Quigg_gt9000 und Oregon THR128

Begonnen von Caleus, 10 Juni 2018, 20:43:19

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hey Leute

nachdem mir RaspiLED gestern Abend so erfolgreich geholfen hat, dafür noch mals Danke, sind nur noch 2 Sachen offen, die wir nicht geschafft haben, und hoffen auf eure Hilfe zum einen sind es die Funksteckdosen Quigg_gt9000 und zum anderen ein Thermometer von Origon Scientific das THR128.

So laut dem Commandref soll man die Quigg_gt9000 und auch die Quigg_gt1000 mit dem IT modul nutzen können, nun gut ich habe nun nach vielen anlernen und verlernen, es geschaft das eine von der FB abgeschickte Meldung auch zum schalten nutzen kann, nachteil ist da aber zum ein oder auch ausschalten bedarf es Ausdauer, den es kann schon gerne mal 20 Klicks oder so dauern bis es zum Erfolg kommt, und es wird bei jedem schaltversuch folgendes angezeigt

2018.06.10 20:06:56 3 : MYSDUINO IT_set: IT_1527x8ed24 on
2018-06-10 20:06:56 IT IT_1527x8ed24 on
2018.06.10 20:06:56 5 : MYSDUINO/write: sending via Set sendMsg P55#isD01D1F0DF000#R6
2018.06.10 20:06:56 5 : MYSDUINO: sendmsg msg=P55#isD01D1F0DF000#R6
2018.06.10 20:06:56 5 : MYSDUINO: sendmsg IT V1 convertet tristate to bits=100011101101001001000000
2018.06.10 20:06:56 5 : MYSDUINO: sendmsg Preparing rawsend command for protocol=55, repeats=6, clock=300 bits=100011101101001001000000
2018.06.10 20:06:56 5 : AddSendQueue: MYSDUINO: SR;R=6;P0=300;P1=-2400;P2=1200;P3=-600;P4=-1200;D=01230404042323230423230423040423040423040404040404; (1)
2018.06.10 20:06:56 4 : MYSDUINO/set: sending via SendMsg: SR;R=6;P0=300;P1=-2400;P2=1200;P3=-600;P4=-1200;D=01230404042323230423230423040423040423040404040404;
2018.06.10 20:06:56 5 : MYSDUINO SW: SR;R=6;P0=300;P1=-2400;P2=1200;P3=-600;P4=-1200;D=01230404042323230423230423040423040423040404040404;
2018.06.10 20:06:56 4 : MYSDUINO SendrawFromQueue: msg=SR;R=6;P0=300;P1=-2400;P2=1200;P3=-600;P4=-1200;D=01230404042323230423230423040423040423040404040404;
2018.06.10 20:06:56 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ: SR;R=6;P0=300;P1=-2400;P2=1200;P3=-600;P4=-1200;D=01230404042323230423230423040423040423040404040404;
2018.06.10 20:06:56 5 : MYSDUINO/noMsg Parse: SR;R=6;P0=300;P1=-2400;P2=1200;P3=-600;P4=-1200;D=01230404042323230423230423040423040423040404040404;
2018.06.10 20:06:56 5 : MYSDUINO/msg READ: regexp=^S(R|C|M); cmd=sendraw msg=SR;R=6;P0=300;P1=-2400;P2=1200;P3=-600;P4=-1200;D=01230404042323230423230423040423040423040404040404;
2018.06.10 20:06:56 4 : MYSDUINO/read sendraw answer: SR;R=6;P0=300;P1=-2400;P2=1200;P3=-600;P4=-1200;D=01230404042323230423230423040423040423040404040404;
2018.06.10 20:06:56 4 : MYSDUINO/HandleWriteQueue: nothing to send, stopping timer

so und hier mal die list vom device

   DEF        1527x8ed24 0000 0000
   IODev      MYSDUINO
   MSGCNT     1
   MYSDUINO_RAWMSG MS;P2=369;P3=-2310;P4=1110;P5=-426;P6=-1170;D=23452626264545452645452645262645262645262626262626;CP=2;SP=3;R=9;
   MYSDUINO_TIME 2018-06-10 19:05:35
   NAME       IT_1527x8ed24
   NR         7764
   STATE      on
   TYPE       IT
   XMIT       d01d1f0df0
   XMITdimdown 00
   XMITdimup  00
   XMIToff    0000
   XMITon     0000
     1          1527x8ed24
     2018-06-10 13:01:22   protocol        EV1527
     2018-06-10 20:06:56   state           on
   IODev      MYSDUINO
   SIGNALduinoProtocolId 55
   room       IT

Vieleicht hilft das ja schon jemanden weiter, ansonsten folgen hier jetzt mal die Daten die ich mit verbose5 aufgezeichnet habe.

