ical import hinter Login - WebUntis

Begonnen von Otto, 14 November 2018, 10:18:36

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


ZitatEs gibt übrigens eine json API. Siehe https://github.com/fellwell5/webuntis-php

Hilft mir auch nicht weiter, da kenne ich mich noch weniger aus.

Dort wird ja die jsonrpc.do genutzt

Ist aber wohl nicht mehr aktuell
Gruss Otto


docker - homematic


Es gibt einen Demozugang, vielleicht kann mir damit einer helfen

User: Schueler
Passwort: Kein Passwort

Dort will ich die ICAL in fhem nutzen

edit: Schule = WebUntis Demo
Gruss Otto


docker - homematic


Hab ein bisschen in der API geforscht.

ANTWORT: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":<uniqueID>,"result":{"sessionId":<sessionID>,"personType":<personType>,"personId":<personID>,"klasseId":<klassenID>}}

Stundenplan der Woche:
ANTWORT: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":<uniqueID>,"result":[{"<Viele Daten: hier kommt der gesamte Studenplan als json array zurück>"}]}

Jetzt muss ich noch ein bisschen gucken, wie es in HTTPMOD einzubauen, sollte aber nicht mehr schwierig sein
Pi 3B, Alexa, CUL868+Selbstbau 1/2λ-Dipol-Antenne, USB Optolink / Vitotronic, Debmatic und HM / HmIP Komponenten, Rademacher Duofern Jalousien, Fritz!Dect Thermostaten, Proteus


Otto ist auf alle Fälle nicht der Einzige, der sich darüber freuen würde.


4*Raspi, Max Thermostate und Fensterkontakte, FB7590, Mysensors und NanoCUL, IT und Sonoff, zigbee2mqtt2



Und ja meine Frau würde sich auch freuen 😉
Gruss Otto


docker - homematic


Bin drin mit:
define BBS2 HTTPMOD https://<server>.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=<school> 86400
attr BBS2 enableControlSet 1
attr BBS2 enableCookies 1
attr BBS2 extractAllJSON 1
attr BBS2 reAuthRegex not.authenticated
attr BBS2 requestData01 {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","method":"getTimetable","params":{"id":"<personId>","type":"<type>","startDate":"20181119","endDate":"20181119"}}
attr BBS2 requestHeader01 Content-Type: application/json
attr BBS2 requestHeader02 Accept: application/json
attr BBS2 requestHeader03 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0;; Win64;; x64;; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
attr BBS2 sid01Data {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","method":"authenticate","params":{"user":"<User>","password":"<Passwort>"}}
attr BBS2 sidHeader01 Content-Type: application/json
attr BBS2 verbose 5

<server> : bei mir arche, bei euch kephiso o.ä. => Siehe wo ihr nach Auswahl der Schule weitergeleitet wird
<school> : eure Schule
<User > und <Passwort> natürlich eure
<personId> und <type> findet ihr in der Log in der Antwort zu Authentifizierung:
ZitatBody: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","result":{"sessionId":"2F829078 blabla2309BFF6","personType":<type>,"personId":<personId>,"klasseId":<klasseId>}}

Das ist sehr rudimentär, da die Ergebnisse noch zu interpretieren sind... und das Datum muss anpassbar sein, und, und und... ;)
Wahrscheinlich muss man noch einige "get" Requests programmieren: getTeachers, getRooms, usw. und abhängig davon ein bisschen Formatierung machen...
"id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b" sollte auch irgendwie kalkuliert werden statt fest gegeben (irgendwelche Zahl geht auch, am Anfang hatte ich 5456851. Das muss aber theoretisch "unique" sein... Das MD5 von Mailadresse könnte eine gute Lösung sein.

Also... noch bisschen zu tun. Aber die "raw" Daten sind da.

Pi 3B, Alexa, CUL868+Selbstbau 1/2λ-Dipol-Antenne, USB Optolink / Vitotronic, Debmatic und HM / HmIP Komponenten, Rademacher Duofern Jalousien, Fritz!Dect Thermostaten, Proteus


Hi amenomade,

vielen Dank.

