
Fehlermeldungen / Bugs

Begonnen von jemu75, 07 Mai 2021, 13:44:33

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Sollte es beim Betrieb von FHEMApp zu Fehlermeldungen kommen, dann stellt diese bitte hier ein.


Hallo Jens,
ich traue mich fast gar nicht, aber ich glaube ich habe noch einen Bug:
Das PanelBar zeigt 100 an (siehe Bild), obwohl Connected.ablinds.Readings.pct.Value = "0" ist.
Ausserdem wird der Panelbar nicht in realtime ge-updated (event-on-change auf pct im Device AllBlinds ist gesetzt), wenn sich Connected.ablinds.Readings.pct.Value ändert.

Debug code anbei:

"Name": "panelRollos",
"Internals": {
"FUUID": "607421d8-f33f-97bf-48b1-ac3fd97a00720cd7",
"NAME": "panelRollos",
"NR": "3367",
"STATE": "50",
"TYPE": "dummy"
"Readings": {
"Attributes": {
"alias": "Rollos",
"appOptions": "{ "template": "panel", "home": true, "dashboard": false, "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 120, "connected": { "ablinds": "AllBlinds", "BK": "Blind1_Kueche", "BS": "Blind1_Schlaf", "BW": "Blind1_Wohn"}, "setup": { "status": {"bar": ["Connected.ablinds.Readings.pct.Value::%n:success"], "error": [] }, "info": { "left1": ["Internals.STATE:::mdi-blinds-open"] }, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4" } }",
"comment": "list appOptions!= appOptions",
"group": "fhemapp",
"room": "System"
"Options": {
"template": "panel",
"home": true,
"dashboard": false,
"group": "Fenster",
"sortby": 120,
"connected": {
"ablinds": "AllBlinds",
"BK": "Blind1_Kueche",
"BS": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"BW": "Blind1_Wohn"
"setup": {
"status": {
"bar": [
"error": [
"info": {
"left1": [
"size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"
"device": "panelRollos",
"name": "Rollos",
"status": {
"level": 0,
"color": "success",
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": "mdi-blinds-open",
"left1Text": "",
"left2Icon": "",
"left2Text": "",
"mid1Icon": "",
"mid1Text": "",
"mid2Icon": "",
"mid2Text": "",
"right1Icon": "",
"right1Text": "",
"right2Icon": "",
"right2Text": ""
"component": "templ_panel"
"Connected": {
"ablinds": {
"Name": "AllBlinds",
"Internals": {
"ATTR": "AllBlinds_struct",
"CHANGEDCNT": "569",
"DEF": "AllBlinds_struct Blind1_Kueche Blind1_Schlaf Blind1_Wohn",
"FUUID": "5ebc3f57-f33f-97bf-60ca-223576c17f28d7ac",
"NAME": "AllBlinds",
"NOTIFYDEV": "global,Blind1_Kueche,Blind1_Schlaf,Blind1_Wohn",
"NR": "3140",
"NTFY_ORDER": "50-AllBlinds",
"STATE": "0",
"TYPE": "structure"
"Readings": {
"LastDevice": {
"Value": "Blind1_Kueche",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"LastDevice_Abs": {
"Value": "Blind1_Kueche",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"state": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"Attributes": {
"alexaName": "Alle Rollos",
"alexaRoom": "Wohnung",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Alle", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:5:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-shutter-open"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"clientstate_behavior": "relative",
"clientstate_priority": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Alle Rollos", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 110, "dashboard": false}",
"devStateIcon": "100:fts_shutter_100@Gray:0 0:fts_window_2w@LightBlue off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue .:fts_window_2w@LightBlue 1.:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue 2.:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue 3.:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue 4.:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue 5.:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue 6.:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue 7.:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue 8.:fts_shutter_80@Gray 9.:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"fhem_widget_channels": "[{"controlled_attribute":"pct","allowed_values":["0","100"], "alias":"RolloUp|Dn","locations":["APP","WIDGET","WATCH"], "order":39}, {"controlled_attribute":"pct","allowed_values":[], "alias":"RolloUp|Dn","locations":["APP","WIDGET","WATCH"], "order":39}]",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,deCONZ",
"stateFormat": "pct",
"userReadings": "pct {int((ReadingsNum("Blind1_Kueche","pct",-1)+ReadingsNum("Blind1_Schlaf","pct",-1)+ReadingsNum("Blind1_Wohn","pct",-1))/3)}",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100"
"Options": {
"name": "Alle",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "AllBlinds",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
"mid1Icon": null,
"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null
"BK": {
"Name": "Blind1_Kueche",
"Internals": {
"DEF": "5 IODev=deCONZ",
"FUUID": "5ee7e83b-f33f-97bf-6948-f53419ecf2c4355d",
"FVERSION": "31_HUEDevice.pm:0.239120/2021-03-08",
"ID": "5",
"INTERVAL": "null",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"NAME": "Blind1_Kueche",
"NR": "3168",
"STATE": "off",
"TYPE": "HUEDevice",
"desired": "0",
"lastannounced": "2021-05-04T10:59:21Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"name": "Blind1_Kueche",
"swversion": "2.2.009",
"type": "Window covering device",
"uniqueid": "68:0a:e2:ff:fe:6a:d4:47-01"
"Readings": {
"IODev": {
"Value": "deCONZ",
"Time": "2021-05-07 01:07:25"
"bri": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"lastseen": {
"Value": "2021-05-07T15:15Z",
"Time": "2021-05-07 17:15:34"
"onoff": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"reachable": {
"Value": "1",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:01"
"state": {
"Value": "off",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"Attributes": {
"AllBlinds_struct": "AllBlinds",
"AllBlinds_struct_map": "pct",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"alexaName": "Rollo Küche",
"alexaRoom": "Kueche",
"alias": "Küche",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Küche", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:5:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-shutter-open"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"color-icons": "2",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Rollo Küche", "room": "Küche", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 111, "dashboard": false} Echo, Rollo Schlaf auf Echo, Rollo Schlaf zu Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 25% Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 75%",
"devStateIcon": "off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue:on dim0.%:fts_window_2w@LightBlue dim1.%:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue dim2.%:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue dim3.%:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue dim4.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim5.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim6.%:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue dim7.%:fts_shutter_70@SteelBlue dim8.%:fts_shutter_80@Gray dim9.%:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"model": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,AllRooms->Kueche,deCONZ",
"userattr": "AllBlinds_struct AllBlinds_struct_map structexclude",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100",
"widgetOverride": "pct:slider,0,1,100"
"Options": {
"name": "Küche",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "Blind1_Kueche",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
"mid1Icon": null,
"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null
"BS": {
"Name": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"Internals": {
"DEF": "1 IODev=deCONZ",
"FUUID": "5ea0b4f1-f33f-97bf-b1cc-8b640b471d6628b4",
"FVERSION": "31_HUEDevice.pm:0.239120/2021-03-08",
"ID": "1",
"INTERVAL": "null",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"NAME": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"NR": "3132",
"STATE": "off",
"TYPE": "HUEDevice",
"desired": "0",
"lastannounced": "2021-05-04T10:05:52Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"name": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"swversion": "2.2.009",
"type": "Window covering device",
"uniqueid": "00:0b:3c:ff:fe:f7:bf:40-01"
"Readings": {
"IODev": {
"Value": "deCONZ",
"Time": "2021-05-07 01:07:25"
"bri": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"lastseen": {
"Value": "2021-05-07T15:15Z",
"Time": "2021-05-07 17:15:34"
"onoff": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"reachable": {
"Value": "1",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:01"
"state": {
"Value": "off",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:04"
"Attributes": {
"AllBlinds_struct": "AllBlinds",
"AllBlinds_struct_map": "pct",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"alexaName": "Rollo Schlaf",
"alexaRoom": "Schlafzimmer",
"alias": "Schlaf",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Schlaf", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:5:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-shutter-open"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"color-icons": "2",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Rollo Schlafzimmer", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 112, "dashboard": false} TargetPosition=pct,invert=1,minValue=0,maxValue=100,delay=1000 clear CurrentPosition=pct,minValue=0,maxValue=100,minStep=25,invert=1 TargetPosition=pct,minValue=0,maxValue=100,minStep=25,cmd=pct,invert=1 Echo, Rollo Schlaf auf Echo, Rollo Schlaf zu Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 25% Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 75% Alexa Rollo Schlaf ganz hoch Alexa Rollo Schlaf ganz runter Alexa fahre Rollo Schlaf hoch Alexa fahre Rollo Schlaf runter devStateIcon {(HUEDevice_devStateIcon($name),"toggle")} widgetOverride pct:slider,0,1,100 FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"devStateIcon": "off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue:on dim0.%:fts_window_2w@LightBlue dim1.%:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue dim2.%:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue dim3.%:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue dim4.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim5.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim6.%:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue dim7.%:fts_shutter_70@SteelBlue dim8.%:fts_shutter_80@Gray dim9.%:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"model": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,AllRooms->Schlafzimmer,deCONZ",
"userattr": "AllBlinds_struct AllBlinds_struct_map structexclude",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100",
"widgetOverride": "pct:slider,0,1,100"
"Options": {
"name": "Schlaf",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
"mid1Icon": null,
"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null
"BW": {
"Name": "Blind1_Wohn",
"Internals": {
"DEF": "6 IODev=deCONZ",
"FUUID": "5ea0b80b-f33f-97bf-6914-a18a3610b8158c28",
"FVERSION": "31_HUEDevice.pm:0.239120/2021-03-08",
"ID": "6",
"INTERVAL": "null",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"NAME": "Blind1_Wohn",
"NR": "3133",
"STATE": "off",
"TYPE": "HUEDevice",
"desired": "0",
"lastannounced": "2021-05-02T12:04:57Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "KADRILJ roller blind",
"name": "Blind1_Wohn",
"swversion": "2.2.009",
"type": "Window covering device",
"uniqueid": "00:0d:6f:ff:fe:8e:8d:ef-01"
"Readings": {
"IODev": {
"Value": "deCONZ",
"Time": "2021-05-07 01:07:25"
"bri": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:03"
"lastseen": {
"Value": "2021-05-07T15:14Z",
"Time": "2021-05-07 17:15:34"
"onoff": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:03"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:03"
"reachable": {
"Value": "1",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:01"
"state": {
"Value": "off",
"Time": "2021-05-07 16:59:03"
"Attributes": {
"AllBlinds_struct": "AllBlinds",
"AllBlinds_struct_map": "pct",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"alexaName": "Rollo Wohn",
"alexaRoom": "Wohnzimmer",
"alias": "Wohn",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Wohn", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:5:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-shutter-open"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"color-icons": "1",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Rollo Wohnzimmer", "room": "Wohnzimmer", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 113, "dashboard": false} webCmd pct0:pct12:pct25:pct37:pct50:pct62:pct75:pct87:pct100 eventMap /pct 0:pct0/pct 12:pct12/pct 25:pct25/pct 37:pct37/pct 50:pct50/pct 62:pct62/pct 75:pct75/pct 87:pct87/pct 100:pct100/ cmdIcon pct0:fts_window_2w pct87:fts_shutter_80 pct75:fts_shutter_70 pct62:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_50 pct37:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct12:fts_shutter_10 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"devStateIcon": "off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue:on dim0.%:fts_window_2w@LightBlue dim1.%:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue dim2.%:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue dim3.%:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue dim4.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim5.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim6.%:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue dim7.%:fts_shutter_70@SteelBlue dim8.%:fts_shutter_80@Gray dim9.%:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"model": "KADRILJ roller blind",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,AllRooms->Wohnzimmer,deCONZ",
"userattr": "AllBlinds_struct AllBlinds_struct_map structexclude",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100",
"widgetOverride": "pct:slider,0,1,100"
"Options": {
"name": "Wohn",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "Blind1_Wohn",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
"mid1Icon": null,
"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null
Bullseye auf iNUC, Homematic + HMIP(UART/HMUSB), Debmatic, HUEBridge, Zigbee/Conbee III, FB7690, Alexa (fhem-lazy), Livetracking, LaCrosse JeeLink, LoRaWan / TTN / Chirpstack, Sonos, ESPresence


