Signalduino Version 3.3.1 / 3.3.2 / 3.3.3-dev

Begonnen von Sidey, 02 Oktober 2016, 23:39:11

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Er empfängt das hideki signal nicht und das somfy sendet er nicht!


Moin moin,

wäre nett wenn sich dies hier jemand mal ansehen könnte - DANKE,78768.0.html

Hallo zusammen.

habe heute ein Update von FHEm gemacht und es wurden dann auch die Dateien aus der


Habe dann mal in Systemlog geschaut.
Dabei sind wieder jede Menge Unknown Code aufgetaucht.

2017.11.16 14:53:00 3: wlanduino: Unknown code u20#A882A82208, help me!
2017.11.16 14:52:48 3: wlanduino: Unknown code u20#10011444054045150, help me!
2017.11.16 14:52:06 3: wlanduino: Unknown code u20#FFFFFFFFFFFD5F5DC, help me!
2017.11.16 14:51:34 3: wlanduino: Unknown code u20#BAABFEBEAAAAAAAAAFAEAAAAAABFBEBAEAAEFBBABEFFBEEF, help me!
2017.11.16 14:51:32 3: wlanduino: Unknown code u20#D575DDFDF4, help me!
2017.11.16 14:51:28 3: wlanduino: Unknown code u20#22222002A828000000000A08008, help me!

Ich bin mir auch ziemlich sicher gewesen, die Protokoll ID 20 in die Blacklist eingetragen zu haben.

Weiter unten fand ich dann im LOG folgendes.

2017.11.16 14:45:13 3: wlanduino: unknown attribute blacklist_IDs. Type 'attr wlanduino ?' for a detailed list.
2017.11.16 14:45:13 3: wlanduino: unknown attribute addvaltrigger. Type 'attr wlanduino ?' for a detailed list.

Hier ein List von dem Device

   Clients    :IT:CUL_TCM97001:OREGON:CUL_TX:Hideki:SD_WS07:SD_WS09: :SD_WS:RFXX10REC:Dooya:SOMFY:SD_WS_Maverick:SIGNALduino_un:
   DMSG       P7#F18067F00
   DevState   initialized
   FD         5
   MSGCNT     64
   NAME       wlanduino
   NR         65
   RAWMSG     MS;P2=466;P4=-1983;P5=-993;P6=-4039;D=26242424242525252424252525252525252524242525242424242424242525252525252525;CP=2;SP=6;R=40;O;
   STATE      opened
   TIME       1510840623
   TYPE       SIGNALduino
   version    V 3.3.1-dev SIGNALduino cc1101 - compiled at Mar 10 2017 22:54:50
     10:SD_WS07 ^P7#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}F[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}
     11:SD_WS09 ^P9#[A-Fa-f0-9]+
     12:SD_WS   ^W\d+x{0,1}#.*
     13:RFXX10REC ^(20|29)[A-Fa-f0-9]+
     14:Dooya   ^P16#[A-Fa-f0-9]+
     15:SOMFY   ^YsA[0-9A-F]+
     16:SD_WS_Maverick ^P47#[A-Fa-f0-9]+
     1:IT       ^i......
     2:CUL_TCM97001 ^s[A-Fa-f0-9]+
     4:OREGON   ^(3[8-9A-F]|[4-6][0-9A-F]|7[0-8]).*
     5:CUL_TX   ^TX..........
     7:Hideki   ^P12#75[A-F0-9]+
     X:SIGNALduino_un ^[uP]\d+#.*
     2017-11-16 14:44:17   ITParms         Unsupported command
     2017-08-30 20:57:00   ccconf          freq:433.920MHz bWidth:325KHz rAmpl:42dB sens:4dB  (DataRate:5603.79Baud)
     2017-07-26 23:10:37   ccpatable       C3E = 00 84 00 00 00 00 00 00  => 5_dBm
     2017-03-12 09:08:45   ccreg           C3E = 00 84 00 00 00 00 00 00
     2017-11-16 14:44:24   config          MS=1;MU=1;MC=1
     2017-04-01 18:41:03   freeram         645
     2017-10-26 19:09:31   ping            OK
     2017-11-16 14:57:03   state           opened
     2017-06-14 16:45:00   uptime          0 00:01:23
     2017-11-16 14:45:39   version         V 3.3.1-dev SIGNALduino cc1101 - compiled at Mar 10 2017 22:54:50
     ok         1
     retry      0
   devStateIcon opened:cul_wlan@lime disconnected:cul_wlan@red
   flashCommand avrdude -p atmega328p -c arduino -b 57600 -P net:[PORT] -vv -U flash:w:[HEXFILE] 2>[LOGFILE]
   hardware   nanoCC1101
   icon       cul_wlan
   longids    1
   room       99_receiver
   verbose    3

Mir ist auch aufgefallen, dass ich beim attr kein CC1101 mehr auswählen kann.

