fhempy server offline nach neustart

Begonnen von 3dmanipulator, 21 März 2022, 15:48:40

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Zitat von: dominik am 19 Januar 2023, 22:45:22
Das sind wohl Version 3.2 Devices, oder? Da liegt das Problem...
Mach bitte ein
sudo -u fhem bash
pip3 uninstall tinytuya

Danach fhempyserver neu starten. Ich habe in der fhempy-tinytuya Lib noch etwas geändert.

3.2. könnte bei manchen sein

ansonsten bin ich deinen Anweisungen gefolgt

023-01-19 23:04:03,788 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_JL33', 'dp_105', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:03,788 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_SCHF2', 'dp_104', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:03,789 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_SP01', 'dp_104', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:03,789 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_JL28', 'dp_105', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:03,789 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_JL36', 'dp_105', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:03,789 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_JL29', 'dp_26', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:03,789 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_JL32', 'dp_32', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:03,789 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: CommandAttr(undef, "TUYA_Camera5 dp_106 motion_sensitivity")
2023-01-19 23:04:03,790 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_SensorT03', 'tuya_spec_functions', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:04,577 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:05,523 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:08,230 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:09,087 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:09,655 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:10,597 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:14,666 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:15,609 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:18,250 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:19,099 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:19,687 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:20,621 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:24,698 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:25,675 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:28,334 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:29,298 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:29,896 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:30,747 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:32,756 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:33,493 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:34,952 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:35,782 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:38,346 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:39,310 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:40,018 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:40,856 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:45,103 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-19 23:04:45,961 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.

2023-01-19 23:04:03,789 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_JL28', 'dp_105', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:03,789 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_JL36', 'dp_105', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:03,789 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_JL29', 'dp_26', '')
2023-01-19 23:04:03,789 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: NO RESPONSE since 60s: AttrVal('TUYA_JL32', 'dp_32', '')

