avg and sum return nothing if plot data is created with logProxy

Begonnen von tmaurer, 26 Januar 2020, 15:06:05

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


I am using the function logProxy_dwd2Plot https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/DWD_OpenData to plot weather forecasts.
The function is called over logProxy Func.
Its working well except if I try to use avg or sum on the data like "$data{avg1}" for a lable or in ConstY.
I tried it with "$data{max1}" which is working.
Also I generated the data with ConstX and tried. The result is the same:
- max works well
- avg and sum return nothing

Do you have some suggestions on how to track this down?


currently the creation of avg and sum is not planed for Func in logProxy and the logProxy_dwd2Plot function does not calculate avg and sum values at all.

with the update tomorrow avg and sum can be returned as the 6th and 7th return parameter for Func.

so if you change logProxy_dwd2Plot to calculate avg and sum and return them it should work.
hue, tradfri, alexa-fhem, homebridge-fhem, LightScene, readingsGroup, ...