Wurde dies alles geändert ?
Die Blacklist ID war schon genial um die ganzen Meldungen zu unterdrücken !!!!

Raspi 4B+ Bullseye ;LaCrosse; HomeMatic; MapleCUL; ZigBee; Signalduino ESP32 ; Shellys; MQTT2; Grafana mit Influxdb


Mach noch einmal ein

Update all

Du hast die Version aus dem SVN.

Grüße Sidey

Gesendet von meinem XT1650 mit Tapatalk

Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker

Habe diese auch per update add hinzu gefügt. bis jetzt war es immer so, dass bei einem update die daten aus dem svn geladen wurden und dann das manuell hinzugefügt eingespielt wurde !!

oder sehe ich da was falsch ?

Habe das Update mal manuell durchgeführt.
Dabei ist folgendes aufgetreten. siehe log ganz unten

2017.11.16 16:33:25 1 : backup done: FHEM-20171116_162952.tar.gz (103989408 Bytes)
2017.11.16 16:33:26 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:26 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:26 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:26 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:27 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:27 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:28 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:28 1 : UPD FHEM/firmware/SIGNALduino_nano328.hex
2017.11.16 16:33:28 1 : UPD FHEM/firmware/SIGNALduino_promini328.hex
2017.11.16 16:33:29 3 : wlanduino: Unknown code u42#FE2C6E469, help me!
2017.11.16 16:33:29 1 : UPD FHEM/firmware/SIGNALduino_uno.hex
2017.11.16 16:33:30 1 : UPD FHEM/firmware/SIGNALduino_nanoCC1101.hex
2017.11.16 16:33:31 1 : UPD FHEM/firmware/SIGNALDuino_radinoCC1101.hex
2017.11.16 16:33:32 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:32 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:32 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:33 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:34 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:34 1 : UPD FHEM/
2017.11.16 16:33:37 1 : Got 185673 bytes for FHEM/, expected 185672
2017.11.16 16:33:37 1 : aborting.

Raspi 4B+ Bullseye ;LaCrosse; HomeMatic; MapleCUL; ZigBee; Signalduino ESP32 ; Shellys; MQTT2; Grafana mit Influxdb


Okay Du hast alles richtig gemacht, unser Fehler :)

Update klappt jetzt wieder.
Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker


Zitat von: Kawaci am 14 November 2017, 23:54:53
Er empfängt das hideki signal nicht und das somfy sendet er nicht!
Somfy sendet auf 433.420 nicht 433.920. Wie testest Du denn? Mach mal einen neuen Thread auf. Da drin brauchen wir lists der Signalduino und Somfy und Hidecki Devices und Eventmonitor Logs bei verbose.
Gruß Arnd

Raspi2 mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, Bravia, ...
Raspberry Pi mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, WifiLight2, Bravia, ...


Bei Somfy wird beim Senden automatisch auf 433.420 gewechselt:
2017.11.02 09:23:11 4 : sduino SendrawFromQueue: msg=SC;R=6;SR;P0=-2560;P1=2560;P3=-640;D=10101010101010113;SM;C=645;D=A38080D38CB8AA;F=10AB85550A;
2017.11.02 09:23:11 4 : sduino/msg READ: write new ccreg 10AB85550A

Was ergibt:
get sduino ccpatable

Wie weit ist Dein hideki Sensor vom sduino weg?
Bei der aktuellen Firmware sollte der RSSI vom hideki Sensor nicht schlechter als ca -60 sein

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Hi Ralf,
das war mir klar, aber es ist für den Testaufbau (z.B. Empfang von anderem CUL) relevant ;-) Nir weil der Rolladen sich nicht bewegt, heisst es nicht, dass er nicht sendet *lol* Der Rollingcode tut ja sein übriges... Willst Du solche Themen hier weiter diskutieren oder lieber in eigenen Thread auslagern. Ich behaupte, dass es nichts mit der Firmware zu tun hat!
Gruß Arnd

Raspi2 mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, Bravia, ...
Raspberry Pi mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, WifiLight2, Bravia, ...


FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7



@Ralf9 diese links habe ich schon zigmal durchgelesen aber ich bin bei keinem weiter gekommen entweder ich kapiert nicht oder ich steh komplett am schlauch!


Habe gerade ein
update all
durchgeführt unf bekomme jetzt meine Signalduinos nicht mehr zum laufen?

2017.11.22 09:01:54 0: Server shutdown
2017.11.22 09:01:54 1: HMCCURPC: Found 3 threads. Stopping ...
2017.11.22 09:01:54 1: HMCCURPC: Deregistering RPC server with ID CB2001 at
2017.11.22 09:01:54 1: HMCCURPC: RPC callback for server CB2001 deregistered
2017.11.22 09:01:54 1: HMCCURPC: Deregistering RPC server with ID CB2010 at
2017.11.22 09:01:54 1: HMCCURPC: RPC callback for server CB2010 deregistered
2017.11.22 09:01:54 2: HMCCURPC: Sending signal INT to thread CB2001 TID=2
2017.11.22 09:01:54 2: HMCCURPC: Sending signal INT to thread CB2010 TID=3
2017.11.22 09:01:54 2: CCURPC: RPC server CB2001 stopped handling connections. TID=2
2017.11.22 09:01:55 1: HMCCURPC: Found 1 threads. Stopping ...
2017.11.22 09:01:55 2: HMCCURPC: Sending signal INT to thread CB2010 TID=3
2017.11.22 09:01:56 1: BlockingInformParent (BlockingStart): Can't connect to localhost:37707: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
2017.11.22 09:01:56 1: BlockingInformParent (DbLog_PushAsyncDone): Can't connect to localhost:37707: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
2017.11.22 09:03:06 1: Including fhem.cfg
2017.11.22 09:03:06 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2017.11.22 09:03:06 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2017.11.22 09:03:06 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2017.11.22 09:03:07 2: eventTypes: loaded 1573 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2017.11.22 09:03:07 1: reload: Error:Modul 00_SIGNALduino deactivated:
syntax error at ./FHEM/ line 1571, near "SIGNALduino_Log3 undef"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at ./FHEM/ line 3434, <$fh> line 58.

2017.11.22 09:03:07 0: syntax error at ./FHEM/ line 1571, near "SIGNALduino_Log3 undef"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at ./FHEM/ line 3434, <$fh> line 58.

2017.11.22 09:03:07 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine SIGNALduino_Initialize redefined at ./FHEM/ line 1505, <$fh> line 64.
2017.11.22 09:03:07 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine SIGNALduino_FingerprintFn redefined at ./FHEM/ line 1553, <$fh> line 64.
2017.11.22 09:03:07 1: reload: Error:Modul 00_SIGNALduino deactivated:
syntax error at ./FHEM/ line 1571, near "SIGNALduino_Log3 undef"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at ./FHEM/ line 3434, <$fh> line 64.

2017.11.22 09:03:07 0: syntax error at ./FHEM/ line 1571, near "SIGNALduino_Log3 undef"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at ./FHEM/ line 3434, <$fh> line 64.

2017.11.22 09:03:08 3: DbLog logdb: Creating Push-Handle to database mysql:database=fhemdb;host=;port=3306 with user fhemadmin
2017.11.22 09:03:08 3: DbLog logdb: Push-Handle to db mysql:database=fhemdb;host=;port=3306 created
2017.11.22 09:03:08 3: DbLog logdb: UTF8 support enabled
2017.11.22 09:03:10 1: HMCCU: Device CCU2. Initialized version 4.1.001
2017.11.22 09:03:13 1: HMCCU: Read 31 devices with 237 channels from CCU
2017.11.22 09:03:13 1: HMCCURPC: Device CCU2_rpc. Initialized version 0.96 beta
2017.11.22 09:03:13 1: Including ./log/
2017.11.22 09:03:14 1: configfile: Cannot load module SIGNALduino
Cannot load module SIGNALduino