Taste A - ON
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : myctrl(Parse): RCV -> {"message":{"binary":"100010110010110110110000","id":526721,"unit":0,"state":"on"},"origin":"receiver","protocol":"quigg_gt9000","uuid":"0000-b8-27-eb-93d42c","repeats":1}
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : myctrl(Parse): protocol:quigg_gt9000,id:526721,unit:0
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : myctrl(Dispatch): PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,0,on
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : myctrl: dispatch PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,0,on
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : pilight_switch_Parse: RCV -> PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,0,on
2018.06.10 09:58:31 3 : myctrl: Unknown code PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,0,on, help me!
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MU;P0=-563;P1=479;P2=991;P3=-423;P4=361;P5=-1053;P6=3008;P7=-7110;D=2345454523452323454523452323452323452323454545456720151515201520201515201520201520201520201515151567201515152015202015152015202015202015202015151515672015151520152020151520152020152020152020151515156720151515201520201515201520201520201520201515151;CP=1;R=21;
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 53
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 3
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#8B2DB0 length 24 RSSI = -63.5
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#8B2DB0 length 24 RSSI = -63.5
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#8B2DB0 length 24 RSSI = -63.5
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 75 -> ConradRSL2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 09:58:31 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:58:31 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50

Taste A - OFF
2018.06.10 09:59:36 5 : myctrl(Parse): RCV -> {"message":{"id":6,"unit":5,"state":"off"},"origin":"receiver","protocol":"conrad_rsl_switch","uuid":"0000-b8-27-eb-93d42c","repeats":1}
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : myctrl(Parse): protocol:conrad_rsl_switch,id:6,unit:5
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : myctrl(Dispatch): PISWITCH,conrad_rsl_switch,6,5,off
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : myctrl: dispatch PISWITCH,conrad_rsl_switch,6,5,off
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : pilight_switch_Parse: RCV -> PISWITCH,conrad_rsl_switch,6,5,off
2018.06.10 09:59:37 3 : myctrl: Unknown code PISWITCH,conrad_rsl_switch,6,5,off, help me!
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MU;P0=-565;P1=489;P2=991;P3=-423;P4=359;P5=-1047;P6=3000;P7=-7118;D=2345454523454545452323232323232323454523454545456720151515201515151520202020202020201515201515151567201515152015151515202020202020202015152015151515672015151520151515152020202020202020151520151515156720151515201515151520202020202020201515201515151;CP=1;R=17;
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 53
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 3
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#887F90 length 24 RSSI = -65.5
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#887F90 length 24 RSSI = -65.5
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#887F90 length 24 RSSI = -65.5
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 75 -> ConradRSL2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 09:59:37 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 09:59:37 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50

Taste B - ON
2018.06.10 10:01:14 5 : myctrl(Parse): RCV -> {"message":{"binary":"100011101101001001000100","id":526721,"unit":2,"state":"on"},"origin":"receiver","protocol":"quigg_gt9000","uuid":"0000-b8-27-eb-93d42c","repeats":1}
2018.06.10 10:01:14 5 : myctrl(Parse): protocol:quigg_gt9000,id:526721,unit:2
2018.06.10 10:01:14 4 : myctrl(Dispatch): PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,2,on
2018.06.10 10:01:14 5 : myctrl: dispatch PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,2,on
2018.06.10 10:01:14 4 : pilight_switch_Parse: RCV -> PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,2,on
2018.06.10 10:01:14 3 : myctrl: Unknown code PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,2,on, help me!
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MU;P0=3003;P1=-7109;P2=-527;P3=485;P4=989;P6=340;P7=-1056;D=4267676742424267424267426767426767426767674267670142373737424242374242374237374237374237373742373701423737374242423742423742373742373742373737423737014237373742424237424237423737423737423737374237370142373737424242374242374237374237374237373742373;CP=3;R=24;
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#712DBB length 24 RSSI = -62
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u27#712DBB, test ungleich: disabled
2018-06-10 10:01:15 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO DMSG u27#712DBB
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u27#712DBB, -62 dB, dispatch
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatch u27#712DBB
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#712DBB
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 712DBB
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011100010010110110111011
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : Unknown, please report
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#712DBB
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 712DBB
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011100010010110110111011
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : Unknown, please report
2018-06-10 10:01:15 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO UNKNOWNCODE u27#712DBB
2018.06.10 10:01:15 3 : MYSDUINO: Unknown code u27#712DBB, help me!
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 53
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 3
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#8ED244 length 24 RSSI = -62
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#8ED244 length 24 RSSI = -62
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#8ED244 length 24 RSSI = -62
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 75 -> ConradRSL2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:16 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MS;P2=463;P3=-9199;P4=-1989;P5=-3932;D=232425242524242524252424242424242425242525252524242424252425252525;CP=2;SP=3;R=28;O;
2018.06.10 10:01:16 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 0 -> weather1
2018.06.10 10:01:16 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:01:16 4 : MYSDUINO: Decoded MS Protocol id 0 dmsg s5280BC2F00 length 32 RSSI = -60
2018.06.10 10:01:16 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, test ungleich: disabled
2018.06.10 10:01:16 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, -60 dB, dispatch
2018.06.10 10:01:16 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatch s5280BC2F00
2018.06.10 10:01:16 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 68 -> PFR-130
2018.06.10 10:01:16 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:01:16 4 : MYSDUINO: Decoded MS Protocol id 68 dmsg s5280BC2F00 length 32 RSSI = -60
2018.06.10 10:01:16 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, test gleich
2018.06.10 10:01:16 4 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2018.06.10 10:01:17 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MS;P0=455;P1=-1981;P2=-3945;P3=-9134;P4=338;D=034102010201010201020101010101010102010202020201010101020102020202;CP=0;SP=3;R=28;
2018.06.10 10:01:17 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 0 -> weather1
2018.06.10 10:01:17 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:01:17 5 : MYSDUINO: Found wrong signalpattern, catched 0 bits, aborting demodulation
2018.06.10 10:01:17 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 68 -> PFR-130
2018.06.10 10:01:17 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:01:17 5 : MYSDUINO: Found wrong signalpattern, catched 0 bits, aborting demodulation