Besteht die Möglichkeit die ical Datei zu ziehen?
Gruss Otto


docker - homematic


Zitat von: Otto am 18 November 2018, 16:58:43
Hi amenomade,

vielen Dank.

Besteht die Möglichkeit die ical Datei zu ziehen?
Anscheinend ja. Wenn man über jsonrpc.do schon authentifiziert ist, kann man dann /WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=1&elemId=<klassenID>&rpt_sd=2018-11-19 oder /WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=<type>&elemId=<personID>&rpt_sd=2018-11-19aufrufen und somit kriegt man den Kalender in ics Format
Pi 3B, Alexa, CUL868+Selbstbau 1/2λ-Dipol-Antenne, USB Optolink / Vitotronic, Debmatic und HM / HmIP Komponenten, Rademacher Duofern Jalousien, Fritz!Dect Thermostaten, Proteus


Beispiel: Mit:
defmod BBS3 HTTPMOD https://<server>.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=<type>&elemId=<personID>&rpt_sd=2018-11-19 1200
attr BBS3 enableControlSet 1
attr BBS3 enableCookies 1
attr BBS3 reAuthRegex not.authenticated|anonymous.user|nomandant|not.found
attr BBS3 reading01Name ICAL
attr BBS3 reading01Regex (?s)(BEGIN:VCALENDAR.*?END:VCALENDAR)
attr BBS3 requestHeader03 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0;; Win64;; x64;; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
attr BBS3 sid01Data {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":545545648516851,"method":"authenticate","params":{"user":"<User>","password":"<Passwort>"}}
attr BBS3 sid01URL https://<server>.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=<school>
attr BBS3 sidHeader01 Content-Type: application/json
attr BBS3 verbose 5

bekomme ich ein Reading ICAL mit dem gesamten Kalender für Morgen ab BEGIN:VCALENDAR bis END:VCALDENDAR

EDIT: das ist sogar der Kalender für die ganze Woche!
Pi 3B, Alexa, CUL868+Selbstbau 1/2λ-Dipol-Antenne, USB Optolink / Vitotronic, Debmatic und HM / HmIP Komponenten, Rademacher Duofern Jalousien, Fritz!Dect Thermostaten, Proteus


Dazu ein notify, um die .ics Datei zu speichern:
defmod BBS3_notify_1 notify BBS3:ICAL.* {\
open (DATEI, ">./log/untis.ics") or die $!;;\
close (DATEI);;\

Dann ein Calendar Device:
defmod UntisCal Calendar ical file ./log/untis.ics

und ein entspr. CALVIEW Device:
defmod UntisCalview CALVIEW UntisCal next
Pi 3B, Alexa, CUL868+Selbstbau 1/2λ-Dipol-Antenne, USB Optolink / Vitotronic, Debmatic und HM / HmIP Komponenten, Rademacher Duofern Jalousien, Fritz!Dect Thermostaten, Proteus


Und jetzt eine kleine Anpassung, um das Datum nicht fest in der URL zu kodieren, sondern zu kalkulieren.
Da Ical.do immer die Woche von Montag vor bis Sonntag nach dem eingetragenen Datum liefert, muss man das Datum + 2 Tage (86400 * 2) nutzen, sonst kriegt man am Wochenende die vorgangene Woche, was wenig Sinn hat. Wer Samstags arbeitet, muss natürlich dann nur +1 Tag kalkulieren.

defmod BBS3 HTTPMOD none 43200
attr BBS3 enableControlSet 1
attr BBS3 enableCookies 1
attr BBS3 get01Header1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0;; Win64;; x64;; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
attr BBS3 get01Name ICAL
attr BBS3 get01Poll 1
attr BBS3 get01URL https://<server>.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=<type>&elemId=<personID>&rpt_sd=%%datum%%
attr BBS3 reAuthRegex not.authenticated|anonymous.user|nomandant|not.found
attr BBS3 replacement01Mode expression
attr BBS3 replacement01Regex %%datum%%
attr BBS3 replacement01Value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}}
attr BBS3 sid01Data {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":5468165156851,"method":"authenticate","params":{"user":"<User>","password":"<Passwort>"}}
attr BBS3 sid01URL https://<server>.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=<school>
attr BBS3 sidHeader01 Content-Type: application/json
attr BBS3 verbose 5

Pi 3B, Alexa, CUL868+Selbstbau 1/2λ-Dipol-Antenne, USB Optolink / Vitotronic, Debmatic und HM / HmIP Komponenten, Rademacher Duofern Jalousien, Fritz!Dect Thermostaten, Proteus


Der Hammer, ich komme gar nicht hinterher :)

Funktioniert super ! :)
Gruss Otto


docker - homematic



Wie hast du die API Zugriffsadressen herausgefunden.

