THZ Tecalor (LWZ Stiebel Eltron) module support and code improvement.

Begonnen von immi, 02 Februar 2015, 11:42:16

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


I don't use an usb hub, the usb cable is directly connected to the raspberry and the heating pump.
If I cannot solve the problem, I will search for a longer cable and install fhem on the mini pc, but that I need 5 meter cable, maybe that is too long.

I use the latest raspberry I is, 64 bit version. I read, that maybe 32 bit version doesn't have the problem, I will try it next week.


@immi @andre.k
P31 (number of available booster stages for heating) does not seem to be available for set and get but only as part of pHeat2. Is there a specific reason for this? Would you mind adjusting your THZ module, so P31 is available on its own? (and maybe as separate Reading, or can I add it myself?)

The same is true (in my case) for P59 ("Wiedereinschaltzeit vor Beendigung des Absenkbetriebs [min]"). I have a Reading pRestart:
p59RestartBeforeSetbackEnd: 0So P59 is not available for set and get but only as part of pRestart. Same question here: Would you mind adding it separately? Or how could I change its setting via FHEM/THZ module?

Furthermore, I wonder about the meaning of P26-P28 (all set to 1 in my case). According to my THZ 303 SOL manual, there are only on/off hysteresis parameters for heating P21-P25:

ZitatDie Schalthysteresen H1 bis H5 sind symmetrisch um den Heizkreistemperatur-Sollwert angelegt. Sinkt die Heizkreistemperatur, wird bei Heizkreissolltemperatur - Hysterese H1 eine Leistungsstufe zugeschaltet. Bei Heizkreisolltemperatur - H1 - H2 wird eine weitere Stufe zugeschaltet. Steigt die Heizkreistemperatur, so wird bei Heizkreissolltemperatur + H1 eine Leistungsstufe weggeschaltet. Übersteigt die Heizkreistemperatur die Heizkreissolltemperatur + H1 + H2, wird eine weitere Stufe weggeschaltet. Im Normalfall wird die Heizung im eingeschwungenen Zustand zwischen zwei Stufen hin- und herschalten. Unter Umständen können große Abweichungen vom Sollwert auftreten, wenn die Heizkreistemperatur z.B. nach einer Sperrzeit des Elektrizitätsversorgers weit unterhalb des Sollwertes liegt oder wenn sich der Sollwert z.B. nach einer Absenkzeit sprunghaft ändert. Bevor die Abweichung vom Sollwert zu groß wird, werden durch den Integralanteil (s. P30) die Heizstufen zeitabhängig zu- oder weggeschaltet.

What could P26-P28 (H6-H8?) be for, and why do we have 5 parameters H1 to H5 (P21-P25), whereas the aforementioned manual reads about 2 parameters, i.e. H1 und H2? Sorry, I don't get it. 🤔
Viele Grüße/kind regards
Tecalor THZ 303 (SOL, 2006/09-2008/08), FW 2.16 | FHEM THZ module testing with FW 2.06 (INTEGRAL, 2006/12-2008/08) & FW 2.14 (SOL, 2002/10-2004/08) on Raspberry Pi 2


I'm sorry that I have this further question:

Why do the parameters below have no individual Readings (but are only part of sTimedate) and do not contain the corresponding numbers "P64-P68"? As a consequence, they cannot be set via FHEM, or am I overlooking or misunderstanding something?

"pClockDay" => {parent=>"sTimedate",argMin => "1", argMax => "31", type =>"pclean", unit =>""},
"pClockMonth" => {parent=>"sTimedate",argMin => "1", argMax => "12", type =>"pclean", unit =>""},
"pClockYear" => {parent=>"sTimedate",argMin => "12", argMax => "20", type =>"pclean", unit =>""},
"pClockHour" => {parent=>"sTimedate",argMin => "0", argMax => "23", type =>"pclean", unit =>""},
"pClockMinutes" => {parent=>"sTimedate",argMin => "0", argMax => "59", type =>"pclean", unit =>""},
(lines 705 ff. in trunk)
Viele Grüße/kind regards
Tecalor THZ 303 (SOL, 2006/09-2008/08), FW 2.16 | FHEM THZ module testing with FW 2.06 (INTEGRAL, 2006/12-2008/08) & FW 2.14 (SOL, 2002/10-2004/08) on Raspberry Pi 2


Zitat von: abu18 am 12 November 2023, 17:40:34"zControlValveDHW"    => {cmd2=>"0A0653", argMin =>  "0",    argMax =>  "1",    type =>"1clean",  unit =>""}, 
I can add zControlValveDHW, if you want

Zitat von: abu18 am 18 Oktober 2023, 10:08:34"zFlowRate"        => {cmd2=>"0A01DA", type =>"5temp",  unit =>"l/min"}
I do not like the name zFlowRate: it should start with "s" if read only and it is to similar to sFlowRate
"sFlowRate"          => {cmd2=>"0A033B", type =>"1clean", unit =>" cl/min"},

can you tell me the difference between 0A01DA and 0A033B?


