[gelöst] PERL WARNING in Zeile 3647 fhem.pl

Begonnen von Joachim, 15 Oktober 2014, 21:59:36

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Moin @ all,
ich habe eine Warnung in Zeile 3647 fhem.pl:
2014.10.15 21:42:33 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl line 3647.
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3: stacktrace:
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::__ANON__                      called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (3647)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (429)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::OWMULTI_FormatValues          called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (862)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::OWXMULTI_BinValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (985)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::OWXMULTI_GetValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (580)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::OWMULTI_GetValues             called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (2527)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::HandleTimeout                 called by /mod/external/usr/share

Definition des dazugehörigen Devices:

define FB_FS_BZ OWMULTI DS2438 890C6A010000 100
attr FB_FS_BZ IODev Kristech
attr FB_FS_BZ comment verbunden mit Tempsensor FB_TS_BZ OWTHERM DS18B20 2118BA030000
attr FB_FS_BZ event-min-interval voltage:600
attr FB_FS_BZ event-on-change-reading voltage
attr FB_FS_BZ icon tropfen
attr FB_FS_BZ model DS2438
attr FB_FS_BZ room OWX,Bad
attr FB_FS_BZ tempOffset 0.65

Ich weiß, dass das nur eine Warnung ist, und nichts lebenswichtiges.
Das ganze ist reproduzierbar mit einem frischen FHEM, also noch keine fhem.save vohanden, beim ersten Durchlauf der sub readingsBulkUpdate.
danach kommt für das jeweilige Device dann keine Meldung mehr.
Hier noch einmal ein etwas längerer Logauszug mit einem zusatzlogeintrag in der fhem.pl
    # determine if an event should be created:
    # always create event if no attribute is set
    # or if the reading is listed in event-on-update-reading
    # or if the reading is listed in event-on-change-reading...
    # ...and its value has changed...
    # ...and the change greater then the threshold
Log 1, "name $name reading $reading value $value"; <----------------
    $changed= $eour
              || !($attreocr || $attreour)
              || ($eocr && ($value ne $readings->{VAL}) && $threshold_reached);

