THZ Tecalor (LWZ Stiebel Eltron) module support and code improvement.

Begonnen von immi, 02 Februar 2015, 11:42:16

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Zitat von: TheTrumpeter am 08 Juni 2018, 11:01:36
So then maybe toggle can cross-check if changing the hour (still) works.
Die Anfrage ist zwar etwas älter, aber ich habe es jetzt erst gelesen. Das Ergebnis ist - die Minuten scheinen übernommen zuwerden, aber nicht die Stunden.
Ich habe die neuen Werte von LeJoke mit folgenden Ergebnissen überprüft:

  • humidityAirOut im Register 0xFB kann ich bestätigen. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass man den Wert mit 2 Nachkommastellen ausgeben würde.
  • p_HCw (Wasserdruck in HC1) kann ich ebenfalls bestätigen.
  • flowRate ist bei mir in 0xFB leider nicht verfügbar. Kein Wert im 0xFB hat die Größenordnung des Wertes (18,8-22,3 l/min). Aktivierung/Deaktivierung in Favoriten hat leider auch nichts gebracht. Wenn flowRate in Favoriten angezeigt wird, ist der Wert auch in 0x0a033b sichtbar. Es hat aber auch etwas mit der Reihenfolge zu tun, in der die Register gelesen werden.
Mein 0xFB sieht bei aktivem Verdichter wie folgt aus:
Zitat01 00 d8 fb fd a8 00 1f 01 57 01 18 02 e1 01 f1 fd a8 fd a8 00 10 01 26 60 08 11 01 2c 01 2c 02 bc 00 0e 00 17 00 14 00 26 00 00 00 00 01 59 05 73 46 04 4a f8 3f dd c2 90 07 c5 00 99 01 4b 00 00 01 19 01 56 00 02 ff ea 01 32 00 00 00 00 0e 47
THZ404SOL (FW 5.39, SW ID 7278, 14.03.2014)




In, Zeile 284 ist die Skalierung auf 10 (0.1) gestellt. Der bei mir gelesene Wert ergibt aber erst mit der Skalierung 100 (0.01) Sinn. Aus dem Beispiel oben:
07 c5 => 1989 => "19.9 l/min" im Display
Und natürlich ist ein Wert ungleich 0 nur dann zu sehen, wenn die Pumpe läuft.
Eine Abhängigkeit zwischen Favoriten im Display und der Präsenz im FB-Register konnte ich bisher nicht beobachten.

Es ist interessant, dass auch bei diesem Wert verschiedene Kodierungen im System (0xFB vs. 0x0A033B) herumgeistern.
THZ404SOL (FW 5.39, SW ID 7278, 14.03.2014)


would you be so nice to summarize what has to be changed?
I am not following you compleately
the best would be a diff.


for me "flowrate" within "sGlobal" works perfectly as it's currently implemented:
Zitat2018-12-26_10:20:05 Mythz sGlobal: outsideTemp: 3.7 flowTemp: 36.6 returnTemp: 26.9 hotGasTemp: 65.9 dhwTemp: 38.1 flowTempHC2: -60 evaporatorTemp: 11.2 condenserTemp: 24.8 mixerOpen: 0 mixerClosed: 0 heatPipeValve: 0 diverterValve: 0 dhwPump: 0 heatingCircuitPump: 1 solarPump: 0 compressor: 1 boosterStage3: 0 boosterStage2: 0 boosterStage1: 0 highPressureSensor: 0 lowPressureSensor: 1 evaporatorIceMonitor: 0 signalAnode: 0 evuRelease: 1 ovenFireplace: 0 STB: 0 outputVentilatorPower: 30 inputVentilatorPower: 30 mainVentilatorPower: 70 outputVentilatorSpeed: 16 inputVentilatorSpeed: 27 mainVentilatorSpeed: 20 outside_tempFiltered: 3.3 relHumidity: 48.6 dewPoint: 0 P_Nd: 4.26 P_Hd: 15.41 actualPower_Qc: 2236.207 actualPower_Pel: 2.049 collectorTemp: -60 insideTemp: -60 windowOpen: 0 quickAirVent: 0 flowRate: 188.5 p_HCw: 1.82 humidityAirOut: 49.76
These are cl/min, I divide it by 10 to get l/min.

Also p_HCw works perfectly, it's in bar as displayed also on the LWZ.

