How to turn on my boiler control

Begonnen von andyBex0791, 24 November 2024, 18:45:42

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hi I have a MAX setup with flashed cub as CUL.

I am working on some code to turn on the boiler when demand is detected. I am stuck on the bit I thought would be the easiest of all.

I have a simple notify setup to test this peice of code. For clarity the MAX Boiler switch is seen in fhem as a heating thermostat. I have tried various combinations

fhem("set MAX_HeatingSwitch on")
fhem("set MAX_HeatingSwitch:desiredTemperature on")
fhem("set MAX_HeatingSwitch:desiredTemperature:on")

I have tried setting the webCommand desiredTemperature for the switch. I get the following error in the logs and nothing happenes at the switch.

Zitat2024.11.24 17:10:59 3: set MAX_HeatingSwitch:desiredTemperature:on : Please define MAX_HeatingSwitch:desiredTemperature:on first

Thanks in advance


The argument to the fhem("..") function is a FHEM command, which can be typed directly in the command line in the FHEMWEB screen.
You get a list of available commands (and in some cases their possible parameter) with:
set MAX_HeatingSwitch ?but you get a more "civilized" version of this, if you take a look at the detailed view of MAX_HeatingSwitch in FHEMWEB (see the attachement)

There is also a documentation for the commands, e.g. here:
According to this documentation
fhem("set MAX_HeatingSwitch desiredTemperature on")should work.


Hi I spent around 3 hours yesterday prior to posting this post. Within 20 mins of posting i found the solution the command line ? Is a valuable tip that i am sure I will utilise in future.