2014.10.15 21:40:00 1: Including /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.cfg
2014.10.15 21:40:00 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2014.10.15 21:40:01 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2014.10.15 21:40:02 2: eventTypes: loaded 0 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2014.10.15 21:40:04 3: Opening Kristech device /dev/ttyUSB0
2014.10.15 21:40:04 3: Setting Kristech baudrate to 9600
2014.10.15 21:40:04 3: Kristech device opened
2014.10.15 21:40:04 1: OWX: Serial device /dev/ttyUSB0 defined
2014.10.15 21:40:19 3: OWID:    Device ID_Kristech defined.
2014.10.15 21:41:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:41:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:41:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_TS_AZ defined.
2014.10.15 21:41:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWMULTI: Device FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_TS_BZ defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWMULTI: Device FB_FS_BZ defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_TS_Fl defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_TS_WC defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWMULTI: Device FB_FS_WC defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_TS_GZ defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWMULTI: Device FB_FS_GZ defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL__Alle defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_VL__Alle defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:20 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Ku_GS defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Ku_KS defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_TS_Ku defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_TS_SZ defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWMULTI: Device FB_FS_SZ defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_TS_WZ defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWMULTI: Device FB_FS_WZ defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Lg_Li_VE defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Lg_VL_VE defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Lg_RL_VE defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 3: OWTHERM: Device FB_Lg_RL_EWT defined.
2014.10.15 21:42:21 1: name ID_Kristech reading state value Initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:21 1: OWX: 1-Wire bus Kristech: interface master DS2480 re-detected
2014.10.15 21:42:21 0: Server started with 46 defined entities (version $Id: fhem.pl 6730 2014-10-09 19:21:23Z rudolfkoenig $, os linux, user fhem, pid 10982)
2014.10.15 21:42:31 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:33 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading voltage value 2.87
2014.10.15 21:42:33 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl line 3647.
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3: stacktrace:
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::__ANON__                      called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (3647)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (429)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::OWMULTI_FormatValues          called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (862)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::OWXMULTI_BinValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (985)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::OWXMULTI_GetValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (580)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::OWMULTI_GetValues             called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (2527)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 3:     main::HandleTimeout                 called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (535)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading temperature value 21.275
2014.10.15 21:42:33 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading state value voltage:  2.87 V (T: 21.28 °C)
2014.10.15 21:42:33 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:35 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading voltage value 2.719
2014.10.15 21:42:35 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl line 3647.
2014.10.15 21:42:35 3: stacktrace:
2014.10.15 21:42:35 3:     main::__ANON__                      called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (3647)
2014.10.15 21:42:35 3:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (429)
2014.10.15 21:42:35 3:     main::OWMULTI_FormatValues          called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (862)
2014.10.15 21:42:35 3:     main::OWXMULTI_BinValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (985)
2014.10.15 21:42:35 3:     main::OWXMULTI_GetValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (580)
2014.10.15 21:42:35 3:     main::OWMULTI_GetValues             called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (2527)
2014.10.15 21:42:35 3:     main::HandleTimeout                 called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (535)
2014.10.15 21:42:35 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading temperature value 20.7125
2014.10.15 21:42:35 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading state value voltage:  2.72 V (T: 20.71 °C)
2014.10.15 21:42:35 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:37 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading voltage value 2.82
2014.10.15 21:42:37 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl line 3647.
2014.10.15 21:42:37 3: stacktrace:
2014.10.15 21:42:37 3:     main::__ANON__                      called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (3647)
2014.10.15 21:42:37 3:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (429)
2014.10.15 21:42:37 3:     main::OWMULTI_FormatValues          called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (862)
2014.10.15 21:42:37 3:     main::OWXMULTI_BinValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (985)
2014.10.15 21:42:37 3:     main::OWXMULTI_GetValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (580)
2014.10.15 21:42:37 3:     main::OWMULTI_GetValues             called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (2527)
2014.10.15 21:42:37 3:     main::HandleTimeout                 called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (535)
2014.10.15 21:42:37 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading temperature value 21.025
2014.10.15 21:42:37 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading state value voltage:  2.82 V (T: 21.03 °C)
2014.10.15 21:42:37 1: name FB_FS_WC reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:39 1: name FB_FS_WC reading voltage value 2.7
2014.10.15 21:42:39 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl line 3647.
2014.10.15 21:42:39 3: stacktrace:
2014.10.15 21:42:39 3:     main::__ANON__                      called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (3647)
2014.10.15 21:42:39 3:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (429)
2014.10.15 21:42:39 3:     main::OWMULTI_FormatValues          called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (862)
2014.10.15 21:42:39 3:     main::OWXMULTI_BinValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (985)
2014.10.15 21:42:39 3:     main::OWXMULTI_GetValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (580)
2014.10.15 21:42:39 3:     main::OWMULTI_GetValues             called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (2527)
2014.10.15 21:42:39 3:     main::HandleTimeout                 called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (535)
2014.10.15 21:42:39 1: name FB_FS_WC reading temperature value 21.86875
2014.10.15 21:42:39 1: name FB_FS_WC reading state value voltage:  2.70 V (T: 21.87 °C)
2014.10.15 21:42:39 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:41 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading voltage value 2.68
2014.10.15 21:42:41 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl line 3647.
2014.10.15 21:42:41 3: stacktrace:
2014.10.15 21:42:41 3:     main::__ANON__                      called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (3647)
2014.10.15 21:42:41 3:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (429)
2014.10.15 21:42:41 3:     main::OWMULTI_FormatValues          called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (862)
2014.10.15 21:42:41 3:     main::OWXMULTI_BinValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (985)
2014.10.15 21:42:41 3:     main::OWXMULTI_GetValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (580)
2014.10.15 21:42:41 3:     main::OWMULTI_GetValues             called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (2527)
2014.10.15 21:42:41 3:     main::HandleTimeout                 called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (535)
2014.10.15 21:42:41 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading temperature value 21.49375
2014.10.15 21:42:41 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading state value voltage:  2.68 V (T: 21.49 °C)
2014.10.15 21:42:41 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:42 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading temperature value 23
2014.10.15 21:42:42 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading state value T: 23.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:42 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading helper_T value 23
2014.10.15 21:42:43 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:44 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:42:44 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:44 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:42:44 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:45 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading temperature value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:42:45 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading state value T: 20.56 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:45 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:42:45 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:46 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading temperature value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:42:46 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading state value T: 20.56 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:47 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:42:47 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:48 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading temperature value 21
2014.10.15 21:42:48 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading state value T: 21.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:48 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading helper_T value 21
