Luftgütesensoren (...nicht nur CO2?)

Begonnen von Thorsten Pferdekaemper, 09 Januar 2022, 13:10:35

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


co2mini wrong data format received or checksum error

Klingt danach...
Bekomme ich, wenn ich an mein "selbstgebasteltes Modul" einen neuen Sensor (ohne Verschlüsselung) dran hänge ;)

Gruß, Joachim
FHEM PI3B+ Bullseye: HM-CFG-USB, 40x HM, ZWave-USB, 13x ZWave, EnOcean-PI, 15x EnOcean, HUE/deCONZ, CO2, ESP-Multisensor, Shelly, alexa-fhem, ...
FHEM PI2 Buster: HM-CFG-USB, 25x HM, ZWave-USB, 4x ZWave, EnOcean-PI, 3x EnOcean, Shelly, ha-bridge, ...
FHEM PI3 Buster (Test)


Zitat von: Thorsten Pferdekaemper am 21 Januar 2022, 21:24:55
jetzt nochmal ein Wort über das Z-Wave Teil von Eurotronic. Im Prinzip scheint das Ding jetzt ganz ordentlich zu messen. Naja, also zumindest relativ. Die Absolutwerte sowohl bei der Temperatur als auch beim CO2-Wert sind ein bisschen seltsam. Die Temperatur ist immer etwa 2K zu hoch.
Der Kalibrierungsalgorithmus für den CO2-Wert scheint davon auszugehen, dass mindestens einmal am Tag 400ppm erreicht werden. D.h. was auch immer man macht, irgendwann geht der Messwert auf 400ppm runter, auch wenn man nie lüftet. Wenn der Eindruck stimmt, dann ist das Ding eigentlich komplett unbrauchbar. Man will ja eine Anzeige haben, die einem sagt, wann man mal lüften sollte. Wenn das Teil auch so auf 400ppm runtergeht, dann kommt man theoretisch nie auf die Idee...
Da wäre es ohne Kalibrierung sogar besser, da man das Ding einfach mal für eine Stunde nach draußen legen und die Differenz zu 400ppm dann in FHEM abziehen könnte.
...also geht das Ding wahrscheinlich auch bald wieder zurück.
Es sieht so aus, als ob man bei dem Thema doch ein bisschen basteln muss.

Gekaufte Sensoren haben eigentlich immer eine Art Autokalibrierung. Diese nimmt normalerweise den niedrigsten gesehenen Wert der letzten x Stunden oder Tage als neue 400ppm Referenz. Deshalb wird man das beschriebene Verhalten vermutlich bei allen Sensoren beobachten können. Wenn man einen eigenen Sensor verwendet wie z.B. einen MH-Z19B, kann man den Sensor erst manuell kalibrieren und dann die Autokalibrierung abschalten. Dummerweise kann man, zumindest bei diesem Sensor, aber nicht den Zeitraum der Kalibrierung manuell vorgeben (ich glaube der ist immer 24h oder sowas). Meine Erfahrung mit dem Abschalten ist aber irgendwie zwiespältig. Auf der einen Seite kann es dann nicht zu unplausiblen Werten kommen, weil man z.B. selten gelüftet hat. Andererseits läuft einem dann über einen längeren Zeitraum der Wert trotzdem irgendwie weg und man muss dann manuell nach kalibrieren. Das war für mich dann irgendwann der Grund, die Autokalibrierung einzuschalten und meine Familie per Sprachansagen dazu zu bringen, regelmäßig zu lüften.

PS: Beim Sensirion Sensor ist das Intervall übrigens 7 Tage. Hier ist es deshalb ziemlich unwahrscheinlich, das man in das beschriebene Problem rein läuft. Leider ist der Sensor recht teuer geworden...


