Modul TRAFFIC - jetzt mit Kosten von Google?

Begonnen von Gisbert, 04 Juni 2018, 21:55:30

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



Google hat mir eine Email geschrieben:
Hi Gisbert,

On May 2nd, we announced changes including our new simplified Maps, Routes, and Places products as well as a new pricing plan to make our products easier to use and more scalable as you grow. This is a reminder to please set up your billing account and associate it with all of your Google Maps Platform projects by June 11th.

Project: MeinProjektABC (123456789....)

If you haven't activated your one time coupon of $200, click here to activate it.

Also, today we announced that our new pricing will go into effect on July 16th - giving you an additional month of lead time. If you have any additional questions, please contact Support.

Thank you for using Google Maps Platform.

Was muss ich tun, bzw. unterlassen, damit ich kein Geld an Google zahlen muss? Das will ich auf jeden Fall vermeiden.

Viele​ Grüße​ Gisbert​
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY


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