Neuentw. Modulpaket zu UPnP: Controller, Device, DLNA(Renderer-Ersatz)

Begonnen von KölnSolar, 15 Februar 2021, 19:29:49

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Zitat von: KölnSolar am 02 März 2022, 11:00:44
wenn Du Zeit und Lust hast, könntest Du Dich an der multiroom-Geschichte beteiligen. Im entsprechenden Thread habe ich eine aktualisierte Version eingestellt.
Ich würd vorschlagen, dass das, was Michael für die peaq vorgetestet hat, bei Erfolg Du danach mit Deinem piCorePlayer-Konstrukt testest.
ok, ich mache mich morgen mal mit den Multiroom-Settings vertraut
FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB


Moin Markus,

was muss mein piCorePlayer denn können, damit Deine Module MultiRoom ermöglichen?

Ich habe gegoogelt und weder caskeid noch cascade support im Zusammehang mit dem pCP gefunden. Für eine native Multiroom-Wiedergabe verbinde ich die einzelnen Player per WebInterface mit demselben LMS (Logitech Media Server) und kann dann die Player synchronisieren, was letztendlich zur Multiroom-Wiedergabe führt.

Ciao, Peter
FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB


Hi Peter,

wenn dieses Konstrukt Multiroom kann, dann solltest Du zumindest
- im UPNPController mindestens die services SpeakerManagement und SessionManagement sehen.
- im DLNAController(aber nur, wenn Du im UPNPController die services als subscribed gesehen hast) das reading multiroom und in der Auswahlbox der set-Befehle multi-, stereo-, session-, group-Befehle

Grüße Markus
RPi3/2 buster/stretch-SamsungAV_E/N-RFXTRX-IT-RSL-NC5462-Oregon-CUL433-GT-TMBBQ-01e-CUL868-FS20-EMGZ-1W(GPIO)-DS18B20-CO2-USBRS232-USBRS422-Betty_Boop-EchoDot-OBIS(Easymeter-Q3/EMH-KW8)-PCA301(S'duino)-Deebot(mqtt2)-zigbee2mqtt


Zitat von: KölnSolar am 03 März 2022, 15:59:38
- im UPNPController mindestens die services SpeakerManagement und SessionManagement sehen.
negativ, sehe ich bei keinem einzigen meiner Devices

Zitat von: KölnSolar am 03 März 2022, 15:59:38
- im DLNAController(aber nur, wenn Du im UPNPController die services als subscribed gesehen hast) das reading multiroom und in der Auswahlbox der set-Befehle multi-, stereo-, session-, group-Befehle
ich sehe nur das Attribut multiRoomGroup
FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB


dann können die wohl doch kein UPnP-Multiroom und machen das auf einem anderen Weg.

Aber die services AVTransport(streaming) und RenderingControl(mute,volume) und deren subscription/events funktionieren ?
RPi3/2 buster/stretch-SamsungAV_E/N-RFXTRX-IT-RSL-NC5462-Oregon-CUL433-GT-TMBBQ-01e-CUL868-FS20-EMGZ-1W(GPIO)-DS18B20-CO2-USBRS232-USBRS422-Betty_Boop-EchoDot-OBIS(Easymeter-Q3/EMH-KW8)-PCA301(S'duino)-Deebot(mqtt2)-zigbee2mqtt


Zitat von: KölnSolar am 03 März 2022, 21:45:53
Aber die services AVTransport(streaming) und RenderingControl(mute,volume) und deren subscription/events funktionieren ?

