SIGNALduino und Funkbus

Begonnen von gestein, 08 April 2022, 10:57:48

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



ich versuche mich mal wieder etwas an der Integration meiner Berker-Sender in mein fhem.
Dazu wollte ich mal schauen, ob nicht mein SIGNALduino den Funkbus "verstehen" könnte.
Immerhin gibt es a dort die Möglichkeit auch fremde Funksysteme einzubinden.

Auf der Wiki-Seite "Unbekannte Funkprotokolle" gibt es dazu eine tolle Anleitung.
Aber siehe da, unter "Wie fange ich an" steht gleich mal der Verweis auf das Projekt "rtl_433: Geräte-Verzeichnis".
Und dort kann man die Datei "funkbus.c" finden, die das Protokoll behandelt und auch vor ca. 3 Monaten upgedatet wurde.
Allerdings kann ich in den Protokollen meines SIGNALduinos nichts dazu finden.

Wenn ich den Funkverkehr mit meinem SIGNALduino mitschneide (verbose 5) dann kommen die folgenden Meldungen:
2022.04.08 10:41:40.974 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1006;LH=1041;SL=-480;SH=539;D=9D4F3F7515AC0;C=510;L=49;R=243;s5;b5;
2022.04.08 10:41:40.978 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -80.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.08 10:41:40.978 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101011101010010100111111 (bin)
2022.04.08 10:41:40.979 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.08 10:41:40.980 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 510 RSSI = -80.5 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.08 10:41:40.980 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101011101010010100111111 (bin)
2022.04.08 10:41:40.981 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.08 10:41:41.245 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1004;LH=1035;SL=-490;SH=525;D=9D4F3F7510;C=508;L=37;R=243;s1;b1;
2022.04.08 10:41:41.245 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 508 RSSI = -80.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.08 10:41:41.246 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101011101111 (bin)
2022.04.08 10:41:41.246 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.08 10:41:41.468 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1026;LH=1012;SL=-524;SH=500;D=9D4F3F7515CF8;C=510;L=49;R=243;s2;b2;
2022.04.08 10:41:41.469 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -80.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.08 10:41:41.469 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101011101010001100000111 (bin)
2022.04.08 10:41:41.469 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.08 10:41:41.470 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 510 RSSI = -80.5 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.08 10:41:41.470 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101011101010001100000111 (bin)
2022.04.08 10:41:41.470 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.08 10:41:41.734 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1002;LH=1041;SL=-495;SH=522;D=53CFDD4573E;C=509;L=43;R=242;s1;b1;
2022.04.08 10:41:41.735 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -81 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.08 10:41:41.735 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 10101100001100000010001010111010100011000001 (bin)
2022.04.08 10:41:41.735 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)

Es wird zwar ein Protokol 52 (Oregon Scientific PIR) gefunden, dass passt aber nicht.
In der Protokoll-Übersicht in fhem steht unter id 52 auf der selbe Eintrag:
52 MC Oregon Scientific PIR JMR868 / NR868
Aber nirgendwo kann ich etwas zum Funkbus finden.

Wie kann man/ich das Funkbus-Protokoll einbinden, wenn es die Datei "funkbus.c" eh schon gibt?
Es gibt auch ein Modul für den Funkbus "".

Danke im Voraus
lg, Gerhard


Zur Info noch:
Ich benutze die Versionen von Ralf9
version             V 3.3.4-dev200914 SIGNALduino cc1101 (b0) - compiled at Sep 17 2020 23:37:47
versionmodul    v3.4.7-ralf_24.06.
versionprotoL    v3.4.7-ralf_24.06.

Ich steuere damit nämlich meine SOMFYs.
lg, Gerhard


- Encoding: Differential Manchester Biphase–Mark (BP-M)
      __ __       __    __ __    __
     |     |     |  |  |     |  |  |
    _|     |__ __|  |__|     |__|  |__.....
     |  0  |  0  | 1   |  0  |  1  |

Das Problem ist, daß dies Differential Manchester ist, damit habe ich mich noch nicht befasst. Evtl lässt sich das vom sduino verwendete normale Manchester in ein Differential Manchester umwandeln.

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Hallo Ralf,

Ich muss gestehen, dass mir das wenig sagt.
Wenn ich irgendwas unterstützen kann, sag es bitte.

Ansonsten stehe ich an.

Danke, lg, Gerhard


Ich habe in einem anderen Thema vom CUL empfangene Funkbus Nachrichten gesehen, die fangen alle mit 43 (type 4 subtype 3) an
Haben demnach alle bis jetzt bekannten Funkbus Sender den Sendertype 4 und Subtype 3?

Ich kann noch Funkbusnachrichten als MU-Nachrichten gebrauchen.
Wenn Du mit
set sduino disableMessagetype manchesterMC
die MC-Nachrichten deaktivierst, dann werden sie als MU-Nachrichten empfangen.

Bitte poste einige MU-Nachrichten, falls möglich zusammen mit den vom CUL empfangenen RAW Nachrichten J43..

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Probiere ich gerne.

In dem c-File ist der Tipp angeführt, nach diesem String "instafunk RX/TX-Modul pdf" zu suchen.
Damit hätte ich folgendes gefunden:

Hilft das vielleicht?

Zitat von: Ralf9 am 09 April 2022, 14:15:45
Ich habe in einem anderen Thema vom CUL empfangene Funkbus Nachrichten gesehen, die fangen alle mit 43 (type 4 subtype 3) an
Haben demnach alle bis jetzt bekannten Funkbus Sender den Sendertype 4 und Subtype 3?
Tut mir leid, keine Ahnung.