2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Rollo_SZ_rechts
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Dooya_1110101100001001010010100101_1
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Rollo_SZ_links
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Rollo_WZ_rechts
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Rollo_WZ_links
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Stecker_A2
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Stecker_A1
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Stecker_A3
2017.11.22 09:03:14 0: HMCCU: Start of RPC server after FHEM initialization in 12 seconds
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: HarmonyHub: connected
2017.11.22 09:03:14 1: usb create starting
2017.11.22 09:03:15 3: Probing CUL device /dev/ttyAMA0
2017.11.22 09:03:15 3: Probing TCM_ESP3 device /dev/ttyAMA0
2017.11.22 09:03:15 3: Probing ZWDongle device /dev/ttyAMA0
2017.11.22 09:03:15 3: Probing FRM device /dev/ttyAMA0
2017.11.22 09:03:20 3: Probing TCM_ESP3 device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:21 3: Probing TCM_ESP2 device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:21 3: Probing FHZ device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:21 3: Probing TRX device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:22 3: Probing ZWDongle device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:22 3: Probing FRM device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:29 3: Probing TCM_ESP3 device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:29 3: Probing TCM_ESP2 device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:29 3: Probing FHZ device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:30 3: Probing TRX device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:30 3: Probing ZWDongle device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:31 3: Probing FRM device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:37 1: usb create end
2017.11.22 09:03:37 2: Messages collected while initializing FHEM: configfile: Cannot load module SIGNALduino Cannot load module SIGNALduino
2017.11.22 09:03:37 0: Featurelevel: 5.8
2017.11.22 09:03:37 0: Server started with 110 defined entities ( perl:5.020002 os:linux user:fhem pid:28014)
2017.11.22 09:03:37 2: HMCCURPC: Starting thread for data processing
2017.11.22 09:03:38 2: HMCCURPC: Started thread for data processing. TID=1
2017.11.22 09:03:38 2: CCURPC: Thread DATA processing RPC events. TID=1
2017.11.22 09:03:38 2: HMCCURPC: RPC server thread started for interface BidCos-RF with TID=2
2017.11.22 09:03:38 2: CCURPC: Initializing RPC server CB2001 for interface BidCos-RF
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: HMCCURPC: Callback server CB2001 created. Listening on port 7411
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: CCURPC: CB2001 accepting connections. TID=2
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: HMCCURPC: RPC server thread started for interface HmIP-RF with TID=3
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: CCURPC: Initializing RPC server CB2010 for interface HmIP-RF
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: HMCCURPC: Callback server CB2010 created. Listening on port 7420
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: CCURPC: CB2010 accepting connections. TID=3
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: HMCCURPC: RPC server(s) starting
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: HMCCURPC: Received SL event. RPC server DATA enters server loop
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: HMCCURPC: Received SL event. RPC server CB2001 enters server loop
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: HMCCURPC: Received SL event. RPC server CB2010 enters server loop
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: HMCCURPC: All threads working
2017.11.22 09:03:40 2: HMCCURPC: Registering callback with ID CB2001 at
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: CCURPC: CB2001 ListDevices. Sending init to HMCCU
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: HMCCURPC: RPC callback with URL registered
2017.11.22 09:03:41 2: HMCCURPC: Registering callback with ID CB2010 at
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: HMCCURPC: RPC callback with URL registered
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: HMCCURPC: Received IN event. RPC server CB2001 running.
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: CCURPC: CB2010 ListDevices. Sending init to HMCCU
2017.11.22 09:03:41 2: CCURPC: CB2001 NewDevice received 52 device and channel specifications
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: HMCCURPC: Received IN event. RPC server CB2010 running.
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: HMCCURPC: All RPC servers running
2017.11.22 09:03:41 3: HMCCU: Device BidCoS-RF has no readable datapoints
2017.11.22 09:03:44 2: CCURPC: CB2010 NewDevice received 216 device and channel specifications
2017.11.22 09:03:46 3: telnetForBlockingFn_1511337826: port 35289 opened
2017.11.22 09:03:46 2: HMCCURPC: Updated devices. Success=30 Failed=1
2017.11.22 09:03:47 3: HarmonyHub: new config

Bitte dringend um Hilfe

Raspi 3, Sduino 433MHz und 868MHz beide CC1101, Wetterstation TFA Dostmann 35.1119 (WH1080), intertechno PAR1000/PA1500
NOBILY Standard-Minifunkrolladenmotor PR4 13/147-40 ID-98, Homematic CCU3 (homematic-raspi), HmIP-eTRV-2, HmIP-SWDO, HmIP-STH, HmIP-WTH-2, Eigenbau sonoff für Gartenbewässerung


Hallo Johann,

Ich habe scheinbar einen Syntax Fehler eingebaut. Das schaffe ich erst später zu korrigieren.

Aus welchem Grund hast Du die Version aus Github geladen?

Nimm bitte die Version, welche über das normale Update kommt, dort ist der Fehler nicht enthalten.

