Modul 93_DbRep - Reporting und Management von Datenbankinhalten (DbLog)

Begonnen von DS_Starter, 19 Mai 2016, 22:52:13

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hallo zusammen,

ich bin ein großer Fan von DbLog und nutze es auch auf Embedded Geräten. Allerdings kommt es seit ein paar Jahren immer wieder vor, dass meine RAM Disk, auf der die SQLite fhem.db liegt vollläuft (selbstverständlich logge ich nur die notwendigen Events ;)).
Die Ursache ist das Write-Ahead-Log, welches inzwischen sowohl von FHEM als auch von SQLite als Standard verwendet wird. Da meine Ansprüche an die Datenintegrität eher bescheiden sind, habe ich den Verbindungsparameter im Code nach jedem Update manuell überschrieben.

Evtl. nutzt diese Einstellung aber auch Anderen, die FHEM auf Fritzbox, Raspi-Lite, etc. laufen haben. Deshalb habe ich einen Patch mit entsprechenden Warnungen in der Dokumentation erstellt.



Hallo Mumpitz,

Das Resultat davon war, dass er gesamthaft nur ein Reading, welches auf *._Day geendet hat, behalten wurde.
Ja, maxValue betrachtet alle Datensätze die sich aus dem Einschluß/Ausschlauß des Attr reading ergeben und ermittelt aus all diesen Werten den max. Wert.
Du könntest in einem Script (at, DOIF,...) vor dem maxValue Lauf jeweils das Attr auf das gewünschte Reading setzen und nach Abschluß des Laufs die nächste Bereinigung starten. Ist nicht sehr schön.
Alternativ kopierst du deine DbRep-Definition x-mal und passt jeweils das Attr reading an. Je nach RAM Verfügbarkeit kannst du das maxValue mit einem Rutsch per at,DOIF etc. starten.
Weitere Möglichkeit wäre ein zugeschnittenes SQL zu entwerfen und per sqlCmd laufen zu lassen. Da muss man aber erstmal drüber nachdenken.  :)
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage


Hallo Alex,

vielen Dank für den Patch.
Ich bin jetzt nicht so der SQLite Nutzer (nutze MariaDB).
Schaue es mir an und erweitere DbLog wenn ich mich mal wieder damit befasse.

Danke und VG,
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage


Zitat von: DS_Starter am 27 März 2021, 12:17:10
Ja, maxValue betrachtet alle Datensätze die sich aus dem Einschluß/Ausschlauß des Attr reading ergeben und ermittelt aus all diesen Werten den max. Wert.
Du könntest in einem Script (at, DOIF,...) vor dem maxValue Lauf jeweils das Attr auf das gewünschte Reading setzen und nach Abschluß des Laufs die nächste Bereinigung starten. Ist nicht sehr schön.
Alternativ kopierst du deine DbRep-Definition x-mal und passt jeweils das Attr reading an. Je nach RAM Verfügbarkeit kannst du das maxValue mit einem Rutsch per at,DOIF etc. starten.
Weitere Möglichkeit wäre ein zugeschnittenes SQL zu entwerfen und per sqlCmd laufen zu lassen. Da muss man aber erstmal drüber nachdenken.  :)
Ich könnte ja mal wieder ein SQL zusammenbauen :-)
RPI4; Docker; CUNX; Eltako FSB61NP; SamsungTV H-Serie; Sonos; Vallox; Luxtronik; 3x FB7490; Stromzähler mit DvLIR; wunderground; Plenticore 10 mit BYD; EM410; SMAEM; Modbus TCP


ZitatIch könnte ja mal wieder ein SQL zusammenbauen :-)
Aber gerne doch Christian.  :)
ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage


Ich habe den Patch von Alex im DbLog eingebaut.
Es ist zwar jetzt nicht der richtige Thread hier, aber wer mag kann die neue DbLog Version aus meinem contrib testen.

Zum Download in der FHEMWEB Kommandozeile inklusive der Ausführungszeichen angeben und danach FHEM restarten:

"wget -qO ./FHEM/"

@Alex, würde mich über deinen Test freuen.

ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage


Zitat von: DS_Starter am 29 März 2021, 22:46:10
Aber gerne doch Christian.  :)
Da isser schon :-)

Das habe ich Mumpitz zum Testen geschickt.

Wichtig ist, dass die Werte wirklich aufsteigend sind, also Tageszähler! Bei Mumpitzs Liste war das z.B. bei der Statistic_Aurtarky_Day nicht der Fall.
Wird ein Speicher am WR betrieben, dann liefert dieser früh morgens auch noch, wodurch dann die Autarkie nach Mitternacht noch 100% hat. Sobald der Speicher leer ist geht diese dann runter, wodurch das Maximum nicht am Tages Ende ist. Bei der Autarkie kann es somit interessant sein, ob diese sich durch den Tag verändert, aber das ist ein anderes Thema :-)

Hier definiert man  ab welchem Tag es los geht und wieviel Tage bearbeitet werden sollen.
Die Einstellung gilt dann für die gesamte Session!

SET @device:='WR_1_API',@days:=1,@startdate:='2021-03-01';
Dann das SELECT für den ersten Test, es wird alles angezeigt, was erhalten bleibt.

             FROM (SELECT                      max(TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP,
                     date(TIMESTAMP) AS DATE,
                     max(cast(VALUE AS DECIMAL(6,2))) AS VALUE
                   FROM history
                   WHERE DEVICE    =  @device
                     AND READING   IN ('Statistic_EnergyHomeBat_Day','Statistic_EnergyHomeGrid_Day','Statistic_EnergyHomePvSum_Day','Statistic_EnergyHome_Day','Statistic_TotalConsumption_Day')
                     AND TIMESTAMP > @startdate
                     AND TIMESTAMP < DATE_ADD(@startdate,INTERVAL @days DAY)
                   GROUP BY READING,DATE
                  ) x1
Jetzt kann man noch die Liste der zu löschenden Einträge sehen und diese bitte mal mit einem anderen SELECT vergleichen.

