Läuft: Heizung mit eBus-Schnittstelle

Begonnen von Prof. Dr. Peter Henning, 29 November 2014, 13:36:59

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Zitat von: Rainer1 am 12 November 2023, 11:28:36Ich habe ständig Fehler auf dem Bus mit dem neuen Adapter V5. Das ist natürlich sehr unzuverlässig, da Werte fehlen um eine Grafik zu erzeugen, gerade wenn sich Werte schnell ändern. Sollte mit dem neuen Adapter nicht alles besser werden ?
Der Adapter hängt im WLAN, kann es sein, dass das zum Problem führt ?

Auch werden oft Werte per MQTT nicht geschrieben - ist der Bus überlastet ?

Die ebusd.log ist nach 1,5h bereits 250k groß, macht am Tag 4MB !!!

Der Fehler "[bus error] poll 470 YieldThisYear failed" tritt mit dem neuen Adapter V5 sehr viel häufiger auf, als mit dem TTL-Adapter (Poti-Version)
die WIFI Anbindung ist von je her schwierig, weil du für einen vernünftigen Betrieb Latenzzeiten unter 20ms bräuchtest. Das ist je nach Überlagerung benachbarter Netze oder mit entsprechender Auslastung des eigenen flott mal unmöglich.
author of ebusd


Der Adapter V5 ist Geschichte ! - keine Zeit und Nerven mehr um das irgendwie ans Laufen zu bekommen. Komisch dass der alte Adapter (habe auch noch 1 Ersatz ;) ) reibungslos, bis auf eine Ausnahme nach Umstellung auf MQTT, läuft.

Wie kann das Polling "poll 470 YieldThisYear" deaktiviert werden ? Das scheint erst in den neueren ebusd-Versionen umgesetzt worden zu sein ?

Prof. Dr. Peter Henning

ZitatHier ist ja gar nichts mehr los !
Nicht doch. Das ist eher ein Zeichen dafür, dass die Dinge problemlos laufen und gut dokumentiert sind.



Hallo Zusammen,

ich habe aktuell ein Problem meinen eBusd zum Laufen zu bringen.
Ich verstehe aktuell, dass mein Gateway wohl nicht schreiben kann? Ist der Ansatz richtig? Was kann ich hier dann tun um das Problem zu lösen?

Folgendes Setup:

  • Esera Eco ECO305_MCU3 Ebus Gateway
  • ebusd auf Ubuntu (ebusd
  • Vaillant Gas Hybrid Heizungssystem mit:
  • - Vaillant AroTherm 125/5 WP
  • - Vaillant EcoVit VKK 476/4 Gasheizung
  • - Vaillant VR71 Mischermodul

Meine Ebusd Settings in /etc/default/ebusd
EBUSD_OPTS="--configpath=http://cfg.ebusd.eu -d -p 8888 --logareas all --loglevel debug -l /var/log/ebusd.log  --scanconfig=full  --httpport=8889 --htmlpath=/var/ebusd/html"
ebusctl info
version: ebusd
device:, TCP
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 113
max symbol rate: 184
min arbitration micros: 1
max arbitration micros: 340
min symbol latency: 23
max symbol latency: 42
scan: finished, some messages pending
reconnects: 0
masters: 1
messages: 11
conditional: 0
poll: 0
update: 4
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd, scanning