ich hatte mir mal einen Raum angelegt "EG->Wohnzimmer/Kueche", da sind nie Geräte angezeigt worden, wahrscheinlich wegen des "/".  Ich hatte dann in allen Geräten dies auf "EG->Wohnzimmer Kueche geändert". Leider verschwindet der Bereich "EG->Wohnzimmer/Kueche" nicht..
Über "list appOptions!= appOptions" werden die Geräte wie folgt gelistet.
AZ.OG.FK                 {
"template": "contact",
"name": "Fenster AZ",
"room": "OG->Arbeitszimmer"
AZ.OG.HT                 {
"template": "thermometer",
"name": "Heizungsthermostat",
"room": "OG->Arbeitszimmer"
AZ.OG.WT                 {
  "name": "thermostat",
  "room": "OG->Arbeitszimmer",
  "status": {
    "bar": ["Connected.valve.Readings.pct.Value::%n:success"],
    "error": ["Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:^(?!alive):100:error:keine Verbindung"]
  "main": [
      "leftBtn": "mdi-minus",
      "leftClick": ["desiredTemperature:17.5:desiredTemperature %i-0.5","desiredTemperature::"],
      "leftLong": ["R-nightTemp::desiredTemperature %n.1"],
      "text": ["desiredTemperature::%n.1°C"],
      "rightBtn": "mdi-plus",
      "rightClick": ["desiredTemperature:25:","desiredTemperature::desiredTemperature %i0.5"],
      "rightLong": ["R-dayTemp::desiredTemperature %n.1"]
  "info": {
    "left1": ["tempState:day::mdi-weather-sunny","tempState:night::mdi-weather-night"],
    "left2": ["controlMode:auto::mdi-clock-time-four-outline"],
    "mid1": ["temperature::%n.1°C:mdi-thermometer"],
    "right1": ["Connected.receiver.Readings.battery.Value:ok::mdi-battery","Connected.receiver.Readings.battery.Value:::mdi-battery-10"],
    "right2": ["Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:alive::mdi-wifi","Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:::mdi-wifi-off"]
AZ_Temp_dummy            { "template": "chart", "dashboard": "true",
  "setup": { "daysAgo": 1, "lineWidth": 2, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"},
  "chartDef": ["myDbLog:(AZ.OG.HT:desiredTemperature):Soll:°C","myDbLog:(AZ.OG.HT:temperature):Ist:°C","myDbLog:(AZ.OG.HT:humidity):Luftfeuchte:%:secondary"] }
Bad.OG_Temp_dummy        { "template": "chart", "dashboard": "true",
  "setup": { "daysAgo": 1, "lineWidth": 2, "size": "col-14 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"},
  "chartDef": ["myDbLog:(Bad.OG.WT:desiredTemperature):Soll:°C","myDbLog:(Bad.OG.WT:temperature):Ist:°C","myDbLog:(Bad.OG.WT:humidity):Luftfeuchte:%:secondary"] }
Gefrierschrank           {
"template": "switch",
"room": "Keller",
"setup": {
    "bar": ["state:set_on:100:success","state:set_off:0:success"],
    "error": ["Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:^(?!alive):100:error:keine Verbindung"]
  "main": [
      "leftIcon": "mdi-power-off",
      "leftClick": ["state::set_off"],
      "text": ["state:set_on:an","state:set_off:aus","state::%s"],
      "rightIcon": "mdi-power-on",
      "rightClick": ["state::set_on"]
  "info": {
    "left1": ["state:set_on::mdi-power-plug","state:set_off::mdi-power-plug-off"],
    "left2": ["power:0.1:%n.2w"],
    "right2": ["Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:alive::mdi-wifi","Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:::mdi-wifi-off"]
Internetspeedtest        { "template": "chart",
  "dashboard": "true",
  "room": "Haus->System",
  "setup": { "daysAgo": 1, "lineWidth": 2, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"},
  "chartDef": ["myDbLog:(Internetspeedtest:download):Down:MBit","myDbLog:(Internetspeedtest:upload):Up:MBit","myDbLog:(Internetspeedtest:ping):Ping:ms:secondary"] }
PI_FHEM                  {
"template": "sysmon",
"system": true,
"setup": { "subTitle": ["cpu_model_name::%s"],
           "fhemBtns": true, "main": [
                           { "name": "CPU Auslastung:",
                             "bar": ["cpu_app::%n:success:0:100"],
                             "subText": ["cpu_app::%n.1 %"] },
                              { "name": "RAM Auslastung:", "bar": ["ram_app::%n:success:0:100"], "subText": ["ram_app::%n.1 %"] },
                              { "name": "CPU Temperatur:", "bar": ["cpu_temp::%n:success:0:100"], "subText": ["cpu_temp::%n.1 °C"] },
                              { "name": "Server läuft seit:", "subText": ["starttime_text::%s"] },
                              { "name": "FHEM läuft seit:", "subText": ["fhemstarttime_text::%s"] }
] } }
Rolllade.AZ              { "template": "shutter" }
SZ_Temp_dummy            { "template": "chart", "dashboard": "true",
  "setup": { "daysAgo": 1, "lineWidth": 2, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"},
  "chartDef": ["myDbLog:(SZ.OG.WT:desiredTemperature):Soll:°C","myDbLog:(SZ.OG.WT:temperature):Ist:°C","myDbLog:(SZ.OG.WT:humidity):Luftfeuchte:%:secondary"] }
WC.EG.FK                 {
"template": "contact",
"name": "Fenster Gäste WC",
"room": "EG->Gäste WC"
WLAN                     { "name": "WLAN",
  "room": "Haus->System",
  "connected": { "FritzBox": "Fritzbox_7590"},
      "panel": {
        "status": ["state:off:Aus:0:success",
        "btn": ["state:on:mdi-toggle-switch","state:off:mdi-toggle-switch-off-outline"],
        "menu": ["On:on","Off:off","Wlan 5 On:set FritzBox box_wlan_5GHz on","Wlan 5 Off:set FritzBox box_wlan_5GHz off"]

