FHEM Forum

FHEM - Hausautomations-Systeme => Unterstützende Dienste => Wettermodule => Thema gestartet von: HarryT am 15 April 2016, 11:59:20

Titel: (Solved) weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 15 April 2016, 11:59:20

I updated fhem today and installed the json files on my fritzbox 7490. Now I get the error:

2016.04.15 11:48:47 3: myWeather: https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid=24549334%20and%20u=%27c%27&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys: empty answer received

every ten minutes. (I use the interval 600)

I searched the internet and the forum, but didn't find any clue why I get this.  Has anybody an idea what is wrong? (In german is fine too)

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: jschmitt am 15 April 2016, 15:45:32
Hi Harry,

I had the same Problem. Look here:


After that it worked for me.

Viele Grüße,

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: Dr. Boris Neubert am 16 April 2016, 10:44:59
Dear Harry,

does the problem persist? This could be due to the Yahoo Weather API being quite fragile at the moment.

Do you get some json code back when you enter the URL in your browser's address line?

Kind regards,
Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 16 April 2016, 15:32:29
Zitat von: Dr. Boris Neubert am 16 April 2016, 10:44:59
Dear Harry,

does the problem persist? This could be due to the Yahoo Weather API being quite fragile at the moment.

Yes.  Now I get the error every hour.


Do you get some json code back when you enter the URL in your browser's address line?

Yes, if I enter the code in my browser I get correct information back.  Also twilights seems to have the correct info and as far as I know it also uses Yahoo.


Kind regards,

I will have a look in the code, but if you have already some info which I could test or how to get more info from the module that could help.

BTW, maybe important, the state is reported as ¨Initialized".

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: Dr. Boris Neubert am 16 April 2016, 19:06:12
Just realized that my latest version did not make it to the repo yet. There is now a new version of 59_Weather.pm and YahooWeatherAPI.pm in the SVN repo. You either wait until tomorrow morning and make an update or just retrieve the aforementioned files from Sourceforge. In either case the most recent version should be our common base for debugging.

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 16 April 2016, 19:16:37
Zitat von: Dr. Boris Neubert am 16 April 2016, 19:06:12
Just realized that my latest version did not make it to the repo yet. There is now a new version of 59_Weather.pm and YahooWeatherAPI.pm in the SVN repo. You either wait until tomorrow morning and make an update or just retrieve the aforementioned files from Sourceforge. In either case the most recent version should be our common base for debugging.



As I go to the theator tonight I will wait till tomorrow.

My findings, the problem exists within httputil.pm

I see twilight calling httputils and get a correct answer and weather gets an empty answer.  I was tracing this code:

    $data = $hdr.(defined($data) ? $data:"");
    $hash->{directWriteFn} = sub($) { # Nonblocking write
      my $ret = syswrite $hash->{conn}, $data;
      if($ret <= 0) {
        my $err = $!;
        Debug "httputil connect2 1b";
        return $hash->{callback}($hash, "write error: $err", undef)
      $data = substr($data,$ret);
      if(length($data) == 0) {
        shutdown($hash->{conn}, 1) if($s);
                      "HttpUtils_ReadErr", \%timerHash, 0);
        Debug "httputil connect2 1c";
    $selectlist{$hash} = $hash;
                  "HttpUtils_WriteErr", \%timerHash, 0);
    Debug "httputil connect2 1e";
    return undef;

And see that  Debug "httputil connect2 1c"; is executed which seems not so good to me. 

BTW I set the timeout in yaohooweather_api.pm to 150. So that shouldn't be a problem.

Maybe this gives already a clue.


Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 17 April 2016, 11:59:19

I just updated till the current version. The error stil exists,.

What can I do?

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: Dr. Boris Neubert am 17 April 2016, 12:42:55
I compared the mechanisms in Twilight and Weather and both modules do it the same. So no idea why Twilight should work and Weather not (apart from Twilight trying harder/more often to retrieve the data).

Do you never receive any data or only from time to time? Would you mind having a look at the pubDate... and validity readings?


Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 17 April 2016, 12:47:36
Zitat von: Dr. Boris Neubert am 17 April 2016, 12:42:55
I compared the mechanisms in Twilight and Weather and both modules do it the same. So no idea why Twilight should work and Weather not (apart from Twilight trying harder/more often to retrieve the data).

Do you never receive any data or only from time to time?

No, at the moment it seems weather tries every minute. I inserted  a debug line in httputils

  my ($hash) = @_;
  my ($url)= @_;
  $hash->{hu_blocking} = 0;
  my ($isFile, $fErr, $fContent) = HttpUtils_File($hash);
  return $hash->{callback}($hash, $fErr, $fContent) if($isFile);
  my $err = HttpUtils_Connect($hash);
  Debug "HttpUtils_NonblockingGet Err: $err  Url: $url $hash->{displayurl}";
  $hash->{callback}($hash, $err, "") if($err);

and this gives me a message every minute.

Would you mind having a look at the pubDate... and validity readings?

I am afraid you over estimate my knowledge. I can read a bit of perl but for sure not a guru. Please give me so directions.


Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 17 April 2016, 14:24:30

Weather_ReturnWithError there is a rearm every 60 seconds. Was this intentionally?
    my $next= 600; # $next= $hash->{INTERVAL};
or should the 60 seconds just be temporarily?