        FROM history t1
        INNER JOIN
             FROM (SELECT
                     max(TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP,
                     date(TIMESTAMP) AS DATE,
                     max(cast(VALUE AS DECIMAL(6,2))) AS VALUE
                   FROM history
                   WHERE DEVICE    =  @device
                     AND READING   IN ('Statistic_EnergyHomeBat_Day','Statistic_EnergyHomeGrid_Day','Statistic_EnergyHomePvSum_Day','Statistic_EnergyHome_Day','Statistic_TotalConsumption_Day')
                     AND TIMESTAMP > @startdate
                     AND TIMESTAMP < DATE_ADD(@startdate,INTERVAL @days DAY)
                   GROUP BY READING,DATE
                  ) x1
          ) x2
        ON    x2.TIMESTAMP != t1.TIMESTAMP
          AND x2.DEVICE     = t1.DEVICE
          AND x2.READING    = t1.READING
              t1.DEVICE    = @device
          AND t1.READING   = x2.READING
          AND t1.TIMESTAMP > @startdate
          AND t1.TIMESTAMP < DATE_ADD(@startdate,INTERVAL @days DAY)

Wer mutig ist kann dann mal so löschen

        DELETE t1
        FROM history t1
        INNER JOIN
             FROM (SELECT
                     max(TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP,
                     date(TIMESTAMP) AS DATE,
                     max(cast(VALUE AS DECIMAL(6,2))) AS VALUE
                   FROM history
                   WHERE DEVICE    =  @device
                     AND READING   IN ('Statistic_EnergyHomeBat_Day','Statistic_EnergyHomeGrid_Day','Statistic_EnergyHomePvSum_Day','Statistic_EnergyHome_Day','Statistic_TotalConsumption_Day')
                     AND TIMESTAMP > @startdate
                     AND TIMESTAMP < DATE_ADD(@startdate,INTERVAL @days DAY)
                   GROUP BY READING,DATE
                  ) x1
          ) x2
        ON    x2.TIMESTAMP != t1.TIMESTAMP
          AND x2.DEVICE     = t1.DEVICE
          AND x2.READING    = t1.READING
              t1.DEVICE    = @device
          AND t1.READING   = x2.READING
          AND t1.TIMESTAMP > @startdate
          AND t1.TIMESTAMP < DATE_ADD(@startdate,INTERVAL @days DAY)

Und zum Schluss nochmal nachschauen...

             FROM (SELECT                      max(TIMESTAMP) AS TIMESTAMP,
                     date(TIMESTAMP) AS DATE,
                     max(cast(VALUE AS DECIMAL(6,2))) AS VALUE
                   FROM history
                   WHERE DEVICE    =  @device
                     AND READING   IN ('Statistic_EnergyHomeBat_Day','Statistic_EnergyHomeGrid_Day','Statistic_EnergyHomePvSum_Day','Statistic_EnergyHome_Day','Statistic_TotalConsumption_Day')
                     AND TIMESTAMP > @startdate
                     AND TIMESTAMP < DATE_ADD(@startdate,INTERVAL @days DAY)
                   GROUP BY READING,DATE
                  ) x1;

Oder auch gerne so...

                   FROM history
                   WHERE DEVICE    =  @device
                     AND READING   IN ('Statistic_EnergyHomeBat_Day','Statistic_EnergyHomeGrid_Day','Statistic_EnergyHomePvSum_Day','Statistic_EnergyHome_Day','Statistic_TotalConsumption_Day')
                     AND TIMESTAMP > @startdate
                     AND TIMESTAMP < DATE_ADD(@startdate,INTERVAL @days DAY);

Wenn das getestet ist, bau ich es noch ins DbRep ein.
RPI4; Docker; CUNX; Eltako FSB61NP; SamsungTV H-Serie; Sonos; Vallox; Luxtronik; 3x FB7490; Stromzähler mit DvLIR; wunderground; Plenticore 10 mit BYD; EM410; SMAEM; Modbus TCP


Hallo Heiko
Sorry, dass hier nochmal auf mein Problem und den schon erstellten Beitrag zu spechen komme.,121043.0.html

Sowohl bei DbLog als auch bei DbRep führt das Resulat (bei mir) aus "reduceLogNbl <no> average=day" bzw. "reduceLog <no> average=day" nicht zu einem finalen Tageswert.

  • In DbLog hat der jüngste bearbeitete Tag nur stündliche Werte hh:30 (die älteren haben wie erwartet einen einzigen Wert um 12:00)
  • Bei DbRep hat kein Tag des bearbeiteten Zeitraums einen Tageswert (nur stündliche)
  • Mit "average" aufgerufen ist das Ergebnis wie erwartet mit einem Mittelwert um hh:30

Ich habe bisher keine Beiträge mit so einem Problem gefunden.

Ich finde beide Module klasse dokumentiert (Commandref und Wiki)  :)

Habe kürzlich MariaDB aufgesetzt und schreibe dort einige wenige Messwerte rein.

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Raspi 2B mit nanoCUL, HM-MOD-RPI-PCB und über LAN MAX!Cube mit a-culFW (Stack 868 + 433)
HM- Fensterkontakte, UP-Schalter, Bewegungsmelder und ein Rauchmelder


Hallo Ralf,

ich hatte deine Meldung schon gesehen und auf meine Checkliste gelegt.
Bin nur noch nicht dazu gekommen weil ich gerade an einem neuen Modul arbeite und noch eine Sache bei SSCam einschieben will.

Grundsätzlich sollten die Routinen in DbLog und DbRep dasselbe Ergebnis liefern. Im DbRep hat man erweiterte Einstellmöglichkeiten.
Du könntest zum Vergleich den Setter ohne <no> verwenden und Zeitabgrenzung über time.* Attribute vornehmen.
Schau mal ob das Ergebnis dann ein anderes ist.

Hilfreich sind dann auch verbose 4/5 Logauszüge.

ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage


Ok wollte nicht drängeln....   ???

Bleiben wir hier im Beitrag?

Ich lege mir mal ne Spieldatenbank an wo nur das Reading für average=day drinsteht.
Die Unterschiede sind eine Sache aber beide zeigen den Effekt, dass Tage dabei sind die nicht gemittelt werden.

Melde mich mit den Testergebnissen.

==> trenne die Tests in zwei Anworten

  • reducelogNBL mit dem set-Kommando der Logging-DB
  • reducelog über ein DBRep-Device auf die Logging-DB
FHEM auf Raspi 2B mit nanoCUL, HM-MOD-RPI-PCB und über LAN MAX!Cube mit a-culFW (Stack 868 + 433)
HM- Fensterkontakte, UP-Schalter, Bewegungsmelder und ein Rauchmelder


Weiterhin reduceLog auf Device "DBRep_Tst" vom Type "DbRep" (list Device ist verzichtbar denke ich)

Vorab gleich:
das gleiche "fehlerhafte" Ergebnis wie im Test#3 DbLog ==> keine Daily Mittelwerte
sowohl ohne Attribute mit no:nn als auch mit time.* Attributen

Test#4 Daten vom 30.03 bis 17.05 (Spritpreise)
DBRep_Tst  reduceLog 18:48 average=day INCLUDE=Jet:E10 (ohne gesetzte Attribute)
Status        reduceLog finished. Rows processed: 998, deleted: 277, updated: 245
Ursprung 1614 Zeilen - Ergebnis 1337 Zeilen = 277 gelöscht ==> ok

