Fhem Absturz beim löschen vom MQTT Devices

Begonnen von xerion, 31 Dezember 2019, 23:06:30

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hallo zusammen,

ich habe folgendes Problem. Seit ein paar Tagen rüste ich auf MQTT2_FHEM_Server um damit ich die schönen AttrTemplates für meine Sonoffs Shutters nutzen kann. Das funktioniert auch soweit so gut.
Aber wenn ich nun meine alten Mosquitto/Tasmota_Devives löschen möchte stürzt FHEM sofort ab. Zusätzlich braucht mein Fhem über zwei Minuten zum starten, ich weis aber nicht inwiefern das zusammenhängt.

Das müsste der Auszug vom Log ab Abstuz sein. Hätte vielleicht jemand eine Idee?
Undefined subroutine &TASMOTA::DEVICE::client_unsubscribe_topic called at ./FHEM/10_TASMOTA_DEVICE.pm line 151.
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: reload: Error:Modul 99_FRITZMAC deactivated:
Illegal declaration of anonymous subroutine at ./FHEM/99_FRITZMAC.pm line 14.

2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: PERL WARNING: "my" variable $speicherWert masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./FHEM/99_SpritalarmUtils.pm line 377.
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: PERL WARNING: "my" variable $save masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./FHEM/99_SpritalarmUtils.pm line 378.
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: PERL WARNING: "my" variable $speicherWert masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./FHEM/99_SpritalarmUtils.pm line 681.
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: PERL WARNING: "my" variable $sec masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./FHEM/99_SpritalarmUtils.pm line 688.
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: PERL WARNING: "my" variable $min masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./FHEM/99_SpritalarmUtils.pm line 688.
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: PERL WARNING: "my" variable $hour masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./FHEM/99_SpritalarmUtils.pm line 688.
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine myUtils_Initialize redefined at ./FHEM/99_myUtils.pm line 15.
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine checkAllFritzMACpresent redefined at ./FHEM/99_myUtils.pm line 20.
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: Including fhem.cfg
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: reload: Error:Modul 99_FRITZMAC deactivated:
Illegal declaration of anonymous subroutine at ./FHEM/99_FRITZMAC.pm line 14, <$fh> line 13.

2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine myUtils_Initialize redefined at ./FHEM/99_FRITZ_MAC.pm line 15, <$fh> line 13.
2019.12.31 22:59:18 1: PERL WARNING: Subroutine checkAllFritzMACpresent redefined at ./FHEM/99_FRITZ_MAC.pm line 20, <$fh> line 13.
2019.12.31 22:59:19 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2019.12.31 22:59:20 2: eventTypes: loaded 9433 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2019.12.31 22:59:20 3: ANNEKEN: Defined with URL https://www.clever-tanken.de/tankstelle_details/3704 and interval 300 featurelevel 5.9
2019.12.31 22:59:20 3: Kostal: Defined with URL and interval 60 featurelevel 5.9
2019.12.31 22:59:21 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2019.12.31 22:59:22 3: SENEC_Kontakte: Defined with URL and interval 60 featurelevel 5.9
2019.12.31 22:59:22 3: SENEC_Kontakte: set attr reading01Regex "POWER_ON":\["[\xu8]+_[0-9]([0-9]) created warning: Illegal hexadecimal digit 'u' ignored at ./FHEM/98_HTTPMOD.pm line 649, <$fh> line 1083.

2019.12.31 22:59:22 3: SENEC_Kontakte: set attr reading02Regex "POWER_ON":\["[\xu8]+_[0-9]+","[\xu8]+_[0-9]([0-9])" created warning: Illegal hexadecimal digit 'u' ignored at ./FHEM/98_HTTPMOD.pm line 649, <$fh> line 1085.

2019.12.31 22:59:22 3: SENEC_Kontakte: set attr reading02Regex "POWER_ON":\["[\xu8]+_[0-9]+","[\xu8]+_[0-9]([0-9])" created warning: Illegal hexadecimal digit 'u' ignored at ./FHEM/98_HTTPMOD.pm line 649, <$fh> line 1085.