Gruß Sidey

Gesendet von meinem XT1650 mit Tapatalk

Signalduino, Homematic, Raspberry Pi, Mysensors, MQTT, Alexa, Docker, AlexaFhem

Maintainer von: SIGNALduino, fhem-docker, alexa-fhem-docker, fhempy-docker


Zitat von: Johann.S am 22 November 2017, 09:10:19
Habe gerade ein
update all
durchgeführt unf bekomme jetzt meine Signalduinos nicht mehr zum laufen?

2017.11.22 09:01:54 0: Server shutdown
2017.11.22 09:01:54 1: HMCCURPC: Found 3 threads. Stopping ...
2017.11.22 09:01:54 1: HMCCURPC: Deregistering RPC server with ID CB2001 at
2017.11.22 09:01:54 1: HMCCURPC: RPC callback for server CB2001 deregistered
2017.11.22 09:01:54 1: HMCCURPC: Deregistering RPC server with ID CB2010 at
2017.11.22 09:01:54 1: HMCCURPC: RPC callback for server CB2010 deregistered
2017.11.22 09:01:54 2: HMCCURPC: Sending signal INT to thread CB2001 TID=2
2017.11.22 09:01:54 2: HMCCURPC: Sending signal INT to thread CB2010 TID=3
2017.11.22 09:01:54 2: CCURPC: RPC server CB2001 stopped handling connections. TID=2
2017.11.22 09:01:55 1: HMCCURPC: Found 1 threads. Stopping ...
2017.11.22 09:01:55 2: HMCCURPC: Sending signal INT to thread CB2010 TID=3
2017.11.22 09:01:56 1: BlockingInformParent (BlockingStart): Can't connect to localhost:37707: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
2017.11.22 09:01:56 1: BlockingInformParent (DbLog_PushAsyncDone): Can't connect to localhost:37707: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
2017.11.22 09:03:06 1: Including fhem.cfg
2017.11.22 09:03:06 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2017.11.22 09:03:06 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2017.11.22 09:03:06 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2017.11.22 09:03:07 2: eventTypes: loaded 1573 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2017.11.22 09:03:07 1: reload: Error:Modul 00_SIGNALduino deactivated:
syntax error at ./FHEM/ line 1571, near "SIGNALduino_Log3 undef"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at ./FHEM/ line 3434, <$fh> line 58.

2017.11.22 09:03:07 0: syntax error at ./FHEM/ line 1571, near "SIGNALduino_Log3 undef"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at ./FHEM/ line 3434, <$fh> line 58.

2017.11.22 09:03:07 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine SIGNALduino_Initialize redefined at ./FHEM/ line 1505, <$fh> line 64.
2017.11.22 09:03:07 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine SIGNALduino_FingerprintFn redefined at ./FHEM/ line 1553, <$fh> line 64.
2017.11.22 09:03:07 1: reload: Error:Modul 00_SIGNALduino deactivated:
syntax error at ./FHEM/ line 1571, near "SIGNALduino_Log3 undef"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at ./FHEM/ line 3434, <$fh> line 64.

2017.11.22 09:03:07 0: syntax error at ./FHEM/ line 1571, near "SIGNALduino_Log3 undef"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at ./FHEM/ line 3434, <$fh> line 64.

2017.11.22 09:03:08 3: DbLog logdb: Creating Push-Handle to database mysql:database=fhemdb;host=;port=3306 with user fhemadmin
2017.11.22 09:03:08 3: DbLog logdb: Push-Handle to db mysql:database=fhemdb;host=;port=3306 created
2017.11.22 09:03:08 3: DbLog logdb: UTF8 support enabled
2017.11.22 09:03:10 1: HMCCU: Device CCU2. Initialized version 4.1.001
2017.11.22 09:03:13 1: HMCCU: Read 31 devices with 237 channels from CCU
2017.11.22 09:03:13 1: HMCCURPC: Device CCU2_rpc. Initialized version 0.96 beta
2017.11.22 09:03:13 1: Including ./log/
2017.11.22 09:03:14 1: configfile: Cannot load module SIGNALduino
Cannot load module SIGNALduino