2014.10.15 21:42:48 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:49 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:42:49 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:49 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:42:49 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:51 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:42:51 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:51 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:42:51 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:52 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading temperature value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:42:52 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading state value T: 20.63 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:52 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:42:52 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:53 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading temperature value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:42:53 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading state value T: 21.50 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:53 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading helper_T value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:42:53 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:55 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading temperature value 21.8125
2014.10.15 21:42:55 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading state value T: 21.81 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:55 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading helper_T value 21.8125
2014.10.15 21:42:55 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:56 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading temperature value 20
2014.10.15 21:42:56 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading state value T: 20.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:56 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading helper_T value 20
2014.10.15 21:42:56 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:57 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading temperature value 22.25
2014.10.15 21:42:57 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading state value T: 22.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:57 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading helper_T value 22.25
2014.10.15 21:42:57 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:42:59 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:42:59 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:42:59 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:42:59 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:00 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading temperature value 21.625
2014.10.15 21:43:00 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading state value T: 21.63 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:00 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading helper_T value 21.625
2014.10.15 21:43:00 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:01 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading temperature value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:43:01 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading state value T: 21.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:01 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading helper_T value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:43:02 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:03 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:43:03 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:03 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:43:03 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:04 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading temperature value -21.0625
2014.10.15 21:43:04 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading state value T: -21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:04 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading helper_T value -21.0625
2014.10.15 21:43:04 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:05 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading temperature value 3.875
2014.10.15 21:43:05 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading state value T:  3.88 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:05 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading helper_T value 3.875
2014.10.15 21:43:06 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:07 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:43:07 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:07 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:43:07 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:08 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading temperature value 17.375
2014.10.15 21:43:08 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading state value T: 17.38 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:08 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading helper_T value 17.375
2014.10.15 21:43:08 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:09 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading temperature value 16.0625
2014.10.15 21:43:09 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading state value T: 16.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:09 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading helper_T value 16.0625
2014.10.15 21:43:10 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:11 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading temperature value 15.25
2014.10.15 21:43:11 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading state value T: 15.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:11 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading helper_T value 15.25
2014.10.15 21:43:11 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading voltage value 2.89
2014.10.15 21:43:13 1: PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl line 3647.
2014.10.15 21:43:13 3: stacktrace:
2014.10.15 21:43:13 3:     main::__ANON__                      called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (3647)
2014.10.15 21:43:13 3:     main::readingsBulkUpdate            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (429)
2014.10.15 21:43:13 3:     main::OWMULTI_FormatValues          called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (862)
2014.10.15 21:43:13 3:     main::OWXMULTI_BinValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (985)
2014.10.15 21:43:13 3:     main::OWXMULTI_GetValues            called by ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm (580)
2014.10.15 21:43:13 3:     main::OWMULTI_GetValues             called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (2527)
2014.10.15 21:43:13 3:     main::HandleTimeout                 called by /mod/external/usr/share/fhem/fhem.pl (535)
2014.10.15 21:43:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading temperature value 19.7125
2014.10.15 21:43:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading state value voltage:  2.89 V (T: 19.71 °C)
2014.10.15 21:43:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:14 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading temperature value 20.125
2014.10.15 21:43:14 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading state value T: 20.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:14 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading helper_T value 20.125
2014.10.15 21:43:14 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:15 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading temperature value 24.125
2014.10.15 21:43:15 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading state value T: 24.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:15 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading helper_T value 24.125
2014.10.15 21:43:16 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:17 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:43:17 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:17 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:43:17 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:18 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:43:18 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:18 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:43:18 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:19 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:43:19 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:19 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:43:20 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:21 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading temperature value 21.5625
2014.10.15 21:43:21 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading state value T: 21.56 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:21 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading helper_T value 21.5625
2014.10.15 21:43:21 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:22 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading temperature value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:43:22 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading state value T: 21.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:22 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading helper_T value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:43:22 1: name FB_TS_WC reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:24 1: name FB_TS_WC reading temperature value 22
2014.10.15 21:43:24 1: name FB_TS_WC reading state value T: 22.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:24 1: name FB_TS_WC reading helper_T value 22
2014.10.15 21:43:24 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading state value initialized
2014.10.15 21:43:25 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading temperature value 21.6875
2014.10.15 21:43:25 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading state value T: 21.69 °C
2014.10.15 21:43:25 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading helper_T value 21.6875
2014.10.15 21:43:50 1: OWX: Search CRC failed
2014.10.15 21:44:12 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading voltage value 2.87
2014.10.15 21:44:12 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:44:12 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading temperature value 21.36875
2014.10.15 21:44:12 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading state value voltage:  2.87 V (T: 21.37 °C)
2014.10.15 21:44:14 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading voltage value 2.719
2014.10.15 21:44:14 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading VDD value 5.17
2014.10.15 21:44:14 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading temperature value 20.74375
2014.10.15 21:44:14 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading state value voltage:  2.72 V (T: 20.74 °C)
2014.10.15 21:44:14 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading V value 5.17
2014.10.15 21:44:14 1: dev: FB_FS_GZ humidity: 58.3 temperature: 21.1
2014.10.15 21:44:16 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading voltage value 2.82
2014.10.15 21:44:16 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading VDD value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:44:16 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading temperature value 20.93125
2014.10.15 21:44:16 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading state value voltage:  2.82 V (T: 20.93 °C)
2014.10.15 21:44:16 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading V value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:44:16 1: dev: FB_FS_SZ humidity: 61.7 temperature: 21.3
2014.10.15 21:44:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading voltage value 2.7
