Neues Modul: Signalbot (Integration für den Signal Messenger) via signal-cli

Begonnen von Adimarantis, 31 Januar 2021, 19:16:19

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Aber sicher doch. Hier das Log, die message ist ohnehin enthalten:

2024.04.17 17:29:46 1: message: <tt>Heutige Strompreise:</tt> <br><code>00:00 - 01:00  11.84 ct/kWh </code><br><code>01:00 - 02:00  14.81 ct/kWh </code><br><code>02:00 - 03:00  19.86 ct/kWh </code><br><code>03:00 - 04:00  20.68 ct/kWh </code><br><code>04:00 - 05:00  17.25 ct/kWh </code><br><code>05:00 - 06:00  13.04 ct/kWh </code><br><code>06:00 - 07:00  11.95 ct/kWh </code><br><code>07:00 - 08:00  13.10 ct/kWh </code><br><code>08:00 - 09:00  12.05 ct/kWh </code><br><code>09:00 - 10:00  11.64 ct/kWh </code><br><code>10:00 - 11:00  11.25 ct/kWh </code><br><code>11:00 - 12:00  11.99 ct/kWh </code><br><code>12:00 - 13:00  12.12 ct/kWh </code><br><code>13:00 - 14:00  16.44 ct/kWh </code><br><code>14:00 - 15:00  21.00 ct/kWh </code><br><code>15:00 - 16:00  18.02 ct/kWh </code><br><code>16:00 - 17:00  14.30 ct/kWh </code><br><code>17:00 - 18:00  12.40 ct/kWh </code><br><code>18:00 - 19:00  11.47 ct/kWh </code><br><code>19:00 - 20:00  11.05 ct/kWh </code><br><code>20:00 - 21:00  10.78 ct/kWh </code><br><code>21:00 - 22:00  10.23 ct/kWh </code><br><code>22:00 - 23:00  10.16 ct/kWh </code><br><code>23:00 - 24:00  10.52 ct/kWh </code><br>
2024.04.17 17:29:46 3: Signal: Before parse:#Smarthome <tt>Heutige Strompreise:</tt> <br><code>00:00 - 01:00 11.84 ct/kWh </code><br><code>01:00 - 02:00 14.81 ct/kWh </code><br><code>02:00 - 03:00 19.86 ct/kWh </code><br><code>03:00 - 04:00 20.68 ct/kWh </code><br><code>04:00 - 05:00 17.25 ct/kWh </code><br><code>05:00 - 06:00 13.04 ct/kWh </code><br><code>06:00 - 07:00 11.95 ct/kWh </code><br><code>07:00 - 08:00 13.10 ct/kWh </code><br><code>08:00 - 09:00 12.05 ct/kWh </code><br><code>09:00 - 10:00 11.64 ct/kWh </code><br><code>10:00 - 11:00 11.25 ct/kWh </code><br><code>11:00 - 12:00 11.99 ct/kWh </code><br><code>12:00 - 13:00 12.12 ct/kWh </code><br><code>13:00 - 14:00 16.44 ct/kWh </code><br><code>14:00 - 15:00 21.00 ct/kWh </code><br><code>15:00 - 16:00 18.02 ct/kWh </code><br><code>16:00 - 17:00 14.30 ct/kWh </code><br><code>17:00 - 18:00 12.40 ct/kWh </code><br><code>18:00 - 19:00 11.47 ct/kWh </code><br><code>19:00 - 20:00 11.05 ct/kWh </code><br><code>20:00 - 21:00 10.78 ct/kWh </code><br><code>21:00 - 22:00 10.23 ct/kWh </code><br><code>22:00 - 23:00 10.16 ct/kWh </code><br><code>23:00 - 24:00 10.52 ct/kWh </code><br>:
2024.04.17 17:29:46 4: Signal: sendGroupMessage called for Smarthome::𝙷𝚎𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚒𝚜𝚎:
00:00 - 01:00 11.84 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
01:00 - 02:00 14.81 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
02:00 - 03:00 19.86 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
03:00 - 04:00 20.68 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
04:00 - 05:00 17.25 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
05:00 - 06:00 13.04 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
06:00 - 07:00 11.95 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
07:00 - 08:00 13.10 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
08:00 - 09:00 12.05 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
09:00 - 10:00 11.64 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
10:00 - 11:00 11.25 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
11:00 - 12:00 11.99 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
12:00 - 13:00 12.12 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
13:00 - 14:00 16.44 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
14:00 - 15:00 21.00 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
15:00 - 16:00 18.02 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
16:00 - 17:00 14.30 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
17:00 - 18:00 12.40 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
18:00 - 19:00 11.47 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
19:00 - 20:00 11.05 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
20:00 - 21:00 10.78 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
21:00 - 22:00 10.23 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
22:00 - 23:00 10.16 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
23:00 - 24:00 10.52 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑

2024.04.17 17:29:46 5: Signal: getGroup Smarthome
2024.04.17 17:29:46 5: Signal: Dbus Call sync:0 sendGroupMessage(sasay) /org/asamk/Signal/_4367xxxxxxxxx Args:𝙷𝚎𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚒𝚜𝚎:
00:00 - 01:00 11.84 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
01:00 - 02:00 14.81 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
02:00 - 03:00 19.86 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
03:00 - 04:00 20.68 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
04:00 - 05:00 17.25 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
05:00 - 06:00 13.04 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
06:00 - 07:00 11.95 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
07:00 - 08:00 13.10 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
08:00 - 09:00 12.05 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
09:00 - 10:00 11.64 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
10:00 - 11:00 11.25 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
11:00 - 12:00 11.99 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
12:00 - 13:00 12.12 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
13:00 - 14:00 16.44 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
14:00 - 15:00 21.00 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
15:00 - 16:00 18.02 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
16:00 - 17:00 14.30 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
17:00 - 18:00 12.40 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
18:00 - 19:00 11.47 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
19:00 - 20:00 11.05 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
20:00 - 21:00 10.78 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
21:00 - 22:00 10.23 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
22:00 - 23:00 10.16 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
23:00 - 24:00 10.52 𝚌𝚝/𝚔𝚆𝚑
2024.04.17 17:29:47 5: Signal: DBus callback: sendGroupMessage Args:1713367786990
2024.04.17 17:29:49 5: Signal: Sync Callback: ReceiptReceived Args:1713367786990,+4367xxxxxxxx
2024.04.17 17:29:49 5: Signal: Signalbot_receive_callback 1713367786990 +4367xxxxxxxx
FHEM auf Rpi4, OpenWRT auf Netgear Nighthawk, CUL868, FHT80, Tradfri, CUL433, tbot, alexa-fhem, ESP8266, Shelly 1+2, homebridge, Klingelerkennung über ESP, Anwesenheit per OpenWRT


Und letztendlich geht es darum das die Zahlen nicht so richtig in monospace dargestellt werden?
Das liegt daran, dass ich wohl damals für die meisten Zahlen im Unicode nicht die richtigen Seiten gefunden habe.
Nach etwas Recherche finde ich für monospace Zahlen bei 0x1d7f6

Hab ein Update für in svn eingecheckt.

Raspberry 4 + HM-MOD-RPI-PCB (pivCCU)/RfxTrx433XL/Zigbee
Module: 50_Signalbot, 48_HomeConnect, 52_I2C_ADS1x1x , 58_RPI_1Wire, (50_SPI_MAX31865)



Vielen Dank für Deine Unterstützung.
Ich habe die Änderung (manuell) durchgeführt. Sollte ein 'update all' oder 'update' nicht die Änderungen ziehen? 

Auf jeden Fall funktioniert es jetzt wie erwartet, vielen Dank nochmal!

Schöne Grüße!

FHEM auf Rpi4, OpenWRT auf Netgear Nighthawk, CUL868, FHT80, Tradfri, CUL433, tbot, alexa-fhem, ESP8266, Shelly 1+2, homebridge, Klingelerkennung über ESP, Anwesenheit per OpenWRT



I have an issue with signal.

