MagentaTV ständig Fehlermeldungen im Log

Begonnen von swsmily, 04 April 2024, 23:53:17

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hallo, ich hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen. Seit einiger Zeit wird mein Logfile von FHEM überflutet mit solchen Meldungen:

024.04.04 23:49:29.067 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - play
2024.04.04 23:49:29.178 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 23:49:29.194 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - play
2024.04.04 23:49:29.307 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 23:49:48.929 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - play
2024.04.04 23:49:49.039 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 23:49:49.054 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - play
2024.04.04 23:49:49.167 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 23:49:49.182 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - play
2024.04.04 23:49:49.295 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 23:50:08.932 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - play
2024.04.04 23:50:09.048 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 23:50:09.064 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - play
2024.04.04 23:50:09.175 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 23:50:09.193 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - play
2024.04.04 23:50:09.303 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string

Was kann ich dagegen tun? Nach FHEM-Neustart ist erstmal eine Weile ruhe, bis es wieder los geht.

EDIT: set MagentaTV RefreshCredentials bewirkt ebenso, dass die Fehlermeldungen erstmal nicht mehr auftauchen. Allerdings geht es am nächsten Tag wieder log.

EDIT2: Hier mal noch ein Logfile Auszug, wenn die Fehlermeldungen los gehen:
2024.04.04 06:31:00.192 3: MediaReceiver401: state of UPnP - offline
2024.04.04 06:31:00.229 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - offline
2024.04.04 06:31:00.230 3: MediaReceiver401: state of UPnP - online
2024.04.04 06:31:00.343 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:00.366 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - online
2024.04.04 06:31:00.478 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:00.500 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - online
2024.04.04 06:31:00.611 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:00.640 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - online
2024.04.04 06:31:00.751 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:00.769 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - online
2024.04.04 06:31:00.882 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:00.903 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - online
2024.04.04 06:31:01.016 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:17.719 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - online
2024.04.04 06:31:17.831 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:17.847 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - online
2024.04.04 06:31:17.959 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:17.976 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - online
2024.04.04 06:31:18.091 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:20.259 3: MediaReceiver401: pairing OK
2024.04.04 06:31:28.272 3: MediaReceiver401: state of player state request - standby
2024.04.04 06:31:37.717 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - standby
2024.04.04 06:31:37.831 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:37.847 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - standby
2024.04.04 06:31:37.958 3: MagentaTV: <Read> Socked UPnPSocket_MagentaTV_1900 - handleOnce failed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
2024.04.04 06:31:37.974 3: MediaReceiver401: current status during the Upnp search response - standby


Ich hatte mal einen ähnlichen Fehler.
Mit unten stehenden Patch war dann Ruhe.

---        2024-02-14 11:16:09.795120844 +0100
+++     2024-02-14 11:40:32.954581851 +0100
@@ -2570,6 +2570,9 @@
                if($responseData->{"retcode"} ne "0"){
                        #ToDo Fehler anschauen
+                       if(! $responseData->{"retmsg"}){
+                         $responseData->{"retmsg"} = "";
+                       }
                        Log3 $name, 1, $name.": URL:".$param->{url}." CustomChanNo returned: ".$responseData->{"retcode"}." - ".$responseData->{"retmsg"};
                        readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"lastRequestError",$responseData->{"retcode"}." - ".$responseData->{"retmsg"},1);
                        return undef;
@@ -2614,6 +2617,9 @@
                if($responseData->{"retcode"} ne "0"){
                        #ToDo Fehler anschauen
+                       if(! $responseData->{"retmsg"}){
+                         $responseData->{"retmsg"} = "";
+                       }
                        Log3 $name, 1, $name.": URL:".$param->{url}." Favorite returned: ".$responseData->{"retcode"}." - ".$responseData->{"retmsg"};
                        readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"lastRequestError",$responseData->{"retcode"}." - ".$responseData->{"retmsg"},1);
                        return undef;


Danke für den Patch. Aber wie spiele ich den ein?  :o


Ich hatte mir den Code in MagentaPatch unter /opt/fhem/FHEM gespeichert und mit dem Befehl "patch MagentaPatch" (mit sudo) versucht, jedoch kam es da zu Fehlermeldungen:
patching file
Hunk #1 FAILED at 2570.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 2614.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file

Hab daher nun die selbst angeschaut und die jeweiligen Zeilen ergänzt. Mal sehen, ob es den Fehler behoben hat.

Auf jeden Fall erstmal Danke!