das sind eigentlich neuere Geräte

hier JL28:
[code]define TUYA_JL28 fhempy tuya wifvoilfrqeo6hvu 3367036770039f60c576 628b38730b4c06e3 3.3 ea8453wdazquzfl08l0e 8a4b27dd759d4c6a9456aa8155d2a0ea
attr TUYA_JL28 DbLogExclude .*
attr TUYA_JL28 alias JL28 Steckdose Garage 1
attr TUYA_JL28 dp_01 switch_1
attr TUYA_JL28 dp_02 countdown_1
attr TUYA_JL28 dp_03 add_ele
attr TUYA_JL28 dp_04 cur_current
attr TUYA_JL28 dp_05 cur_power
attr TUYA_JL28 dp_06 cur_voltage
attr TUYA_JL28 group Schalter (T),Schalter diverse
attr TUYA_JL28 room Garage,fhempy
attr TUYA_JL28 tuya_spec_functions [{'code': 'switch_1', 'dp_id': 1, 'type': 'Boolean', 'values': {}, 'desc': 'switch 1'}, {'code': 'countdown_1', 'dp_id': 2, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '秒', 'max': 86400, 'step': 1}, 'desc': 'countdown 1'}]
attr TUYA_JL28 tuya_spec_status [{'code': 'switch_1', 'dp_id': 1, 'type': 'Boolean', 'values': {}}, {'code': 'countdown_1', 'dp_id': 2, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '秒', 'max': 86400, 'step': 1}}, {'code': 'add_ele', 'dp_id': 3, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '度', 'max': 500000, 'step': 100}}, {'code': 'cur_current', 'dp_id': 4, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': 'mA', 'max': 30000, 'step': 1}}, {'code': 'cur_power', 'dp_id': 5, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': 'W', 'max': 50000, 'step': 1}}, {'code': 'cur_voltage', 'dp_id': 6, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 0, 'unit': 'V', 'scale': 0, 'max': 2500, 'step': 1}}]
#   DEF        tuya wifvoilfrqeo6hvu 3367036770039f60c576 628b38730b4c06e3 3.3 ea8453wdazquzfl08l0e 8a4b27dd759d4c6a9456aa8155d2a0ea
#   DEVICEID   3367036770039f60c576
#   FUUID      63b36581-f33f-fd5f-0a3c-6fb7113069b4e237
#   IODev      local_pybinding
#   NAME       TUYA_JL28
#   NR         2033
#   STATE      off
#   TYPE       fhempy
#   eventCount 12
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   active_time     1621695993
#     2023-01-14 13:09:14   add_ele         1.0
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   biz_type        18
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   category        cz
#     2023-01-19 22:49:48   countdown_1     0.0
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   create_time     1621695993
#     2023-01-19 23:04:46   cur_current     0.0
#     2023-01-19 23:04:46   cur_power       0.0
#     2023-01-19 23:04:46   cur_voltage     0.0
#     2023-01-19 01:20:48   dp_07           0
#     2023-01-13 21:14:59   dp_08           0
#     2023-01-03 10:58:32   dp_09           0
#     2023-01-13 21:14:59   dp_10           0
#     2023-01-03 10:58:32   dp_101          0
#     2023-01-03 10:58:32   dp_102          0
#     2023-01-03 10:58:32   dp_103          0
#     2023-01-03 10:58:32   dp_104          0
#     2023-01-03 10:58:32   dp_105          0
#     2023-01-13 21:14:59   dp_11           0
#     2023-01-13 21:14:59   dp_12           0
#     2023-01-13 21:14:59   dp_15           0
#     2023-01-19 23:04:05   dp_18           869
#     2023-01-19 23:04:05   dp_19           2004
#     2023-01-19 23:04:05   dp_20           2463
#     2023-01-19 23:04:05   dp_21           white
#     2023-01-19 23:04:05   dp_22           1000
#     2023-01-19 23:04:05   dp_23           0
#     2023-01-19 23:04:05   dp_24           21782
#     2023-01-19 23:04:05   dp_25           000e0d0000000000000000c80000
#     2023-01-03 10:58:32   dp_26           0
#     2023-01-11 23:22:22   dp_32           normal
#     2023-01-13 21:14:59   dp_38           1
#     2023-01-03 10:58:32   dp_39           0
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   icon            smart/device_icon/eu1548823829280mLHX1/3367036770039f60c576163417966053451.png
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   id              3367036770039f60c576
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   ip    
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   lat             48.5585
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   local_key       628b38730b4c06e3
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   lon             9.2025
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   model           欧规,10A,带计电量,支持酷客RF产测
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   name            JL28 Steckdose Garage 1
#     2023-01-19 23:02:46   online          1
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   owner_id        3389434
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   product_id      wifvoilfrqeo6hvu
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   product_name    Smart Socket
#     2023-01-19 23:04:05   state           off
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   sub             0
#     2023-01-12 23:13:53   switch_1        off
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   time_zone       +01:00
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   uid             eu1548823829280mLHX1
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   update_time     1672700863
#     2023-01-03 10:58:25   uuid            3367036770039f60c576
#   args:
#     TUYA_JL28
#     fhempy
#     tuya
#     wifvoilfrqeo6hvu
#     3367036770039f60c576
#     628b38730b4c06e3
#     3.3
#     ea8453wdazquzfl08l0e
#     8a4b27dd759d4c6a9456aa8155d2a0ea
#   argsh:
setstate TUYA_JL28 off
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 active_time 1621695993
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-14 13:09:14 add_ele 1.0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 biz_type 18
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 category cz
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 22:49:48 countdown_1 0.0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 create_time 1621695993
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:46 cur_current 0.0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:46 cur_power 0.0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:46 cur_voltage 0.0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 01:20:48 dp_07 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-13 21:14:59 dp_08 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:32 dp_09 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-13 21:14:59 dp_10 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:32 dp_101 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:32 dp_102 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:32 dp_103 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:32 dp_104 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:32 dp_105 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-13 21:14:59 dp_11 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-13 21:14:59 dp_12 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-13 21:14:59 dp_15 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:05 dp_18 869
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:05 dp_19 2004
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:05 dp_20 2463
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:05 dp_21 white
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:05 dp_22 1000
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:05 dp_23 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:05 dp_24 21782
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:05 dp_25 000e0d0000000000000000c80000
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:32 dp_26 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-11 23:22:22 dp_32 normal
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-13 21:14:59 dp_38 1
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:32 dp_39 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 icon smart/device_icon/eu1548823829280mLHX1/3367036770039f60c576163417966053451.png
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 id 3367036770039f60c576
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 ip
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 lat 48.5585
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 local_key 628b38730b4c06e3
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 lon 9.2025
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 model 欧规,10A,带计电量,支持酷客RF产测
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 name JL28 Steckdose Garage 1
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:02:46 online 1
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 owner_id 3389434
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 product_id wifvoilfrqeo6hvu
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 product_name Smart Socket
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-19 23:04:05 state off
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 sub 0
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-12 23:13:53 switch_1 off
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 time_zone +01:00
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 uid eu1548823829280mLHX1
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 update_time 1672700863
setstate TUYA_JL28 2023-01-03 10:58:25 uuid 3367036770039f60c576

wobei es da kein dp_105 gibt
1 RASPI4B, 1 RASPI3B, 2 CUL, 2 Jeelink, 60 Tuya-Devices (Schalter, Dimmer, Sensoren, Cameras), 30 HUE-Lampen, 5 MAX! WTs, 16 MAX! HTs, 12 MAX! FKs, 1 Bresser 5in1, 1 OilFox, 8 ALEXA Echos und Dots, FHEM, 5 Tasmota-Devices, SonOff -Bridge, PowerFox, Buderus KM200