sieht gut aus:
     2022-02-26 09:19:25 uuid:958AE6F3-FDE6-402D-CA39-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     2022-02-26 09:19:25 Majority Bowfell AZ
     2022-02-26 09:19:25
     2022-02-19 16:00:00 Logitech
     2022-02-19 16:00:00 Logitech Media Server UPnP/DLNA Plugin
     2022-02-26 09:19:25 Squeezebox
     2022-02-19 16:00:00 1
     2022-02-26 09:48:20 online
     2022-03-03 11:07:09
     2022-03-03 12:30:14 SID: uuid:CA9E4CB6-772B-4AFB-ABE4-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 300 property: LastChange
     2022-02-19 16:00:00 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1
     2022-02-25 20:19:57 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1
     2022-03-03 12:08:34 subscription committed, timeout: 300
     2022-02-25 20:19:57
     2022-02-26 09:43:28 uuid:D2A451DA-F0B5-458C-AC86-5D7466C47BD6
     2022-02-26 09:43:28 Logitech Media Server [piCorePlayer3]
     2022-02-26 09:43:28
     2022-02-19 16:00:00 Logitech
     2022-02-19 16:00:00 Logitech Media Server UPnP/DLNA Plugin
     2022-02-26 09:43:28 Logitech Media Server 8.2.01627922070
     2022-02-19 16:00:00 1
     2022-02-19 16:00:00 online
     2022-03-03 11:07:11
     2022-02-25 20:58:20 SID: uuid:254784BC-2585-4497-B3E9-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 300 property: LastChange
     2022-02-19 16:00:00 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1
     2022-02-19 16:00:00 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1
     2022-02-25 20:58:20 SID: uuid:EA86C2E1-0AE7-4BFC-BA18-495E30337409 timeout: 300 property: LastChange
     2022-02-19 16:00:00
     2022-03-04 16:23:36 uuid:4498E589-91C0-4249-B848-06F8C9AE797C
     2022-03-04 16:23:36 Logitech Media Server [piCorePlayerGZ]
     2022-03-04 16:23:36
     2022-01-02 12:02:28 Logitech
     2022-01-02 12:02:28 Logitech Media Server UPnP/DLNA Plugin
     2022-03-04 16:23:36 Logitech Media Server 8.2.01627922070
     2022-01-02 12:02:28 1
     2022-03-04 16:23:36 online
     2022-03-03 11:12:33
     2022-03-03 12:34:49 subscription failed, maybe offline
     2022-01-02 12:02:28 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1
     2022-01-02 12:02:28 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1
     2022-03-03 12:34:54 subscribed but offline
     2022-01-02 12:02:28
     2022-03-04 16:23:38 uuid:0D5DEEA3-AAF6-F310-CC57-xxxxxxxxxxx
     2022-03-04 16:23:38 piCorePlayerGZ
     2022-03-04 16:23:38
     2022-01-02 12:02:28 Logitech
     2022-01-02 12:02:28 Logitech Media Server UPnP/DLNA Plugin
     2022-03-03 11:14:32 Squeezebox
     2022-01-02 12:02:28 1
     2022-03-04 16:23:38 online
     2022-03-03 11:14:32
     2022-03-04 16:23:39 SID: uuid:CD40ABBE-E6E5-45FB-88C9-xxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 300 property: LastChange
     2022-01-02 12:02:28 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1
     2022-01-05 13:42:34 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1
     2022-03-04 16:23:39 SID: uuid:A2033C4F-A591-4957-8F71-xxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 300 property: LastChange
     2022-01-05 13:42:34
FHEM1 (Main) Raspi4 mit CUL, Homematic, SDUINO 433/OOK, zentrale Steuerung
FHEM2 (Keller) x86 mit CUL/hmland, IP-basierte Module
FHEM3 (Erdgeschoss) Raspi2 mit SDUINO 868/GFSK
FHEM4 (Hausanschlussraum), USV und OBIS-Modul
FHEM5 (Docker) mit FHEM2FHEM, InfluxDB


So, da Einige, die nur den UPNPController nutzen möchten, Probleme mit ihren devices haben, habe ich mal ein Debugging eingeführt. Gesteuert wird es über ein neues Attribut debug. Dessen Werte 0 oder 1 muss ich sicherlich nicht erklären.

