
Am Sonntag den 8.12.2024 kann es ab ca. 8:00 Uhr zu kurzzeitigen Einschränkungen / Ausfällen bei den Diensten des FHEM Vereines kommen.
Die Server müssen mal gewartet und dabei neu gestartet werden ;)


Auriol 4-LD6654-2 IAN 452207_2310 Wetterstation mit Temp/Luftf./Regensensor

Begonnen von dl3daz, 10 Oktober 2024, 22:17:21

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


seit ein paar Wochen versuche ich die Daten dieser Sensoren zu verstehen.

Ich glaube, die Datenpakete identifiziert zu haben, verstehe aber den Inhalt nicht.

Welche Angaben könnten hilfreich sein oder wo könnte ich Tipps zur Analyse nachlesen?

Schönen Abend noch,

Hier ein Auszug aus dem fhem-log:

22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-216;P1=-690;P2=780;P3=527;P5=287;P6=-424;P7=-950;D=12121213030565630565630565656305630563030565630565656305630565630303056305630303030563057212121213030565630565630565656305630563030565630565656305630565630303056305630303030563057212121213030565630565630565656305630563030565630565656305630565630303056305;CP=5;R=20;O;
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 37 dmsg W37#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -64
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 37 dmsg W37#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -64
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W37#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 84 dmsg W84#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -64
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 84 dmsg W84#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -64
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W84#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 89 dmsg W89#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -64
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 89 dmsg W89#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -64
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W89#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-449;P1=524;P2=-203;P3=281;P4=-944;P5=781;P6=-686;D=0121212123012345656565612123030123030123030301230123012123030123030301230123032;CP=3;R=20;
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-179;P1=549;P2=307;P3=-436;P4=-922;P5=782;P6=-678;D=01010102310231010101023102456565656101023231023231023232310231023101023231023232310231023231010102310231010101023102456565656101023231023231023232310231023101023231023232310231023231010102310231010101023102;CP=2;R=21;
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 37 dmsg W37#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 37 dmsg W37#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W37#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 84 dmsg W84#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 84 dmsg W84#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W84#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 89 dmsg W89#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 89 dmsg W89#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W89#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-950;P1=782;P2=-683;P3=530;P4=-201;P5=287;P6=-443;D=12121212343456563456563456565634563456343456563456565634563456563434345634563434343456345012121212343456563456563456565634563456343456563456565634563456563434345634563434343456345012121212343456563456563456565634563456343456563456565634563456563434345634;CP=5;R=23;O;
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:41 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 37 dmsg W37#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -62.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: SD_WS_Parse protocol 37, rawData C915914EBD
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: SD_WS37 checksum ok 189 = 189
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: SD_WS37 tempraw = 1425, temp = 52.5 F, temp = 11.4 C, Hum = 78
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: SD_WS37 decoded protocol = 37 (Bresser 7009994), sensor id = C9, channel = 1
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 37 dmsg W37#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -62.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W37#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 84 dmsg W84#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -62.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: SD_WS_Parse protocol 84, rawData C915914EBD
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: SD_WS_Parse decoded protocol-id 84 (Auriol IAN 283582, TV-4848), sensor-id 201
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 84 dmsg W84#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -62.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W84#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 89 dmsg W89#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -62.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: SD_WS_Parse protocol 89, rawData C915914EBD
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: SD_WS_Parse decoded protocol-id 89 (TFA 30.3221.02), sensor-id C9
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 89 dmsg W89#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -62.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W89#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=282;P1=-442;P2=521;P3=-213;P4=-941;P5=795;P6=-674;D=01232323230123045656565623230101230101230101012301230123230101230101012301230101232323012301232323230123045656565623230101230101230101012301230123230101230101012301230101232323012301232323230123045656565623230101230101230101012301230123230101230101012301;CP=0;R=21;O;
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 37 dmsg W37#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 37 dmsg W37#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W37#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 84 dmsg W84#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 84 dmsg W84#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W84#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 89 dmsg W89#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 89 dmsg W89#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W89#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=527;P1=-203;P2=303;P3=-427;P4=-1020;P5=775;P6=-683;D=01232301010123012301010101230124565656560101232301232301232323012301230101232301232323012301232301010123012301010101230124565656560101232301232301232323012301230101232301232323012301232301010123012301010101230124565656560101232301232301232323012301230101;CP=2;R=21;O;
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 37 dmsg W37#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 37 dmsg W37#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W37#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 84 dmsg W84#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 84 dmsg W84#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W84#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 89 dmsg W89#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 89 dmsg W89#C915914EBD length 40 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -63.5
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Dispatch, W89#C915914EBD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=275;P1=-450;P2=533;P3=-207;D=01012301010123012301012323230123012323232301230;CP=0;R=5;
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2024.10.10 22:11:42 4: SignalduinoWZ: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate


In diesen 2 Sekunden im Log waren Nachrichten deiner Wetterstation bestimmt nicht dabei. Da gibt es nur Nachrichten von einem Temperatur-/Feuchtesensor SD_WS37_TH_1, dessen Daten auch plausibel erscheinen.

Da ich keinerlei Infos zu deiner Wetterstation Auriol 4-LD6654-2 IAN 452207_2310 im Internet finden konnte, wissen wir nicht mal auf welcher Frequenz und Modulationsart dieses Teil sendet.
Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 mit 2 SIGNALduino nanoCC1101 + ESPEasy 2x serial server SIGNALduino nanoCC1101, Raspberry Pi 2 mit 2 CUL Stackable CC1101, Raspberry Pi 3 mit SIGNALduino radino + nano328 + 2 x SIGNAL-ESP CC1101 + 2 x rf_Gateway


Danke für den Hinweis. Ich habe die SD_WS37 gefunden und abgeschaltet  ;D

Mit meinem neuen SignalDuino ESP32 empfange ich jetzt SD_WS_51 und andere. Ich gucke mal, wie weit ich komme und melde mich dann wieder.


Zitat von: elektron-bbs am 12 Oktober 2024, 12:38:45In diesen 2 Sekunden im Log waren Nachrichten deiner Wetterstation bestimmt nicht dabei. Da gibt es nur Nachrichten von einem Temperatur-/Feuchtesensor SD_WS37_TH_1, dessen Daten auch plausibel erscheinen.

Da ich keinerlei Infos zu deiner Wetterstation Auriol 4-LD6654-2 IAN 452207_2310 im Internet finden konnte, wissen wir nicht mal auf welcher Frequenz und Modulationsart dieses Teil sendet.


Zitat von: dl3daz am 14 Oktober 2024, 12:45:45Danke für den Hinweis. Ich habe die SD_WS37 gefunden und abgeschaltet  ;D Merge Fruit

Mit meinem neuen SignalDuino ESP32 empfange ich jetzt SD_WS_51 und andere. Ich gucke mal, wie weit ich komme und melde mich dann wieder.


Zitat von: elektron-bbs am 12 Oktober 2024, 12:38:45In diesen 2 Sekunden im Log waren Nachrichten deiner Wetterstation bestimmt nicht dabei. Da gibt es nur Nachrichten von einem Temperatur-/Feuchtesensor SD_WS37_TH_1, dessen Daten auch plausibel erscheinen.

Da ich keinerlei Infos zu deiner Wetterstation Auriol 4-LD6654-2 IAN 452207_2310 im Internet finden konnte, wissen wir nicht mal auf welcher Frequenz und Modulationsart dieses Teil sendet.

Auriol 4-LD6654-2 Weather Station
Temperature/Humidity Sensor SD_WS37_TH_1


Zitat von: elektron-bbs am 12 Oktober 2024, 12:38:45In diesen 2 Sekunden im Log waren Nachrichten deiner Wetterstation bestimmt nicht dabei. Da gibt es nur Nachrichten von einem Temperatur-/Feuchtesensor SD_WS37_TH_1, dessen Daten auch plausibel erscheinen.

Da ich keinerlei Infos zu deiner Wetterstation Auriol 4-LD6654-2 IAN 452207_2310 im Internet finden konnte, wissen wir nicht mal auf welcher Frequenz und Modulationsart dieses Teil sendet.
Stimmen Sie Ihrer Weitergabe zu. Es erscheint auch sinnvoll, nur Meldungen vom Temperatur-/Feuchtigkeitssensor SD_WS37_TH_1 mit Daten zu haben. Ich freue mich auf die nächsten gemeinsamen Updates
geometry dash lite  Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8