2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Rollo_SZ_rechts
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Dooya_1110101100001001010010100101_1
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Rollo_SZ_links
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Rollo_WZ_rechts
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Rollo_WZ_links
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Stecker_A2
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Stecker_A1
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: No I/O device found for Stecker_A3
2017.11.22 09:03:14 0: HMCCU: Start of RPC server after FHEM initialization in 12 seconds
2017.11.22 09:03:14 3: HarmonyHub: connected
2017.11.22 09:03:14 1: usb create starting
2017.11.22 09:03:15 3: Probing CUL device /dev/ttyAMA0
2017.11.22 09:03:15 3: Probing TCM_ESP3 device /dev/ttyAMA0
2017.11.22 09:03:15 3: Probing ZWDongle device /dev/ttyAMA0
2017.11.22 09:03:15 3: Probing FRM device /dev/ttyAMA0
2017.11.22 09:03:20 3: Probing TCM_ESP3 device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:21 3: Probing TCM_ESP2 device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:21 3: Probing FHZ device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:21 3: Probing TRX device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:22 3: Probing ZWDongle device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:22 3: Probing FRM device /dev/ttyUSB0
2017.11.22 09:03:29 3: Probing TCM_ESP3 device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:29 3: Probing TCM_ESP2 device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:29 3: Probing FHZ device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:30 3: Probing TRX device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:30 3: Probing ZWDongle device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:31 3: Probing FRM device /dev/ttyUSB1
2017.11.22 09:03:37 1: usb create end
2017.11.22 09:03:37 2: Messages collected while initializing FHEM: configfile: Cannot load module SIGNALduino Cannot load module SIGNALduino
2017.11.22 09:03:37 0: Featurelevel: 5.8
2017.11.22 09:03:37 0: Server started with 110 defined entities ( perl:5.020002 os:linux user:fhem pid:28014)
2017.11.22 09:03:37 2: HMCCURPC: Starting thread for data processing
2017.11.22 09:03:38 2: HMCCURPC: Started thread for data processing. TID=1
2017.11.22 09:03:38 2: CCURPC: Thread DATA processing RPC events. TID=1
2017.11.22 09:03:38 2: HMCCURPC: RPC server thread started for interface BidCos-RF with TID=2
2017.11.22 09:03:38 2: CCURPC: Initializing RPC server CB2001 for interface BidCos-RF
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: HMCCURPC: Callback server CB2001 created. Listening on port 7411
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: CCURPC: CB2001 accepting connections. TID=2
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: HMCCURPC: RPC server thread started for interface HmIP-RF with TID=3
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: CCURPC: Initializing RPC server CB2010 for interface HmIP-RF
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: HMCCURPC: Callback server CB2010 created. Listening on port 7420
2017.11.22 09:03:39 2: CCURPC: CB2010 accepting connections. TID=3
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: HMCCURPC: RPC server(s) starting
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: HMCCURPC: Received SL event. RPC server DATA enters server loop
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: HMCCURPC: Received SL event. RPC server CB2001 enters server loop
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: HMCCURPC: Received SL event. RPC server CB2010 enters server loop
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: HMCCURPC: All threads working
2017.11.22 09:03:40 2: HMCCURPC: Registering callback with ID CB2001 at
2017.11.22 09:03:40 1: CCURPC: CB2001 ListDevices. Sending init to HMCCU
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: HMCCURPC: RPC callback with URL registered
2017.11.22 09:03:41 2: HMCCURPC: Registering callback with ID CB2010 at
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: HMCCURPC: RPC callback with URL registered
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: HMCCURPC: Received IN event. RPC server CB2001 running.
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: CCURPC: CB2010 ListDevices. Sending init to HMCCU
2017.11.22 09:03:41 2: CCURPC: CB2001 NewDevice received 52 device and channel specifications
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: HMCCURPC: Received IN event. RPC server CB2010 running.
2017.11.22 09:03:41 1: HMCCURPC: All RPC servers running
2017.11.22 09:03:41 3: HMCCU: Device BidCoS-RF has no readable datapoints
2017.11.22 09:03:44 2: CCURPC: CB2010 NewDevice received 216 device and channel specifications
2017.11.22 09:03:46 3: telnetForBlockingFn_1511337826: port 35289 opened
2017.11.22 09:03:46 2: HMCCURPC: Updated devices. Success=30 Failed=1
2017.11.22 09:03:47 3: HarmonyHub: new config

Bitte dringend um Hilfe

schneller Workaround:
Nimm ein Backup der
Bei mir unter /opt/fhem/backup
Mach mal ein

cd /opt/fhem
find . | grep

Dann solltest Du sehen ob und wo Du Backups hast.
Gruß Arnd

Gesendet von meinem SM-G800F mit Tapatalk

Raspberry Pi mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, WifiLight2, Bravia, ...