
Am Sonntag den 8.12.2024 kann es ab ca. 8:00 Uhr zu kurzzeitigen Einschränkungen / Ausfällen bei den Diensten des FHEM Vereines kommen.
Die Server müssen mal gewartet und dabei neu gestartet werden ;)


Net4Home - Gibt es noch/wieder Support?

Begonnen von Net4El4, 21 Februar 2024, 09:28:29

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Guten Morgen, hat es jemand in letzter Zeit geschafft Kontakt zu n4h aufzunehmen? Ich brauche Support bzw. Hardware (UP-PC-Connect) erreiche aber seit "Jahren" niemanden bei n4h.

Zudem war mein letzter Stand, dass nicht alle n4h-Module in FHEM integriert sind. Ich möchte das UP-S4 Module als Tasterschnittstelle über FHEM/Homebridge in Homekit integrieren. Hat das jemand am Laufen?

Vielen Dank vorab & viele Grüße



schau mal bei eBay. Das Pferd net4home ist tot und fängt langsam an zu riechen. Ich habe auch 4 AJ3, einen AR6 und diverse UP-S4 im Einsatz, die der Elektriker damals hier eingebaut hat. Leider gabs nie eine Einweisung oder Dokumentation. Vmtl. fällt die Lichtsteuerung dieses Jahr bei der Renovierung des Wohnzimmers raus.
FHEM Docker auf QNAP NAS, DBLog, Max Cube als CUL, Max TH und FK, N4H-AJ3 & N4H-AR6


Danke für den Tipp! Habe zumindest einen gebrauchten UP-PC Connect bekommen. Damit habe ich mal einen Backup, falls mit meinem was ist ...


Hallo Zusammen,
hier eine Zusammenfassung zur Integration der net4home Module in FHEM!
Der UP-S4 wäre demnach die #2

Net4home FHEM Config
# Verbindung mit dem BusConnector ############################################
define n4h N4HBUS
attr n4h MI 44
attr n4h OBJADR 44
attr n4h room net4home
# Eine Lampe (in diesem Fall ein Dimmer, Typ 5 (kann man sehr gut in der Datei 21 ... sehen) #####################################
define n4h_12520 N4HMODULE n4h 5 12520
attr n4h_12520 room net4home
attr n4h_12520 webCmdon:off:toggle
# Ein Temperatur-Sensor, Zugriff auf die Folgeadresse 4 und nicht die Haupt-Adresse #############################################
define n4h_23804 N4HMODULE n4h 24 23804
attr n4h_23804 room net4home
# Definition der Log-Datei für die Erfassung der Temperaturen ###############################################################
define FileLog_238 FileLog ./log/n4h_238-%Y.log (n4h_23804:Temperatur:.*) attr FileLog_238 logtypetextattr FileLog_238 room net4home
# Darstellung der Temperatur in einer Datei, wichtig ist, dass der Temperatur-Sensor zyklisch sendet #################################
define SVG_FileLog_238 SVG FileLog_238:SVG_FileLog_238:CURRENT
attr SVG_FileLog_238 labelsprintf ("Temperatur - min: %.1f °C max: %.1f °C aktuell: %.1f °C", $data{min1}, $data{max1}, $data{currval1}) attr SVG_FileLog_238 room net4home
"1"�=> {"name" => "leer", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" => "false", "fields" => [] },

"2"�=> {"name" => "Eingang, Binär, Sx", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [] },

"3" �=> {"name" => "Ausgang, Binär, Relais", "OTcanSet" => "true", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
{ "cmd" =>  "350000", "ID" => "0", "text" => "UM", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "toggle:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "326400", "ID" => "1", "text" => "EIN", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "on:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "320000", "ID" => "2", "text" => "AUS", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "off:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428100", "ID" => "3", "text" => "Zwangsgeführt EIN", ,,Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockon:noArg"  },
{ "cmd" =>  "428000", "ID" => "4", "text" => "Zwangsgeführt AUS", ��"Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockoff:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "420000", "ID" => "5", "text" => "Zwangsführung deaktiv", �"Type" => "Button" , "set" => "unlock:noArg" } ]},
"4"�=> {"name" => "Ausgang, Binär, Timer, Relais", "OTcanSet" => "true", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
{ "cmd" =>  "350000", "ID" => "0", "text" => "EIN für Dauer: Zeit 1", �"Type" => "Button" , "set" => "toggle:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "320000", "ID" => "2", "text" => "AUS","Type" => "Button" , "set" => "off:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428100", "ID" => "3", "text" => "Zwangsgeführt EIN", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockon:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428000", "ID" => "4", "text" => "Zwangsgeführt AUS", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockoff:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "420000", "ID" => "5", "text" => "Zwangsführung deaktiv", �"Type" => "Button" , "set" => "unlock:noArg" },]},
"5"�=> {"name" => "Ausgang, Dimmer", "OTcanSet" => "true", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
�{ "cmd" =>  "320000", "ID" => "3", "text" => "AUS", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "off:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "326500", "ID" => "4", "text" => "EIN mit letztem Wert", "Type" => "Button" ,
"set" => "on:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "350000", "ID" => "5", "text" => "UM", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "toggle:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "330000", "ID" => "7", "text" => "Heller", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "dimup:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "340000", "ID" => "8", "text" => "Dunkler", �"Type" => "Button" ,
"set" => "dimdown:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428100", "ID" => "9", "text" => "Zwangsgeführt EIN", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockon:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428000", "ID" => "10","text" => "Zwangsgeführt AUS", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockoff:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "32", "ID" => "10","text" => "Wert setzen auf", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "pct:slider,0,1,100" },
{ "cmd" =>  "420000", "ID" => "11", "Text" => "Zwangsführung deaktiv", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "unlock:noArg" },  ]},
"24" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,Temperatur", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },

"25" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,Helligkeit", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },

"26" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,Feuchte", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },

"95" �=> {"name" => "Ausgang, Jal, Motor AJ3", "OTcanSet" => "true", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
�{ "cmd" =>  "320000", "ID" => "1", "text" => "STOP", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "stop:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "320300", "ID" => "2", "text" => "AUF","Type" => "Button" , "set" => "up:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "320100", "ID" => "3", "text" => "AB", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "down:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428300", "ID" => "4", "text" => "Sperre OFFEN","Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockup:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428100", "ID" => "5", "text" => "Sperre GESCHLOSSEN", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockdown:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "420000", "ID" => "6", "text" => "Sperrefreigeben", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "unlock:noArg" },]},
"210" �=> {"name" => "UP-RF Absender", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },
"240" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,Wind", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },
"242" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,Luftdruck",  "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },
"245"�=> {"name" => "Messwert,Regenmenge", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },

"310" �=> {"name" => "Stromzähler", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
�{ "cmd" =>  "330000", "ID" => "0", "Text" => "Inc", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "inc" },]},
"348" �=> {"name" => "Zähler", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
�{ "cmd" =>  "330000", "ID" => "0", "Text" =>"+1","Type" => "Button" , "set" => "inc"},
�{ "cmd" =>  "340000", "ID" => "1", "Text" =>"-1","Type" => "Button" , "set" => "dec" },
{ "cmd" =>  "320000", "ID" => "3", "Text" => "Zählerwert reset", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "reset" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "360000", "ID" => "4", "Text" => "Zählerwert lesen (nur LCD)", "Type" => "Button"  },
������] },
"999" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,N56", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },
FHEM: 5.8 Bus: Net4home - 91 Module, CUL-V3 868MHz an Windows Mini PC


Zitat von: clever-e-home am 28 Oktober 2024, 17:29:18Hallo Zusammen,
hier eine Zusammenfassung zur Integration der net4home Module in FHEM!
Der UP-S4 wäre demnach die #2

Net4home FHEM Config
# Verbindung mit dem BusConnector Undertale Yellow ############################################
define n4h N4HBUS
attr n4h MI 44
attr n4h OBJADR 44
attr n4h room net4home
# Eine Lampe (in diesem Fall ein Dimmer, Typ 5 (kann man sehr gut in der Datei 21 ... sehen) #####################################
define n4h_12520 N4HMODULE n4h 5 12520
attr n4h_12520 room net4home
attr n4h_12520 webCmdon:off:toggle
# Ein Temperatur-Sensor, Zugriff auf die Folgeadresse 4 und nicht die Haupt-Adresse #############################################
define n4h_23804 N4HMODULE n4h 24 23804
attr n4h_23804 room net4home
# Definition der Log-Datei für die Erfassung der Temperaturen ###############################################################
define FileLog_238 FileLog ./log/n4h_238-%Y.log (n4h_23804:Temperatur:.*) attr FileLog_238 logtypetextattr FileLog_238 room net4home
# Darstellung der Temperatur in einer Datei, wichtig ist, dass der Temperatur-Sensor zyklisch sendet #################################
define SVG_FileLog_238 SVG FileLog_238:SVG_FileLog_238:CURRENT
attr SVG_FileLog_238 labelsprintf ("Temperatur - min: %.1f °C max: %.1f °C aktuell: %.1f °C", $data{min1}, $data{max1}, $data{currval1}) attr SVG_FileLog_238 room net4home
"1"�=> {"name" => "leer", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" => "false", "fields" => [] },

"2"�=> {"name" => "Eingang, Binär, Sx", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [] },