Ich bekomme auch folgende Fehlermeldung :-(

Opened /dev/co2mini0
co2mini wrong data format received or checksum error
Cleaning up and restarting
Bullseye auf iNUC, Homematic + HMIP(UART/HMUSB), Debmatic, HUEBridge, Zigbee/ConbeeII, FB, Alexa (fhem-lazy), Livetracking, LaCrosse JeeLink, LoRaWan / TTN / Chirpstack

Thorsten Pferdekaemper


co2mini wrong data format received or checksum error

das war erstmal die Version für "neue" Geräte. Ich habe jetzt das mit der Encryption auch wieder eingebaut. Macht mal ein update ("update all co2mini" sollte reichen). Dann sollte es funktionieren.
Das Teil sollte jetzt automatisch erkennen, wenn entschlüsselt werden muss. Probiert's mal aus, leider kann ich es nicht selbst testen.

Thorsten Pferdekaemper

Zitat von: mumpitzstuff am 07 Februar 2022, 13:04:59
Gekaufte Sensoren haben eigentlich immer eine Art Autokalibrierung. [...]
Das ist ja ganz nett, aber das was ich beobachtet habe, ist einfach nicht sinnvoll, oder da ist was kaputt. Wahrscheinlich muss man das Eurotronic-Teil einmal am Tag für eine Stunde nach draußen legen, um sinnvolle Werte zu erzeugen.
Ich habe auch noch den Co2mini-Sensor und der liefert plausiblere Werte. Vielleicht läuft der in ein paar Monaten auch mal weg, aber bisher kann ich das noch nicht beobachten.
Ich habe jetzt auch Antwort von Eurotronic bekommen. Im Prinzip hat das Teil überhaupt keinen CO2-Sensor, sondern nur einen VOC-Sensor, aus dem dann CO2 mit berechnet wird. Das Prinzip scheint aber nicht wirklich zu funktionieren.
So eine Auto-Kalibrierung kann eigentlich nur dann klappen, wenn man einen anderen Sensor hat, der etwas ähnliches ermittelt. Das klappt z.B. mit einem barometrischen Höhenmesser, der sich über ein GPS kalibriert. Oder auch dead reckoning gegenüber GPS. Wenn man aber sowieso nur einen Messwert hat, dann naja...


Zitat von: Thorsten Pferdekaemper am 07 Februar 2022, 23:17:54
das war erstmal die Version für "neue" Geräte. Ich habe jetzt das mit der Encryption auch wieder eingebaut. Macht mal ein update ("update all co2mini" sollte reichen). Dann sollte es funktionieren.
Das Teil sollte jetzt automatisch erkennen, wenn entschlüsselt werden muss. Probiert's mal aus, leider kann ich es nicht selbst testen.
Hi Thorsten,

Danke für das schnelle Einbauen der Entschlüsselung!
leider bleibt das Modul bei mir auf "disconnected".
Ich habe eine debug-Zeile eingefügt und es kommen Werte, also funktioniert das entschlüsseln wohl.

Zeile 111:                                   log2(4,"data from $device"." ".$data[0]." ".$data[1]." ".$data[2]." ".$data[3]);
data from /dev/co2mini0 80 2 118 200
Received data from /dev/co2mini0
data from /dev/co2mini0 87 30 57 174
Received data from /dev/co2mini0
data from /dev/co2mini0 86 37 222 89
Received data from /dev/co2mini0
data from /dev/co2mini0 65 0 0 65
Received data from /dev/co2mini0
data from /dev/co2mini0 67 10 226 47
Received data from /dev/co2mini0
data from /dev/co2mini0 66 18 83 167
Received data from /dev/co2mini0
data from /dev/co2mini0 109 7 169 29
Received data from /dev/co2mini0
data from /dev/co2mini0 110 94 186 134
Received data from /dev/co2mini0
data from /dev/co2mini0 113 2 236 95
Received data from /dev/co2mini0
data from /dev/co2mini0 80 2 120 202

Wenn ich richtig verstehe, sind nur die mit 66 (Temp) und 80 (CO2) relevant.
Aber warum kommt in FHEM nix an?