Bitte das Log vom fhempy Start weg, damit ich den ersten Fehler sehe.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Zitat von: dominik am 19 Januar 2023, 23:18:33
Bitte das Log vom fhempy Start weg, damit ich den ersten Fehler sehe.


2023-01-20 08:23:23,732 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Start update...
2023-01-20 08:23:23,733 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.pkg_installer: Attempting install of fhempy
2023-01-20 08:23:25,163 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:23:26,172 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:23:26,179 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:23:26,232 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:23:26,554 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:23:30,456 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:23:31,184 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:23:31,191 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:23:31,243 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:23:34,189 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.pkg_installer: Successfully installed fhempy update!
2023-01-20 08:23:34,308 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Restart initiated...
2023-01-20 08:23:34,368 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: All modules successfully undefined!
2023-01-20 08:23:34,369 - ERROR    - fhempy.lib.fhem: Failed to set result, received: {"error":0,"awaitId":40317637,"result":null}
2023-01-20 08:23:34,369 - INFO     - websockets.server: server closing
2023-01-20 08:23:44,361 - ERROR    - TUYA_SensorT02: Exception raised by task: <Task finished name='Task-2866' coro=<FhemModule._run_coro() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py:194> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'device'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py", line 202, in _handle_task_result
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py", line 196, in _run_coro
    await coro
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 501, in update_dps_loop
    await self._connected_device.device.device.updatedps()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'device'
2023-01-20 08:23:44,364 - ERROR    - TUYA_SW02: Exception raised by task: <Task finished name='Task-8366' coro=<FhemModule._run_coro() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py:194> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'device'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py", line 202, in _handle_task_result
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py", line 196, in _run_coro
    await coro
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 501, in update_dps_loop
    await self._connected_device.device.device.updatedps()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'device'
2023-01-20 08:23:44,366 - ERROR    - TUYA_SensorT01: Exception raised by task: <Task finished name='Task-8351' coro=<FhemModule._run_coro() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py:194> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'device'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py", line 202, in _handle_task_result
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py", line 196, in _run_coro
    await coro
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 501, in update_dps_loop
    await self._connected_device.device.device.updatedps()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'device'
2023-01-20 08:23:44,367 - ERROR    - TUYA_PS1: Exception raised by task: <Task finished name='Task-3293' coro=<FhemModule._run_coro() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py:194> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'device'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py", line 202, in _handle_task_result
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/generic.py", line 196, in _run_coro
    await coro
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 501, in update_dps_loop
    await self._connected_device.device.device.updatedps()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'device'
2023-01-20 08:23:44,376 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection closed
2023-01-20 08:23:44,377 - INFO     - websockets.server: server closed
2023-01-20 08:23:44,383 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Exit 1
2023-01-20 08:23:45,619 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy 0.1.563...
2023-01-20 08:23:45,622 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2023-01-20 08:23:45,652 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2023-01-20 08:23:55,599 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2023-01-20 08:23:55,600 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:
2023-01-20 08:24:00,321 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending name='Task-413' coro=<main() running at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/__init__.py:247> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0xb26e3ef8>()]>>
2023-01-20 08:24:00,321 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending name='Task-418' coro=<main() running at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/__init__.py:247> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0xb26e3130>()]>>
2023-01-20 08:24:09,690 - ERROR    - TUYA_EMYLO2: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:09,697 - ERROR    - TUYA_DIY3: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:09,699 - ERROR    - TUYA_DIY1: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:09,700 - ERROR    - TUYA_DIY4: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:09,702 - ERROR    - TUYA_EMYLO1: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:12,614 - ERROR    - TUYA_BULB2: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:12,617 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL04: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:12,622 - ERROR    - TUYA_EMYLO4: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:12,623 - ERROR    - TUYA_EMYLO3: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:12,624 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL07: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:12,625 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL06: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:12,627 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL05: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:12,634 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL09: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:14,865 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL13: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:14,866 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL08: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:14,868 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL12Z: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:14,941 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL14: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:14,945 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL11Z: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:14,946 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL10Z: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:14,950 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL03: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:22,963 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL32: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:22,965 - ERROR    - TUYA_Camera4: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:22,970 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL24: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:22,972 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL21: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:22,973 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL20: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:22,975 - ERROR    - TUYA_Camera1: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:22,988 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL28: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:23,045 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL29: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:23,052 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL26: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:23,054 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL25: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:23,059 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL27: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:32,493 - ERROR    - TUYA_MMG: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:32,494 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL36: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:32,854 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL35: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:32,863 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL33: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:33,219 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL34: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:33,221 - ERROR    - TUYA_JL31: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 638, in update_readings
    for dp in status:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
2023-01-20 08:24:43,485 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-412' coro=<XenonDevice.detect_available_dps() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py:1120> exception=TypeError("argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py", line 1139, in detect_available_dps
    if "dps" in data:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
2023-01-20 08:24:43,602 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-417' coro=<XenonDevice.detect_available_dps() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py:1120> exception=TypeError("argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py", line 1139, in detect_available_dps
    if "dps" in data:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
2023-01-20 08:24:43,721 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:24:45,049 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:24:49,358 - ERROR    - TUYA_Sirene1: Failed create_device
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 537, in create_device
    await self._create_cloudmapping_dev()
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 442, in _create_cloudmapping_dev
    await self.retrieve_tuya_specs()
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 417, in retrieve_tuya_specs
    spec = await self.get_tuya_dev_specification()
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 371, in get_tuya_dev_specification
    return resp["result"]
KeyError: 'result'
2023-01-20 08:24:50,094 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:24:53,734 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:24:55,107 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 08:25:04,583 - ERROR    - TUYA_PS1: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 670, in update_readings
    self.convert(status[dp], st),
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 566, in convert
    return value / (10 ** values["scale"])
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'
2023-01-20 08:25:10,190 - ERROR    - TUYA_PS4: Failed to update readings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 670, in update_readings
    self.convert(status[dp], st),
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fhempy/lib/tuya/tuya.py", line 566, in convert
    return value / (10 ** values["scale"])
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'

