Wolf CWL 300/400 excellent ebus Inbetriebnahme

Begonnen von Franky1992, 27 Juni 2016, 08:50:25

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



ich habe eine Wolf CWL 400 Excellent und eine funktionierende Ebusverbindung.
Ich habe leider nicht mit vertretbarem Zeitaufwand herausfinden können wie ich nun zu einer Abfrage einer Speicheradresse komme.
(Unkenntnis der Commsndfunktionen des ebusd und auch keine csv)

Ich such nun jemanden der mich dabei unterstützt oder es einfach selbst macht (Teamviewer, VNC, ...).

Vergütung / Kosten bin ich selbstverständlich bereit zu tragen.

gern per PN



Hallo Franky,

Bist du weiter gekommen ich versuche auch meine CWL anzusteuern.
Habe einen ethernet bus kopier von ewers in Betrieb genommen. Mit dem terminal sehe ich das die Verbindung ok sein sollte. Mit den ebusd aber komm ich nicht weiter.
Kannst du etwas berichten.

hier hätte ich auch ein CSV file:


aber ich komm einfach nicht weiter.



Gibt es hierzu schon neue Erkenntnisse?
Wie weit seid ihr gekommen?


Ich habe es geschafft mit ebusd meine CWL 300 Excellent auszulesen, werte setzen kann momentan nicht zum laufen bringen.

hier ist das csv file das ich benutze:


Hast du das auch per ECMD in Fhem integriert?
Ich habe gelesen, dass man die Werte nicht setzen kann, wenn ein Bedienteil angeschlossen ist.
Ich bin selbst nicht nicht soweit.


Ich habe nur die CWL und den stufenschalter


Und hast du das auch in FHEM eingebunden?
Mich würde die CFG dazu interessieren. 


ich stöbere in allen möglichen foren herum, bin eigentlich ein opehab-ser  8)
komme aber momentan mit dem cwl ebus zurecht.
kann mittlerweile werte setzen, nicht aber die lüftungsstufen  >:(

wöre froh wenn ich mal die werte setzen kann in ebusd, dann mal weiterschauen.


Ich suche auch in der verschiedensten Foren (loxwiki.eu, community.openhab.org, mikrocontroller.net) nach den wenigen Besitzern dieser Lüftungsanlagen. Seit Jahren versuche ich die Geräte immer mehr in die Hausautomatisierung zu packen. Bisher halt nur über einen Stufenschalter, den ich über einen Homematic-Relais umgesetzt habe.

Und Tatsache: Ich stolpere immer wieder über deinen Namen. Und wie es aussieht, hast du es geschafft. Ich kopiere meine Frage aus dem Loxone-Wiki mal hier rein. Vielleicht kannst du mir ja helfen. Und sorry für das "Crossposting". Man ist halt verzweifelt. :-)

Könntest du mir bitte sagen, wie du das gemacht hast? Ich habe eine Lüftungsanlage Renovent Excellent 400 des Herstellers Brink Climate Systems. Die Anlage ist nahezu baugleich mit anderen Geräten wie Wolf CWL und VisionAir-KWL-Geräten. Ich habe das Interface parallel zum KWL-Gerät und zum Bedienteil (Fernbedienung) angeschlossen. Also direkt am KWL-Gerät an der gemeinsamen Klemme mit dem Bedienteil.
Folgende Ausgaben erhalte ich:

ebusctl info
version: ebusd 2.4.79708d2
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 31
reconnects: 0
masters: 3
messages: 69
conditional: 0
poll: 41
update: 4
address 01: master #6
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd
address 77: master #19
address 7c: slave #19, scanned "MF=ENCON;ID=  ;SW=-;HW=-", loaded "encon/7c.csv"

Daraufhin habe ich die Datei 7c.csv von Daniel.S genommen. Testweise habe ich auch die andere 3c.csv-Datei genommen und auf 7c geändert. Das Ergebnis war das Gleiche.