Lg, Gerhard



hier nun ein paar MU-Nachrichten.
Ich habe dafür einen 4-fachen Taster genommen, der auf unterschiedlichen Dimmern eingelernt ist.
Leider funktioniert mein nanoCUL momentan nicht, daher kann ich leider keine J43-Messages schicken.

Hilft das so?
lg, Gerhard

Taste 1 Ein/kurz:
2022.04.10 11:56:37.536 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1007;LH=1034;SL=-508;SH=514;D=9D4F3F7554AA0;C=510;L=49;R=50;s4;b4;
2022.04.10 11:56:37.538 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -49 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 11:56:37.539 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011010101011111 (bin)
2022.04.10 11:56:37.539 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 11:56:37.539 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 510 RSSI = -49 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.10 11:56:37.540 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011010101011111 (bin)
2022.04.10 11:56:37.540 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.10 11:56:38.285 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1039;LH=1024;SL=-507;SH=517;D=E7EEAA993;C=514;L=36;R=51;s9;b4;
2022.04.10 11:56:38.286 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 514 RSSI = -48.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 11:56:38.286 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 000110000001000101010101011001101100 (bin)
2022.04.10 11:56:38.286 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 11:56:39.763 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/keepalive ok, retry = 0

Taste 1 Aus/kurz:
2022.04.10 12:00:52.467 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1015;LH=1023;SL=-498;SH=525;D=F3F7555A00;C=510;L=37;R=41;s7;b0;
2022.04.10 12:00:52.469 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -53.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:00:52.469 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0000110000001000101010101010010111111111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:00:52.470 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:00:52.704 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1033;LH=1003;SL=-523;SH=500;D=9E7EEAAB87;C=509;L=40;R=40;s4;b4;
2022.04.10 12:00:52.704 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -54 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:00:52.704 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110000110000001000101010101010001111000 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:00:52.705 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:00:52.957 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1007;LH=1019;SL=-503;SH=520;D=79FBAAAE1C;C=508;L=38;R=40;s5;b5;
2022.04.10 12:00:52.957 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 508 RSSI = -54 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:00:52.957 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 1000011000000100010101010101000111100011 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:00:52.958 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:00:53.216 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1019;LH=1023;SL=-507;SH=509;D=A9E7EEAAB87;C=509;L=44;R=40;s4;b3;
2022.04.10 12:00:53.217 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -54 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:00:53.217 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 01010110000110000001000101010101010001111000 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:00:53.217 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)

Taste 1 Ein/lang = dim up:
2022.04.10 12:02:18.560 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1002;LH=1037;SL=-495;SH=527;D=9D4F3F7554AA0;C=510;L=49;R=43;s7;b7;
2022.04.10 12:02:18.562 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -52.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:18.563 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011010101011111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:18.563 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:18.563 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 510 RSSI = -52.5 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.10 12:02:18.563 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011010101011111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:18.564 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.10 12:02:18.565 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=9524;P1=-10388;P2=358;P3=-23852;P4=513;P5=-501;P6=1027;P7=-1016;CP=4;R=235;D=01234545254567454567676767676547676767654;e;
2022.04.10 12:02:18.568 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.568 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:47|67){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.569 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.569 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:47|67){60,}(?:6|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.570 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.570 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:65|47){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.572 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.572 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:12)((?:52|54){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.573 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.574 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4)((?:56|74){19,}(?:5|7)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.574 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.575 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:01)((?:47|45){24,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.575 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.575 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4545)((?:45|25){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.576 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.576 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4545)((?:45|25){36,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.577 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=1
2022.04.10 12:02:18.578 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.578 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:25)((?:65|47){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.579 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.579 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:47|67){47,}(?:4|6)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.580 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.581 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|25){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.581 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.581 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:47|67){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.582 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.582 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:45|25){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.583 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.584 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:45|25){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.584 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.584 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|25){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.585 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 12:02:18.585 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:12)((?:52|54){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 12:02:18.587 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1030;LH=1010;SL=-513;SH=513;D=9D4F3F7554858;C=510;L=49;R=43;s2;b2;
2022.04.10 12:02:18.587 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -52.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:18.587 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011011110100111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:18.588 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:18.588 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 510 RSSI = -52.5 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.10 12:02:18.588 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011011110100111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:18.588 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.10 12:02:18.595 1 : BindingsIo (local_pybinding): ERROR local_pybinding - error while connecting: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt (111)
2022.04.10 12:02:18.890 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1016;LH=1028;SL=-501;SH=516;D=7EEAA9CC;C=510;L=32;R=11;s3;b3;
2022.04.10 12:02:18.896 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -68.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:18.897 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 10000001000101010101011000110011 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:18.898 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:19.412 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1030;LH=1020;SL=-511;SH=500;D=753CFDD55398;C=510;L=47;R=43;s2;b1;
2022.04.10 12:02:19.414 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -52.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:19.414 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 100010101100001100000010001010101010110001100111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:19.415 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:19.415 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1025;LH=1006;SL=-523;SH=508;D=A79FBAAA730;C=510;L=42;R=43;s3;b3;
2022.04.10 12:02:19.416 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -52.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:19.416 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 01011000011000000100010101010101100011001111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:19.416 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:19.417 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1027;LH=1010;SL=-510;SH=511;D=753CFDD55398;C=509;L=47;R=43;s2;b1;
2022.04.10 12:02:19.417 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -52.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:19.417 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 100010101100001100000010001010101010110001100111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:19.418 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:19.667 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1027;LH=1011;SL=-510;SH=510;D=EA79FBAAA730;C=509;L=46;R=43;s5;b0;
2022.04.10 12:02:19.668 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -52.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:19.668 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 000101011000011000000100010101010101100011001111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:19.668 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:19.914 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1019;LH=1021;SL=-507;SH=507;D=EA79FBAAA730;C=508;L=46;R=41;s8;b3;
2022.04.10 12:02:19.914 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 508 RSSI = -53.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:19.914 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 000101011000011000000100010101010101100011001111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:19.915 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:20.370 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1001;LH=1025;SL=-502;SH=519;D=753CFDD55398;C=507;L=47;R=42;s4;b3;
2022.04.10 12:02:20.371 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 507 RSSI = -53 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:20.371 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 100010101100001100000010001010101010110001100111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:20.371 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:20.411 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1025;LH=1016;SL=-515;SH=508;D=FDD55398;C=510;L=31;R=12;s11;b0;
2022.04.10 12:02:20.412 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -68 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:20.412 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 00000010001010101010110001100111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:20.412 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:20.563 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1019;LH=1022;SL=-496;SH=524;D=E7EEAAA08;C=510;L=36;R=38;s10;b5;
2022.04.10 12:02:20.563 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -55 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:20.564 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 000110000001000101010101010111110111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:20.564 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:02:20.816 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1016;LH=1033;SL=-506;SH=506;D=FDD55410;C=510;L=31;R=237;s12;b1;
2022.04.10 12:02:20.816 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -83.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:02:20.816 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 00000010001010101010101111101111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:02:20.817 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)

