GPIO ohne Funktion auf RPI V4

Begonnen von Inputsammler, 02 Juni 2024, 00:42:19

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hallo zusammen,

da mein Pi V3 ersetzt wurde dur den V4 wolle ich wieder die GPIO benutzen.

Aber leider gibt es anscheinden ein Problem mit der Firmware vom PI.
die Version von Wiringpi habe ich von Dort da es die Version von der FHEM HP Beschreibung nicht mehr gibt.

Danke Für euere Hilfe

Zitatgpio version: 2.70
Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Gordon Henderson
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details type: gpio -warranty

Oops: Unable to determine board revision from /proc/cpuinfo
 -> No "Hardware" line
 ->  You'd best google the error to find out why.
Rpi's und Bpi's und Hw von Dirk und locutus
CCU2,F20,Ks300,1-Wire,Homematic usw ...
vitodens 300 & IstrkrM372 auslesen über USB und FHEM
RUHE IN FRIEDEN AHA1805 RIP Mallorca +29.08.16
I miss you and your Family H.H.L.L.


Hallo Inputsammler

Seit Bookworm ist das alles nicht mehr so einfach mit den GPIO´s
wir haben hier ein paar Wege
aufgezeigt wie es weiter gehen könnte.




Hey Stephan,

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis.

Habe mein System wieder am laufen.Seit 2016.08 ist das Sytem durchgelaufen ohne Problme bis die SD Karte den Geist aufgegeben hat.
So manche Sachen vergisst man komplett.

# Matrix Erklärung
# Eintrag 2024-06-02
# GPIO auslesen cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
# RPI GPIO debug         GPIO 519 GPIO 534 GPIO 539 GPIO 529
# PIN 7 PIN 15 PIN 13 PIN 11

# 1 nf_GW60_1_down x x 0110 6
# 2 nf_GW60_1_stop x x x 1110 14
# 3 nf_GW60_1_up x x 1010 10
# 4 nf_GW60_2_down x x 0101 5
# 5 nf_GW60_2_stop x x x 1101 13
# 6 nf_GW60_2_up x x 1001 9
# 7 nf_GW60_3_down x x x 0111 7
# 8 nf_GW60_3_stop x x x x 1111 15
# 9 nf_GW60_3_up x x x 1011 11
# 10 nf_GW60_A_down x 0100 4
# 11 nf_GW60_A_stop x x 1100 12
# 12 nf_GW60_A_up x 1000 8

define GPIO_04 RPI_GPIO 516
setuuid GPIO_04 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-8bfd-345556fd97e050e6
attr GPIO_04 direction output
attr GPIO_04 restoreOnStartup off
attr GPIO_04 room 9.30_Rollo
attr GPIO_04 webCmd off:on-for-timer 0.2

define GPIO_22 RPI_GPIO 534
setuuid GPIO_22 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-ba41-a0f7e8248b4f3c1f
attr GPIO_22 direction output
attr GPIO_22 restoreOnStartup off
attr GPIO_22 room 9.30_Rollo
attr GPIO_22 webCmd off:on-for-timer 0.2

define GPIO_27 RPI_GPIO 539
setuuid GPIO_27 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-1cc0-36d0986c42c5452f
attr GPIO_27 direction output
attr GPIO_27 restoreOnStartup off
attr GPIO_27 room 9.30_Rollo
attr GPIO_27 webCmd off:on-for-timer 0.2

define GPIO_17 RPI_GPIO 529
setuuid GPIO_17 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-4fc3-d4741677742ba524
attr GPIO_17 direction output
attr GPIO_17 restoreOnStartup off
attr GPIO_17 room 9.30_Rollo
attr GPIO_17 webCmd off:on-for-timer 0.2

define dmyGW60_1 dummy
setuuid dmyGW60_1 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-4f3d-6761fb1074839cc1
attr dmyGW60_1 alias dmyGW60_1 Wohnzimmer
attr dmyGW60_1 eventMap down:close up:closeG
attr dmyGW60_1 room 9.30_Rollo
attr dmyGW60_1 verbose 4
attr dmyGW60_1 webCmd up:down:stop

define dmyGW60_2 dummy
setuuid dmyGW60_2 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-ea8d-42cb5c0e7326319a
attr dmyGW60_2 alias dmyGW60_2 1.OG-Tobi
attr dmyGW60_2 eventMap down:close up:closeG
attr dmyGW60_2 room 9.30_Rollo
attr dmyGW60_2 verbose 4
attr dmyGW60_2 webCmd up:down:stop

define dmyGW60_3 dummy
setuuid dmyGW60_3 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-fa26-124f519a9085dfdc
attr dmyGW60_3 alias dmyGW60_3 EG-Karina
attr dmyGW60_3 eventMap down:close up:closeG
attr dmyGW60_3 room 9.30_Rollo
attr dmyGW60_3 verbose 4
attr dmyGW60_3 webCmd up:down:stop

define dmyGW60_A dummy
setuuid dmyGW60_A 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-1c7d-53eb1dc66258184e
attr dmyGW60_A eventMap down:close up:closeG
attr dmyGW60_A room 9.30_Rollo
attr dmyGW60_A verbose 4
attr dmyGW60_A webCmd up:down:stop