2019.12.31 22:59:23 3: SENEC_Information: Defined with URL and interval 60 featurelevel 5.9
2019.12.31 22:59:23 3: Miele_API3: Defined with URL https://api.mcs3.miele.com/v1/devices/?language=de and interval 60
featurelevel 5.9
2019.12.31 22:59:26 3: TelegramBot_Define teleBot: called
2019.12.31 22:59:26 3: LEX: Defined with URL https://www.clever-tanken.de/tankstelle_details/100945 and interval 300 featurelevel 5.9
2019.12.31 22:59:27 3: WEBhook: port 8088 opened
2019.12.31 22:59:32 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2019.12.31 22:59:32 3: Opening nanoCUL433 device /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.2:1.0-port0
2019.12.31 22:59:32 3: Setting nanoCUL433 serial parameters to 38400,8,N,1
2019.12.31 22:59:35 3: nanoCUL433: Possible commands: ABCeFfGiKLlMNRTtUVWXx
2019.12.31 22:59:35 3: nanoCUL433 device opened
2019.12.31 22:59:36 3: Opening SIGNALDuino433 device /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.3:1.0-port0
2019.12.31 22:59:36 3: Setting SIGNALDuino433 serial parameters to 57600,8,N,1
2019.12.31 22:59:36 1: SIGNALDuino433: DoInit, /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.3:1.0-port0@57600
2019.12.31 22:59:36 1: SIGNALDuino433: DoInit, /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.3:1.0-port0@57600
2019.12.31 22:59:36 3: SIGNALDuino433 device opened
2019.12.31 22:59:36 3: SIGNALDuino433: Attr, setting Verbose to: 0
2019.12.31 22:59:36 3: Opening Anrufliste device
2019.12.31 22:59:36 1: PERL WARNING: TASMOTA::DEVICE::Expand() called too early to check prototype at ./FHEM/10_TASMOTA_DEVICE.pm line 283, <$fh> line 1912.
2019.12.31 22:59:36 1: PERL WARNING: TASMOTA::DEVICE::Expand() called too early to check prototype at ./FHEM/10_TASMOTA_DEVICE.pm line 289, <$fh> line 1912.
2019.12.31 22:59:38 3: SENEC_Statistik: Defined with URL and interval 60 featurelevel 5.9
2019.12.31 22:59:40 3: WEB_DB: port 8081 opened
2019.12.31 22:59:42 2: Registering GEOFANCY geofancy for URL /geo...
2019.12.31 22:59:43 3: AMADCommBridge (AMADBridge) - defined AMADCommBridge with Socketport 8090
2019.12.31 22:59:43 3: AMADBridge: port 8090 opened
2019.12.31 22:59:43 3: AMADCommBridge (AMADBridge) - Socket opened.
2019.12.31 22:59:43 3: AMADDevice (Fire7) - I/O device is AMADBridge
2019.12.31 22:59:43 3: AMADDevice (Fire7) - set remoteServer to Automagic
2019.12.31 22:59:43 3: AMADDevice (Fire7) - defined with AMAD_ID: 1558896666935 on port 8090
2019.12.31 22:59:43 3: AMADDevice (Fire7) - set remoteServer to Automagic
2019.12.31 22:59:44 1: PERL WARNING: "my" variable $fields masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./FHEM/42_FUIP.pm line 3672, <$fh> line 3056.
2019.12.31 22:59:44 3: FUIP: Registering FUIP for URL /fuip
2019.12.31 22:59:44 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in lc at fhem.pl line 5357.
2019.12.31 22:59:45 1: FULLY: [Fully] Version 1.40 Opening device
2019.12.31 22:59:46 3: TelegramBot_Define teleBot_klingel: called
2019.12.31 22:59:47 2: Thermostat_HWR: Unknown sensor device Temperatur_HWR specified
2019.12.31 22:59:47 2: Thermostat_Kueche: Unknown sensor device Temperatur_Kueche specified
2019.12.31 22:59:47 2: Thermostat_Kueche: Unknown sensor2 device fenster_kueche specified
2019.12.31 22:59:47 2: Thermostat_Flur: Unknown sensor device Temperatur_Flur specified
2019.12.31 22:59:47 3: Opening JeeLinkLaCrosse device /dev/serial/by-id/usb-SHK_JeeLink_LaCrosse-if00-port0
2019.12.31 22:59:47 3: Setting JeeLinkLaCrosse serial parameters to 57600,8,N,1
2019.12.31 22:59:48 3: JeeLinkLaCrosse device opened
2019.12.31 22:59:48 3: Temperatur_Flur: I/O device is JeeLinkLaCrosse
2019.12.31 22:59:48 1: PERL WARNING: Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here (and will be fatal in Perl 5.30), passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^SonoffBridge.*:.*:.{ <-- HERE .*}$/ at ./FHEM/98_expandJSON.pm line 64.