Was mir noch aufgefallen ist im log, dass sehr oft diese Einträge kommen:

2022.02.08 09:29:03.663 3: Ready
2022.02.08 09:29:03.727 1: Server already running with PID  832138. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 09:29:03.733 3: Ready
2022.02.08 09:29:03.796 1: Server already running with PID  832138. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 09:29:03.800 3: Ready

EDIT: Wenn ich das device als remote, aber mit der lokalen IP und Port konfiguriere, läuft es!
Das ist für mich erstmal OK, Danke!
HP T610, HM, Jeelink, LGW, mapleCUL868+434

Thorsten Pferdekaemper

Zitat von: Lucky2k12 am 08 Februar 2022, 09:30:06
EDIT: Wenn ich das device als remote, aber mit der lokalen IP und Port konfiguriere, läuft es!
Das ist für mich erstmal OK, Danke!
Mich würde aber dennoch interessieren, was da das Problem sein könnte.
Das Log sieht so aus, als ob der Server zwar läuft, aber das FHEM-Device sich nicht damit verbinden kann.
Hast Du denselben Port verwendet (also 41042)?
Bleibt das Problem bestehen, wenn Du den "externen" Server stoppst und dann wieder auf serverControl "fhem" umschaltest?
Interessant wäre auch noch ein "list" von der Version, die funktioniert und der, die nicht funktioniert.


Hallo Thorsten,
bei mir dasselbe wie beim Vorredner, mit der lokalen IP und Port konfiguriert läuft es! Anders in der config 'serverControlfhem' läuft es nicht.

Ausserdem ist da noch irgendwo eine endlos Schleife drin, die Funktion "Ready" wird bei falscher configuration (also z.B. 'serverControl fhem', die ja nicht funktioniert, endlos durchlaufen, ich hatte innerhalb weniger Sekunden den Logfile mit mehr als 27.000 Zeilen mit 'Ready' vollgeschrieben, attr verbose nicht gesetzt.
Apptime bestätigt das:
active-timers: 114; max-active timers: 131; max-timer-load: 7  min-tmrHandlingTm: 0.0ms; max-tmrHandlingTm: 125.9ms; totAvgDly: 12.6ms

name                                     function                               max    count      total  average   maxDly   avgDly   TS       Max call     param Max call
co2                                      co2mini::Ready                         125     1315   29376.84    22.34     0.00  0.00       08.02. 22:35:09   HASH(co2)
Bullseye auf iNUC, Homematic + HMIP(UART/HMUSB), Debmatic, HUEBridge, Zigbee/ConbeeII, FB, Alexa (fhem-lazy), Livetracking, LaCrosse JeeLink, LoRaWan / TTN / Chirpstack

Thorsten Pferdekaemper


sehr seltsam. Bei mir läuft das mit serverControl "fhem" jetzt seit 24h ohne Schluckauf.
Ich habe jetzt mal selbst "update" gemacht und durchgestartet. Es kam dann ein paar Mal "Ready" und die "Server already running"-Meldung, aber nach etwa 10 Sekunden war alles verbunden und das Ding liefert Werte.
Das mit dem "Ready" liegt daran, dass wenn die Verbindung mit einem Gerät nicht klappt, immer mal wieder die "Ready"-Funktion aufgerufen, die dann versuchen soll, sich neu zu verbinden. Je nachdem, was sonst so im System läuft, passiert das mehr oder weniger oft. Normalerweise sollte sich das aber recht schnell "beruhigen". Ich habe da eine Debug-Meldung drin, aber sie sollte natürlich nicht sooo oft kommen, da sich das Ding ja verbinden soll. Ich werde das mal rausmachen, aber erst sollte es einigermaßen stabil sein.
Die "Server already running"-Meldung ist eine andere Geschichte. Da versucht sich das Modul zu verbinden, bevor der Server bereit dazu ist. Das macht aber erstmal nichts, außer das es ein paar Meldungen ins Log schreibt bis die Verbindung steht.

Ich weiß jetzt auch nicht, was ich da noch groß machen könnte. Bei mir läuft's ohne Probleme...
Vielleicht kann jemand von Euch nochmal genauer draufschauen.



So, jetzt läufts bei mir auch mit 'serverControl fhem'.