WZ.Kueche.FK             {
"template": "contact",
"name": "Fenster Küche",
"room": "EG->Wohnzimmer Kueche"
WZ.LI.Garten_Dim_V_02     {
  "template": "dimmer",
  "name": "Deckenbeleuchtung Esstisch",
  "room": "EG->Wohnzimmer Kueche"
WZ.LI.Strasse_Dim_V_02     {
  "template": "dimmer",
  "name": "Deckenbeleuchtung Sofa",
  "room": "EG->Wohnzimmer Kueche"
WZ_Temp_dummy            { "template": "chart", "dashboard": "true",
  "setup": { "daysAgo": 1, "lineWidth": 2, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"},
  "chartDef": ["myDbLog:(WZ.EG.WT:desiredTemperature):Soll:°C","myDbLog:(WZ.EG.WT:temperature):Ist:°C","myDbLog:(WZ.EG.WT:humidity):Luftfeuchte:%:secondary"] }
myLGW                    { "template": "hmlan", "room": "OG->Arbeitszimmer", "connected": { "watcher": "ActionDetector" } }

Ich habe FHEMApp komplett neu in das Verzeichnis "fhemapp" reinkopiert", "fhem.save" gelöscht , Browsercache gelöscht.

Gibt es eine Idee woran das liegt?

Gruss Gerald.
FHEM 6.2 auf NUC6CAYH, Fritzbox,
MAX-, Homematic-Komponenten, WLAN-Steckdosen mit Tasmota u. MQTT
Tablet UI3


Zitat von: BigGB am 07 Mai 2021, 19:29:19
ich hatte mir mal einen Raum angelegt "EG->Wohnzimmer/Kueche", da sind nie Geräte angezeigt worden, wahrscheinlich wegen des "/".  Ich hatte dann in allen Geräten dies auf "EG->Wohnzimmer Kueche geändert". Leider verschwindet der Bereich "EG->Wohnzimmer/Kueche" nicht..
Über "list appOptions!= appOptions" werden die Geräte wie folgt gelistet.
AZ.OG.FK                 {
"template": "contact",
"name": "Fenster AZ",
"room": "OG->Arbeitszimmer"
AZ.OG.HT                 {
"template": "thermometer",
"name": "Heizungsthermostat",
"room": "OG->Arbeitszimmer"
AZ.OG.WT                 {
  "name": "thermostat",
  "room": "OG->Arbeitszimmer",
  "status": {
    "bar": ["Connected.valve.Readings.pct.Value::%n:success"],
    "error": ["Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:^(?!alive):100:error:keine Verbindung"]
  "main": [
      "leftBtn": "mdi-minus",
      "leftClick": ["desiredTemperature:17.5:desiredTemperature %i-0.5","desiredTemperature::"],
      "leftLong": ["R-nightTemp::desiredTemperature %n.1"],
      "text": ["desiredTemperature::%n.1°C"],
      "rightBtn": "mdi-plus",
      "rightClick": ["desiredTemperature:25:","desiredTemperature::desiredTemperature %i0.5"],
      "rightLong": ["R-dayTemp::desiredTemperature %n.1"]
  "info": {
    "left1": ["tempState:day::mdi-weather-sunny","tempState:night::mdi-weather-night"],
    "left2": ["controlMode:auto::mdi-clock-time-four-outline"],
    "mid1": ["temperature::%n.1°C:mdi-thermometer"],
    "right1": ["Connected.receiver.Readings.battery.Value:ok::mdi-battery","Connected.receiver.Readings.battery.Value:::mdi-battery-10"],
    "right2": ["Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:alive::mdi-wifi","Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:::mdi-wifi-off"]
AZ_Temp_dummy            { "template": "chart", "dashboard": "true",
  "setup": { "daysAgo": 1, "lineWidth": 2, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"},
  "chartDef": ["myDbLog:(AZ.OG.HT:desiredTemperature):Soll:°C","myDbLog:(AZ.OG.HT:temperature):Ist:°C","myDbLog:(AZ.OG.HT:humidity):Luftfeuchte:%:secondary"] }
Bad.OG_Temp_dummy        { "template": "chart", "dashboard": "true",
  "setup": { "daysAgo": 1, "lineWidth": 2, "size": "col-14 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"},
  "chartDef": ["myDbLog:(Bad.OG.WT:desiredTemperature):Soll:°C","myDbLog:(Bad.OG.WT:temperature):Ist:°C","myDbLog:(Bad.OG.WT:humidity):Luftfeuchte:%:secondary"] }
Gefrierschrank           {
"template": "switch",
"room": "Keller",
"setup": {
    "bar": ["state:set_on:100:success","state:set_off:0:success"],
    "error": ["Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:^(?!alive):100:error:keine Verbindung"]
  "main": [
      "leftIcon": "mdi-power-off",
      "leftClick": ["state::set_off"],
      "text": ["state:set_on:an","state:set_off:aus","state::%s"],
      "rightIcon": "mdi-power-on",
      "rightClick": ["state::set_on"]
  "info": {
    "left1": ["state:set_on::mdi-power-plug","state:set_off::mdi-power-plug-off"],
    "left2": ["power:0.1:%n.2w"],
    "right2": ["Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:alive::mdi-wifi","Connected.receiver.Readings.Activity.Value:::mdi-wifi-off"]
Internetspeedtest        { "template": "chart",
  "dashboard": "true",
  "room": "Haus->System",
  "setup": { "daysAgo": 1, "lineWidth": 2, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"},
  "chartDef": ["myDbLog:(Internetspeedtest:download):Down:MBit","myDbLog:(Internetspeedtest:upload):Up:MBit","myDbLog:(Internetspeedtest:ping):Ping:ms:secondary"] }
PI_FHEM                  {
"template": "sysmon",
"system": true,
"setup": { "subTitle": ["cpu_model_name::%s"],
           "fhemBtns": true, "main": [
                           { "name": "CPU Auslastung:",
                             "bar": ["cpu_app::%n:success:0:100"],
                             "subText": ["cpu_app::%n.1 %"] },
                              { "name": "RAM Auslastung:", "bar": ["ram_app::%n:success:0:100"], "subText": ["ram_app::%n.1 %"] },
                              { "name": "CPU Temperatur:", "bar": ["cpu_temp::%n:success:0:100"], "subText": ["cpu_temp::%n.1 °C"] },
                              { "name": "Server läuft seit:", "subText": ["starttime_text::%s"] },
                              { "name": "FHEM läuft seit:", "subText": ["fhemstarttime_text::%s"] }
] } }
Rolllade.AZ              { "template": "shutter" }
SZ_Temp_dummy            { "template": "chart", "dashboard": "true",
  "setup": { "daysAgo": 1, "lineWidth": 2, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"},
  "chartDef": ["myDbLog:(SZ.OG.WT:desiredTemperature):Soll:°C","myDbLog:(SZ.OG.WT:temperature):Ist:°C","myDbLog:(SZ.OG.WT:humidity):Luftfeuchte:%:secondary"] }
WC.EG.FK                 {
"template": "contact",
"name": "Fenster Gäste WC",
"room": "EG->Gäste WC"
WLAN                     { "name": "WLAN",
  "room": "Haus->System",
  "connected": { "FritzBox": "Fritzbox_7590"},
      "panel": {
        "status": ["state:off:Aus:0:success",
        "btn": ["state:on:mdi-toggle-switch","state:off:mdi-toggle-switch-off-outline"],
        "menu": ["On:on","Off:off","Wlan 5 On:set FritzBox box_wlan_5GHz on","Wlan 5 Off:set FritzBox box_wlan_5GHz off"]

