[37_echodevice] Amazon Echo Modul (nicht Alexa)

Begonnen von michael.winkler, 12 Januar 2018, 18:20:12

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hast du mal versucht alle ECHO Geräte zu löschen inkl. Account Device und dann noch mal von vorne einrichten?


falls Du mich meinst - ja hatte ich gemacht


Zitat von: mthome am 27 Oktober 2023, 17:55:02falls Du mich meinst - ja hatte ich gemacht
Versuch das bitte noch mal. Bitte auch vorher das Cacheverzeichnis löschen. Danach noch mal ein NPM_install ..... ausführen.


Zitat von: rs am 27 Oktober 2023, 17:43:52Hallo MIchael,

Ich habe das Issue, das Echo Show 15 schaltet nach 6-12h Betrieb in einen Modus, in dem keine Audioausgabe, sondern nur ein Beep erfolgt. Damit geht streaming und videocalls und türklingel nicht mehr.
Welche set Befehle benutzt du dafür? Kannst du mal ein HTML_Result von dem Set Befehl schicken, wenn das Problem besteht?


Zitat von: michael.winkler am 27 Oktober 2023, 18:37:09
Zitat von: mthome am 27 Oktober 2023, 17:55:02falls Du mich meinst - ja hatte ich gemacht
Versuch das bitte noch mal. Bitte auch vorher das Cacheverzeichnis löschen. Danach noch mal ein NPM_install ..... ausführen.
Gleiches Verhalten:
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Node Version 20.4.0

2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Check Interface=lo IP=
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew]  Ignor Interface=lo IP=
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Check Interface=lo IP=::1
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew]  Ignor Interface=lo IP=::1
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Check Interface=enp1s0 IP=
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew]  Result Interface=enp1s0 IP=
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Check Interface=enp1s0 IP=2003:d6:b736:4500:7285:c2ff:fe73:6bae
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Check Interface=enp1s0 IP=fe80::7285:c2ff:fe73:6bae
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Check Interface=tun0 IP=
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew]  Ignor Interface=tun0 IP=
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Check Interface=tun0 IP=fe80::eecc:a420:4a8d:9e08
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew]  Ignor Interface=tun0 IP=fe80::eecc:a420:4a8d:9e08
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Check Interface=docker0 IP=
2023.10.27 18:39:03 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew]  Result Interface=docker0 IP=
2023.10.27 18:39:06 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Proxy Port 3002 is free
2023.10.27 18:39:06 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Proxy IP
2023.10.27 18:39:06 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Use as Login-Amazon-URL: amazon.de

2023.10.27 18:39:06 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Use as Base-Amazon-URL: amazon.com

2023.10.27 18:39:06 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Use as Device-App-Name: ioBroker Alexa2

2023.10.27 18:39:06 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Use as User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

2023.10.27 18:39:06 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Use as Accept-Language: de-DE

2023.10.27 18:39:06 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Proxy-Mode enabled if needed: to listen on

2023.10.27 18:39:06 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Step 1: get first cookie and authentication redirect

2023.10.27 18:39:06 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Sending Request with {"host":"alexa.amazon.de","path":"","method":"GET","headers":{"DNT":"1","Upgrade-Insecure-Requests":"1","User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","Accept-Language":"de-DE","Connection":"keep-alive","Accept":"*/*"}}

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Response (200)

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Add Cookie session-id = 261-4758451-4793407

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Step 2: login empty to generate session

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Sending Request with {"host":"www.amazon.de","path":"/ap/signin","method":"POST","headers":{"DNT":"1","Upgrade-Insecure-Requests":"1","User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","Accept-Language":"de-DE","Connection":"keep-alive","Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded","Referer":"https://alexa.amazon.de","Cookie":"session-id=261-4758451-4793407","Accept":"*/*"},"gzip":true,"body":""}

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Response (404)

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Add Cookie session-id-time = 2329144747l

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Add Cookie ubid-acbde = 260-2995705-5183927

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Step 3: login with filled form, referer contains session id