Was mich nun wundert. Ich habe zwar im ebus.log alle paar Sekunden folgenden Inhalt: "2017-06-27 17:46:13.690 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Normal". Diesen Wert kann ich auch mit "ebusctl read" problemlos abfragen. Aber alle anderen Werte sind leer:

ebusctl find
broadcast datetime = no data stored
broadcast error = E000
broadcast ident = ENCON;  ;-;-
broadcast signoflife = no data stored
broadcast ident = no data stored
brrenovent Abluftmenge = no data stored
brrenovent Ablufttemperatur = no data stored
brrenovent Aussenlufttemperatur = no data stored
brrenovent BeleuchtungDisplay = no data stored
brrenovent BetriebsStundenTotal = no data stored
brrenovent BypassBetrieb = no data stored
brrenovent BypassHysterese = no data stored
brrenovent Bypassstrom = no data stored
brrenovent BypassTemperatur = no data stored
brrenovent eBusSynchFehler = no data stored
brrenovent Errors = no data stored
brrenovent Feuchte = no data stored
brrenovent FeuchtigkeitsSteigerung = no data stored
brrenovent FilterStatus = no data stored
brrenovent FrostStatus = no data stored
brrenovent IstwertAbluftdruck = no data stored
brrenovent IstwertZuluftdruck = no data stored
brrenovent LeistungVorheizregister = no data stored
brrenovent LuefterStatus = no data stored
brrenovent LuftmengeFilterSchwellwert = no data stored
brrenovent LuftmengeMitFilter = no data stored
brrenovent LuftmengeStufe0 = no data stored
brrenovent LuftmengeStufe1 = no data stored
brrenovent LuftmengeStufe2 = no data stored
brrenovent LuftmengeStufe3 = no data stored
brrenovent LuftmengeTotal = no data stored
brrenovent PosStufenschalter = no data stored
brrenovent RHSensorEmpfindlichkeit = no data stored
brrenovent RHSensorVorhanden = no data stored
brrenovent SoftwareVersion = no data stored
brrenovent StaendigesUngleichgewicht = no data stored
brrenovent StatusBypass = no data stored
brrenovent StatusVorheizregister = no data stored
brrenovent TageMitFilter = no data stored
brrenovent TatsaechlicheAbluftmenge = no data stored
brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlAbluft = no data stored
brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlZuluft = no data stored
brrenovent TatsaechlicheZuluftmenge = no data stored
brrenovent UngleichgewichtMoeglich = no data stored
brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb = Normal
brrenovent VorheizRegister_inst = no data stored
brrenovent WertDIPSchalter = no data stored
brrenovent ZentralheizungWRG = no data stored
brrenovent Zuluftmenge = no data stored
memory eeprom = no data stored
memory ram = no data stored
scan.06  = no data stored
scan.7c  = ENCON;  ;-;-

Sobald ich aber das Bedienteil (= die Fernbedienung) nutze, werden die Variablen größtenteils gefüllt.
In der Datei "7c.csv" ist ja bereits das Polling aktiviert. Aber unabhängig davon werden die Werte nicht aus dem KWL-Gerät ausgelesen. Wie ich den oben verlinkten Threads aus den anderen Foren entnehmen kann, scheint es bei dir aber (nun) zu funktionieren.

Also egal ob manuell per "read" oder über das Polling. Ich komme nicht on demand an die Werte.

Wie hast du das geschafft? Wäre super, wenn du einen Tipp für mich hättest. Vielen Dank.

Auszug aus meinen ebus.log:
2017-06-27 17:48:21.031 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlAbluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 17:48:23.929 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Normal
2017-06-27 17:48:27.057 [bus error] poll brrenovent Ablufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 17:48:28.888 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Normal
2017-06-27 17:48:33.011 [bus error] poll brrenovent Aussenlufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 17:48:33.928 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Normal
2017-06-27 17:48:38.914 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Normal
2017-06-27 17:48:39.035 [bus error] poll brrenovent Zuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 17:48:43.949 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Normal
2017-06-27 17:48:44.620 [update notice] update brrenovent w_AktStufe QQ=01: 1;BYPASS EIN;FROST AUS
2017-06-27 17:48:45.013 [bus error] poll brrenovent Abluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 17:48:48.930 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Normal
2017-06-27 17:48:51.034 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheZuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 17:48:53.981 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Normal
2017-06-27 17:48:57.011 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheAbluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 17:48:58.983 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Normal
2017-06-27 17:49:03.035 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertZuluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 17:49:04.000 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Normal


Wie ist es wenn du read -f aufrufst?