Logfile:  exemplarisch der 31.03 & 29.04  (gegenüber DBlog um einen Tag verschoben)
==> keine daily Mittelwerte

2021.05.17 22:56:25.795 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - ################################################################
2021.05.17 22:56:25.796 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - ###                    new reduceLog run                     ###
2021.05.17 22:56:25.797 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - ################################################################
2021.05.17 22:56:25.802 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - -------- New selection ---------
2021.05.17 22:56:25.803 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Command: reduceLog
2021.05.17 22:56:25.806 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - timeDiffToNow - year: , day: 48, hour: , min: , sec:
2021.05.17 22:56:25.807 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - startMonth: 2 endMonth: 4 lastleapyear:  baseYear: 2021 diffdaylight:1 isdaylight:1
2021.05.17 22:56:25.807 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - timeOlderThan - year: 0, day: 18, hour: 0, min: 0, sec: 0
2021.05.17 22:56:25.808 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - startMonth: 2 endMonth: 3 lastleapyear:  baseYear: 2021 diffdaylight:1 isdaylight:1
2021.05.17 22:56:25.809 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - FullDay option: 0
2021.05.17 22:56:25.810 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Time difference to current time for calculating Timestamp begin: 4147201 sec
2021.05.17 22:56:25.810 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp begin epocheseconds: 1617137784.8102
2021.05.17 22:56:25.811 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp begin human readable: 2021-03-30 22:56:24
2021.05.17 22:56:25.811 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp end epocheseconds: 1619729784.8117
2021.05.17 22:56:25.812 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp end human readable: 2021-04-29 22:56:24
2021.05.17 22:56:25.813 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - weekday start for selection: Di  ->  wdadd: 518400
2021.05.17 22:56:25.980 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst -> Start DbLog_reduceLog
2021.05.17 22:56:25.999 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Devices for operation -
included (1): %
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.17 22:56:26.000 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Readings for operation -
included (1): %
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.17 22:56:26.001 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - IsTimeSet: 1, IsAggrSet: 0
2021.05.17 22:56:26.002 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - SQL execute: SELECT TIMESTAMP,DEVICE,'',READING,VALUE FROM history WHERE DEVICE like 'Jet' AND READING like 'E10' AND TIMESTAMP <= '2021-04-29 22:56:24' AND TIMESTAMP >= '2021-03-30 22:56:24' ORDER BY TIMESTAMP ASC
2021.05.17 22:56:26.002 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduce data older than: 2021-04-29 22:56:24, newer than: 2021-03-30 22:56:24
2021.05.17 22:56:26.002 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog requested with options: AVERAGE=DAY, INCLUDE=Jet:E10
2021.05.17 22:56:26.038 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog deleting 11 records of day: 2021-03-31
2021.05.17 22:56:26.040 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 06:52:10) AND (VALUE=151.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.042 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 08:37:10) AND (VALUE=146.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.044 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 09:28:10) AND (VALUE=147.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.046 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 10:39:12) AND (VALUE=145.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.048 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 12:29:13) AND (VALUE=148.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.050 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:13:13) AND (VALUE=144.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.052 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:19:13) AND (VALUE=143.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.054 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 15:29:14) AND (VALUE=147.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.056 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:44:14) AND (VALUE=145.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.058 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:53:14) AND (VALUE=143.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.060 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 19:27:14) AND (VALUE=146.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:26.068 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog (hourly-average) updating 9 records of day: 2021-03-31
2021.05.17 22:56:26.069 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 06:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=149.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 06:01:09 AND VALUE=146.9
2021.05.17 22:56:26.073 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 08:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=147.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 08:25:10 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 22:56:26.075 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 09:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 09:08:10 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 22:56:26.078 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 10:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=146.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 10:28:12 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 22:56:26.081 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 12:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=146.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 12:13:13 AND VALUE=144.9
2021.05.17 22:56:26.084 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.233 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:03:13 AND VALUE=146.9
2021.05.17 22:56:26.087 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 15:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 15:19:14 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 22:56:26.089 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:29:14 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 22:56:26.092 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 19:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 19:20:14 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.815 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog deleting 13 records of day: 2021-04-29
2021.05.17 22:56:27.817 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 06:52:26) AND (VALUE=151.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.819 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 08:24:27) AND (VALUE=144.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.821 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 09:27:28) AND (VALUE=149.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.823 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 10:39:29) AND (VALUE=148.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.826 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 11:20:29) AND (VALUE=144.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.828 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 12:28:30) AND (VALUE=148.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.830 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 13:40:31) AND (VALUE=147.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.832 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 14:10:31) AND (VALUE=143.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.834 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 15:28:32) AND (VALUE=147.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.836 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 16:53:33) AND (VALUE=145.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.838 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 17:28:33) AND (VALUE=145.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.840 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 18:34:34) AND (VALUE=140.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.842 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 18:49:34) AND (VALUE=139.9)
2021.05.17 22:56:27.850 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog (hourly-average) updating 12 records of day: 2021-04-29
2021.05.17 22:56:27.851 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 06:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=150.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 06:18:25 AND VALUE=148.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.854 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 08:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=147.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 08:10:27 AND VALUE=149.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.857 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 09:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=147.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 09:24:28 AND VALUE=144.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.859 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 10:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=149.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 10:27:28 AND VALUE=149.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.862 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 11:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=146.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 11:17:29 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.865 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 12:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=146.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 12:20:30 AND VALUE=144.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.868 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 13:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=148.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 13:28:31 AND VALUE=148.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.871 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 14:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=144.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 14:04:31 AND VALUE=145.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.874 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 15:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 15:10:32 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.876 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 16:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=146.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 16:28:32 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.879 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 17:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=144.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 17:04:33 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.882 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 18:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=140.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-04-29 18:19:34 AND VALUE=141.9
2021.05.17 22:56:27.891 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog finished. Rows processed: 998, deleted: 277, updated: 245
2021.05.17 22:56:27.892 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst -> DbRep_reduceLogNbl finished

Test#5/6 Daten vom 30.03 bis 17.05 (Spritpreise)
DBRep_Tst   reduceLog average=day

timeDiffToNow d:48
timeOlderThan d:18
device  Jet
reading E10
reduceLog finished. Rows processed: 998, deleted: 277, updated: 245