2019.12.31 22:59:48 1: PERL WARNING: Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here (and will be fatal in Perl 5.30), passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^SonoffBridge.*:.*:.{ <-- HERE .*}$/ at ./FHEM/98_expandJSON.pm line 82.
2019.12.31 22:59:49 0: [echodevice] load ECHO Device ECHO_G0W0MA078243F1MQ
2019.12.31 22:59:49 0: [echodevice] load ECHO Device ECHO_72ec4da14c504e6d851410f3ef03fd7e
2019.12.31 22:59:49 0: [echodevice] load ECHO Device ECHO_G090XG0793052NK6
2019.12.31 22:59:49 0: [echodevice] load ECHO Device ECHO_G090XG07931506DC
2019.12.31 22:59:49 3: Temperatur_HWR: I/O device is JeeLinkLaCrosse
2019.12.31 22:59:49 3: Temperatur_Kueche: I/O device is JeeLinkLaCrosse
2019.12.31 22:59:50 3: freezemon defined myFreezemon freezemon
2019.12.31 22:59:50 3: [Freezemon] myFreezemon: Wrapping Log3
2019.12.31 22:59:50 3: [Daemmerungswert] got no weather info from yahoo. Error code: http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid=0%20and%20u=%27c%27&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys: Can't connect(1) to http://query.yahooapis.com:80: IO::Socket::INET: Bad hostname 'query.yahooapis.com:80'
2019.12.31 22:59:56 3: Opening SIGNALDuino868 device /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.5:1.0-port0
2019.12.31 22:59:56 3: Setting SIGNALDuino868 serial parameters to 57600,8,N,1
2019.12.31 22:59:56 1: SIGNALDuino868: DoInit, /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.5:1.0-port0@57600
2019.12.31 22:59:56 1: SIGNALDuino868: DoInit, /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.5:1.0-port0@57600
2019.12.31 22:59:56 3: SIGNALDuino868 device opened
2019.12.31 22:59:56 3: SIGNALDuino868: Attr, setting cc1101_frequency to 868
2019.12.31 22:59:56 3: SIGNALDuino868: Attr, setting Verbose to: 0
2019.12.31 22:59:57 2: TH_outdoor: Unknown sensor device Temperatur_draussen specified
2019.12.31 22:59:59 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $a[6] in lc at ./FHEM/10_IT.pm line 845.
2019.12.31 22:59:59 3: SCHUETTE: Defined with URL https://www.clever-tanken.de/tankstelle_details/24530 and interval 300 featurelevel 5.9
2019.12.31 22:59:59 3: Temperatur_draussen: I/O device is JeeLinkLaCrosse
2019.12.31 23:00:00 3: AutoShuttersControl (ASC) - defined
2019.12.31 23:00:00 3: MQTT2_FHEM_Server: port 1884 opened
2019.12.31 23:00:03 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2019.12.23-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.13-18:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.25-15:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.02.04-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.02.13-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.02.26-15:30 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.03.12-15:15 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.04.14-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.05.22-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.06.02-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.07.20-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2019.12.23-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2019.12.31-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.01-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.01-19:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.01-20:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.02-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.03-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.03-00:00-2 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.03-13:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.04-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.07-19:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.08-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.14-19:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.16-00:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name 2020.01.20-18:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name today_00100:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name tomorrow_00100:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name tomorrow_00219:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:03 3: bad reading name tomorrow_00320:00 (contains not A-Za-z/\d_\.- or is too long)
