SOLVED - Replacing a faulty MAX Thermostat

Begonnen von Bob B, 19 Januar 2018, 17:48:56

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bob B

I have MAX CUL and 14 thermostats.
One thermostat has just died.
I have now replaced it with a new one.

What is the easiest way to change the "addr" of the existing fhem MAX device to the new thermostat??

I do not want to lose all the custom attributes of the old fhem MAX device by creating a new thermostat but changing the existing "addr" does not seem possible unless I edit fhem.conf? Scary!
EDIT: Actually not scary and very easy:
1. pair new thermostat
2. note new "addr"
3. delete new autocreated MAX thermostat and logfile
4. stop fhem
5. edit fhem.cfg: change old "addr" for new
6. restart  fhem

Thanks for any advice!