Top reports continuously a 100% cpu use.
    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                                                 
   1001 signal-+  20   0 3901284 173772  23424 S 100,0  18,7  60:03.34 java                                                                                                                                    
   1049 fhem      20   0  137812 121544  10752 S   7,6  13,1   5:18.98 perl

My signal.service is:
Description=Send secure messages to Signal clients
ExecStart=/opt/signal/bin/signal-cli --config /var/lib/signal-cli daemon --system

I installed signal with the script:

I use raspberry OS 64 bit dd 15-3-2024.

This happens also when I install everything, including OS, clean again and run it on a raspberry pi 3 or raspberry pi 4. (And restore my settings with restore) 

Everything works fine, and "systemctl status signal" reports nothing strange.
I have seen high cpu usages before, but this was fixed with "systemctl restart signal". A restart doesn´t fix it now. Neither does a reboot.

Is this a "normal" behavior or is there something on my installation which triggers this? 
What can be wrong and any idea how to fix this?
FHEM 6.3 auf Raspberry Pi3  (1,2 Ghz)
RFXTRX433XL, ZWave, KFL200 and ConBeeIII
Raspberry Pi1 (0,7 Ghz) and Raspberry Pi4 for testing
German reading skills are good.


Hi Harry,

no, that's not normal. My signal-cli does not use any CPU (0-1%) when it's idling.
How much memory do you have? Java eats a lot, that why I'm running my environment on a 4GB Raspberry 4, but I'm also running a number of additional services on it.
Though swapping due to memory shortage should also not push CPU to 100%
Have you checked the system logfiles (that's where signal-cli is putting its logging) for any weird activity. You should only see entries there if you actually send messages.
As you're on 64bit I assume you're on Debian 12+ where /var/log/syslog does not longer exist and you need to so something like
journalctl -u signal.service -fThat will "follow" the logfile and only print new lines on activitiy.

Raspberry 4 + HM-MOD-RPI-PCB (pivCCU)/RfxTrx433XL/Zigbee
Module: 50_Signalbot, 48_HomeConnect, 52_I2C_ADS1x1x , 58_RPI_1Wire, (50_SPI_MAX31865)


Hi Jörg

Zitat von: Adimarantis am 22 April 2024, 09:35:12no, that's not normal. My signal-cli does not use any CPU (0-1%) when it's idling.
How much memory do you have? Java eats a lot, that why I'm running my environment on a 4GB Raspberry 4, but I'm also running a number of additional services on it.
Though swapping due to memory shortage should also not push CPU to 100%

My raspberrypi3 has 1 Gb and the raspberrypi4 has 8 gb. So memory should not be the problem. Top also reports just 16 % memory usage.

ZitatHave you checked the system logfiles (that's where signal-cli is putting its logging) for any weird activity. You should only see entries there if you actually send messages.
As you're on 64bit I assume you're on Debian 12+ where /var/log/syslog does not longer exist and you need to so something like
journalctl -u signal.service -fThat will "follow" the logfile and only print new lines on activitiy.

I did not before. I checked it now and I see about every 90 seconds:
apr 22 15:10:35 Debi12-12 signal-cli[62699]: Envelope from: "Harry Txxxxxx" +316xxxxxxxx (device: 1) to +31xxxxxxx
apr 22 15:10:35 Debi12-12 signal-cli[62699]: Timestamp: 1713542493395 (2024-04-19T16:01:33.395Z)
apr 22 15:10:35 Debi12-12 signal-cli[62699]: Server timestamps: received: 1713597075434 (2024-04-20T07:11:15.434Z) delivered: 1713789651584 (2024-04-22T12:40:51.584Z)
apr 22 15:10:35 Debi12-12 signal-cli[62699]: Sent by unidentified/sealed sender
apr 22 15:10:35 Debi12-12 signal-cli[62699]: Exception: org.signal.libsignal.protocol.InvalidMessageException: invalid Whisper message: decryption failed (ProtocolInvalidMessageException)

Strange as I get the message once without problems.

I checked this on the internet but I didn´t see other people with this issue the last few years. The last mention is from 2019 in
When I try to use this solution I run in the problems with the java-version.

Any ideas about the problem and how to solve it?

Thanks in advance
FHEM 6.3 auf Raspberry Pi3  (1,2 Ghz)
RFXTRX433XL, ZWave, KFL200 and ConBeeIII
Raspberry Pi1 (0,7 Ghz) and Raspberry Pi4 for testing
German reading skills are good.