hoffe auf behebung

sonst kommt alle paar Sekunden :

2023-01-20 00:00:00,158 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:04,305 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:04,306 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:08,192 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:09,318 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:09,319 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:10,170 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:14,527 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:14,528 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:18,203 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:19,632 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:19,633 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:20,244 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:24,644 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:24,646 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:28,273 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:29,711 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:29,711 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:30,356 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:34,805 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:34,807 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:36,331 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:37,522 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:38,372 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:39,818 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:39,820 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:40,367 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:44,922 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:44,923 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:48,444 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:49,996 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:49,997 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:50,382 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:55,008 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:55,009 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:00:58,536 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:00,121 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:00,122 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:00,594 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:05,133 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:05,134 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:08,549 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:10,145 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:10,147 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:10,631 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:15,242 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:15,242 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:18,562 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:20,345 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:20,345 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:20,716 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:25,356 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:25,357 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:28,575 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:30,436 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:30,436 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:30,781 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:35,548 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:35,549 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:36,384 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:37,618 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:38,612 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:40,677 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 00:01:40,677 -
1 RASPI4B, 1 RASPI3B, 2 CUL, 2 Jeelink, 60 Tuya-Devices (Schalter, Dimmer, Sensoren, Cameras), 30 HUE-Lampen, 5 MAX! WTs, 16 MAX! HTs, 12 MAX! FKs, 1 Bresser 5in1, 1 OilFox, 8 ALEXA Echos und Dots, FHEM, 5 Tasmota-Devices, SonOff -Bridge, PowerFox, Buderus KM200


Hier fängt das Problem schon an
Zitat2023-01-20 08:23:55,600 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:
2023-01-20 08:24:00,321 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending name='Task-413' coro=<main() running at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/__init__.py:247> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0xb26e3ef8>()]>>

Mir ist nicht klar warum der Task destroyed wird, das dürfte nicht sein. Das passiert eigentlich nur, wenn die Eventloop geschlossen wird. Kannst du in der fhem.cfg mal alle Devices bis auf eines löschen, damit wir sehen wie das mit einem einzelnen Device aussieht? Du kannst ja später die Devices wieder hinzufügen.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Zitat von: dominik am 20 Januar 2023, 15:56:00
Hier fängt das Problem schon an
Mir ist nicht klar warum der Task destroyed wird, das dürfte nicht sein. Das passiert eigentlich nur, wenn die Eventloop geschlossen wird. Kannst du in der fhem.cfg mal alle Devices bis auf eines löschen, damit wir sehen wie das mit einem einzelnen Device aussieht? Du kannst ja später die Devices wieder hinzufügen.