Logfile im Prinzip wie Test#4

2021.05.17 23:14:33.911 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - ################################################################
2021.05.17 23:14:33.911 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - ###                    new reduceLog run                     ###
2021.05.17 23:14:33.912 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - ################################################################
2021.05.17 23:14:33.916 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - -------- New selection ---------
2021.05.17 23:14:33.916 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Command: reduceLog
2021.05.17 23:14:33.919 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - timeDiffToNow - year: , day: 48, hour: , min: , sec:
2021.05.17 23:14:33.920 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - startMonth: 2 endMonth: 4 lastleapyear:  baseYear: 2021 diffdaylight:1 isdaylight:1
2021.05.17 23:14:33.921 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - timeOlderThan - year: 0, day: 18, hour: 0, min: 0, sec: 0
2021.05.17 23:14:33.922 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - startMonth: 2 endMonth: 3 lastleapyear:  baseYear: 2021 diffdaylight:1 isdaylight:1
2021.05.17 23:14:33.922 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - FullDay option: 0
2021.05.17 23:14:33.923 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Time difference to current time for calculating Timestamp begin: 4147201 sec
2021.05.17 23:14:33.923 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp begin epocheseconds: 1617138872.9233
2021.05.17 23:14:33.924 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp begin human readable: 2021-03-30 23:14:32
2021.05.17 23:14:33.924 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Time difference to current time for calculating Timestamp end: 1555201 sec
2021.05.17 23:14:33.925 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp end epocheseconds: 1619730872.92465
2021.05.17 23:14:33.925 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp end human readable: 2021-04-29 23:14:32
2021.05.17 23:14:33.926 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - weekday start for selection: Di  ->  wdadd: 518400
2021.05.17 23:14:34.144 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst -> Start DbLog_reduceLog
2021.05.17 23:14:34.153 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Devices for operation -
included (1): Jet
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.17 23:14:34.154 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Readings for operation -
included (1): E10
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.17 23:14:34.155 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - IsTimeSet: 1, IsAggrSet: 0
2021.05.17 23:14:34.156 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Devices for operation -
included (1): Jet
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.17 23:14:34.157 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Readings for operation -
included (1): E10
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.17 23:14:34.158 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - SQL execute: SELECT TIMESTAMP,DEVICE,'',READING,VALUE FROM history where  ( DEVICE = 'Jet' ) AND ( READING = 'E10' ) AND TIMESTAMP >= '2021-03-30 23:14:32' AND TIMESTAMP <= '2021-04-29 23:14:32' ORDER BY TIMESTAMP ASC;
2021.05.17 23:14:34.158 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduce data older than: 2021-04-29 23:14:32, newer than: 2021-03-30 23:14:32
2021.05.17 23:14:34.158 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog requested with options: AVERAGE=DAY INCLUDE -> Devs: Jet Readings: E10
2021.05.17 23:14:34.225 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog deleting 11 records of day: 2021-03-31
2021.05.17 23:14:34.227 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 06:52:10) AND (VALUE=151.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.229 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 08:37:10) AND (VALUE=146.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.232 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 09:28:10) AND (VALUE=147.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.234 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 10:39:12) AND (VALUE=145.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.236 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 12:29:13) AND (VALUE=148.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.238 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:13:13) AND (VALUE=144.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.240 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:19:13) AND (VALUE=143.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.242 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 15:29:14) AND (VALUE=147.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.244 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:44:14) AND (VALUE=145.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.246 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:53:14) AND (VALUE=143.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.248 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 19:27:14) AND (VALUE=146.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.259 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog (hourly-average) updating 9 records of day: 2021-03-31
2021.05.17 23:14:34.260 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 06:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=149.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 06:01:09 AND VALUE=146.9
2021.05.17 23:14:34.263 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 08:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=147.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 08:25:10 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 23:14:34.266 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 09:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 09:08:10 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 23:14:34.269 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 10:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=146.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 10:28:12 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 23:14:34.271 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 12:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=146.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 12:13:13 AND VALUE=144.9
2021.05.17 23:14:34.274 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.233 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:03:13 AND VALUE=146.9
2021.05.17 23:14:34.277 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 15:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 15:19:14 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 23:14:34.280 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:29:14 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 23:14:34.283 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 19:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 19:20:14 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 23:14:34.295 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog deleting 6 records of day: 2021-04-01
2021.05.17 23:14:34.296 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-01 06:53:22) AND (VALUE=151.9)
2021.05.17 23:14:34.299 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-01 09:28:24) AND (VALUE=151.9)

timestamp_begin  2021-03-30 22:00:00
timestamp_end    2021-04-28 22:00:00
device  Jet
reading E10
reduceLog finished. Rows processed: 959, deleted: 262, updated: 232

Logfile im Prinzip wie Test#4

2021.05.17 23:23:31.731 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - ################################################################
2021.05.17 23:23:31.731 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - ###                    new reduceLog run                     ###
2021.05.17 23:23:31.732 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - ################################################################
2021.05.17 23:23:31.737 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - -------- New selection ---------
2021.05.17 23:23:31.738 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Command: reduceLog
2021.05.17 23:23:31.741 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - FullDay option: 0
2021.05.17 23:23:31.742 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp begin epocheseconds: 1617134400
2021.05.17 23:23:31.743 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp begin human readable: 2021-03-30 22:00:00
2021.05.17 23:23:31.743 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp end epocheseconds: 1619640000
2021.05.17 23:23:31.744 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Timestamp end human readable: 2021-04-28 22:00:00
2021.05.17 23:23:31.745 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - weekday start for selection: Di  ->  wdadd: 518400
2021.05.17 23:23:31.822 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst -> Start DbLog_reduceLog
2021.05.17 23:23:31.833 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Devices for operation -
included (1): Jet
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.17 23:23:31.834 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Readings for operation -
included (1): E10
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.17 23:23:31.836 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - IsTimeSet: 1, IsAggrSet: 0
2021.05.17 23:23:31.838 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Devices for operation -
included (1): Jet
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.17 23:23:31.838 5: DbRep DBRep_Tst - Readings for operation -
included (1): E10
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.17 23:23:31.839 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - SQL execute: SELECT TIMESTAMP,DEVICE,'',READING,VALUE FROM history where  ( DEVICE = 'Jet' ) AND ( READING = 'E10' ) AND TIMESTAMP >= '2021-03-30 22:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP <= '2021-04-28 22:00:00' ORDER BY TIMESTAMP ASC;
2021.05.17 23:23:31.840 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduce data older than: 2021-04-28 22:00:00, newer than: 2021-03-30 22:00:00
2021.05.17 23:23:31.841 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog requested with options: AVERAGE=DAY INCLUDE -> Devs: Jet Readings: E10
2021.05.17 23:23:31.908 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog deleting 11 records of day: 2021-03-31
2021.05.17 23:23:31.909 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 06:52:10) AND (VALUE=151.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.912 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 08:37:10) AND (VALUE=146.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.915 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 09:28:10) AND (VALUE=147.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.917 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 10:39:12) AND (VALUE=145.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.920 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 12:29:13) AND (VALUE=148.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.922 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:13:13) AND (VALUE=144.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.925 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:19:13) AND (VALUE=143.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.927 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 15:29:14) AND (VALUE=147.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.930 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:44:14) AND (VALUE=145.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.933 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:53:14) AND (VALUE=143.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.935 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 19:27:14) AND (VALUE=146.9)
2021.05.17 23:23:31.945 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog (hourly-average) updating 9 records of day: 2021-03-31
2021.05.17 23:23:31.947 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 06:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=149.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 06:01:09 AND VALUE=146.9
2021.05.17 23:23:31.950 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 08:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=147.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 08:25:10 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 23:23:31.953 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 09:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 09:08:10 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 23:23:31.957 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 10:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=146.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 10:28:12 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 23:23:31.960 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 12:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=146.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 12:13:13 AND VALUE=144.9
2021.05.17 23:23:31.963 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.233 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 14:03:13 AND VALUE=146.9
2021.05.17 23:23:31.966 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 15:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 15:19:14 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 23:23:31.968 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.900 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 16:29:14 AND VALUE=147.9
2021.05.17 23:23:31.972 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 19:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=145.400 WHERE DEVICE=Jet AND READING=E10 AND TIMESTAMP=2021-03-31 19:20:14 AND VALUE=143.9
2021.05.17 23:23:31.984 3: DbRep DBRep_Tst - reduceLog deleting 6 records of day: 2021-04-01
2021.05.17 23:23:31.986 4: DbRep DBRep_Tst - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=Jet) AND (READING=E10) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-04-01 06:53:22) AND (VALUE=151.9)