2019.12.31 23:00:07 3: No I/O device found for Wemos_Daemmerung_old
2019.12.31 23:00:07 3: FB_CALLMONITOR (Anrufliste) - found 1 phonebooks
2019.12.31 23:00:08 3: FB_CALLMONITOR (Anrufliste) - found 30 blocking rules (deflections)
2019.12.31 23:00:08 2: FB_CALLMONITOR (Anrufliste) - read 35 contacts from remote phonebook "Telefonbuch"
2019.12.31 23:00:08 3: monitoring (Batterie_monitoring) set Batterie_monitoring active
2019.12.31 23:00:08 3: monitoring (Fenster_monitoring) set Fenster_monitoring active
2019.12.31 23:00:08 3: Opening Mosquitto device
2019.12.31 23:00:08 3: Mosquitto device opened
2019.12.31 23:00:08 3: telnetForBlockingFn_1577829608: port 46279 opened
2019.12.31 23:00:08 2: alexa: starting alexa-fhem: /usr/local/bin/alexa-fhem -c ./alexa-fhem.cfg -a xx:xx
2019.12.31 23:00:09 3: alexa: starting
2019.12.31 23:00:09 3: alexa: using logfile: ./log/alexa-2019-12-31.log
2019.12.31 23:01:12 2: [Freezemon] myFreezemon: ready to watch out for delays greater than 2 second(s)
2019.12.31 23:01:12 0: Featurelevel: 5.9
2019.12.31 23:01:12 0: Server started with 340 defined entities (fhem.pl:20827/2019-12-25 perl:5.028001 os:linux user:fhem pid:6858)
2019.12.31 23:01:12 3: DbLog logdb - Creating Push-Handle to database SQLite:dbname=/opt/fhem/fhem.db with user
2019.12.31 23:01:12 3: DbLog logdb - Push-Handle to db SQLite:dbname=/opt/fhem/fhem.db created
2019.12.31 23:01:13 3: DbRep DbRep - Connectiontest to database SQLite:dbname=/opt/fhem/fhem.db with user
2019.12.31 23:01:17 3: Anrufliste device opened
2019.12.31 23:01:21 1: [Freezemon] myFreezemon: possible freeze starting at 23:01:13, delay is 8.607 possibly caused by: no bad guy found :-(
2019.12.31 23:01:22 3: ABFALL Abfall - CALENDAR:Abfallkalender triggered, updating ABFALL Abfall ...
2019.12.31 23:01:25 3: Kostal: Read callback: Error: write to timed out
2019.12.31 23:01:25 1: [Shelly_status]  has error write to timed out
2019.12.31 23:01:25 1: [Shelly_status]  has error write to timed out
2019.12.31 23:01:25 1: [Shelly_status]  has error write to timed out
2019.12.31 23:01:26 2: AttrTemplates: got 129 entries
2019.12.31 23:01:26 1: [Freezemon] myFreezemon: possible freeze starting at 23:01:22, delay is 4.6 possibly caused by: tmr-Calendar_PollChild(Abfallkalender) tmr-FHEM::AutoShuttersControl::RenewSunRiseSetShuttersTimer(ASC) tmr-FHEM::AutoShuttersControl::AutoSearchTwilightDev(ASC) tmr-HttpUtils_Err(N/A) tmr-at_Exec(HomematicIPAnDummy) tmr-HttpUtils_Err(N/A) tmr-HttpUtils_Err(N/A) tmr-HttpUtils_Err(N/A) tmr-HttpUtils_Err(N/A) tmr-HttpUtils_Err(N/A) tmr-HttpUtils_Err(N/A)
2019.12.31 23:01:26 2: FULLY: [Fully] Error during request. empty answer received
2019.12.31 23:01:26 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $value in string eq at fhem.pl line 4762.
2019.12.31 23:01:26 2: FULLY: [Fully] Error during request. empty answer received
2019.12.31 23:01:27 1: FHEMWEB SSL/HTTPS error:  SSL accept attempt failed error:1408F09C:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:http request (peer:
2019.12.31 23:01:28 1: FHEMWEB SSL/HTTPS error:  SSL accept attempt failed error:1408F09C:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:http request (peer:
2019.12.31 23:01:29 3: DbRep DbRep - WARNING - Index Report_Idx doesn't exist. Please create the index by "set DbRep index recreate_Report_Idx" command !
2019.12.31 23:01:29 3: DbRep DbRep - Initial data information retrieved successfully - total time used: 0.1295 seconds
2019.12.31 23:01:31 3: DbRep DbRep - Connectiontest to db SQLite:dbname=/opt/fhem/fhem.db successful