Didn't find anything useful either.
In one older article I found, they were talking about issues with the keys between the two devices.
It might help to re-register one or both of signal-cli and the counterpart you're using.
Others suggested that it would go away after a backlog of faulty messages is processed, but it seems permanent for you.

If it's not too much of a hassle, I would really reset signal-cli (stop it, delete the content of /var/log/signal-cli, then start again) and re-register your number.
If that does not help, you might even want to do the same with the counterpart (from: number) that produces those message. If it sounds easier you could even try that first.

Raspberry 4 + HM-MOD-RPI-PCB (pivCCU)/RfxTrx433XL/Zigbee
Module: 50_Signalbot, 48_HomeConnect, 52_I2C_ADS1x1x , 58_RPI_1Wire, (50_SPI_MAX31865)


Zitat von: Adimarantis am 22 April 2024, 17:38:12If it's not too much of a hassle, I would really reset signal-cli (stop it, delete the content of /var/log/signal-cli, then start again) and re-register your number.
If that does not help, you might even want to do the same with the counterpart (from: number) that produces those message. If it sounds easier you could even try that first.

I don´t have a directory signal-cli on my /var/log/  and can't find anything anywhere with such a name. Is it moved?
BTW don´t bother about hassles. I have a test system for it and my whole installation is scripted. So it is easy to try something. 

FHEM 6.3 auf Raspberry Pi3  (1,2 Ghz)
RFXTRX433XL, ZWave, KFL200 and ConBeeIII
Raspberry Pi1 (0,7 Ghz) and Raspberry Pi4 for testing
German reading skills are good.


Sorry I mistyped: /var/lib/signal-cli

You might want to archive it before removing, though.

Raspberry 4 + HM-MOD-RPI-PCB (pivCCU)/RfxTrx433XL/Zigbee
Module: 50_Signalbot, 48_HomeConnect, 52_I2C_ADS1x1x , 58_RPI_1Wire, (50_SPI_MAX31865)


Zitat von: Adimarantis am 22 April 2024, 20:09:49Sorry I mistyped: /var/lib/signal-cli

Ok. I tried replacing the setting with the backuped setting from 2 years ago using signal_install restore.  It seemed to work , but after a while the cpu usages went up again.

Unfortunately I now have nwe problems. I get: 
signal-cli[999]: WARN  ReceiveHelper - Connection closed unexpectedly, reconnecting in 100 ms

This happens on my test system AND on my production system where nothing is changed. BUT I used the same settings on both environments.

Does this mean more trouble or just wait till tomorrow so the system can fix itself?

FHEM 6.3 auf Raspberry Pi3  (1,2 Ghz)
RFXTRX433XL, ZWave, KFL200 and ConBeeIII
Raspberry Pi1 (0,7 Ghz) and Raspberry Pi4 for testing
German reading skills are good.


Zitat von: HarryT am 22 April 2024, 21:24:02Unfortunately I now have nwe problems. I get: 
signal-cli[999]: WARN  ReceiveHelper - Connection closed unexpectedly, reconnecting in 100 ms

This happens on my test system AND on my production system where nothing is changed. BUT I used the same settings on both environments.

Does this mean more trouble or just wait till tomorrow so the system can fix itself?

Ok, this one was easy. It is because I run 2 clients on the same account.

Now it seems I have
apr 22 15:10:35 Debi12-12 signal-cli[62699]: Sent by unidentified/sealed sender
apr 22 15:10:35 Debi12-12 signal-cli[62699]: Exception: org.signal.libsignal.protocol.InvalidMessageException: invalid Whisper message: decryption failed (ProtocolInvalidMessageException)
sometimes and sometimes not.

I am trying to find what triggers it and what fixes it.

Would it make sense to try newer libraries?
FHEM 6.3 auf Raspberry Pi3  (1,2 Ghz)
RFXTRX433XL, ZWave, KFL200 and ConBeeIII
Raspberry Pi1 (0,7 Ghz) and Raspberry Pi4 for testing
German reading skills are good.