Will das ganze ein wenig verstehen, damit ich bei einer Änderung halbwegs verstehe wo ich suchen muss  ;)
Gruss Otto


docker - homematic


irgendwie scheine ich zu blöd zu sein. Kann sich mal jemand ansehen, wo mein Fehler liegt? Ich schicke auch gerne meine Logindaten zum Nachstellen per PN.

defmod BBS2 HTTPMOD https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main 86400
attr BBS2 userattr requestData01 requestHeader01 requestHeader02 requestHeader03 sid01Data sidHeader01
attr BBS2 enableControlSet 1
attr BBS2 enableCookies 1
attr BBS2 extractAllJSON 1
attr BBS2 reAuthRegex not.authenticated
attr BBS2 requestData01 {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","method":"getTimetable","params":{"id":"4683","type":"5","startDate":"20181120","endDate":"20181120"}}
attr BBS2 requestHeader01 Content-Type: application/json
attr BBS2 requestHeader02 Accept: application/json
attr BBS2 requestHeader03 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0;; Win64;; x64;; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
attr BBS2 sid01Data {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","method":"authenticate","params":{"user":"juxxxxxxxer","password":"Xxxxxxx0"}}
attr BBS2 sidHeader01 Content-Type: application/json
attr BBS2 verbose 5

setstate BBS2 2018-11-20 15:32:15 errorMessage SQL
setstate BBS2 2018-11-20 15:56:44 error_code -8509
setstate BBS2 2018-11-20 15:56:44 error_message no right for timetable
setstate BBS2 2018-11-20 15:56:44 id 98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b
setstate BBS2 2018-11-20 15:56:44 jsonrpc 2.0
setstate BBS2 2018-11-20 15:32:15 requestURI /WebUntis/jsonrpc.do

defmod BBS3 HTTPMOD none 43200
attr BBS3 userattr get01Header1 get01Name get01Poll:0,1 get01Regex get01URL replacement01Mode:reading,internal,text,expression,key replacement01Regex replacement01Value sid01Data sid01URL sidHeader01
attr BBS3 enableControlSet 1
attr BBS3 enableCookies 1
attr BBS3 get01Header1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0;; Win64;; x64;; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
attr BBS3 get01Name ICAL
attr BBS3 get01Poll 1
attr BBS3 get01URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=%%datum%%
attr BBS3 reAuthRegex not.authenticated|anonymous.user|nomandant|not.found
attr BBS3 replacement01Mode expression
attr BBS3 replacement01Regex %%datum%%
attr BBS3 replacement01Value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}}
attr BBS3 sid01Data {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":5468165156851,"method":"authenticate","params":{"user":"juxxxxxxxer","password":"Xxxxxx0"}}
attr BBS3 sid01URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main
attr BBS3 sidHeader01 Content-Type: application/json
attr BBS3 verbose 5