Wie sieht config für start vom ebusd?


Auch kein Erfolg.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ebusctl read -f IstwertZuluftdruck
ERR: read timeout

Hier die default config:

# /etc/default/ebusd:
# config file for ebusd service.

# Options to pass to ebusd (run "ebusd -?" for more info):

# In order to run multiple ebusd instances, simply define several EBUSD_OPTS
# with a unique suffix for each.
# Recommended is using a number as suffix for all EBUSD_OPTS settings.
# That number can then be used as additional "instance" parameter to the init.d
# script in order to start/stop an individual ebusd instance instead of all
# instances.
# Example (uncomment the EBUSD_OPTS above):
#EBUSD_OPTS1="--scanconfig -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A50285BI-if00-port0 -p 8888 -l /var/log/ebusd1.log"
#EBUSD_OPTS2="--scanconfig -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A900acTF-if00-port0 -p 8889 -l /var/log/ebusd2.log"
#EBUSD_OPTS3="--scanconfig -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A900beCG-if00-port0 -p 8890 -l /var/log/ebusd3.log"


setzte mal den loglevel  auf debug und schaue was ausgegeben wird


Anbei das Log:

2017-06-27 21:25:41.385 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:25:41.392 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:25:44.039 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220108
2017-06-27 21:25:44.050 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:25:44.050 [bus error] poll brrenovent Aussenlufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:25:44.051 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:25:46.063 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:25:46.375 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:25:46.376 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:25:47.627 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:25:50.016 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220109
2017-06-27 21:25:50.027 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:25:50.027 [bus error] poll brrenovent Zuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:25:50.028 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:25:51.066 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:25:51.377 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:25:51.378 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:25:56.027 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010a
2017-06-27 21:25:56.028 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2017-06-27 21:25:56.071 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command, switching to receive command ACK
2017-06-27 21:25:56.098 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:25:56.225 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:25:56.225 [bus error] poll brrenovent Abluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:25:56.226 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:25:56.386 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:25:56.387 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:25:57.628 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:26:01.103 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:01.367 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:01.368 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:02.000 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010b
2017-06-27 21:26:02.011 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:02.011 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheZuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:02.012 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:06.150 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:06.367 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:06.368 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:06.623 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:07.629 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:26:08.011 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010c
2017-06-27 21:26:08.022 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:08.022 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheAbluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:08.023 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:11.153 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:11.370 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:11.371 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:11.767 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40a106000100010000 / 023000
2017-06-27 21:26:11.769 [update notice] update brrenovent w_AktStufe QQ=01: 1;BYPASS EIN;FROST AUS
2017-06-27 21:26:14.004 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220114
2017-06-27 21:26:14.015 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:14.016 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertZuluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:14.016 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:15.078 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:16.171 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:16.387 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:16.389 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:17.630 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:26:20.008 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220115
2017-06-27 21:26:20.019 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:20.019 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertAbluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:20.019 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:21.203 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:21.384 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:21.385 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:26.027 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220102
2017-06-27 21:26:26.038 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:26.039 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlZuluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:26.039 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:26.199 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:26.378 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:26.385 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:27.630 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:26:31.210 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:31.342 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:31.343 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:32.024 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220103
2017-06-27 21:26:32.040 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2017-06-27 21:26:32.051 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:32.052 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlAbluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:32.052 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command, switching to skip2017-06-27 21:26:36.241 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:36.373 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:36.374 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:37.631 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:26:38.011 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4050011b
2017-06-27 21:26:38.023 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:38.023 [bus error] poll brrenovent BypassBetrieb failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:38.023 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:41.251 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:41.380 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:41.381 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:42.733 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40a106000100010000 / 023000
2017-06-27 21:26:42.737 [update notice] update brrenovent w_AktStufe QQ=01: 1;BYPASS EIN;FROST AUS
2017-06-27 21:26:44.042 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010e
2017-06-27 21:26:44.053 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:44.054 [bus error] poll brrenovent StatusBypass failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:44.054 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:46.292 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:46.377 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:46.379 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:47.635 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:26:50.015 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010f
2017-06-27 21:26:50.027 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:50.027 [bus error] poll brrenovent StatusVorheizregister failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:50.027 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:51.304 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:51.386 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:51.387 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:56.029 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220110
2017-06-27 21:26:56.040 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:56.040 [bus error] poll brrenovent LeistungVorheizregister failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:26:56.040 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:56.341 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:56.444 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:26:56.445 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:26:56.521 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:56.912 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:26:57.635 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:27:01.330 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:01.431 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:01.432 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:02.007 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220116