If your problems don't go away, I would really recommend deleting everything and go thru the registration process of your number from scratch.
signal-cli has been changing a lot in the configuration data and if you have not been updating on a regular basis, there is a chance the the "jump" in the version was too big to correctly migrate it.

Also of course use the latest version of signal-cli.
I'm currently testing 0.13.3 in my systems. It's looking good. So I will publish the update to the installer later today.
Raspberry 4 + HM-MOD-RPI-PCB (pivCCU)/RfxTrx433XL/Zigbee
Module: 50_Signalbot, 48_HomeConnect, 52_I2C_ADS1x1x , 58_RPI_1Wire, (50_SPI_MAX31865)


Hallo zusammen,
Am 6.Mai hat Signal eine neue Funktion eingeführt, nämlich dass die Telefonnummer standardmässig nicht mehr sichtbar ist. Ich konnte daraufhin keine Nachricht mehr an meinen Signalbot mehr schicken. (Nachrichten empfangen war kein Problem.)
lastError Ignored message due to allowedPeer by aeaa7aa9-13b7-4b01-9198-b2efc75xxxxx:<xxxx>
Mit get sigBot contacts all wurde meine Telefonnummer nicht mehr angezeigt.
Ich habe daraufhin die Einstellung in SIGNAL geändert (Datenschutz->Telefonnummer->jeder darf die Telefonnummer sehen). Und es funtionierte wieder.
Da ich aber die neue Funktion gut finde und nutzen möchte habe ich Einstellung wieder zurückgestellt und aeaa7aa9-13b7-4b01-9198-b2efc75xxxxx in das Attribut allowedPeer aufgenommen. Mit Erfolg.
Vielleicht erspart dieser Hinweis manch einem viel Zeit.
FHEM auf Pi3 +HM: HM-LAN, HM-MOD-UART, ca. 60 HM-Devices +1-Wire: Buskoppler DS1420 , DS18B20,  DS2423, DS1990, DS2401
+KNX: TPUART, SCN-BWM55.01,  SCN-P360D3.02, STXB601B/2F, TXB602F +PCA301: JeeLink +ZWave:
+Wifi-Geräte über MQTT: SONOFF, Shelly (Tasmota), NodeMCU, ESP


Hallo und vielen Dank für die Mühe, die ihr euch bei der Entwicklung macht :)

Ich habe ein seltsames Problem:
Beim Senden von FHEM heraus gehen die Nachrichten scheinbar nicht raus.
Bei einer Nummer funktioniert es, bei der anderen nicht.
Auf beiden Empfänger-Geräten ist der "Absender" im Adressbuch hinterlegt.
Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind identisch.
Gerät 1 empfängt nichts, Gerät 2 hingegen schon...

lastError Timeout in sendMessage
Mehr Infos bekomme ich nicht ...



Es läuft wieder.
Ich habe über

set SignalDevice contact delete +49xxxxxxxxxx
Den "defekten" Empfänger gelöscht und eine neue Nachricht gesendet.
Dann ging es wieder.


jetzt hab ich wieder ein Problem mit den Kontakten.
Nach einem Neustart ist der erste Eintrag in der Liste zerstört.

List of known contacts:
Number          |Name                          |Blocked
+4917623xxxxxx  |Protocol::DBus::Type::Array=ARRAY(0x698bd70)|no

Mit list sehe ich den Eintrag garnicht mehr.
Wenn ich den Kontakt lösche und neu eintrage steht er in der Liste ganz unten.
Nach einem Neustart geht das Spiel von vorn los.
Wieder ist der Name im ersten Eintrag mit "Protocol::DBus::Type::Array=ARRAY(0x698bd70)" überschrieben.

FHEM auf Pi3 +HM: HM-LAN, HM-MOD-UART, ca. 60 HM-Devices +1-Wire: Buskoppler DS1420 , DS18B20,  DS2423, DS1990, DS2401
+KNX: TPUART, SCN-BWM55.01,  SCN-P360D3.02, STXB601B/2F, TXB602F +PCA301: JeeLink +ZWave:
+Wifi-Geräte über MQTT: SONOFF, Shelly (Tasmota), NodeMCU, ESP