;P1=-581;P2=526;P3=-205;P4=-964;P5=4532;P7=-30764;D=0101010101230101230123010101010123010123010123232323010101012301010104512301012323232323012323232323012323232323230101010101230101230123010101010123010123010123232323010101012301010107;CP=0;
   sduino_TIME 2020-12-14 08:51:32
   versionModule 2020-12-12
     2020-12-14 08:53:14   LastAction      send
     2020-12-14 08:51:32   deviceCode      7DF825
     2020-12-14 08:53:14   state           stop
   IODev      sduino
   model      Visivo
   room       SD_UT

Super gemacht, vielen Dank!

Proxmox mit FHEM und Debmatic auf Deb. Buster
HM / HmIP / FS20


Prima, einige Fragen hätte ich noch:
Hat die Fernbedienung eine genaue Bezeichnung? Evtl. wären auch Bilder hilfreich, um sie zu identifizieren.
Ändert sich der Code beim Batteriewechsel?
Gibt es weitere Tasten außer up, down und stop?

Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 mit 2 SIGNALduino nanoCC1101 + ESPEasy 2x serial server SIGNALduino nanoCC1101, Raspberry Pi 2 mit 2 CUL Stackable CC1101, Raspberry Pi 3 mit SIGNALduino radino + nano328 + 2 x SIGNAL-ESP CC1101 + LaCrosseGateway


Nein, eine genaue Bezeichnung kann ich nicht entnehmen. Siehe Bilder.
Nur diese Tasten, up, down und stop, wenn du noch den Laserpointer ansteuern willst  ???
Ich habe mal die Batterien gewechselt, ein neues Device wird nicht angelegt.
Ansonsten kann ich dir noch ein Auszug aus dem Logfile geben.

Proxmox mit FHEM und Debmatic auf Deb. Buster
HM / HmIP / FS20


Die Taste auf der Rückseite ist sicher zum Anlernen. Ich hatte gerade eine ähnliche Fernbedienung integriert, da war das zumindest so.
Dabei wird sicher ein neuer Code eingestellt. Dieser würde mich interessieren.
Aber Achtung - evtl. musst du anschließend deine Leinwand neu anlernen.
Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 mit 2 SIGNALduino nanoCC1101 + ESPEasy 2x serial server SIGNALduino nanoCC1101, Raspberry Pi 2 mit 2 CUL Stackable CC1101, Raspberry Pi 3 mit SIGNALduino radino + nano328 + 2 x SIGNAL-ESP CC1101 + LaCrosseGateway


So weit ich noch weiß, ist die zum pairen und genau davor habe ich ein wenig Angst. Die Leinwand ist in einer abgehängten Decke eingebaut und die Revisionsklappe ist nicht so einfach zugänglich. Ich glaube das legen wir erst einmal auf Eis. Ich habe aber noch vor ein paar Lautsprecher in die Decke zu integrieren, dann probiere ich das aus und gebe dir hier eine Rückmeldung.
Proxmox mit FHEM und Debmatic auf Deb. Buster
HM / HmIP / FS20


Ist Euch eigentlich klar, dass Ihr Euch mit diesem ganzen Kram strafbar macht?

Der Frequenzbereich 315 MHz ist in Deutschland (und ganz weit drumrum auch) nicht zur Nutzung für solche Zwecke freigegeben.
Formuliere die Aufgabe möglichst einfach und
setze die Lösung richtig um - dann wird es auch funktionieren.
Lesen gefährdet die Unwissenheit!