Fazit aus meiner Sicht:
- reduceLogNBL im DbLog-Device hat mit dem Parameter average=day "nur" ein Problem mit dem jüngsten (letzten) Tag
- diskussionswürdig wäre die Frage ob mit no:nn jeweils die kompletten Tage erfasst werden sollten (für alle Parametervarianten)
- reduceLog im DbRep-Device hat mit dem Parameter average=day an allen Tagen das Problem keine Tagesmittelwerte zu erzeugen (unabhängig davon auf welche Art der Zeitraum definiert wird)
FHEM auf Raspi 2B mit nanoCUL, HM-MOD-RPI-PCB und über LAN MAX!Cube mit a-culFW (Stack 868 + 433)
HM- Fensterkontakte, UP-Schalter, Bewegungsmelder und ein Rauchmelder


Nochmals (meine Livedaten) reduceLog average auf Device "DBRep_reduPower" vom Type "DbRep"

am jüngsten Tag (11.5) wird für Daten < 21:00 und > 20:00 kein Mittelwert um 20:30 gebildet und die Daten nicht gelöscht
Anmerkung Test 40 Minuten vorher (4.05 bis 10.05):
Es standen um 20:25 (dann der 10.5) rum etwas mehr Daten zur Verfügung. Es wurde der 20:30 Mittelwert gebildet aber die Daten nicht gelöscht.

Test#7 Daten vom 05.05 bis 11.05 (power)
DBRep_reduPower  reduceLog average
Status           reduceLog finished. Rows processed: 1793, deleted: 1688, updated: 101

device          shelly.*
reading         power
timeDiffToNow   d:16 FullDay
timeOlderThan   d:10 FullDay

Logfile:  exemplarisch der 05.05 & 11.05  (Ausführung am 21.5) / Achtung da zuviele Daten ist der 5.05 gekürzt. Der ist aber ok
==> vom 05.05 bis 11.05 alle hh:30 Werte (außer dem letzten), in der letzten Stunde Daten nach 20:00 bis vor 20:30 NICHT gelöscht