Taste 2 Aus/lang = dim down:
2022.04.10 12:03:55.162 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1027;LH=1022;SL=-513;SH=500;D=9D4F3F7555A00;C=510;L=49;R=51;s5;b5;
2022.04.10 12:03:55.166 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -48.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:03:55.166 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101010010111111111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:03:55.166 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:03:55.167 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 510 RSSI = -48.5 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.10 12:03:55.167 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101010010111111111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:03:55.167 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.10 12:03:55.401 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1009;LH=1033;SL=-504;SH=519;D=53CFDD55680;C=510;L=43;R=50;s5;b5;
2022.04.10 12:03:55.402 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -49 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:03:55.403 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 10101100001100000010001010101010100101111111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:03:55.403 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.396 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1011;LH=1036;SL=-503;SH=521;D=7EEAAB1F;C=511;L=32;R=51;s4;b3;
2022.04.10 12:03:56.397 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 511 RSSI = -48.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:03:56.397 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 10000001000101010101010011100000 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.397 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.398 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1013;LH=1028;SL=-496;SH=528;D=79FBAAAC7C;C=510;L=38;R=51;s6;b6;
2022.04.10 12:03:56.398 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -48.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:03:56.398 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 1000011000000100010101010101001110000011 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.398 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.399 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1023;LH=1016;SL=-514;SH=504;D=53CFDD557B0;C=509;L=43;R=51;s4;b4;
2022.04.10 12:03:56.399 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -48.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:03:56.399 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 10101100001100000010001010101010100001001111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.399 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.661 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1014;LH=1029;SL=-508;SH=508;D=FDD55410;C=509;L=31;R=246;s13;b2;
2022.04.10 12:03:56.662 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -79 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:03:56.662 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 00000010001010101010101111101111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.662 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.663 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1019;LH=1021;SL=-502;SH=522;D=9D4F3F7555040;C=510;L=49;R=48;s2;b2;
2022.04.10 12:03:56.663 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -50 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:03:56.663 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101010111110111111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.664 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.664 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 510 RSSI = -50 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.10 12:03:56.664 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101010111110111111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:03:56.664 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)

Nochmal zum Vergleich Taste 1 Ein/kurz:
2022.04.10 12:07:04.268 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1022;LH=1019;SL=-507;SH=506;D=9D4F3F7554AA0;C=508;L=49;R=49;s6;b6;
2022.04.10 12:07:04.271 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 508 RSSI = -49.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:07:04.273 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011010101011111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:07:04.273 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:07:04.273 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 508 RSSI = -49.5 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.10 12:07:04.273 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011010101011111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:07:04.274 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.10 12:07:04.404 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1004;LH=1037;SL=-494;SH=526;D=F3F7554C98;C=510;L=37;R=41;s12;b5;
2022.04.10 12:07:04.404 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -53.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:07:04.405 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0000110000001000101010101011001101100111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:07:04.405 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:07:04.659 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1019;LH=1022;SL=-506;SH=519;D=79FBAAA64C;C=510;L=38;R=41;s3;b2;
2022.04.10 12:07:04.659 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 510 RSSI = -53.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:07:04.659 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 1000011000000100010101010101100110110011 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:07:04.660 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:07:05.675 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1008;LH=1019;SL=-508;SH=516;D=F3F7554C98;C=508;L=37;R=41;s10;b3;
2022.04.10 12:07:05.675 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 508 RSSI = -53.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:07:05.676 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0000110000001000101010101011001101100111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:07:05.676 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)

Nochmal zum Vergleich Taste 1 Aus/kurz:
2022.04.10 12:07:56.402 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1021;LH=1016;SL=-513;SH=504;D=EA79FBAAAD00;C=508;L=46;R=44;s8;b3;
2022.04.10 12:07:56.403 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 508 RSSI = -52 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:07:56.403 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 000101011000011000000100010101010101001011111111 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:07:56.404 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:07:57.096 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1016;LH=1037;SL=-499;SH=521;D=53CFDD5570E;C=512;L=43;R=43;s1;b1;
2022.04.10 12:07:57.096 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 512 RSSI = -52.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:07:57.096 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 10101100001100000010001010101010100011110001 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:07:57.097 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)
2022.04.10 12:07:57.304 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1022;LH=1008;SL=-524;SH=499;D=A79FBAAAE1C;C=508;L=42;R=41;s5;b5;
2022.04.10 12:07:57.305 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 508 RSSI = -53.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.10 12:07:57.305 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 01011000011000000100010101010101000111100011 (bin)
2022.04.10 12:07:57.305 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( header not found)


ZitatmySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1007;LH=1034;SL=-508;SH=514;D=9D4F3F7554AA0;C=510;L=49;R=50;s4;b4;
Dies sind MC Nachrichten.
MU-Nachrichten sehen ungefähr so aus:
mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=500;P1=..
Nach dem deaktivieren der MC-Nachrichten ergibt ein "get sduino config":
config: MS=1;MU=1;MC=0;..