Taset B - OFF
2018.06.10 10:01:42 5 : myctrl(Parse): RCV -> {"message":{"binary":"100000110110010000100100","id":526721,"unit":2,"state":"off"},"origin":"receiver","protocol":"quigg_gt9000","uuid":"0000-b8-27-eb-93d42c","repeats":1}
2018.06.10 10:01:42 5 : myctrl(Parse): protocol:quigg_gt9000,id:526721,unit:2
2018.06.10 10:01:42 4 : myctrl(Dispatch): PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,2,off
2018.06.10 10:01:42 5 : myctrl: dispatch PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,2,off
2018.06.10 10:01:42 4 : pilight_switch_Parse: RCV -> PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,2,off
2018.06.10 10:01:42 3 : myctrl: Unknown code PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,2,off, help me!
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MU;P0=985;P1=-555;P2=487;P3=-1052;P4=3014;P5=-7111;P6=-21508;D=012323232323010123010123230123232323012323012323450123232323230101230101232301232323230123230123234501232323232301012301012323012323232301232301232345012323232323010123010123230123232323012323012326;CP=2;R=5;
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#7C9BDB length 24 RSSI = -71.5
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u27#7C9BDB, test ungleich: disabled
2018-06-10 10:01:43 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO DMSG u27#7C9BDB
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u27#7C9BDB, -71.5 dB, dispatch
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatch u27#7C9BDB
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#7C9BDB
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 7C9BDB
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011111001001101111011011
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : Unknown, please report
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#7C9BDB
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 7C9BDB
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011111001001101111011011
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : Unknown, please report
2018-06-10 10:01:43 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO UNKNOWNCODE u27#7C9BDB
2018.06.10 10:01:43 3 : MYSDUINO: Unknown code u27#7C9BDB, help me!
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 3
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 52
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#06C848 length 24 RSSI = -71.5
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: U49#06C848, test ungleich: disabled
2018-06-10 10:01:43 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO DMSG U49#06C848
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#836424 length 24 RSSI = -71.5
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#836424 length 24 RSSI = -71.5
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#836424 length 24 RSSI = -71.5
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 75 -> ConradRSL2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:01:43 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:01:43 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0

Taste C - ON
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : myctrl(Parse): RCV -> {"message":{"binary":"100011101101001001001100","id":526721,"unit":3,"state":"on"},"origin":"receiver","protocol":"quigg_gt9000","uuid":"0000-b8-27-eb-93d42c","repeats":1}
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : myctrl(Parse): protocol:quigg_gt9000,id:526721,unit:3
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : myctrl(Dispatch): PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,3,on
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : myctrl: dispatch PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,3,on
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : pilight_switch_Parse: RCV -> PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,3,on
2018.06.10 10:02:24 3 : myctrl: Unknown code PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,3,on, help me!
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : myctrl(Parse): RCV -> {"message":{"binary":"100011101101001001001100","id":526721,"unit":3,"state":"on"},"origin":"receiver","protocol":"quigg_gt9000","uuid":"0000-b8-27-eb-93d42c","repeats":2}
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : myctrl(Parse): protocol:quigg_gt9000,id:526721,unit:3
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : myctrl(Dispatch): PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,3,on
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : myctrl: dispatch PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,3,on
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : pilight_switch_Parse: RCV -> PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,3,on
2018.06.10 10:02:24 3 : myctrl: Unknown code PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,3,on, help me!
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MU;P0=-530;P1=484;P2=983;P4=346;P5=-1056;P6=3008;P7=-7116;D=2045454520202045202045204545204545204545202045456720151515202020152020152015152015152015152020151567201515152020201520201520151520151520151520201515672015151520202015202015201515201515201515202015156720151515202020152020152015152015152015152020151;CP=1;R=255;
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#712DB3 length 24 RSSI = -74.5
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u27#712DB3, test ungleich: disabled
2018-06-10 10:02:24 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO DMSG u27#712DB3
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u27#712DB3, -74.5 dB, dispatch
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatch u27#712DB3
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#712DB3
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 712DB3
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011100010010110110110011
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : Unknown, please report
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#712DB3
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 712DB3
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011100010010110110110011
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : Unknown, please report
2018-06-10 10:02:24 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO UNKNOWNCODE u27#712DB3
2018.06.10 10:02:24 3 : MYSDUINO: Unknown code u27#712DB3, help me!
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 53
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 3
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#8ED24C length 24 RSSI = -74.5
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#8ED24C length 24 RSSI = -74.5
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#8ED24C length 24 RSSI = -74.5
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 75 -> ConradRSL2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:24 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:24 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0