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Sending Request with {"host":"www.amazon.de","path":"/ap/signin","method":"POST","headers":{"DNT":"1","Upgrade-Insecure-Requests":"1","User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","Accept-Language":"de-DE","Connection":"keep-alive","Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded","Referer":"https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin/261-4758451-4793407","Cookie":"session-id=261-4758451-4793407; session-id-time=2329144747l; ubid-acbde=260-2995705-5183927","Accept":"*/*"},"gzip":true,"body":"email=LoginFHEM&password=xxxx"}

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Response (200)

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result [HPM] Proxy created: !/cookie-success  -> https://alexa.amazon.com

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result [HPM] Proxy rewrite rule created: "^/www.amazon.com" ~> ""

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result [HPM] Proxy rewrite rule created: "^/alexa.amazon.com" ~> ""

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Alexa-Cookie: Proxy-Server listening on port 3002

2023.10.27 18:39:07 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result: Bitte den Link anklicken und die Amazonanmeldung durchfuehren.
2023.10.27 18:39:10 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:11 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:12 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:13 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:14 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:15 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:16 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:17 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:18 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:19 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:20 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:21 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:22 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:23 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:24 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:25 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=null EXIST 438create-cookie.js = true
2023.10.27 18:39:26 3: [Echo] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [NPM Login New Fri Oct 27 18:39:03 2023] write new refreshtoken
2023.10.27 18:39:26 3: [Echo] [echodevice_setState] to connected
2023.10.27 18:39:45 3: [Echo] [echodevice_LostConnect] JSON error = no content / set loginerror to 1
2023.10.27 18:39:45 3: [Echo] [echodevice_setState] to connected but loginerror
2023.10.27 18:40:45 3: [Echo] [echodevice_LostConnect] JSON error = no content / set loginerror to 2
2023.10.27 18:40:45 3: [Echo] [echodevice_setState] to connected but loginerror

---hier dann autocreate Devices----
2023.10.27 18:41:37 3: [Echo] [echodevice_Parse] create new device 'ECHO_G2A14Q0494330HT7'
2023.10.27 18:41:37 0: [echodevice_Define] load ECHO Devicename=ECHO_G2A14Q0494330HT7 Devicetype=A3FX4UWTP28V1P Devicemodel=Echo Gen3
2023.10.27 18:41:37 3: [Echo] [echodevice_Parse] create new device 'ECHO_759be2b812574f4bb746ae1220ac5cb7'
2023.10.27 18:41:37 0: [echodevice_Define] load ECHO Devicename=ECHO_759be2b812574f4bb746ae1220ac5cb7 Devicetype=A3C9PE6TNYLTCH Devicemodel=Echo Multiroom
2023.10.27 18:41:37 3: [Echo] [echodevice_Parse] create new device 'ECHO_eefe809d1e6d441b89d908dac39efca6'
2023.10.27 18:41:37 0: [echodevice_Define] load ECHO Devicename=ECHO_eefe809d1e6d441b89d908dac39efca6 Devicetype=A2GVLZERQC1WCR Devicemodel=unbekannt
2023.10.27 18:41:38 3: [Echo] [echodevice_Parse] create new device 'ECHO_G2A0P307740705TB'
2023.10.27 18:41:38 0: [echodevice_Define] load ECHO Devicename=ECHO_G2A0P307740705TB Devicetype=A7WXQPH584YP Devicemodel=Echo Gen2
2023.10.27 18:41:38 3: [Echo] [echodevice_Parse] create new device 'ECHO_abbd081c878d4e4dbdf50319ffc4a74d'
2023.10.27 18:41:38 0: [echodevice_Define] load ECHO Devicename=ECHO_abbd081c878d4e4dbdf50319ffc4a74d Devicetype=A179MLLO8YEGKV Devicemodel=unbekannt
2023.10.27 18:41:38 3: [Echo] [echodevice_Parse] create new device 'ECHO_G2A1A6031466059L'
2023.10.27 18:41:38 0: [echodevice_Define] load ECHO Devicename=ECHO_G2A1A6031466059L Devicetype=A3RMGO6LYLH7YN Devicemodel=Echo Dot Gen4
2023.10.27 18:41:38 3: [Echo] [echodevice_Parse] create new device 'ECHO_G2A0P3088326051G'
2023.10.27 18:41:38 0: [echodevice_Define] load ECHO Devicename=ECHO_G2A0P3088326051G Devicetype=A7WXQPH584YP Devicemodel=Echo Gen2
2023.10.27 18:41:38 3: [Echo] [echodevice_Parse] create new device 'ECHO_G2A1A603117302EK'
2023.10.27 18:41:38 0: [echodevice_Define] load ECHO Devicename=ECHO_G2A1A603117302EK Devicetype=A3RMGO6LYLH7YN Devicemodel=Echo Dot Gen4
2023.10.27 18:41:45 3: [Echo] [echodevice_LostConnect] JSON error = no content / set loginerror to 3
2023.10.27 18:41:45 3: [Echo] [echodevice_setState] to connected but loginerror