Sobald das Attribut gesetzt wird findet KEINE normale Verarbeitung für eingehende alive/bybye messages statt.
Es werden sämtliche(z.B. auch die ignored..., usedonly...) eingehenden Nachrichten auf Validität geprüft. Zu jeder eintreffenden message erfolgt mit verboselevel 3 eine Ausgabe mit Hinweis warum eine message nicht verarbeitet wurde ins FHEM-Log.
Wäre eine message im UPNPController eigentlich verarbeitet worden, so wird der Text ...without error but wasn't processedausgegeben.
Für subscription messages erfolgt zuerst eine eingehende Prüfung nach obigem Schema und dann wird bei Fehlerfreiheit die message auch verarbeitet.
Wird das Attribut entfernt oder auf 0 gesetzt, läuft wieder alles ganz normal in die Verarbeitung bzw. wird überlesen.

Wenn Ihr es benutzt, seid Euch im Klaren, dass massenhaft messages eintrudeln und das Log ganz schön aufgebläht wird. Also immer nur mit Bedacht einsetzen. Zumal, wenn man nur neugierig ist, was da alles im Netzwerk abgeht.

Hier mal ein Beispiel(270 Zeilen in 5'), wo Ihr die Gleichartigkeit der Meldungen erkennt. Ziel ist eben relativ leicht aus der Masse der Meldungen die relevanten(z.B. nach IP) auszufiltern.
2022.03.09 13:14:43 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 will be checked now
2022.03.09 13:14:43 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:14:43 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:44 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:44 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:46 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:49 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:51 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:52 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:52 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:53 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:54 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:14:58 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:15:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:15:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:15:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:15:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:15:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:15:13 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:15:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:15:15 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:15:16 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:15:16 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:15:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:15:19 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:15:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:15:25 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:08 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:13 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:18 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:36 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:36 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:36 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:43 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:44 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:45 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:46 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:46 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:47 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:49 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:52 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:16:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:13 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:13 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:13 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:13 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:13 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:13 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:13 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:13 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 will be checked now
2022.03.09 13:17:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 will be checked now
2022.03.09 13:17:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 will be checked now
2022.03.09 13:17:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:16 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 will be checked now
2022.03.09 13:17:16 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:17:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:32 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:32 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:32 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:32 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:32 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:32 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:32 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:40 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:43 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:44 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:45 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:46 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:46 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:47 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:50 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:53 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:17:56 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:18:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:18:09 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:18:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:18:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:18:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:18:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:18:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:18:19 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:18:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:18:57 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:00 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:01 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:02 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:06 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:09 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:11 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 will be checked now
2022.03.09 13:19:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 will be checked now
2022.03.09 13:19:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 will be checked now
2022.03.09 13:19:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 will be checked now
2022.03.09 13:19:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46251, received subscription message IP: on port 46251 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:15 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:15 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:15 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:15 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:16 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:16 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:16 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.09 13:19:20 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:20 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:20 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:20 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:21 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:21 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:21 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:25 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:25 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:25 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:26 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:26 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:26 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:26 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:31 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:31 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:32 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:32 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:34 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:35 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:45 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:48 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:49 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:50 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:51 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:51 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:52 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:54 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:19:57 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:20:00 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:20:05 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:20:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.09 13:20:15 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH

Bei der subscription sieht das Logging am Beispiel meiner 7390-Fritte bei Erfolg so aus
2022.03.09 15:28:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-36049, received subscription message IP: on port 36049 will be processed now
2022.03.09 15:28:22 3: UPNPController: UPNP_Controller: uniqueDeviceName event ConnectionStatus not yet implemented
2022.03.09 15:28:23 3: UPNPController: UPNP_Controller: uniqueDeviceName event PortMappingNumberOfEntries not yet implemented
2022.03.09 15:28:23 3: UPNPController: UPNP_Controller: uniqueDeviceName event PossibleConnectionTypes not yet implemented
2022.03.09 15:28:23 3: UPNPController: UPNP_Controller: uniqueDeviceName event ExternalIPAddress not yet implemented
2022.03.09 15:28:24 3: UPNPController: UPNP_Controller: uniqueDeviceName event ExternalIPv6Address not yet implemented

Bei Misserfolg käme natürlich eine entsprechende Fehlermeldung.