Taste C - OFF
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MU;P0=-526;P1=480;P2=991;P4=344;P5=-1064;P6=3008;P7=-7105;D=2045454545452020452020454520454545452045202045456720151515151520201520201515201515151520152020151567201515151515202015202015152015151515201520201515672015151515152020152020151520151515152015202015156720151515151520201520201515201515151520152020151;CP=1;R=18;
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 50
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#7C9BD3 length 24 RSSI = -65
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u27#7C9BD3, test ungleich: disabled
2018-06-10 10:02:48 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO DMSG u27#7C9BD3
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u27#7C9BD3, -65 dB, dispatch
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatch u27#7C9BD3
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#7C9BD3
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 7C9BD3
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011111001001101111010011
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : Unknown, please report
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#7C9BD3
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 7C9BD3
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011111001001101111010011
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : Unknown, please report
2018-06-10 10:02:48 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO UNKNOWNCODE u27#7C9BD3
2018.06.10 10:02:48 3 : MYSDUINO: Unknown code u27#7C9BD3, help me!
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 53
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 3
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#83642C length 24 RSSI = -65
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#83642C length 24 RSSI = -65
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#83642C length 24 RSSI = -65
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 75 -> ConradRSL2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:48 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:02:48 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:02:49 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MS;P2=452;P3=-9181;P4=-1985;P5=-3952;D=232425242524242524252424242424242425242525252524242424252425252525;CP=2;SP=3;R=28;O;
2018.06.10 10:02:49 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 0 -> weather1
2018.06.10 10:02:49 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:02:49 4 : MYSDUINO: Decoded MS Protocol id 0 dmsg s5280BC2F00 length 32 RSSI = -60
2018.06.10 10:02:49 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, test ungleich: disabled
2018.06.10 10:02:49 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, -60 dB, dispatch
2018.06.10 10:02:49 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatch s5280BC2F00
2018.06.10 10:02:49 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 68 -> PFR-130
2018.06.10 10:02:49 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:02:49 4 : MYSDUINO: Decoded MS Protocol id 68 dmsg s5280BC2F00 length 32 RSSI = -60
2018.06.10 10:02:49 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, test gleich
2018.06.10 10:02:49 4 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2018.06.10 10:02:50 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MS;P0=450;P1=-2007;P2=-3936;P3=-9131;D=030102010201010201020101010101010102010202020201010101020102020202;CP=0;SP=3;R=30;
2018.06.10 10:02:50 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 0 -> weather1
2018.06.10 10:02:50 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:02:50 4 : MYSDUINO: Decoded MS Protocol id 0 dmsg s5280BC2F00 length 32 RSSI = -59
2018.06.10 10:02:50 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, test gleich
2018.06.10 10:02:50 4 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2018.06.10 10:02:50 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 68 -> PFR-130
2018.06.10 10:02:50 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:02:50 4 : MYSDUINO: Decoded MS Protocol id 68 dmsg s5280BC2F00 length 32 RSSI = -59
2018.06.10 10:02:50 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, test gleich
2018.06.10 10:02:50 4 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280BC2F00, Dropped due to short time or equal msg


Taste D - ON
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MS;P1=-2313;P2=1127;P3=-405;P4=379;P5=-1154;D=41234545452345454545232323232323232345452345452345;CP=4;SP=1;R=251;
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> quigg_gt1000
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Decoded MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i887F92 length 24 RSSI = -76.5
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: i887F92, test ungleich: disabled
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: i887F92, -76.5 dB, dispatch
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatch i887F92
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO IT: message "i887F92" (7)
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 100010000111111110010010
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x887f9 onoffcode = 0010
2018.06.10 10:03:15 3 : MYSDUINO IT: IT_1527x887f9 off->on
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MU;P0=-396;P1=378;P2=-1147;P3=1158;P5=-2304;D=0121230303030303030301212301212301215301212123012121212303030303030303012123;CP=1;R=251;
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 / LM-101LD matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 / LM-101LD mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 37
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e remote mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 4
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 75 -> ConradRSL2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : myctrl(Parse): RCV -> {"message":{"binary":"100010000111111110010010","id":526721,"unit":4,"state":"on"},"origin":"receiver","protocol":"quigg_gt9000","uuid":"0000-b8-27-eb-93d42c","repeats":1}
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : myctrl(Parse): protocol:quigg_gt9000,id:526721,unit:4
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : myctrl(Dispatch): PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,on
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : myctrl: dispatch PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,on
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : pilight_switch_Parse: RCV -> PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,on
2018.06.10 10:03:15 3 : myctrl: Unknown code PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,on, help me!
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MC;LL=-1017;LH=1032;SL=-507;SH=528;D=2A555554A50;C=513;L=42;R=239;
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 513 RSSI -82.5 -> OS_PIR
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: extracted data 11010101101010101010101010101011010110101111 (bin)
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MC;LL=-1064;LH=998;SL=-556;SH=437;D=952AAAAA529;C=509;L=44;R=250;
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI -77 -> OS_PIR
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: extracted data 01101010110101010101010101010101101011010110 (bin)
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MC;LL=-1049;LH=1012;SL=-541;SH=480;D=2A555554A50;C=513;L=42;R=252;
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 513 RSSI -76 -> OS_PIR
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: extracted data 11010101101010101010101010101011010110101111 (bin)
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MU;P0=140;P1=470;P2=1012;P3=-541;P5=-1134;P6=-3780;P7=-2075;D=2315151523151515152323232323232323151523151523167071715;CP=1;R=252;
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 / LM-101LD matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 / LM-101LD mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 53
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 3
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 75 -> ConradRSL2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:15 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:15 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0