sodele habe ich gemacht und nur ein TemperaturDevice belassen:


2023-01-20 16:44:21,376 - WARNING  - asyncio: socket.send() raised exception.
2023-01-20 17:43:06,564 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy 0.1.563...
2023-01-20 17:43:06,568 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2023-01-20 17:43:06,605 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2023-01-20 17:43:12,941 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2023-01-20 17:43:12,942 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:

sieht also gut aus ? :-)
der room "fhempy" wird auch sofort angezeigt (statt nach einigen Sekunden/Minuten)

soll ich nun successive weitere Devices wieder reinnehmen, bis die Übeltäter identifiziert sind?
1 RASPI4B, 1 RASPI3B, 2 CUL, 2 Jeelink, 60 Tuya-Devices (Schalter, Dimmer, Sensoren, Cameras), 30 HUE-Lampen, 5 MAX! WTs, 16 MAX! HTs, 12 MAX! FKs, 1 Bresser 5in1, 1 OilFox, 8 ALEXA Echos und Dots, FHEM, 5 Tasmota-Devices, SonOff -Bridge, PowerFox, Buderus KM200


Ja, bitte. Ich denke es ist ein Version 3.2 Device welches die Probleme macht.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Zitat von: dominik am 20 Januar 2023, 20:49:05
Ja, bitte. Ich denke es ist ein Version 3.2 Device welches die Probleme macht.

ok ... ich taste mich mal in 5erPortionen vor...

und da knallte es wieder:

##### BULBx ~~~~~~~~ ausgekl 2023-01-20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# define TUYA_BULB1 fhempy tuya h19lwmmcfp2tw5nl 00715387f4cfa2092c01 03c41b994a0ce655 3.3 ea8453wdazquzfl08l0e 8a4b27dd759d4c6a9456aa8155d2a0ea
# setuuid TUYA_BULB1 63a35ffb-f33f-fd5f-ae00-5787564aa163664b
# attr TUYA_BULB1 DbLogExclude .*
# attr TUYA_BULB1 alias BULB1 PETRA Nacht 1
# attr TUYA_BULB1 dp_20 switch_led
# attr TUYA_BULB1 dp_21 work_mode
# attr TUYA_BULB1 dp_22 bright_value_v2
# attr TUYA_BULB1 dp_23 temp_value_v2
# attr TUYA_BULB1 dp_25 scene_data_v2
# attr TUYA_BULB1 dp_26 countdown_1
# attr TUYA_BULB1 dp_28 control_data
# attr TUYA_BULB1 group Lampe (T)
# attr TUYA_BULB1 room PETRA,fhempy
# attr TUYA_BULB1 tuya_spec_functions [{'code': 'switch_led', 'dp_id': 20, 'type': 'Boolean', 'values': {}, 'desc': 'switch led'}, {'code': 'work_mode', 'dp_id': 21, 'type': 'Enum', 'values': {'range': ['white', 'colour', 'scene', 'music']}, 'desc': 'work mode'}, {'code': 'bright_value_v2', 'dp_id': 22, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 10, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'desc': 'bright value v2'}, {'code': 'temp_value_v2', 'dp_id': 23, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'desc': 'temp value v2'}, {'code': 'scene_data_v2', 'dp_id': 25, 'type': 'Json', 'values': {'scene_num': {'min': 1, 'scale': 0, 'max': 8, 'step': 1}, 'scene_units': {'unit_change_mode': {'range': ['static', 'jump', 'gradient']}, 'unit_switch_duration': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1}, 'unit_gradient_duration': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1}, 'bright': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'temperature': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'h': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 360, 'step': 1}, 's': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'v': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}}}, 'desc': 'scene data v2'}, {'code': 'countdown_1', 'dp_id': 26, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'unit': '', 'min': 0, 'max': 86400, 'scale': 0, 'step': 1}, 'desc': 'countdown 1'}, {'code': 'control_data', 'dp_id': 28, 'type': 'Json', 'values': {'change_mode': {'range': ['direct', 'gradient']}, 'bright': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'temperature': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'h': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 360, 'step': 1}, 's': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 255, 'step': 1}, 'v': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 255, 'step': 1}}, 'desc': 'control data'}]
# attr TUYA_BULB1 tuya_spec_status [{'code': 'switch_led', 'dp_id': 20, 'type': 'Boolean', 'values': {}}, {'code': 'work_mode', 'dp_id': 21, 'type': 'Enum', 'values': {'range': ['white', 'colour', 'scene', 'music']}}, {'code': 'bright_value_v2', 'dp_id': 22, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 10, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}}, {'code': 'temp_value_v2', 'dp_id': 23, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}}, {'code': 'scene_data_v2', 'dp_id': 25, 'type': 'Json', 'values': {'scene_num': {'min': 1, 'scale': 0, 'max': 8, 'step': 1}, 'scene_units': {'unit_change_mode': {'range': ['static', 'jump', 'gradient']}, 'unit_switch_duration': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1}, 'unit_gradient_duration': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1}, 'bright': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'temperature': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'h': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 360, 'step': 1}, 's': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'v': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}}}}, {'code': 'countdown_1', 'dp_id': 26, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'unit': '', 'min': 0, 'max': 86400, 'scale': 0, 'step': 1}}, {'code': 'control_data', 'dp_id': 28, 'type': 'Json', 'values': {'change_mode': {'range': ['direct', 'gradient']}, 'bright': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'temperature': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'h': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 360, 'step': 1}, 's': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 255, 'step': 1}, 'v': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 255, 'step': 1}}}]