Einziger Unterschied: Ich habe jetzt einen fhem neustart gemacht, vorher nur einen ''reload''

Läuft nur mit 'serverControl fhem' wenn auch der serverport spezifiziert ist.
Sobald ich das attr serverport lösche, kommt folgendes:

2022.02.08 23:12:09 1: There is no server process with PID  7593.
2022.02.08 23:12:09 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:09 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:09 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9590
2022.02.08 23:12:09 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.08 23:12:09 1: reappeared (co2)
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: There is no server process with PID  9590.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $serverIp in concatenation (.) or string at ./FHEM/ line 244.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9683
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9693
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9693. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9707
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9707. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9707. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9726
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9726. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9726. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9744
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9744. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9744. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9762
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9762. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9762. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9780
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9780. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9780. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9798
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9798. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9798. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9816
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9816. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9816. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9834
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9834. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9834. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9852
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9852. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9852. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9870
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9870. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9870. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9888
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9888. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:28 1: Server already running with PID  9888. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:28 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9906
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 1: Server already running with PID  9906. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 1: Server already running with PID  9906. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9924
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 1: Server already running with PID  9924. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 1: Server already running with PID  9924. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9942
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 1: Server already running with PID  9942. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 1: Server already running with PID  9942. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9960
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 1: Server already running with PID  9960. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 1: Server already running with PID  9960. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9978
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 1: Server already running with PID  9978. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:29 3: Serverd was started with PID:  9992
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:30 1: Server already running with PID  9992. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10006
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:30 1: Server already running with PID 10006. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10020
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:30 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10030
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10043
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10053
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:31 1: Server already running with PID 10053. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10067
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10077
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:31 1: Server already running with PID 10077. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:31 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10091
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10102
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:32 1: Server already running with PID 10102. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10116
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:32 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10126
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10137
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10137. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10151
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10151. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10151. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10169
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10169. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10169. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10187
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10187. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10187. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10205
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10205. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10205. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10223
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10223. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10223. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10241
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10241. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10241. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10259
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10259. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10259. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10277
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10277. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:33 1: Server already running with PID 10277. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:33 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10295
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10295. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10295. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10313
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10313. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10313. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10331
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10331. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10331. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10349
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10349. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10349. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10368
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10368. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10368. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10401
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10401. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10401. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10419
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10419. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10419. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10437
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10437. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10437. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10456
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10456. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10456. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10474
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10474. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10474. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10496
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10496. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10496. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10514
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10514. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10514. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10532
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10532. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10532. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10550
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10560
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10560. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10560. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10578
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:34 1: Server already running with PID 10578. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:34 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10578. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10596
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10596. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10596. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10614
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10614. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10614. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10632
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10632. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10632. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10650
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10650. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10650. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10668
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10668. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10668. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10686
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10686. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10686. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10704
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10704. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10704. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10722
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10722. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10722. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10740
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10740. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10740. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10758
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10758. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10772
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10772. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10772. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10790
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10790. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10790. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10808
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10808. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10808. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10826
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10826. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10840
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10840. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10840. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10858
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10858. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:35 1: Server already running with PID 10858. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:35 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10876
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10876. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10876. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10894
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10894. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10894. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10912
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10922
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10922. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10922. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10940
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10940. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10954
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10964
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10964. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10978
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10978. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10978. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Serverd was started with PID: 10996
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 10996. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11011
2022.02.08 23:12:36 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:36 1: Server already running with PID 11011. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11061
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:37 1: Server already running with PID 11061. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11075
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11088
2022.02.08 23:12:37 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:37 1: Server already running with PID 11088. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:38 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:38 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:38 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11102
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:38 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:38 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:38 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11112
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:38 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:38 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:38 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11123
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:39 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:39 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:39 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11133
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11143
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:40 1: Server already running with PID 11143. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:40 1: Server already running with PID 11143. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11161
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11171
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:40 1: Server already running with PID 11171. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:40 1: Server already running with PID 11171. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11189
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:40 1: Server already running with PID 11189. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:40 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:41 1: Server already running with PID 11189. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11207
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11217
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:41 1: Server already running with PID 11217. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11231
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:41 1: Server already running with PID 11231. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:41 1: Server already running with PID 11231. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11249
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:41 1: Server already running with PID 11249. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:41 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11264
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11274
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11284
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:42 1: Server already running with PID 11284. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11298
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:42 1: Server already running with PID 11298. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:42 1: Server already running with PID 11298. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11316
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:42 1: Server already running with PID 11316. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11330
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11340
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11350
2022.02.08 23:12:42 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:42 1: Server already running with PID 11350. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11364
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:43 1: Server already running with PID 11364. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:43 1: Server already running with PID 11364. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11383
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:43 1: Server already running with PID 11383. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:43 1: Server already running with PID 11383. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11401
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:43 1: Server already running with PID 11401. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:43 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11415
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:45 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:45 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:45 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11428
2022.02.08 23:12:45 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:45 1: Server already running with PID 11428. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:45 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:45 1: Server already running with PID 11428. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:45 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:45 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:45 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11446
2022.02.08 23:12:45 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:45 1: Server already running with PID 11446. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:45 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11446. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11464
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11464. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11464. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11482
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11482. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11482. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11500
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11500. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11500. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11518
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11518. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11518. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11536
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11536. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11536. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11554
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11554. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11554. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11572
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11572. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11586
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11596
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11606
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11606. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11606. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11627
2022.02.08 23:12:46 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:46 1: Server already running with PID 11627. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:47 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:47 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:47 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11678
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:48 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:48 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:48 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11689
2022.02.08 23:12:48 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:48 1: Server already running with PID 11689. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:50 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:50 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:50 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11703
2022.02.08 23:12:50 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:50 1: Server already running with PID 11703. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:50 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:50 1: Server already running with PID 11703. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:50 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:50 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:50 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11721
2022.02.08 23:12:50 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:50 1: Server already running with PID 11721. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11735
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:51 1: Server already running with PID 11735. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:51 1: Server already running with PID 11735. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11753
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:51 1: Server already running with PID 11753. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:51 1: Server already running with PID 11753. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11771
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:51 1: Server already running with PID 11771. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11785
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:51 1: Server already running with PID 11785. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11799
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:51 1: Server already running with PID 11799. We are using this process.
2022.02.08 23:12:51 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:51 1: Server already running with PID 11799. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:12:52 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:12:52 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:12:52 3: Serverd was started with PID: 11817
Bullseye auf iNUC, Homematic + HMIP(UART/HMUSB), Debmatic, HUEBridge, Zigbee/ConbeeII, FB, Alexa (fhem-lazy), Livetracking, LaCrosse JeeLink, LoRaWan / TTN / Chirpstack


