Best MQTT2 attrTemplate to use with Nous A1T smartplugs (Steckdosen mit Tasmota)

Begonnen von olivierbardot, 07 Februar 2023, 19:35:17

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



I have included Nous A1T smartplugs configured with tasmota_pow attrTemplate

From your experience, is there a best FHEM pre-defined attrTemplate to use with these ?

Thanks for attention
Raspis EnOcean TrXCom Linky 1W Telegram Motion EgiGeozone OpenDTU HiveMQ


I'm using that as well (but usually adjust devstaticon and others) I recommend creating a "monotonic" userreading for ENERGY_TOTAL, otherwise you'll loose totals values when disconnecting or power loss (depends on your use case of course)


RasPi: RFXTRX, HM, zigbee2mqtt, mySensors, JeeLink, miLight, squeezbox, Alexa, Siri, ...


Hello KerSani !
Thanks for the answer and the advice !

I noticed this problem with smartplugs and I used to create separate index dummies feeded by perl subs and related to ElectricityCalculator devices to avoid these lost data problems for my strategic smartplugs (for ex the ones of my solar installation monitoring).

I will try your monotonic userReading which may seem a more simple solution than mine !

Have a nice evening!
Raspis EnOcean TrXCom Linky 1W Telegram Motion EgiGeozone OpenDTU HiveMQ