Strange behaviour from calendar

Begonnen von amigob, 08 Dezember 2013, 23:18:41

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


If I look at the details of the calendar I see what is in the image.
If I do "get mycal full all" I get
fhem> get mycal full all
6a5727e442164060b0fcfc4f4107d00e   known    start                     08.12.2013 00:00:00-09.12.2013 00:00:00 test
84d84db2af3048ce818929f4ec6e8ae5   known upcoming                     08.12.2013 19:30:00-08.12.2013 21:30:00 fgfgfgfg

Why do I get every check of the calender a notify?

define Switchtest notify mycal:modeEnded.*  { my $reading="%EVTPART0";; my $uid= "%EVTPART1";; my $actor= fhem("get mycal summary $uid");;Log3 "test", 0, "test $reading $uid $actor"}

the log entry is

2013.12.08 13:38:52 0: test modeEnded: %EVTPART1