Dann habe ich nochmal neu gestartet, nur mit 'serverControl fhem' und serverport 41042 gesetzt:
Dann kommt wieder das log von oben, mit
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:23:10 3: Start server with command line: perl ./FHEM/lib/co2mini/ -device=/dev/co2mini0 -port=41042
2022.02.08 23:23:10 3: Serverd was started with PID:  5699
2022.02.08 23:23:10 3: Ready

Wenn ich dann 'serverControl external' setze, kommt folgendes (ab 23:23:11):

2022.02.08 23:23:11 1: Server already running with PID  5737. We are using this process.
Can't make server socket: IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
2022.02.08 23:23:11 1: There is no server process with PID  5737.
2022.02.08 23:23:11 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $serverIp in concatenation (.) or string at ./FHEM/ line 244.
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:11 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:12 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:12 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:12 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:12 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:12 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:12 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:13 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:14 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:15 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:15 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:15 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:18 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:19 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:19 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:19 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:19 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:19 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:19 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:19 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:19 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:19 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:19 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:20 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:20 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:20 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:20 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:20 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:20 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:20 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:21 3: Ready
2022.02.08 23:23:21 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.08 23:23:21 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.08 23:23:23 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $val in substitution (s///) at line 1681.
2022.02.08 23:23:23 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $val in substitution (s///) at line 1682.
2022.02.08 23:23:23 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $val in concatenation (.) or string at line 1683.