Testversion attached.

Grüße Markus
RPi3/2 buster/stretch-SamsungAV_E/N-RFXTRX-IT-RSL-NC5462-Oregon-CUL433-GT-TMBBQ-01e-CUL868-FS20-EMGZ-1W(GPIO)-DS18B20-CO2-USBRS232-USBRS422-Betty_Boop-EchoDot-OBIS(Easymeter-Q3/EMH-KW8)-PCA301(S'duino)-Deebot(mqtt2)-zigbee2mqtt


Hallo Markus,

im Folgenden der Debug-Output nach einem Subscribe:

2022.03.09 18:37:42 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:37:43 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:37:44 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:37:44 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:37:54 5: UPNPController: try to renew subscriptions for services, device UPNP_Controller
2022.03.09 18:37:54 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:37:54 4: UPNPController: subscribe: reading, uniquedevice, service WANIPConn1
2022.03.09 18:37:54 5: UPNPController: WANIPConn1: urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConn1 found. OK.
2022.03.09 18:37:54 4: UPNPController: subscribe: reading, uniquedevice, service WANIPConn1 timeout: 1800
2022.03.09 18:37:54 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:37:54 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:37:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:37:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:37:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:37:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46639, received subscription message IP: on port 46639 will be checked now
2022.03.09 18:37:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46639, received subscription message IP: on port 46639 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:02 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:04 5: UPNPController: try to renew subscriptions for services, device UPNP_Controller
2022.03.09 18:38:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:33 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:42 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:43 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:44 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:38:44 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:02 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 18:39:04 5: UPNPController: try to renew subscriptions for services, device UPNP_Controller

Da die Meisten Einträge darauf verweisen, gleich mal mein usedonlyIPs, das auf die FritzBox zeigt:


Eigentlich sollte das dann aber nicht ignoriert werden?

Viele Grüße
Raspbian (Buster) auf Raspberry Pi 4 /  CUL + RFXTRX + TCM / FS20, FHT 80B, S300TH, Intertechno, DMX, Milight, EnOcean, Homematic, AMAD, Home Connect, MiSmartHome, Yeelight, ...


Hi Dieter,
natürlich nicht.  :o
Zitat2022.03.09 18:37:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46639, received subscription message IP: on port 46639 will be checked now
2022.03.09 18:37:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-46639, received subscription message IP: on port 46639 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs

Nicht, dass da in usedonlyIPs noch ein bug drin ist, den bisher noch niemand bemerkt hat, weil man das Modul so ja eher nicht benutzt.

Mach doch bitte mal usedonlyIPs mit 2 IPs(nur durch Komma getrennt) und probiers dann nochmal. Aber denk an die lange Kaffeepause nach der Attributänderung.  ;)

Ich guck währenddessen mal im Code.

Grüße Markus
RPi3/2 buster/stretch-SamsungAV_E/N-RFXTRX-IT-RSL-NC5462-Oregon-CUL433-GT-TMBBQ-01e-CUL868-FS20-EMGZ-1W(GPIO)-DS18B20-CO2-USBRS232-USBRS422-Betty_Boop-EchoDot-OBIS(Easymeter-Q3/EMH-KW8)-PCA301(S'duino)-Deebot(mqtt2)-zigbee2mqtt


Hallo Markus,

im logfile tauchen die IP-Adressen des Fernsehers und meines Handys auf, wird aber wegen
ausgebremst. Kopien aus dem logfile wollen auf dem Handy nicht, deshalb an der Stelle keine Kopie.
Mal sehen, ob die Fritzbox irgendwann etwas ausspuckt.