Even humidityAirOut works, although the sensor-value is not very accurate. (Either the sensor heatens up a lot as it's directly on the mainboard or it's just not very accurate. It should be approx. 10% more...)
FHEM auf RPi3, THZ (LWZ404SOL), RPII2C & I2C_MCP342x (ADCPiZero), PowerMap, CustomReadings, RPI_GPIO, Twilight, nanoCUL (WMBus für Diehl Wasserzähler & Regenerationszähler für BWT AqaSmart), ESPEasy, TPLinkHS110


Zitat von: TheTrumpeter am 26 Dezember 2018, 11:03:51
for me "flowrate" within "sGlobal" works perfectly as it's currently implemented:These are cl/min, I divide it by 10 to get l/min.
thanks for the positive feedback....
not sure what you mean with
10* cl/min  is not equal to  l/min
If you wish that I change the scale, just tell me.
I am sure someone will ask again in one year.
p.s. still hoping someone finds time to update the fhemwiki for the module (e.g. delete the history and explain the registers, units....)


Zitat von: immi am 26 Dezember 2018, 11:29:11
thanks for the positive feedback....
not sure what you mean with
10* cl/min  is not equal to  l/min
If you wish that I change the scale, just tell me.
I am sure someone will ask again in one year.
p.s. still hoping someone finds time to update the fhemwiki for the module (e.g. delete the history and explain the registers, units....)
You're right, of course 100cl/min equals 1l/min, but nevertheless the reading is then l/min if I divide it by 10.
So to have the same unit as on the LWZ itself you should divide the raw-value by 100 instead of 10.
FHEM auf RPi3, THZ (LWZ404SOL), RPII2C & I2C_MCP342x (ADCPiZero), PowerMap, CustomReadings, RPI_GPIO, Twilight, nanoCUL (WMBus für Diehl Wasserzähler & Regenerationszähler für BWT AqaSmart), ESPEasy, TPLinkHS110


Hi Immi,

I hope you can help me...I tried to set up with my LWZ 304, but I only get some error messages, see below.

The physical connection is somewhat strange (FritzBox - USB2SER - NullModem Cable - SER2USB - THZ), but the connection is green and open  :)

Connecting the FB directly via USB (without 2x USB2SER) is not possible, since the FB has no built-in USB-driver for the LWZ, the connection remains closed/red. And the often used serial pins behind the door have been replaced by a USB port...

I already changed the code as follows, but it didn't work (it was a hint by you in the forum of Willy):
line 1521
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.25);
lines 1573/1574
my $buf = DevIo_SimpleReadWithTimeout($hash, 0.5);

I'm using version 0.181; FW of my LWZ is 7.09; FW-Attribute is set to 5.39.

Do you have some hints what I can try next?

2019.01.05 17:43:23 1: Including fhem.cfg
2019.01.05 17:43:29 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2019.01.05 17:43:29 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2019.01.05 17:43:29 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2019.01.05 17:43:30 2: eventTypes: loaded 0 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2019.01.05 17:43:32 3: Opening Mythz device /dev/ttyUSB0
2019.01.05 17:43:33 3: Setting Mythz serial parameters to 115200,8,N,1
2019.01.05 17:43:33 3: Mythz device opened
2019.01.05 17:43:50 1: Including ./log/
2019.01.05 17:43:51 1: usb create starting
2019.01.05 17:43:53 1: usb create end
2019.01.05 17:43:53 0: Featurelevel: 5.9
2019.01.05 17:43:53 0: Server started with 58 defined entities ( perl:5.014002 os:linux user:root pid:25987)
2019.01.05 17:44:50 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A1771 ->
2019.01.05 17:44:52 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A05D1 ->
2019.01.05 17:44:53 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A091E ->
2019.01.05 17:44:55 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A05A2 ->
2019.01.05 17:44:57 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 16 ->
2019.01.05 17:44:58 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A05C1 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:00 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A0013 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:01 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- F5 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:03 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A1790 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:05 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A1750 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:06 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A1712 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:08 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0C1532 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:09 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0C1510 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:11 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0B1472 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:13 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0B1461 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:14 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A05BA ->
2019.01.05 17:45:16 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A010C ->
2019.01.05 17:45:17 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A05C4 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:19 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A1DA1 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:21 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A1D41 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:22 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0C1561 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:24 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A057A ->
2019.01.05 17:45:25 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A064F ->
2019.01.05 17:45:27 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A0162 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:29 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A1D60 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:30 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A1D51 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:32 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A1720 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:33 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A02CC ->
2019.01.05 17:45:35 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0A0109 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:37 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- D1 ->
2019.01.05 17:45:38 3: THZ_Get: Error msg2:  THZ_ReadAnswer: InterfaceNotRespondig. Maybe too slow THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0  -- 0C0008 ->
...and so on...
LWZ 304 (BJ 2017; FW 7.09); DHH o. Keller; 100m² Wohnfläche
FHEM auf USB-Stick an FritzBox 7560 (FW 7.12)