2017-06-27 21:27:02.018 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:02.018 [bus error] poll brrenovent FrostStatus failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:02.018 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:05.254 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:06.334 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:06.449 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:06.450 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:06.526 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:07.636 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:27:08.016 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220121
2017-06-27 21:27:08.027 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:08.028 [bus error] poll brrenovent FeuchtigkeitsSteigerung failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:08.028 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:11.337 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:11.451 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:11.453 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:13.720 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40a106000100010000 / 023000
2017-06-27 21:27:13.722 [update notice] update brrenovent w_AktStufe QQ=01: 1;BYPASS EIN;FROST AUS
2017-06-27 21:27:14.009 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500121
2017-06-27 21:27:14.020 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:14.021 [bus error] poll brrenovent LuftmengeStufe0 failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:14.021 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:16.353 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:16.454 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:16.456 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:16.531 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:17.637 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:27:20.018 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500101
2017-06-27 21:27:20.029 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:20.029 [bus error] poll brrenovent LuftmengeStufe1 failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:20.029 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:20.357 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:21.360 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:21.367 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:26.043 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500102
2017-06-27 21:27:26.054 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:26.055 [bus error] poll brrenovent LuftmengeStufe2 failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:26.055 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:26.316 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:26.317 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:26.405 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:27.637 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:27:31.350 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:31.352 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:31.786 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:32.022 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500103
2017-06-27 21:27:32.032 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:32.033 [bus error] poll brrenovent LuftmengeStufe3 failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:32.033 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:36.319 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:36.321 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:36.398 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:37.638 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:27:38.047 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500104
2017-06-27 21:27:38.058 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:38.059 [bus error] poll brrenovent BypassTemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:38.059 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:41.316 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:41.317 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:41.463 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:44.010 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500107
2017-06-27 21:27:44.022 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:44.022 [bus error] poll brrenovent ZentralheizungWRG failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:44.022 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:44.714 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40a106000100010000 / 023000
2017-06-27 21:27:44.715 [update notice] update brrenovent w_AktStufe QQ=01: 1;BYPASS EIN;FROST AUS
2017-06-27 21:27:46.333 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:46.334 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:46.456 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:47.639 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:27:50.041 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500108
2017-06-27 21:27:50.052 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:50.053 [bus error] poll brrenovent UngleichgewichtMoeglich failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:50.053 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:50.380 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:51.322 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:51.324 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:51.460 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:56.002 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500109
2017-06-27 21:27:56.013 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:56.013 [bus error] poll brrenovent StaendigesUngleichgewicht failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:27:56.014 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:56.307 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:27:56.308 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:27:56.490 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:27:57.640 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:28:01.332 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:01.337 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:01.513 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:02.044 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500130
2017-06-27 21:28:02.055 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:02.055 [bus error] poll brrenovent BypassHysterese failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:02.056 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:06.330 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:06.332 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:06.530 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:07.640 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:28:08.022 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500122
2017-06-27 21:28:08.033 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:08.034 [bus error] poll brrenovent TageMitFilter failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:08.034 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:08.456 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:11.292 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:11.294 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:11.568 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:14.034 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500123
2017-06-27 21:28:14.045 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:14.046 [bus error] poll brrenovent LuftmengeMitFilter failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:14.046 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:15.668 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40a106000100010000 / 023000
2017-06-27 21:28:15.670 [update notice] update brrenovent w_AktStufe QQ=01: 1;BYPASS EIN;FROST AUS
2017-06-27 21:28:16.318 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:16.319 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:16.587 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:16.658 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:17.641 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:28:20.043 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4050011c
2017-06-27 21:28:20.054 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:20.054 [bus error] poll brrenovent LuftmengeFilterSchwellwert failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:20.054 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:21.323 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:21.325 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:21.600 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:26.016 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500124
2017-06-27 21:28:26.027 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:26.027 [bus error] poll brrenovent BetriebsStundenTotal failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:26.027 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:26.322 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:26.323 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:26.602 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:27.642 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:28:31.305 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:31.307 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:31.627 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:32.017 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40500125
2017-06-27 21:28:32.028 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:32.028 [bus error] poll brrenovent LuftmengeTotal failed: ERR: read timeout2017-06-27 21:28:32.028 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:36.292 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:36.293 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:36.663 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:37.642 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:28:38.011 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220118
2017-06-27 21:28:38.022 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:38.022 [bus error] poll brrenovent FilterStatus failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:38.023 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:41.290 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:41.291 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:41.661 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:44.033 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220120