# define TUYA_BULB2 fhempy tuya h19lwmmcfp2tw5nl 00715387f4cfa209ab1e 537e63946514289e 3.3 ea8453wdazquzfl08l0e 8a4b27dd759d4c6a9456aa8155d2a0ea
# setuuid TUYA_BULB2 63a4a5ec-f33f-fd5f-31c2-c7cc5445c3d51616
# attr TUYA_BULB2 DbLogExclude .*
# attr TUYA_BULB2 alias BULB2 Globus
# attr TUYA_BULB2 dp_20 switch_led
# attr TUYA_BULB2 dp_21 work_mode
# attr TUYA_BULB2 dp_22 bright_value_v2
# attr TUYA_BULB2 dp_23 temp_value_v2
# attr TUYA_BULB2 dp_25 scene_data_v2
# attr TUYA_BULB2 dp_26 countdown_1
# attr TUYA_BULB2 dp_28 control_data
# attr TUYA_BULB2 group Lampe (T)
# attr TUYA_BULB2 room THOMAS,fhempy
# attr TUYA_BULB2 tuya_spec_functions [{'code': 'switch_led', 'dp_id': 20, 'type': 'Boolean', 'values': {}, 'desc': 'switch led'}, {'code': 'work_mode', 'dp_id': 21, 'type': 'Enum', 'values': {'range': ['white', 'colour', 'scene', 'music']}, 'desc': 'work mode'}, {'code': 'bright_value_v2', 'dp_id': 22, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 10, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'desc': 'bright value v2'}, {'code': 'temp_value_v2', 'dp_id': 23, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'desc': 'temp value v2'}, {'code': 'scene_data_v2', 'dp_id': 25, 'type': 'Json', 'values': {'scene_num': {'min': 1, 'scale': 0, 'max': 8, 'step': 1}, 'scene_units': {'unit_change_mode': {'range': ['static', 'jump', 'gradient']}, 'unit_switch_duration': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1}, 'unit_gradient_duration': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1}, 'bright': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'temperature': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'h': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 360, 'step': 1}, 's': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'v': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}}}, 'desc': 'scene data v2'}, {'code': 'countdown_1', 'dp_id': 26, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'unit': '', 'min': 0, 'max': 86400, 'scale': 0, 'step': 1}, 'desc': 'countdown 1'}, {'code': 'control_data', 'dp_id': 28, 'type': 'Json', 'values': {'change_mode': {'range': ['direct', 'gradient']}, 'bright': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'temperature': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'h': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 360, 'step': 1}, 's': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 255, 'step': 1}, 'v': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 255, 'step': 1}}, 'desc': 'control data'}]
# attr TUYA_BULB2 tuya_spec_status [{'code': 'switch_led', 'dp_id': 20, 'type': 'Boolean', 'values': {}}, {'code': 'work_mode', 'dp_id': 21, 'type': 'Enum', 'values': {'range': ['white', 'colour', 'scene', 'music']}}, {'code': 'bright_value_v2', 'dp_id': 22, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 10, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}}, {'code': 'temp_value_v2', 'dp_id': 23, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}}, {'code': 'scene_data_v2', 'dp_id': 25, 'type': 'Json', 'values': {'scene_num': {'min': 1, 'scale': 0, 'max': 8, 'step': 1}, 'scene_units': {'unit_change_mode': {'range': ['static', 'jump', 'gradient']}, 'unit_switch_duration': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1}, 'unit_gradient_duration': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1}, 'bright': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'temperature': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'h': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 360, 'step': 1}, 's': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'v': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}}}}, {'code': 'countdown_1', 'dp_id': 26, 'type': 'Integer', 'values': {'unit': '', 'min': 0, 'max': 86400, 'scale': 0, 'step': 1}}, {'code': 'control_data', 'dp_id': 28, 'type': 'Json', 'values': {'change_mode': {'range': ['direct', 'gradient']}, 'bright': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'temperature': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 1000, 'step': 1}, 'h': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 360, 'step': 1}, 's': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 255, 'step': 1}, 'v': {'min': 0, 'scale': 0, 'unit': '', 'max': 255, 'step': 1}}}]