WZ.Kueche.FK             {
"template": "contact",
"name": "Fenster Küche",
"room": "EG->Wohnzimmer Kueche"
WZ.LI.Garten_Dim_V_02     {
  "template": "dimmer",
  "name": "Deckenbeleuchtung Esstisch",
  "room": "EG->Wohnzimmer Kueche"
WZ.LI.Strasse_Dim_V_02     {
  "template": "dimmer",
  "name": "Deckenbeleuchtung Sofa",
  "room": "EG->Wohnzimmer Kueche"
WZ_Temp_dummy            { "template": "chart", "dashboard": "true",
  "setup": { "daysAgo": 1, "lineWidth": 2, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"},
  "chartDef": ["myDbLog:(WZ.EG.WT:desiredTemperature):Soll:°C","myDbLog:(WZ.EG.WT:temperature):Ist:°C","myDbLog:(WZ.EG.WT:humidity):Luftfeuchte:%:secondary"] }
myLGW                    { "template": "hmlan", "room": "OG->Arbeitszimmer", "connected": { "watcher": "ActionDetector" } }

Ich habe FHEMApp komplett neu in das Verzeichnis "fhemapp" reinkopiert", "fhem.save" gelöscht , Browsercache gelöscht.

Gibt es eine Idee woran das liegt?

Gruss Gerald.

FHEMApp holt sich diese Daten (room bzw. group) aus den FHEM Attributen, sofern in appOptions nichts anderes definiert ist. Die Bezeichnung könnte also direkt aus FHEM kommen. In dem Chart, welches du konfiguriert hast, ist in appOptions kein "room" angegeben. Das wäre also ein Device, welches auf das entsprechende FHEM Attribut zurückgreift. Du kannst generell auch unterbinden, dass FHEMApp auf die FHEM Attribute zugreift.


Zitat von: jemu75 am 07 Mai 2021, 19:52:17
FHEMApp holt sich diese Daten (room bzw. group) aus den FHEM Attributen, sofern in appOptions nichts anderes definiert ist. Die Bezeichnung könnte also direkt aus FHEM kommen. In dem Chart, welches du konfiguriert hast, ist in appOptions kein "room" angegeben. Das wäre also ein Device, welches auf das entsprechende FHEM Attribut zurückgreift. Du kannst generell auch unterbinden, dass FHEMApp auf die FHEM Attribute zugreift.
danke, das wars.
FHEM 6.2 auf NUC6CAYH, Fritzbox,
MAX-, Homematic-Komponenten, WLAN-Steckdosen mit Tasmota u. MQTT
Tablet UI3


Hallo Jens,
darf ich nochmal Fragen: Ich habe ein ganz normales Panel. Der Bar des Panels ist so definiert, das er den Status des obersten Panelitems "ablinds" (Rollo) wiederspiegelt (die Öffnung des Rollos ist  Offen/25%/50%/75%/zu) .
Das funktioniert nur für alle Werte grösser '0'. Nur bei genau '0' zeigt der Panelbar '100'. Bitte schau Dir mal die Bilder an.
Entweder mache ich was falsch, oder da ist ein Bug drin.

Desweiteren wird der Panelbar nur nach einem refresh aktualisiert.