2017-06-27 21:28:44.044 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:44.045 [bus error] poll brrenovent Feuchte failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:44.045 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:46.289 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:46.290 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:46.683 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:46.745 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command, switching to receive command ACK
2017-06-27 21:28:46.771 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:46.885 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40a106000100010000 / 023000
2017-06-27 21:28:46.887 [update notice] update brrenovent w_AktStufe QQ=01: 1;BYPASS EIN;FROST AUS
2017-06-27 21:28:47.643 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:28:50.037 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40900100
2017-06-27 21:28:50.048 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:50.048 [bus error] poll brrenovent Errors failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:50.048 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:50.375 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:51.283 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:51.285 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:51.575 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:51.695 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:56.013 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220100
2017-06-27 21:28:56.024 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:56.025 [bus error] poll brrenovent SoftwareVersion failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:28:56.025 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:56.279 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:28:56.280 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:28:56.700 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:28:57.644 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:29:01.317 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:01.318 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:01.735 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:02.029 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220101
2017-06-27 21:29:02.040 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:02.041 [bus error] poll brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:02.041 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:06.311 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:06.312 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:06.776 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:07.645 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:29:08.045 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220104
2017-06-27 21:29:08.056 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:08.057 [bus error] poll brrenovent WertDIPSchalter failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:08.057 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:11.268 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:11.269 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:11.768 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:14.010 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220106
2017-06-27 21:29:14.021 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:14.021 [bus error] poll brrenovent PosStufenschalter failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:14.021 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:16.265 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:16.266 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:16.571 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:16.785 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:17.645 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:29:17.671 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40a106000100010000 / 023000
2017-06-27 21:29:17.673 [update notice] update brrenovent w_AktStufe QQ=01: 1;BYPASS EIN;FROST AUS
2017-06-27 21:29:20.013 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220111
2017-06-27 21:29:20.024 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:20.024 [bus error] poll brrenovent LuefterStatus failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:20.025 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:21.306 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:21.308 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:21.813 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:26.022 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010d
2017-06-27 21:29:26.034 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:26.034 [bus error] poll brrenovent Bypassstrom failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:26.034 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:26.293 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:26.294 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:26.832 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:27.646 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:29:31.259 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:31.261 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:31.870 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:32.021 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220164
2017-06-27 21:29:32.032 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:32.032 [bus error] poll brrenovent eBusSynchFehler failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:32.033 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:35.780 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:36.258 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:36.264 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:36.871 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:37.647 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:29:38.045 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4050011d
2017-06-27 21:29:38.056 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:38.057 [bus error] poll brrenovent BeleuchtungDisplay failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:38.057 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:38.800 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:41.261 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:41.268 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:41.565 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:41.877 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:44.024 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220107
2017-06-27 21:29:44.034 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:44.035 [bus error] poll brrenovent Ablufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:44.035 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:46.264 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:46.270 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:46.927 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:47.647 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:29:48.643 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40a106000100010000 / 023000
2017-06-27 21:29:48.644 [update notice] update brrenovent w_AktStufe QQ=01: 1;BYPASS EIN;FROST AUS
2017-06-27 21:29:50.004 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220108
2017-06-27 21:29:50.015 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:50.016 [bus error] poll brrenovent Aussenlufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:50.016 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:51.284 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:51.288 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:51.932 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:56.046 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220109
2017-06-27 21:29:56.058 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:56.058 [bus error] poll brrenovent Zuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:29:56.058 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:56.264 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:29:56.265 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:29:56.955 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:29:57.648 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:30:01.278 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:30:01.279 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:30:01.974 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:30:02.042 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010a
2017-06-27 21:30:02.054 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:30:02.054 [bus error] poll brrenovent Abluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:30:02.054 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:30:06.280 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:30:06.282 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:30:06.978 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:30:07.649 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 21:30:08.020 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010b
2017-06-27 21:30:08.032 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:30:08.032 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheZuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:30:08.032 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:30:11.243 [update info] update MS cmd: 017c40220101 / 020001
2017-06-27 21:30:11.244 [update notice] update brrenovent Ventilatorbetrieb QQ=01: Reduziert2017-06-27 21:30:11.997 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 21:30:14.001 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010c
2017-06-27 21:30:14.012 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:30:14.013 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheAbluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 21:30:14.013 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip


Mal ohne andren Busteinehmer auser Lüftung und ebusd probieren.


Das habe ich gemacht. Sieht dann wie folgt aus:

2017-06-27 23:50:42.020 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:50:42.021 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertZuluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:50:42.021 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:50:44.180 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:50:48.035 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220115
2017-06-27 23:50:48.046 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:50:48.046 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertAbluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:50:48.047 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:50:49.229 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:50:51.051 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:50:54.045 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220102
2017-06-27 23:50:54.056 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:50:54.056 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlZuluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:50:54.056 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:50:54.232 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:50:59.252 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:00.006 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220103
2017-06-27 23:51:00.017 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:00.018 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlAbluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:00.018 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:01.052 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:51:04.285 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:06.017 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220107
2017-06-27 23:51:06.028 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:06.028 [bus error] poll brrenovent Ablufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:06.029 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:09.289 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:11.053 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:51:12.025 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220108
2017-06-27 23:51:12.036 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:12.036 [bus error] poll brrenovent Aussenlufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:12.037 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:14.218 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:14.290 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:18.002 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220109
2017-06-27 23:51:18.013 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:18.013 [bus error] poll brrenovent Zuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:18.014 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:19.340 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:21.053 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:51:24.011 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010a
2017-06-27 23:51:24.022 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:24.023 [bus error] poll brrenovent Abluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:24.023 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:24.327 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:29.362 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:30.036 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010b
2017-06-27 23:51:30.047 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:30.047 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheZuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:30.048 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:31.054 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:51:34.364 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:36.047 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010c
2017-06-27 23:51:36.058 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:36.058 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheAbluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:36.058 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:39.416 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:41.055 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:51:42.025 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220114
2017-06-27 23:51:42.036 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:42.036 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertZuluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:42.036 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:44.418 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:47.413 [update info] update BC cmd: 77fe07040a400811002102ffffffff
2017-06-27 23:51:47.414 [update notice] update broadcast ident QQ=77: ENCON;  ;-;-
2017-06-27 23:51:48.018 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220115
2017-06-27 23:51:48.029 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:48.029 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertAbluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:48.029 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:49.485 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:51.056 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:51:54.027 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220102
2017-06-27 23:51:54.038 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:54.038 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlZuluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:51:54.039 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:54.366 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:54.487 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:51:59.519 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:00.004 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220103
2017-06-27 23:52:00.015 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:00.015 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlAbluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:00.015 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:01.056 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:52:04.522 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:06.013 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4050011b
2017-06-27 23:52:06.024 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:06.025 [bus error] poll brrenovent BypassBetrieb failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:06.025 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:09.572 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:11.057 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:52:12.039 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010e
2017-06-27 23:52:12.050 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:12.051 [bus error] poll brrenovent StatusBypass failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:12.051 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:14.574 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:18.001 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010f
2017-06-27 23:52:18.012 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:18.012 [bus error] poll brrenovent StatusVorheizregister failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:18.012 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:19.577 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:21.058 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:52:24.027 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220110
2017-06-27 23:52:24.037 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:24.038 [bus error] poll brrenovent LeistungVorheizregister failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:24.038 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:24.626 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:25.626 [update info] update BC cmd: 77fefe010a45303030202020202020
2017-06-27 23:52:25.628 [update notice] update broadcast error QQ=77: E000     
2017-06-27 23:52:29.664 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:30.003 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220116
2017-06-27 23:52:30.014 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:30.015 [bus error] poll brrenovent FrostStatus failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:30.015 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:31.058 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:52:34.666 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:36.029 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220121
2017-06-27 23:52:36.040 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:36.040 [bus error] poll brrenovent FeuchtigkeitsSteigerung failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:36.041 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:39.716 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:41.059 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:52:41.626 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:42.006 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220107
2017-06-27 23:52:42.017 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:42.017 [bus error] poll brrenovent Ablufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:42.018 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:44.718 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:48.015 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220108