Viele​ Grüße​ Gisbert​
Aktuelles FHEM | PROXMOX | Fujitsu Futro S740 | Debian 12 | UniFi | Homematic, VCCU, HMUART | ESP8266 | ATtiny85 | Wasser-, Stromzähler | tuya local | Wlan-Kamera | SIGNALduino, Flamingo Rauchmelder FA21/22RF | RHASSPY


Hi Gisbert,
ZitatKopien aus dem logfile wollen auf dem Handy nicht, deshalb an der Stelle keine Kopie.
brauche ich ja auch nicht.
Bei Dir befürchte ich, dass die Fritte niiiiieee auftaucht und sich mein Verdacht bestätigt.

Hast Du schon mal mit dem Windows-Mediaplayer gespielt ? Dort müsste Dir die Fritte als Medienserver angezeigt werden. Und wenn nicht, brauchst Du einen Netzwerktechniker.  ;)

Grüße Markus
RPi3/2 buster/stretch-SamsungAV_E/N-RFXTRX-IT-RSL-NC5462-Oregon-CUL433-GT-TMBBQ-01e-CUL868-FS20-EMGZ-1W(GPIO)-DS18B20-CO2-USBRS232-USBRS422-Betty_Boop-EchoDot-OBIS(Easymeter-Q3/EMH-KW8)-PCA301(S'duino)-Deebot(mqtt2)-zigbee2mqtt


Hi Markus,

hier nun das nächste Ergebnis. Mit 2 IPs


scheint die FritzBox nicht mehr ignoriert zu werden  :)

2022.03.09 21:20:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:06 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:06 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:06 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:08 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:09 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:09 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:09 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:09 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:09 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:09 4: UPNPController: subscribe: reading, uniquedevice, service WANIPConn1
2022.03.09 21:20:09 5: UPNPController: WANIPConn1: urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConn1 found. OK.
2022.03.09 21:20:09 4: UPNPController: subscribe: reading, uniquedevice, service WANIPConn1 timeout: 1800
2022.03.09 21:20:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-36389, received subscription message IP: on port 36389 will be checked now
2022.03.09 21:20:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-36389, received subscription message IP: on port 36389 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:15 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:15 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:15 1: BindingsIo (fhempy_peer_192_168_178_77): ERROR fhempy_peer_192_168_178_77 - error while connecting: connect to timed out
2022.03.09 21:20:16 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:16 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:18 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:18 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:19 5: UPNPController: try to renew subscriptions for services, device UPNP_Controller
2022.03.09 21:20:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:35 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:35 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:35 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:35 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:36 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:36 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:36 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:39 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:39 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:45 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:45 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:55 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:56 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:56 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:59 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:20:59 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:01 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:01 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:03 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:06 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:06 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:06 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:07 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:15 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:15 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:17 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:19 5: UPNPController: try to renew subscriptions for services, device UPNP_Controller
2022.03.09 21:21:19 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:19 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:21 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:21 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:22 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:27 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:35 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:35 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:36 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:36 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:36 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:37 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:39 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:39 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:41 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs
2022.03.09 21:21:41 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs

Viele Grüße
Raspbian (Buster) auf Raspberry Pi 4 /  CUL + RFXTRX + TCM / FS20, FHT 80B, S300TH, Intertechno, DMX, Milight, EnOcean, Homematic, AMAD, Home Connect, MiSmartHome, Yeelight, ...


Hi Dieter,
das sehe ich leider anders.  :'(
das ist das logging Deines subscription Befehls
2022.03.09 21:20:09 4: UPNPController: subscribe: reading, uniquedevice, service WANIPConn1
2022.03.09 21:20:09 5: UPNPController: WANIPConn1: urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConn1 found. OK.
2022.03.09 21:20:09 4: UPNPController: subscribe: reading, uniquedevice, service WANIPConn1 timeout: 1800
und dann kommt das event und wird ignoriert 2022.03.09 21:20:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-36389, received subscription message IP: on port 36389 will be checked now
2022.03.09 21:20:10 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-36389, received subscription message IP: on port 36389 but message is ignored by attribute usedonlyIPs