Viele Grüße/kind regards
Tecalor THZ 303 (SOL, 2006/09-2008/08), FW 2.16 | FHEM THZ module testing with FW 2.06 (INTEGRAL, 2006/12-2008/08) & FW 2.14 (SOL, 2002/10-2004/08) on Raspberry Pi 2


Is there anybody who could help me please with my 3 posts/questions? Thank you! ❤️
Viele Grüße/kind regards
Tecalor THZ 303 (SOL, 2006/09-2008/08), FW 2.16 | FHEM THZ module testing with FW 2.06 (INTEGRAL, 2006/12-2008/08) & FW 2.14 (SOL, 2002/10-2004/08) on Raspberry Pi 2



Does anybody know why there are 2 of these parameters?
  • operatingHours1 ("Verdichter A")
  • operatingHours2 ("Verdichter B")

The values are always close to each other, sometimes even the same.

And I am also unsure what these hours really mean - "operating hours" ("Betriebsstunden"), because on 20 Oct 2023, both were just 10 on my THZ 303 SOL (which runs since 2008), and today I see 683/686 hours.

Why were there just 10 hours after about 15 years of use and 683/686 hours after about 5 weeks later since then? That does not seem plausible, or do I misunderstand it?

Viele Grüße/kind regards
Tecalor THZ 303 (SOL, 2006/09-2008/08), FW 2.16 | FHEM THZ module testing with FW 2.06 (INTEGRAL, 2006/12-2008/08) & FW 2.14 (SOL, 2002/10-2004/08) on Raspberry Pi 2


Depending on the model and firmware version, there are different sHistory values:

Newer versions (e.g. LWZ 404 SOL):
ZitatcompressorHeating: 938 compressorCooling: 0 compressorDHW: 89 boosterDHW: 0 boosterHeating: 0

Older versions (THZ 303 SOL with device firmware 2.16 and THZ module firmware set to 2.06 - closest I get):
ZitatoperatingHours1: 283 operatingHours2: 283 heatingHours: 28532 DHWhours: 14751 coolingHours: 0

I still try to understand the meaning of the first 2.

Below shown operatingHours1+2 parameters are simply increased by 1 per hour, irrespective if a booster is running or not. All 3 boosterStages were zero during this period, so they cannot indicate operating hours of any booster (DHW or HC). So it remains unclear what they are.

And why are operatingHours1+2 always so close to each other? I've seen a technician's software, where these values were represented as "Verdichter A" and "Verdichter B" (compressor A and B) under "Betriebsstunden" (operating hours). The second one ("B") was greyed out but still showed a value (same as "A").  So what are they showing?

The parameters heatingHours and DHWhours each increased by 1; however, not within an hour but within a period of at least 1.5 hours (15:40-17:10). I assume that they indicate the total hours of compressor with HC pump and compressor with DHW pump, respectively, since the THZ's initial operation started years ago. And this makes sense to me - but the other 2 mentioned above?

Log shown quoted to allow colours for highlighting:
Zitat2023-11-27_15:40:05 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 717 operatingHours2: 717 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14782 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_15:45:05 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 717 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14782 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_15:50:05 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 717 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14782 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_15:55:05 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 717 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14782 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:00:06 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 717 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14782 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:05:06 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14782 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:10:06 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14782 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:15:06 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14782 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:20:06 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:25:11 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
 2023-11-27_16:30:11 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:35:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:40:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:45:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 718 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:50:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 719 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_16:55:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 719 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_17:00:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 719 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28648 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_17:05:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 719 operatingHours2: 718 heatingHours: 28649 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_17:10:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 719 operatingHours2: 719 heatingHours: 28649 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_17:15:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 719 operatingHours2: 719 heatingHours: 28649 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_17:20:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 719 operatingHours2: 719 heatingHours: 28649 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0
2023-11-27_17:25:14 Mythz sHistory: operatingHours1: 719 operatingHours2: 719 heatingHours: 28649 DHWhours: 14783 coolingHours: 0