2017-06-27 23:52:48.026 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:48.027 [bus error] poll brrenovent Aussenlufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:48.027 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:48.306 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:49.721 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:51.060 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:52:54.041 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220109
2017-06-27 23:52:54.052 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:54.052 [bus error] poll brrenovent Zuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:52:54.053 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:54.771 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:52:59.757 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:00.002 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010a
2017-06-27 23:53:00.017 [bus debug] switching from ready to send command
2017-06-27 23:53:00.029 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:00.029 [bus error] poll brrenovent Abluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:00.029 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during send command, switching to skip2017-06-27 23:53:01.060 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:53:04.807 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:06.012 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010b
2017-06-27 23:53:06.023 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:06.024 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheZuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:06.024 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:09.809 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:11.061 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:53:12.037 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010c
2017-06-27 23:53:12.048 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:12.048 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheAbluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:12.048 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:14.812 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:15.748 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:18.013 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220114
2017-06-27 23:53:18.025 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:18.025 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertZuluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:18.025 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:19.862 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:21.067 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:53:24.023 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220115
2017-06-27 23:53:24.034 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:24.034 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertAbluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:24.035 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:24.851 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:29.884 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:30.001 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220102
2017-06-27 23:53:30.012 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:30.012 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlZuluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:30.013 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:31.068 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:53:34.887 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:36.010 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220103
2017-06-27 23:53:36.022 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:36.022 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlAbluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:36.022 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:39.937 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:41.068 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:53:42.036 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4050011b
2017-06-27 23:53:42.047 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:42.048 [bus error] poll brrenovent BypassBetrieb failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:42.048 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:44.939 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:48.046 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010e
2017-06-27 23:53:48.057 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:48.057 [bus error] poll brrenovent StatusBypass failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:48.057 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:49.942 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:51.069 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:53:54.024 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010f
2017-06-27 23:53:54.035 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:54.035 [bus error] poll brrenovent StatusVorheizregister failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:53:54.035 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:54.991 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:53:59.966 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:00.033 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220110
2017-06-27 23:54:00.047 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:00.048 [bus error] poll brrenovent LeistungVorheizregister failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:00.048 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:01.070 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:54:02.914 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:05.015 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:06.011 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220116
2017-06-27 23:54:06.022 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:06.023 [bus error] poll brrenovent FrostStatus failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:06.023 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:10.018 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:11.070 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:54:12.020 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220121
2017-06-27 23:54:12.032 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:12.032 [bus error] poll brrenovent FeuchtigkeitsSteigerung failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:12.032 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:12.312 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:15.022 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:18.046 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220107
2017-06-27 23:54:18.058 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:18.058 [bus error] poll brrenovent Ablufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:18.058 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:20.071 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:21.074 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:54:24.008 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220108
2017-06-27 23:54:24.019 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:24.019 [bus error] poll brrenovent Aussenlufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:24.020 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:25.058 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:30.033 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220109
2017-06-27 23:54:30.034 [bus debug] ERR: arbitration lost during ready, retry
2017-06-27 23:54:30.068 [bus debug] ERR: CRC error during receive command, switching to receive command ACK
2017-06-27 23:54:30.094 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:30.219 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:30.220 [bus error] poll brrenovent Zuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:30.220 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:31.075 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:54:35.096 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:36.043 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010a
2017-06-27 23:54:36.054 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:36.055 [bus error] poll brrenovent Abluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:36.055 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:40.147 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:41.076 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:54:42.021 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010b
2017-06-27 23:54:42.032 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:42.033 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheZuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:42.033 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:45.149 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:48.031 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010c