Bei den MU-Nachrichten reichen mir ein paar von einer Taste ein/aus kurz

Hast Du außer dem 4-fachen Taster noch andere Funkbus Sender?
Gibts da auch eine remote channel group (A-C)?

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Komisch - bitte entschuldige.
Habe jetzt nochmals "set mySIGNALduino_WZ  disableMessagetype_3 manchesterMC" gemacht.
Nun scheint es zu funktionieren.

Leider habe ich nur mehrere von diesen Sendern - sonst keine.

lg, Gerhard

Taste 1 Ein/kurz:
2022.04.10 14:22:22.544 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=148;P1=-1948;P2=508;P3=-15152;P4=-1028;P5=-513;P6=1012;CP=2;R=35;D=0123242525256524252525252564252564646464646524646464652;e;
2022.04.10 14:22:22.550 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.551 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|64){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.552 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.552 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|64){60,}(?:2|6)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.554 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.554 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:65|24){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.557 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.557 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2)((?:56|42){19,}(?:4|5)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.559 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:22:22.560 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.561 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:25)((?:65|24){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.562 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.563 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|64){47,}(?:6|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.564 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.564 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|25){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.565 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.565 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|64){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.567 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.567 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|25){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.568 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.568 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|25){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.569 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.570 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|25){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.570 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.571 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:32)((?:42|56){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.572 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.573 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:32)((?:52|52){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.796 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=-499;P1=1038;P2=4904;P3=-5200;P4=326;P5=-15252;P6=-1001;P7=526;CP=7;R=36;D=23454670707010767070707070167070161616161610767010761076707;e;
2022.04.10 14:22:22.797 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.798 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:76|16){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.798 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.798 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:76|16){60,}(?:7|1)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.799 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.799 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:10|46){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.801 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.802 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:7)((?:01|67){19,}(?:0|6)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.803 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:22:22.803 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.803 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:70)((?:10|76){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.805 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.805 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:76|16){47,}(?:7|1)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.806 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.806 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:46|70){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.806 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.807 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:76|16){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.807 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.808 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:70|70){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.808 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.808 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:70|70){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.809 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.809 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:34)((?:07|07){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.810 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.810 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:46|70){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.810 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.811 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:54)((?:67|01){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:22.812 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:22.812 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:54)((?:07|07){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.158 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=530;P1=-22644;P2=374;P3=-487;P4=1037;P5=-1017;CP=0;R=235;D=012323030323450303454545454543050343054305030;e;
2022.04.10 14:22:23.159 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.159 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:05|45){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.160 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.160 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:05|45){60,}(?:0|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.161 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.161 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:43|05){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.161 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.162 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:12)((?:50|34){32,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.162 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.163 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:03)((?:03|23){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.164 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.164 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:0)((?:34|50){19,}(?:5|3)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.165 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=1
2022.04.10 14:22:23.165 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.165 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:23)((?:43|05){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.166 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.166 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:05|45){47,}(?:4|0)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.167 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.167 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|23){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.168 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.168 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:05|45){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.168 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.169 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:03|23){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.169 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.170 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:03|23){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.170 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.170 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|23){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.288 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=-507;P1=515;P2=1027;P3=-1020;P4=-17852;P5=92;CP=1;R=235;D=0101023101023232323232013102013201310145;e;
2022.04.10 14:22:23.289 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.289 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:13|23){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.289 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.290 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:13|23){60,}(?:2|1)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.290 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.290 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:20|13){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.292 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.292 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:1)((?:02|31){19,}(?:3|0)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.293 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:22:23.294 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.294 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:10)((?:20|13){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.295 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.295 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:13|23){47,}(?:1|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.296 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.296 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:13|10){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.296 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.296 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:13|23){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.297 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.297 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:10|10){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.298 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.298 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:10|10){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:22:23.298 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:22:23.299 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:13|10){104,})) did not match, aborting