2014.10.15 21:44:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:44:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading temperature value 21.80625
2014.10.15 21:44:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading state value voltage:  2.70 V (T: 21.81 °C)
2014.10.15 21:44:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading V value 5.1683
2014.10.15 21:44:18 1: dev: FB_FS_WC humidity: 57.9 temperature: 22
2014.10.15 21:44:20 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading voltage value 2.68
2014.10.15 21:44:20 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading VDD value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:44:20 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading temperature value 21.55625
2014.10.15 21:44:20 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading state value voltage:  2.68 V (T: 21.56 °C)
2014.10.15 21:44:20 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading V value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:44:20 1: dev: FB_FS_WZ humidity: 57.6 temperature: 21.7
2014.10.15 21:44:22 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading temperature value 23
2014.10.15 21:44:22 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading state value T: 23.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:22 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading helper_T value 23
2014.10.15 21:44:24 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:44:24 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:24 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:44:25 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading temperature value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:44:25 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading state value T: 20.56 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:25 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:44:26 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading temperature value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:44:26 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading state value T: 20.63 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:26 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.575
2014.10.15 21:44:28 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading temperature value 21
2014.10.15 21:44:28 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading state value T: 21.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:28 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading helper_T value 21
2014.10.15 21:44:29 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:44:29 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:29 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:44:30 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:44:30 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:30 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:44:32 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading temperature value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:44:32 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading state value T: 20.63 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:32 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:44:33 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading temperature value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:44:33 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading state value T: 21.50 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:33 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading helper_T value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:44:34 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading temperature value 21.8125
2014.10.15 21:44:34 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading state value T: 21.81 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:34 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading helper_T value 21.8125
2014.10.15 21:44:36 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading temperature value 20
2014.10.15 21:44:36 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading state value T: 20.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:36 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading helper_T value 20
2014.10.15 21:44:37 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading temperature value 22.25
2014.10.15 21:44:37 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading state value T: 22.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:37 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading helper_T value 22.25
2014.10.15 21:44:38 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:44:38 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:38 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:44:40 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading temperature value 21.6875
2014.10.15 21:44:40 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading state value T: 21.69 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:40 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading helper_T value 21.6375
2014.10.15 21:44:41 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading temperature value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:44:41 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading state value T: 21.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:41 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading helper_T value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:44:43 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:44:43 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:43 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:44:44 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading temperature value -21.1875
2014.10.15 21:44:44 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading state value T: -21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:44 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading helper_T value -21.0874
2014.10.15 21:44:45 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading temperature value 3.875
2014.10.15 21:44:45 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading state value T:  3.88 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:45 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading helper_T value 3.875
2014.10.15 21:44:47 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:44:47 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:47 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:44:48 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading temperature value 17.4375
2014.10.15 21:44:48 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading state value T: 17.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:48 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading helper_T value 17.3875
2014.10.15 21:44:49 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading temperature value 16
2014.10.15 21:44:49 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading state value T: 16.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:49 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading helper_T value 16.05
2014.10.15 21:44:51 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading temperature value 15.25
2014.10.15 21:44:51 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading state value T: 15.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:51 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading helper_T value 15.25
2014.10.15 21:44:53 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading voltage value 2.9
2014.10.15 21:44:53 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading VDD value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:44:53 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading temperature value 19.68125
2014.10.15 21:44:53 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading state value voltage:  2.90 V (T: 19.68 °C)
2014.10.15 21:44:53 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading VAD value 2.8917
2014.10.15 21:44:53 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading V value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:44:53 1: dev: FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS humidity: 63.8 temperature: 20.1
2014.10.15 21:44:54 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading temperature value 20.125
2014.10.15 21:44:54 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading state value T: 20.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:54 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading helper_T value 20.125
2014.10.15 21:44:55 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading temperature value 24.125
2014.10.15 21:44:55 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading state value T: 24.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:55 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading helper_T value 24.125
2014.10.15 21:44:57 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:44:57 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:57 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:44:58 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:44:58 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:58 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:44:59 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:44:59 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:44:59 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:45:01 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading temperature value 21.5625
2014.10.15 21:45:01 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading state value T: 21.56 °C
2014.10.15 21:45:01 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading helper_T value 21.5625
2014.10.15 21:45:02 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading temperature value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:45:02 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading state value T: 21.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:45:02 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading helper_T value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:45:03 1: name FB_TS_WC reading temperature value 22
2014.10.15 21:45:03 1: name FB_TS_WC reading state value T: 22.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:45:03 1: name FB_TS_WC reading helper_T value 22
2014.10.15 21:45:05 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading temperature value 21.6875
2014.10.15 21:45:05 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading state value T: 21.69 °C
2014.10.15 21:45:05 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading helper_T value 21.6875
2014.10.15 21:45:52 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading voltage value 2.87
2014.10.15 21:45:52 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:45:52 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading temperature value 21.15
2014.10.15 21:45:52 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading state value voltage:  2.87 V (T: 21.15 °C)
2014.10.15 21:45:54 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading voltage value 2.71
2014.10.15 21:45:54 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:45:54 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading temperature value 20.5875
2014.10.15 21:45:54 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading state value voltage:  2.71 V (T: 20.59 °C)