Ich würde mich  freuen, wenn du meinen Einladungscode für Tibber, der Stromanbieter, der dir hilft, deinen Stromverbrauch zu verstehen und zu reduzieren, nutzt: https://invite.tibber.com/5fc08jbs. So bekommen wir beide 50 Euro und 100 % Ökostrom / https://geld-fuer-eauto.de/ref/334561880


Wg. Absturz: Ins FHEM-Log schaffen die echten Absturztursachen meist nicht, deswegen FHEM im Terminalfenster mit "perl fhem.pl -d fhem.cfg" starten, und Absturz provozieren.
Wg. lansamen Start: ein FHEM-Start mit "attr global verbose 5" koennte bei der Lokalisierung helfen, es scheint direkt nach der alexa Initialisierung aufzutreten.


Zitat von: rudolfkoenig am 01 Januar 2020, 10:02:51
Wg. Absturz: Ins FHEM-Log schaffen die echten Absturztursachen meist nicht, deswegen FHEM im Terminalfenster mit "perl fhem.pl -d fhem.cfg" starten, und Absturz provozieren.
Wg. lansamen Start: ein FHEM-Start mit "attr global verbose 5" koennte bei der Lokalisierung helfen, es scheint direkt nach der alexa Initialisierung aufzutreten.
Danke für die Tipps werde ich heute Abend Mal testen und berichten.

Gesendet von meinem JSN-L21 mit Tapatalk

Ich würde mich  freuen, wenn du meinen Einladungscode für Tibber, der Stromanbieter, der dir hilft, deinen Stromverbrauch zu verstehen und zu reduzieren, nutzt: https://invite.tibber.com/5fc08jbs. So bekommen wir beide 50 Euro und 100 % Ökostrom / https://geld-fuer-eauto.de/ref/334561880


Zitat von: rudolfkoenig am 01 Januar 2020, 10:02:51
Wg. Absturz: Ins FHEM-Log schaffen die echten Absturztursachen meist nicht, deswegen FHEM im Terminalfenster mit "perl fhem.pl -d fhem.cfg" starten, und Absturz provozieren.
Wg. lansamen Start: ein FHEM-Start mit "attr global verbose 5" koennte bei der Lokalisierung helfen, es scheint direkt nach der alexa Initialisierung aufzutreten.

Das steht im CMD wenn ich den delete befehl in der Weboberfläche ausführe:
2020.01.01 20:36:41 4: WEB_192.168.178.61_55069 GET /fhem/pgm2/images/ui-bg_glass_100_fdf5ce_1x400.png; BUFLEN:0
2020.01.01 20:36:41 4: WEB_192.168.178.61_55069 => 304 Not Modified
2020.01.01 20:36:41 4: WEB_192.168.178.61_55069 GET /fhem/pgm2/images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png; BUFLEN:0
2020.01.01 20:36:41 4: WEB_192.168.178.61_55069 => 304 Not Modified
2020.01.01 20:36:41 4: WEB_192.168.178.61_55069 GET /fhem?cmd=delete%20Rollo_WC_Schliessen&fwcsrf=csrf_239772662341776; BUFLEN:0
2020.01.01 20:36:41 5: Cmd: >delete Rollo_WC_Schliessen<
Undefined subroutine &TASMOTA::DEVICE::client_unsubscribe_topic called at ./FHEM/10_TASMOTA_DEVICE.pm line 151
Ich würde mich  freuen, wenn du meinen Einladungscode für Tibber, der Stromanbieter, der dir hilft, deinen Stromverbrauch zu verstehen und zu reduzieren, nutzt: https://invite.tibber.com/5fc08jbs. So bekommen wir beide 50 Euro und 100 % Ökostrom / https://geld-fuer-eauto.de/ref/334561880


Da muss man sich beim Autor des Moduls beschweren.
Als Workaround koennte klappen die Zeile (die mit client_unsubscribe_topic) aus dem Modul zu entfernen, und FHEM neu zu starten.


Zitat von: rudolfkoenig am 01 Januar 2020, 21:19:35
Da muss man sich beim Autor des Moduls beschweren.
Als Workaround koennte klappen die Zeile (die mit client_unsubscribe_topic) aus dem Modul zu entfernen, und FHEM neu zu starten.
Ich will das Modul sowieso mit MQTT2_CLIENTS ersetzen aber dein Tipp war goldwert so kann ich zumindest die Devices löschen.
Danke :)
Ich würde mich  freuen, wenn du meinen Einladungscode für Tibber, der Stromanbieter, der dir hilft, deinen Stromverbrauch zu verstehen und zu reduzieren, nutzt: https://invite.tibber.com/5fc08jbs. So bekommen wir beide 50 Euro und 100 % Ökostrom / https://geld-fuer-eauto.de/ref/334561880