# define TUYA_BULB3 fhempy tuya n5gs2jjpfnum55en bfefd42e199ea92ee3jbwh offline b86b46f24e0c5727 3.3 ea8453wdazquzfl08l0e 8a4b27dd759d4c6a9456aa8155d2a0ea
# setuuid TUYA_BULB3 63a35feb-f33f-fd5f-7ea4-bbb46444079004c0
# attr TUYA_BULB3 DbLogExclude .*
# attr TUYA_BULB3 alias BULB3 Stern
# attr TUYA_BULB3 group Lampe (T)
# attr TUYA_BULB3 room THOMAS,fhempy

2023-01-20 21:12:46,337 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-498' coro=<XenonDevice.detect_available_dps() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py:1120> exception=TypeError("argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py", line 1139, in detect_available_dps
    if "dps" in data:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
2023-01-20 21:12:46,352 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-492' coro=<XenonDevice.detect_available_dps() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py:1120> exception=TypeError("argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py", line 1139, in detect_available_dps
    if "dps" in data:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
2023-01-20 21:29:36,145 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy 0.1.563...
2023-01-20 21:29:36,149 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2023-01-20 21:29:36,187 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2023-01-20 21:29:42,628 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2023-01-20 21:29:42,628 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:

da ist wohl wieder Ruhe :-)

könnte es auch daran gelegen haben; dass eines davon Offline war?
1 RASPI4B, 1 RASPI3B, 2 CUL, 2 Jeelink, 60 Tuya-Devices (Schalter, Dimmer, Sensoren, Cameras), 30 HUE-Lampen, 5 MAX! WTs, 16 MAX! HTs, 12 MAX! FKs, 1 Bresser 5in1, 1 OilFox, 8 ALEXA Echos und Dots, FHEM, 5 Tasmota-Devices, SonOff -Bridge, PowerFox, Buderus KM200


Mach bitte einen Test, wo nur ein einziges Device drin ist welches nicht funktioniert und poste dann das fhempy Log dazu.

Version 3.3 ist auch sicher korrekt? Wird da so im "setup device" angezeigt?
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Zitat von: dominik am 20 Januar 2023, 21:31:43

Version 3.3 ist auch sicher korrekt? Wird da so im "setup device" angezeigt?
was meinst du damit genauer ?
1 RASPI4B, 1 RASPI3B, 2 CUL, 2 Jeelink, 60 Tuya-Devices (Schalter, Dimmer, Sensoren, Cameras), 30 HUE-Lampen, 5 MAX! WTs, 16 MAX! HTs, 12 MAX! FKs, 1 Bresser 5in1, 1 OilFox, 8 ALEXA Echos und Dots, FHEM, 5 Tasmota-Devices, SonOff -Bridge, PowerFox, Buderus KM200


In dem Device wo du start_scan machst, dort sind alle Devices gelistet inkl. der Version.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


Zitat von: dominik am 20 Januar 2023, 21:36:18
In dem Device wo du start_scan machst, dort sind alle Devices gelistet inkl. der Version.

ok da sind alle auf 3.3

bis auf 12x 3.1
und 2x 3.2 (das sind Cameras)

Diese Cameras führen zu keinem Fehler.