2014.10.15 21:45:54 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading VAD value 2.7175
2014.10.15 21:45:54 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading Temperatur value 21.1
2014.10.15 21:45:54 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading Feuchte value 58.3
2014.10.15 21:45:54 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading V value 5.1683
2014.10.15 21:45:54 1: dev: FB_FS_GZ humidity: 58.3 temperature: 21.1
2014.10.15 21:45:56 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading voltage value 2.83
2014.10.15 21:45:56 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading VDD value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:45:56 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading temperature value 20.9625
2014.10.15 21:45:56 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading state value voltage:  2.83 V (T: 20.96 °C)
2014.10.15 21:45:56 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading VAD value 2.8217
2014.10.15 21:45:58 1: name FB_FS_WC reading voltage value 2.71
2014.10.15 21:45:58 1: name FB_FS_WC reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:45:58 1: name FB_FS_WC reading temperature value 21.93125
2014.10.15 21:45:58 1: name FB_FS_WC reading state value voltage:  2.71 V (T: 21.93 °C)
2014.10.15 21:45:58 1: name FB_FS_WC reading VAD value 2.7017
2014.10.15 21:46:00 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading voltage value 2.67
2014.10.15 21:46:00 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading VDD value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:46:00 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading temperature value 21.525
2014.10.15 21:46:00 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading state value voltage:  2.67 V (T: 21.53 °C)
2014.10.15 21:46:00 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading VAD value 2.6783
2014.10.15 21:46:02 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading temperature value 23
2014.10.15 21:46:02 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading state value T: 23.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:02 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading helper_T value 23
2014.10.15 21:46:04 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:46:04 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:04 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:46:05 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading temperature value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:46:05 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading state value T: 20.56 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:05 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:46:06 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading temperature value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:46:06 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading state value T: 20.56 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:06 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.5725
2014.10.15 21:46:08 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading temperature value 21
2014.10.15 21:46:08 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading state value T: 21.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:08 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading helper_T value 21
2014.10.15 21:46:09 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:46:09 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:09 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:46:10 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:46:10 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:10 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:46:12 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading temperature value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:46:12 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading state value T: 20.63 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:12 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:46:13 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading temperature value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:46:13 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading state value T: 21.50 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:13 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading helper_T value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:46:14 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading temperature value 21.8125
2014.10.15 21:46:14 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading state value T: 21.81 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:14 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading helper_T value 21.8125
2014.10.15 21:46:16 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading temperature value 20
2014.10.15 21:46:16 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading state value T: 20.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:16 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading helper_T value 20
2014.10.15 21:46:17 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading temperature value 22.25
2014.10.15 21:46:17 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading state value T: 22.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:17 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading helper_T value 22.25
2014.10.15 21:46:18 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:46:18 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:18 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:46:20 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading temperature value 21.6875
2014.10.15 21:46:20 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading state value T: 21.69 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:20 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading helper_T value 21.6475
2014.10.15 21:46:21 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading temperature value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:46:21 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading state value T: 21.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:21 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading helper_T value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:46:23 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:46:23 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:23 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:46:24 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading temperature value -21.375
2014.10.15 21:46:24 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading state value T: -21.38 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:24 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading helper_T value -21.1448
2014.10.15 21:46:25 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading temperature value 3.875
2014.10.15 21:46:25 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading state value T:  3.88 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:25 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading helper_T value 3.875
2014.10.15 21:46:27 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:46:27 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:27 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:46:28 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading temperature value 17.4375
2014.10.15 21:46:28 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading state value T: 17.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:28 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading helper_T value 17.3975
2014.10.15 21:46:29 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading temperature value 16.0625
2014.10.15 21:46:29 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading state value T: 16.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:29 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading helper_T value 16.0525
2014.10.15 21:46:31 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading temperature value 15.25
2014.10.15 21:46:31 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading state value T: 15.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:31 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading helper_T value 15.25
2014.10.15 21:46:33 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading voltage value 2.9
2014.10.15 21:46:33 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading VDD value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:46:33 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading temperature value 19.49375
2014.10.15 21:46:33 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading state value voltage:  2.90 V (T: 19.49 °C)
2014.10.15 21:46:34 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading temperature value 20.125
2014.10.15 21:46:34 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading state value T: 20.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:34 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading helper_T value 20.125
2014.10.15 21:46:35 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading temperature value 24.125
2014.10.15 21:46:35 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading state value T: 24.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:35 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading helper_T value 24.125
2014.10.15 21:46:37 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:46:37 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:37 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:46:38 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:46:38 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:38 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:46:39 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:46:39 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:39 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:46:41 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading temperature value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:46:41 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading state value T: 21.50 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:41 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading helper_T value 21.55
2014.10.15 21:46:42 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading temperature value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:46:42 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading state value T: 21.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:42 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading helper_T value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:46:43 1: name FB_TS_WC reading temperature value 22
2014.10.15 21:46:43 1: name FB_TS_WC reading state value T: 22.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:43 1: name FB_TS_WC reading helper_T value 22
2014.10.15 21:46:45 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading temperature value 21.6875
2014.10.15 21:46:45 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading state value T: 21.69 °C
2014.10.15 21:46:45 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading helper_T value 21.6875
2014.10.15 21:47:32 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading voltage value 2.86
2014.10.15 21:47:32 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:47:32 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading temperature value 21.30625
