Exclude on from structure but not off

Begonnen von andyclimb, 01 Oktober 2016, 14:26:39

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


I'd like to exclude the on command from a structure but not the off. 
I'd i'd like structure off to turn the device off, but for structure on to be ignored...

Is this possible.. I've tried various methods... i hoped this might work but it does not...


any ideas?


The FILTER=STATE=on suffix is only used in the devspec2array function, it is irrelevant for structexclude.
You cannot filter single commands with structexclude, only prevent a device to execute any command, if it is originated from a structure he belongs to.

The only solution coming to my mind which might help is a cmdalias.


Ok thanks. That is good to know. I'll get around it with a dummy device and notify.