Logfile nach Start des Ebusd
2023-12-25 10:09:47.078 [bus notice] device status: transport opened
2023-12-25 10:09:47.079 [main info] registering data handlers
2023-12-25 10:09:47.079 [main info] registered data handlers
2023-12-25 10:09:47.079 [main notice] ebusd started with full scan on device:, TCP
2023-12-25 10:09:47.079 [main info] loading configuration files from http://cfg.ebusd.eu/
2023-12-25 10:09:47.107 [main info] reading templates /
2023-12-25 10:09:47.135 [main info] read templates in /
2023-12-25 10:09:47.135 [main info] reading file broadcast.csv
2023-12-25 10:09:47.161 [main info] successfully read file broadcast.csv
2023-12-25 10:09:47.161 [main info] reading file memory.csv
2023-12-25 10:09:47.190 [main info] successfully read file memory.csv
2023-12-25 10:09:47.190 [main info] read config files, got 11 messages
2023-12-25 10:09:47.190 [bus notice] bus started with own address 31/36
2023-12-25 10:09:47.191 [bus notice] signal acquired
2023-12-25 10:09:47.729 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:48.207 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:48.842 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:49.337 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:49.438 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:49.810 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:49.812 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:49.823 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:49.919 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:50.050 [bus notice] max. symbols per second: 133
2023-12-25 10:09:50.132 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:50.138 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:50.407 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:50.502 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:50.757 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:51.008 [bus notice] max. symbols per second: 156
2023-12-25 10:09:51.026 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:51.136 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:51.386 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:51.389 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:51.495 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:51.583 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:51.586 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:51.807 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:52.006 [bus notice] max. symbols per second: 184
2023-12-25 10:09:52.015 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:52.019 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:52.184 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:52.300 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:52.547 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:52.733 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:52.845 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:53.096 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:53.279 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:53.819 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:53.945 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:53.951 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:54.631 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:55.569 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:09:57.191 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2023-12-25 10:09:57.191 [main notice] starting initial full scan
2023-12-25 10:09:57.191 [bus info] scan 02 cmd: 3102070400
2023-12-25 10:09:57.367 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:57.371 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:57.375 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:09:57.375 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:09:57.444 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:09:57.444 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1 micros
2023-12-25 10:09:57.444 [bus info] arbitration delay 1 - 1 micros
2023-12-25 10:09:57.444 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:09:57.471 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:57.471 [bus info] send/receive symbol latency 27 - 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:57.499 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:57.525 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:57.525 [bus info] send/receive symbol latency 25 - 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:57.553 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 28 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:57.553 [bus info] send/receive symbol latency 25 - 28 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:57.553 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:09:57.580 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:57.580 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:57.645 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:09:57.645 [bus info] scan 04 cmd: 3104070400
2023-12-25 10:09:57.645 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:58.083 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:09:58.083 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:09:58.152 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:09:58.152 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1 micros
2023-12-25 10:09:58.152 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:09:58.179 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:58.206 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:58.231 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:58.231 [bus info] send/receive symbol latency 24 - 28 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:58.256 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:58.256 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:09:58.281 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:58.281 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:58.289 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2023-12-25 10:09:58.380 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:09:58.380 [bus info] scan 05 cmd: 3105070400
2023-12-25 10:09:58.380 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive response, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:58.789 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:09:58.789 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:09:58.874 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:58.879 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:58.932 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:09:58.932 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:09:58.932 [bus info] arbitration delay 1 - 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:09:58.932 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:09:58.958 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:58.984 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:59.009 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:59.035 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:59.035 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:09:59.061 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:09:59.061 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:09:59.066 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2023-12-25 10:09:59.157 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:09:59.157 [bus info] scan 06 cmd: 3106070400
2023-12-25 10:09:59.157 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive response, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:59.157 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:09:59.157 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:09:59.576 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:09:59.576 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:09:59.664 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:09:59.664 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:09:59.664 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:00.110 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:00.110 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:00.199 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:00.199 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:00.199 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:00.667 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:00.667 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:00.667 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:00.693 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:00.728 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 35 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:00.728 [bus info] send/receive symbol latency 24 - 35 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:00.754 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:00.779 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:00.779 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:00.829 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:00.829 [bus info] scan 08 cmd: 3108070400
2023-12-25 10:10:00.829 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:00.829 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:00.829 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:01.288 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:01.288 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:01.377 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:01.377 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:01.377 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:01.847 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:01.847 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:01.847 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:01.873 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:01.900 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:01.925 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:01.951 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:01.951 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:02.001 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:02.001 [bus info] scan 09 cmd: 3109070400
2023-12-25 10:10:02.001 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:02.002 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:02.002 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:02.460 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:02.460 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:02.563 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:10:02.564 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:02.564 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:02.609 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:02.610 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:02.702 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:03.141 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:03.141 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:03.248 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:10:03.272 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:03.272 [bus debug] arbitration delay 301 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:03.273 [bus info] arbitration delay 1 - 301 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:03.273 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:03.302 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 28 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:03.332 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 30 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:03.359 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:03.385 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:03.385 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:03.435 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:03.435 [bus info] scan 0a cmd: 310a070400
2023-12-25 10:10:03.435 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:03.435 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:03.435 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:03.920 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:03.920 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:03.920 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:03.947 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:03.972 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:03.998 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:04.023 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:04.023 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:04.052 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 28 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:04.052 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:04.117 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:04.117 [bus info] scan 0b cmd: 310b070400
2023-12-25 10:10:04.117 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:04.117 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:04.117 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:04.661 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:10:04.666 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:04.666 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:04.758 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:04.758 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:04.758 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:05.229 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:05.229 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:05.229 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:05.254 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:05.281 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:05.308 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:05.339 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 29 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:05.339 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:05.365 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:05.365 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:05.430 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:05.430 [bus info] scan 0c cmd: 310c070400
2023-12-25 10:10:05.430 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:05.431 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:05.431 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:05.971 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:10:05.998 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:05.998 [bus debug] arbitration delay 76 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:05.998 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:06.023 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:06.048 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:06.074 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:06.101 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:06.101 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:06.128 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:06.128 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:06.193 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:06.193 [bus info] scan 0d cmd: 310d070400