Taste 1 Aus/kurz:
2022.04.10 14:23:58.472 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=-1025;P1=-511;P2=510;P4=-7256;P5=108;P6=-3916;P7=1016;CP=2;R=30;D=245670712021212171202121212121702121707070707070217071212121212;e;
2022.04.10 14:23:58.477 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.478 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:20|70){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.478 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.479 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:20|70){60,}(?:7|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.480 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.480 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:71|20){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.483 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.483 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2)((?:17|02){19,}(?:0|1)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.484 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.484 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2121)((?:21|21){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.485 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.485 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2121)((?:21|21){36,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.486 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:23:58.487 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.487 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:21)((?:71|20){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.488 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.488 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:20|70){47,}(?:2|7)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.489 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.490 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:20|21){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.490 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.490 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:20|70){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.491 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.492 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:21|21){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.493 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.493 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:21|21){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.493 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.494 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:20|21){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.495 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.495 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:212121)((?:21|21){64,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.496 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.496 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:212121)((?:21|21){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.694 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=-180;P1=244;P2=-1015;P3=1021;P4=-507;P5=517;CP=5;R=35;D=0123234525454543452545454545432545432323232323254543454545254545;e;
2022.04.10 14:23:58.695 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.695 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:52|32){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.695 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.696 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:52|32){60,}(?:3|5)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.696 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.697 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:34|12){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.698 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> LTECH matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.698 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:5452)((?:54|54){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.699 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.699 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:5)((?:43|25){19,}(?:4|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.700 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:23:58.701 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.701 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:54)((?:34|52){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.702 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.702 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:52|32){47,}(?:3|5)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.703 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.703 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:52|54){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.704 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.704 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:52|32){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.704 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.705 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:54|54){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.705 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.705 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:54|54){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.706 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.706 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:52|54){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.841 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=316;P1=-500;P2=523;P3=-1013;P4=1026;CP=2;R=235;D=0123212121212143212143434343434321214121212321212;e;
2022.04.10 14:23:58.842 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.842 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|43){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.843 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.843 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|43){60,}(?:4|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.844 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.844 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|23){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.845 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> LTECH matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.846 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:0123)((?:21|01){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.846 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.846 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2)((?:14|32){19,}(?:1|3)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.847 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=1
2022.04.10 14:23:58.848 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.848 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:01)((?:41|23){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.849 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.849 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|43){47,}(?:4|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.850 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.850 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:01|01){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.850 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.851 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|43){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.851 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.851 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:21|01){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.852 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.852 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:21|01){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.853 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.853 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:01|01){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.854 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.854 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:212121)((?:21|01){64,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:58.854 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:58.855 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:212121)((?:21|01){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.156 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=-1900;P1=513;P2=-18810;P3=760;P4=-502;P5=-1015;P6=1023;P7=108;CP=1;R=21;D=012341514141414146514146565656565651414641414151414127;e;
2022.04.10 14:23:59.157 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.157 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:15|65){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.158 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.158 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:15|65){60,}(?:6|1)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.159 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.159 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:64|15){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.161 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> LTECH matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.161 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:1415)((?:14|14){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.162 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.162 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:1)((?:46|51){19,}(?:5|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.163 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=1
2022.04.10 14:23:59.164 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.164 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:14)((?:64|15){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.165 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.165 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:15|65){47,}(?:1|6)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.166 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.166 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:15|14){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.167 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.167 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:15|65){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.168 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.168 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:14|14){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.169 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.169 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:14|14){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.169 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.169 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:15|14){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:23:59.170 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:23:59.170 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:23)((?:51|46){12,})) did not match, aborting

Nochmal zum Vergleich Taste 1 Ein/kurz:
2022.04.10 14:25:06.270 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=511;P5=-1017;P6=1024;P7=-505;CP=0;R=38;D=567050707656567050707076705070707070765070765656565656705656565670;e;
2022.04.10 14:25:06.272 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.272 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:05|65){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.272 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.273 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:05|65){60,}(?:0|6)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.273 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.274 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:67|05){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.275 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.275 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:0)((?:76|50){19,}(?:7|5)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.276 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.276 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:0707)((?:07|07){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.277 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.277 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:0707)((?:07|07){36,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.277 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:25:06.278 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.278 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:07)((?:67|05){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.279 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.279 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:05|65){47,}(?:6|0)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.280 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.280 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:05|07){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.280 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.281 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:05|65){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.281 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.281 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:07|07){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.282 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.282 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:07|07){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.283 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.283 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:05|07){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.284 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.284 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:070707)((?:07|07){64,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.284 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.284 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:070707)((?:07|07){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.505 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=4672;P1=-8420;P2=508;P3=-515;P4=1013;P5=-1033;CP=2;R=27;D=01234545432523232343252323232323452323454545454543252343254325232;e;
2022.04.10 14:25:06.512 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.513 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|45){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.514 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.515 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|45){60,}(?:4|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.516 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.517 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:43|25){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.519 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 30 -> unitec47031 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.519 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:12)((?:32|32){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.521 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.521 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2)((?:34|52){19,}(?:5|3)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.523 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:25:06.524 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.524 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:23)((?:43|25){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.526 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.526 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|45){47,}(?:2|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.527 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.527 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|23){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.528 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.529 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|45){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.530 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.530 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|23){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.531 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.531 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|23){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.532 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.532 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|23){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.783 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=530;P1=-497;P2=-1001;P3=1033;CP=0;R=25;D=010201010131020101010101320101323232323231020131023102010;e;
2022.04.10 14:25:06.784 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.784 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:02|32){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.784 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.785 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:02|32){60,}(?:0|3)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.785 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.786 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:31|02){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.787 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> LTECH matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.787 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:0102)((?:01|01){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.788 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.788 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:0)((?:13|20){19,}(?:2|1)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.789 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:25:06.790 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.790 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:01)((?:31|02){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.791 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.791 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:02|32){47,}(?:3|0)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.791 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.792 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:02|01){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.792 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.792 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:02|32){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.793 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.793 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:01|01){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.794 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.794 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:01|01){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:06.794 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:06.794 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:02|01){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.030 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=116;P1=-136;P2=517;P3=-505;P4=-1021;P5=1026;P6=-17856;CP=2;R=235;D=01232423232323235423235454545454532423532453242326;e;
2022.04.10 14:25:07.031 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.031 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|54){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.032 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.032 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|54){60,}(?:5|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.033 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.033 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:53|24){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.034 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> LTECH matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.035 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2324)((?:23|23){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.035 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.036 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2)((?:35|42){19,}(?:3|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.036 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:25:07.037 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.037 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:23)((?:53|24){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.038 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.038 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|54){47,}(?:2|5)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.039 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.039 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|23){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.040 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.040 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|54){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.041 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.041 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|23){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.042 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.042 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|23){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:25:07.042 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:25:07.043 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:24|23){104,})) did not match, aborting