Ich hab aber bisher keinen Fehler entdecken können.  :-[
Und mal ein Test ohne usedonlyIPs und den FritzRepeater über ignoredIPs ausschließen ?
Grüße Markus
RPi3/2 buster/stretch-SamsungAV_E/N-RFXTRX-IT-RSL-NC5462-Oregon-CUL433-GT-TMBBQ-01e-CUL868-FS20-EMGZ-1W(GPIO)-DS18B20-CO2-USBRS232-USBRS422-Betty_Boop-EchoDot-OBIS(Easymeter-Q3/EMH-KW8)-PCA301(S'duino)-Deebot(mqtt2)-zigbee2mqtt


Hi Markus,

hast Recht. Blindfisch eben  ;)

Das wird mir heute zu spät.
Ich werde das morgen nach der Arbeit angehen.

Viele Grüße
Raspbian (Buster) auf Raspberry Pi 4 /  CUL + RFXTRX + TCM / FS20, FHT 80B, S300TH, Intertechno, DMX, Milight, EnOcean, Homematic, AMAD, Home Connect, MiSmartHome, Yeelight, ...


Hi Markus,

mit diesem Versuch laufe ich in ein ganz neues Problem. FHEM stürzt ab (wird bei mir durch den Watchdog automatisch neu gestartet).

Erstmal mein neues Setting für den Versuch:
usedonlyIPs habe ich gelöscht und stattdessen die beiden Repeater excluded:


Nach dieser Änderung melden sich natürlich wieder eine Menge anderer Devices.

Nach guten halben Stunde habe ich dann das Debug-Attribut gesetzt und den Subscribe gemacht. Das sind die letzten Zeilen (und alle Debug-Zeilen) bevor FHEM crasht:

2022.03.10 17:20:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 17:20:23 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 17:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 17:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 17:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 17:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 17:20:24 4: UPNPController: subscribe: reading, uniquedevice, service WANIPConn1
2022.03.10 17:20:24 5: UPNPController: WANIPConn1: urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConn1 found. OK.
2022.03.10 17:20:24 4: UPNPController: subscribe: reading, uniquedevice, service WANIPConn1 timeout: 1800
2022.03.10 17:20:25 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-45899, received subscription message IP: on port 45899 will be checked now
2022.03.10 17:20:25 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-45899, received subscription message IP: on port 45899 will be processed now
junk '
' after XML element
Unsubscription request failed with error: 500 Can't connect to (No route to host) at FHEM/lib/UPnP/ line 1173.
Unsubscription request failed with error: 500 Can't connect to (No route to host) at FHEM/lib/UPnP/ line 1173.

Zuerst dachte ich an einen Zufall und habe das Ganze - natürlich wieder mit ausreichend Wartezeit - erneut versucht. Fast gleiches Resultat:

2022.03.10 18:20:12 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 without error but wasn't processed
2022.03.10 18:20:14 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 18:20:23 4: UPNPController: subscribe: reading, uniquedevice, service WANIPConn1
2022.03.10 18:20:23 5: UPNPController: WANIPConn1: urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConn1 found. OK.
2022.03.10 18:20:23 4: UPNPController: subscribe: reading, uniquedevice, service WANIPConn1 timeout: 1800
2022.03.10 18:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 18:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 18:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 18:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-1900, received multicast message IP: on port 1900 but method is not NOTIFY, method is M-SEARCH
2022.03.10 18:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-35661, received subscription message IP: on port 35661 will be checked now
2022.03.10 18:20:24 3: UPNPController:DEBUG UPNPSocket-UPNP_Controller-35661, received subscription message IP: on port 35661 will be processed now
junk '
' after XML element

Kannst du damit was anfangen?

Viele Grüße
Raspbian (Buster) auf Raspberry Pi 4 /  CUL + RFXTRX + TCM / FS20, FHT 80B, S300TH, Intertechno, DMX, Milight, EnOcean, Homematic, AMAD, Home Connect, MiSmartHome, Yeelight, ...