Komisch, warum macht er ein Create Device wenn dein Cookie nicht passen sollte. Wenn du nicht verbunden bist, dann sollte das eigentlich nicht gehen.

Kannst du mal an dem Account Device das Attribut "browser_save_data" auf 1 setzen?

Danach kannst du über ein get html_result schauen ob du dort ein [ACCOUTDEVICENAME]_cookielogin6.html findest. Wäre mal interessant was in dem steht? Falls das nicht vorhanden ist dann noch mal ein NPM_login new durchführen und dann noch mal schauen ob das HTML zu sehen ist.


Zitat von: michael.winkler am 27 Oktober 2023, 20:17:16Komisch, warum macht er ein Create Device wenn dein Cookie nicht passen sollte. Wenn du nicht verbunden bist, dann sollte das eigentlich nicht gehen.

Kannst du mal an dem Account Device das Attribut "browser_save_data" auf 1 setzen?

Danach kannst du über ein get html_result schauen ob du dort ein [ACCOUTDEVICENAME]_cookielogin6.html findest. Wäre mal interessant was in dem steht? Falls das nicht vorhanden ist dann noch mal ein NPM_login new durchführen und dann noch mal schauen ob das HTML zu sehen ist.
So, habe nochmals aufgesetzt und ein NPM login New gemacht. Account Device ist connected (wechselt aber immer mal wieder kurz auf "[Echo] [echodevice_setState] to connected but loginerror"). Hier das get html result:
Amazon HTML Results:

Datum      HTML Result Dateiname
Fri Oct 27 20:45:29 2023      Echo_cookielogin6.html
Fri Oct 27 20:45:29 2023      Echo_cookielogin6_header.html
Fri Oct 27 20:45:29 2023      Echo_getnotifications.html
Fri Oct 27 20:45:29 2023      Echo_getnotifications_header.html   
Echo_cookielogin6.html ist leer

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Content-Length: 0 Connection: keep-alive Server: Server Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2023 18:48:29 GMT x-amz-rid: H10JDVDSBQEMKBFGWP4Y loginUrl: https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin?showRmrMe=1&openid.return_to=https%3A%2F%2Flayla.amazon.de%2Flogin&openid.identity=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.assoc_handle=amzn_dp_project_dee_de&openid.mode=checkid_setup&openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.ns=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0& x-amzn-RequestId: H10JDVDSBQEMKBFGWP4Y Vary: Content-Type,Accept-Encoding,User-Agent Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=0; includeSubDomains; X-Cache: Error from cloudfront Via: 1.1 8e8e6ea60de74421f0058675cbcf9cb0.cloudfront.net (CloudFront) X-Amz-Cf-Pop: FRA60-P6 X-Amz-Cf-Id: eqy4JzksTDHK9r8k5AJSpzLY44auGK1xnsGlEk__cYcVQKWHopVtsw==
Dann habe ich nochmals autocreate devices gemacht:
Amazon HTML Results:

Datum      HTML Result Dateiname
Fri Oct 27 20:51:20 2023      Echo_autocreate_devices.html
Fri Oct 27 20:51:20 2023      Echo_autocreate_devices_header.html
Fri Oct 27 20:51:29 2023      Echo_cookielogin6.html
Fri Oct 27 20:51:29 2023      Echo_cookielogin6_header.html
Fri Oct 27 20:51:29 2023      Echo_getnotifications.html
Fri Oct 27 20:51:29 2023      Echo_getnotifications_header.html

Echo_cookielogin6.html ist leer

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 2751 Connection: keep-alive Server: Server Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2023 18:51:20 GMT x-amz-rid: 6ER9QH4P5FZ7E7RJEPE5 x-amzn-RequestId: 251756bc-8e68-4493-a561-eac6235eb2f2 Content-Encoding: gzip Vary: Content-Type,Accept-Encoding,User-Agent Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=0; includeSubDomains; X-Cache: Miss from cloudfront Via: 1.1 146c0f4d7da9f5b3108ac41c3becbb82.cloudfront.net (CloudFront) X-Amz-Cf-Pop: FRA60-P6 X-Amz-Cf-Id: WypsdAqhfhkZj0PboBh7V63VeJ0tPwZe9j_yjdlg_iaf8ykZ5dC1lg==
Die Devices sind aber alle angelegt und immer wieder auf "connected but loginerror" und dann wieder mal connected

Evtl. hat es ja mit dem Fehler im Log von oben (#5779) etwas zu tun?
2023.10.27 18:39:45 3: [Echo] [echodevice_LostConnect] JSON error = no content


Welche set Befehle benutzt du dafür? Kannst du mal ein HTML_Result von dem Set Befehl schicken, wenn das Problem besteht?

Eigentlich nur speak, sound und textcommand und play itune.

Werde ein HTHL:Result senden, wenn es wieder, wohl morgen auftritt.
Kann eine Neuinstallation durchführen, dann auf einem Ubuntu 22 Server ...
Melde mich

rpi3+ & RaspBee | Phillips, Osram, IKEA, SIlvercrest Devices | FHEM 6.2 | Echo Show 15 | Yamaha YAS| LG TV | Ubuntu 22.04 - NextCloud 27 - OpemVPN - Wordpress - NAS - ...


Ich hab gerade aus dem SVN das 37_echodevice.pm geladen und eingebunden. Voice funktioniert wieder, allerdings werden Umlaute falsch dargestellt. Beispiel die Zahl fünf wird so angezeigt: fünf


Zitat von: michael.winkler am 27 Oktober 2023, 17:51:15Hast du mal versucht alle ECHO Geräte zu löschen inkl. Account Device und dann noch mal von vorne einrichten?

Ja, das ist eine Idee. Wollte eh pi3+ ablösen und das fhem auf den ubuntu server portieren.
Dauert aber etwas, melde mich ...

rpi3+ & RaspBee | Phillips, Osram, IKEA, SIlvercrest Devices | FHEM 6.2 | Echo Show 15 | Yamaha YAS| LG TV | Ubuntu 22.04 - NextCloud 27 - OpemVPN - Wordpress - NAS - ...


 @RS das Löschen und neu anlegen kannst bei bestehenden Server in unter zwei Minuten machen das geht sehr schnell und macht nix kaputt da die Devices danach gleich heißen.
Ich würde eine
delete ECHO_,* machen das echodevice manuell löschen
Dann im /opt/fhem/Cache das cookie Verzeichnis löschen  (rm -r )
Und dann neu anlegen NPM_install und dann NPM_login

@mthome @michael.winkler
Bei mir schauts 1 zu 1 gleich aus
Eventuell noch dazu.erwähnt das in diesem Zustand der Status der Echos trotzdem so im Minuten intervall aktualisiert wird zumindest wenn ich einen Radiosender abspielen bekomme ich den Status dann mit


Danke, habe ich gemacht.

Interessant ist, nach einem erneutem NPM Login und vorherigem fhem update habe ich nun die Version 0.2.23 vorher war die 0.2.15 live. Ich nehme an erst das neue Login bei Amazon hat dies bewirkt.
Habe nun auch die npm_refresh_interval auf einen Tag gestellt, um zu sehen ob der Effekt wenigstens/vielleicht einen Tag lang hält.