Nochmal zum Vergleich Taste 1 Aus/kurz:
2022.04.10 14:26:07.233 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=292;P1=-1017;P2=1030;P3=-503;P4=511;P5=-7464;P6=132;P7=-2432;CP=4;R=25;D=5670121234143434323414343434343214343212121212121432123434343434;e;
2022.04.10 14:26:07.235 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.236 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|21){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.237 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.238 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|21){60,}(?:2|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.239 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.239 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|01){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.241 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.242 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4)((?:32|14){19,}(?:3|1)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.242 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.243 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4343)((?:43|43){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.243 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.243 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4343)((?:43|43){36,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.244 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:26:07.244 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.245 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:43)((?:23|41){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.245 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.246 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|21){47,}(?:2|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.247 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.247 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:01|43){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.247 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.248 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|21){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.248 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.249 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:43|43){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.249 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.250 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:43|43){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.250 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.250 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:01|43){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.251 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.251 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:434343)((?:43|43){64,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.252 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.252 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:434343)((?:43|43){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.253 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=136;P1=-1014;P2=1018;P3=-499;P4=520;CP=4;R=31;D=012123414343432341434343434321434321212121212143432343434143434;e;
2022.04.10 14:26:07.254 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.254 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|21){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.254 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.255 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|21){60,}(?:4|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.255 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.255 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:23|01){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.257 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> LTECH matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.257 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4341)((?:43|43){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.258 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.258 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4)((?:32|14){19,}(?:1|3)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.259 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:26:07.259 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.260 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:43)((?:23|41){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.260 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.260 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|21){47,}(?:2|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.261 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.261 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|43){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.262 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.262 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|21){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.262 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.263 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:43|43){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.263 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.263 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:43|43){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.264 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.264 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:41|43){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.265 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=224;P1=-180;P2=512;P3=-16644;P5=-508;P6=1015;P7=-1019;CP=2;R=31;D=01232525256527252525252567252567676767676725256525252725252;e;
2022.04.10 14:26:07.266 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.266 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:27|67){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.267 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.267 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:27|67){60,}(?:6|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.268 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.268 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:65|27){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.268 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.268 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:32)((?:72|56){32,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.270 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> LTECH matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.270 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2527)((?:25|25){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.271 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.271 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2)((?:56|72){19,}(?:7|5)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.271 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.272 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2525)((?:25|25){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.272 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.272 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:2525)((?:25|25){36,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.273 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:26:07.273 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.273 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:25)((?:65|27){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.274 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.274 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:27|67){47,}(?:2|6)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.275 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.275 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:27|25){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.276 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.276 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:27|67){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.276 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.277 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|25){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.277 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.277 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:25|25){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.278 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.278 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:27|25){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.279 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.279 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:32)((?:72|56){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.280 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.280 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:252525)((?:25|25){64,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.280 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.281 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:32)((?:52|52){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.281 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.281 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:252525)((?:25|25){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.304 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=-1748;P1=1019;P2=-1016;P3=-507;P4=510;P5=-17872;CP=4;R=30;D=012134243434313424343434343124343121212121212434313434342434345;e;
2022.04.10 14:26:07.305 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.306 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:42|12){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.306 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.306 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:42|12){60,}(?:4|1)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.307 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.307 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:13|42){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.308 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 31 -> LTECH matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.309 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4342)((?:43|43){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.309 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.310 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4)((?:31|24){19,}(?:3|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.310 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.310 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4343)((?:43|43){40,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.311 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.311 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:4343)((?:43|43){36,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.311 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=0
2022.04.10 14:26:07.312 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.312 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:43)((?:13|42){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.313 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.313 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:42|12){47,}(?:1|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.314 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.314 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:42|43){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.314 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.314 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:42|12){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.315 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.315 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:43|43){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.316 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.316 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:43|43){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.316 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.317 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:42|43){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.317 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.318 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:434343)((?:43|43){64,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.10 14:26:07.318 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.10 14:26:07.318 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:434343)((?:43|43){40,})) did not match, aborting


ich habs in die Version in der Anlage eingebaut, es gibt eine neue Protocol ID 213
versionmodul   v3.4.12-dev_ralf_11.04.
versionprotoL  v3.4.12-dev_ralf_11.04.

Es werden momentan nur vollständige MC-Nachrichten mit einer Länge von L=49 umgewandelt und verarbeitet.
Bei MC-Nachrichten mit einer Länge kleiner 49 fehlen in der Regel Bits am Anfang.
Falls alle Sender, die unterstützt werden sollen, einen Typ+Subtyp 43 haben, dann müsste die Rekonstruktion einiger fehlender Bits am Anfang möglich sein.

Irgendwas passt bei Dir mit dem Empfang nicht. Bei vielen empfangenen Nachrichten fehlt was am Anfang.
Evtl gibts eine Störquelle in der Nähe des sduino
Wie weit ist der sduino vom Funkbus Sender weg?
Bitte poste mal ein "get sduino ccconf"

Zur Zuordung der Bits kann ich noch MC-Nachrichten und die Log Ausgabe des IFB Moduls bei fast leerer Batterie und dem Lernmodus gebrauchen

Mit dem IFB Modul in der Anlage, wird bei einer fehlerfreien empfangenen Nachricht folgendes ins log geschrieben:
Zitatsduino IFB: typ=43 sernr=FAE8 state=0011 data=0000000000010000 channel=1 group=A act=U long=0

Gruß Ralf
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Hallo Ralf,

ja, die Aufstellung meines Sticks ist sicherlich als schwierig zu bezeichnen.
Der Raspberry ist in einem Kasten verbaut, der Stick hängt über ein ca. 20cm langes USB-Kabel direkt an einem Port.
Das Antennenkabel ist ca. 1m lang und endet dann ausserhalb des Kastens in einer Pigtail-Antenne.
In dem Kasten sind auch mein NAS, WLAN-AP und anderes. Also sicher nicht einfach.
Ist halt dem WAF geschuldet.