Taste D - OFF
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : myctrl(Parse): RCV -> {"message":{"binary":"100000001001010101110010","id":526721,"unit":4,"state":"off"},"origin":"receiver","protocol":"quigg_gt9000","uuid":"0000-b8-27-eb-93d42c","repeats":1}
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : myctrl(Parse): protocol:quigg_gt9000,id:526721,unit:4
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : myctrl(Dispatch): PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,off
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : myctrl: dispatch PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,off
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : pilight_switch_Parse: RCV -> PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,off
2018.06.10 10:03:41 3 : myctrl: Unknown code PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,off, help me!
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : myctrl(Parse): RCV -> {"message":{"binary":"100000001001010101110010","id":526721,"unit":4,"state":"off"},"origin":"receiver","protocol":"quigg_gt9000","uuid":"0000-b8-27-eb-93d42c","repeats":2}
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : myctrl(Parse): protocol:quigg_gt9000,id:526721,unit:4
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : myctrl(Dispatch): PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,off
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : myctrl: dispatch PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,off
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : pilight_switch_Parse: RCV -> PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,off
2018.06.10 10:03:41 3 : myctrl: Unknown code PISWITCH,quigg_gt9000,526721,4,off, help me!
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MU;P0=-1044;P1=408;P2=1007;P3=-547;P4=-2289;P5=3022;P6=-7090;D=01010102310102310231023102323231010231014231010101010101023101023102310231023232310102310142310101010101010231010231023102310232323101023101423101010101010102310102310231023102323231010231056231010101010101023101023102310231023232310102310562310101010101;CP=1;R=247;O;
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 / LM-101LD matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA21 / LM-101LD mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 41
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 26 dmsg u26#7F6A8D length 24 RSSI = -78.5
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u26#7F6A8D, test ungleich: disabled
2018-06-10 10:03:41 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO DMSG u26#7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u26#7F6A8D, -78.5 dB, dispatch
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatch u26#7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u26#7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 26
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011111110110101010001101
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : Unknown, please report
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u26#7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 26
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011111110110101010001101
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : Unknown, please report
2018-06-10 10:03:41 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO UNKNOWNCODE u26#7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 3 : MYSDUINO: Unknown code u26#7F6A8D, help me!
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 191
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#7F6A8D length 24 RSSI = -78.5
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u27#7F6A8D, test ungleich: disabled
2018-06-10 10:03:41 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO DMSG u27#7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: u27#7F6A8D, -78.5 dB, dispatch
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatch u27#7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011111110110101010001101
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : Unknown, please report
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011111110110101010001101
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : Unknown, please report
2018-06-10 10:03:41 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO UNKNOWNCODE u27#7F6A8D
2018.06.10 10:03:41 3 : MYSDUINO: Unknown code u27#7F6A8D, help me!
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 193
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#012AE4 length 24 RSSI = -78.5
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: U49#012AE4, test ungleich: disabled
2018-06-10 10:03:41 SIGNALduino MYSDUINO DMSG U49#012AE4
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#809572 length 24 RSSI = -78.5
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#809572 length 24 RSSI = -78.5
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#809572 length 24 RSSI = -78.5
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatching bits: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: decoded matched MU Protocol id 5 dmsg p5#809572 length 24 RSSI = -78.5
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 75 -> ConradRSL2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 1
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MU;P0=1003;P1=-547;P2=501;P3=-1034;P4=3008;P5=-7108;D=010123230123450123232323232323012323012301230123;CP=2;R=244;
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> einhell garagedoor mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote26 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote27 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 14
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> pollin isotronic matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 5
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> socket36 mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> quigg_gt9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 16
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 5 -> unitec6899 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> optus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 75 -> ConradRSL2 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> VTX-BELL_Funkklingel mismatches, aborting
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:41 4 : MYSDUINO: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2018.06.10 10:03:41 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 0
2018.06.10 10:03:42 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ:  MC;LL=-949;LH=1022;SL=-521;SH=520;D=2AAA524A94;C=501;L=39;R=241;
2018.06.10 10:03:42 4 : MYSDUINO: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 501 RSSI -81.5 -> OS_PIR
2018.06.10 10:03:42 5 : MYSDUINO: extracted data 1101010101010101101011011011010101101011 (bin)
2018.06.10 10:03:42 5 : MYSDUINO: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)

so das wäre erst mal die Funksteckdose.