Hier der Debug code:{
"Name": "panelRollos",
"Internals": {
"FUUID": "607421d8-f33f-97bf-48b1-ac3fd97a00720cd7",
"NAME": "panelRollos",
"NR": "3367",
"STATE": "50",
"TYPE": "dummy"
"Readings": {
"Attributes": {
"alias": "Rollos",
"appOptions": "{ "template": "panel", "home": true, "dashboard": false, "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 120, "connected": { "ablinds": "AllBlinds", "BK": "Blind1_Kueche", "BS": "Blind1_Schlaf", "BW": "Blind1_Wohn"}, "setup": { "status": {"bar": ["Connected.ablinds.Readings.pct.Value::%n:success"], "error": [] }, "info": { "left1": ["Internals.TYPE:::mdi-blinds-open"] }, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4" } }",
"comment": "list appOptions!= appOptions",
"group": "fhemapp",
"room": "System"
"Options": {
"template": "panel",
"home": true,
"dashboard": false,
"group": "Fenster",
"sortby": 120,
"connected": {
"ablinds": "AllBlinds",
"BK": "Blind1_Kueche",
"BS": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"BW": "Blind1_Wohn"
"setup": {
"status": {
"bar": [
"error": [
"info": {
"left1": [
"size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"
"device": "panelRollos",
"name": "Rollos",
"status": {
"level": 0,
"color": "success",
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": "mdi-blinds-open",
"left1Text": "",
"left2Icon": "",
"left2Text": "",
"mid1Icon": "",
"mid1Text": "",
"mid2Icon": "",
"mid2Text": "",
"right1Icon": "",
"right1Text": "",
"right2Icon": "",
"right2Text": ""
"component": "templ_panel"
"Connected": {
"ablinds": {
"Name": "AllBlinds",
"Internals": {
"ATTR": "AllBlinds_struct",
"CHANGEDCNT": "922",
"DEF": "AllBlinds_struct Blind1_Kueche Blind1_Schlaf Blind1_Wohn",
"FUUID": "5ebc3f57-f33f-97bf-60ca-223576c17f28d7ac",
"NAME": "AllBlinds",
"NOTIFYDEV": "global,Blind1_Kueche,Blind1_Schlaf,Blind1_Wohn",
"NR": "3140",
"NTFY_ORDER": "50-AllBlinds",
"STATE": "0",
"TYPE": "structure"
"Readings": {
"LastDevice": {
"Value": "Blind1_Kueche",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"LastDevice_Abs": {
"Value": "Blind1_Kueche",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"state": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"Attributes": {
"alexaName": "Alle Rollos",
"alexaRoom": "Wohnung",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Alle", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:0:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-maximize"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"clientstate_behavior": "relative",
"clientstate_priority": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Alle Rollos", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 110, "dashboard": false}",
"devStateIcon": "100:fts_shutter_100@Gray:0 0:fts_window_2w@LightBlue off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue .:fts_window_2w@LightBlue 1.:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue 2.:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue 3.:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue 4.:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue 5.:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue 6.:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue 7.:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue 8.:fts_shutter_80@Gray 9.:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"fhem_widget_channels": "[{"controlled_attribute":"pct","allowed_values":["0","100"], "alias":"RolloUp|Dn","locations":["APP","WIDGET","WATCH"], "order":39}, {"controlled_attribute":"pct","allowed_values":[], "alias":"RolloUp|Dn","locations":["APP","WIDGET","WATCH"], "order":39}]",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,deCONZ",
"stateFormat": "pct",
"userReadings": "pct {int((ReadingsNum("Blind1_Kueche","pct",-1)+ReadingsNum("Blind1_Schlaf","pct",-1)+ReadingsNum("Blind1_Wohn","pct",-1))/3)}",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100"
"Options": {
"name": "Alle",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "AllBlinds",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
"mid1Icon": null,
"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null
"BK": {
"Name": "Blind1_Kueche",
"Internals": {
"DEF": "5 IODev=deCONZ",
"FUUID": "5ee7e83b-f33f-97bf-6948-f53419ecf2c4355d",
"FVERSION": "31_HUEDevice.pm:0.239120/2021-03-08",
"ID": "5",
"INTERVAL": "null",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"NAME": "Blind1_Kueche",
"NR": "3168",
"STATE": "off",
"TYPE": "HUEDevice",
"desired": "0",
"lastannounced": "2021-05-04T10:59:21Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"name": "Blind1_Kueche",
"swversion": "2.2.009",
"type": "Window covering device",
"uniqueid": "68:0a:e2:ff:fe:6a:d4:47-01"
"Readings": {
"IODev": {
"Value": "deCONZ",
"Time": "2021-05-07 01:07:25"
"bri": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"lastseen": {
"Value": "2021-05-08T19:06Z",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:42"
"onoff": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"reachable": {
"Value": "1",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:27"
"state": {
"Value": "off",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"Attributes": {
"AllBlinds_struct": "AllBlinds",
"AllBlinds_struct_map": "pct",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"alexaName": "Rollo Küche",
"alexaRoom": "Kueche",
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"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"color-icons": "2",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Rollo Küche", "room": "Küche", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 111, "dashboard": false} Echo, Rollo Schlaf auf Echo, Rollo Schlaf zu Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 25% Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 75%",
"devStateIcon": "off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue:on dim0.%:fts_window_2w@LightBlue dim1.%:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue dim2.%:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue dim3.%:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue dim4.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim5.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim6.%:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue dim7.%:fts_shutter_70@SteelBlue dim8.%:fts_shutter_80@Gray dim9.%:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"model": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,AllRooms->Kueche,deCONZ",
"userattr": "AllBlinds_struct AllBlinds_struct_map structexclude",
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"widgetOverride": "pct:slider,0,1,100"
"Options": {
"name": "Küche",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "Blind1_Kueche",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
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"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null
"BS": {
"Name": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"Internals": {
"DEF": "1 IODev=deCONZ",
"FUUID": "5ea0b4f1-f33f-97bf-b1cc-8b640b471d6628b4",
"FVERSION": "31_HUEDevice.pm:0.239120/2021-03-08",
"ID": "1",
"INTERVAL": "null",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"NAME": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"NR": "3132",
"STATE": "off",
"TYPE": "HUEDevice",
"desired": "0",
"lastannounced": "2021-05-04T10:05:52Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"name": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"swversion": "2.2.009",
"type": "Window covering device",
"uniqueid": "00:0b:3c:ff:fe:f7:bf:40-01"
"Readings": {
"IODev": {
"Value": "deCONZ",
"Time": "2021-05-07 01:07:25"
"bri": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:37"
"lastseen": {
"Value": "2021-05-08T19:05Z",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:42"
"onoff": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:37"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:37"
"reachable": {
"Value": "1",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:27"
"state": {
"Value": "off",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:37"
"Attributes": {
"AllBlinds_struct": "AllBlinds",
"AllBlinds_struct_map": "pct",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"alexaName": "Rollo Schlaf",
"alexaRoom": "Schlafzimmer",
"alias": "Schlaf",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Schlaf", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:0:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-maximize"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"color-icons": "2",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Rollo Schlafzimmer", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 112, "dashboard": false} TargetPosition=pct,invert=1,minValue=0,maxValue=100,delay=1000 clear CurrentPosition=pct,minValue=0,maxValue=100,minStep=25,invert=1 TargetPosition=pct,minValue=0,maxValue=100,minStep=25,cmd=pct,invert=1 Echo, Rollo Schlaf auf Echo, Rollo Schlaf zu Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 25% Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 75% Alexa Rollo Schlaf ganz hoch Alexa Rollo Schlaf ganz runter Alexa fahre Rollo Schlaf hoch Alexa fahre Rollo Schlaf runter devStateIcon {(HUEDevice_devStateIcon($name),"toggle")} widgetOverride pct:slider,0,1,100 FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"devStateIcon": "off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue:on dim0.%:fts_window_2w@LightBlue dim1.%:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue dim2.%:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue dim3.%:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue dim4.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim5.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim6.%:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue dim7.%:fts_shutter_70@SteelBlue dim8.%:fts_shutter_80@Gray dim9.%:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"model": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,AllRooms->Schlafzimmer,deCONZ",
"userattr": "AllBlinds_struct AllBlinds_struct_map structexclude",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100",
"widgetOverride": "pct:slider,0,1,100"
"Options": {
"name": "Schlaf",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
"mid1Icon": null,
"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null
"BW": {
"Name": "Blind1_Wohn",
"Internals": {
"DEF": "6 IODev=deCONZ",
"FUUID": "5ea0b80b-f33f-97bf-6914-a18a3610b8158c28",
"FVERSION": "31_HUEDevice.pm:0.239120/2021-03-08",
"ID": "6",
"INTERVAL": "null",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"NAME": "Blind1_Wohn",
"NR": "3133",
"STATE": "off",
"TYPE": "HUEDevice",
"desired": "0",
"lastannounced": "2021-05-02T12:04:57Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "KADRILJ roller blind",
"name": "Blind1_Wohn",
"swversion": "2.2.009",
"type": "Window covering device",
"uniqueid": "00:0d:6f:ff:fe:8e:8d:ef-01"
"Readings": {
"IODev": {
"Value": "deCONZ",
"Time": "2021-05-07 01:07:25"
"bri": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:29"
"lastseen": {
"Value": "2021-05-08T19:06Z",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:42"
"onoff": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:29"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:29"
"reachable": {
"Value": "1",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:27"
"state": {
"Value": "off",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:29"
"Attributes": {
"AllBlinds_struct": "AllBlinds",
"AllBlinds_struct_map": "pct",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"alexaName": "Rollo Wohn",
"alexaRoom": "Wohnzimmer",
"alias": "Wohn",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Wohn", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:0:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-maximize"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"color-icons": "1",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Rollo Wohnzimmer", "room": "Wohnzimmer", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 113, "dashboard": false} webCmd pct0:pct12:pct25:pct37:pct50:pct62:pct75:pct87:pct100 eventMap /pct 0:pct0/pct 12:pct12/pct 25:pct25/pct 37:pct37/pct 50:pct50/pct 62:pct62/pct 75:pct75/pct 87:pct87/pct 100:pct100/ cmdIcon pct0:fts_window_2w pct87:fts_shutter_80 pct75:fts_shutter_70 pct62:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_50 pct37:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct12:fts_shutter_10 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"devStateIcon": "off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue:on dim0.%:fts_window_2w@LightBlue dim1.%:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue dim2.%:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue dim3.%:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue dim4.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim5.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim6.%:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue dim7.%:fts_shutter_70@SteelBlue dim8.%:fts_shutter_80@Gray dim9.%:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"model": "KADRILJ roller blind",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,AllRooms->Wohnzimmer,deCONZ",
"userattr": "AllBlinds_struct AllBlinds_struct_map structexclude",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100",
"widgetOverride": "pct:slider,0,1,100"
"Options": {
"name": "Wohn",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "Blind1_Wohn",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
"mid1Icon": null,
"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null
Bullseye auf iNUC, Homematic + HMIP(UART/HMUSB), Debmatic, HUEBridge, Zigbee/Conbee III, FB7690, Alexa (fhem-lazy), Livetracking, LaCrosse JeeLink, LoRaWan / TTN / Chirpstack, Sonos, ESPresence


Zitat von: Jamo am 08 Mai 2021, 21:15:52
Hallo Jens,
darf ich nochmal Fragen: Ich habe ein ganz normales Panel. Der Bar des Panels ist so definiert, das er den Status des obersten Panelitems "ablinds" (Rollo) wiederspiegelt (die Öffnung des Rollos ist  Offen/25%/50%/75%/zu) .
Das funktioniert nur für alle Werte grösser '0'. Nur bei genau '0' zeigt der Panelbar '100'. Bitte schau Dir mal die Bilder an.
Entweder mache ich was falsch, oder da ist ein Bug drin.