2021.05.21 00:25:57.304 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - ################################################################
2021.05.21 00:25:57.305 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - ###                    new reduceLog run                     ###
2021.05.21 00:25:57.305 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - ################################################################
2021.05.21 00:25:57.310 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - -------- New selection ---------
2021.05.21 00:25:57.311 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Command: reduceLog
2021.05.21 00:25:57.314 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - timeDiffToNow - year: , day: 16, hour: , min: , sec:
2021.05.21 00:25:57.315 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - startMonth: 4 endMonth: 4 lastleapyear:  baseYear: 2021 diffdaylight:1 isdaylight:1
2021.05.21 00:25:57.315 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - timeOlderThan - year: 0, day: 10, hour: 0, min: 0, sec: 0
2021.05.21 00:25:57.317 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - startMonth: 1 endMonth: 4 lastleapyear:  baseYear: 2021 diffdaylight:1 isdaylight:1
2021.05.21 00:25:57.317 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - FullDay option: 1
2021.05.21 00:25:57.318 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Time difference to current time for calculating Timestamp begin: 1382401 sec
2021.05.21 00:25:57.319 5: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Timestamp begin epocheseconds: 1620165600
2021.05.21 00:25:57.319 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Timestamp begin human readable: 2021-05-05 00:00:00
2021.05.21 00:25:57.320 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Time difference to current time for calculating Timestamp end: 864001 sec
2021.05.21 00:25:57.321 5: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Timestamp end epocheseconds: 1620770399
2021.05.21 00:25:57.321 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Timestamp end human readable: 2021-05-11 23:59:59
2021.05.21 00:25:57.323 5: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - weekday start for selection: Mi  ->  wdadd: 432000
2021.05.21 00:25:57.541 5: DbRep DBRep_reduPower -> Start DbLog_reduceLog
2021.05.21 00:25:57.558 5: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Devices for operation -
included (1): shelly_plug_s_df2674
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.21 00:25:57.559 5: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Readings for operation -
included (1): power
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.21 00:25:57.560 5: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - IsTimeSet: 1, IsAggrSet: 0
2021.05.21 00:25:57.567 5: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Devices for operation -
included (1): shelly_plug_s_df2674
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.21 00:25:57.567 5: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - Readings for operation -
included (1): power
included with wildcard: 
excluded (0): 
excluded with wildcard:
2021.05.21 00:25:57.568 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - SQL execute: SELECT TIMESTAMP,DEVICE,'',READING,VALUE FROM history where  ( DEVICE = 'shelly_plug_s_df2674' ) AND ( READING = 'power' ) AND TIMESTAMP >= '2021-05-05 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP <= '2021-05-11 23:59:59' ORDER BY TIMESTAMP ASC;
2021.05.21 00:25:57.569 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - reduce data older than: 2021-05-11 23:59:59, newer than: 2021-05-05 00:00:00
2021.05.21 00:25:57.569 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - reduceLog requested with options: AVERAGE=HOUR INCLUDE -> Devs: shelly_plug_s_df2674 Readings: power
2021.05.21 00:25:57.764 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - reduceLog deleting 257 records of day: 2021-05-05
2021.05.21 00:25:57.766 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 06:51:24) AND (VALUE=1.12)
2021.05.21 00:25:57.768 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 06:56:24) AND (VALUE=0.98)
2021.05.21 00:25:57.771 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 07:07:25) AND (VALUE=2.68)
2021.05.21 00:25:57.773 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 07:12:25) AND (VALUE=3.16)
2021.05.21 00:25:57.775 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 07:17:01) AND (VALUE=4.14)
2021.05.21 00:25:58.314 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 20:24:33) AND (VALUE=0.74)
2021.05.21 00:25:58.316 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 20:29:33) AND (VALUE=0.69)
2021.05.21 00:25:58.344 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - reduceLog (hourly-average) updating 15 records of day: 2021-05-05
2021.05.21 00:25:58.345 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 06:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=0.860 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 06:48:32 AND VALUE=0.48
2021.05.21 00:25:58.370 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 07:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=4.747 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 07:01:15 AND VALUE=2.13
2021.05.21 00:25:58.376 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 08:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=22.860 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 08:00:09 AND VALUE=13.59
2021.05.21 00:25:58.382 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 09:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=38.230 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 09:00:03 AND VALUE=3.21
2021.05.21 00:25:58.391 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 10:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=68.501 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 10:01:49 AND VALUE=2.18
2021.05.21 00:25:58.394 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 11:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=148.714 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 11:00:25 AND VALUE=189.43
2021.05.21 00:25:58.397 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 12:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=131.599 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 12:00:51 AND VALUE=50.67
2021.05.21 00:25:58.400 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 13:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=109.276 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 13:01:06 AND VALUE=186.15
2021.05.21 00:25:58.403 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 14:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=71.703 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 14:00:06 AND VALUE=145.84
2021.05.21 00:25:58.406 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 15:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=97.882 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 15:01:42 AND VALUE=59.22
2021.05.21 00:25:58.409 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 16:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=86.004 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 16:00:37 AND VALUE=201.8
2021.05.21 00:25:58.412 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 17:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=42.370 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 17:00:25 AND VALUE=23.62
2021.05.21 00:25:58.415 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 18:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=26.491 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 18:01:03 AND VALUE=19.95
2021.05.21 00:25:58.417 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 19:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=10.182 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 19:02:37 AND VALUE=13.67
2021.05.21 00:25:58.420 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 20:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=1.510 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-05 20:03:09 AND VALUE=2.32
2021.05.21 00:26:01.697 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - reduceLog deleting 223 records of day: 2021-05-11
2021.05.21 00:26:01.698 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:08:11) AND (VALUE=0.49)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.701 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:11:14) AND (VALUE=1.87)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.703 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:14:23) AND (VALUE=3.92)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.706 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:19:23) AND (VALUE=4.47)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.708 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:22:36) AND (VALUE=7.48)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.710 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:27:36) AND (VALUE=8.23)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.712 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:31:18) AND (VALUE=9.62)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.714 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:37:56) AND (VALUE=8.38)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.716 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:40:14) AND (VALUE=4.29)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.718 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:46:15) AND (VALUE=3.82)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.720 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:49:36) AND (VALUE=5.5)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.723 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:52:06) AND (VALUE=8.97)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.725 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:54:56) AND (VALUE=11.25)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.727 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:57:26) AND (VALUE=17.72)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.729 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:59:35) AND (VALUE=21.09)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.731 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:03:44) AND (VALUE=18.87)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.733 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:07:03) AND (VALUE=20.07)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.735 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:09:41) AND (VALUE=19.05)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.737 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:12:29) AND (VALUE=14.55)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.739 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:15:23) AND (VALUE=12.35)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.741 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:18:21) AND (VALUE=8.69)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.743 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:21:45) AND (VALUE=6.59)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.746 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:26:45) AND (VALUE=6.51)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.748 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:31:45) AND (VALUE=6.31)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.750 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:33:51) AND (VALUE=7.61)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.752 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:37:47) AND (VALUE=8.58)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.754 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:42:15) AND (VALUE=6.46)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.756 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:44:17) AND (VALUE=7.59)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.758 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:49:17) AND (VALUE=8.68)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.760 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:54:17) AND (VALUE=9.57)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.762 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:57:14) AND (VALUE=10.82)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.765 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:02:57) AND (VALUE=16.3)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.767 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:08:00) AND (VALUE=18.44)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.769 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:13:00) AND (VALUE=18.19)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.771 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:15:42) AND (VALUE=19.54)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.773 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:18:54) AND (VALUE=23.05)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.775 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:20:57) AND (VALUE=21.63)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.777 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:22:57) AND (VALUE=17.52)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.779 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:24:57) AND (VALUE=19.23)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.781 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:28:05) AND (VALUE=19.27)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.784 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:31:20) AND (VALUE=19.42)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.786 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:33:24) AND (VALUE=16.06)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.788 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:36:05) AND (VALUE=17.19)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.790 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:38:30) AND (VALUE=18.36)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.792 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:40:33) AND (VALUE=22.23)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.794 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:42:59) AND (VALUE=25.12)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.796 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:45:00) AND (VALUE=17.41)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.798 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:47:02) AND (VALUE=21.12)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.800 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:49:24) AND (VALUE=17.33)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.803 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:52:24) AND (VALUE=14.12)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.805 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:54:59) AND (VALUE=18.61)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.807 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:58:32) AND (VALUE=23.14)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.809 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:03:03) AND (VALUE=38.75)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.811 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:05:44) AND (VALUE=42.9)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.813 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:07:47) AND (VALUE=31.38)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.815 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:09:47) AND (VALUE=22.6)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.817 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:12:14) AND (VALUE=20.51)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.820 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:14:23) AND (VALUE=25.84)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.822 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:16:45) AND (VALUE=30.75)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.824 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:18:48) AND (VALUE=20.89)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.826 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:21:02) AND (VALUE=16.81)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.828 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:23:11) AND (VALUE=25.51)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.830 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:25:30) AND (VALUE=29.97)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.832 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:27:47) AND (VALUE=15.87)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.834 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:29:48) AND (VALUE=18.07)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.836 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:33:20) AND (VALUE=18.96)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.838 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:35:30) AND (VALUE=19.33)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.841 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:40:00) AND (VALUE=12.9)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.843 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:47:00) AND (VALUE=14.05)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.845 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:50:17) AND (VALUE=12.9)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.847 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:54:53) AND (VALUE=11.84)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.849 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:59:53) AND (VALUE=11.67)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.851 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:04:11) AND (VALUE=19.26)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.853 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:06:21) AND (VALUE=17.72)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.855 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:08:38) AND (VALUE=26.35)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.858 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:10:45) AND (VALUE=41.28)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.860 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:12:47) AND (VALUE=58.08)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.862 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:15:38) AND (VALUE=90.51)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.864 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:18:41) AND (VALUE=81.43)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.866 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:20:48) AND (VALUE=82.55)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.868 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:22:53) AND (VALUE=48.66)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.870 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:27:26) AND (VALUE=44.12)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.872 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:29:42) AND (VALUE=69.52)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.875 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:31:57) AND (VALUE=66.47)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.877 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:34:03) AND (VALUE=29.09)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.879 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:36:12) AND (VALUE=35.55)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.881 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:38:26) AND (VALUE=55.21)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.883 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:40:36) AND (VALUE=45.24)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.885 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:42:42) AND (VALUE=22.95)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.887 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:45:14) AND (VALUE=21.65)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.889 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:47:41) AND (VALUE=22.98)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.892 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:50:33) AND (VALUE=22)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.894 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:52:59) AND (VALUE=27.97)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.896 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:54:59) AND (VALUE=35.16)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.898 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:58:00) AND (VALUE=33.31)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.900 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:02:12) AND (VALUE=25.67)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.902 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:04:15) AND (VALUE=20.6)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.904 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:06:35) AND (VALUE=20.41)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.906 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:10:32) AND (VALUE=19.37)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.909 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:12:57) AND (VALUE=22.8)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.911 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - reduceLog deletion progress of day: 2021-05-11 is: 100
