Connect Raspberry to already working Eltako setup

Begonnen von fibbi, 31 Juli 2017, 22:54:47

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


I have a good working enocean system today in my home, but i want the option to control it over the mobile with a Raspberry Pi and the Eltako module .
My question is how do i connect my allready working system with the Raspberry system, is there an easy option to copy all the "funk taster" programming so i they also work with the Rasbperry og do i have to teach all the codes in again to the Raspberry?
Sorry for this "stupit" question but i am a newbie to the raspberry thing so hoping for some help.

My setup  at the moment is a Eltako FAM14 with a couple of FSR14-4X and some FUD14.
All my house is set up with this system and programmed with ELTAKO PCT14 software for windows.


Hi Fibbi,

there is no "easy copy" way that I am aware of.

On the other hand there is no need to learn all "funktaster". What your PI needs to learn is just the actors. And at each actor your need of course to learn the virtual "funktaster" that your PI represents.
For the first part, it should be fairly easy, as you know every actor and its EnOcean IDs already, and the wiki here is very helpful. You could also simply use the auto create function and just listen to the EnOcean network traffic, but I would suggest to really go and create the devices one by one. Once your FHEM is setup and the PI has an initialized EnOcean gateway, you might need 1-2 min per device.
The second part needs some more work, as you have to create devices on the FHEM side and then teach them to the existing FSR14 and FUD14. But this can also be done centrally via the PCT14 software. Once you know each FHEM device ID, you just add it ass additional "funktaster" to your PCT14 configuration and then do a one time update to the FAM14.