2014.10.15 21:47:32 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading state value voltage:  2.86 V (T: 21.31 °C)
2014.10.15 21:47:34 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading voltage value 2.719
2014.10.15 21:47:34 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:47:34 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading temperature value 20.74375
2014.10.15 21:47:34 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading state value voltage:  2.72 V (T: 20.74 °C)
2014.10.15 21:47:34 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading VAD value 2.7178
2014.10.15 21:47:36 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading voltage value 2.83
2014.10.15 21:47:36 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading VDD value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:47:36 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading temperature value 20.7125
2014.10.15 21:47:36 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading state value voltage:  2.83 V (T: 20.71 °C)
2014.10.15 21:47:38 1: name FB_FS_WC reading voltage value 2.7
2014.10.15 21:47:38 1: name FB_FS_WC reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:47:38 1: name FB_FS_WC reading temperature value 21.86875
2014.10.15 21:47:38 1: name FB_FS_WC reading state value voltage:  2.70 V (T: 21.87 °C)
2014.10.15 21:47:38 1: name FB_FS_WC reading VAD value 2.7014
2014.10.15 21:47:40 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading voltage value 2.68
2014.10.15 21:47:40 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading VDD value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:47:40 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading temperature value 21.4625
2014.10.15 21:47:40 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading state value voltage:  2.68 V (T: 21.46 °C)
2014.10.15 21:47:40 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading VAD value 2.6786
2014.10.15 21:47:42 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading temperature value 23
2014.10.15 21:47:42 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading state value T: 23.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:42 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading helper_T value 23
2014.10.15 21:47:44 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:47:44 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:44 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:47:45 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading temperature value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:47:45 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading state value T: 20.56 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:45 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:47:46 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading temperature value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:47:46 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading state value T: 20.56 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:46 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.5705
2014.10.15 21:47:48 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:47:48 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:48 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading helper_T value 21.0125
2014.10.15 21:47:49 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:47:49 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:49 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:47:50 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:47:50 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:50 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:47:52 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading temperature value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:47:52 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading state value T: 20.63 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:52 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:47:53 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading temperature value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:47:53 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading state value T: 21.50 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:53 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading helper_T value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:47:54 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading temperature value 21.8125
2014.10.15 21:47:54 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading state value T: 21.81 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:54 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading helper_T value 21.8125
2014.10.15 21:47:56 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading temperature value 20
2014.10.15 21:47:56 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading state value T: 20.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:56 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading helper_T value 20
2014.10.15 21:47:57 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading temperature value 22.25
2014.10.15 21:47:57 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading state value T: 22.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:57 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading helper_T value 22.25
2014.10.15 21:47:58 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading temperature value 20.5
2014.10.15 21:47:58 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading state value T: 20.50 °C
2014.10.15 21:47:58 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.45
2014.10.15 21:48:00 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading temperature value 21.625
2014.10.15 21:48:00 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading state value T: 21.63 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:00 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading helper_T value 21.643
2014.10.15 21:48:01 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading temperature value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:48:01 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading state value T: 21.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:01 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading helper_T value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:48:03 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:48:03 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:03 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:48:04 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading temperature value -21.5
2014.10.15 21:48:04 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading state value T: -21.50 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:04 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading helper_T value -21.2157
2014.10.15 21:48:05 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading temperature value 3.8125
2014.10.15 21:48:05 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading state value T:  3.81 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:05 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading helper_T value 3.8625
2014.10.15 21:48:07 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:48:07 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:07 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:48:08 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading temperature value 17.4375
2014.10.15 21:48:08 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading state value T: 17.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:08 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading helper_T value 17.4055
2014.10.15 21:48:09 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading temperature value 16.0625
2014.10.15 21:48:09 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading state value T: 16.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:09 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading helper_T value 16.0545
2014.10.15 21:48:11 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading temperature value 15.25
2014.10.15 21:48:11 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading state value T: 15.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:11 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading helper_T value 15.25
2014.10.15 21:48:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading voltage value 2.89
2014.10.15 21:48:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:48:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading temperature value 19.68125
2014.10.15 21:48:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading state value voltage:  2.89 V (T: 19.68 °C)
2014.10.15 21:48:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading VAD value 2.8914
2014.10.15 21:48:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading Temperatur value 20.1
2014.10.15 21:48:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading Feuchte value 63.7
2014.10.15 21:48:13 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading V value 5.1517
2014.10.15 21:48:13 1: dev: FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS humidity: 63.7 temperature: 20.1
2014.10.15 21:48:14 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading temperature value 20.125
2014.10.15 21:48:14 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading state value T: 20.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:14 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading helper_T value 20.125
2014.10.15 21:48:15 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading temperature value 24.125
2014.10.15 21:48:15 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading state value T: 24.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:15 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading helper_T value 24.125
2014.10.15 21:48:17 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading temperature value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:48:17 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading state value T: 21.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:17 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading helper_T value 21.2
2014.10.15 21:48:18 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:48:18 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:18 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:48:19 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:48:19 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:19 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:48:21 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading temperature value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:48:21 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading state value T: 21.50 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:21 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading helper_T value 21.54
2014.10.15 21:48:22 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading temperature value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:48:22 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading state value T: 21.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:22 1: name FB_TS_SZ reading helper_T value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:48:23 1: name FB_TS_WC reading temperature value 22