2017-06-27 23:54:48.042 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:48.042 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheAbluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:48.043 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:50.152 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:51.076 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:54:54.007 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220114
2017-06-27 23:54:54.018 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:54.019 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertZuluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:54:54.019 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:55.201 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:54:57.113 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:00.017 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220115
2017-06-27 23:55:00.028 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:00.028 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertAbluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:00.029 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:00.190 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:01.077 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:55:05.237 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:06.043 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220102
2017-06-27 23:55:06.054 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:06.054 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlZuluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:06.054 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:10.240 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:11.083 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:55:12.004 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220103
2017-06-27 23:55:12.015 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:12.016 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlAbluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:12.016 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:15.243 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:18.030 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220107
2017-06-27 23:55:18.041 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:18.042 [bus error] poll brrenovent Ablufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:18.042 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:20.293 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:21.083 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:55:24.038 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220108
2017-06-27 23:55:24.049 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:24.050 [bus error] poll brrenovent Aussenlufttemperatur failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:24.050 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:25.279 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:25.480 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:30.016 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220109
2017-06-27 23:55:30.027 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:30.028 [bus error] poll brrenovent Zuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:30.028 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:30.331 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:31.084 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:55:35.318 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:36.026 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010a
2017-06-27 23:55:36.037 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:36.037 [bus error] poll brrenovent Abluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:36.037 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:36.316 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:40.367 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:41.089 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:55:42.004 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010b
2017-06-27 23:55:42.019 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:42.020 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheZuluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:42.020 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:45.370 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:48.013 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010c
2017-06-27 23:55:48.024 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:48.025 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheAbluftmenge failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:48.025 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:48.352 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:50.373 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:51.090 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:55:54.039 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220114
2017-06-27 23:55:54.050 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:54.050 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertZuluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:55:54.051 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:55:55.424 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:00.001 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220115
2017-06-27 23:56:00.012 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:00.012 [bus error] poll brrenovent IstwertAbluftdruck failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:00.012 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:00.410 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:01.091 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:56:05.432 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:06.010 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220102
2017-06-27 23:56:06.021 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:06.022 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlZuluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:06.022 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:10.479 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:11.092 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:56:12.020 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220103
2017-06-27 23:56:12.031 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:12.031 [bus error] poll brrenovent TatsaechlicheDrehzahlAbluft failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:12.032 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:15.482 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:18.029 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4050011b
2017-06-27 23:56:18.040 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:18.041 [bus error] poll brrenovent BypassBetrieb failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:18.041 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:20.503 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:21.092 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:56:24.023 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010e
2017-06-27 23:56:24.035 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:24.035 [bus error] poll brrenovent StatusBypass failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:24.035 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:25.491 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:30.003 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c4022010f
2017-06-27 23:56:30.014 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:30.015 [bus error] poll brrenovent StatusVorheizregister failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:30.015 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:30.509 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:31.093 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:56:34.484 [network info] [00001] client connection opened
2017-06-27 23:56:34.486 [main debug] >>> info
2017-06-27 23:56:34.486 [main debug] <<< version: ebusd 2.4.79708d2
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 22
reconnects: 0
masters: 2
messages: 68
co ...
2017-06-27 23:56:34.487 [network debug] [00001] wait for result
2017-06-27 23:56:34.496 [network info] [00001] connection closed
2017-06-27 23:56:35.485 [network debug] dead connection removed - 0
2017-06-27 23:56:35.541 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:36.011 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220110
2017-06-27 23:56:36.022 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:36.022 [bus error] poll brrenovent LeistungVorheizregister failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:36.023 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:39.487 [main debug] performing regular tasks
2017-06-27 23:56:40.579 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:42.036 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220116
2017-06-27 23:56:42.047 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:42.047 [bus error] poll brrenovent FrostStatus failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:42.047 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:45.580 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during receive command ACK, switching to skip
2017-06-27 23:56:48.045 [bus info] poll cmd: 317c40220121
2017-06-27 23:56:48.056 [bus debug] notify request: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:48.057 [bus error] poll brrenovent FeuchtigkeitsSteigerung failed: ERR: read timeout
2017-06-27 23:56:48.057 [bus debug] ERR: read timeout during ready, switching to skip