Und nun zum Origon THR128 der soll ja laut COmmandref mit dem Origon modulk laufen aber es gelingt mir einfach nihct hier mal die list vom device

   CODE       THR128
   DEF        THR128
   IODev      MYSDUINO
   NAME       aussen
   NR         11832
   STATE      ???
   TYPE       OREGON
   IODev      MYSDUINO

und hier mal was ich im event monitor zusehen bekommen wenn das Thermometer sendet

2018.06.10 20:32:05 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ: MU;P0=-16548;P1=1799;P2=-1126;P3=-4656;P4=5840;P5=-2605;P6=3269;D=0121212121212121212121213431215651265621512121212656512121212121212121265621;CP=1;R=245;
2018.06.10 20:32:05 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 20:32:05 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 20:32:06 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ: MU;P0=-9248;P1=1796;P2=-1133;P3=-4664;P4=5840;P5=-2599;P6=3268;P7=-25256;D=01212121212121212121212134312156512656215121212126565121212121212121212656217;CP=1;R=243;
2018.06.10 20:32:06 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterSign
2018.06.10 20:32:06 5 : MYSDUINO: applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2018.06.10 20:32:07 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ: MS;P1=455;P3=-9187;P4=348;P5=-1984;P6=-3945;D=134516151615151615161515151515151516161615161515151516151516151616;CP=1;SP=3;R=18;O;
2018.06.10 20:32:07 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 0 -> weather1
2018.06.10 20:32:07 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 20:32:07 5 : MYSDUINO: Found wrong signalpattern, catched 0 bits, aborting demodulation
2018.06.10 20:32:07 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 68 -> PFR-130
2018.06.10 20:32:07 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 20:32:07 5 : MYSDUINO: Found wrong signalpattern, catched 0 bits, aborting demodulation
2018.06.10 20:32:08 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ: MS;P0=-1980;P1=450;P2=-3944;P3=-9128;D=131012101210101210121010101010101012121210121010101012101012101212;CP=1;SP=3;R=14;
2018.06.10 20:32:08 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 0 -> weather1
2018.06.10 20:32:08 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 20:32:08 4 : MYSDUINO: Decoded MS Protocol id 0 dmsg s5280E84B00 length 32 RSSI = -67
2018.06.10 20:32:08 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280E84B00, test gleich
2018.06.10 20:32:08 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280E84B00, -67 dB, dispatch
2018.06.10 20:32:08 5 : MYSDUINO: dispatch s5280E84B00
2018.06.10 20:32:08 4 : MYSDUINO: Matched MS Protocol id 68 -> PFR-130
2018.06.10 20:32:08 5 : MYSDUINO: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2018.06.10 20:32:08 4 : MYSDUINO: Decoded MS Protocol id 68 dmsg s5280E84B00 length 32 RSSI = -67
2018.06.10 20:32:08 5 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280E84B00, test gleich
2018.06.10 20:32:08 4 : MYSDUINO Dispatch: s5280E84B00, Dropped due to short time or equal msg

Aufgrund der menge an Text und Code muste ich es aufteilen.

Ich hoffe es findet sich jemand, der mir bei den beiden Problemen helfen kann, dann könnte ich endlich weiter machen.



2018.06.10 20:32:05 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ: MU;P0=-16548;P1=1799;P2=-1126;P3=-4656;P4=5840;P5=-2605;P6=3269;D=0121212121212121212121213431215651265621512121212656512121212121212121265621;CP=1;R=245;
2018.06.10 20:32:06 4 : MYSDUINO/msg READ: MU;P0=-9248;P1=1796;P2=-1133;P3=-4664;P4=5840;P5=-2599;P6=3268;P7=-25256;D=01212121212121212121212134312156512656215121212126565121212121212121212656217;CP=1;R=243;

Dies ist der Oregon THR128, er wird von Deinem sduino nicht als MC-Nachricht erkannt.

Was ergibt ein
get MYSDUINO config
Es müsste folgendes angezeigt werden:
config: MS=1;MU=1;MC=1 ...

Evtl ist die Firmware von Deinem MYSDUINO zu alt.
Hast Du eine aktuelle Version von 2018?

