SolarForecast: unbekanntes Reading consumercheck müllt Log voll

Begonnen von networkingtom, 30 Oktober 2023, 14:14:50

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Moin liebe Fhemler,

seit ich die Ai-Unterstützung für den DWD aktiviert hab, taucht neben den 2 Verbrauchern, die ich definiert hab, ein weiterer mit dem Namen ,,consumercheck" auf. Mit diesem nicht von mir angelegten Verbraucher kann das System nichts anfangen und schreibt haufenweise Logeinträge, das Device ,," sei unbekannt. Der Versuch, per ,,attr <SolarForecast> consumercheck..." dem ominösen Verbraucher gültige Werte unterzujubeln, scheitert, weil nicht in der Werteliste.

Hat jemand eine Idee, wo mein Fehler liegen könnte?

Viele Grüße

2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - ERROR - the device "" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "check" attribute
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: Forecast - the consumer device "" is invalid, the "on" state can't be identified
2023.10.30 14:05:02 1: F

   FUUID      652581da-f33f-2bca-15be-31a2e5405dc583fd
   LCACHEFILE last write time: 13:58:39 File: ./FHEM/FhemUtils/PVH_SolarForecast_Forecast
   MODE       Automatic - next Cycletime: 14:11:24
   MODEL      DWD
   NAME       Forecast
   NOTIFYDEV  MQTT2_DVES_974E25,MQTT2_zigbee_SteckdoseOrange
   NR         544
   NTFY_ORDER 50-Forecast
   STATE      52 W
   TYPE       SolarForecast
   eventCount 737
     FW         WEB
     PACKAGE    FHEM::SolarForecast
     SPGDEV     Forecast
     VERSION    1.0.9
     VERSION_API unused
     VERSION_CTZ 1.0.0
     VERSION_ErrCodes unused
     VERSION_SMUtils 1.26.0
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   Current_AutarkyRate 100 %
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   Current_BatCharge 98 %
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   Current_Consumption 52 W
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   Today_SunRise   07:14
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   Today_SunSet    16:58
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   Tomorrow_ConsumptionForecast 510 Wh
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   Tomorrow_PVforecast 927 Wh
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   Tomorrow_SunRise 07:16
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   Tomorrow_SunSet 16:56
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumer01      name='Athom' state='off' planningstate='planned'
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumer01_currentPower 0 W
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumer01_planned_start 30.10.2023 13:53:39
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumer01_planned_stop 30.10.2023 16:58:00
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumer02      name='MQTT2_zigbee_SteckdoseOrange' state='unknown' planningstate='planned'
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumer02_currentPower 0 W
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumer02_planned_start 30.10.2023 07:14:00
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumer02_planned_stop 30.10.2023 16:58:00
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumercheck   name='' state='unknown' planningstate='planned'
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumercheck_planned_start 30.10.2023 12:00:00
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   consumercheck_planned_stop 30.10.2023 13:00:00
     2023-10-11 18:45:21   currentBatteryDev MQTT2_fhemsolar pin=BatterieInput:W pout=BatterieOutput:W charge=Batterie-Ladestand
     2023-10-12 10:38:52   currentInverterDev MQTT2_fhemsolar pv=PV-Power:W etotal=PV-Energie:kWh capacity=3500
     2023-10-10 19:43:28   currentMeterDev MQTT2_fhemsolar gcon=Grid-Power:W contotal=GridInput:W gfeedin=GridOutput:W feedtotal=dummy:W
     2023-10-10 18:56:26   currentRadiationAPI DWD
     2023-10-10 18:56:05   currentWeatherDev DWD
     2023-10-29 07:02:42   inverterStrings dummy,schmiede
     2023-10-29 13:58:07   moduleDirection dummy=S schmiede=35
     2023-10-29 13:53:53   modulePeakString dummy=1 schmiede=0.65
     2023-10-29 07:09:39   moduleTiltAngle dummy=45 schmiede=45
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   nextCycletime   14:11:24
     2023-10-30 12:00:04   pvCorrectionFactor_12 0.50 (automatic - old factor: 1, cloudiness range: 75, days in range: 2)
     2023-10-30 12:00:04   pvCorrectionFactor_12_autocalc done
     2023-10-30 13:00:04   pvCorrectionFactor_13 0.17 (automatic - old factor: 0.50, cloudiness range: 75, days in range: 4)
     2023-10-30 13:00:04   pvCorrectionFactor_13_autocalc done
     2023-10-30 14:11:14   pvCorrectionFactor_Auto on_complex_ai
     2023-10-30 14:11:15   state           updated
   DbLogExclude .*
   affect70percentRule 0
   comment    update per "wget -qO /opt/fhem/FHEM/"
   consumer01 MQTT2_DVES_974E25 type=other power=150 mode=can on=on off=off pcurr=power:W interruptable=1 swstate=POWER:ON:OFF auto=Automatiksteuerung mintime=SunPath pcurr=ENERGY_Power
   consumer02 MQTT2_zigbee_SteckdoseOrange type=other power=150 mode=can on=on off=off pcurr=power:W interruptable=1 state=state:on:off auto=Automatiksteuerung mintime=SunPath pcurr=power:W etotal=energy:kWh
   ctrlInterval 10
   disable    0
   event-on-change-reading .*
   flowGraphicAnimate 1
   flowGraphicShowConsumer 1


Du hattest wahrscheinlich mal eine unvollständige Consumer Registrierung.

Lösche das Attr consumercheck was du angelegt hast.
Dann rufe dir einfach ein "get ... valConsumerMaster" auf. Der Aufruf bereinigt nebenbei die internen Consumerdaten.
Danach kannst du die Readings consumercheck.* löschen.
Proxmox+Debian+MariaDB, PV: SMA, Victron MPII+Pylontech+CerboGX
Maintainer: SSCam, SSChatBot, SSCal, SSFile, DbLog/DbRep, Log2Syslog, SolarForecast,Watches, Dashboard, PylonLowVoltage


Das Attribute ,,consumercheck" gibt es leider nicht. Die Verbraucher sind schon ein paar Tage ,,alt", danach hab ich keine mehr angelegt. Das ,,consumercheck" war, wie beschrieben, nach dem Aktivieren der AI ohne weiteres Zutun da.
Die Readings hatte ich schon mal gelöscht, aber erfolglos. Allerdings nicht nach  einem ,,get...".
Ich werde gleich mal versuchen, ob sich jetzt die Readings löschen lassen.


Super, nach

,,get ... valConsumerMaster"

liessen sich die Readings löschen.

Vielen Dank