Erst wenn ich dann serverIP noch dazunehme, funktionierts wieder (ab 23:23:21)
Bullseye auf iNUC, Homematic + HMIP(UART/HMUSB), Debmatic, HUEBridge, Zigbee/ConbeeII, FB, Alexa (fhem-lazy), Livetracking, LaCrosse JeeLink, LoRaWan / TTN / Chirpstack


Hi Thorsten,

Zitat von: Thorsten Pferdekaemper am 08 Februar 2022, 22:43:04
Mich würde aber dennoch interessieren, was da das Problem sein könnte.
Das Log sieht so aus, als ob der Server zwar läuft, aber das FHEM-Device sich nicht damit verbinden kann.
Hast Du denselben Port verwendet (also 41042)?
Bleibt das Problem bestehen, wenn Du den "externen" Server stoppst und dann wieder auf serverControl "fhem" umschaltest?
Interessant wäre auch noch ein "list" von der Version, die funktioniert und der, die nicht funktioniert.

hier mal das list der funktionierenden Version, allerdings heute Nacht um 4:00 ausgestiegen, als mein DBLog reduce gestartet wurde:

   FUUID      5c435b3f-f33f-b21a-0204-25614813ba94c841
   NAME       co2
   NEXT_OPEN  1644388569.16218
   NR         232
   STATE      disconnected
   TYPE       co2mini
   nextOpenDelay 10
     2022-02-09 03:00:01   co2             654
     2022-02-09 00:41:40   ftuiIcon        ampel_gruen
     2022-02-09 07:35:59   state           disconnected
     2022-02-09 02:59:58   temperature     19.4125
   DbLogInclude co2:600,temperature:600
   devStateIcon {
my $pic;
my $co2;

$co2 = ReadingsVal($name,"co2","");
if ($co2 < 800){
    $pic = "ampel_gruen";
  } elsif ($co2 < 1200) {
    $pic = "ampel_gelb";
  } else {
    $pic = "ampel_rot";

return "<div>".FW_makeImage($pic)."CO2: ".$co2." ppm</div>"
   event-on-change-reading co2:20,temperature:0.2
   event-on-update-reading co2:20,temperature:0.2
   mqttForward all
   mqttPublish *:topic={"$base"}
   room       Buero,mqttRoom
   serverControl external
   serverPort 41042
   stateFormat co2
   userReadings ftuiIcon:co2.* {my $state = ReadingsVal($name,"co2",0);
if ($state < 700) {return "ampel_gruen";}
elsif ($state < 1200) {return "ampel_gelb";}
else {return "ampel_rot";}}
   userattr   mqttAlias:textField-long mqttDefaults:textField-long mqttDisable:both,incoming,outgoing mqttForward:all,none mqttPublish:textField-long mqttSubscribe:textField-long

log Ausschnitt:

2022.02.09 02:59:59.170 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.172 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.210 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.212 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.213 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.257 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.259 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.260 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.295 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.297 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.299 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.337 3: PRESENCE (MiBand_Ludwig) - collectord lost connection to room EG
2022.02.09 02:59:59.337 3: PRESENCE (MiBand_Ludwig) - collectord reconnected to room EG
2022.02.09 02:59:59.338 3: PRESENCE (GTag_Ludwig) - collectord lost connection to room OG
2022.02.09 02:59:59.339 3: PRESENCE (GTag_Ludwig) - collectord reconnected to room OG
2022.02.09 02:59:59.339 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.341 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.342 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.392 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.394 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.396 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.431 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.433 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.435 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.472 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.473 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.475 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.512 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.513 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.515 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.552 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.554 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.556 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.593 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.595 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.596 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.633 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.635 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.636 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.670 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.672 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.673 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.712 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.714 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.716 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.752 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.754 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.756 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.789 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.792 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.793 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.843 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.845 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.846 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.882 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.884 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.885 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.930 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.932 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.933 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 02:59:59.996 3: Ready
2022.02.09 02:59:59.998 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 02:59:59.999 1: reappeared (co2)
2022.02.09 03:00:00.070 2: DbLog DBLogging - WARNING - "reduceLog" is outdated. Please consider use of DbRep "set <Name> red
uceLog" instead.
2022.02.09 03:00:00.080 3: DbLog DBLogging: reduceLog requested with DAYS=14, AVERAGE=HOUR
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
New client accepted
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client
Removing client 192.168.1782022.02.09 03:00:01.559 1: PERL WARNING: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Server shutdown in progre
ss at ./FHEM/ line 5249.
2022.02.09 03:00:01.559 1: PERL WARNING: DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_arrayref failed: fetch() without execute() at ./FHEM/93_DbL line 5252.
2022.02.09 03:00:01.560 3: DbLog DBLogging: reduceLog executed. Rows processed: 0, deleted: 0, updated: 0, time: 1.00sec
2022.02.09 03:00:01.574 3: DBLogging_Reduce2: reduceLog executed. Rows processed: 0, deleted: 0, updated: 0, time: 1.00sec
2022.02.09 03:00:01.577 1: [Freezemon] freezemon: possible freeze starting at 03:00:00, delay is 1.576 possibly caused by: t
mr-HttpUtils_TimeoutErr(N/A) tmr-MQTT2_SERVER_keepaliveChecker(mqttServer) tmr-tahoma_readStatusTimer(connexoon) tmr-at_Exec
2022.02.09 03:00:01.591 2: DbLog DBLogging - Last database write cycle due to shutdown ...
2022.02.09 03:00:01.698 1: Server shutdown delayed due to alexa,DBLogging,gassistant for max 10 sec
2022.02.09 03:00:01.724 3: PRESENCE (GTag_Orange) - collectord lost connection to room OG
2022.02.09 03:00:01.724 3: PRESENCE (GTag_Orange) - collectord reconnected to room OG
2022.02.09 03:00:01.726 3: PRESENCE (MiBand_Larissa) - collectord lost connection to room EG
2022.02.09 03:00:01.726 3: PRESENCE (MiBand_Larissa) - collectord reconnected to room EG
2022.02.09 03:00:01.806 3: PRESENCE (GTag_Ludwig) - collectord lost connection to room OG
2022.02.09 03:00:01.807 3: PRESENCE (GTag_Ludwig) - collectord reconnected to room OG
2022.02.09 03:00:01.809 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.102 3: gassistant: read: end of file reached while sysread
2022.02.09 03:00:02.106 3: gassistant: stopped
2022.02.09 03:00:02.236 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (co2)
2022.02.09 03:00:02.287 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $readlength in numeric gt (>) at ./FHEM/ li
ne 169.
2022.02.09 03:00:02.287 1: co2mini network error or disconnected:
2022.02.09 03:00:02.287 1: co2mini device error or disconnected:
2022.02.09 03:00:02.290 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.291 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.294 3: connexoon: request active
2022.02.09 03:00:02.368 2: DbLog DBLogging - Error: DBI connect('database=fhem;host=;port=3306','ludwig',...) faile
d: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (115) at ./FHEM/ line 2552.

2022.02.09 03:00:02.376 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.377 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.466 3: PRESENCE (MiBand_Ludwig) - collectord lost connection to room EG
2022.02.09 03:00:02.466 3: PRESENCE (MiBand_Ludwig) - collectord reconnected to room EG
2022.02.09 03:00:02.467 3: PRESENCE (GTag_Orange) - collectord lost connection to room OG
2022.02.09 03:00:02.467 3: PRESENCE (GTag_Orange) - collectord reconnected to room OG
2022.02.09 03:00:02.469 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.470 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.507 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.508 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.518 2: DbLog DBLogging - Last database write cycle done
2022.02.09 03:00:02.580 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.581 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.629 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.631 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.859 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.859 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.909 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.909 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.956 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.957 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.973 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:02.974 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:03.001 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:03.004 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:03.328 3: PRESENCE (MiBand_Larissa) - collectord lost connection to room EG
2022.02.09 03:00:03.328 3: PRESENCE (MiBand_Larissa) - collectord reconnected to room EG
2022.02.09 03:00:03.329 3: PRESENCE (GTag_Ludwig) - collectord lost connection to room OG
2022.02.09 03:00:03.329 3: PRESENCE (GTag_Ludwig) - collectord reconnected to room OG
2022.02.09 03:00:03.330 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:03.331 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:03.505 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:03.506 3: Ready
2022.02.09 03:00:03.559 3: Ready