2021.05.21 00:26:01.911 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:15:15) AND (VALUE=18.46)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.914 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:17:21) AND (VALUE=19.19)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.916 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:19:36) AND (VALUE=21.57)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.918 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:22:47) AND (VALUE=24.11)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.920 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:26:56) AND (VALUE=25.46)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.923 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:29:27) AND (VALUE=29.92)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.925 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:31:30) AND (VALUE=24.1)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.927 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:33:45) AND (VALUE=17.66)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.929 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:36:27) AND (VALUE=18.71)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.932 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:38:36) AND (VALUE=25.37)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.934 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:40:54) AND (VALUE=36.35)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.936 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:42:54) AND (VALUE=40.35)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.938 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:47:14) AND (VALUE=40.63)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.940 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:49:36) AND (VALUE=45.09)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.942 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:51:42) AND (VALUE=55.54)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.945 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:54:15) AND (VALUE=55.71)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.947 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:59:53) AND (VALUE=56.06)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.949 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:07:33) AND (VALUE=62.28)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.951 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:13:02) AND (VALUE=66.01)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.953 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:15:18) AND (VALUE=56.85)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.955 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:17:51) AND (VALUE=44.12)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.957 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:20:05) AND (VALUE=37.47)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.959 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:22:32) AND (VALUE=25.2)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.962 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:24:39) AND (VALUE=0)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.964 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:26:41) AND (VALUE=21.56)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.966 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:29:17) AND (VALUE=18.64)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.968 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:31:57) AND (VALUE=14.57)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.971 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:37:32) AND (VALUE=12.32)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.973 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:39:41) AND (VALUE=13.34)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.975 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:42:14) AND (VALUE=14.34)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.977 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:45:11) AND (VALUE=13.31)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.979 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:48:27) AND (VALUE=11.02)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.981 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:54:32) AND (VALUE=10.49)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.983 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:57:14) AND (VALUE=11.97)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.985 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:03:28) AND (VALUE=8.58)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.987 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:07:16) AND (VALUE=9.61)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.990 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:12:16) AND (VALUE=9.77)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.992 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:17:16) AND (VALUE=10.47)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.994 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:19:46) AND (VALUE=14.87)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.996 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:22:35) AND (VALUE=18.33)
2021.05.21 00:26:01.998 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:24:52) AND (VALUE=20.48)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.001 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:26:55) AND (VALUE=22.98)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.004 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:29:05) AND (VALUE=18.98)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.006 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:31:07) AND (VALUE=21.3)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.009 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:36:31) AND (VALUE=21.47)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.011 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:39:41) AND (VALUE=20.41)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.014 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:43:49) AND (VALUE=18.3)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.016 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:45:52) AND (VALUE=16.12)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.019 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:47:53) AND (VALUE=17.92)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.021 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:50:37) AND (VALUE=20.41)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.024 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:52:47) AND (VALUE=20.26)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.026 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:54:50) AND (VALUE=28.26)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.029 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:57:13) AND (VALUE=39.98)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.031 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:05:58) AND (VALUE=42.47)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.034 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:09:44) AND (VALUE=42.85)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.036 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:12:07) AND (VALUE=42.75)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.039 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:14:55) AND (VALUE=45.29)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.041 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:17:19) AND (VALUE=42.79)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.044 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:19:22) AND (VALUE=45.07)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.046 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:21:40) AND (VALUE=50.13)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.049 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:24:41) AND (VALUE=50.03)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.051 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:27:05) AND (VALUE=42.41)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.054 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:30:41) AND (VALUE=47.47)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.056 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:33:19) AND (VALUE=40.79)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.059 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:35:23) AND (VALUE=31.16)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.061 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:37:59) AND (VALUE=31.18)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.064 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:40:10) AND (VALUE=34.92)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.066 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:42:05) AND (VALUE=34.87)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.069 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:44:28) AND (VALUE=27.98)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.072 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:46:55) AND (VALUE=20.29)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.074 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:49:31) AND (VALUE=21.07)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.077 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:17:17) AND (VALUE=22.35)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.079 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:19:19) AND (VALUE=20.85)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.082 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:21:20) AND (VALUE=22.46)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.084 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:23:20) AND (VALUE=22.69)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.087 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:25:23) AND (VALUE=17.52)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.089 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:27:44) AND (VALUE=20.34)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.092 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:31:08) AND (VALUE=17.25)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.094 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:33:13) AND (VALUE=16.16)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.097 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:35:28) AND (VALUE=14.03)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.099 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:39:31) AND (VALUE=11.73)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.102 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:41:49) AND (VALUE=12.76)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.104 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:44:13) AND (VALUE=13.77)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.106 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:47:55) AND (VALUE=12.7)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.108 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:51:04) AND (VALUE=10.59)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.110 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:53:11) AND (VALUE=11.76)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.113 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:55:43) AND (VALUE=14.79)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.115 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:58:07) AND (VALUE=15.97)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.117 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:05:46) AND (VALUE=17)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.119 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:08:34) AND (VALUE=14.84)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.122 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:11:05) AND (VALUE=12.77)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.124 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:13:35) AND (VALUE=11.6)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.126 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:18:35) AND (VALUE=11.25)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.128 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:21:19) AND (VALUE=8.65)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.130 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:25:46) AND (VALUE=7.62)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.132 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:30:46) AND (VALUE=7.42)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.134 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:35:46) AND (VALUE=6.76)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.136 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:38:29) AND (VALUE=5.49)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.138 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:41:16) AND (VALUE=4.49)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.141 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:45:50) AND (VALUE=3.45)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.143 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - reduceLog deletion progress of day: 2021-05-11 is: 200
2021.05.21 00:26:02.143 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:50:50) AND (VALUE=3.26)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.145 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:55:50) AND (VALUE=3.37)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.147 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:05:50) AND (VALUE=2.94)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.149 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:09:32) AND (VALUE=2.36)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.152 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:14:32) AND (VALUE=2.68)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.154 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:19:32) AND (VALUE=2.12)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.156 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:24:32) AND (VALUE=2.21)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.158 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:29:32) AND (VALUE=2.4)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.160 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:34:32) AND (VALUE=2.99)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.162 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:41:04) AND (VALUE=2.94)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.164 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:44:28) AND (VALUE=2.37)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.166 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:49:28) AND (VALUE=2.13)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.168 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:54:28) AND (VALUE=1.84)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.170 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:59:28) AND (VALUE=1.77)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.173 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:11:20) AND (VALUE=1.1)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.175 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:16:20) AND (VALUE=0.99)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.177 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:21:20) AND (VALUE=0.57)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.179 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:24:30) AND (VALUE=0)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.181 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:29:30) AND (VALUE=0.55)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.183 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:34:30) AND (VALUE=0.72)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.185 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:39:30) AND (VALUE=0.45)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.187 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:44:30) AND (VALUE=0.55)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.189 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - DELETE FROM history WHERE (DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674) AND (READING=power) AND (TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:49:30) AND (VALUE=0)
2021.05.21 00:26:02.201 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - reduceLog (hourly-average) updating 13 records of day: 2021-05-11
2021.05.21 00:26:02.202 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=7.340 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 07:03:11 AND VALUE=0.34
2021.05.21 00:26:02.206 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=11.101 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 08:01:42 AND VALUE=16.42
2021.05.21 00:26:02.209 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=18.977 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 09:00:00 AND VALUE=14.21
2021.05.21 00:26:02.214 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=22.318 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 10:00:51 AND VALUE=27.18
2021.05.21 00:26:02.218 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=42.126 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 11:02:09 AND VALUE=13.97
2021.05.21 00:26:02.223 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=30.138 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 12:00:12 AND VALUE=30.05
2021.05.21 00:26:02.227 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=27.147 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 13:04:53 AND VALUE=55.16
2021.05.21 00:26:02.232 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=18.297 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 14:00:34 AND VALUE=7.44
2021.05.21 00:26:02.236 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=38.738 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 15:03:19 AND VALUE=42.51
2021.05.21 00:26:02.240 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=16.607 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 16:14:08 AND VALUE=21.2
2021.05.21 00:26:02.243 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=8.999 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 17:00:34 AND VALUE=17.01
2021.05.21 00:26:02.246 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=2.468 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 18:00:50 AND VALUE=3.33
2021.05.21 00:26:02.249 4: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:30:00, EVENT='rl_av_h', VALUE=0.631 WHERE DEVICE=shelly_plug_s_df2674 AND READING=power AND TIMESTAMP=2021-05-11 19:06:20 AND VALUE=1.38
2021.05.21 00:26:02.259 3: DbRep DBRep_reduPower - reduceLog finished. Rows processed: 1793, deleted: 1688, updated: 101
2021.05.21 00:26:02.260 5: DbRep DBRep_reduPower -> DbRep_reduceLogNbl finished