"get sduino ccconf" ergibt:
ccconf: freq:433.420MHz bWidth:325KHz rAmpl:42dB sens:4dB (DataRate:5603.79Baud,Modulation:ASK/OOK)
Momentan läuft nur SOMFY darauf.

Die neuen Versionen probiere ich gleich mal aus.
Danke, lg, Gerhard


Vielleicht eine blöde Frage, aber wie binde ich die IFB-Devices nun ein.
Das "" ist ja sehr rudimentär.

Muss ich den SIGNALduino über ein notify abfragen?
Kann ich die anderen Protokolle ausschalten? Oder müssen welche unbedingt an sein?

Danke, lg, Gerhard

p.s.: Mein Somfy funktioniert damit immer noch ;)

Hier noch ein paar Ausgaben im Log-File:
Taste 1 Ein/kurz:
2022.04.12 16:48:22.002 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1000;LH=1038;SL=-493;SH=522;D=9D4F3F7554AA0;C=508;L=49;R=46;s5;b5;
2022.04.12 16:48:22.003 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 508 RSSI = -51 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.12 16:48:22.003 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011010101011111 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.003 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( message is to long)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.003 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 508 RSSI = -51 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.12 16:48:22.003 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011010101011111 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.003 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.004 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 213 clock 508 RSSI = -51 -> Funkbus
2022.04.12 16:48:22.004 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 1001110101001111001111110111010101010100101010100000 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.004 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: raw=zoozozzozozoozzoozzoozozzozozozoozozzozozozozozoozzozozoozzoozzoozzoozzoozzoozozzoozzoozzoozzoozoz
2022.04.12 16:48:22.004 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: len=48 oo_pos=1 parity=16 res=0 chk=0 msg=001011000001011101011111001100000000000100000000 hex=2C175F300100
2022.04.12 16:48:22.004 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Dispatch: J2C175F300100, test ungleich: disabled
2022.04.12 16:48:22.004 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Dispatch: J2C175F300100, -51 dB, dispatch
2022.04.12 16:48:22.005 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: dispatch J2C175F300100
2022.04.12 16:48:22.005 3 : mySIGNALduino_WZ IFB: typ=43 sernr=FAE8 state=0011 data=0000000000010000 channel=1 group=A act=U long=0
2022.04.12 16:48:22.025 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1026;LH=1019;SL=-511;SH=515;D=9D4F3F7554C98;C=511;L=49;R=46;s6;b6;
2022.04.12 16:48:22.025 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 511 RSSI = -51 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.12 16:48:22.025 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011001101100111 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.025 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( message is to long)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.026 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 511 RSSI = -51 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.12 16:48:22.026 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011001101100111 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.026 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.026 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 213 clock 511 RSSI = -51 -> Funkbus
2022.04.12 16:48:22.026 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 1001110101001111001111110111010101010100110010011000 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.026 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: raw=zoozozzozozoozzoozzoozozzozozozoozozzozozozozozoozzozozoozzoozzoozzoozzoozzoozozzozoozozzoozozzozo
2022.04.12 16:48:22.027 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: len=48 oo_pos=1 parity=18 res=2 chk=2 msg=001011000001011101011111001100000000000101010010 hex=2C175F300152
2022.04.12 16:48:22.027 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Dispatch: J2C175F300152, test ungleich: disabled
2022.04.12 16:48:22.027 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Dispatch: J2C175F300152, -51 dB, dispatch
2022.04.12 16:48:22.027 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: dispatch J2C175F300152
2022.04.12 16:48:22.027 3 : mySIGNALduino_WZ IFB: typ=43 sernr=FAE8 state=0011 data=0000000000010101 channel=1 group=A act=U long=1
2022.04.12 16:48:22.274 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1020;LH=1016;SL=-505;SH=519;D=9D4F3F7554C98;C=509;L=49;R=44;s3;b3;
2022.04.12 16:48:22.275 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -52 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.12 16:48:22.275 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011001101100111 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.275 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( message is to long)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.275 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 509 RSSI = -52 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.12 16:48:22.275 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011001101100111 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.276 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.276 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 213 clock 509 RSSI = -52 -> Funkbus
2022.04.12 16:48:22.276 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 1001110101001111001111110111010101010100110010011000 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.276 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: raw=zoozozzozozoozzoozzoozozzozozozoozozzozozozozozoozzozozoozzoozzoozzoozzoozzoozozzozoozozzoozozzozo
2022.04.12 16:48:22.276 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: len=48 oo_pos=1 parity=18 res=2 chk=2 msg=001011000001011101011111001100000000000101010010 hex=2C175F300152
2022.04.12 16:48:22.276 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Dispatch: J2C175F300152, test gleich
2022.04.12 16:48:22.277 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Dispatch: J2C175F300152, Dropped (1) due to short time and equal msg
2022.04.12 16:48:22.546 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1020;LH=1017;SL=-517;SH=505;D=9D4F3F7554C98;C=509;L=49;R=44;s3;b3;
2022.04.12 16:48:22.546 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -52 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.12 16:48:22.549 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011001101100111 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.550 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( message is to long)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.550 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 509 RSSI = -52 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.12 16:48:22.550 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101011001101100111 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.551 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.551 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 213 clock 509 RSSI = -52 -> Funkbus
2022.04.12 16:48:22.551 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 1001110101001111001111110111010101010100110010011000 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:48:22.551 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: raw=zoozozzozozoozzoozzoozozzozozozoozozzozozozozozoozzozozoozzoozzoozzoozzoozzoozozzozoozozzoozozzozo
2022.04.12 16:48:22.552 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: len=48 oo_pos=1 parity=18 res=2 chk=2 msg=001011000001011101011111001100000000000101010010 hex=2C175F300152
2022.04.12 16:48:22.552 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Dispatch: J2C175F300152, test gleich
2022.04.12 16:48:22.552 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Dispatch: J2C175F300152, Dropped (2) due to short time and equal msg