setstate BBS3 2018-11-20 15:56:44 ICAL BEGIN:VCALENDAR
SUMMARY:no right 4683

2018.11.20 15:56:39 3: BBS2: Defined with URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main and interval 86400
2018.11.20 15:56:39 3: BBS3: URL is none, periodic updates will be limited to explicit GetXXPoll attribues (if defined)
2018.11.20 15:56:39 3: BBS3: Defined without URL and interval 43200
2018.11.20 15:56:39 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2018.11.20 15:56:39 0: Featurelevel: 5.9
2018.11.20 15:56:39 0: Server started with 9 defined entities (fhem.pl:17779/2018-11-18 perl:5.024001 os:linux user:fhem pid:3711)
2018.11.20 15:56:39 3: FHEMWEB WEB CSRF error: csrf_104209738113007 ne csrf_285571357514195 for client WEB_192.168.178.36_54614 / command shutdown restart. For details see the csrfToken FHEMWEB attribute.
2018.11.20 15:56:39 0: Server shutdown
2018.11.20 15:56:40 1: Including fhem.cfg
2018.11.20 15:56:40 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2018.11.20 15:56:40 2: eventTypes: loaded 8 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2018.11.20 15:56:40 3: BBS2: Defined with URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main and interval 86400
2018.11.20 15:56:40 3: BBS3: URL is none, periodic updates will be limited to explicit GetXXPoll attribues (if defined)
2018.11.20 15:56:40 3: BBS3: Defined without URL and interval 43200
2018.11.20 15:56:40 1: Including ./log/fhem.save
2018.11.20 15:56:40 0: Featurelevel: 5.9
2018.11.20 15:56:40 0: Server started with 9 defined entities (fhem.pl:17779/2018-11-18 perl:5.024001 os:linux user:fhem pid:3717)
2018.11.20 15:56:40 3: FHEMWEB WEB CSRF error: csrf_285571357514195 ne csrf_366764278753982 for client WEB_192.168.178.36_54616 / command shutdown restart. For details see the csrfToken FHEMWEB attribute.
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: GetUpdate called (update)
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: update timer modified: will call GetUpdate in 86400.0 seconds at 2018-11-21 15:56:42
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: AddToQueue adds update, initial queue len: 0
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: AddToQueue adds type update to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main, data {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","method":"getTimetable","params":{"id":"xxxx","type":"x","startDate":"20181120","endDate":"20181120"}}, header Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101, retry 0
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue called, qlen = 1
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: HandleSendQueue sends request type update to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main,
data: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","method":"getTimetable","params":{"id":"xxxx","type":"x","startDate":"20181120","endDate":"20181120"}},
header: Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
timeout 2
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: HttpUtils url=https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS3: GetUpdate called (update)
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS3: update timer modified: will call GetUpdate in 43200.0 seconds at 2018-11-21 03:56:42
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS3: GetUpdate checks if poll required for ICAL (01)
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS3: GetUpdate will request ICAL
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS3: AddToQueue adds get01, initial queue len: 0
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS3: AddToQueue adds type get01 to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=%%datum%%, no data, header User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101, retry 0
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS3: HandleSendQueue called, qlen = 1
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS3: Replace called for type get01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}} input: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS3: Replace called for type get01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}} input:
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS3: Replace called for type get01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}} input: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=%%datum%%
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS3: Replace: match for type get01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}}, input: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=%%datum%%, result is https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS3: HandleSendQueue sends request type get01 to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22, No Data,
header: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
timeout 2
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: HttpUtils url=https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: HttpUtils request header:
POST /WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main HTTP/1.0
Host: tipo.webuntis.com
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
Content-Length: 159

