Max Scanner Not Returning Temp for some Thermostats

Begonnen von Wanman, 11 Februar 2017, 13:33:54

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Another newbie question. I seem to be encountering a problem with unreliable temperature responses from the scanner. My logs record, actual temp, set temp, rssi and valve position.

On some of the thermostats I simply don't get a temperature response but I do get all the others (RSSI etc). Is this a configuration issue or possibly a problem with rad stat? Configuration of failing and working stats are identical.

If I fiddle with the temperature it sometimes seems to persuade it to produce maybe one reading. Any help much appreciated.

This seems to have got worse of late and I also not I am no longer able to set attr scnProcessByDesiChange:0 but as soon as a I add attr scanTem=0 I get the following added automatically. userattr scnProcessByDesiChange:0 scnProcessByDesiChange:0,1 scnShutterList scnModeHandling:NOCHANGE,AUTO,MANUAL - I am sure this didn't use to be the case?


Have you set up your stats properly?
After initialising and pairing they need to be toggled to Manual then back to Auto in order to transit temperature readings
Feel free to follow up in German if you prefer


Certainly give that a go - I am pretty sure they have been through a Auto/Man cycle but I am going to work with one from scratch.

I have backed up my configuration so I can now simplify it.

They seemed OK up till recently but much more unreliable over last few days