Nun bleibt abzuwarten, ob dies mein Problem löst. Hoffentlich ...
rpi3+ & RaspBee | Phillips, Osram, IKEA, SIlvercrest Devices | FHEM 6.2 | Echo Show 15 | Yamaha YAS| LG TV | Ubuntu 22.04 - NextCloud 27 - OpemVPN - Wordpress - NAS - ...


Hallo zusammen,

ich habe aktuell das Problem, dass unter Ubuntu 23.04 und Firefox 118.0.1 Die Amazon-Anmeldeseite (bei NMP_login new) nicht aufgeht. Ich muss in einemm neuen Fenster manuell IP-Adresse:3002 eingeben. Dann kann ich mich anmelden. Kurze Zeit später ist das Device kurzfristig angemeldet, dann kommt wieder "connected but loginerror"

Hier das Log mit verbose 5
2023.10.28 11:45:12 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_setState] to connected
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] Alter COOKIE=36/6000
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] [enable] set next internal timer start in 60 seconds.
2023.10.28 11:45:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] start refresh settings
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getnotifications] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getnotifications] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/notifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getnotifications] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] [getnotifications] [1] [0] send command=https://layla.amazon.de/api/notifications Data=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [alarmvolume] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [alarmvolume] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/device-notification-state?_=1698486348
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [alarmvolume] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [bluetoothstate] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [bluetoothstate] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/bluetooth?cached=true&_=1698486348
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [bluetoothstate] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdnd] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdnd] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/dnd/device-status-list?_=1698486348
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdnd] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [wakeword] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [wakeword] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/wake-word?_=1698486348
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [wakeword] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_task] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_task] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/todos?size=100&startTime=&endTime=&completed=false&type=TASK&deviceSerialNumber=&deviceType=&_=1698486348
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_task] PushToCmdQueue SendData=TASK
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_shopping] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_shopping] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/todos?size=100&startTime=&endTime=&completed=false&type=SHOPPING_ITEM&deviceSerialNumber=&deviceType=&_=1698486348
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_shopping] PushToCmdQueue SendData=SHOPPING_ITEM
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdevicesettings] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdevicesettings] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/device-preferences
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdevicesettings] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getisonline] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getisonline] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/devices-v2/device?cached=true&_=1698486348
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getisonline] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devices] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devices] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/devices-v2/device?cached=true&_=1698486348
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devices] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [namedListsIDs] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [namedListsIDs] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/namedLists
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [namedListsIDs] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devicesstate] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devicesstate] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/devices-v2/device?cached=true&_=1698486348
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devicesstate] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [account] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [account] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://alexa-comms-mobile-service.amazon.com/accounts
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [account] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:45:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] refresh voice command
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [activities] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [activities] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://www.amazon.de/alexa-privacy/apd/rvh/customer-history-records/?startTime=0&endTime=2005090388459&recordType=VOICE_HISTORY&maxRecordSize=100
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [activities] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getbehavior] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getbehavior] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/behaviors/v2/automations?limit=100
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getbehavior] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getsettingstraffic] START
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getsettingstraffic] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/traffic/settings
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getsettingstraffic] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:45:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] Timer INTERVAL = 60
2023.10.28 11:45:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:45:49 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6] DATA Dumper=''

2023.10.28 11:45:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] clear CMD_QUEUE
2023.10.28 11:45:49 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] JSON error = no content / set loginerror to 1
2023.10.28 11:45:49 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_setState] to connected but loginerror
2023.10.28 11:45:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_Parse] [getnotifications] [1]
2023.10.28 11:45:49 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_Parse] [getnotifications] [1] DATA Dumper='{"notifications":[]}'