Wenn ich es bei mir mit Deiner empfangenen MU-Nachricht simuliere dann passt es:

2018.06.10 21:28:49.444 4 : sduinoE SendrawFromQueue: msg=SR;P0=-16548;P1=1799;P2=-1126;P3=-4656;P4=5840;P5=-2605;P6=3269;D=0121212121212121212121213431215651265621512121212656512121212121212121265621;
2018.06.10 21:28:49.508 4 : sduinoE/msg READ: MC;LL=-2605;LH=3269;SL=-1126;SH=1799;D=2D3EBFF4;C=1466;L=32;
2018.06.10 21:28:49.508 4 : sduinoE: Found manchester Protocol id 18 clock 1466 -> OSV1
2018.06.10 21:28:49.508 4 : sduinoE: OSV1 input data: 11010010110000010100000000001011
2018.06.10 21:28:49.508 4 : sduinoE: OSV1 protocol id 18 translated to RFXSensor format
2018.06.10 21:28:49.508 4 : sduinoE: converted to hex: 500A4D200B302800002B00
2018-06-10 21:28:49.510 OREGON THR128_0b_2 temperature: 28.3
2018-06-10 21:28:49.510 OREGON THR128_0b_2 battery: ok
2018-06-10 21:28:49.510 OREGON THR128_0b_2 T: 28.3 BAT: ok

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Hi Ralf,
wir haben laut wiki die Firmware dev-r33 genommen. Die war von 03/2017.
Dann nehmen wir eine neuere von Github!?

set sduino flash https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ralf9/SIGNALDuino/dev-r332_cc1101/firmware/SIGNALduino_nanoCC1101_332rc1.hex

Wie spielst Du so eine Nachricht eigentlich in Deinen Signalduino ein?

Danke und Gruß

Raspi2 mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, Bravia, ...
Raspberry Pi mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, WifiLight2, Bravia, ...


Hallo Ralf9

als erstes danke für deine Antwort, und hier mal die Antworten auf deine Fragen


V 3.3.1-dev SIGNALduino cc1101 - compiled at Mar 10 2017 22:54:50


und als anhang ein bild vom get MYSDUINO config



So irgendwie habe ich es dann doch geschaft bzw der Siginalduino mein THR128 angezeigt zu bekommen, leider sind die zeiten wo er was bekommt seltsam, selbst neben dem Signalduino werden die daten zwar im event monitor angezeigt aber nicht im device geändert

Hier mal die list und da runter die filelog

   CODE       THR128_0f_1
   DEF        THR128_0f_1
   IODev      MYSDUINO
   NAME       THR128_0f_1
   NR         152
   STATE      T: 23.8 BAT: ok
   TYPE       OREGON
     2018-06-11 06:25:35   battery         ok
     2018-06-11 06:25:35   batteryState    ok
     2018-06-11 06:25:35   state           T: 23.8 BAT: ok
     2018-06-11 06:25:35   temperature     23.8
   IODev      MYSDUINO
   room       OREGON

2018-06-10_23:48:35 THR128_0f_1 temperature: 24.8
2018-06-10_23:48:35 THR128_0f_1 battery: ok
2018-06-10_23:48:35 THR128_0f_1 batteryState: ok
2018-06-10_23:48:35 THR128_0f_1 T: 24.8 BAT: ok
2018-06-11_00:31:05 THR128_0f_1 temperature: 24.8
2018-06-11_00:31:05 THR128_0f_1 battery: ok
2018-06-11_00:31:05 THR128_0f_1 batteryState: ok
2018-06-11_00:31:05 THR128_0f_1 T: 24.8 BAT: ok
2018-06-11_01:46:05 THR128_0f_1 temperature: 24.3
2018-06-11_01:46:05 THR128_0f_1 battery: ok
2018-06-11_01:46:05 THR128_0f_1 batteryState: ok
2018-06-11_01:46:05 THR128_0f_1 T: 24.3 BAT: ok
2018-06-11_02:00:05 THR128_0f_1 temperature: 24.1
2018-06-11_02:00:05 THR128_0f_1 battery: ok
2018-06-11_02:00:05 THR128_0f_1 batteryState: ok
2018-06-11_02:00:05 THR128_0f_1 T: 24.1 BAT: ok
2018-06-11_02:46:35 THR128_0f_1 temperature: 24.1
2018-06-11_02:46:35 THR128_0f_1 battery: ok
2018-06-11_02:46:35 THR128_0f_1 batteryState: ok
2018-06-11_02:46:35 THR128_0f_1 T: 24.1 BAT: ok
2018-06-11_04:43:05 THR128_0f_1 temperature: 24.1
2018-06-11_04:43:05 THR128_0f_1 battery: ok
2018-06-11_04:43:05 THR128_0f_1 batteryState: ok
2018-06-11_04:43:05 THR128_0f_1 T: 24.1 BAT: ok
2018-06-11_06:12:35 THR128_0f_1 temperature: 23.8
2018-06-11_06:12:35 THR128_0f_1 battery: ok
2018-06-11_06:12:35 THR128_0f_1 batteryState: ok
2018-06-11_06:12:35 THR128_0f_1 T: 23.8 BAT: ok
2018-06-11_06:25:35 THR128_0f_1 temperature: 23.8
2018-06-11_06:25:35 THR128_0f_1 battery: ok
2018-06-11_06:25:35 THR128_0f_1 batteryState: ok
2018-06-11_06:25:35 THR128_0f_1 T: 23.8 BAT: ok