To avoid unnecessary seems, that the THZ-Status doesn't indicate, that there is a communication established, but only, that the ttyUSB0 has been found. As far as I plug in the USB2SER-Device in my FritzBox the THZ-Status switches to open, despite the cable to the heatpump isn't connected physically!

I think my communication problem is, that the heatpump is not compatible with the USB2SER at the heatpump side. So, I have to look for a different one with the correct chipset (Silicon Labs cp2102).
LWZ 304 (BJ 2017; FW 7.09); DHH o. Keller; 100m² Wohnfläche
FHEM auf USB-Stick an FritzBox 7560 (FW 7.12)


hi timtom
to my opinion you do not have any comunication,
I have just froven 700km therefore I could write something stupind :)

(FritzBox - USB2SER - NullModem Cable - SER2USB - TecalorUSB)
Never heard of SER2USB on a typeB connector:  how are you powering the SER2USB?; the TecalorUSB offers a slave portB which does not deliver any power

(FritzBox - USB2SER - TecalorSerial)
why is not an option for you? It works stable for me since years (moreover I did all reverse enginnering of the propocoll with this topology)

(FritzBox -  TecalorUSB)
maybe you do not have the driver in a standard FritzBox; but you can esily compile it with freetz.
I do not rememebr the driver needed for the TecalorUSB-chipset; but you can ask  the TecalorUSB-chipset name to the people in forum connecting the tecalorUSB directly to a raspi


Hi, thanks for the quick response!

(FritzBox - USB2SER - NullModem Cable - SER2USB - TecalorUSB)
Hm, powering the adapter by the THZ, good question...the SER2USB has a type A connector, therefore I used a Type-B/A adapter, but it has no power source as well, of course...

(FritzBox - USB2SER - TecalorSerial)
TecalorSerial was my first choice, but my LWZ doesn't have a serial port any more. At least I couldn't find it. The serial-port behind the door has been replaced by a USB type B, which is connected directly to the USB at the mainboard. If you know a hidden serial port you are very welcome!

(FritzBox -  TecalorUSB)
The driver is the Silicon Labs cp2102. I never tried Freetz so far, to be honest, but perhaps I should do.
LWZ 304 (BJ 2017; FW 7.09); DHH o. Keller; 100m² Wohnfläche
FHEM auf USB-Stick an FritzBox 7560 (FW 7.12)


(FritzBox - USB2SER - NullModem Cable - SER2USB - TecalorUSB)
from what you describe, It cannot work

(FritzBox -  TecalorUSB)
in my feetz I compiled also  cp2101.ko (despite I use ftdi_sio) in
if you have a different kernel-subversion you can try to force insmod or modprobe


Hi Immi,
thanks a lot for the module file. Unfortunately it doesn't work, even with force option (error "invalid module format"; I have kernel The same with several other cp2101-files I tried in the last days. Now I will try it by my own with a freeze compilation. But this will take some time.
Best regards.
LWZ 304 (BJ 2017; FW 7.09); DHH o. Keller; 100m² Wohnfläche
FHEM auf USB-Stick an FritzBox 7560 (FW 7.12)


i updated  my freetz last month
from git download to install in my fb took circa 1h with one hand (the other hand was helping my younger child to get asleep)


Hi Immi, short works :)!

It took some time to compile and I had trouble with a USBhub, but now I'm using USB-USB with Freetz. But I still have to look for a signal amplifier, since the final cable is about 15-20m (at the moment the FB is near the THZ and connected via 1,5m cable; but that's only a workaround).

I collected a lot of UserReadings out of the forum, but is there a "reference UserReading" or similar?
LWZ 304 (BJ 2017; FW 7.09); DHH o. Keller; 100m² Wohnfläche
FHEM auf USB-Stick an FritzBox 7560 (FW 7.12)