define nf_GW60_A_up notify dmyGW60_A.up set GPIO_04 on-for-timer 0.2
setuuid nf_GW60_A_up 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-2e1e-295c42e202f72ed2
attr nf_GW60_A_up room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_A_down notify dmyGW60_A.down set GPIO_22 on-for-timer 0.2
setuuid nf_GW60_A_down 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-4ba0-d226175ce26ee277
attr nf_GW60_A_down room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_A_stop notify dmyGW60_A.stop set GPIO_04,GPIO_22 on-for-timer 0.5
setuuid nf_GW60_A_stop 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-88a7-606633395bfe35b0
attr nf_GW60_A_stop room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_1_up notify dmyGW60_1.up set GPIO_04,GPIO_27 on-for-timer 0.5
setuuid nf_GW60_1_up 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-ae37-72d0dfbb1abce71e
attr nf_GW60_1_up room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_1_down notify dmyGW60_1.down set GPIO_22,GPIO_27 on-for-timer 0.5
setuuid nf_GW60_1_down 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-131e-f4680f3ca2469927
attr nf_GW60_1_down room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_1_stop notify dmyGW60_1.stop set GPIO_04,GPIO_22,GPIO_27 on-for-timer 1
setuuid nf_GW60_1_stop 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-888c-b4b7e8ae91af6e62
attr nf_GW60_1_stop room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_2_up notify dmyGW60_2.up set GPIO_04,GPIO_17 on-for-timer 0.5
setuuid nf_GW60_2_up 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-b215-882f356fa92e04c4
attr nf_GW60_2_up room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_2_down notify dmyGW60_2.down set GPIO_22,GPIO_17 on-for-timer 0.5
setuuid nf_GW60_2_down 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-b964-c949208e380433c3
attr nf_GW60_2_down room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_2_stop notify dmyGW60_2.stop set GPIO_04,GPIO_22,GPIO_17 on-for-timer 1
setuuid nf_GW60_2_stop 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-9e5e-2a4dbc5f7c851471
attr nf_GW60_2_stop room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_3_up notify dmyGW60_3.up set GPIO_04,GPIO_27,GPIO_17 on-for-timer 1
setuuid nf_GW60_3_up 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-3a1e-37c344ddee3a50b5
attr nf_GW60_3_up room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_3_down notify dmyGW60_3.down set GPIO_22,GPIO_27,GPIO_17 on-for-timer 1
setuuid nf_GW60_3_down 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-342d-e392cbb63d22651c
attr nf_GW60_3_down room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define nf_GW60_3_stop notify dmyGW60_3.stop set GPIO_04,GPIO_22,,GPIO_27,GPIO_17 on-for-timer 1.4
setuuid nf_GW60_3_stop 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-8938-9186bf78fa59a93e
attr nf_GW60_3_stop room 6.10_Notify,9.30_Rollo

define di_EG_KiZiKa_ROLLO DOIF ([07:00-09:00|8] or [09:00|7]) (set dmyGW60_3 closeG) DOELSEIF ([{sunset('HORIZON=-2')}]) (set dmyGW60_3 close)
setuuid di_EG_KiZiKa_ROLLO 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-4393-66acc49e1570a22e
attr di_EG_KiZiKa_ROLLO disable 0
attr di_EG_KiZiKa_ROLLO room 9.30_Rollo

define di_EG_WZ_ROLLO DOIF ([07:15-09:15|8] or [09:15|7]) (set dmyGW60_1 closeG) DOELSEIF ([{sunset('HORIZON=-4')}]) (set dmyGW60_1 close)
setuuid di_EG_WZ_ROLLO 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-bc0f-00f0d3d5cba5b2dd
attr di_EG_WZ_ROLLO loglevel 6
attr di_EG_WZ_ROLLO room 9.30_Rollo

define di_GW60_ALL_ROLLO DOIF ([9:00|8] or [9:30|7]) (set dmyGW60_A closeG) DOELSEIF ([{sunset('HORIZON=-3')}]) (set dmyGW60_A close)
setuuid di_GW60_ALL_ROLLO 5c8e62ba-f33f-3ceb-051d-3c99fe38623a391b
attr di_GW60_ALL_ROLLO loglevel 6
attr di_GW60_ALL_ROLLO room 9.30_Rollo

define di_GW60_ALL_ROLLO_FORCE DOIF ([10:10|8] or [10:40|7]) (set dmyGW60_A closeG) DOELSEIF ([{sunset('HORIZON=-6')}]) (set dmyGW60_A close)
setuuid di_GW60_ALL_ROLLO_FORCE 5c8e62bb-f33f-3ceb-5539-e124279c80eaf612
attr di_GW60_ALL_ROLLO_FORCE loglevel 6
attr di_GW60_ALL_ROLLO_FORCE room 9.30_Rollo

Rpi's und Bpi's und Hw von Dirk und locutus
CCU2,F20,Ks300,1-Wire,Homematic usw ...
vitodens 300 & IstrkrM372 auslesen über USB und FHEM
RUHE IN FRIEDEN AHA1805 RIP Mallorca +29.08.16
I miss you and your Family H.H.L.L.