2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: HttpUtils request header:
GET /WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22 HTTP/1.0
Host: tipo.webuntis.com
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22: HTTP response code 302
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: HttpUtils https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22: Redirect to https://tipo.webuntis.com:443/login.do?error=nomandant
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: HttpUtils url=https://tipo.webuntis.com:443/login.do?error=nomandant
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: HttpUtils request header:
GET /login.do?error=nomandant HTTP/1.0
Host: tipo.webuntis.com
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main: HTTP response code 200
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: HttpUtils https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main: Got data, length: 110
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: HttpUtils response header:
HTTP/1.1 200 200
Server: nginx
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 14:56:43 GMT
Content-Type: application/json-rpc;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 110
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378; Path=/WebUntis; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="; Version=1; Max-Age=1209600; Expires=Tue, 04-Dec-2018 14:56:43 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Last-Modified
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: Read callback: request type was update retry 0,
Body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","error":{"message":"not authenticated","code":-8520}}
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter called : prefix , ref is HASH(0x592461a8)
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter doing recursion because value is a HASH
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter called : prefix error_, ref is HASH(0x592fa244)
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets error_code to -8520
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets error_message to not authenticated
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets jsonrpc to 2.0
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets id to 98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: extracted JSON values to internal
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: GetCookies is looking for Cookies
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: GetCookies parsed Cookie: JSESSIONID Wert 1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378 Rest Path=/WebUntis; HttpOnly
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: GetCookies parsed Cookie: schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg= Wert " Rest Version=1; Max-Age=1209600; Expires=Tue, 04-Dec-2018 14:56:43 GMT
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: ExtractSid called, context reading, num
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: CheckAuth is checking buffer with ReAuthRegex not.authenticated
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: CheckAuth decided new authentication required
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: Auth called with Steps: 01
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: AddToQueue adds auth01, initial queue len: 0, prio
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: AddToQueue prepends type auth01 to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main, data {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","method":"authenticate","params":{"user":"juxxxxxxxxxxxxxer","password":"Xxxxxxxx0"}}, header Content-Type: application/json, retry 0
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue called, qlen = 1
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue is using Cookie JSESSIONID with path  and Value 1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378 (key JSESSIONID;, destination path is /WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main)
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue is using Cookie schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg= with path  and Value " (key schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=;, destination path is /WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main)
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue is adding Cookie header: JSESSIONID=1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378; schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: HandleSendQueue sends request type auth01 to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main,
data: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","method":"authenticate","params":{"user":"juxxxxxxxx","password":"Xxxxxx0"}},
header: Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: JSESSIONID=1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378; schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="
timeout 2
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: HttpUtils url=https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: AddToQueue adds update, initial queue len: 0
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: AddToQueue adds type update to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main, data {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","method":"getTimetable","params":{"id":"4683","type":"5","startDate":"20181120","endDate":"20181120"}}, header Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101, retry 1
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue called, qlen = 1
2018.11.20 15:56:42 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue - still waiting for reply to last request, delay sending from queue
2018.11.20 15:56:42 4: BBS2: CheckAuth requeued request update after auth, retryCount 0 ...
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: HttpUtils request header:
POST /WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main HTTP/1.0
Host: tipo.webuntis.com
User-Agent: fhem
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/json
Cookie: JSESSIONID=1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378; schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="
Content-Length: 148

2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: https://tipo.webuntis.com:443/login.do?error=nomandant: HTTP response code 404
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: HttpUtils https://tipo.webuntis.com:443/login.do?error=nomandant: Got data, length: 206
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: HttpUtils response header:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 14:56:43 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Length: 206
Connection: close
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS3: Read callback: request type was get01 retry 0,
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /login.do was not found on this server.</p>

2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: GetCookies is looking for Cookies
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: ExtractSid called, context get, num 01
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: CheckAuth is checking buffer with ReAuthRegex not.authenticated|anonymous.user|nomandant|not.found
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS3: CheckAuth decided new authentication required
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS3: Auth called with Steps: 01
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS3: AddToQueue adds auth01, initial queue len: 0, prio
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: AddToQueue prepends type auth01 to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main, data {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":5468165156851,"method":"authenticate","params":{"user":"juxxxxxxxxxer","password":"Xxxxxxxx0"}}, header Content-Type: application/json, retry 0
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: HandleSendQueue called, qlen = 1
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: Replace called for type auth01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}} input: Content-Type: application/json
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: Replace called for type auth01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}} input: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":5468165156851,"method":"authenticate","params":{"user":"juxxxxxxxxxer","password":"Xxxxxxxx0"}}
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: Replace called for type auth01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}} input: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS3: HandleSendQueue sends request type auth01 to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main,
data: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":5468165156851,"method":"authenticate","params":{"user":"juxxxxxxxxxxer","password":"Xxxxxxx0"}},
header: Content-Type: application/json
timeout 2
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: HttpUtils url=https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS3: AddToQueue adds get01, initial queue len: 0
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: AddToQueue adds type get01 to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=5&elemId=4683&rpt_sd=%%datum%%, no data, header User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101, retry 1
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: HandleSendQueue called, qlen = 1
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: HandleSendQueue - still waiting for reply to last request, delay sending from queue
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS3: CheckAuth requeued request get01 after auth, retryCount 0 ...
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: HttpUtils request header:
POST /WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main HTTP/1.0
Host: tipo.webuntis.com
User-Agent: fhem
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 127

