FHEM Forum

FHEM => English Corner => Thema gestartet von: Melchor am 02 Oktober 2013, 12:09:50

Titel: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: Melchor am 02 Oktober 2013, 12:09:50
I have running fhem with some panStamps (//www.panstamp.com/)

fhem r3958 (running from the downloaded directory), linux mint 15.

What are the steps I need to activate the frontent like this?  http://fhem.de/pgm2-1.png (//fhem.de/pgm2-1.png)

Titel: Aw: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: justme1968 am 02 Oktober 2013, 12:21:31
it should be active automaticaly,

just connect to http://<your ip>:8083/

8083 is the default port. you should see it in the telnet console with 'list WEB'.

Titel: Aw: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: Melchor am 02 Oktober 2013, 13:39:00
I have not explained well, normally I access http://localhost:8083, (localhost:8083,) and I see this menu

(siehe Anhang / see attachement)

It seems there is a frontend builtin that is integrated on the web like this

(siehe Anhang / see attachement)

I dont know how I get it, or how i can create it

Titel: Aw: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: justme1968 am 02 Oktober 2013, 14:02:38
you have to create and confiigure all your devices. assign icons and commands that should be visible in the rooms. then they will automaticaly appear in the web frontend.

Titel: Aw: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: Melchor am 02 Oktober 2013, 20:46:18
I do not know how to do it.

I think autocreate has already create them.
I have in SWAP
SWAP_0B (temphum), SWAP_0A ( the Output-board), another two temphum (OC and OD), and 40 more SWAP_nn that are not what they are

I renamed "rename SWAP_0B temphum11" and "rename SWAP_0A actuador"

I also put in a new room "attr actuador room mel" "attr temphum11 room mel"

How can I make?:
1. a reading entry for the temperature on for example SWAP_0B = temphum11. registers are 0C.0 (temperature
2. a button on and off for one of the outboard endpoint

I try:
"create temphum11 SWAP 0B"  > No device named temp3 SWAP 0B found
"define actuador SWAP 0A.11" >
"define actuador SWAP 0B.8"  > 0B.8 is not a valid SWAP address
"define temphum11 SWAP temperature" > temphum11 already defined, delete it first

Titel: Aw: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: justme1968 am 02 Oktober 2013, 21:23:56
1. there is already a reading temperature. you can see it in the device detail view. what you probably want is to see the temperature in the room overview. therefore you have to set stateFormat to what you want to see. for example like this: attr temphum11 stateFormat {sprintf("%.1f",ReadingsVal($name,"temperature",0))."&deg;C ".sprintf("%.1f",ReadingsVal($name,"humidity",0))."%"} or just enter the everything from { to } in the web frontend in the device detail view at the attr button.

2. this is a little more tricky as there is more than one on/off switch for the binouts sketch. i have already implemented creating sub devices that will handle only a single register of the real device but this will only work if you have one register per output port. thus the recomendation to use binouts2 instead of binouts. then you can use something like this:define output1 SWAP 0A.0B
define output2 SWAP 0A.0C
define output3 SWAP 0A.0D
and so on.

if you can not change to binouts2 then you can use something like this as a workaround:define output dummy
attr output setList on off
attr output webCmd on:off
attr output devStateIcon on:on:off off:off:on
define switchOn notify output:on set actuador regSet 0B.1 1
define switchOff notify output:off set  actuador regSet 0B.1 0
this will define a dummy device that can be switched on and off and has a lamp icon that can also be clicked. whenever this dummy device is switched an event is created that will then trigger the 'real' switching of the actuator port.

Titel: Aw: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: Melchor am 03 Oktober 2013, 10:02:13
It's working correctly.

(siehe Anhang / see attachement)

I had to change "&deg;C " by "ºC "

curiosity: order of endpoints in outboard:

(siehe Anhang / see attachement)

Thanks Andre, now I am going to study the frontends for android and the mysql database output.
Titel: Aw: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: Melchor am 03 Oktober 2013, 12:29:21
I have installed andFHEM on android, and I can now send commands on-off to my output board with a simple instalation. (It not read the values of temp hum, but by the moment is not important for me)

I have seen andNotify but seems it's only for readings.

I am instaling pgm3 on my web server... in progres. It seems that it can be used to an smartphone frontend.

I want to study pgm5.

What I really need is only a frontend of actuators because the readings will bring through mysql and my own frontend

Which option do you recommend?

on the other hand I am studying the mysql integration... I'll open a new thread because this is another topic
Titel: Aw: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: justme1968 am 03 Oktober 2013, 12:36:26
why not simply using the normal web frontend on the phone/tablet? you can use port 8084 or 8085 for a phone or tablet optimized version.

or have a look at WebViewControl: Link (http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=10628.msg60530#msg60530).

i don't realy know anything about pgm3 and pgm5. i'm not sure how well if at all they are maintained.

Titel: Aw: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: Melchor am 04 Oktober 2013, 11:44:48
Thanks for your advice, I've saved working time.

The frontend 8084 and 8085 from the smartphone works great (better than andFhen) and WebViewControl is much more than I expected (reading the state of the battery, the smartphone messages, voice messages, brightness control, etc ...) opens a new world of possibilities.

On the other hand I am already working with mysql. It has been easy with DBLog. Now I am studying on regexp filtering, and then I want to make a DB with only the hourly records schedules ....

I'm excited about your project and would like to collaborate. I think one possible way would be the Spanish translation. Could we open a corner of Spanish in the forum?
Titel: Aw: How I can activate the builtin frontend?
Beitrag von: rudolfkoenig am 04 Oktober 2013, 12:29:55
If there are _more_ than 2 spanish-speakig FHEM-User here, than it would make sense.
On the other hand probably no maintainer would be able to give you a qualified answer there.