letzte SQL Daten am 11.05

"TIMESTAMP"            "DEVICE"                "TYPE"    "EVENT"        "READING"  "VALUE" "UNIT"
"2021-05-11 20:14:30"  "shelly_plug_s_df2674"  "SHELLY"  "power: 0"     "power"    "0"      ""
"2021-05-11 20:09:30"  "shelly_plug_s_df2674"  "SHELLY"  "power: 0.38"  "power"    "0.38"   ""
"2021-05-11 20:04:30"  "shelly_plug_s_df2674"  "SHELLY"  "power: 0.55"  "power"    "0.55"   ""
"2021-05-11 19:30:00"  "shelly_plug_s_df2674"  "SHELLY"  "rl_av_h"      "power"    "0.631"  ""
"2021-05-11 18:30:00"  "shelly_plug_s_df2674"  "SHELLY"  "rl_av_h"      "power"    "2.468"  ""

Irgendwie werden immer am letzten Tag (hier 11.05) die Daten unvollständign bearbeitet.
...oder ich bin auf dem völlig faschen Dampfer
FHEM auf Raspi 2B mit nanoCUL, HM-MOD-RPI-PCB und über LAN MAX!Cube mit a-culFW (Stack 868 + 433)
HM- Fensterkontakte, UP-Schalter, Bewegungsmelder und ein Rauchmelder


Hallo Ralf,

danke für die vielen Infos. Ich lese immer mit, aber es wird noch einige Zeit dauern bis ich mich wieder mit DbRep/DbLog beschäftige. Habe noch einige Dinge vorher in der Pipiline.

ESXi@NUC+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage


Alles gut - eventuell irre ich mich ja auch.
Die meisten Sachen sind nicht wirklich dramatisch - lediglich unsauber und fallen meistens vermutlich noch nicht mal wirklich negativ auf.
Das average=day im DBRep ist schon blöd , da der tägliche average einfach nicht gebildet wird (Test#5/6).

Ich bin darauf gestoßen, da ich meine Spritpreise und die power/energy der kleinen PV-Anlage mit überschaubarer Datenmenge in eine Maria-DB überführt hatte.
Parallel habe ich dann immer mit einem "SQL-Viewer" (HeidiSQL) in die Tabellen geschaut (bei Milionen Datensätzen von vielen Devices bekommt man das wohl nicht mit).
FHEM auf Raspi 2B mit nanoCUL, HM-MOD-RPI-PCB und über LAN MAX!Cube mit a-culFW (Stack 868 + 433)
HM- Fensterkontakte, UP-Schalter, Bewegungsmelder und ein Rauchmelder


Oh Mist....
mit dem Beitrag heute Nacht und den vielen Logdaten hat es die Ansicht immer verbaselt.
Bei meinen Korrekturversuchen habe ich versehentlich den Beitrag mit den Tests#1/2/3 auf DBlog mit reduceLog / reduveLog average / reduceLog average=day gelöscht.

==> Kann ich nochmal erstellen.

Melde dich wenn du es dir anschauen willst. Vermutlich macht es sowie Sinn schrittweise ranzugehen.
FHEM auf Raspi 2B mit nanoCUL, HM-MOD-RPI-PCB und über LAN MAX!Cube mit a-culFW (Stack 868 + 433)
HM- Fensterkontakte, UP-Schalter, Bewegungsmelder und ein Rauchmelder