FHEM Forum

FHEM => English Corner => Thema gestartet von: Trancept am 13 Mai 2013, 16:31:43

Titel: Using FHEM to call Arduino Ethernet in HTTP
Beitrag von: Trancept am 13 Mai 2013, 16:31:43

I use an home made automation project to control an heating system, the shutter and an DIY alarm.
It is base on two Arduino Ethernet and an ARM computer : a Mele A1000 based on Allwinner A10 running Ubuntu/Linaro.
The computer run Python script an PHP page to call the Arduino by HTTP, with simple URL like : (// (//
It all works fine but I'd like to switch to a more powerfull and generic solution. So I look at FHEM ;-)

Here come my questions : How to easily swith to FHEM ? Is it possible to configure a device who can handle on/off command and call my URL ? Or do I have to code a new device ? I could also change the Arduino code to understand an existing protocole in JSON for example. But I am not familiar with existing device in FHEM.
Firmata is not an answer for me because I want to keep intelligence in Arduino.

I first thought it would be simple but I spent time searching arround the internet an don't find the solution.

Thank's in advance for your help.

Sorry for my bad english, I'm french.
Titel: Aw: Using FHEM to call Arduino Ethernet in HTTP
Beitrag von: rudolfkoenig am 13 Mai 2013, 19:40:50
Hello Trancept,

AFAIK there is no "finished" module which can handle this task, but it is not too difficult to build something which could do what you wish:

define shutter dummy
attr shutter setList up down
attr shutter webCmd  up:down
attr shutter devStateIcon up:shutter_1:down down:shutter_closed:up
define shutterNtfy notify shutter {GetFileFromURL " (//".uc($EVENT)}

I recommend to look up the meaning of the single commands/attributes in commandref.html if you wish to extend them.

Titel: Aw: Using FHEM to call Arduino Ethernet in HTTP
Beitrag von: Trancept am 14 Mai 2013, 22:16:45
Thank you very much, it works like a charm !

Here is my code :
define voletSalonBaie dummy
attr voletSalonBaie comment Volet de la baie vitrée du salon
attr voletSalonBaie room Salon
attr voletSalonBaie setList MONTER DESCENDRE
attr voletSalonBaie webCmd MONTER:DESCENDRE
attr voletSalonBaie devStateIcon MONTER:shutter_1:DESCENDRE DESCENDRE:shutter_closed:MONTER
define shutterNtfy notify voletSalonBaie {GetFileFromURL "".uc($EVENT)}
define voletSalonBaieMonte at *07:40:00 set voletSalonBaie MONTER
define avoletSalonBaieDescend at *{sunset("REAL")} set voletSalonBaie DESCENDRE