2014.10.15 21:48:23 1: name FB_TS_WC reading state value T: 22.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:23 1: name FB_TS_WC reading helper_T value 22
2014.10.15 21:48:25 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading temperature value 21.6875
2014.10.15 21:48:25 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading state value T: 21.69 °C
2014.10.15 21:48:25 1: name FB_TS_WZ reading helper_T value 21.6875
2014.10.15 21:48:25 1: name ID_Kristech reading present value 1
2014.10.15 21:49:12 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading voltage value 2.87
2014.10.15 21:49:12 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:49:12 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading temperature value 21.24375
2014.10.15 21:49:12 1: name FB_FS_BZ reading state value voltage:  2.87 V (T: 21.24 °C)
2014.10.15 21:49:14 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading voltage value 2.71
2014.10.15 21:49:14 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:49:14 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading temperature value 20.775
2014.10.15 21:49:14 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading state value voltage:  2.71 V (T: 20.78 °C)
2014.10.15 21:49:14 1: name FB_FS_GZ reading VAD value 2.7165
2014.10.15 21:49:16 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading voltage value 2.82
2014.10.15 21:49:16 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading VDD value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:49:16 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading temperature value 20.80625
2014.10.15 21:49:16 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading state value voltage:  2.82 V (T: 20.81 °C)
2014.10.15 21:49:16 1: name FB_FS_SZ reading VAD value 2.8214
2014.10.15 21:49:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading voltage value 2.7
2014.10.15 21:49:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading VDD value 5.17
2014.10.15 21:49:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading temperature value 21.93125
2014.10.15 21:49:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading state value voltage:  2.70 V (T: 21.93 °C)
2014.10.15 21:49:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading Temperatur value 22
2014.10.15 21:49:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading Feuchte value 58
2014.10.15 21:49:18 1: name FB_FS_WC reading V value 5.1686
2014.10.15 21:49:18 1: dev: FB_FS_WC humidity: 58 temperature: 22
2014.10.15 21:49:20 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading voltage value 2.68
2014.10.15 21:49:20 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading VDD value 5.15
2014.10.15 21:49:20 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading temperature value 21.525
2014.10.15 21:49:20 1: name FB_FS_WZ reading state value voltage:  2.68 V (T: 21.53 °C)
2014.10.15 21:49:22 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading temperature value 23
2014.10.15 21:49:22 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading state value T: 23.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:22 1: name FB_Hz_RL_AZ_HK reading helper_T value 23
2014.10.15 21:49:24 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:49:24 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:24 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_FB reading helper_T value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:49:25 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading temperature value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:49:25 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading state value T: 20.56 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:25 1: name FB_Hz_RL_BZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.5625
2014.10.15 21:49:26 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading temperature value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:49:26 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading state value T: 20.63 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:26 1: name FB_Hz_RL_EZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.5814
2014.10.15 21:49:28 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading temperature value 21
2014.10.15 21:49:28 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading state value T: 21.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:28 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Fl_HK reading helper_T value 21.01
2014.10.15 21:49:29 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:49:29 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:29 1: name FB_Hz_RL_GZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:49:30 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:49:30 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:30 1: name FB_Hz_RL_Ku_HK reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:49:32 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading temperature value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:49:32 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading state value T: 20.63 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:32 1: name FB_Hz_RL_SZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.625
2014.10.15 21:49:33 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading temperature value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:49:33 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading state value T: 21.50 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:33 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WC_HK reading helper_T value 21.5
2014.10.15 21:49:34 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading temperature value 21.8125
2014.10.15 21:49:34 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading state value T: 21.81 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:34 1: name FB_Hz_RL_WZ_HK reading helper_T value 21.8125
2014.10.15 21:49:36 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading temperature value 20
2014.10.15 21:49:36 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading state value T: 20.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:36 1: name FB_Hz_RL__Alle reading helper_T value 20
2014.10.15 21:49:37 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading temperature value 22.25
2014.10.15 21:49:37 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading state value T: 22.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:37 1: name FB_Hz_VL_AZ_HK reading helper_T value 22.25
2014.10.15 21:49:38 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:49:38 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:38 1: name FB_Hz_VL_EZ_HK reading helper_T value 20.4475
2014.10.15 21:49:40 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading temperature value 21.625
2014.10.15 21:49:40 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading state value T: 21.63 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:40 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WC_HK reading helper_T value 21.6394
2014.10.15 21:49:41 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading temperature value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:49:41 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading state value T: 21.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:41 1: name FB_Hz_VL_WZ_HK reading helper_T value 21.25
2014.10.15 21:49:43 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading temperature value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:49:43 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading state value T: 20.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:43 1: name FB_Hz_VL__Alle reading helper_T value 20.4375
2014.10.15 21:49:44 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading temperature value -21.6875
2014.10.15 21:49:44 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading state value T: -21.69 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:44 1: name FB_Ku_GS reading helper_T value -21.31
2014.10.15 21:49:45 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading temperature value 3.8125
2014.10.15 21:49:45 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading state value T:  3.81 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:45 1: name FB_Ku_KS reading helper_T value 3.8525
2014.10.15 21:49:47 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading temperature value 21.125
2014.10.15 21:49:47 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading state value T: 21.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:47 1: name FB_Lg_Li_VE reading helper_T value 21.175
2014.10.15 21:49:48 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading temperature value 17.4375
2014.10.15 21:49:48 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading state value T: 17.44 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:48 1: name FB_Lg_RL_EWT reading helper_T value 17.4119
2014.10.15 21:49:49 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading temperature value 16
2014.10.15 21:49:49 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading state value T: 16.00 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:49 1: name FB_Lg_RL_VE reading helper_T value 16.0436
2014.10.15 21:49:51 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading temperature value 15.25
2014.10.15 21:49:51 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading state value T: 15.25 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:51 1: name FB_Lg_VL_VE reading helper_T value 15.25
2014.10.15 21:49:53 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading voltage value 2.89
2014.10.15 21:49:53 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading VDD value 5.16
2014.10.15 21:49:53 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading temperature value 19.61875
2014.10.15 21:49:53 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_FS reading state value voltage:  2.89 V (T: 19.62 °C)
2014.10.15 21:49:54 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading temperature value 20.125
2014.10.15 21:49:54 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading state value T: 20.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:54 1: name FB_Lg_ZU_AZ_TS reading helper_T value 20.125
2014.10.15 21:49:55 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading temperature value 24.125
2014.10.15 21:49:55 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading state value T: 24.13 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:55 1: name FB_TS_AZ reading helper_T value 24.125
2014.10.15 21:49:57 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading temperature value 21.1875
2014.10.15 21:49:57 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading state value T: 21.19 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:57 1: name FB_TS_BZ reading helper_T value 21.1975
2014.10.15 21:49:58 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:49:58 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:58 1: name FB_TS_Fl reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:49:59 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading temperature value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:49:59 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading state value T: 21.06 °C
2014.10.15 21:49:59 1: name FB_TS_GZ reading helper_T value 21.0625
2014.10.15 21:50:01 1: name FB_TS_Ku reading temperature value 21.5