2023-12-25 10:10:06.193 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:06.193 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:06.193 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:06.655 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:06.655 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:06.655 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:06.686 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 31 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:06.721 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 34 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:06.746 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:06.772 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:06.772 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:06.797 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:06.797 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:06.862 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:06.863 [bus info] scan 0e cmd: 310e070400
2023-12-25 10:10:06.863 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:06.863 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:06.863 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:07.191 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2023-12-25 10:10:07.305 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:07.305 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:07.388 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:07.388 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:07.388 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:07.840 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:07.840 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:07.922 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:07.925 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:07.925 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:07.925 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:07.967 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:07.967 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:08.096 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:08.096 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:08.096 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:08.560 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:08.560 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:08.560 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:08.586 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:08.613 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:08.639 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:08.665 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:08.665 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:08.715 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:08.715 [bus info] scan 12 cmd: 3112070400
2023-12-25 10:10:08.715 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:08.715 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:08.715 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:09.171 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:09.171 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:09.254 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:09.254 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:09.254 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:09.735 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:09.735 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:09.735 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:09.759 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:09.787 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:09.816 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 28 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:09.843 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:09.843 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:09.893 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:09.893 [bus info] scan 14 cmd: 3114070400
2023-12-25 10:10:09.893 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:09.893 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:09.893 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:10.348 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:10.349 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:10.426 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:10.431 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:10.431 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:10.431 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:10.484 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:10.484 [bus debug] arbitration delay 3 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:10.484 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:10.510 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:10.538 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 28 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:10.565 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:10.592 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:10.592 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:10.642 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:10.642 [bus info] scan 15 cmd: 3115070400
2023-12-25 10:10:10.642 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:10.642 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:10.642 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:11.120 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:11.120 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:11.120 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:11.147 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:11.179 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 31 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:11.206 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:11.231 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:11.232 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:11.282 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:11.282 [bus info] scan 16 cmd: 3116070400
2023-12-25 10:10:11.282 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:11.282 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:11.282 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:11.761 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:11.762 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:11.762 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:11.787 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:11.814 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:11.839 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:11.864 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:11.864 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:11.893 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 29 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:11.893 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:11.958 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:11.959 [bus info] scan 18 cmd: 3118070400
2023-12-25 10:10:11.959 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:11.959 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:11.959 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:12.399 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:12.399 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:12.471 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:12.477 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:12.477 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:12.477 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:12.484 [bus debug] ERR: SYN received during receive command, switching to ready
2023-12-25 10:10:12.488 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:12.488 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:12.564 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:12.570 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:12.570 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:12.570 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:12.640 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:12.640 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:12.640 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:12.666 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:12.693 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:12.727 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 33 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:12.754 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:12.754 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:12.782 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:12.782 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:12.786 [bus debug] switching from receive command ACK to receive response
2023-12-25 10:10:12.830 [bus debug] switching from receive response to receive response CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:12.834 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: CRC error
2023-12-25 10:10:12.834 [bus info] scan 19 cmd: 3119070400
2023-12-25 10:10:12.834 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive response CRC, switching to send response ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:12.926 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send response ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:12.926 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:12.926 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:13.370 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:13.370 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:13.370 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:13.400 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 29 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:13.425 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:13.450 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:13.479 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 28 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:13.479 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:13.504 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:13.504 [bus debug] switching from send command CRC to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:13.570 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:13.570 [bus info] scan 1a cmd: 311a070400
2023-12-25 10:10:13.570 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:13.570 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:13.570 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:14.036 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:14.036 [bus debug] arbitration delay 1 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:14.036 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:14.064 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 27 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:14.089 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:14.114 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:14.143 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 29 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:14.143 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:14.194 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:14.194 [bus info] scan 1b cmd: 311b070400
2023-12-25 10:10:14.194 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:14.194 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:14.194 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:14.647 [bus debug] arbitration lost
2023-12-25 10:10:14.648 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2023-12-25 10:10:14.730 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:14.736 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:14.736 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:14.736 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:14.854 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command CRC, switching to receive command ACK
2023-12-25 10:10:14.859 [bus debug] ERR: ACK error during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:14.890 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:14.890 [bus debug] arbitration delay 3 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:14.890 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:14.916 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:14.941 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:14.967 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 25 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:14.992 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:14.992 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:15.042 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:15.042 [bus info] scan 1c cmd: 311c070400
2023-12-25 10:10:15.042 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:15.042 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:15.042 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:15.518 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:15.518 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:15.518 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:15.543 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:15.572 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 29 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:15.602 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 30 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:15.628 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:15.629 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:15.679 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:15.679 [bus info] scan 1d cmd: 311d070400
2023-12-25 10:10:15.679 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:15.679 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:15.679 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:16.154 [bus debug] arbitration won
2023-12-25 10:10:16.154 [bus debug] arbitration delay 2 micros
2023-12-25 10:10:16.154 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2023-12-25 10:10:16.179 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 24 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:16.209 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 30 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:16.235 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 26 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:16.264 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 28 ms
2023-12-25 10:10:16.264 [bus debug] switching from send command to send command CRC
2023-12-25 10:10:16.314 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2023-12-25 10:10:16.314 [bus info] scan 1e cmd: 311e070400
2023-12-25 10:10:16.314 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command CRC, switching to skip
2023-12-25 10:10:16.314 [bus debug] start request 31
2023-12-25 10:10:16.314 [bus debug] arbitration start with 31
2023-12-25 10:10:16.770 [bus debug] arbitration lost