2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main: HTTP response code 200
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: HttpUtils https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main: Got data, length: 161
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: HttpUtils response header:
HTTP/1.1 200 200
Server: nginx
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 14:56:43 GMT
Content-Type: application/json-rpc;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 161
Connection: close
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Last-Modified
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS2: Read callback: request type was auth01 retry 0,
Body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","result":{"sessionId":"1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378","personType":x,"personId":xxxx,"klasseId":615}}
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter called : prefix , ref is HASH(0x593a0ec4)
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets jsonrpc to 2.0
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets id to 98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter doing recursion because value is a HASH
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter called : prefix result_, ref is HASH(0x594596d4)
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets result_sessionId to 1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets result_klasseId to 615
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets result_personType to x
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets result_personId to xxxx
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS2: extracted JSON values to internal
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: GetCookies is looking for Cookies
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: ExtractSid called, context sid, num 01
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main: HTTP response code 200
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: HttpUtils https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main: Got data, length: 142
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: HttpUtils response header:
HTTP/1.1 200 200
Server: nginx
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 14:56:43 GMT
Content-Type: application/json-rpc;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 142
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=D5147B6CEF32065751B709016EED4AD2; Path=/WebUntis; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="; Version=1; Max-Age=1209600; Expires=Tue, 04-Dec-2018 14:56:43 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Last-Modified
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS3: Read callback: request type was auth01 retry 0,
Body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"5468165156851","result":{"sessionId":"D5147B6CEF32065751B709016EED4AD2","personType":x,"personId":xxxx,"klasseId":615}}
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: GetCookies is looking for Cookies
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS3: GetCookies parsed Cookie: JSESSIONID Wert D5147B6CEF32065751B709016EED4AD2 Rest Path=/WebUntis; HttpOnly
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS3: GetCookies parsed Cookie: schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg= Wert " Rest Version=1; Max-Age=1209600; Expires=Tue, 04-Dec-2018 14:56:43 GMT
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS3: ExtractSid called, context sid, num 01
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue called, qlen = 1
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue is using Cookie JSESSIONID with path  and Value 1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378 (key JSESSIONID;, destination path is /WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main)
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue is using Cookie schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg= with path  and Value " (key schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=;, destination path is /WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main)
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue is adding Cookie header: JSESSIONID=1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378; schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="
2018.11.20 15:56:43 4: BBS2: HandleSendQueue sends request type update to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main,
data: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","method":"getTimetable","params":{"id":"xxxx","type":"x","startDate":"20181120","endDate":"20181120"}},
header: Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
Cookie: JSESSIONID=1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378; schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="
timeout 2
2018.11.20 15:56:43 5: HttpUtils url=https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: HttpUtils request header:
POST /WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main HTTP/1.0
Host: tipo.webuntis.com
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
Cookie: JSESSIONID=1CDF6CD878F442E4D54811FC35CEF378; schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="
Content-Length: 159