gruß Joachim

Edit 19.10.14:
Grund für Perl Warning gefunden und beseitigt, siehe:
FHEM aktuellste Version auf FB 7570 und 7390 mit Zebradem Toolbox Freetz
FHEM auf Raspberry
1-Wire mit LinkUSBi und Rs-Pi ds2482-800  1-Wire-9 Board; Max mit Cube, HMLAN
div. 1-Wire Sensoren; MAX-Thermostaten; Homematic-Komponenten, Zehnder KWL über RS-232


Schalt doch einfach staktrace ab  ;)

Debian Bookworm auf ZBOX nano/ Debian Bullseye auf 2.ter ZBOX nano F2F an 2x RaspiB
mit FHEM aktuell (fhem.pl:28849/2024-05-07)
22Zoll ViewSonic als Infodislay (WVC)
3xHMLAN mit vccu ,fhem5.8, CCU2,
ECMD an AVR-NET-IO mit DAC u. ADC an Junkers Stetigregelung, Siemens LOGO!8, JeeLink uvm...


Moin Frank,
danke für Deine Antwort.
Da die Meldung nur einmalig Auftritt, stört es mich nicht wirklich, ich wollte es nur gemeldet haben, da ich leider nicht selber die Ursache finde.

Gruß Joachim
FHEM aktuellste Version auf FB 7570 und 7390 mit Zebradem Toolbox Freetz
FHEM auf Raspberry
1-Wire mit LinkUSBi und Rs-Pi ds2482-800  1-Wire-9 Board; Max mit Cube, HMLAN
div. 1-Wire Sensoren; MAX-Thermostaten; Homematic-Komponenten, Zehnder KWL über RS-232


Das Problem ist, meiner Meinung nach, dass sämtliche Module überprüft werden müssten und das kann dauern. Jeder Modulentwickler müsste in seinem Code nachsehen, ob es von Perl angemeckert wird.

Debian Bookworm auf ZBOX nano/ Debian Bullseye auf 2.ter ZBOX nano F2F an 2x RaspiB
mit FHEM aktuell (fhem.pl:28849/2024-05-07)
22Zoll ViewSonic als Infodislay (WVC)
3xHMLAN mit vccu ,fhem5.8, CCU2,
ECMD an AVR-NET-IO mit DAC u. ADC an Junkers Stetigregelung, Siemens LOGO!8, JeeLink uvm...


Dann suche ich also in der fhem.pl an der falschen Stelle?
FHEM aktuellste Version auf FB 7570 und 7390 mit Zebradem Toolbox Freetz
FHEM auf Raspberry
1-Wire mit LinkUSBi und Rs-Pi ds2482-800  1-Wire-9 Board; Max mit Cube, HMLAN
div. 1-Wire Sensoren; MAX-Thermostaten; Homematic-Komponenten, Zehnder KWL über RS-232


Würde ich so sehen. Generiert wird die Meldung durch das Modul ./FHEM/21_OWMULTI.pm. Aber mit Modulentwicklung kenne ich mich nun überhaupt nicht aus und ich kann auch völlig danebenliegen. Aber die fhem.pl stellt den "Fehler" nur fest und gibt die Warnung aus.

Debian Bookworm auf ZBOX nano/ Debian Bullseye auf 2.ter ZBOX nano F2F an 2x RaspiB
mit FHEM aktuell (fhem.pl:28849/2024-05-07)
22Zoll ViewSonic als Infodislay (WVC)
3xHMLAN mit vccu ,fhem5.8, CCU2,
ECMD an AVR-NET-IO mit DAC u. ADC an Junkers Stetigregelung, Siemens LOGO!8, JeeLink uvm...


FHEM aktuellste Version auf FB 7570 und 7390 mit Zebradem Toolbox Freetz
FHEM auf Raspberry
1-Wire mit LinkUSBi und Rs-Pi ds2482-800  1-Wire-9 Board; Max mit Cube, HMLAN
div. 1-Wire Sensoren; MAX-Thermostaten; Homematic-Komponenten, Zehnder KWL über RS-232


Wenn ich richtig rate, dann existiert zwar ein $defs{FB_FS_BZ}{READING}, aber kein $defs{FB_FS_BZ}{READING}{VAL}, und ich meine das ist nicht zulaessig. Da ich dieses Problem zum ersten mal gesehen habe, tippe ich auf die OW Module. Man koennte sowas in fhem.pl abfangen und das Problem unter dem Teppich kehren, ich kann mir aber keinen berechtigten Fall vorstellen, deswegen mache ich das erstmal nicht.


Moin Rudi,
Du hast richtig geraten, bei einem frischen fhem ohne eine fhem.save gibt es noch kein $defs{FB_FS_BZ}{READING}{VAL}.
Bin da jetzt mal am suchen, wo der Unterschied zwischen OWMULTI und den anderen Modulen liegt.
Habe allerdings noch nicht den Unterschied zwischen $defs{FB_FS_BZ}{READING} und $defs{FB_FS_BZ}{READING}{VAL} begriffen.

Gruß Joachim
FHEM aktuellste Version auf FB 7570 und 7390 mit Zebradem Toolbox Freetz
FHEM auf Raspberry
1-Wire mit LinkUSBi und Rs-Pi ds2482-800  1-Wire-9 Board; Max mit Cube, HMLAN
div. 1-Wire Sensoren; MAX-Thermostaten; Homematic-Komponenten, Zehnder KWL über RS-232


ZitatHabe allerdings noch nicht den Unterschied zwischen $defs{FB_FS_BZ}{READING} und $defs{FB_FS_BZ}{READING}{VAL} begriffen.

Kein Wunder, ich habe auch Unsinn geschrieben. Es soll heissen:
$defs{FB_FS_BZ}{READINGS}{voltage} existiert (wird vorher geprueft), aber
$defs{FB_FS_BZ}{READINGS}{voltage}{VAL} nicht, deswegen die Meldung beim Vergleich.
Ein gueltiges Reading muss immer ein {VAL} und ein {TIME} Eintrag haben.


Moin Rudi,
kurze Rückmeldung,
Die Warnung kommt von OWMULTI, wenn keine VFunktion verwendet wird, mit VFunktion als Workaround gibt es keine Probleme.
werde mich mal im 1-Wire Bereich melden.

Danke für die Hilfe.
Gruß Joachim
FHEM aktuellste Version auf FB 7570 und 7390 mit Zebradem Toolbox Freetz
FHEM auf Raspberry
1-Wire mit LinkUSBi und Rs-Pi ds2482-800  1-Wire-9 Board; Max mit Cube, HMLAN
div. 1-Wire Sensoren; MAX-Thermostaten; Homematic-Komponenten, Zehnder KWL über RS-232

Prof. Dr. Peter Henning

Erstaunlich, weil VFunction intern immer auf einen Defaultwert gesetzt wird.