ich nehme nun mal das offline Gerät BULB3 wieder dazu

1 RASPI4B, 1 RASPI3B, 2 CUL, 2 Jeelink, 60 Tuya-Devices (Schalter, Dimmer, Sensoren, Cameras), 30 HUE-Lampen, 5 MAX! WTs, 16 MAX! HTs, 12 MAX! FKs, 1 Bresser 5in1, 1 OilFox, 8 ALEXA Echos und Dots, FHEM, 5 Tasmota-Devices, SonOff -Bridge, PowerFox, Buderus KM200


ja das ist der Übeltäter:

2023-01-20 21:29:36,145 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Starting fhempy 0.1.563...
2023-01-20 21:29:36,149 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Waiting for FHEM connection
2023-01-20 21:29:36,187 - INFO     - websockets.server: server listening on
2023-01-20 21:29:42,628 - INFO     - websockets.server: connection open
2023-01-20 21:29:42,628 - INFO     - fhempy.lib.fhem_pythonbinding: Incoming FHEM connection:
2023-01-20 21:30:31,499 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-451' coro=<XenonDevice.detect_available_dps() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py:1120> exception=TypeError("argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py", line 1139, in detect_available_dps
    if "dps" in data:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
2023-01-20 21:30:31,833 - ERROR    - asyncio: Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-427' coro=<XenonDevice.detect_available_dps() done, defined at /opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py:1120> exception=TypeError("argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py", line 1139, in detect_available_dps
    if "dps" in data:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/scanner.py:344: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'Device.status' was never awaited
  dpsdata = d.status()
RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/opt/fhem/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tinytuya/core.py:1561: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'Device.status' was never awaited
  return scanner.devices(verbose=verbose, maxretry=maxretry, color=color, poll=poll, forcescan=forcescan, byID=byID)
RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

also das hier:
# define TUYA_BULB3 fhempy tuya n5gs2jjpfnum55en bfefd42e199ea92ee3jbwh offline b86b46f24e0c5727 3.3 ea8453wdazquzfl08l0e 8a4b27dd759d4c6a9456aa8155d2a0ea
# setuuid TUYA_BULB3 63a35feb-f33f-fd5f-7ea4-bbb46444079004c0
# attr TUYA_BULB3 DbLogExclude .*
# attr TUYA_BULB3 alias BULB3 Stern
# attr TUYA_BULB3 group Lampe (T)
# attr TUYA_BULB3 room THOMAS,fhempy

2022-12-18 10:16:59
2022-12-18 10:16:59
2022-12-18 10:17:13
2022-12-18 10:16:59
SmartBulb LW 2
2022-12-18 10:16:59
2022-12-18 10:16:59

das wäre mir plausibel, dass devices, die noch keine IP haben zum Fehler führt, da nach ihnen ewig gesucht wird
1 RASPI4B, 1 RASPI3B, 2 CUL, 2 Jeelink, 60 Tuya-Devices (Schalter, Dimmer, Sensoren, Cameras), 30 HUE-Lampen, 5 MAX! WTs, 16 MAX! HTs, 12 MAX! FKs, 1 Bresser 5in1, 1 OilFox, 8 ALEXA Echos und Dots, FHEM, 5 Tasmota-Devices, SonOff -Bridge, PowerFox, Buderus KM200


Probier bitte statt "offline" eine IP im DEF einzugeben, die die das Device beim Starten auch bekommt.

In der Zwischenzeit habe ich noch ein paar kleine Fehler gefunden - mach daher bitte auch noch ein Update von fhempy vorher.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik


yepp, nun nach BULB3 raus läuft alles wieder wie geschmiert :-)

könnte man denn allgemein in den tuya_local und auch tuya_web ein Attribut aktiv/inaktiv setzen?

1 RASPI4B, 1 RASPI3B, 2 CUL, 2 Jeelink, 60 Tuya-Devices (Schalter, Dimmer, Sensoren, Cameras), 30 HUE-Lampen, 5 MAX! WTs, 16 MAX! HTs, 12 MAX! FKs, 1 Bresser 5in1, 1 OilFox, 8 ALEXA Echos und Dots, FHEM, 5 Tasmota-Devices, SonOff -Bridge, PowerFox, Buderus KM200


ja...ich bau noch für fhempy ein generisches disable Attribute:

Mach BULB3 bitte wieder rein und gib statt "offline" die IP Adresse rein.

//Edit und bitte vorher auf 0.1.566 aktualisieren.
fhempy -  https://github.com/fhempy/fhempy: GoogleCast, Tuya, UPnP, Ring, EQ3BT, Nespresso, Xiaomi, Spotify, Object Detection, ...
Kaffeespende: https://paypal.me/todominik