Desweiteren wird der Panelbar nur nach einem refresh aktualisiert.

Hier der Debug code:{
"Name": "panelRollos",
"Internals": {
"FUUID": "607421d8-f33f-97bf-48b1-ac3fd97a00720cd7",
"NAME": "panelRollos",
"NR": "3367",
"STATE": "50",
"TYPE": "dummy"
"Readings": {
"Attributes": {
"alias": "Rollos",
"appOptions": "{ "template": "panel", "home": true, "dashboard": false, "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 120, "connected": { "ablinds": "AllBlinds", "BK": "Blind1_Kueche", "BS": "Blind1_Schlaf", "BW": "Blind1_Wohn"}, "setup": { "status": {"bar": ["Connected.ablinds.Readings.pct.Value::%n:success"], "error": [] }, "info": { "left1": ["Internals.TYPE:::mdi-blinds-open"] }, "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4" } }",
"comment": "list appOptions!= appOptions",
"group": "fhemapp",
"room": "System"
"Options": {
"template": "panel",
"home": true,
"dashboard": false,
"group": "Fenster",
"sortby": 120,
"connected": {
"ablinds": "AllBlinds",
"BK": "Blind1_Kueche",
"BS": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"BW": "Blind1_Wohn"
"setup": {
"status": {
"bar": [
"error": [
"info": {
"left1": [
"size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4"
"device": "panelRollos",
"name": "Rollos",
"status": {
"level": 0,
"color": "success",
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": "mdi-blinds-open",
"left1Text": "",
"left2Icon": "",
"left2Text": "",
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"mid1Text": "",
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"mid2Text": "",
"right1Icon": "",
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"right2Icon": "",
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"component": "templ_panel"
"Connected": {
"ablinds": {
"Name": "AllBlinds",
"Internals": {
"ATTR": "AllBlinds_struct",
"CHANGEDCNT": "922",
"DEF": "AllBlinds_struct Blind1_Kueche Blind1_Schlaf Blind1_Wohn",
"FUUID": "5ebc3f57-f33f-97bf-60ca-223576c17f28d7ac",
"NAME": "AllBlinds",
"NOTIFYDEV": "global,Blind1_Kueche,Blind1_Schlaf,Blind1_Wohn",
"NR": "3140",
"NTFY_ORDER": "50-AllBlinds",
"STATE": "0",
"TYPE": "structure"
"Readings": {
"LastDevice": {
"Value": "Blind1_Kueche",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"LastDevice_Abs": {
"Value": "Blind1_Kueche",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"state": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"Attributes": {
"alexaName": "Alle Rollos",
"alexaRoom": "Wohnung",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Alle", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:0:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-maximize"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"clientstate_behavior": "relative",
"clientstate_priority": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Alle Rollos", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 110, "dashboard": false}",
"devStateIcon": "100:fts_shutter_100@Gray:0 0:fts_window_2w@LightBlue off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue .:fts_window_2w@LightBlue 1.:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue 2.:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue 3.:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue 4.:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue 5.:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue 6.:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue 7.:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue 8.:fts_shutter_80@Gray 9.:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"fhem_widget_channels": "[{"controlled_attribute":"pct","allowed_values":["0","100"], "alias":"RolloUp|Dn","locations":["APP","WIDGET","WATCH"], "order":39}, {"controlled_attribute":"pct","allowed_values":[], "alias":"RolloUp|Dn","locations":["APP","WIDGET","WATCH"], "order":39}]",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,deCONZ",
"stateFormat": "pct",
"userReadings": "pct {int((ReadingsNum("Blind1_Kueche","pct",-1)+ReadingsNum("Blind1_Schlaf","pct",-1)+ReadingsNum("Blind1_Wohn","pct",-1))/3)}",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100"
"Options": {
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"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
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"right1Text": null,
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"BK": {
"Name": "Blind1_Kueche",
"Internals": {
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"FUUID": "5ee7e83b-f33f-97bf-6948-f53419ecf2c4355d",
"FVERSION": "31_HUEDevice.pm:0.239120/2021-03-08",
"ID": "5",
"INTERVAL": "null",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"NAME": "Blind1_Kueche",
"NR": "3168",
"STATE": "off",
"TYPE": "HUEDevice",
"desired": "0",
"lastannounced": "2021-05-04T10:59:21Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"name": "Blind1_Kueche",
"swversion": "2.2.009",
"type": "Window covering device",
"uniqueid": "68:0a:e2:ff:fe:6a:d4:47-01"
"Readings": {
"IODev": {
"Value": "deCONZ",
"Time": "2021-05-07 01:07:25"
"bri": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"lastseen": {
"Value": "2021-05-08T19:06Z",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:42"
"onoff": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"reachable": {
"Value": "1",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:27"
"state": {
"Value": "off",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:38"
"Attributes": {
"AllBlinds_struct": "AllBlinds",
"AllBlinds_struct_map": "pct",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"alexaName": "Rollo Küche",
"alexaRoom": "Kueche",
"alias": "Küche",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Küche", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:0:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-maximize"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"color-icons": "2",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Rollo Küche", "room": "Küche", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 111, "dashboard": false} Echo, Rollo Schlaf auf Echo, Rollo Schlaf zu Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 25% Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 75%",
"devStateIcon": "off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue:on dim0.%:fts_window_2w@LightBlue dim1.%:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue dim2.%:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue dim3.%:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue dim4.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim5.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim6.%:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue dim7.%:fts_shutter_70@SteelBlue dim8.%:fts_shutter_80@Gray dim9.%:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"model": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,AllRooms->Kueche,deCONZ",
"userattr": "AllBlinds_struct AllBlinds_struct_map structexclude",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100",
"widgetOverride": "pct:slider,0,1,100"
"Options": {
"name": "Küche",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "Blind1_Kueche",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
"mid1Icon": null,
"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null
"BS": {
"Name": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"Internals": {
"DEF": "1 IODev=deCONZ",
"FUUID": "5ea0b4f1-f33f-97bf-b1cc-8b640b471d6628b4",
"FVERSION": "31_HUEDevice.pm:0.239120/2021-03-08",
"ID": "1",
"INTERVAL": "null",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"NAME": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"NR": "3132",
"STATE": "off",
"TYPE": "HUEDevice",
"desired": "0",
"lastannounced": "2021-05-04T10:05:52Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"name": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"swversion": "2.2.009",
"type": "Window covering device",
"uniqueid": "00:0b:3c:ff:fe:f7:bf:40-01"
"Readings": {
"IODev": {
"Value": "deCONZ",
"Time": "2021-05-07 01:07:25"
"bri": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:37"
"lastseen": {
"Value": "2021-05-08T19:05Z",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:42"
"onoff": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:37"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:37"
"reachable": {
"Value": "1",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:27"
"state": {
"Value": "off",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:37"
"Attributes": {
"AllBlinds_struct": "AllBlinds",
"AllBlinds_struct_map": "pct",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"alexaName": "Rollo Schlaf",
"alexaRoom": "Schlafzimmer",
"alias": "Schlaf",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Schlaf", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:0:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-maximize"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"color-icons": "2",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Rollo Schlafzimmer", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 112, "dashboard": false} TargetPosition=pct,invert=1,minValue=0,maxValue=100,delay=1000 clear CurrentPosition=pct,minValue=0,maxValue=100,minStep=25,invert=1 TargetPosition=pct,minValue=0,maxValue=100,minStep=25,cmd=pct,invert=1 Echo, Rollo Schlaf auf Echo, Rollo Schlaf zu Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 25% Echo Rollo Schlaf auf 75% Alexa Rollo Schlaf ganz hoch Alexa Rollo Schlaf ganz runter Alexa fahre Rollo Schlaf hoch Alexa fahre Rollo Schlaf runter devStateIcon {(HUEDevice_devStateIcon($name),"toggle")} widgetOverride pct:slider,0,1,100 FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"devStateIcon": "off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue:on dim0.%:fts_window_2w@LightBlue dim1.%:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue dim2.%:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue dim3.%:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue dim4.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim5.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim6.%:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue dim7.%:fts_shutter_70@SteelBlue dim8.%:fts_shutter_80@Gray dim9.%:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"model": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,AllRooms->Schlafzimmer,deCONZ",
"userattr": "AllBlinds_struct AllBlinds_struct_map structexclude",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100",
"widgetOverride": "pct:slider,0,1,100"
"Options": {
"name": "Schlaf",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "Blind1_Schlaf",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
"mid1Icon": null,
"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null
"BW": {
"Name": "Blind1_Wohn",
"Internals": {
"DEF": "6 IODev=deCONZ",
"FUUID": "5ea0b80b-f33f-97bf-6914-a18a3610b8158c28",
"FVERSION": "31_HUEDevice.pm:0.239120/2021-03-08",
"ID": "6",
"INTERVAL": "null",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"NAME": "Blind1_Wohn",
"NR": "3133",
"STATE": "off",
"TYPE": "HUEDevice",
"desired": "0",
"lastannounced": "2021-05-02T12:04:57Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "KADRILJ roller blind",
"name": "Blind1_Wohn",
"swversion": "2.2.009",
"type": "Window covering device",
"uniqueid": "00:0d:6f:ff:fe:8e:8d:ef-01"
"Readings": {
"IODev": {
"Value": "deCONZ",
"Time": "2021-05-07 01:07:25"
"bri": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:29"
"lastseen": {
"Value": "2021-05-08T19:06Z",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:42"
"onoff": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:29"
"pct": {
"Value": "0",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:29"
"reachable": {
"Value": "1",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:27"
"state": {
"Value": "off",
"Time": "2021-05-08 21:06:29"
"Attributes": {
"AllBlinds_struct": "AllBlinds",
"AllBlinds_struct_map": "pct",
"IODev": "deCONZ",
"alexaName": "Rollo Wohn",
"alexaRoom": "Wohnzimmer",
"alias": "Wohn",
"appOptions": "{ "name": "Wohn", "panel": { "status": ["pct:94:Geschlossen:100:success","pct:70:75%:75:success","pct:45:50%:50:success","pct:21:25%:25:success","pct:0:Geöffnet:0:success"], "btn": ["pct:94:mdi-window-shutter","pct:70:mdi-chevron-triple-down","pct:45:mdi-chevron-double-down","pct:20:mdi-chevron-down","pct:0:mdi-window-maximize"], "menu": ["Auf:pct 0","25%:pct 25","50%:pct 50","75%:pct 75","Zu:pct 100"] }}",
"cmdIcon": "pct0:fts_window_2w pct75:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"color-icons": "1",
"comment": "{ "template": "blind", "name": "Rollo Wohnzimmer", "room": "Wohnzimmer", "group": "Fenster", "sortby": 113, "dashboard": false} webCmd pct0:pct12:pct25:pct37:pct50:pct62:pct75:pct87:pct100 eventMap /pct 0:pct0/pct 12:pct12/pct 25:pct25/pct 37:pct37/pct 50:pct50/pct 62:pct62/pct 75:pct75/pct 87:pct87/pct 100:pct100/ cmdIcon pct0:fts_window_2w pct87:fts_shutter_80 pct75:fts_shutter_70 pct62:fts_shutter_60 pct50:fts_shutter_50 pct37:fts_shutter_40 pct25:fts_shutter_20 pct12:fts_shutter_10 pct100:fts_shutter_100",
"devStateIcon": "off:fts_window_2w@LightBlue:on dim0.%:fts_window_2w@LightBlue dim1.%:fts_shutter_10@LightBlue dim2.%:fts_shutter_20@LightSkyBlue dim3.%:fts_shutter_30@LightSkyBlue dim4.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim5.%:fts_shutter_40@CornFlowerBlue dim6.%:fts_shutter_60@SteelBlue dim7.%:fts_shutter_70@SteelBlue dim8.%:fts_shutter_80@Gray dim9.%:fts_shutter_90@Gray on:fts_shutter_100@Gray:off",
"event-on-change-reading": "pct:5",
"eventMap": "/pct 0:pct0/pct 25:pct25/pct 50:pct50/pct 75:pct75/pct 100:pct100/",
"genericDeviceType": "blind",
"group": "ROLLOS",
"model": "KADRILJ roller blind",
"room": "Alexa,Favourites,AllRooms->Wohnzimmer,deCONZ",
"userattr": "AllBlinds_struct AllBlinds_struct_map structexclude",
"webCmd": "pct0:pct25:pct50:pct75:pct100",
"widgetOverride": "pct:slider,0,1,100"
"Options": {
"name": "Wohn",
"panel": {
"status": [...],
"btn": [...],
"menu": [...]
"device": "Blind1_Wohn",
"sortby": "zzz",
"status": {
"level": null,
"color": null,
"isActive": true,
"error": null
"info": {
"left1Icon": null,
"left1Text": null,
"left2Icon": null,
"left2Text": null,
"mid1Icon": null,
"mid1Text": null,
"mid2Icon": null,
"mid2Text": null,
"right1Icon": null,
"right1Text": null,
"right2Icon": null,
"right2Text": null