If 60 seconds is your intention I would suggest introducing a counter which steps this after 20 tries or so.

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: Dr. Boris Neubert am 17 April 2016, 14:37:58
Zitat von: HarryT am 17 April 2016, 12:47:36
Would you mind having a look at the pubDate... and validity readings?

I am afraid you over estimate my knowledge. I can read a bit of perl but for sure not a guru. Please give me so directions.

What I meant is: just have a look at the readings of your device myWeather, preferably through FHEMWEB or through list myWeather in the FHEM console.

The update every minute is intended. It does so as long as no valid answer is received. I consider your suggestion to increment the retrial period after several unsuccessful tries.

Kind regards
Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 17 April 2016, 14:55:50

It seems I can't attach a screendump here. So I send it in private mail. I don't see anything strange in the readingsl. And the url which is reported back in my logging works fine if I use it from my browser.

At the moment I am trying to log the url's in httputils originated from weather and twilight. Maybe that gives a clue.

During the night several calls from twilight where succesfull and as far as I can see all calls from weather failed.   (I use different location codes to see the difference)

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: Dr. Boris Neubert am 17 April 2016, 14:59:53
Dear Harry,

thanks for the image. This is unambiguous: you never get a reply other than the empty answer.

Please let it run for some more time, anyway. The logs will be useful as well.

Kind regards
Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 17 April 2016, 20:51:00
I now have this in my logging:

called by twilight:

called by weather:

The first works, the second not. The big difference is the https call instead of http I guess.

Is https necessary?

And has anybody described how to get the https calls working from a fritzbox?

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 17 April 2016, 21:02:40
Changing https in http in YahooWeather.pm indeed is a workaround.

Is it possible to let HttpUtils give an error when this is a problem? I guess I won't be the only one who gets this problem?

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 17 April 2016, 22:06:20
Zitat von: jschmitt am 15 April 2016, 15:45:32
Hi Harry,

I had the same Problem. Look here:


After that it worked for me.

Viele Grüße,


Thanks for your answer Johannes, in the mean time I found out it was indeed with the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. However your description is about installing HTTPS for incoming traffic and the problem is with outgoing traffic. It might be that something is installed for both. However I have no idea how I should install that on a Fritzbox yet.

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: jschmitt am 19 April 2016, 18:24:30
Hi Harry,

You can omit the step "attr WEB HTTPS".
But without the perl-ssl-modules and the directory fhem/certs
with the certs inside (and permissions set) it won't work.

As I wrote: I had exact the same Problem and after doing as described
in post #2 it worked!
BTW: look in Your Log. At the beginning of the log (after system starts) there is a line
"falling back to HTTP" or so, isn't it?

Viele Grüße,

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 23 April 2016, 17:24:10
Zitat von: jschmitt am 19 April 2016, 18:24:30
Hi Harry,

You can omit the step "attr WEB HTTPS".
But without the perl-ssl-modules and the directory fhem/certs
with the certs inside (and permissions set) it won't work.

As I wrote: I had exact the same Problem and after doing as described
in post #2 it worked!
BTW: look in Your Log. At the beginning of the log (after system starts) there is a line
"falling back to HTTP" or so, isn't it?

Viele Grüße,


Thanks, but I have really no idea how I should install the necessary perl modules on my fritzbox. Anybody?????
Besides I am afraid the perl modules will need  ssl software on the fritzbox and as far as I know, the fritzbox has no ssl client installed.

I have no message in the logs about anything with HTTP or HTTPS.

Maybe the end of FHEM on a Fritzbox is closer as I expected. At the moment I can change the HTTPS call for weather back to HTTP, but Yahoo could change that in the near future and then block all work arounds.

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: Dr. Boris Neubert am 23 April 2016, 18:09:47
Harry, I am working on an improved version of Weather that allows, among others, to choose whether HTTP or HTTPS are used. If the http call in YahooWeatherAPI works fine for you then just wait for the new version. Will take some time, though.
Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 24 April 2016, 19:01:12
Zitat von: Dr. Boris Neubert am 23 April 2016, 18:09:47
Harry, I am working on an improved version of Weather that allows, among others, to choose whether HTTP or HTTPS are used. If the http call in YahooWeatherAPI works fine for you then just wait for the new version. Will take some time, though.


Thanks for your work.

Time is not the problem, it works right now. I just wonder if this is indeed a https/http issue or there is an unsolvable issue with the Fritzbox. If the later, it is time to look for a Raspberry.

Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: frank am 26 April 2016, 10:22:06
hi harry,

perhaps this workaround can help you: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,26959.msg201256.html#msg201256 (https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,26959.msg201256.html#msg201256)
Titel: Antw:weather error empty answer received
Beitrag von: HarryT am 26 April 2016, 21:40:58
Zitat von: frank am 26 April 2016, 10:22:06
hi harry,

perhaps this workaround can help you: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,26959.msg201256.html#msg201256 (https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,26959.msg201256.html#msg201256)

Hi Frank

Thanks for your answer. In https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,52596.0.html Rudolf Koening pointed me to this solution in another thread. I just pulled the libs and placed them. With these libs it is indeed still possible to use https

Thanks to all people who helped to solve this issue.
