FHEM Forum

FHEM => English Corner => Thema gestartet von: mgmino am 20 Dezember 2023, 15:55:38

Titel: Pushsafer - add option to 70_Pushsafer.pm
Beitrag von: mgmino am 20 Dezember 2023, 15:55:38
Is this the place to request updates to a module?

I suggest the following to add the color option:

line 43: "color"     => {"short" => "c", "check" => qr/^\#[a-fA-F\d]{6}$/},

line 435: <code><b>color</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code> - short: <code>c </code> - type: hexadecimal - Hexadecimal Colorcode, Example: #FF0000 (only Android >5.0, Windows 10 & Client APP)<br>
Titel: Aw: Pushsafer - add option to 70_Pushsafer.pm
Beitrag von: Beta-User am 21 Dezember 2023, 01:09:06
Sorry, this is indeed the wrong place.

"help Pushsaver" will lead you to the suitable forum subsides (or might even point to a specific thread). You may ask in english there as well, in most cases that's no problem.

In some cases it's ok to pm the module maintainer,, esp., if there's no reaction within some days.
Titel: Aw: Pushsafer - add option to 70_Pushsafer.pm
Beitrag von: mgmino am 22 Dezember 2023, 15:16:12
Thank you. I have posted it in the Support services topic.
Titel: Aw: Pushsafer - add option to 70_Pushsafer.pm
Beitrag von: Beta-User am 22 Dezember 2023, 16:37:48
You're welcome!