Das sieht mir nach einem Bug aus. Das das Panel bei dem Wert auf 100 springt liegt daran, dass hier die Standardeinstellung für Panels greift. Also wenn nichts definiert ist, ist jedes Panel auf 100% und success voreingestellt. Ich denke, zu wissen wo es klemmt. Lösung kommt dann mit dem nächsten Release.  :)


Zitat von: jemu75 am 08 Mai 2021, 22:53:32
Das sieht mir nach einem Bug aus. Das das Panel bei dem Wert auf 100 springt liegt daran, dass hier die Standardeinstellung für Panels greift. Also wenn nichts definiert ist, ist jedes Panel auf 100% und success voreingestellt. Ich denke, zu wissen wo es klemmt. Lösung kommt dann mit dem nächsten Release.  :)
Hallo Jens,
danke für den schnellen fix. Das funktioniert schonmal für den Fall das was definiert ist und der Wert 0 ist.

Aber wenn jetzt nichts definiert ist, greift der default (sobald eine Farbe nicht success ist, dann nimmt der Bar diese Farbe an) nicht mehr :
attr panelWindows appOptions { "template": "panel",  "home": true,  "dashboard": false,  "room": "hidden",  "group": "Fenster",  "sortby": 130,  "connected": { "WB": "Window1_Bad", "WF": "Window1_Flur",  "WK": "Window1_Kueche", "WS": "Window1_Schlaf",  "WW1": "Window1_Wohn", "WW2": "Window2_Wohn"}, "setup": { "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4", "info": { "left1": ["Internals.STATE:::mdi-window-closed-variant"], "mid1": ["lastRoom::%s:mdi-floor-plan"], "right1": ["lastOpen::%s:mdi-timer"] } } }

Bullseye auf iNUC, Homematic + HMIP(UART/HMUSB), Debmatic, HUEBridge, Zigbee/Conbee III, FB7690, Alexa (fhem-lazy), Livetracking, LaCrosse JeeLink, LoRaWan / TTN / Chirpstack, Sonos, ESPresence


Zitat von: Jamo am 08 Mai 2021, 23:43:35
Hallo Jens,
danke für den schnellen fix. Das funktioniert schonmal für den Fall das was definiert ist und der Wert 0 ist.