Ich habe dann mal via define <name> OREGON <deviceid> mein eigenes device angelegt hat ne weile gedauert bis er mir was zeigte aber es kam was

   CODE       THR128_0f_1
   DEF        THR128_0f_1
   IODev      MYSDUINO
   MSGCNT     1
   MYSDUINO_DMSG 500A4D100F402600002D00
   MYSDUINO_RAWMSG MC;LL=-2599;LH=3264;SL=-1137;SH=1729;D=0FD9BF51;C=1454;L=32;R=239;
   MYSDUINO_TIME 2018-06-11 19:11:06
   NAME       THR128
   NR         174
   STATE      T: 26.4 BAT: ok
   TYPE       OREGON
     2018-06-11 19:11:06   battery         ok
     2018-06-11 19:11:06   batteryState    ok
     2018-06-11 19:11:06   state           T: 26.4 BAT: ok
     2018-06-11 19:11:06   temperature     26.4
   IODev      MYSDUINO
   room       OREGON

wie man sehen kann hat mein eigenes device (leider kein filelog) daten um 19:11:06 erhalten aber seit dem auch wieder nichts jetzt ist es schon 20 Uhr vieleicht habt ihr noch eine idee?



Im Eventmonitor eine Zeile des Gerätes markieren und oben create auswählen, danach filelog...
Gruß Arnd

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Raspberry Pi mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, WifiLight2, Bravia, ...


Danke für den Tipp, haste auch noch ne idee für ein abfragebintervall?


Welche Firmware ist den jetzt drauf?
get MYSDUINO version
Sonst können nur die FW Profis Ralf9 und Sidey helfen ;-)
Gruß Arnd

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Raspberry Pi mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, WifiLight2, Bravia, ...


Ach so ja immer noch die von dir hatte sie nicht geändert.
Kann man da denn noch was einstellen das er in sagen wir mal alle 60 Sekunden die Daten abfragt ?



Dann mache doch jetzt bitte mal das Firmwareupdate wie Ralf das vorgeschlagen und ich beschrieben habe.
Der Hintergrund ist, dass die Prüfsummen Checks verbessert wurden.
Gruß Arnd

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Raspberry Pi mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, WifiLight2, Bravia, ...


Ok einfach den Code oben in FHEM eintragen

set sduino flash https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ralf9/SIGNALDuino/dev-r332_cc1101/firmware/SIGNALduino_nanoCC1101_332rc1.hex



Ja ;-) Gruß Arnd

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Raspberry Pi mit FHEM, CUL, Signalduino, MySensors, HomeBridge, Presence, WifiLight2, Bravia, ...


Top DANKE, das Oregon THR128 wird nun alle 30 sekunden erkant.  Nur die Funkfsteckdosen wollen nicht, es wäre mir ja egal aber sie funktionieren ja mit Pilight auch  ???



ZitatSo irgendwie habe ich es dann doch geschaft bzw der Siginalduino mein THR128 angezeigt zu bekommen, leider sind die zeiten wo er was bekommt seltsam, selbst neben dem Signalduino werden die daten zwar im event monitor angezeigt aber nicht im device geändert
Was meinst Du mit "aber nicht im device geändert"?

Mein THR128 sendet alle 30 sec
Hier ist ein Auszug aus meinem Filelog ohne das Attribut event-min-interval
Mit dem "attr event-min-interval .*:300" wird z.B. nur alle 300 sec ein event erzeugt und ins Filelog geschrieben

2018-06-12_17:30:18 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:30:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:31:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:31:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:32:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:32:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:33:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:33:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:34:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:34:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:35:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:35:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:36:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:36:48 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:37:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:37:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:38:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:38:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:39:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:39:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:40:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.7 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:40:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:41:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:41:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:42:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:42:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.6 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:43:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.5 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:43:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.5 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:44:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.5 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:44:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.5 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:45:19 THR128_06_1 T: 20.5 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:45:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.5 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:46:18 THR128_06_1 T: 20.5 BAT: low
2018-06-12_17:46:49 THR128_06_1 T: 20.5 BAT: low

Für den nano mit dem cc1101 gibt es inzwischen die firmware SIGNALduino_nanoCC1101_332rc2.hex
set MYSDUINO flash https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ralf9/SIGNALDuino/dev-r332_cc1101/firmware/SIGNALduino_nanoCC1101_332rc2.hex

Mit der aktuellen Firmware von Sidey müsste es eigentlich genausogut funktionieren.

Zitat von: RaspiLED am 11 Juni 2018, 00:42:04
Wie spielst Du so eine Nachricht eigentlich in Deinen Signalduino ein?

In dem Quellcode von meiner 332 firmware gibt es dafür eine compiling option
//#define SENDTODECODER 1 // damit werden in der send_raw Routine anstatt zu senden, die Pulse direkt dem Decoder uebergeben

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7