Does anybody with a THZ 303 SOL and a device firmware 2.06 (with FHEM THZ firmware set to 2.06) have an idea if there is another way to count booster hours for an alarm or to create a booster alarm by other means?
Viele Grüße/kind regards
Tecalor THZ 303 (SOL, 2006/09-2008/08), FW 2.16 | FHEM THZ module testing with FW 2.06 (INTEGRAL, 2006/12-2008/08) & FW 2.14 (SOL, 2002/10-2004/08) on Raspberry Pi 2


Does anybody know if "Schnüffelzyklen" also contribute to heatingHours?
Viele Grüße/kind regards
Tecalor THZ 303 (SOL, 2006/09-2008/08), FW 2.16 | FHEM THZ module testing with FW 2.06 (INTEGRAL, 2006/12-2008/08) & FW 2.14 (SOL, 2002/10-2004/08) on Raspberry Pi 2


Is it possible that you change the time stamps of the THZ module (currently 2023.11.28 13:53:44) so it matches FHEM's time stamp (2023-11-28_13:53:44)? It would help quickly comparing and finding certain events in both logs. Thanks for your consideration.
Viele Grüße/kind regards
Tecalor THZ 303 (SOL, 2006/09-2008/08), FW 2.16 | FHEM THZ module testing with FW 2.06 (INTEGRAL, 2006/12-2008/08) & FW 2.14 (SOL, 2002/10-2004/08) on Raspberry Pi 2


Zitat von: sunrise am 28 November 2023, 14:34:21Is it possible that you change the time stamps of the THZ module (currently 2023.11.28 13:53:44) so it matches FHEM's time stamp (2023-11-28_13:53:44)? It would help quickly comparing and finding certain events in both logs. Thanks for your consideration.
THZ has no timestamp.
the first is probably from main fhem logging
the second is probably from FileLog module


Thank you, immi! 😊

BTW, how complicated do you judge a port of your Perl code to MicroPython? Would the latter (if it existed) enable communication with the THZ/LWZ via e.g. an ESP32? Are you aware of projects in MicroPython that handle a serial communication with handshake etc. as is necessary for the THZ?
Viele Grüße/kind regards
Tecalor THZ 303 (SOL, 2006/09-2008/08), FW 2.16 | FHEM THZ module testing with FW 2.06 (INTEGRAL, 2006/12-2008/08) & FW 2.14 (SOL, 2002/10-2004/08) on Raspberry Pi 2


Hi immi,

Zitat von: immi am 20 November 2023, 21:19:56I can add zControlValveDHW, if you want

Yes, please :-)

Zitat von: immi am 20 November 2023, 21:19:56I do not like the name zFlowRate: it should start with "s" if read only and it is to similar to sFlowRate

Sorry, you are right... I didn't see that there is already an sFlowRate => So, there's no need to add another flowrate...


@immi and everybody

What are the meanings and where are the differences between these? (current values in parentheses)

  • sControl:boosterStage1 (0)
  • sControl:boosterStage2 (0)

  • sGlobal:boosterStage1 (0)
  • sGlobal:boosterStage2 (0)
  • sGlobal:boosterStage3 (0)

  • sHC1:hcBoosterStage (2)

In the log, I found this around noon today in sGlobal (5 minutes later all were back to zero):
boosterStage3: 1 boosterStage2: 0 boosterStage1: 1
This, too, leaves me uncertain about the meanings of these "stages", because boosterStage3 was engaged, boosterStage2 was not, and boosterStage1 was engaged. I assumed that the engagement ("on") of the stages followed a pattern like this:
  • Stage1 on
  • Stage1 on + Stage2 on
  • Stage1 on + Stage2 on + Stage3 on

But here it seems that the "middle" boosterStage2 was kept off. Why? Is this expected? Is this just "random"?

As hcBoosterStage is in sHC1 (and as the "hc" in its name of course suggests), this is always heating circulation-related. But what is its meaning/ differentiation from boosterStages1-3?
Viele Grüße/kind regards
Tecalor THZ 303 (SOL, 2006/09-2008/08), FW 2.16 | FHEM THZ module testing with FW 2.06 (INTEGRAL, 2006/12-2008/08) & FW 2.14 (SOL, 2002/10-2004/08) on Raspberry Pi 2


Zitat von: abu18 am 30 November 2023, 23:45:13Hi immi,
Yes, please :-)
zControlValveDHW committed
Zitat von: sunrise am 30 November 2023, 16:10:54Are you aware of projects in MicroPython that handle a serial communication with handshake etc. as is necessary for the THZ?
there are several implementation in c of ser2net with esp32 or esp8266 working with fhem
no c or python support here.
Please stay ontopic and write here if you have a change request on the fhem perl code