Aber wenn jetzt nichts definiert ist, greift der default (sobald eine Farbe nicht success ist, dann nimmt der Bar diese Farbe an) nicht mehr :
attr panelWindows appOptions { "template": "panel",  "home": true,  "dashboard": false,  "room": "hidden",  "group": "Fenster",  "sortby": 130,  "connected": { "WB": "Window1_Bad", "WF": "Window1_Flur",  "WK": "Window1_Kueche", "WS": "Window1_Schlaf",  "WW1": "Window1_Wohn", "WW2": "Window2_Wohn"}, "setup": { "size": "col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-4", "info": { "left1": ["Internals.STATE:::mdi-window-closed-variant"], "mid1": ["lastRoom::%s:mdi-floor-plan"], "right1": ["lastOpen::%s:mdi-timer"] } } }

Stimmt, hier muss ich das "Level" dann auch auf 100 setzen. Mach ich mit fertig.


Zitat von: jemu75 am 09 Mai 2021, 07:46:28
Stimmt, hier muss ich das "Level" dann auch auf 100 setzen. Mach ich mit fertig.
Hallo Jens, danke.
Kannst Du evtl auch nochmal schauen, warum der Panelbar nicht in realtime updated, wenn sich der Status (der level) der Rollo Panelitems ändert? Es funktioniert ja, wenn sich die Farbe ändert, hier aber nicht, wenn sich der connected Panelitem value ändert. Bei den Standard templates funktionierts.
Danke und weiterhin einen schönen Muttertag.
Bullseye auf iNUC, Homematic + HMIP(UART/HMUSB), Debmatic, HUEBridge, Zigbee/Conbee III, FB7690, Alexa (fhem-lazy), Livetracking, LaCrosse JeeLink, LoRaWan / TTN / Chirpstack, Sonos, ESPresence


Zitat von: Jamo am 09 Mai 2021, 09:54:08
Hallo Jens, danke.
Kannst Du evtl auch nochmal schauen, warum der Panelbar nicht in realtime updated, wenn sich der Status (der level) der Rollo Panelitems ändert? Es funktioniert ja, wenn sich die Farbe ändert, hier aber nicht, wenn sich der connected Panelitem value ändert. Bei den Standard templates funktionierts.
Danke und weiterhin einen schönen Muttertag.

Irgendwie verstehe ich das noch nicht ganz. Das Level der PanelItems hat keinen Einfluss auf das Level des Panels. Hier habe ich auch gar keine Logik eingebaut. 
Lediglich die Farbe der PanelItems (wenn nicht success) wird auf das Panel übertragen - mehr nicht.
Alternativ kannst du natürlich die "bar" im Panel selbst definieren.
Melde dich bitte, wenn ich was falsch verstanden habe.  :)


Zitat von: jemu75 am 09 Mai 2021, 22:44:59
Irgendwie verstehe ich das noch nicht ganz. Das Level der PanelItems hat keinen Einfluss auf das Level des Panels. Hier habe ich auch gar keine Logik eingebaut. 
Lediglich die Farbe der PanelItems (wenn nicht success) wird auf das Panel übertragen - mehr nicht.
Alternativ kannst du natürlich die "bar" im Panel selbst definieren.
Melde dich bitte, wenn ich was falsch verstanden habe.  :)

Ja, das habe ich wahrscheinlich falsch erklaert. Genau wie Du sagst, habe ich die Bar im Panel selbst definiert. Ich habe allerdings für die definition des Bars, das Reading "pct" des Panelitems "ablinds" genommen, daher die Verwirrung. Hier die gekürzte Definition des Bars im Panel:
Zitat{ "template": "panel", ...., "connected": { "ablinds": "AllBlinds", "BK": "Blind1_Kueche", ...}, "setup": { "status": {"bar": ["Connected.ablinds.Readings.pct.Value::%n:success"], "error": [] }, "info": {  } } }

Der Wert vom Panel Bar wird korrekt angezeigt, aber erst mit Browser refresh. Ich dachte, das wenn man den Panel Bar selbst definiert, würde dieser auch direkt auf Änderungen des readings "pct" reagieren, wie das normalerweise bei eigenen Definitionen des Bars ja auch der Fall ist.

Melde dich bitte, wenn ich was falsch erklaert habe.  :)

Beste Grüsse, Jamo
Bullseye auf iNUC, Homematic + HMIP(UART/HMUSB), Debmatic, HUEBridge, Zigbee/Conbee III, FB7690, Alexa (fhem-lazy), Livetracking, LaCrosse JeeLink, LoRaWan / TTN / Chirpstack, Sonos, ESPresence


Zitat von: Jamo am 10 Mai 2021, 09:19:10
Ja, das habe ich wahrscheinlich falsch erklaert. Genau wie Du sagst, habe ich die Bar im Panel selbst definiert. Ich habe allerdings für die definition des Bars, das Reading "pct" des Panelitems "ablinds" genommen, daher die Verwirrung. Hier die gekürzte Definition des Bars im Panel:
Der Wert vom Panel Bar wird korrekt angezeigt, aber erst mit Browser refresh. Ich dachte, das wenn man den Panel Bar selbst definiert, würde dieser auch direkt auf Änderungen des readings "pct" reagieren, wie das normalerweise bei eigenen Definitionen des Bars ja auch der Fall ist.

Melde dich bitte, wenn ich was falsch erklaert habe.  :)

Beste Grüsse, Jamo

Okay, jetzt habe ich das verstanden. Das sollte  normaler Weise funktionieren, so wie du dir das vorstellst. Bitte in solchen Fällen sicherheitshalber immer in FHEMweb prüfen, ob das betreffende Reading dort auch aktualisiert wird. Es gab schon Fälle, in denen in FHEM das Attribut event-on-change-reading verhindert hat, dass das gewünschte Reading aktualisiert wurde. Sollte das Reading in FHEM korrekt aktualisiert werden, dann gib bitte Bescheid. Ich schau mir das dann an.  :)


Zitat von: jemu75 am 10 Mai 2021, 09:31:20
Okay, jetzt habe ich das verstanden. Das sollte  normaler Weise funktionieren, so wie du dir das vorstellst. Bitte in solchen Fällen sicherheitshalber immer in FHEMweb prüfen, ob das betreffende Reading dort auch aktualisiert wird. Es gab schon Fälle, in denen in FHEM das Attribut event-on-change-reading verhindert hat, dass das gewünschte Reading aktualisiert wurde. Sollte das Reading in FHEM korrekt aktualisiert werden, dann gib bitte Bescheid. Ich schau mir das dann an.  :)
Hallo Jens, ja das reading "pct" wird in FHEM aktualisiert habe ich ge-checkt, gerade auch nochmal. Nachdem Du mich da vor 6 Wochen schon mal draufgestossen hattest, mach ich das jetzt immer als erstes, das wäre mir sonst peinlich! Danke schonmal,
Bullseye auf iNUC, Homematic + HMIP(UART/HMUSB), Debmatic, HUEBridge, Zigbee/Conbee III, FB7690, Alexa (fhem-lazy), Livetracking, LaCrosse JeeLink, LoRaWan / TTN / Chirpstack, Sonos, ESPresence


Zitat von: Jamo am 10 Mai 2021, 09:51:29
Hallo Jens, ja das reading "pct" wird in FHEM aktualisiert habe ich ge-checkt, gerade auch nochmal. Nachdem Du mich da vor 6 Wochen schon mal draufgestossen hattest, mach ich das jetzt immer als erstes, das wäre mir sonst peinlich! Danke schonmal,

Super Arbeiten mit dir. Gut, dann schaue ich mir das heute mal mit an. Bis später  :)