Fhem / openHab

Begonnen von AlxDmr, 29 März 2015, 20:14:00

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


I'm using Fhem and find it pretty cool although a bit difficult fort beginner. I read about openHab also. I would like to know what are the advantages and disadvantages of both in your opinion.
For me I would say :
  - Fhem is a quite complete solution with a wide technological support and with a very active community. I'm always very impressed by its reactivity. Unfortunatly the community is mostly german speaking which is problematic when dealing with the wiki or forums. Maybe another disadvantage is that Fhem is written un PERL which may limit the number of contributors. Last I would say that Fhem do the job and is lightweight enough to run on a raspberry. Fort me it is a very good option to use it as a "super drivers" for smart things to be controlled via other programs over network (I am developping such a program based on Node.js).
  - openHab seems to be more widespred and I read that it is going to be supported in eclipse smartHome. Also it is programmed on java which may make things easier. I do not know disadvantages as I am not using it really. It may turns to be to java centric with not that much openness to other technologies.

So what are your opinions?


I don't think you'll find a lot of people here (or there) with deep understanding of both projects, as learning one of them is already time consuming.
Btw. can you tell me why do you think that openHab is more widespread than FHEM?


Zitat von: AlxDmr am 29 März 2015, 20:14:00
Also it is programmed on java which may make things easier.

Easier only if you know java!
I think it is easier for anyone to pick up the basics of Perl than Java - and the forum is full of useful examples
Feel free to follow up in German if you prefer


Well I am probably biased. I am working in a french university and I mostly heard people talking about OpenHab. There are somme IoT events were it is presented etc. I think that the language may explains a part of that. it seems that OpenHab took a more international approach at its beginning. See this forum which is mainly written on german. To make things clear I have no problem with that! :) and actually it appeals for people like me to write more docs about fhem un english of course.
Anyway my point was to try to "list" advantages of both approaches. It seems to me that OpenHab is trendy now but I really like Fhem ans would like tout have more arguments to defend it. My expérience is that Fhem "do the job" fort accessing home automation objects with différent technologies (enOcean, Zwave,...). The forum is very reactive. The code is lightweight enough to run on Raspberry.
So my post is not intended to be polemic. Simply I think that this topic deserves tout be discussed. I did not found any real compareason about that on the web.


Zitatit seems that OpenHab took a more international approach at its beginning.

Since this is a sensitive area, I cannot leave it uncommented: I've done my very best to make FHEM international: for the core documentation (commandref.html) all modules are required to have an english version, initially there was no geman translation of commandref. The home-page comes in english first, german tranlation of the homepage is only available since a year. I even got some bashing from german speaking users because of that. But you are right in the fact, that (according to our optional statistics) about 97% of the FHEM users come from german speaking countries.


That is true, and as I said now "internationalisation" (meaning Fhem to be used also outside german speaking countries) relies now on peoples like me. I mean that you did the job to translate documentation in english and there no reason to ask the current 97% of german speaking users to switch into english for hypothetical other users => Non german users should make some advertise about fhem that's the only solution I see.


I try to do my bit.. http://www.ply.me.uk/bits_and_pieces/fhem.html

As a typical Englishman with no language skills at all it is a little difficult but google does provide reasonable translations (sometimes/mostly) -
and I'm sure there are many in the world who struggle with the majority of English only sites/forums.
I have no complaints.

In connection with this, I have some very badly translated odds and ends from the wikis etc. (odt/pdf) sitting here.
I'm sure they might be of use to others, especially if open to some further refinement by others if there were somewhere to place them.

I don't think they are good enough to add to the wiki section itself - and not sure I could cope with that!
Feel free to follow up in German if you prefer


Zitat von: AlxDmr am 30 März 2015, 10:42:58
Well I am probably biased. I am working in a french university and I mostly heard people talking about OpenHab.....  I think that the language may explains a part of that.
Hi AlxDmr
Concerning the programming language, you are right: in many universities perl is dead.
Perl reminded me a hippy in the 70s smoking marijuana. http://crashworks.org/if_programming_languages_were_vehicles/
The point is that I learned PERL by writing a FHEM module, and I now understand its real potential.

Concerning the forum language, I cite Peter Henning:
Exept for newbie questions, don't be shy, post your contributions in english into any of the special places here in the forum - it is much more likely to get an answer there than in the english corner.



I went through a lot of different Home Automation systems before coming to FHEM, OpenHAB was the once I used before FHEM. Initially I was fairly happy with initially, however once I got more experience with it I found bugs and missing functionality, I find the dev overhead of Java too high. So I looked for something I could extend/fix more easily and FHEM and am still using it

If you are more comfortable in Java than Perl then you may find the opposite, although I found OpenHAB to be more buggy than FHEM


Thanks for sharing this experience, that's exactly what I am looking for :)
I'm also not a big fan of java development (ok maybe a bit more than PERL development as  learned it at university), there is a big overhead for installing all the dev environment and actually it is only targeted toward professional programmers (I am one of them, but I surely prefer lightweight environments and scripting languages such as javascript or TCL).

Did you installed openHab 1.6 at the time ?
What kind of functionnality did you developped in Fhem?



Sorry, I can't remember what version of OpenHAB I installed. From what logs I would guess it would have been whatever was current in April-2014

I've written modules for LIFX Bulbs, AWS SNS notifications, WifiKettle, Bauhn/Orvibo/Aldi Wifi power switches. I wouldn't claim any of them are great but they are good enough that they work reliably for me and if people find bugs I'll fix them.



I used Openhab before FHEM and i was happy with, except the userinterface which was the reason to migrate to FHEM.
BUT, even if there is a lot of overhead with Openhabs java implementation, it was very stable, it never crashed when a subprocess or thread hung. This is now a huge problem for me with FHEM that it is singlethreaded, and every problem that occurs let FHEM hang, sometimes the main process dies, or it takes many minutes untill the frontend is responding again. So my summary is
pro FHEM, GUI, and IO Support, low resources needed
Pro Openhab, Stability, easier "eventmanagemnt"

Regards, Karl

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