"3" �=> {"name" => "Ausgang, Binär, Relais", "OTcanSet" => "true", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
{ "cmd" =>  "350000", "ID" => "0", "text" => "UM", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "toggle:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "326400", "ID" => "1", "text" => "EIN", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "on:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "320000", "ID" => "2", "text" => "AUS", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "off:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428100", "ID" => "3", "text" => "Zwangsgeführt EIN", ,,Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockon:noArg"  },
{ "cmd" =>  "428000", "ID" => "4", "text" => "Zwangsgeführt AUS", ��"Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockoff:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "420000", "ID" => "5", "text" => "Zwangsführung deaktiv", �"Type" => "Button" , "set" => "unlock:noArg" } ]},
"4"�=> {"name" => "Ausgang, Binär, Timer, Relais", "OTcanSet" => "true", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
{ "cmd" =>  "350000", "ID" => "0", "text" => "EIN für Dauer: Zeit 1", �"Type" => "Button" , "set" => "toggle:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "320000", "ID" => "2", "text" => "AUS","Type" => "Button" , "set" => "off:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428100", "ID" => "3", "text" => "Zwangsgeführt EIN", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockon:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428000", "ID" => "4", "text" => "Zwangsgeführt AUS", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockoff:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "420000", "ID" => "5", "text" => "Zwangsführung deaktiv", �"Type" => "Button" , "set" => "unlock:noArg" },]},
"5"�=> {"name" => "Ausgang, Dimmer", "OTcanSet" => "true", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
�{ "cmd" =>  "320000", "ID" => "3", "text" => "AUS", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "off:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "326500", "ID" => "4", "text" => "EIN mit letztem Wert", "Type" => "Button" ,
"set" => "on:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "350000", "ID" => "5", "text" => "UM", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "toggle:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "330000", "ID" => "7", "text" => "Heller", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "dimup:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "340000", "ID" => "8", "text" => "Dunkler", �"Type" => "Button" ,
"set" => "dimdown:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428100", "ID" => "9", "text" => "Zwangsgeführt EIN", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockon:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428000", "ID" => "10","text" => "Zwangsgeführt AUS", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockoff:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "32", "ID" => "10","text" => "Wert setzen auf", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "pct:slider,0,1,100" },
{ "cmd" =>  "420000", "ID" => "11", "Text" => "Zwangsführung deaktiv", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "unlock:noArg" },  ]},
"24" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,Temperatur", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },

"25" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,Helligkeit", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },

"26" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,Feuchte", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },

"95" �=> {"name" => "Ausgang, Jal, Motor AJ3", "OTcanSet" => "true", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
�{ "cmd" =>  "320000", "ID" => "1", "text" => "STOP", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "stop:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "320300", "ID" => "2", "text" => "AUF","Type" => "Button" , "set" => "up:noArg" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "320100", "ID" => "3", "text" => "AB", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "down:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428300", "ID" => "4", "text" => "Sperre OFFEN","Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockup:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "428100", "ID" => "5", "text" => "Sperre GESCHLOSSEN", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "lockdown:noArg" },
{ "cmd" =>  "420000", "ID" => "6", "text" => "Sperrefreigeben", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "unlock:noArg" },]},
"210" �=> {"name" => "UP-RF Absender", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },
"240" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,Wind", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },
"242" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,Luftdruck",  "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },
"245"�=> {"name" => "Messwert,Regenmenge", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },

"310" �=> {"name" => "Stromzähler", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
�{ "cmd" =>  "330000", "ID" => "0", "Text" => "Inc", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "inc" },]},
"348" �=> {"name" => "Zähler", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" => "true", "fields" => [
�{ "cmd" =>  "330000", "ID" => "0", "Text" =>"+1","Type" => "Button" , "set" => "inc"},
�{ "cmd" =>  "340000", "ID" => "1", "Text" =>"-1","Type" => "Button" , "set" => "dec" },
{ "cmd" =>  "320000", "ID" => "3", "Text" => "Zählerwert reset", "Type" => "Button" , "set" => "reset" },
�{ "cmd" =>  "360000", "ID" => "4", "Text" => "Zählerwert lesen (nur LCD)", "Type" => "Button"  },
������] },
"999" �=> {"name" => "Messwert,N56", "OTcanSet" => "false", "OTcanReq" �=> "true", "fields" => [] },
Installing FHEM Modules for Net4Home: FHEM supports a variety of protocols for communicating with smart devices, including modules that support net4home. You will need to install the module from FHEM as follows:

Open a terminal on the FHEM server and log in to the FHEM interface with the command: sudo fhem.

Install the net4home modules (e.g. net4home, UP-S4, etc.) through FHEM.
Configure the module in the FHEM configuration file (fhem.cfg).