Taste 1 Aus/kurz:
2022.04.12 16:46:57.436 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READredu: MU;P0=4144;P1=-1940;P2=372;P3=-19696;P4=1025;P5=-494;P6=-1011;P7=528;CP=7;R=39;D=012345267575757575467575464646464646754645757575757;e;
2022.04.12 16:46:57.438 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.439 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:26|46){43,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.440 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> weatherID9 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.441 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:26|46){60,}(?:2|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.442 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.443 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:45|26){19,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.446 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.447 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:7)((?:54|67){19,}(?:6|5)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.449 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ applied filterfunc: SIGNALduino_compPattern, count=1
2022.04.12 16:46:57.452 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.453 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:26|46){47,}(?:2|4)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.454 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.454 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:26|45){38,}(?:4|2)?)) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.455 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.455 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:26|75){30,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.456 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.457 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:26|46){48,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.458 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.459 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:75|75){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.460 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.460 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:01)((?:75|75){39,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.461 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.462 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:75|75){50,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.462 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.463 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:)((?:26|75){104,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.464 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 matches, trying to demodulate
2022.04.12 16:46:57.464 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: regex ((?:34)((?:67|54){12,})) did not match, aborting
2022.04.12 16:46:57.685 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1040;LH=1005;SL=-522;SH=503;D=9D4F3F7555C38;C=511;L=49;R=42;s2;b2;
2022.04.12 16:46:57.686 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 511 RSSI = -53 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.12 16:46:57.686 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101010001111000111 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:46:57.687 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( message is to long)
2022.04.12 16:46:57.687 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 58 clock 511 RSSI = -53 -> TFA 30.3208.0
2022.04.12 16:46:57.687 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 0110001010110000110000001000101010101010001111000111 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:46:57.688 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (undef)
2022.04.12 16:46:57.688 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 213 clock 511 RSSI = -53 -> Funkbus
2022.04.12 16:46:57.688 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 1001110101001111001111110111010101010101110000111000 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:46:57.689 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: raw=zoozozzozozoozzoozzoozozzozozozoozozzozozozozozoozzozozoozzoozzoozzoozzoozzoozzozozoozozozozzozozo
2022.04.12 16:46:57.690 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: len=48 oo_pos=1 parity=18 res=13 chk=13 msg=001011000001011101011111001100000000000011011101 hex=2C175F3000DD
2022.04.12 16:46:57.690 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Dispatch: J2C175F3000DD, test gleich
2022.04.12 16:46:57.691 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Dispatch: J2C175F3000DD, -53 dB, dispatch
2022.04.12 16:46:57.692 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: dispatch J2C175F3000DD
2022.04.12 16:46:57.693 3 : mySIGNALduino_WZ IFB: typ=43 sernr=FAE8 state=0011 data=0000000000001101 channel=1 group=A act=D long=1
2022.04.12 16:46:57.925 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1021;LH=1013;SL=-505;SH=520;D=FBAAAE1C;C=509;L=30;R=42;s12;b3;
2022.04.12 16:46:57.926 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -53 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.12 16:46:57.926 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 00000100010101010101000111100011 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:46:57.926 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (header not found)
2022.04.12 16:46:58.158 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ/msg READ: MC;LL=-1027;LH=1012;SL=-510;SH=509;D=753CFDD5570E;C=509;L=47;R=43;s7;b6;w;
2022.04.12 16:46:58.159 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 52 clock 509 RSSI = -52.5 -> Oregon Scientific PIR
2022.04.12 16:46:58.160 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 100010101100001100000010001010101010100011110001 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:46:58.160 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: ( message is to long)
2022.04.12 16:46:58.160 4 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: Found manchester Protocol id 213 clock 509 RSSI = -52.5 -> Funkbus
2022.04.12 16:46:58.161 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: extracted data 011101010011110011111101110101010101011100001110 (bin)
2022.04.12 16:46:58.161 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ Funkbus: raw=ozzozozoozzoozzoozozzozozozoozozzozozozozozoozzozozoozzoozzoozzoozzoozzoozzozozoozozozozzozozo
2022.04.12 16:46:58.162 5 : mySIGNALduino_WZ: protocol does not match return from method: (message is to short)


Dies ist erstmal eine einfache Version bei dem nur das Empfangen funktioniert, das Einbauen des sendens wird etwas aufwändiger.
Für Funkbus muß nur die Protocol ID 213 aktiv sein.

Bei dieser 10_IFB ist momentan nur das Schreiben der empfangenen Nachrichten ins log eingebaut.
Das Einbauen des Codes zum anlegen eines Devices per Autocreate und das Schreiben der Werte in Readings kann ich noch machen.
Der Code fürs Senden und die Lichtszenen wird etwas aufwändiger.

Das DEF vom Device sieht dann ungefähr so aus "IFB_43_FAE8_A_2" für Taste 2 und Gruppe A

Gruß Ralf

FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7


Das wäre ja schon der Wahnsinn.

Unglaublich, dass das so schnell funktioniert.

Gerne teste ich dann die Sachen.

lg, Gerhard


In der Anlage ist eine neue Version des, damit wird jetzt bei Autocreate ein Device angelegt
FHEM auf Cubietruck mit Igor-Image, SSD und  hmland + HM-CFG-USB-2,  HMUARTLGW Lan,   HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM, HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-SEC-SC-2, HM-MOD-Re-8, HM-MOD-Em-8
HM-Wired:  HMW_IO_12_FM, HMW_Sen_SC_12_DR, Selbstbau IO-Module HBW_IO_SW
Maple-SIGNALduino, WH3080,  Hideki, Id 7