2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] Alter COOKIE=96/6000
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] [enable] set next internal timer start in 60 seconds.
2023.10.28 11:46:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] start refresh settings
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getnotifications] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getnotifications] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/notifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getnotifications] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] [getnotifications] [17] [0] send command=https://layla.amazon.de/api/notifications Data=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [alarmvolume] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [alarmvolume] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/device-notification-state?_=1698486408
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [alarmvolume] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [bluetoothstate] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [bluetoothstate] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/bluetooth?cached=true&_=1698486408
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [bluetoothstate] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdnd] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdnd] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/dnd/device-status-list?_=1698486408
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdnd] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [wakeword] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [wakeword] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/wake-word?_=1698486408
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [wakeword] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_task] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_task] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/todos?size=100&startTime=&endTime=&completed=false&type=TASK&deviceSerialNumber=&deviceType=&_=1698486408
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_task] PushToCmdQueue SendData=TASK
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_shopping] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_shopping] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/todos?size=100&startTime=&endTime=&completed=false&type=SHOPPING_ITEM&deviceSerialNumber=&deviceType=&_=1698486408
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [listitems_shopping] PushToCmdQueue SendData=SHOPPING_ITEM
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdevicesettings] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdevicesettings] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/device-preferences
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getdevicesettings] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getisonline] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getisonline] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/devices-v2/device?cached=true&_=1698486408
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getisonline] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devices] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devices] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/devices-v2/device?cached=true&_=1698486408
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devices] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [namedListsIDs] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [namedListsIDs] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/namedLists
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [namedListsIDs] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devicesstate] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devicesstate] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/devices-v2/device?cached=true&_=1698486408
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [devicesstate] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [account] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [account] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://alexa-comms-mobile-service.amazon.com/accounts
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [account] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:46:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] refresh voice command
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [activities] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [activities] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://www.amazon.de/alexa-privacy/apd/rvh/customer-history-records/?startTime=0&endTime=2005090388459&recordType=VOICE_HISTORY&maxRecordSize=100
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [activities] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getbehavior] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getbehavior] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/behaviors/v2/automations?limit=100
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getbehavior] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getsettingstraffic] START
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getsettingstraffic] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =https://layla.amazon.de/api/traffic/settings
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendCommand] [getsettingstraffic] PushToCmdQueue SendData=
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=1 type=getnotifications
2023.10.28 11:46:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] Timer INTERVAL = 60
2023.10.28 11:46:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_Parse] [getnotifications] [17]
2023.10.28 11:46:49 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_Parse] [getnotifications] [17] DATA Dumper='{"notifications":[]}'

2023.10.28 11:46:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] [getsettingstraffic] [33] [14] send command=https://layla.amazon.de/api/traffic/settings Data=
2023.10.28 11:46:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:46:49 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6] DATA Dumper=''

2023.10.28 11:46:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] clear CMD_QUEUE
2023.10.28 11:46:49 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] JSON error = no content / set loginerror to 2
2023.10.28 11:46:49 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_setState] to connected but loginerror
2023.10.28 11:46:50 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_Parse] [getsettingstraffic] [33]
2023.10.28 11:46:50 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_Parse] [getsettingstraffic] [33] DATA Dumper=''

2023.10.28 11:46:50 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_Parse] [getsettingstraffic] [33] connection error getsettingstraffic https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin?showRmrMe=1&openid.return_to=https%3A%2F%2Flayla.amazon.de%2Fapi%2Ftraffic%2Fsettings&openid.identity=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.assoc_handle=amzn_dp_project_dee_de&openid.mode=checkid_setup&openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.ns=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0&: Too many redirects
2023.10.28 11:47:48 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] connected but loginerror
2023.10.28 11:47:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:47:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] [enable] set next internal timer start in 60 seconds.
2023.10.28 11:47:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] start refresh settings
2023.10.28 11:47:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] unknown state / state = connected but loginerror
2023.10.28 11:47:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:47:49 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6] DATA Dumper=''

2023.10.28 11:47:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] clear CMD_QUEUE
2023.10.28 11:47:49 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] JSON error = no content / set loginerror to 3
2023.10.28 11:48:48 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] connected but loginerror
2023.10.28 11:48:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:48:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] [enable] set next internal timer start in 60 seconds.
2023.10.28 11:48:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] start refresh settings
2023.10.28 11:48:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] unknown state / state = connected but loginerror
2023.10.28 11:48:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:48:49 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6] DATA Dumper=''

