Neues Modul "PhilipsTV"

Begonnen von RalfP, 08 November 2022, 15:25:09

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hier mal die Logs von nem neueren TV inklusive der System Info.

@RalfP meinst du wir bekommen den zum laufen?
er hört auf Port 1926

python3  --command standby
Sending POST request to

Das geht auch..

2024.10.24 03:12:24 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./FHEM/ line 1878.
2024.10.24 03:12:24 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at ./FHEM/ line 1884.
2024.10.24 03:12:24 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:25 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:26 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV on
2024.10.24 03:12:26 3: Philips_TV: state of isOnline - online
2024.10.24 03:12:26 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:26 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:27 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV on
2024.10.24 03:12:27 3: Philips_TV: state of isOnline - online
2024.10.24 03:12:27 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:27 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:28 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV on
2024.10.24 03:12:28 3: Philips_TV: state of isOnline - online
2024.10.24 03:12:28 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:28 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:29 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV on
2024.10.24 03:12:29 3: Philips_TV: state of isOnline - online
2024.10.24 03:12:29 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:29 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:30 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV off
2024.10.24 03:12:30 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $apiVersion in numeric ne (!=) at ./FHEM/ line 2647.
2024.10.24 03:12:30 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $apiVersion in concatenation (.) or string at ./FHEM/ line 2648.
2024.10.24 03:12:30 1: Philips_TV: Error - API version '' not supported!
2024.10.24 03:12:31 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV off
2024.10.24 03:12:31 1: Philips_TV: Error - API version '' not supported!
2024.10.24 03:12:32 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV off
2024.10.24 03:12:32 1: Philips_TV: Error - API version '' not supported!
2024.10.24 03:12:32 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV off
2024.10.24 03:12:32 1: Philips_TV: Error - API version '' not supported!
2024.10.24 03:12:32 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV off
2024.10.24 03:12:32 1: Philips_TV: Error - API version '' not supported!
2024.10.24 03:12:33 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV off
2024.10.24 03:12:33 1: Philips_TV: Error - API version '' not supported!
2024.10.24 03:12:33 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV off
2024.10.24 03:12:33 1: Philips_TV: Error - API version '' not supported!
2024.10.24 03:12:33 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV off
2024.10.24 03:12:33 1: Philips_TV: Error - API version '' not supported!
2024.10.24 03:12:45 3: PhilipsTV: set Philips_TV on
2024.10.24 03:12:45 3: Philips_TV: state of isOnline - online
2024.10.24 03:12:45 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2024.10.24 03:12:46 1: Philips_TV: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!

menulanguage "German"
name "75PUS8309/12"
country "Germany"
serialnumber_encrypted "K2kseVsmQFgkd15gKkJ+ar5bWDnhn136vTvRxTVsJhE="
softwareversion_encrypted "K2kseVsmQFgkd15gKkJ+atJJI6kYBl5fIhF2Isg2DFHegH9Cg/LU4b6H/tjCh/AJ"
model_encrypted "K2kseVsmQFgkd15gKkJ+atdI162DQt29oNn/nArtprI="
deviceid_encrypted "K2kseVsmQFgkd15gKkJ+ahS43TtWiMjQa7yyjYRfKQ8="
nettvversion ""
epgsource "no_epg"
Major 6
Minor 1
Patch 0
0 "List"
1 "Schedule"
2 "Manage"
0 "Ambilight"
0 "context_based"
1 "initial_string_available"
0 "key"
1 "unicode"
0 "context_based"
0 "browser"
tvtype "consumer"
0 "dmr"
pairing_type "digest_auth_pairing"
secured_transport true
os_type "Linux"


Moin in die Runde,
ich habe gerade auch das Problem mit dem Pairing
2025.01.02 16:54:03 1: Philips: Error - API version '' not supported!
2025.01.02 16:55:00 1: FernseherOG: ControlPoint is successfully stopped!
2025.01.02 16:55:36 1: Philips: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2025.01.02 16:55:36 1: Philips: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2025.01.02 16:56:11 1: Philips: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2025.01.02 16:56:11 1: Philips: Error while HTTP requesting URL: - no JSON data!
2025.01.02 16:56:24 4: mTp:10 wait: got mStp:0A mNo:191 :
2025.01.02 16:56:31 1: Philips: Error - API version '' not supported!
2025.01.02 16:56:37 1: Philips: Error - API version '' not supported!

Ich befürchte das dies an Titan OS liegt, dem 'neuen' OS welches Philips bei einigen neuen Modellen verwendet.

Hoffentlich kann man (Ralph) das fixen.

Noch einen guten Start ins neue Jahr

UPDATE 03.01.2025:
ich habe das Device gelöscht, via "" die Datei noch einmal heruntergeladen.

Dann das Gerät neu definiert mit: define FernseherOG PhilipsTV
Dann expert auf 1 und verbose auf 5 gestellt.