2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: HandleSendQueue called, qlen = 1
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: Replace called for type get01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}} input: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: Replace called for type get01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}} input:
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: Replace called for type get01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}} input: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=%%datum%%
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: BBS3: Replace: match for type get01, regex %%datum%%, mode expression, value {{POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time + (86400 * 2)))}}, input: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=%%datum%%, result is https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=5&elemId=4683&rpt_sd=2018-11-22
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: HandleSendQueue is using Cookie JSESSIONID with path  and Value D5147B6CEF32065751B709016EED4AD2 (key JSESSIONID;, destination path is /WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22)
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: HandleSendQueue is using Cookie schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg= with path  and Value " (key schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=;, destination path is /WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22)
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: HandleSendQueue is adding Cookie header: JSESSIONID=D5147B6CEF32065751B709016EED4AD2; schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: BBS3: HandleSendQueue sends request type get01 to URL https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22, No Data,
header: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
Cookie: JSESSIONID=D5147B6CEF32065751B709016EED4AD2; schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="
timeout 2
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: HttpUtils url=https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main: HTTP response code 200
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: HttpUtils https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv#/basic/main: Got data, length: 115
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: HttpUtils response header:
HTTP/1.1 200 200
Server: nginx
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 14:56:44 GMT
Content-Type: application/json-rpc;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 115
Connection: close
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Last-Modified
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: BBS2: Read callback: request type was update retry 1,
Body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b","error":{"message":"no right for timetable","code":-8509}}
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter called : prefix , ref is HASH(0x59296df0)
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter doing recursion because value is a HASH
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter called : prefix error_, ref is HASH(0x594591d4)
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets error_code to -8509
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets error_message to no right for timetable
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets jsonrpc to 2.0
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: JSON Flatter sets id to 98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: BBS2: extracted JSON values to internal
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: GetCookies is looking for Cookies
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: ExtractSid called, context reading, num
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: CheckAuth is checking buffer with ReAuthRegex not.authenticated
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: BBS2: CheckAuth decided no authentication required
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: Read set JSON jsonrpc as reading jsonrpc to value 2.0
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: Read set JSON id as reading id to value 98b399d6045ac975a725c64d446da57b
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: Read set JSON error_message as reading error_message to value no right for timetable
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: Read set JSON error_code as reading error_code to value -8509
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: UpdateReadingList created list of reading.* nums to parse during getUpdate as
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: Read starts parsing response to update with defined readings:
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: BBS2: Read response to update matched Reading(s) jsonrpc id error_message error_code
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS2: HandleSendQueue called, qlen = 0
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: HttpUtils request header:
GET /WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=5&elemId=4683&rpt_sd=2018-11-22 HTTP/1.0
Host: tipo.webuntis.com
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101
Cookie: JSESSIONID=D5147B6CEF32065751B709016EED4AD2; schoolname="_YmJzLXdodg=="
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22: HTTP response code 200
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: HttpUtils https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/Ical.do?elemType=x&elemId=xxxx&rpt_sd=2018-11-22: Got data, length: 155
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: HttpUtils response header:
HTTP/1.1 200 200
Server: nginx
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 14:56:44 GMT
Content-Type: text/calendar;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 155
Connection: close
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="error.ics"
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: BBS3: Read callback: request type was get01 retry 1,
SUMMARY:no right 4683

2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: GetCookies is looking for Cookies
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: ExtractSid called, context get, num 01
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: CheckAuth is checking buffer with ReAuthRegex not.authenticated|anonymous.user|nomandant|not.found
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: BBS3: CheckAuth decided no authentication required
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: ExtractReading ICAL with regex /(?s)(BEGIN:VCALENDAR.*?END:VCALENDAR)/...
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: 1 capture group(s), matchlist = BEGIN:VCALENDAR
SUMMARY:no right 4683
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: BBS3: ExtractReading for get01-1 sets ICAL to BEGIN:VCALENDAR
SUMMARY:no right 4683
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: UpdateReadingList created list of reading.* nums to parse during getUpdate as
2018.11.20 15:56:44 4: BBS3: Read response to get01 matched Reading(s) ICAL
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: UpdateHintList called
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: UpdateHintList: setlist = interval reread:noArg stop:noArg start:noArg upgradeAttributes:noArg storeKeyValue
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: UpdateHintList: getlist = ICAL:noArg
2018.11.20 15:56:44 5: BBS3: HandleSendQueue called, qlen = 0


4*Raspi, Max Thermostate und Fensterkontakte, FB7590, Mysensors und NanoCUL, IT und Sonoff, zigbee2mqtt2


Hi Andreas,

nutze BBS2 und BBS3 nicht gleichzeitig, das könnte Zugriffsprobleme geben.

Teste erstmal mit BBS2 und lasse bei school=bbs-whv#/basic/main  #/basic/main weg

defmod BBS2 HTTPMOD https://tipo.webuntis.com/WebUntis/jsonrpc.do?school=bbs-whv 86400

Dann muss du jedemenge Readings bekommen mit result_....
Gruss Otto


docker - homematic