2023.10.28 11:48:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] clear CMD_QUEUE
2023.10.28 11:48:49 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] JSON error = no content / set loginerror to 4
2023.10.28 11:49:48 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] connected but loginerror
2023.10.28 11:49:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:49:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] [enable] set next internal timer start in 60 seconds.
2023.10.28 11:49:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] start refresh settings
2023.10.28 11:49:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] unknown state / state = connected but loginerror
2023.10.28 11:49:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:49:49 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6] DATA Dumper=''

2023.10.28 11:49:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] clear CMD_QUEUE
2023.10.28 11:49:49 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] JSON error = no content / set loginerror to 5
2023.10.28 11:50:48 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] connected but loginerror
2023.10.28 11:50:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:50:48 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LoginStart] [enable] set next internal timer start in 60 seconds.
2023.10.28 11:50:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] start refresh settings
2023.10.28 11:50:48 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_GetSettings] unknown state / state = connected but loginerror
2023.10.28 11:50:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6]
2023.10.28 11:50:49 5: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [cookielogin6] DATA Dumper=''

2023.10.28 11:50:49 4: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] clear CMD_QUEUE
2023.10.28 11:50:49 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_LostConnect] JSON error = no content / Generate new COOKIE! / set loginerror to 0
2023.10.28 11:50:49 3: [Echo_Master] [echodevice_setState] to disconnected

Alle FHEM-Komponenten sind von Stand heute (npm-Version 10.2.1, node 18.17.1). Wer kann helfen?

Zusatzinfo: Ein NPM-login refresh connected wieder für 1-2 Minuten.

Viele Grüße
3x Sonos Play 1, 1x Sonos Arc + Sub, 1 Sonos-One, 1x Sonos Playbar
FB6690 + FB7490 mit 4x Dect 200 und 3 Dect-ULE-Thermostate,  raspberry3B+, HM Funkmodul HM-MOD-RPI-PCB, HM Klingelsensor HM-Sen-DB-PCB, HM (IP) Fensterkontakte und  Amazon Echo Dot,  piVCCU, pi OS (bookworm).


Also das Lösche aller ECHO_* und neues NPM Login hat nichts gebracht, die ECHO_* wurden zwar angelegt und alles funktionierte, aber nach ca 12h habe ich wieder den selben Effekt, der Echo spricht nicht mehr mit mir, es funktioniert alles, aber es kommt keine Audio Ausgabe mehr.

Da ich von AMZN ein Austauschgerät bekam, auf dem das gleiche Verhalten auftritt, nehme ich an, es liegt an der FHEM Verbindung und/oder dazu gehöriger Software.

Next step, nun wie Michael vorschlug, alles von vorne installieren.

1) Wäre es hilfreich das auf einen anderem Rechner zu tun, habe noch einen Ubuntu Server?
2) Kann man den Amazon Account auf 2 Rechnern betreiben, also 2x logged in sein, oder "beißt" sich das?       

PS: einen zweiten Login merkt Amazon irgendwann und disconnected diesen.

rpi3+ & RaspBee | Phillips, Osram, IKEA, SIlvercrest Devices | FHEM 6.2 | Echo Show 15 | Yamaha YAS| LG TV | Ubuntu 22.04 - NextCloud 27 - OpemVPN - Wordpress - NAS - ...


Für's Protokoll:
Ich hab genau das gleiche Problem: Das Account-Device ist "connected", und initial sind das die Echo-Geräte auch.
Sobald ich ein "set Echo speak..." absetze, wechselt der Status jedoch auf "connected but login error".

Selbst ein Wechsel von v0.2.23 zurück auf v0.2.19 änder nichts an dem Verhalten.
FHEM on Raspberry Pi 3B+
7x MAX! Thermostat, 8x MAX! Fensterkontakte
Conbee II + deConz, TradFri Lampen, Osram Smart+ Steckdosen