  DEF        PHILIPS
  FUUID      67778bf4-f33f-be85-3ff9-0fede45b52213a92
  NAME      FernseherOG
  NR        247
  STATE      Upnp is running - interval
  TYPE      PhilipsTV
  VERSION    v0.2.17
  eventCount 86
  subscriptionURL <http://IP.FHEM.RECHNER:33531/eventSub>
    2025-01-03 08:25:17  state          Upnp is running - interval
  expert    1
  rescanNetworkInterval 2
  room      PhilipsTV
  verbose    5
Auszug aus dem LOG:
2025.01.03 08:27:17 5: FernseherOG: <rescanNetwork> called
2025.01.03 08:27:17 5: FernseherOG: <StopControlPoint> called
2025.01.03 08:27:17 5: FernseherOG: <getAllTVs> called
2025.01.03 08:27:17 5: FernseherOG: <StopControlPoint> socket HTTP::Daemon=GLOB(0x75a2fe8) closed
2025.01.03 08:27:17 5: FernseherOG: <StopControlPoint> socket IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x7cb9820) closed
2025.01.03 08:27:17 5: FernseherOG: <StopControlPoint> socket IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x82d8688) closed
2025.01.03 08:27:17 5: FernseherOG: <getAllUPnPSockets> called
2025.01.03 08:27:18 5: FernseherOG: <StopControlPoint> UPnPSocket hidden device delete UPnPSocket_FernseherOG
2025.01.03 08:27:19 5: FernseherOG: <StopControlPoint> UPnPSocket hidden device delete UPnPSocket_FernseherOG_1900
2025.01.03 08:27:20 5: FernseherOG: <StopControlPoint> UPnPSocket hidden device delete UPnPSocket_FernseherOG_43349
2025.01.03 08:27:20 1: FernseherOG: ControlPoint is successfully stopped!
2025.01.03 08:27:20 5: FernseherOG: <setupControlpoint> called setup Upnp ControlPoint
2025.01.03 08:27:20 5: FernseherOG: <setupControlpoint> succesfull setup of Upnp ControlPoint
2025.01.03 08:27:20 5: FernseherOG: <startSearch> called UPnP Search
2025.01.03 08:27:20 3: FernseherOG: new Upnp search - started
2025.01.03 08:27:20 5: FernseherOG: <startSearch> succesfull setup of Upnp Search
2025.01.03 08:27:20 5: FernseherOG: <rescanNetwork> succesfull setup of rescan network - interval
2025.01.03 08:27:20.822 5: ControlPoint: Receive Search-Response: "HOST:
CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100
LOCATION: http://IP.HUE.BRIDGE:80/description.xml
SERVER: Hue/1.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.68.0
hue-bridgeid: ECB5FAFFFE23E173
ST: upnp:rootdevice
USN: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-ecb5fa23e173::upnp:rootdevice

2025.01.03 08:27:20.822 5: ControlPoint: Unknown Search-Response...
2025.01.03 08:27:20.912 5: ControlPoint: Receive Search-Response: "HOST:
CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100
LOCATION: http://IP.HUE.BRIDGE:80/description.xml
SERVER: Hue/1.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.68.0
hue-bridgeid: ECB5FAFFFE23E173
ST: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-ecb5fa23e173
USN: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-ecb5fa23e173

2025.01.03 08:27:20.912 5: ControlPoint: Unknown Search-Response...
2025.01.03 08:27:20.921 5: ControlPoint: Receive Search-Response: "HOST:
CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100
LOCATION: http://IP.HUE.BRIDGE:80/description.xml
SERVER: Hue/1.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.68.0
hue-bridgeid: ECB5FAFFFE23E173
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1
USN: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-ecb5fa23e173

2025.01.03 08:27:20.921 5: ControlPoint: Unknown Search-Response...
2025.01.03 08:27:21.825 5: ControlPoint: Receive Search-Response: "HOST:
CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100
LOCATION: http://IP.HUE.BRIDGE:80/description.xml
SERVER: Hue/1.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.68.0
hue-bridgeid: ECB5FAFFFE23E173
ST: upnp:rootdevice
USN: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-ecb5fa23e173::upnp:rootdevice

2025.01.03 08:27:21.825 5: ControlPoint: Unknown Search-Response...
2025.01.03 08:27:21.873 5: ControlPoint: Receive Search-Response: "HOST:
CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100
SERVER: Hue/1.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.68.0
hue-bridgeid: ECB5FAFFFE23E173
ST: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-ecb5fa23e173
USN: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-ecb5fa23e173

2025.01.03 08:27:21.873 5: ControlPoint: Unknown Search-Response...
2025.01.03 08:27:21.925 5: ControlPoint: Receive Search-Response: "HOST:
CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100
LOCATION: http://IP.HUE.BRIDGE:80/description.xml
SERVER: Hue/1.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.68.0
hue-bridgeid: ECB5FAFFFE23E173
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1
USN: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-ecb5fa23e173

2025.01.03 08:27:21.925 5: ControlPoint: Unknown Search-Response...

Ich vermute, der Scan findet den Fernseher gar nicht, egal ob angeschaltet oder nicht. Stattdessen taucht nur die HUE-Bridge mir ihrer IP auf.
Pairing mit pylips funktioniert.

Was kann ich da tun?

FB 6591 Cable / Raspberry 3b+ (Bookworm) / 4xECHO DOT 4/ Homematic Thermostate, Fenster- und Fenster-Sensoren / Philips HUE / CUL-HM /  Zigbee Schalter und Lampen / Shelly 1



Das Modul PhilipsTV ist auf TVs mit Android / Google TV zugeschnitten. Für Titan-OS musst du jetzt wohl selbst ran.

Proxmox 8.3 Cluster mit HP ED800G2i7, Intel NUC11TNHi7+NUC7i5BNH, virtualisiertes fhem 6.3 dev, virtualisierte RaspberryMatic ( mit HB-RF-ETH 1.3.0 / RPI-RF-MOD, HM-LAN-GW (1.1.5) und HMW-GW, FRITZBOX 7490 (07.59), FBDECT, Siri und Alexa