eBus Adapter Version 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2

Begonnen von chons, 26 August 2017, 23:37:34

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Zitatbut i made two mistake, i don't connect a 5w 330 ohm resistor in serie, and i don't connect the rx and tx led.
The 330 Ohm resistor is necessary to simulate a current source, otherwise it would be a voltage source. And it is necessary to reproduce the originally measured values.

The 5W of the 330 Ohm is not necessary. We have P=U2/R=24*24/330=1.7W as the absolute maximum power at the resistor. But this comes into account only for a "short" measurement time if the Tx path is "ON" (if you shorten Pin 4-5 of OK2).
If you are afraid of that, you may also use some 1/2W resistors connected in series or in parallel to finally give (approx.) 330 Ohm with (approx.) 1.5W.
(To be honest - I have used 330 Ohm / 0.5W for a short time and I am still alive :-)

The Rx LED is not really necessary except for indicating Rx data flow (but recommended - it is easier to watch the green led flickering when connected to the bus than to measure voltages in simulation).
The Tx LED is necessary(!) for correct function of the transmit path. Just for measuring it may be replaced by one or two standard diodes or by one resistor, or even a shortcut, but that has to be calculated in detail (what I do not do here).



ich habe noch den Adapter V2.1 für den Raspberry. Da ich nun meine -VaillantAnlage um eine Vaillant-WP erweitert habe, trennt der notwendige 32/3 nun den Kessel vom neuen Haupt-Ebus. Der Ebus Adapter hat keinen direkten Zugriff mehr auf die Daten der Therme.
1. spricht etwas dagegen mit einem Adapter über zwei Wechsel-Relais eine Umschaltung zwischen den Bussystemen vorzunehmen?
2. können zwei Adapter mit einem Raspberry betrieben werden damit beide Bussysteme gleichzeitig ausgelesen werden können?