Ich habe jetzt
  modify co2
  attr co2 serverControl fhem
-> Werte kommen wieder, state opened
  modify co2
-> IP und Port rausgelöscht, (beim Internal DeviceName bleibt dann immer ein Doppelpunkt drin, den ich nicht mit Hausmitteln entfernen konnte...)
Servercontrol ist automagic wieder auf external gesprungen?! und nix geht mehr, weil IP und Port leer sind.
zurückgestellt auf fhem, jetzt kommen Werte, aber das Reading state ist disconnected, Internal ServerSTATE ist started!

logs vom fraglichen Zeitraum:

2022.02.09 08:32:21.970 3: Ready
2022.02.09 08:32:22.034 1: Server already running with PID  992361. We are using this process.
2022.02.09 08:32:22.643 3: Ready
2022.02.09 08:32:22.708 1: Server already running with PID  992361. We are using this process.
2022.02.09 08:32:22.711 3: co2: OnConnect
2022.02.09 08:32:22.713 1: reappeared (co2)

2022.02.09 08:32:56.819 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $a[2] in pattern match (m//) at ./FHEM/ line 47.
2022.02.09 08:32:56.819 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $addr in split at ./FHEM/ line 56.
2022.02.09 08:32:56.819 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./FHEM/ line 103.
2022.02.09 08:32:56.820 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $addr in concatenation (.) or string at ./FHEM/ line 66.
2022.02.09 08:32:56.888 3: Ready
2022.02.09 08:32:56.889 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $nameOrConf in -f at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.32/Device/ line 285.
2022.02.09 08:32:56.889 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.32/Device/ line 312.
2022.02.09 08:32:56.892 3: Ready
2022.02.09 08:32:57.002 3: Ready
2022.02.09 08:32:57.083 3: Ready
2022.02.09 08:32:57.396 3: Ready
2022.02.09 08:32:57.588 3: Ready
2022.02.09 08:32:57.759 3: Ready
2022.02.09 08:32:57.792 3: Ready

Wie kann ich dich unterstützen Thorsten?
HP T610, HM, Jeelink, LGW, mapleCUL868+434

Thorsten Pferdekaemper


ich hatte mich ziemlich gewundert, aber dann habe ich gesehen, dass Ihr glaube ich beide die server-Attribute gelöscht hattet. Darauf bin ich nicht gekommen, dass das jemand machen wollen könnte. Mir ist auch nicht so klar warum...
Wie dem auch sei, ich habe jetzt eine Version gebaut, die ohne die Attribute auskommt und auch ein paar andere Sachen etwas stabiler gemacht (hoffentlich).
Es kann sein, dass serverControl = fhem nur funktioniert, wenn serverIp entweder gelöscht wird oder enthält. Das habe ich noch nicht ganz abgesichert.
Außerdem darf man natürlich den Server nicht nochmal manuell starten, wenn man serverControl = fhem eingestellt hat.

Probiert mal aus, ob das jetzt besser läuft.



Danke für die Überarbeitung, sieht aktuell gut aus. 
Ich lass es mal so laufen und melde mich wieder nach ein paar Tagen :)

Aber die Attribute habe ich nicht gelöscht  :o
HP T610, HM, Jeelink, LGW, mapleCUL868+434

Thorsten Pferdekaemper

ich habe gerade noch einen anderen Fehler korrigiert, siehe auch hier:,41750.msg1207553.html#msg1207553

Ich war davon ausgegangen, dass die Attribute automatisch angelegt werden. Daher dachte ich, dass man die löschen muss, damit sie verschwinden. Allerdings hatte "define blabla co2mini" ohne weitere Angaben nicht funktioniert.
